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;* TIPC Scheme '84 Runtime Support *
;* Bignum Math Utilities *
;* *
;* (C) Copyright 1984,1985 by Texas *
;* Instruments Incorporated. *
;* All rights reserved. *
;* *
;* Date Written: June 1984 *
;* Last Modification: 27 May 1986 *
include scheme.equ
DGROUP group data
data segment word public 'DATA'
assume DS:DGROUP
data ends
PROGX segment byte public 'PROGX'
; Convert a bignum to a flonum
; Calling sequence: big2flo(bigptr,floptr)
; Where: bigptr ---- pointer to bignum workspace
; floptr ---- pointer to flonum
b2fargs struc
dw ? ;Caller's BP
dd ? ;Return address
dw ? ;Another return address
big dw ? ;Pointer to bignum
flo dw ? ;Pointer to flonum
b2fargs ends
%big2flo proc far
push BP
mov BP,SP
cld ;Direction forward
mov SI,[BP].big ;Point DS:SI to working bignum
mov CX,[SI] ;Get size
cmp CX,3
ja all64 ;Jump if at least 64 bits
add SI,3 ;Point to bignum proper
xor BX,BX
xor DI,DI
lodsw ;Fetch least sig. word
mov DX,AX ;Store in DX
dec CX
jcxz smljust ;Jump if no more bignum words
lodsw ;Else get next least sig. word
mov DI,AX
dec CX
jcxz smljust ;Jump if no more bignum words
lodsw ;Get 3rd least sig. word
mov BX,AX
smljust: xor AX,AX ;Clear most sig. word
jmp short justify ;Left-justify the number
all64: shl CX,1 ;Point SI to 4th most sig. word
add SI,CX
sub SI,5
lodsw ;Load bignum into registers
mov DX,AX
mov DI,AX
mov BX,AX
;JUSTIFY: At this stage, the 64 most significant bignum bits are in
; AX:BX:DI:DX respectively, AX most significant
justify: mov SI,[BP].big ;Fetch pointer to bignum again
mov CX,[SI] ;Get size (words)
cmp CX,40h
ja toobig ;Jump if bignum too big
cmp CX,4 ;Skip if not a small bignum
jae enough
mov CX,4 ;Otherwise, start with constant
enough: shl CX,1 ;Multiply by 16 (size in bits)
shl CX,1
shl CX,1
shl CX,1
justflp: dec CX ;Reduce exponent
shl DX,1 ;Shift bignum left
rcl DI,1
rcl BX,1
rcl AX,1
jnc justflp ;Until most significant 1 vanishes
add CX,3ffh ;Add flonum exponent constant
mov SI,DI ;Now use SI for num, DI for address
shftrt: shr CX,1 ;Shift CX:AX:BX:SI:DX as one
rcr AX,1
rcr BX,1
rcr SI,1
rcr DX,1
cmp CX,80h ;Until most sig. exponent bit is in 2nd
jae shftrt ; most sig. bit of CL
mov DI,[BP].big ;Get pointer to bignum again
test byte ptr[DI]+2,1 ;Negative?
jz posskip ;No, skip
or CL,80h ;Set sign bit
posskip: mov DI,[BP].flo ;Point ES:DI to flonum
push AX ;Save part of new flonum
mov AL,DH ;Write to flonum space
mov AX,SI
mov AX,BX
pop AX
mov AL,CL
xor AX,AX ;Return 0 if all well
pop BP ;Restore BP
toobig: mov AX,1 ;Return 1 if conversion impossible
pop BP
%big2flo endp
; Convert fixnum to bignum
; Calling sequence: fix2big(fixnum,bigptr)
; Where: fixnum ---- Integer of small absolute value
; bigptr ---- Pointer to bignum space
f2bargs struc
dw ? ;Caller's BP
dd ? ;Return address
dw ? ;Another return address
fix dw ? ;Fixnum
bigp dw ? ;Pointer to bignum
f2bargs ends
%fix2big proc far
push BP
mov BP,SP
mov DI,[BP].bigp ;Point ES:DI to bignum
mov AX,1 ;Fill size field
xor AL,AL ;Clear AL
mov BX,[BP].fix ;Fetch fixnum value
shl BX,1 ;Put sign bit in AL
rcl AL,1
stosb ;Fill sign field
sar BX,1 ;Restore fixnum
or AL,AL ;Negative fixnum?
