|  | Recent Additions...August 10, 2012- Matthias Felleisen. "The Calculi of Lambda-v-CS Conversion: A Syntactic Theory of Control And State in Imperative Higher-Order Programming Languages". PhD. Thesis. Computer Science Technical Report 226. (Ph.D. Dissertation). August 1987. Available online: pdf.
- Eugene E. Kohlbecker. "Syntactic Extensions in the Programming Language Lisp". PhD. Thesis. Indiana University. 1986. Available online: pdf.
- Ian A. Mason. "The Semantics of Destructive Lisp". PhD. Thesis. Stanford University. 1986. Available online: pdf.
- Carolyn Talcott. "The essence of Rum: A theory of the intensional and extensional aspects of Lisp-type computation". PhD. Thesis. Stanford University. August 1985. Available online: pdf.
- Carolyn Talcott. "Programming and Proving with Function and Control Abstractions". Stanford University. CS-TR-89-1288. October 1989. Available online: pdf.
August 5, 2012- Manuel Serrano. "The HOP Development Kit". 2006 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2006. Available online: pdf.
- Ray Rischpater. "Scheme for Client-Side Scripting in Mobile Web Browsing, or AJAX-Like Behavior Without Javascript". 2006 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2006. Available online: pdf.
- Jay McCarthy and Shriram Krishnamurthi. "Interaction-Safe State for the Web". 2006 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2006. Available online: pdf.
- Jacob Matthews. "Component Deployment with PLaneT: You Want it Where?". 2006 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2006. Available online: pdf.
- Xavier Saint-Mleux, Marc Feeley and Jean-Pierre David. "SHard: a Scheme to Hardware Compiler". 2006 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2006. Available online: pdf.
- Jessica Gronski, Kenneth Knowles, Aaron Tomb, Stephen N. Freund and Cormac Flanagan. "Sage: Hybrid Checking for Flexible Specifications". 2006 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2006. Available online: pdf.
- William D. Clinger. "Rapid Case Dispatch in Scheme". 2006 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2006. Available online: pdf.
- Richard Cleis and Keith Wilson. "Experiences with Scheme in an Electro-Optics Laboratory". 2006 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2006. Available online: pdf.
- Guillaume Germain, Marc Feeley and Stefan Monnier. "Concurrency Oriented Programming in Termite Scheme". 2006 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2006. Available online: pdf.
- Ryan Culpepper and Matthias Felleisen. "A Stepper for Scheme Macros". 2006 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2006. Available online: pdf.
- Abdulaziz Ghuloum. "An Incremental Approach to Compiler Construction". 2006 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2006. Available online: pdf.
- William E. Byrd and Daniel P. Friedman. "From Variadic Functions to Variadic Relations: A miniKanren Perspective". 2006 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2006. Available online: pdf.
- Jeremy G. Siek and Walid Taha. "Gradual Typing for Functional Languages". 2006 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2006. Available online: pdf.
- Danny Dubé and Anass Kadiri. "Automatic construction of parse trees for lexemes". 2006 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2006. Available online: pdf.
- Eli Barzilay. "A Self-Hosting Evaluator using HOAS". 2006 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2006. Available online: pdf.
- Ryan Culpepper, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt and Matthew Flatt. "Advanced Macrology and the Implementation of Typed Scheme". 2007 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2007. Available online: pdf.
- Philip Wadler and Robert Bruce Findler. "Well-typed programs can't be blamed". 2007 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2007. Available online: pdf.
- Abdulaziz Ghuloum and R. Kent Dybvig. "Generation-Friendly Eq Hash Tables". 2007 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2007. Available online: pdf.
- Florian Loitsch. "Exceptional Continuations in JavaScript". 2007 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2007. Available online: pdf.
- Aaron Kimball and Dan Grossman. "Software Transactions Meet First-Class Continuations". 2007 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2007. Available online: pdf.
- Adrien Piérard and Marc Feeley. "Towards a Portable and Mobile Scheme Interpreter". 2007 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2007. Available online: pdf.
