|  | Applications of SchemeThe XML and Web Programming section now has its own page Programming Pearls in Scheme- Jeremiah Willcock, Andrew Lumsdaine and Daniel Quinlan. "Tabled execution in Scheme (Scheme Pearl)". 2008 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2008. Available online: pdf.
- Shriram Krishnamurthi. "Automata as Macros". Journal of Functional Programming. 2005. Available online: downloadable paper.
- Ronald Garcia and Andrew Lumsdaine. "Type Classes Without Types". 2005 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2005. Available online: ps pdf.
- Sebastian Egner. "Eager Comprehensions in Scheme: The design of SRFI-42". 2005 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2005. Available online: ps pdf.
- Oleg Kiselyov. "Towards the best collection API (extended abstract)". Lightweight Languages 2003 (LL3) workshop. November 2003. Available online: html.
- Mads Sig Ager, Olivier Danvy and Henning Korsholm Rohde. "On Obtaining Knuth, Morris, and Pratt's String Matcher by Partial Evaluation". ASIAN Symposium on Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Based Program Manipulation, ASIA-PEPM '02. July 2002. Available online: ps pdf.
- Matthias Felleisen. "Recursion and Circularity: Extended Puzzle with Solution". Indiana University. TR-201. October 1986.
- Hal Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman. "LISP: A Language for Stratified Design". MIT AI Lab. AI Lab Memo AIM-986. August 1987. Available online: ps pdf.
- Hal Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman. "Lisp: A Language for Stratified Design". BYTE. February 1988.
- Daniel P. Friedman. "From Direct Style to Monadic Style through Continuation-Passing Style". 2002. Available online: ps pdf.
- Daniel P. Friedman. "Direct Style from Monadic Style and Back". 2002. Available online: ps pdf.
- Jonathan Sobel, Erik Hilsdale, R. Kent Dybvig, Daniel P. Friedman. "Abstraction and Performance from Explicit Monadic Reflection". 2005 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2005. Available online: ps pdf.
- Jonathon Sobel and Daniel P. Friedman. "Recycling Continuations". 1998 International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP'98). September 1998. Available online: ps pdf.
- Oleg Kiselyov. "Binary parsing". A micro-talk presentation at a Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming 2000. September 2000. Available online: html.
- Oleg Kiselyov. "General ways to traverse collections". April 2000. Available online: html.
- Oleg Kiselyov. "Monadic Programming in Scheme". January 2002. Available online: html.
- John Franco and Daniel P. Friedman. "Creating Efficient Programs by Exchanging Data for Procedures". Indiana University. Computer Science Technical Report 245. March 1988.
- John Franco and Daniel P. Friedman. "Creating Efficient Programs by Exchanging Data for Procedures". Journal of Computer Languages. Vol. 4. Num. 1. 1989.
- Olivier Danvy. "Programming with Tighter Control". BIGRE Bulletin. 65. July 1989.
- Olivier Danvy. "On listing list prefixes". Lisp Pointers. Vol. 2. No. 3-4. January 1989.
- Olivier Danvy. "Combiner Logiquement en Scheme". BIGRE Bulletin. 65. July 1989.
Programming Environments- Guillaume Cartier and Louis-Julien Guillemette. "JazzScheme: Evolution of a Lisp-Based Development System". 2010 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. August 2010. Available online: pdf.
- Robert Bruce Findler, John Clements, Cormac Flanagan, Matthew Flatt, Shriram Krishnamurthi, Paul A. Steckler and Matthias Felleisen. "DrScheme: A Programming Environment for Scheme". Journal of Functional Programming. 2002. Available online: ps pdf.
- Robert Bruce Findler, Cormac Flanagan, Matthew Flatt, Shriram Krishnamurthi and Matthias Felleisen. "DrScheme: A Pedagogic Programming Environment for Scheme". International Symposium on Programming Languages: Implementations, Logics, and Programs (PLILP 97). 1997. Available online: ps.