jz posfx ;Skip if positive
neg BX ;Otherwise, find absolute value
posfx: mov [DI],BX ;Store magnitude of fixnum
pop BP ;Restore BP
%fix2big endp
;;;; Decrement bignum
;;;; Calling sequence: sub1big(buf)
;;;; Where: buf ---- pointer to bignum
;;;unibig struc
;;; dw ? ;Return address
;;;bbuf dw ? ;Pointer to working bignum
;;;unibig ends
;;; public sub1big
;;;sub1big proc far
;;; mov BX,SP ;Get bignum pointer
;;; mov SI,SS:[BX].bbuf
;;; test byte ptr[SI]+2,1 ;Is bignum negative?
;;; jnz incbig ;If so, increase magnitude
;;; jmp short decbig ;Else decrease magnitude
;;;sub1big endp
;;;; Increment bignum
;;;; Calling sequence: add1big(buf)
;;; public add1big
;;;add1big proc far
;;; mov BX,SP ;Get bignum pointer
;;; mov SI,SS:[BX].bbuf
;;; test byte ptr[SI]+2,1 ;Is bignum negative?
;;; jnz decbig ;Yes, decrease magnitude
;;;;INCBIG increments magnitude of working bignum at DS:SI
;;;incbig: mov DI,SI ;Save bignum pointer
;;; mov CX,[SI] ;Get length (words)
;;; add SI,3 ;Point to bignum proper
;;;carrylp: inc word ptr[SI] ;Increment bignum
;;; jnz done ;If no carry, finished
;;; inc SI ;Else go to next word
;;; inc SI
;;; loop carrylp ;Loop while not end of bignum
;;; mov word ptr[SI],1 ;Else place final 1
;;; inc word ptr[DI] ;Lengthen bignum
;;;done: ret
;;;;DECBIG decrements magnitude of working bignum at DS:SI
;;;decbig: mov DI,SI ;Save pointer
;;; mov CX,[SI] ;Get length
;;; add SI,3 ;Point to bignum proper
;;; dec CX ;CX = (length - 1)
;;;borrowlp: lodsw ;Load current word
;;; sub AX,1 ;Decrement and store
;;; mov [SI-2],AX
;;; jnc done ;Jump if no borrow
;;; loop borrowlp ;Loop if not on last word
;;; dec word ptr[SI] ;Else decrement last word
;;; jnz done ;Jump if bignum not to be shortened
;;; dec word ptr[DI] ;Else shorten
;;; ret
;;;add1big endp
; set up big1's index for comparison, used with %magcomp
%pbig1 proc near
shl CX,1
dec SI
add SI,CX
shr CX,1
%pbig1 endp
; set up big1's index for comparison, used with %magcomp
%pbig2 proc near
shl CX,1
dec DI
add DI,CX
shr CX,1
%pbig2 endp
; Compare magnitudes of two bignums
; Calling sequence: data = magcomp(big1,big2)
; Where: big1,big2 -- pointers to bignum buffers
; data ------- a positive integer as follows:
; Bit 0 set iff |BIG1| < |BIG2|
; Bit 1 set iff |BIG1| > |BIG2|
; Bit 2 set iff BIG1 < BIG2
; Bit 3 set iff BIG1 > BIG2
; Bit 4 set iff BIG1,BIG2 have same sign
twobigs struc
dd ? ;Return address
dw ? ;Another return address
big1 dw ? ;First bignum
big2 dw ? ;Second bignum
twobigs ends
%magcomp proc far
xor AL,AL ;Clear AL
xor DX,DX ; clear DX
mov BX,SP ;Fetch bignum pointers
mov SI,[BX].big1
mov DI,[BX].big2
mov AH,[SI]+2 ;Get sign bits
mov DH,[DI]+2
xor DH,AH ;Put XOR of signs into carry
shr DH,1
jc sgnskp ;Jump if different signs
or AL,16 ;Else set proper bit in AL
sgnskp: rcl AH,1
mov CX,[SI] ;Get BIG1's length
mov DX,[DI] ; get BIG2's length
cld ;Direction forward
cmpsw ;Compare lengths
jb bigr2 ;Jump if BIG2 longer
ja bigr1 ;Jump if BIG1 longer
same_ln: call %pbig1 ;If same size, point SI,DI to last words
call %pbig2 ; (most significant)
std ;Direction backward
repe cmpsw ;Repeat until unequal
jb rbig2
ja rbig1
test AH,1 ;Signs same?