- Andy Wingo. "Applications of Fold to XML Transformation". 2007 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2007. Available online: pdf.
- William E. Byrd and Daniel P. Friedman. "lpha Kanren - A Fresh Name in Nominal Logic Programming". 2007 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2007. Available online: pdf.
- Patrick Meredith, Mark Hills, and Grigore Rosu. "An Executable Rewriting Logic Semantics of K-Scheme". 2007 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2007. Available online: pdf.
- Nguyen-Minh Bui. "Toward abstract profiling". 2007 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2007. Available online: pdf.
- Kurt Nørmark. "Deriving a Comprehensive Document from a Concise Document - Document Engineering in Scheme". 2007 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2007. Available online: pdf.
- Wim Vanderbauwhede. "Gannet: a Scheme for Task-level Reconfiguration of Service-based Systems-on-Chip". 2007 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2007. Available online: pdf.
- Jean-Michel Hufflen. "Implementing Language-Dependent Lexicographic Orders in Scheme". 2007 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2007. Available online: pdf.
- John Clements, Ayswarya Sundaram and David Herman. "Implementing continuation marks in JavaScript". 2008 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2008. Available online: pdf.
- Vincent St-Amour, Lysiane Bouchard and Marc Feeley. "Small Scheme Stack: a Scheme TCP/IP stack targeting small embedded applications". 2008 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2008. Available online: pdf.
- Olivier Danvy. "Towards compatible and interderivable semantic specifications for the Scheme programming language, part I: abstract machines, natural semantics, and denotational semantics". 2008 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2008. Available online: pdf.
- Małgorzata Biernacka and Olivier Danvy. "Towards compatible and interderivable semantic specifications for the Scheme programming language, part II: reduction semantics and abstract machines". 2008 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2008. Available online: pdf.
- Ken Dickey. "Thinking Scheme". 2008 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2008. Available online: pdf.
- Marcus Crestani. "Foreign-Function Interfaces for Garbage-Collected Programming Languages". 2008 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2008. Available online: pdf.
- Felix S. Klock II. "The layers of Larceny's foreign function interface". 2008 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2008. Available online: pdf.
- Jeremiah Willcock, Andrew Lumsdaine and Daniel Quinlan. "Tabled execution in Scheme (Scheme Pearl)". 2008 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2008. Available online: pdf.
- David Herman and David Van Horn. "A few principles of macro design". 2008 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2008. Available online: pdf.
- Carl Eastlund and Matthias Felleisen. "Sequence Traces for Object-Oriented Executions". 2009 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. August 2009. Available online: pdf.
- William D Clinger and Felix S. Klock II. "Scalable Garbage Collection with Guaranteed MMU". 2009 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. August 2009. Available online: pdf.
- Casey Klein and Robert Bruce Findler. "Randomized Testing in PLT Redex". 2009 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. August 2009. Available online: pdf.
- Andrew W. Keep, Michael D. Adams, Lindsey Kuper, William E. Byrd and Daniel P. Friedman. "A pattern-matcher for miniKanren -or- How to get into trouble with CPS macros". 2009 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. August 2009. Available online: pdf.
- Eric Tanter. "Higher-Order Aspects in Order". 2009 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. August 2009. Available online: pdf.
- Abdulaziz Ghuloum and R. Kent Dybvig. "Fixing Letrec (reloaded)". 2009 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. August 2009. Available online: pdf.
- Eli Barzilay. "The Scribble Reader: An Alternative to S-expressions for Textual Content". 2009 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. August 2009. Available online: pdf.
- Matthew Might and Tarun Prabhu. "Interprocedural Dependence Analysis of Higher-Order Programs via Stack Reachability". 2009 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. August 2009. Available online: pdf.
- Aaron W. Hsu. "Descot: Distributed Code Repository Framework". 2009 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. August 2009. Available online: pdf.
- Matthew Flatt and Eli Barzilay. "Keyword and Optional Arguments in PLT Scheme". 2009 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. August 2009. Available online: pdf.
