187 lines
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187 lines
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;; Author: David Frese
;; special colormaps
(define (special-colormap:none dpy)
(make-colormap 0 dpy #f))
;; alloc-color returns the pixel closest to the specified color
;; supported by the hardware. See XAllocColor. The color parameter is
;; mutated!
(define (alloc-color! colormap color)
(let ((Xpixel (%alloc-color (colormap-Xcolormap colormap)
(color-Xcolor color)
(display-Xdisplay (colormap-display colormap)))))
(if Xpixel
(make-pixel Xpixel colormap #t)
(import-lambda-definition %alloc-color (Xcolormap Xcolor Xdisplay)
;; query/alloc-named-color looks up the named color with respect to
;; the screen that is associated with the specified colormap. It
;; returns the allocated pixel and both the exact database definition
;; and the closest color supported by the screen (as a list). See
;; XAllocNamedColor.
(define (query/alloc-named-color colormap color-name)
(let ((Xres (%alloc-named-color (colormap-Xcolormap colormap)
(if (symbol? color-name)
(symbol->string color-name)
(colormap-display colormap)))))
(if Xres
(list (make-pixel (car Xres) colormap #t)
(apply create-color (cadr Xres))
(apply create-color (caddr Xres)))
(import-lambda-definition %alloc-named-color (Xcolormap name Xdisplay)
;; alloc-named-color only allocates a named color and returns the
;; allocated pixel (as one might suppose). If the color does not
;; exists it returns #f.
(define (alloc-named-color colormap color-name)
(let ((c (parse-color colormap color-name)))
(if c
(alloc-color! colormap c)
;; parse-color looks up the string name of a color and returns the
;; exact color value. See XParseColor. See lookup-color.
(define (parse-color colormap color-name)
(let ((res (%parse-color (display-Xdisplay (colormap-display colormap))
(colormap-Xcolormap colormap)
(if (symbol? color-name)
(symbol->string color-name)
(if res
(create-color (vector-ref res 0)
(vector-ref res 1)
(vector-ref res 2))
(import-lambda-definition %parse-color (Xdisplay Xcolormap string)
;; The create-colormap function creates a colormap of the specified
;; visual type for the screen on which the specified window resides.
;; alloc can be (colormap-alloc none) or (colormap-alloc all). See
;; XCreateColormap.
(define (create-colormap window visual alloc)
(let ((Xcolormap (%create-colormap (display-Xdisplay (window-display window))
(window-Xwindow window)
(visual-Xvisual visual)
(colormap-alloc->integer alloc))))
(make-colormap Xcolormap (window-display window) #t)))
(import-lambda-definition %create-colormap (Xdisplay Xwindow Xvisual alloc)
(define-enumerated-type colormap-alloc :colormap-alloc
colormap-alloc? colormap-allocs colormap-alloc-name colormap-alloc-index
(none all))
(define (colormap-alloc->integer v)
(colormap-alloc-index v))
;; The alloc-color-cells function allocates read/write color cells.
;; The number of colors must be positive and the number of planes
;; nonnegative, or a BadValue error results. See XAllocColorCells.
;; The return value is a pair who's car is the list of the planes
;; (integers), and who's cdr is a list of the pixels.
(define (alloc-color-cells colormap contigous nplanes npixels)
(let ((res (%alloc-color-cells (display-Xdisplay (colormap-display colormap))
(colormap-Xcolormap colormap)
nplanes npixels)))
(if res
(cons (vector->list (car res))
(map (lambda (Xpixel)
(make-pixel Xpixel colormap #t))
(vector->list (cdr res))))
(import-lambda-definition %alloc-color-cells (Xdisplay Xcolormap contig
nplanes npixels)
;; The store-color function uses XStoreColor(s) to set the content
;; of the color cell specified by pixel (a pixel is an index to a
;; colormap) to color. An optional parameter is a list of the symbols
;; 'do-red 'do-gree and 'do-blue, that specify which components of the
;; color should be used. It defaults to '(do-red do-green
;; do-blue). See XStoreColors.
(define (store-color colormap pixel color . flags)
(%store-color (display-Xdisplay (colormap-display colormap))
(colormap-Xcolormap colormap)
(pixel-Xpixel pixel) (color-Xcolor color)
(if (null? flags)
'(do-red do-green do-blue)
(car flags)))))
(define (color-flags->integer flags)
(fold-right (lambda (s res)
(case s
((do-red) (bitwise-ior res 1))
((do-green) (bitwise-ior res 2))
((do-blue) (bitwise-ior res 4))
(else (error "illegal color-flag" s))))
0 flags))
(import-lambda-definition %store-color (Xdisplay Xcolormap Xpixel Xcolor
;; store-colors does the same as store-color, but for multiple
;; colorcells. The paramter cells must be a list of lists consisting
;; of 2 or 3 elements: a pixel, a color and an optional flags list
;; (see above).
(define (store-colors colormap cells)
(let ((cells (list->vector
(map (lambda (p-c-f)
(list (pixel-Xpixel (car p-c-f))
(color-Xcolor (cadr p-c-f))
(if (null? (cddr p-c-f))
'(do-red do-green do-blue)
(caddr p-c-f))))))
(%store-colors (display-Xdisplay (colormap-display colormap))
(colormap-Xcolormap colormap)
(import-lambda-definition %store-colors (Xdisplay Xcolormap cells)
;; copy-colormap-and-free function creates a colormap of the same
;; visual type and for the same screen as the specified colormap and
;; returns the new colormap. It also moves all of the client's
;; existing allocation from the specified colormap to the new colormap
;; with their color values intact and their read-only or writable
;; characteristics intact and frees those entries in the specified
;; colormap. See XCopyColormapAndFree
(define (copy-colormap-and-free colormap)
(make-colormap (%copy-colormap-and-free
(display-Xdisplay (colormap-display colormap))
(colormap-Xcolormap colormap))
(colormap-display colormap)
(import-lambda-definition %copy-colormap-and-free (Xdisplay Xcolormap)