jz compend ;Yes, exit
difsign: test AH,2 ;Is BIG1 positive?
jnz grtr2 ;No, BIG2 is greater
jz grtr1 ;Else BIG1 is greater
bigr1: call %pbig1
cmp word ptr [SI],0 ; check high word,
jne rbig1 ; big1 is really bigger
mov SI,[BX].big1 ; restore SI
inc SI
inc SI
dec CX ; high order word is empty
cmp CX,DX ; compare length's again
je same_ln ; same length
jmp bigr1 ; repeat until unequal or same lengths
rbig1: or AL,2 ;Set the |BIG1|>|BIG2| bit
test AH,1 ;Signs same?
jnz difsign ;No, different signs
test AH,2 ;Both positive?
jnz grtr2 ;No, so BIG2 is greater
grtr1: or AL,8 ;Set the BIG1>BIG2 bit
cld ; Set direction forward (JCJ-12/6/84)
bigr2: push CX
mov CX,DX ; swap CX and DX
pop DX
call %pbig2 ; Set up big2's pointers
cmp word ptr [DI],0 ; check high word
jne rbig2 ; big2 really is bigger
mov DI,[BX].big2 ; restore DI
inc DI
inc DI
dec CX ; high order word is empty
cmp DX,CX ; compare length's again
je same_ln ;
jmp bigr2 ; repeat until unequal or same lengths
rbig2: or AL,1 ;Set the |BIG1|<|BIG2| bit
test AH,1 ;Signs same?
jnz difsign ;No, different signs
test AH,2 ;Both positive?
jnz grtr1 ;No, BIG1 is greater
grtr2: or AL,4 ;Set the BIG1<BIG2 bit
compend: cld ; Set direction forward (JCJ-12/6/84)
%magcomp endp
; Add magnitudes of bignums
; Calling sequence: bigadd(big1,big2)
; Where: big1 ---- bignum of lesser magnitude
; big2 ---- bignum of greater magnitude
; When done, BIG2 will hold the sum
%bigadd proc far
mov BX,SP ;Fetch bignum pointers
mov SI,[BX].big1
mov DI,[BX].big2
cld ;Direction forward
lodsw ;Get length of smaller bignum
mov CX,AX ;Save length
sub AX,[DI] ;Find and push difference in lengths
neg AX
push AX
inc SI ;Point SI,DI to bignums proper
add DI,3
clc ;Prepare to add
addlp: lodsw ;Fetch source addend
adc [DI],AX ;Add to destination addend
inc DI ;Point DI to next word
inc DI
loop addlp ;Do until smaller bignum exhausted
pop CX ;Fetch length difference (CF unchanged)
jnc doneadd ;Stop if no carry
mov SI,[BX].big2 ;Point SI to destination bignum
jcxz samlen ;Jump if bignums the same length
adclp: inc word ptr[DI] ;Otherwise, add carry
jnz doneadd ;Jump if no resultant carry
add DI,2 ;Point DI to next word
loop adclp ;Do until whole number is done or no carry
samlen: mov word ptr[DI],1 ;Store last carry
inc word ptr[SI] ;Note bignum's size increase
doneadd: ret
%bigadd endp
; Subtract magnitudes of bignums
; Calling sequence: bigsub(big1,big2)
; Where: big1 ---- bignum of lesser magnitude
; big2 ---- bignum of greater magnitude
; When done, BIG2 will hold the difference
; When done, BIG2 will hold the sum
%bigsub proc far
mov BX,SP ;Fetch pointers to bignums
mov SI,[BX].big1
mov DI,[BX].big2
cld ;Direction forward
lodsw ;Get length of smaller bignum
mov CX,AX