- Mehmet Fatih Köksal, Remzi Emre Başar, Suzan Üsküdarlı. "Screen-Replay: A Session Recording and Analysis Tool for DrScheme". 2009 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. August 2009. Available online: pdf.
- John Moore. "Get stuffed: Tightly packed abstract protocols in Scheme". 2009 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. August 2009. Available online: pdf.
- Anthony Cowley. "Distributed Software Transactional Memory". 2009 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. August 2009. Available online: pdf.
- Remzi Emre Başar, Caner Derici and Çağdaş Şenol. "World With Web: A compiler from world applications to JavaScript". 2009 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. August 2009. Available online: pdf.
- Olivier Danvy. "Peter J Landin (1930-2009)". 2009 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. August 2009. Available online: pdf.
- Hari Prashanth and Sam Tobin-Hochstadt. "Functional Data Structures for Typed Racket". 2010 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. August 2010. Available online: pdf.
- Aaron W. Hsu. "Implementing User-level Value-weak Hashtables". 2010 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. August 2010. Available online: pdf.
- Christopher Earl, Matthew Might and David Van Horn. "Pushdown Control-Flow Analysis of Higher-Order Programs". 2010 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. August 2010. Available online: pdf.
- Guillaume Marceau, Kathi Fisler and Shriram Krishnamurthi. "Measuring the Effectiveness of Error Messages Designed for Novice Programmers". 2010 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. August 2010. Available online: pdf.
- Guillaume Cartier and Louis-Julien Guillemette. "JazzScheme: Evolution of a Lisp-Based Development System". 2010 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. August 2010. Available online: pdf.
- Ian Barland, Robert Findler, and Matthew Flatt. "The Design of a Functional Image Library". 2010 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. August 2010. Available online: pdf.
- Andrew Keep and R. Kent Dybvig. "Enabling cross-library optimization and compile-time error checking in the presence of procedural macros". 2010 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. August 2010. Available online: pdf.
- Mario Latendresse. "Guiding Requirements for the Ongoing Scheme Standardization Process". 2010 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. August 2010. Available online: pdf.
- Kevin Atkinson and Matthew Flatt. "Adapting Scheme-Like Macros to a C-Like Language". 2011 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. October 2011. Available online: pdf.
- Claire E. Alvis, Jeremiah J. Willcock, Kyle M. Carter, William E. Byrd and Daniel P. Friedman. "cKanren: miniKanren with Constraints". 2011 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. October 2011. Available online: pdf.
- Andrew W. Keep and R. Kent Dybvig. "Ftypes: Structured foreign types". 2011 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. October 2011. Available online: pdf.
- Manuel Serrano. "HopTex, compiling HTML to LaTeX with CSS". 2011 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. October 2011. Available online: pdf.
- Christophe Scholliers, Eric Tanter and Wolfgang De Meuter. "Computational Contracts". 2011 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. October 2011. Available online: pdf.
- Aaron W. Hsu. "Hygienic Literate Programming: Lessons from ChezWEB". 2011 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. October 2011. Available online: pdf.
- Keeping it Clean with syntax-parameterize. "Eli Barzilay, Ryan Culpepper, Matthew Flatt". 2011 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. October 2011. Available online: pdf.
March 8, 2007- Guillermo J. Rozas. "A Computational Model for Observation in Quantum Mechanics". Masters Thesis. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. AITR-925. March 1987. Available online: ps pdf.
August 27, 2006- Jay McCarthy and Shriram Krishnamurthi. "Interaction-Safe State for the Web". Scheme and Functional Programming, 2006. September 2006. Available online: downloadable paper.
- Christopher Dutchyn, David B. Tucker and Shriram Krishnamurthi. "Semantics and Scoping of Aspects in Higher-Order Languages". Science of Computer Programming. 2006. Available online: downloadable paper.
- Daniel Ignatoff, Gregory H. Cooper and Shriram Krishnamurthi. "Crossing State Lines: Adapting Object-Oriented Frameworks to Functional Reactive Languages". Functional and Logic Programming Symposium. 2006. Available online: downloadable paper.
