first implementation of the widget-functions for Scheme48
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
;; --- widget functions ---
(define (help-maybe-symbol->string obj)
(if (symbol? obj)
(symbol->string obj)
(if (string? obj)
(error "no valide operand" help-maybe-symbol->string))))
(define (help-arglist-symbol->string arg-list)
(letrec ((loop
(lambda (new-list old-list)
(if (null? old-list)
;should be save without (reverse list)
(loop (cons (help-maybe-symbol->string (car old-list))
(cons (cdar old-list)
(cddr old-list))))))
(loop '() arg-list)))
(define (destroy-widget widget)
(if (get-free widget)
(error "widget is already destroyed" destroy-widget)
(%destroy-widget (widget-Xwidget widget))))
(import-lambda-definition %destroy-widget (XWidget)
(define create-shell
(lambda (app-name app-class parent display . args)
(if (get-free parent)
(error "free widget" create-shell)
(%create-shell (help-maybe-symbol->string app-name)
(help-maybe-symbol->string app-class)
(widget-Xwidget parent)
(display-Xdisplay display)
(help-arglist-symbol->string arg-list))))))
(import-lambda-definition %create-shell ()
(define create-widget
(lambda args
(apply int-create-widget #f args)))
(define create-managed-widget
(lambda args
(apply int-create-widget #t args)))
;; abstraction of create-widget(s) create-managed-widget(s)...
(define int-create-widget
(lambda (managed? . args)
(let* ((arg-list-length (length args))
(arg-list-even? (even? arg-list-length))
(num-args (if arg-list-even?
(/ (- arg-list-length 2) 2)
(/ (- arg-list-length 1) 2)))
(real-arg-list (if arg-list-even?
(cddr args)
(cdddr args)))
(widget-name (if arg-list-even)
; this fun has to be implemented...
(%class-name (car args))
(if (symbol? (car args))
(symbol->string (car args))
(car args)))
(widget-class (if arg-list-even?
(widgetClass-XwidgetClass (car args))
(widgetClass-XwidgetClass (cadr args))))
(parent (if arg-list-even?
(widget-Xwidget (cadr args))
(widget-Xwidget (caddr args))))
(new-widget (%create-widget widget-name widget-class parent
real-arg-list num-args
(make-widget new-widget))))
(import-lambda-definition %create-widget (String, XWidgetClass, XWidget,
args, Cardinal, flag)
(define (realize-widget widget)
(if (get-free widget)
(error "wrong widget" realize-widget)
(%realize-widget (widget-Xwidget widget))))
(import-lambda-definition %realize-widget (XWidget)
(define (unrealize-widget widget)
(if (get-free widget)
(error "wrong widget" unrealize-widget)
(%unrealize-widget (widget-Xwidget widget))))
(import-lambda-definition %unrealize-widget (XWidget)
(define (widget-realized? widget)
(if (get-free widget)
(error "wrong widget" widget-realized?)
(%widget-realized? (widget-Xwidget widget))))
(import-lambda-definition %widget-realized? (XWidget)
;; Attention! I don't know if the use of the finalizer in make-display
;; is correct.
(define (widget-display widget)
(if (get-free widget)
(error "wrong widget" widget-display)
(make-display (%widget-display (widget-Xwidget widget)) #f)))
(import-lambda-definition %widget-display (XWidget)
;; Returns the parent widget...
(define (widget-parent widget)
(if (get-free widget)
(error "wrong widget" widget-parent)
(%widget-parent (widget-Xwidget widget))))
(import-lambda-definition %widget-parent (Xwidget)
;; Returns the name of the widget as a string.
(define (widget-name widget)
(if (get-free widget)
(error "wrong widget" widget-name)
(%widget-parent (widget-Xwidget widget))))
(import-lambda-definition %widget-name (Xwidget)
;; Returns the window associated with the widget
(define (widget->window widget)
(if (get-free widget)
(error "wrong widget" widget->window)
(%widget->window (widget-Xwidget widget))))
(import-lambda-definition %widget->window (Xwidget)
;; (define (widget-window widget)) ?????
(define (widget-compsite? widget)
(if (get-free widget)
(error "freed widget" widget-composite?)