inc SI ;Point SI,DI to bignums proper
add DI,3
clc ;Prepare to subtract
sublp: lodsw ;Fetch subtrahend
sbb [DI],AX ;Subtract
inc DI ;Point DI to next word
inc DI
loop sublp ;Do until smaller bignum exhausted
jnc pack ;Jump if no borrow
borlp: mov AX,[DI] ;Fetch word
sub AX,1 ;Decrement and store
jc borlp ;Jump if further borrowing needed
pack: mov DI,[BX].big2 ;Fetch pointer to 2nd bignum
mov SI,DI ;Save pointer in SI
mov AX,[SI] ;Fetch bignum length
mov CX,AX ;Save (length-1) in CX
dec CX
shl AX,1 ;Point DI to last word of bignum
inc AX
add DI,AX
std ;Direction backward
xor AX,AX ;Find number of leading 0-words
repe scasw ; (not counting least sig. word)
jz smlskp ;Jump if only one non-0 word
inc CX ;Else, at least 2 non-0 words
smlskp: inc CX ;Form (length - # of leading 0-words)
mov [SI],CX ;Save in bignum size field
cld ;Clear the direction flag
%bigsub endp
; Multiply two bignums
; Calling sequence: bigmul(big1,big2,big3)
; Where: big1,big2 -- factors
; big3 ------- destination of product
mulargs struc
carry dw ? ;Multiplication carry
dw ? ;Caller's BP
dd ? ;Return address
dw ? ;Another return address
mbig1 dw ? ;Factor of greater magnitude
mbig2 dw ? ;Factor of lesser magnitude
mbig3 dw ? ;Product destination
mulargs ends
; When done, BIG2 will hold the sum
%bigmul proc far
push BP ;Save BP
dec SP ;Create space for multiplication carry
dec SP
mov BP,SP ;Point BP to args
cld ;Direction forward
mov SI,[BP].mbig1 ;Fetch factor pointers
mov DI,[BP].mbig2
lodsw ;Fetch BIG1's length
mov CX,AX ;Put sum of lengths in CX
add CX,[DI]
scasw ;Which has greater magnitude?
jae xchgskp ;Jump if BIG1 is not smaller
xchg DI,SI
xchgskp: lodsb ;Fetch one factor's sign
xor AL,[DI] ;XOR with the other factor's sign
inc DI ;Point DI to bignum proper
mov BX,DI ;And store in BX
mov DI,[BP].mbig3 ;Store length into product
xchg AX,CX
push AX ;Save total length of product
xchg AX,CX ;Store sign byte into product
push DI ;Set product to 0 over whole length
xor AX,AX
rep stosw
pop DI
xchg DI,BX ;Restore BX and DI
mov CX,[DI]-3 ;Fetch length of BIG2
sub BX,SI ;Point [BX+SI-2] to product
dec BX
dec BX
mov [BP].mbig1,SI ;Store pointer to data of BIG1
mullp2: push CX ;Save counter of BIG2 words
;Add (BIG1*part of BIG2) to current product
mov word ptr[BP].carry,0 ;Clear carry in
mov SI,[BP].mbig1 ;Fetch bignum pointer
mov CX,[SI]-3 ;Get number of words in bignum
mullp: lodsw ;Get factor part from BIG1
mul word ptr[DI] ;Multiply by factor part from BIG2
add AX,[BP].carry ;Add carry in
adc DX,0
add [BX+SI],AX ;Add product part into BIG3
adc DX,0 ;Adjust and store carry
mov [BP].carry,DX
loop mullp ;Continue for all BIG1
mov [BX+SI+2],DX ;Store carry remaining
pop CX ;Restore BIG2 counter
inc DI ;Point DI to next word in BIG2