- Gregory H. Cooper and Shriram Krishnamurthi. "Embedding Dynamic Dataflow in a Call-by-Value Language". European Symposium on Programming, 2006. 2006. Available online: downloadable paper.
- Guillaume Marceau, Gregory H. Cooper, Jonathan P. Spiro, Shriram Krishnamurthi and Steven P. Reiss. "The Design and Implementation of a Dataflow Language for Scriptable Debugging". Automated Software Engineering Journal, 2006. 2006. Available online: downloadable paper.
January 22, 2006- Anders Bondorf. "Compiling laziness by partial evaluation". Functional Programming, Glasgow 1990. 1990. Available online: ps pdf.
- Anders Bondorf. "A Self-Applicable Partial Evaluator for Term Rewriting Systems". Theory and Practice of Software Development (TAPSOFT '89). March 1989. Available online: ps pdf.
January 15, 2006- R. Kent Dybvig, Daniel P. Friedman, and Michael Y. Levin. "Implementation strategies for Scheme-based Prolog systems". 1998. Available online: ps pdf.
- Erik Ruf and Daniel Weise. "LogScheme: Integrating Logic Programming into Scheme". LISP and Symbolic Computation. 3(3). September 1990. Available online: .
- R. Kent Dybvig, Daniel P. Friedman and Christopher T. Haynes. "Expansion-Passing Style: A General Macro Mechanism". LISP and Symbolic Computation. 1(1). June 1988. Available online: pdf.
- Kevin J. Lang and Barak A. Pearlmutter. "Oaklisp: an Object-Oriented Dialect of Scheme". Lisp and Symbolic Computation: An International Journal. 1. 1. May 1988. Available online: ps pdf.
- Kevin J. Lang and Barak A. Pearlmutter. "Oaklisp: an Object-Oriented Scheme with First Class Types". ACM Conference on Object-Oriented Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications. September 1986. Available online: pdf ACM Digital Library.
January 14, 2006- Philippe Meunier, Robert Bruce Findler and Matthias Felleisen. "Modular Set-Based Analysis from Contracts". Principles of Programming Languages, POPL 2006. January 2006. Available online: pdf.
- Ryan Culpepper and Matthias Felleisen. " Taming Macros". Generative Programming and Component Engineering (GPCE 2004). October 2004. Available online: ps pdf.
- Greg Pettyjohn, John Clements, Joe Marshall, Shriram Krishnamurthi and Matthias Felleisen. "Continuations from Generalized Stack Inspection". International Conference on Functional Programming, ICFP 2005. September 2005. Available online: downloadable paper.
- Shriram Krishnamurthi. "Automata as Macros". Journal of Functional Programming. 2005. Available online: downloadable paper.
- Shriram Krishnamurthi, Robert Bruce Findler, Paul Graunke and Matthias Felleisen. "Modeling Web Interactions and Errors". Interactive Computation: The New Paradigm. 2005. Available online: downloadable paper.
- Darrell Ferguson and Dwight Deugo. "Call with Current Continuation Patterns". 8th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs. September 2001. Available online: ps pdf.
January 5, 2006- Charles Consel and Siau Cheng Khoo. "Semantics-directed generation of a Prolog compiler". Science of Computer Programming. volume 21. 1993. Available online: ps pdf.
- Anders Bondorf. "Automatic Autoprojection of higher order recursive equations". Science of Computer Programming. volume 17. 1991. Available online: ps pdf.
December 26, 2005New Papers from the Scheme Workshop 2005:- Ronald Garcia and Andrew Lumsdaine. "Type Classes Without Types". 2005 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2005. Available online: ps pdf.
- Sebastian Egner. "Eager Comprehensions in Scheme: The design of SRFI-42". 2005 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2005. Available online: ps pdf.
- Jonathan Sobel, Erik Hilsdale, R. Kent Dybvig, Daniel P. Friedman. "Abstraction and Performance from Explicit Monadic Reflection". 2005 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2005. Available online: ps pdf.