- John Clements, Paul T. Graunke, Shriram Krishnamurthi and Matthias Felleisen. "Little Languages and their Programming Environments". Proceedings of Monterey Workshop 2001. 2001. Available online: pdf.
- John Clements, Shriram Krishnamurthi, Matthias Felleisen. "Little Languages and their Programming Environments ". Rice University. TR 99-350. 1999. Available online: pdf ps.
- Manuel Serrano. "Bee: an Integrated Development Environment for the Scheme Programming Language". Journal of Functional Programming '00. May 2000. Available online: ps.
- Michael A. Eisenberg. "Bochser: An Integrated Scheme Programming System". Massachusetts Institute of Technology. MIT Computer Science Technical Report 349. October 1985.
- Robert Strandh. "OOOZ, A multi-User Programming Environment Based on Scheme". BIGRE Bulletin. 65. July 1989.
Modular Interpreters- Guy Lewis Steele, Jr. and Gerald Jay Sussman. "The Art of the Interpreter of, the Modularity Complex (Parts Zero, One, and Two)". MIT AI Lab. AI Lab Memo AIM-453. May 1978. Available online: ps pdf.
- David Espinosa. "Language Extensibility via First-class Interpreters and Constructive Modules". Department of Computer Science, Columbia University. April 1993. Available online: ps.
- David Espinosa. "Semantic Lego". Department of Computer Science, Columbia University. January 1994. Available online: ps.
- David Espinosa. "Building Interpreters by Transforming Stratified Monads". Department of Computer Science, Columbia University. April 1994. Available online: ps.
- David Espinosa. "Semantic Lego". PhD. Thesis. 1995. Available online: ps.
- Steven E. Ganz and Daniel P. Friedman. "A Modular Monadic Interpreter In Scheme With Objects". Indiana University Computer Science Department. Technical Report #548. October 2000. Available online: ps pdf.
- Olivier Danvy, Juergen Koslowski and Karoline Malmkjær. "Compiling Monads". Kansas State University. CIS-92-3. December 1991. Available online: ps pdf.
Embedding Logic Programming in Scheme- William E. Byrd and Daniel P. Friedman. "From Variadic Functions to Variadic Relations: A miniKanren Perspective". 2006 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2006. Available online: pdf.
- William E. Byrd and Daniel P. Friedman. "lpha Kanren - A Fresh Name in Nominal Logic Programming". 2007 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2007. Available online: pdf.
- Andrew W. Keep, Michael D. Adams, Lindsey Kuper, William E. Byrd and Daniel P. Friedman. "A pattern-matcher for miniKanren -or- How to get into trouble with CPS macros". 2009 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. August 2009. Available online: pdf.
- Claire E. Alvis, Jeremiah J. Willcock, Kyle M. Carter, William E. Byrd and Daniel P. Friedman. "cKanren: miniKanren with Constraints". 2011 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. October 2011. Available online: pdf.
- Daniel P. Friedman and Oleg Kiselyov. "A Logic System with First-Class Relations". May 2004. Available online: ps pdf.
- R. Kent Dybvig, Daniel P. Friedman, and Michael Y. Levin. "Implementation strategies for Scheme-based Prolog systems". 1998. Available online: ps pdf.
- Erik Ruf and Daniel Weise. "LogScheme: Integrating Logic Programming into Scheme". LISP and Symbolic Computation. 3(3). September 1990. Available online: .
- Christopher T. Haynes. "Logic Continuations". Journal of Logic Programming. Vol. 4. 1987.
- Mitchell Wand. "A Semantic Algebra for Logic Programming". Indiana University. TR-148. August 1983.
- Michael C. Rubenstein and Richard M. Salter. "Computationally Extended Logic Programming". Journal of Computer Languages. Vol. 12. Num. 1. 1987.
- Matthias Felleisen. "Transliterating Prolog into Scheme". Indiana University. Computer Science Technical Report 182. October 1985.