(%widget-composite? (widget-Xwidget widget))))
(import-lambda-definition %widget-composite? (Xwidget)
;; internal function:
(define (help-wlist-get-free widget-list)
(letrec ((loop
(lambda (tsil)
((null? tsil) #f)
((get-free (car tsil)) #t)
(loop (cdr tsil)))))))
(loop widget-list)))
;; int. function:
(define (help-wlist-widget-Xwidget widget-list)
(letrec ((loop
(lambda (new-list old-list)
(if (null? old-list)
(loop (cons (widget-Xwidget (car old-list)) new-list)
(cdr old-list))))))
(loop '() widget-list)))
(define magage-children
(lambda widget-list
(if (help-wlist-get-free widget-list)
(error "free widget" manage-children)
(%manage-children (help-wlist-widget-Xwidget widget-list)
(length widget-list)))))
(import-lambda-definition %manage-children (Xwidget-list list-length)
(define (manage-child widget)
(manage-children widget))
(define (unmanage-child widget)
(unmanage-children widget))
(define unmanage-children
(lambda widget-list
(if (help-wlist-get-free widget-list)
(error "free widget" unmanage-children)
(%unmanage-children (help-wlist-widget-Xwidget widget-list)
(length widget-list)))))
(import-lambda-definition %unmanage-children (Xwidget-list list-length)
(define (widget-managed? widget)
(if (get-free widget)
(error "free widget" widget-managed?)
(%widget-managed? (widget-Xwidget widget))))
(import-lambda-definition %widget-managed? (Xwidget)
(define (widget-class widget)
(if (get-free widget)
(error "free widget" widget-class)
(%widget-class (widget-Xwidget widget))))
(import-lambda-definition %widget-class (Xwidget)
(define (widget-superclass widget)
(if (get-free widget)
(error "free widget" widget-superclass)
(let ((res (%widget-superclass (widget-Xwidget widget))))
(if res res 'none))))
(import-lambda-definition %widget-superclass (Xwidget)
;; TODO: class parameter: check neccessary?
(define (widget-subclass? widget wclass)
(if (get-free widget)
(error "free widget" widget-subclass?)
(%widget-subclass? (widget-Xwidget widget) (wclass-Xwclass wclass))))
(imoport-lambda-definition %widget-subclass? (Xwidget Xwclass)
(define (set-mapped-when-managed! widget managed?)
(if (get-free widget)
(error "free widget" set-mapped-when-managed!)
(%set-mapped-when-managed! (widget-Xwidget widget) managed?)))
(import-lambda-definition %set-mapped-when-managed! (Xwindget bool)
(define (map-widget widget)
(if (get-free widget)
(error "free widget" map-widget)
(%map-widget (widget-Xwidget widget))))
(import-lambda-definition %map-widget (Xwidget)
(define (unmap-widget widget)
(if (get-free widget)
(error "free widget" unmap-widget)
(%unmap-widget (widget-Xwidget widget))))
(import-lambda-definition %unmap-widget (Xwidget)
;; values consists of a widget and ressource arguments:
;; (the 1,3,5,.. a name to be set and the 2, 4, 6, ... the corresponding value)
(define set-values!
(lambda values
(let ((widget (car values))
(args (help-arg-list-symbol->string (cdr values))))
(if (get-free widget)
(error "free widget" set-values!)
(%set-values! (widget-Xwidget widget) args (/ (length args) 2))))))
(import-lambda-definition %set-args (Xwidget arg-list num-args)
;; the args are the wanted ressource names...
(define get-values
(lambda values
(let ((widget (car values))
(args (map help-maybe-string->symbol (cdr values))))
(if (get-free widget)
(error "free widget" get-values)
(%get-values (widget-Xwidget widget) args (length args))))))
(import-lambda-definition %get-values (Xwidget arg-list num-args)
(define (widget-context widget)
(if (get-free widget)
(error "free widget" widget-context)
(%widget-context (widget-Xwidget widget))))
(import-lambda-definition %widget-context (Xwidget)
(define (set-sensitive! widget sensitive?)
(if (get-free widget)
(error "free widget" set-sensitive!)
(%set-sensitive! (widget-Xwidget widget) sensitive?)))
(import-lambda-definition %set-sensitive! (Xwidget boolean)
(define (widget-sensitive? widget)
(if (get-free widget)
(error "free widget" widget-sensitive?)
(%widget-sensitive? (widget-Xwidget widget))))
(import-lambda-definition %widget-sensitive? (Xwidget)
(define (window->widget window)
(%window->widget (window-Xwindow window)
(display-Xdisplay (window-display window)))))
(import-lambda-definition %window->widget (Xwindow Xdisplay)
;; returns the widget with the specified name and which is a
;; child of the root-widget. name is either a symbol or a string.
;; If no widget is found, NULL will be returned.
(define (name->widget root-widget name)
(if (get-free root-widget)
(error "free widget" name->widget)
(%name->widget (widget-Xwidget root-widget)
(help-maybe-symbol->string name)))))
(import-lambda-definition %name->widget (Xwidget string)
;; returns a pair of integers, which represent the coordinates
;; relative to it's root-widget.
(define (widget-translate-coordinates widget x y)
(if (get-free widget)
(error "free widget" widget-translate-coordinates)
(%widget-translate-coordinates (widget-Xwidget widget) x y)))
(import-lambda-definition %widget-translate-coordinates (Xwidget int-x int-y)
Reference in New Issue