- Jacob Matthews and Robert Bruce Findler. "An Operational Semantics for R5RS Scheme". 2005 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2005. Available online: ps pdf.
- Martin Gasbichler and Eric Knauel. "Commander S - The shell as a browser". 2005 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2005. Available online: ps pdf.
- Erick Gallesio and Manuel Serrano. "Ubiquitous Mails". 2005 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2005. Available online: ps pdf.
- Jean-Michel Hufflen. "Implementing a Bibliography Processor in Scheme". 2005 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2005. Available online: ps pdf.
- Chongkai Zhu. "The Marriage of MrMathematica and MzScheme". 2005 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2005. Available online: ps pdf.
- Alan Pavicic and Niksa Bosnic. "ACT Parameterization Framework". 2005 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2005. Available online: ps pdf.
- Florian Loitsch. "Javascript to Scheme Compilation". 2005 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2005. Available online: ps pdf.
January 16, 2005- Robert Bruce Findler and Matthias Felleisen. "Contracts for Higher-Order Functions". University of Chicago. October 2002. Available online: ps pdf.
- Robert Bruce Findler, Matthias Blume and Matthias Felleisen. "An Investigation of Contracts as Projections". University of Chicago. TR-2004-02. April 2004. Available online: ps pdf.
- Olivier Danvy. "Across the Bridge between Reflection and Partial Evaluation". Partial Evaluation and Mixed Computation. 1988.
- Manuel Serrano, Frédéric Boussinot and Bernard Serpette. "Scheme FairThreads". 2th International Lisp Conference. October 2002.
- Damien Ciabrini and Manuel Serrano. "Bugloo: A Source Level Debugger for Scheme Programs Compiled into JVM Bytecode". 3th International Lisp Conference. October 2003. Available online: pdf.
- Yannis Bres and Bernard Serpette and Manuel Serrano. "Compiling Scheme programs to .NET Common Intermediate Language". 2nd International Workshop on .NET Technologies. May 2004. Available online: pdf.
- Manuel Serrano, Frédéric Boussinot and Bernard Serpette. "Scheme Fair Threads". Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming (PPDP 2004). August 2004. Available online: html.
- Yannis Bres and Bernard Serpette and Manuel Serrano. "Bigloo.NET: compiling Scheme to .NET CLR". Journal of Object Technology. 3(9). October 2004. Available online: html.
- Erick Gallesio and Manuel Serrano. "Biglook: a Widget Library for the Scheme Programming Language". 2002 Usenix annual technical conference. June 2002. Available online: html.
- Morten Rhiger. "A Study in Higher-Order Programming Languages". Masters Thesis. Aarhus University. December 1997. Available online: ps pdf.
- Torben Æ. Mogensen. "Gödelization in the untyped lambda calculus". Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Based Program Manipulation (PEPM99). January 1999. Available online: ps pdf.
- Daniel Weise. "Graphs as an Intermediate Representation for Partial Evaluation". Stanford University. CSL-TR-90-421. March 1990. Available online: ps pdf.
- Daniel Weise and Erik Ruf. "Computing Types During Program Specialization". Stanford University. CSL-TR-90-441. October 1990. Available online: ps pdf.
- Erik Ruf and Daniel Weise. "Using Types to Avoid Redundant Specialization". Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Directed Program Manipulation, PEPM'91. June 1991. Available online: ps pdf.
- Erik Ruf and Daniel Weise. "Preserving Information During Online Partial Evaluation". Stanford University. CSL-TR-92-517. April 1992. Available online: ps pdf.
- Wing-Yee Au, Daniel Weise and Scott Seligman. "Generating Compiled Simulations Using Partial Evaluation". 28th Design Automation Conference. June 1991. Available online: ps pdf.
- Erik Ruf. "Partial Evaluation in Reflective System Implementations". OOPSLA'93 Workshop on Reflection and Metalevel Architecture. October 1993. Available online: ps pdf.
- Lennart Swart. "Partial Evaluation using Rewrite Rules: A Specification of a Partial Evaluator for Similix in Stratego". Masters Thesis. Utrecht University. August 2002. Available online: ps pdf.