- Amitabh Srivastava, Don Oxley and Aditya Srivastava. "An (other) Integration of Logic and Functional Programming". Proceedings of the Symposium on Logic Programming. 1985.
- Christopher T. Haynes. "Logic Continuations". Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Logic Programming. July 1986.
- Pierre Bonzon. "A Metacircular Evaluator for a Logical Extension of Scheme". Lisp and Symbolic Computation: An International Journal. 3. 2. March 1990. Available online: .
- Christian Queinnec. "Compilation of Non-Linear, Second Order Patterns on S-Expressions". International Workshop PLILP '90 - Programming Language: Implementation and Logic Programming. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 456. August 1990. Available online: ps.
- Erik Ruf and Daniel Weise. "Nondeterminism and unification in LogScheme: integrating logic and functional programming". Proceedings of the fourth international conference on Functional programming languages and computer architecture. September 1989. Available online: ACM Digital Library.
- J. Michael Ashley and Richard M. Salter. "A Revised State Space Model for a Logic Programming Embedding in Scheme". BIGRE Bulletin. 65. July 1989.
Hardware Design and 'Scheme Machines'- Guy Lewis Steele, Jr. and Gerald Jay Sussman. "Design of LISP-based Processors, or SCHEME: A Dielectric LISP, or Finite Memories Considered Harmful, or LAMBDA: The Ultimate Opcode". MIT AI Lab. AI Lab Memo AIM-514. March 1979. Available online: ps pdf.
- Xavier Saint-Mleux, Marc Feeley and Jean-Pierre David. "SHard: a Scheme to Hardware Compiler". 2006 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2006. Available online: pdf.
- Andrew A. Berlin and Henry M. Wu. "Scheme86: a system for interpreting scheme". Proceedings of the 1988 ACM conference on LISP and functional programming. July 1988. Available online: ACM Digital Library.
- Henry M. Wu. "Scheme 86: An Architecture for Microcoding a Scheme Interpreter". Massachusetts Institute of Technology. AIM-953. August 1988. Available online: ps pdf.
- Henry M. Wu. "Performance Evaluation of the Scheme 86 and HP Precision Architecture". Masters Thesis. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. AITR-1103. April 1989. Available online: ps pdf.
- Andrew A. Berlin and Henry M. Wu. "Scheme86: A System for Interpreting Scheme". Massachusetts Institute of Technology. AIM-1040. April 1988. Available online: ps pdf.
- Robert G. Burger. "The Scheme Machine". Indiana University, Computer Science Department. Technical Report 413. August 1994. Available online: ps.
- M. Esen Tuna, Steven D. Johnson and Robert G. Burger. "Continuations in Hardware-Software Codesign". IEEE Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Design. October 1994. Available online: ps.
- Steven D. Johnson. "Formal derivation of a scheme computer". Indiana University Computer Science Department. Technical Report 544. September 2000. Available online: ps pdf.
- Guy Lewis Steele, Jr. and Gerald Jay Sussman. "Design of a Lisp-based Processor". CACM. 23. 11. November 1980. Available online: ACM Digital Library.
- Gerald Jay Sussman, Jack Holloway, Guy Lewis Steele, Jr. and Alan Bell. "Scheme-79 - Lisp on a Chip". IEEE Computer. 14. 7. July 1981.
- Gerald Jay Sussman, Jack Holloway, Guy Lewis Steele, Jr. and Alan Bell. "The Scheme-79 Chip". MIT AI Laboratory. AI Memo 559. January 1980. Available online: ps pdf.
- John Batali, Edmund Goodhue, Chris Hanson, Howie Shrobe, Richard M. Stallman and Gerald Jay Sussman. "The Scheme-81 Architecture - System and Chip". Proceedings, Conference on Advanced Research in VLSI. 1982.
