updated for current interface

This commit is contained in:
frese 2004-01-08 19:08:50 +00:00
parent 6abec7c2a1
commit 2298e207a0
5 changed files with 123 additions and 146 deletions

View File

@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
#!/bin/sh #!/bin/sh
exec scsh -ll sunterlib-0.5/sunterlib.scm -lel scx/load.scm -o xlib -o rendezvous-channels -o threads -o srfi-1 -o signals -o xft -o xrender -s "$0" "$@"
../../scx <<EOF !#
,batch on
,open srfi-1 signals xlib xft xrender rendezvous-channels threads
(define *font-size* 36.0) (define *font-size* 36.0)
@ -114,7 +110,3 @@
(close-display dpy)))) (close-display dpy))))
(font-demo) (font-demo)

View File

@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
#!/bin/sh #!/bin/sh
exec scsh -ll sunterlib-0.5/sunterlib.scm -lel scx/load.scm -o xlib -o rendezvous-channels -o threads -s "$0" "$@"
../../scx <<EOF !#
,batch on
,open xlib rendezvous-channels threads
(define (hello text) (define (hello text)
(let* ((dpy (open-display)) (let* ((dpy (open-display))
@ -65,7 +61,3 @@
(close-display dpy)))) (close-display dpy))))
(hello "Hello World!") (hello "Hello World!")

View File

@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
#!/bin/sh #!/bin/sh
exec scsh -ll sunterlib-0.5/sunterlib.scm -lel scx/load.scm -o xlib -o rendezvous-channels -o threads -s "$0" "$@"
../../scx <<EOF !#
,batch on
,open xlib
,batch off
(define (picture point-count) (define (picture point-count)
(let* ((dpy (open-display)) (let* ((dpy (open-display))
@ -12,43 +8,43 @@
(height 400) (height 400)
(black (black-pixel dpy)) (black (black-pixel dpy))
(white (white-pixel dpy)) (white (white-pixel dpy))
(root (display-root-window dpy)) (root (default-root-window dpy))
(win (create-window root width height (win (create-simple-window dpy root 0 0 width height 1 black white))
'background-pixel white (gc (create-gc dpy win
'event-mask '(exposure button-press))) (make-gc-value-alist (background white)
(gc (create-gcontext win (foreground black)))))
'background white 'foreground black))) (init-sync-x-events dpy)
(map-window win) (map-window dpy win)
(let event-loop ()
(let ((e (next-event dpy))) (call-with-event-channel
(if dpy win (event-mask exposure button-press)
(case (event-type e) (lambda (channel)
((expose) (begin (let loop ()
(clear-window win) (if
(draw-points win gc point-count 0 0 (let ((e (receive channel)))
(/ width 2) (/ height 2)) (cond
(draw-poly-text win gc 10 10 "Click a button to exit" ((expose-event? e)
'1-byte) (clear-window dpy win)
#f)) (draw-points dpy win gc point-count 0 0
(else #t)) (/ width 2) (/ height 2))
#t (draw-image-string dpy win gc 10 10 "Click a button to exit"))
(else #f)))
(close-display dpy))) (close-display dpy)))
(define (draw-points win gc count x y hw hh) (define (draw-points dpy win gc count x y hw hh)
(if (zero? (modulo count 100)) (if (zero? (modulo count 100))
(display-flush-output (window-display win))) (display-flush dpy))
(if (not (zero? count)) (if (not (zero? count))
(let ((xf (floor (* (+ 1.2 x) hw ))) ; These lines center the picture (let ((xf (floor (* (+ 1.2 x) hw ))) ; These lines center the picture
(yf (floor (* (+ 0.5 y) hh )))) (yf (floor (* (+ 0.5 y) hh ))))
(draw-point win gc (cons (inexact->exact xf) (inexact->exact yf))) (draw-point dpy win gc (inexact->exact xf) (inexact->exact yf))
(draw-points win gc (- count 1) (draw-points dpy win gc
(- (* y (+ 1 (sin (* 0.7 x)))) (* 1.2 (sqrt (abs x)))) (- count 1)
(- (* y (+ 1 (sin (* 0.7 x))))
(* 1.2 (sqrt (abs x))))
(- 0.21 x) (- 0.21 x)
hw hh)))) hw hh))))
(picture 1000) (picture 1000)