December 8, 2004- Olivier Danvy. "More about Formatting". Aarhus University. December 1993. Available online: ps pdf.
- Mads Sig Ager, Olivier Danvy and Henning Korsholm Rohde. "Fast Partial Evaluation of Pattern Matching in Strings". Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Based Program Manipulation (PEPM '03). 2003. Available online: ps pdf.
- Olivier Danvy. "Intensional and Extensional Aspects of Partial Evaluation". Aarhus University. March 1995. Available online: ps pdf.
- Olivier Danvy. "Online Type-Directed Partial Evaluation". Third Fuji International Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming, FLOPS '98. April 1998. Available online: ps pdf.
- René Vestergaard. "From Proof Normalization to Compiler Generation and Type-Directed Change-of-Representation". Masters Thesis. Aarhus University. 1997. Available online: ps pdf.
- Olivier Danvy and Morten Rhiger. "Compiling Actions by Partial Evaluation, Revisited". Aarhus University. June 1998. Available online: ps pdf.
- Andrew A. Berlin. "A Compilation Strategy for Numerical Programs Based on Partial Evaluation". Masters Thesis. February 1989. Available online: ps pdf.
- Andrew A. Berlin and Daniel Weise. "Compiling Scientific Code Using Partial Evaluation". July 1989. Available online: ps pdf.
- Andrew A. Berlin and Rajeev J. Surati. "Exploiting the Parallelism Exposed by Partial Evaluation". April 1993. Available online: ps pdf.
- Andrew A. Berlin and Rajeev J. Surati. "Partial Evaluation for Scientific Computing: The Supercomputer Toolkit Experience". May 1994. Available online: ps pdf.
- Rajeev J. Surati. "A Parallelizing Compiler Based on Partial Evaluation". Massachusetts Institute of Technology. AITR-1377. July 1993. Available online: ps pdf.
- Anders Bondorf and Jens Palsberg. "Compiling actions by partial evaluation". Functional Programming and Computer Architecture (FPCA'93). June 1993. Available online: ACM Digital Library.
- Anders Bondorf and Jens Palsberg. "Generating action compilers by partial evaluation". Journal of Functional Programming. 6(2). 1996.
- Anders Bondorf and Jesper Jørgensen. "Efficient analyses for realistic off-line partial evaluation: extended version". University of Copenhagen. Technical Report 93/4. 1993. Available online: parts 1 and 3 (ps) part 2 (ps) parts 1 and 3 (pdf) part 2 (pdf).
- Anders Bondorf and Jesper Jørgensen. "Efficient analyses for realistic off-line partial evaluation". Journal of Functional Programming. 3(3). July 1993.
- Robert Glück and Jesper Jørgensen. "Fast Binding-Time Analysis for Multi-Level Specialization". Perspectives of System Informatics. 1996. Available online: ps pdf.
- Robert Glück and Jesper Jørgensen. "Efficient Multi-Level Generating Extensions for Program Specialization". Programming Languages: Implementations, Logics and Programs (PLILP'95). 1995. Available online: ps pdf.
- Robert Glück and Jesper Jørgensen. "Multi-Level Specialization (Extended Abstract)". Partial Evaluation: Practice and Theory 1998. 1998. Available online: ps pdf.
- Scott Draves. "Compiler Generation for Interactive Graphics using Intermediate Code". Partial Evaluation: Dagstuhl Seminar. LNCS 1110. February 1996. Available online: ps pdf.
- Scott Draves. "Automatic Program Specialization for Interactive Media". PhD. Thesis. Carnegie Mellon University. Available online: ps pdf.
- Charles Consel and Olivier Danvy. "Partial Evaluation in Parallel". Lisp and Symbolic Computation. Volume 5. Issue 4. 1992. Available online: ps pdf.
- Christian Mossin. "Similix Binding Time Debugger Manual, system version 4.0". September 1991.
- Richard Schooler. "Partial Evaluation as a Means of Language Extensibility". Masters Thesis. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. MIT/LCS/TR-324. August 1984. Available online: ps pdf.