- Wim Vanderbauwhede. "Gannet: a Scheme for Task-level Reconfiguration of Service-based Systems-on-Chip". 2007 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2007. Available online: pdf.
Graphical Applications- Ken Dickey. "Thinking Scheme". 2008 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2008. Available online: pdf.
- Daniel Ignatoff, Gregory H. Cooper and Shriram Krishnamurthi. "Crossing State Lines: Adapting Object-Oriented Frameworks to Functional Reactive Languages". Functional and Logic Programming Symposium. 2006. Available online: downloadable paper.
- Erick Gallesio and Manuel Serrano. "Programming Graphical User Interfaces with Scheme". Journal of Functional Programming. Vol. 13, No. 5. September 2003. Available online: ps.
- Erick Gallesio and Manuel Serrano. "Biglook: a Widget Library for the Scheme Programming Language". 2002 Usenix annual technical conference. June 2002. Available online: html.
- Alexander Friedman and Jamie Raymond. "PLoT Scheme". Scheme Workshop 2003. November 2003. Available online: ps pdf.
- Paul T. Graunke and Shriram Krishnamurthi. "Advanced Control Flows for Flexible Graphical User Interfaces". International Conference on Software Engineering. 2002. Available online: ps pdf.
- Paul Haahr. "Montage: Breaking Windows into Small Pieces". Summer 1990 Usenix Conference. 1990. Available online: html.
- Brian Beckman. "A Scheme for Interactive Graphics". Computer Graphics Laboratory, NASA JPL. July 1990. Available online: ps.
- Brian Beckman. "A Scheme for Little Languages in Interactive Graphics". Software-Practice and Experience. 21. 2. Feb 1991.
- Pee Hong Chen and L. David Sabbagh. "Scheme as an Interactive Graphics Programming Environment". Indiana University. Computer Science Technical Report No. 166. March 1985.
- Pee Hong Chen, W. Y. Chi, Eric M. Ost, L. David Sabbagh and George Springer. "Scheme Graphics Reference Manual". Indiana University . Computer Science Technical Report No. 145. August 1983.
- Andréa Pic and Michel Briand. "Visual Programming with Generators". BIGRE Bulletin. 65. July 1989.
- Michael A. Eisenberg. "Programmable Applications: Interpreter Meets Interface". MIT AI Lab. AIM-1325. October 1991. Available online: ps pdf.
- Jean-Francois Rotge. "SGDL-Scheme: A high-level algorithmic language for projective solid modeling programming". Scheme and Functional Programming 2000. September 2000. Available online: ps pdf.
- Scott Draves. "Compiler Generation for Interactive Graphics using Intermediate Code". Partial Evaluation: Dagstuhl Seminar. LNCS 1110. February 1996. Available online: ps pdf.
- Scott Draves. "Automatic Program Specialization for Interactive Media". PhD. Thesis. Carnegie Mellon University. Available online: ps pdf.
Scheme in Education- Guillaume Marceau, Kathi Fisler and Shriram Krishnamurthi. "Measuring the Effectiveness of Error Messages Designed for Novice Programmers". 2010 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. August 2010. Available online: pdf.
- Mehmet Fatih Köksal, Remzi Emre Başar, Suzan Üsküdarlı. "Screen-Replay: A Session Recording and Analysis Tool for DrScheme". 2009 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. August 2009. Available online: pdf.
- Abdulaziz Ghuloum. "An Incremental Approach to Compiler Construction". 2006 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2006. Available online: pdf.
- Dipanwita Sarkar, Oscar Waddell and R. Kent Dybvig. "A Nanopass Infrastructure for Compiler Education". International Conference on Functional Programming 2004 (ICFP2004). September 2004.
- Matthias Felleisen, Robert Bruce Findler, Matthew Flatt and Shriram Krishnamurthi. "The Structure and Interpretation of the Computer Science Curriculum". Journal of Functional Programming. 2004. Available online: ps pdf.