View File

@ -1,73 +1,68 @@
../../scx <<EOF #!/bin/sh
exec scsh -ll sunterlib-0.5/sunterlib.scm -lel scx/load.scm -o xlib -o rendezvous-channels -s "$0" "$@"
,batch on !#
,open xlib
,batch off
(define (regions) (define (regions)
(let* ((dpy (open-display)) (let* ((dpy (open-display))
(cm (display-default-colormap dpy)) (cm (screen:default-colormap (display:default-screen dpy)))
(black (black-pixel dpy)) (black (black-pixel dpy))
(white (white-pixel dpy)) (white (white-pixel dpy))
(blue (alloc-named-color cm 'blue)) (blue (color:pixel (alloc-named-color dpy cm "blue")))
(win (create-window (display-root-window dpy) 500 500 (win (create-simple-window dpy (default-root-window dpy)
'event-mask '(button-press exposure) 0 0 500 500 1
'background-pixel white)) black white))
(gc (create-gcontext win (gc (create-gc dpy win
'background white (make-gc-value-alist
'foreground black)) (background white)
(foreground black))))
(rectangles '((10 20 60 60) (50 100 30 30)))
(colors (list black blue)) (rectangles (list (make-rectangle 10 20 60 60)
(regions-alist (make-rectangle 50 100 30 30)))
(list (cons (union-rectangle-with-region (car rectangles) (colors (list black blue))
(create-region)) (regions-alist
"black rectangle") (map (lambda (rect text)
(cons (union-rectangle-with-region (cadr rectangles) (cons (union-rect-with-region (rectangle:x rect)
(create-region)) (rectangle:y rect)
"blue rectangle"))) (rectangle:width rect)
(rectangle:height rect)
'("black rectangle" "blue rectangle"))))
(handle-event (map-window dpy win)
(lambda (e) (init-sync-x-events dpy)
(let ((args (event-args e))
(type (event-type e)))
(case type
;; Zeichnen...
((expose) (begin
(for-each (lambda (rect color)
(set-gcontext-foreground! gc color)
(fill-rectangle win gc rect))
rectangles colors)
;; Hit-Tests
(let* ((x (cdr (assq 'x args)))
(y (cdr (assq 'y args)))
(rs (filter (lambda (r-n)
(point-in-region? (car r-n)
x y))
(for-each (lambda (region-name)
(display "You clicked: ")
(display (cdr region-name))
;; break if none was hit.
(not (null? rs))))
(map-window win) (call-with-event-channel
(let loop () dpy win (event-mask exposure button-press structure-notify)
(display-flush-output dpy) (lambda (channel)
(let ((e (next-event dpy))) (let loop ()
(if (handle-event e) (let ((e (receive channel)))
(loop) (cond
(close-display dpy)))))) ;; Zeichnen...
((expose-event? e)
(for-each (lambda (rect color)
(set-gc-foreground! dpy gc color)
(fill-rectangles dpy win gc (list rect)))
rectangles colors))
;; Hit-Tests
((button-event? e)
(let* ((x (button-event-x e))
(y (button-event-y e))
(rs (filter (lambda (r-n)
(point-in-region? (car r-n)
x y))
(for-each (lambda (region-name)
(display "You clicked: ")
(display (cdr region-name))
;; break if none was hit.
(if (null? rs)
(close-display dpy)
(regions) (regions)

View File

@ -1,33 +1,35 @@
#!/bin/sh #!/bin/sh
exec scsh -ll sunterlib-0.5/sunterlib.scm -lel scx/load.scm -o xlib -o rendezvous-channels -s "$0" "$@"
../../scx <<EOF (define all-events-mask
,batch on key-press key-release button-press button-release enter-window leave-window
,open xlib pointer-motion pointer-motion-hint button-1-motion button-2-motion
,batch off button-3-motion button-4-motion button-5-motion button-motion keymap-state
exposure visibility-change structure-notify resize-redirect
substructure-notify substructure-redirect focus-change property-change
colormap-change owner-grab-button))
(define (scxev) (define (scxev)
(let* ((dpy (open-display)) (let* ((dpy (open-display))
(black (black-pixel dpy)) (black (black-pixel dpy))
(white (white-pixel dpy)) (white (white-pixel dpy))
(win (create-window (display-default-root-window dpy) (win (create-simple-window dpy (default-root-window dpy) 0 0
300 200 300 200 0 black white)))
'event-mask '(all-events)
'background-pixel white)) (set-wm-name! dpy win (string-list->property '("scx Event Listener")))
) (map-window dpy win)
(set-wm-name! win '("scx Event Listener"))
(map-window win) (init-sync-x-events dpy)
(let event-loop () (call-with-event-channel
(display-flush-output dpy) dpy win all-events-mask
(let ((e (wait-event dpy))) (lambda (channel)
(display (event-type e)) (display " Event, Data:\n") (let loop ()
(display (event-args e)) (newline) (newline) (let ((e (receive channel)))
(display (any-event-type e)) (display " on window ")
(event-loop)) (display (any-event-window e)) (newline)
(close-display dpy)))) (if (not (destroy-window-event? e))
(scxev) (scxev)