- Darius Bacon. "A Hacker's Introduction to Partial Evaluation". The Lisp Magazine at lisp-p.org. August 2002. Available online: html.
October 17, 2004- Ulrik Pagh Schultz. "Explicit and Implicit Aspects of Scope and Block Structure". Masters Thesis. University of Aarhus. June 1997. Available online: ps pdf.
- Olivier Danvy and Ulrik Pagh Schultz. "Lambda-dropping: transforming recursive equations into programs with block structure". Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Based Program Manipulation (PEPM'97). June 1997. Available online: ACM Digital Library.
- Olivier Danvy and Ulrik Pagh Schultz. "Lambda-Dropping: Transforming Recursive Equations into Programs with Block Structure ". University of Aarhus. RS-97-6. March 1997. Available online: ps pdf.
- Olivier Danvy and Ulrik Pagh Schultz. "Lambda-Dropping: Transforming Recursive Equations into Programs with Block Structure". Theoretical Computer Science. Volume 248/1-2. November 2000. Available online: ps pdf.
- Olivier Danvy and Ulrik Pagh Schultz. "Lambda-Dropping: Transforming Recursive Equations into Programs with Block Structure ". University of Aarhus. RS-99-27. September 1999. Available online: ps pdf.
- Saumya Debray. "Resource-bounded partial evaluation". Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Based Program Manipulation (PEPM'97). June 1997. Available online: ACM Digital Library.
- Saumya Debray. "Resource-bounded partial evaluation". University of Arizona. January 1998. Available online: ps.
- Peter A. Bigot and Saumya Debray. "Return Value Placement and Tail Call Optimization in High Level Languages". Journal of Logic Programming. January 1999. Available online: ps.
- Saumya Debray, Robert Muth and Scott Watterson. "Link-time Improvement of Scheme Programs". International Conference on Compiler Construction (CC'99). March 1999. Available online: ps.
September 29, 2004- Karoline Malmkjær. "Towards Efficient Partial Evaluation". Partial evaluation and semantics-based program manipulation (PEPM'93). August 1993. Available online: ps pdf.
- John Clements and Matthias Felleisen. "A Tail-Recursive Machine with Stack Inspection". Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems. 2004. Available online: pdf.
- Karoline Malmkjær and Olivier Danvy. "Preprocessing by Specialization". 1990.
- Jesper Jørgensen. "Generating a Pattern Matching Compiler by Partial Evaluation". Glasgow Workshop on Functional Programming. July 1990. Available online: ps pdf.
- Jesper Jørgensen. "Compiler Generation by Partial Evaluation". Masters Thesis. DIKU, University of Copenhagen. 1991. Available online: ps pdf.
- Karoline Malmkjær. "On Static Properties of Specialized Programs". BIGRE journal. number 74. October 1991. Available online: ps pdf.
- Karoline Malmkjær. "Predicting Properties of Specialized Programs". Kansas State University. PhD proposal. November 1991. Available online: ps pdf.
- Karoline Malmkjær. "Predicting Properties of Residual Programs". Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Based Program Manipulation (PEPM'92). June 1992.
- Christian Mossin. "Partial evaluation of General Parsers". Partial Evaluation and Semantics Based Program Manipulation (PEPM'93). June 1993. Available online: ps pdf.
- Robert Glück and A. V. Klimov. "Occam's Razor in Metacomputation: the Notion of a Perfect Process Tree". Static Analysis 1993. 1993. Available online: ps pdf.
- Christian Mossin. "Polymorphic Binding Time Analysis". Masters Thesis. DIKU, University of Copenhagen. July 1993. Available online: ps pdf.
- Robert Glück and Jesper Jørgensen. "Generating Optimizing Specializers". IEEE International Conference on Computer Languages. 1994. Available online: ps pdf.
- Robert Glück and Jesper Jørgensen. "Generating Transformers for Deforestation and Supercompilation". Static Analysis 1994. 1994. Available online: ps pdf.