- Matthias Felleisen, Robert Bruce Findler, Matthew Flatt and Shriram Krishnamurthi. "The TeachScheme! Project: Computing and Programming for Every Student". Computer Science Education. 2004. Available online: ps pdf.
- Timothy J. Hickey. "Incorporating Scheme-based web programming in computer-literacy courses". Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming (2002). October 2002. Available online: pdf.
- Christian Queinnec. "A library for quizzes". Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming (2002). October 2002. Available online: ps pdf.
- Anne Brygoo, Titou Durand, Pascal Manoury, Christian Queinnec and Michèle Soria. "Experiment around a training engine". IFIP WCC 2002 - World Computer Congress. August 2002. Available online: ps pdf.
- Anne Brygoo, Titou Durand, Pascal Manoury, Christian Queinnec and Michèle Soria. "Un cédérom pour scheme -- chacun son entraineur, un entraineur pour tous". TICE 2002. November 2002. Available online: ps pdf.
- Matthias Felleisen, Robert Bruce Findler, Matthew Flatt and Shriram Krishnamurthi. "The Structure and Interpretation of the Computer Science Curriculum". Functional and Declarative Programming in Education (FDPE2002). October 2002. Available online: ps pdf.
- Timothy J. Hickey. "Scheme-based Web Programming as a Basis for a CS0 Curriculum". September 2003. Available online: pdf.
- Timothy J. Hickey, J. Langton and R. Alterman. "Integrating Tools and Resources: a case study in building educational groupware for collaborative programming". Brandeis University. 2003. Available online: pdf.
- Timothy J. Hickey, R. Alterman, J. Langton. "TA Groupware". Brandeis University. Tech. Rep. CS-02-222. January 2002. Available online: pdf.
- Jacob Matthews, Robert Bruce Findler, Matthew Flatt, Matthias Felleisen. "A Visual Environment for Developing Context-Sensitive Term Rewriting Systems". International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications (RTA2004). 2004. Available online: pdf.
- Casey Klein and Robert Bruce Findler. "Randomized Testing in PLT Redex". 2009 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. August 2009. Available online: pdf.
Other Application Topics- Manuel Serrano. "HopTex, compiling HTML to LaTeX with CSS". 2011 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. October 2011. Available online: pdf.
- Aaron W. Hsu. "Implementing User-level Value-weak Hashtables". 2010 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. August 2010. Available online: pdf.
- Hari Prashanth and Sam Tobin-Hochstadt. "Functional Data Structures for Typed Racket". 2010 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. August 2010. Available online: pdf.
- John Moore. "Get stuffed: Tightly packed abstract protocols in Scheme". 2009 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. August 2009. Available online: pdf.
- Eli Barzilay. "The Scribble Reader: An Alternative to S-expressions for Textual Content". 2009 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. August 2009. Available online: pdf.
- Vincent St-Amour, Lysiane Bouchard and Marc Feeley. "Small Scheme Stack: a Scheme TCP/IP stack targeting small embedded applications". 2008 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2008. Available online: pdf.
- Kurt Nørmark. "Deriving a Comprehensive Document from a Concise Document - Document Engineering in Scheme". 2007 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2007. Available online: pdf.
- Richard Cleis and Keith Wilson. "Experiences with Scheme in an Electro-Optics Laboratory". 2006 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2006. Available online: pdf.
- Jessica Gronski, Kenneth Knowles, Aaron Tomb, Stephen N. Freund and Cormac Flanagan. "Sage: Hybrid Checking for Flexible Specifications". 2006 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2006. Available online: pdf.
- Jacob Matthews. "Component Deployment with PLaneT: You Want it Where?". 2006 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2006. Available online: pdf.
- Guillermo J. Rozas. "A Computational Model for Observation in Quantum Mechanics". Masters Thesis. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. AITR-925. March 1987. Available online: ps pdf.
