
250 lines
6.3 KiB

name sound
title PC Scheme XLI interface to sound
page 84,120
comment ~
This program provides access to the PC's sound-generating devices.
It demonstrates an XLI interface written in assembly language.
User documentation is available under XLI\SOUND.DOC. SOUND.EXE is
already provided and can be used immediately by inserting its pathname
in your .XLI control file.
To generate SOUND.EXE yourself, do the following (substituting
directory names and setting the path as needed; Microsoft's
Macro Assembler version 4.0 was used):
masm sound;
link sound;
DATA segment byte public 'DATA'
assume DS:DATA
datastart = $
; Equates
ppi_port equ 61h ;Programmable Peripheral Interface port#
timer_port equ 42h ;timer chip port#
;reset timer is port# + 1
timer_mask equ 00000001b ;mask to extract timer bit 1=on
spkr_mask equ 00000010b ;mask to extract speaker bit 1=on
;;; ----- Equates -----
; offsets into the PSP
term_addr equ 0Ah
fb_addr equ 5Ch
;;; ----- Data structures -----
; file block
file_block label word
dw 4252h
dw 0011b ;flags = 0,0,16-bit,near
dw offset lookup_table, seg lookup_table
dw offset parm_block, seg parm_block
dw 8 dup (0) ;reserved
; parameter block
parm_block label word
dw 0 ;selector
dw 0 ;ssr
dw 8 dup (0) ;ssr args
dw 8 dup (0) ;reserved
dw 0 ;return value type
dw 4 dup (0) ;return value
; begin arguments
over dw ? ;overlay the 2 sound sources? (you and timer)
; 0 - enable/disable sound commands
; 1 - timer only
; (processor-speed independent)
; 2 - manual control only
; (processor-speed dependent)
; 3 - overlay manual control with timer
; (processor-speed dependent)
; 4 - speaker off
freq dw ? ;timer chip set to this frequency
dura dw ? ;duration
pitch dw ? ;pitch (silent section)
pitch2 dw ? ;pitch (voiced section)
; lookup table
lookup_table label word
db 'sound//'
; other needed values
psp dw ? ;PSP segment address
psize dw ? ;size of program in paragraphs
xwait dw 2 dup (?) ;XLI wait address
xbye dw 2 dup (?) ;XLI bye address
; Local data
;;; ----- Constants -----
clock dd 1193180 ;main clock frequency (Hz)
;;; ----- Variables -----
tmask db ? ;reflects state of timer mask
enable dw 1 ;enabled flag; 0=no, 1=yes
datasize = $-datastart
DATA ends
STACK segment word stack 'STACK'
stackstart = $
dw 16 dup (?)
stacksize = $ - stackstart
STACK ends
PROG segment byte public 'PROG'
progstart = $
; The XLI interface.
main proc far ;this file's initial entry point
; Initialization
mov AX,data
mov DS,AX
mov psp,ES ;save PSP@
mov word ptr ES:fb_addr,offset file_block ;poke file block@
mov word ptr ES:fb_addr+2,seg file_block ;into PSP
mov AX,ES:term_addr ;calc ptrs in PCS to jump to
add AX,3
mov xwait,AX
add AX,3
mov xbye,AX
mov AX,ES:term_addr+2
mov xwait+2,AX
mov xbye+2,AX
mov psize,plen ;calc program size
; Suspend this program until an XCALL comes in, or until PCS terminates.
hloop: push psp
push psize
call dword ptr [xwait] ;connect to PCS
pop ax
pop ax
cmp ax,0
jnz case0
call dword ptr [xbye] ;disconnect from PCS
; The individual cases (just one, here).
cmp over,0 ;enable/disable sound?
jnz check ;no, jump
mov ax,freq ;set flag appropriately
mov enable,ax
mov dx,0
jmp short exit ;turn off sound before exiting
check: cmp enable,0 ;is sound enabled?
jz hloop ;no, exit
cmp over,4 ;silence?
jnz s1 ;no, jump
mov dx,freq
exit: in al,ppi_port ;turn off speaker bit
and al,not spkr_mask
out ppi_port,al
cmp dx,0 ;delay before returning?
jne timed ;yes, jump
jmp hloop ;no, return immediately to PC Scheme
s1: cmp over,1 ;timer only?
jnz s2 ;no, jump
call init_timer
in al,ppi_port
or al,spkr_mask OR timer_mask
out ppi_port,al
cmp dura,0 ;if duration=0,
jz hloop ;exit without turning sound off
timed: mov tmask,0 ;x (time filler)
mov bx,dura
again1: mov cx,pitch
nop ;x
nop ;x
nop ;x
here1a: loop here1a
nop ;x
nop ;x
nop ;x
or al,tmask ;x
mov cx,pitch2
here1b: loop here1b
dec bx
jnz again1
xor dx,dx ;clear DX for exiting
jmp exit
s2: cmp over,2 ;manual control only?
jnz s3 ;no, jump
mov tmask,0 ;reset timer-bit mask
merge: mov bx,dura ;BX is duration
in al,ppi_port
again2: and al,not (spkr_mask OR timer_mask) ;turn off speaker
out ppi_port,al
mov cx,pitch ;CX is first half of pitch half-cycle
here2a: loop here2a
or al,spkr_mask ;turn on speaker
or al,tmask ;include timer bit state
out ppi_port,al
mov cx,pitch2 ;CX is second half of pitch half-cycle
here2b: loop here2b
dec bx
jnz again2
xor dx,dx ;clear DX for exiting
jmp exit
s3: cmp over,3 ;both?
jnz error ;no, jump; error
call init_timer
mov tmask,timer_mask ;set timer-bit mask
jmp merge
error: jmp exit
main endp
init_timer proc
mov al,182 ;reset timer chip
out timer_port+1,al
mov ax,word ptr clock ;calc number to give to timer chip
mov dx,word ptr clock+2 ; = 1193180 / freq
mov bx,freq
mov cx,20 ;avoid underflow
cmp bx,cx ;(occurs for divisors <= 18)
jge it_10
mov bx,cx
it_10: div bx
out timer_port,al ;send number to timer chip
mov al,ah
out timer_port,al
init_timer endp
progsize = $-progstart
plen equ (progsize+datasize+stacksize+100h+20h)/16
PROG ends
end main