inc DI
inc BX ;Point BX to next word in BIG3
inc BX
loop mullp2 ;Continue for all BIG2
mov BX,[BP].mbig3 ;Fetch pointer to BIG3 (beginning)
pop SI ;Point SI to last word of product
shl SI,1
inc SI
add SI,BX
cmp word ptr[SI],0 ;Test last word for zero
jnz muldone ;Done if not zero
dec word ptr[BX] ;Decrement bignum length
muldone: inc SP ;Discard temporary carry variable
inc SP
pop BP ;Restore BP
%bigmul endp
; Divide one bignum by another
; Calling sequence: bigdiv(dvdnd,dvsr,quot)
; Where: dvdnd ----- dividend
; dvsr ------ divisor
; quot ------ quotient
divargs struc
dw ? ;Caller's BP
dvsrsz dw ? ;Size of divisor (words)
bitcount dw ? ;Estimated bits in quotient
align dw ? ;Alignment of dividend to divisor
ldvsr dw ? ;Pointer to last word of divisor
dd ? ;Return address
dw ? ;Another return address
dvdnd dw ? ;Dividend
dvsr dw ? ;Divisor
quot dw ? ;Quotient
divargs ends
; When done, BIG2 will hold the sum
%bigdiv proc far
sub SP,8 ;Room for local variables
push BP
mov BP,SP
mov DI,[BP].quot ;Get pointers to arguments
mov SI,[BP].dvdnd
mov BX,[BP].dvsr
cld ;Direction forward
lodsw ;Get dividend length
mov CX,[BX] ;Fetch divisor length
cmp CX,1 ;Check divisor for 0
jne dvsrok
cmp word ptr[BX]+3,0 ;Check divisor data word
jnz dvsrok
mov AX,CX ;Put nonzero value in AX
pop BP
add SP,8 ;Restore stack
ret ;Exit
dvsrok: inc BX ;Point BX+1 to divisor sign
mov DX,CX ;Find & store pointer to last divisor word
shl DX,1
add DX,BX
mov [BP].ldvsr,DX
sub AX,CX ;Find dividend-divisor length difference
mov DX,AX ;Save in DX for now
inc AX ;Store maximum quotient length (words)
inc CX ;Save length of working divisor
mov [BP].dvsrsz,CX
dec AX ;Find and store quotient bit count
shl AX,1
shl AX,1
shl AX,1
shl AX,1
inc AX
mov [BP].bitcount,AX
lodsb ;Get dividend sign
xor AL,[BX]+1 ;Find and store quotient sign
mov [BP].dvdnd,SI ;Save pointer to dividend proper
mov [BP].quot,DI ;Save pointer to quotient proper
xor AX,AX ;Zero first two words of quotient
dec DX ;Account for extra divisor word
shl DX,1 ;Store divisor-dividend alignment
add DX,SI
mov [BP].align,DX
mov word ptr[BX],0 ;Put 0-word at start of divisor
mov [BP].dvsr,BX ;Save pointer to working divisor
bigdivlp: call divcmp ;Dividend less than aligned divisor?
jb divbit0 ;Yes, perform division
test word ptr[BX],8000h ;Can divisor be shifted left?
jnz divbit1 ;No, perform division
mov SI,[BP].dvsr ;Otherwise, shift entire divisor left
mov CX,[BP].dvsrsz
clc ;Start by shifting in 0
shllp: rcl word ptr[SI],1 ;Shift through divisor word
inc SI ;Point SI to next word
inc SI
loop shllp ;Do for entire divisor
inc [BP].bitcount ;Increase bit count
jmp bigdivlp ;See if divisor is big enough yet
divlp: call divcmp ;Dividend less than aligned divisor?