- Martin Gasbichler and Eric Knauel. "Commander S - The shell as a browser". 2005 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2005. Available online: ps pdf.
- Erick Gallesio and Manuel Serrano. "Ubiquitous Mails". 2005 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2005. Available online: ps pdf.
- Jean-Michel Hufflen. "Implementing a Bibliography Processor in Scheme". 2005 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2005. Available online: ps pdf.
- Chongkai Zhu. "The Marriage of MrMathematica and MzScheme". 2005 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2005. Available online: ps pdf.
- Alan Pavicic and Niksa Bosnic. "ACT Parameterization Framework". 2005 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2005. Available online: ps pdf.
- Scott Owens, Matthew Flatt, Olin Shivers and Benjamin McMullan. "Lexer and Parser Generators in Scheme". 2004 Scheme Workshop. September 2004. Available online: ps pdf.
- Kathryn E. Gray and Matthew Flatt. "Compiling Java to PLT Scheme". 2004 Scheme Workshop. September 2004. Available online: ps pdf.
- Ilya Bagrak and Olin Shivers. "trx: Regular-Tree Expressions, now in Scheme". 2004 Scheme Workshop. September 2004. Available online: ps pdf.
- Mike MacHenry and Jacob Matthews. "Topsl: a Domain-Specific Language for On-Line Surveys". 2004 Scheme Workshop. September 2004. Available online: ps pdf.
- Gregory H. Cooper and Shriram Krishnamurthi. "FrTime: Functional Reactive Programming in PLT Scheme". April 2004. Available online: ps.
- Matthias Felleisen, Robert Bruce Findler, Matthew Flatt and Shriram Krishnamurthi. "Fostering Little Languages". Dr. Dobb's Journal. March 2004. Available online: Dr. Dobb's.
- Matthias Felleisen, Robert Bruce Findler, Matthew Flatt and Shriram Krishnamurthi. "Building Little Languages with Macros". Dr. Dobb's Journal. April 2004. Available online: Dr. Dobbs.
- Robert Bruce Findler, Matthew Flatt. "Slideshow: Functional Presentations". International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP2004). 2004. Available online: pdf.
- Kurt Nørmark. "Scheme Program Documentation Tools". 2004 Scheme Workshop. September 2004. Available online: ps pdf.
- David Herman and Philippe Meunier. "Improving the Static Analysis of Embedded Languages via Partial Evaluation". International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP2004). September 2004. Available online: ps pdf.
- Stéphane Epardaud. "Mobile Reactive Programming in ULM". 2004 Scheme Workshop. September 2004. Available online: ps pdf.
- Matthias Radestock. "Run Once, Write Anyway". International Lisp Conference (ILC) 2003. October 2003. Available online: pdf slides.
- Oleg Kiselyov. "An applicative-order term rewriting system for code generation, and its termination analysis". Eighteenth Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS 2003). June 2003. Available online: html.
- Pedro Pinto. "Dot-Scheme: A PLT Scheme FFI for the .NET framework". Scheme Workshop 2003. November 2003. Available online: ps pdf.
- Philippe Meunier and Daniel Silva. "From Python to PLT Scheme". Scheme Workshop 2003. November 2003. Available online: ps pdf.
- Dorai Sitaram. "Porting Scheme Programs". Scheme Workshop 2003. November 2003. Available online: ps pdf.
- Noel Welsh, Francisco Solsona and Ian Glover. "SchemeUnit and SchemeQL: Two little languages". Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming (2002). October 2002. Available online: ps pdf.
- Peter Lee and Uwe F. Pleban. "On the use of LISP in implementing denotational semantics". Proceedings of the 1986 ACM conference on LISP and functional programming. 1986. Available online: ACM Digital Library.
- Vincent Delacour. "Picolo Expresso". BIGRE Bulletin. 65. July 1989.
- Tan Gon Kim and Bernard P. Zeigler. "The DEVS-Scheme Modelling and Simulation Environment". BIGRE Bulletin. 65. July 1989.