- Robert Glück, John Hatcliff and Jesper Jørgensen. "Generalization in Hierarchies of Online Program Specialization Systems". Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation 1999. 1999. Available online: ps pdf.
- Arne J. Glenstrup. "Terminator II: Stopping Partial Evaluation of Fully Recursive Programs". Masters Thesis. DIKU, University of Copenhagen. June 1999. Available online: ps pdf.
- Robert Glück, Y. Kawada and T. Hashimoto. "Transforming Interpreters into Inverse Interpreters by Partial Evaluation". Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Based Program Manipulation (PEPM 2003). 2003. Available online: ps pdf.
- Neil D. Jones and Arne J. Glenstrup. "Partial Evaluation Termination Analysis and Specialization-Point Insertion". Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems. 2004. Available online: ps pdf.
- Arne J. Glenstrup. "Implementation Notes for the Termination-Guaranteeing Binding-Time Analysis". December 2002. Available online: pdf.
September 25, 2004- Olivier Danvy. "Programming Techniques for Partial Evaluation". Marktoberdorf 1999. January 2000. Available online: ps pdf.
- Charles Consel and Olivier Danvy. "Partial Evaluation: Principles and Perspectives". Journees Francophones des Langages Applicatifs. February 1993. Available online: ps.
- Thant Tessman. "Adding Generic Functions to Scheme". SIGPLAN Notices. Volume 30. Number 5. May 1995. Available online: pdf.
- Dipanwita Sarkar, Oscar Waddell and R. Kent Dybvig. "A Nanopass Infrastructure for Compiler Education". International Conference on Functional Programming 2004 (ICFP2004). September 2004.
- David Herman and Philippe Meunier. "Improving the Static Analysis of Embedded Languages via Partial Evaluation". International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP2004). September 2004. Available online: ps pdf.
- Kenichi Asai. "Reflecting on the Metalevel Interpreter Written in Direct Style". International Lisp Conference 2003 (ILC 2003). October 2003. Available online: ps.
- Kenichi Asai. "Offline Partial Evaluation for Shift and Reset". Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Based Program Manipulation (PEPM '04). August 2004. Available online: ps.
- Kurt Nørmark. "Scheme Program Documentation Tools". 2004 Scheme Workshop. September 2004. Available online: ps pdf.
- Stephen Paul Carl. "A Framework for Memory-Management Experimentation". 2004 Scheme Workshop. September 2004. Available online: ps pdf.
- Ilya Bagrak and Olin Shivers. "trx: Regular-Tree Expressions, now in Scheme". 2004 Scheme Workshop. September 2004. Available online: ps pdf.
- Mike MacHenry and Jacob Matthews. "Topsl: a Domain-Specific Language for On-Line Surveys". 2004 Scheme Workshop. September 2004. Available online: ps pdf.
- Scott Owens, Matthew Flatt, Olin Shivers and Benjamin McMullan. "Lexer and Parser Generators in Scheme". 2004 Scheme Workshop. September 2004. Available online: ps pdf.
- Kathryn E. Gray and Matthew Flatt. "Compiling Java to PLT Scheme". 2004 Scheme Workshop. September 2004. Available online: ps pdf.
- Eli Barzilay and Dmitry Orlovsky. "Foreign Interface for PLT Scheme". 2004 Scheme Workshop. September 2004. Available online: ps pdf.
- Damien Ciabrini. "Debugging Scheme Fair Threads". 2004 Scheme Workshop. September 2004. Available online: ps pdf.
- Stéphane Epardaud. "Mobile Reactive Programming in ULM". 2004 Scheme Workshop. September 2004. Available online: ps pdf.
- Chung-chieh Shan. "Shift to Control". 2004 Scheme Workshop. September 2004. Available online: ps pdf.
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- Paul T. Graunke, Robert Bruce Findler, Shriram Krishnamurthi, Matthias Felleisen. "Modeling Web Interactions". European Symposium on Programming (ESOP). April 2003. Available online: ps pdf.
The 2001 additions and 2002 additions are archived on separate pages. 
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