cld ; (Direction forward)
jb divbit0 ;Yes, rotate 0 into quotient
mov SI,[BP].align ;Otherwise, subtract divisor
mov DI,SI
mov BX,[BP].dvsr
sub BX,SI
dec BX
dec BX
mov CX,[BP].dvsrsz
clc ;No carry in
divsublp: lodsw
sbb AX,[SI+BX]
loop divsublp
divbit1: clc ;Clear carry (to rotate 1 in)
divbit0: cmc
mov SI,[BP].quot ;Fetch pointer to quotient
mov CX,[SI]-3 ;Fetch quotient length
quotlp: rcl word ptr[SI],1 ;Rotate bit in
inc SI
inc SI
loop quotlp ;Rotate bits through whole quotient
dec [BP].bitcount ;Last quotient bit rotated in?
jz divdone ;Yes, stop
mov SI,[BP].ldvsr ;Otherwise realign divisor (shr)
mov CX,[BP].dvsrsz
std ;Direction backward
cmp word ptr[SI],0 ;Time to shift divisor words?
jnz wshftskp ;No, don't bother
mov BX,SI ;Save last word pointer
mov DX,CX ;Save word count
mov DI,SI ;Destination = source+2
dec SI
dec SI
dec CX ;Shift significant divisor words
rep movsw
xor AX,AX ;Clear least significant word
mov SI,BX ;Restore last word pointer
mov CX,DX ;Restore count
sub [BP].align,2 ;Reset divisor alignment
wshftskp: clc ;Shift 0 in
shrlp: rcr word ptr[SI],1 ;Shift
dec SI
dec SI
loop shrlp ;Shift entire divisor
jmp divlp ;After all this, loop 'til division done
divdone: mov BX,[BP].dvdnd ;Fetch dividend pointer
mov DI,[BX]-3 ;Fetch former length of dividend
dec DI ;Put length-1 in CX
mov CX,DI
shl DI,1 ;Point DI to last dividend word
add DI,BX
std ;Direction backward
xor AX,AX ;Pack as in BIGSUB
repe scasw
jz smlskp2
inc CX
smlskp2: inc CX
mov [BX]-3,CX ;Save in bignum size field
mov BX,[BP].quot ;Fetch quotient pointer
mov DI,[BX]-3 ;Point BX+DI to last quotient word
dec DI
shl DI,1
cmp word ptr[BX+DI],0 ;If last word is 0, decrease length
jnz divex
dec word ptr[BX]-3
divex: pop BP ;Restore stack
add SP,8
xor AX,AX ;Return 0
cld ;Clear direction flag
%bigdiv endp
;Compare working divisor to dividend
divcmp proc near
mov DI,[BP].ldvsr ;Get pointer to last divisor word
mov CX,[BP].dvsrsz ;Fetch number of compares to do
mov SI,[BP].align ;Get dividend pointer
mov AX,CX ;Save # of wrods for pointer adjust
cmp SI,[BP].dvdnd ;Dividend longer than divisor?
jae adjskp ;Yes, jump
dec CX ;Don't compare first divisor word
adjskp: dec AX ;Adjust pointer into dividend
shl AX,1
add SI,AX
mov BX,DI ;Save pointer to last divisor byte
std ;Direction backward
repz cmpsw ;Compare until unequal
divcmp endp
PROGX ends
PGROUP group prog
prog segment byte public 'PROG'
assume CS:PGROUP
public big2flo
big2flo proc near
call %big2flo
big2flo endp
public fix2big
fix2big proc near
call %fix2big
fix2big endp
public magcomp
magcomp proc near
call %magcomp
magcomp endp
public bigadd
bigadd proc near
call %bigadd
bigadd endp
public bigsub
bigsub proc near
call %bigsub
bigsub endp
public bigmul
bigmul proc near
call %bigmul
bigmul endp
public bigdiv
bigdiv proc near
call %bigdiv
bigdiv endp
prog ends