- John Wade Ulrich. "Enumeration Algorithms and Non-deterministic Programming in Scheme". BIGRE Bulletin. 65. July 1989.
- Christian Mossin. "Partial evaluation of general parsers". Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN symposium on Partial evaluation and semantics-based program manipulation (PEPM'93). 1993. Available online: ACM Digital Library.
- Michael Sperber and Peter Thiemann. "The Essence of LR Parsing". Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Based Program Manipulation PEPM '95. June 1995. Available online: ps.
- Michael Sperber. "Computer-Assisted Lighting Design and Control". PhD. Thesis. University of Tübingen. June 2001. Available online: ps.
- Olin Shivers. "A universal scripting framework or Lambda: the ultimate little language". Concurrency and Parallelism, Programming, Networking, and Security. Lecture Notes in Computer Science #1179. 1996. Available online: ps.
- Olin Shivers. "A Scheme Shell - The design paper on the Scheme shell scsh". Personal Information Architecture Note 3. April 1994. Available online: ps.
- Olin Shivers and Brian D. Carlstrom. "Scsh reference manual". MIT Laboratory for Computer Science. November 1995. Available online: ps.
- Matthew Flatt, Robert Bruce Findler, Shriram Krishnamurthi and Matthias Felleisen. "Programming Languages as Operating Systems (or, Revenge of the Son of the Lisp Machine)". Proceedings of ICFP 99. 1999. Available online: pdf ps.
- Jonathan A. Rees. "A Security Kernel Based on the Lambda-Calculus". MIT AI Lab. AIM-1564. March 1996. Available online: ps pdf.
- Jonathan A. Rees and Bruce R. Donald. "Program mobile robots in Scheme". Proceedings of the 1992 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. 1992. Available online: ps.
- Jonathan A. Rees. "A Security Kernel Based on the Lambda-Calculus". PhD. Thesis. February 1995. Available online: ps.
- Marc Feeley, Martin Larose. "Etos: an Erlang to Scheme compiler". département d'informatique et r.o., Université de Montréal. Rapport technique 1079. Aout 1997. Available online: ps.
- Manuel Serrano and Pierre Weis. "1+1=1: an optimizing Caml compiler". Workshop on ML and its Applications, WML'94. 1994. Available online: ps pdf.
- Manuel Serrano. "Rgc: un générateur d'analyseurs lexicaux efficaces en Scheme". Proceedings of JFLA'92. 1992. Available online: ps.
- Bradley J. Lucier. "Numerical partial differential equations in Scheme". Scheme and Functional Programming 2000. September 2000. Available online: ps pdf.
- Frédéric Peschanski. "Jargons: Experimenting Composable Domain-Specific Languages". 2nd Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2001. Available online: ps pdf.
- Christian Queinnec. "Literate programming from scheme to TEX". Laboratoire d'Informatique de l'École Polytechnique. Research Report LIX RR 93.05. November 1993.
- Christian Queinnec and Jean-Marie Geffroy. "Partial evaluation applied to symbolic pattern matching with intelligent backtrack". WSA '92--Workshop on Static Analysis. September 1992. Available online: ps pdf.
- Christian Queinnec. "Struggle, The First Denotational Game". EuroPal '90 - European Conference on Lisp and its Practical Applications. March 1990. Available online: ps.
- Aaron W. Hsu. "Hygienic Literate Programming: Lessons from ChezWEB". 2011 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. October 2011. Available online: pdf.
- Mayer Goldberg. "A variadic extension of Curry's fixed-point combinator". Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming (2002). October 2002. Available online: ps pdf.
- Danny Dubé and Anass Kadiri. "Automatic construction of parse trees for lexemes". 2006 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2006. Available online: pdf.
- Eli Barzilay. "A Self-Hosting Evaluator using HOAS". 2006 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. September 2006. Available online: pdf.

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