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title Scheme Memory Management Utilities for Protected Mode
page 62,132
; =====> PROSMMU.ASM
;* TIPC Scheme '84 Memory Management Utilities *
;* *
;* (C) Copyright 1985 by Texas Instruments Incorporated. *
;* All rights reserved. *
;* *
;* Author: Terry Caudill *
;* Date written: 17 Feb 1987 *
include schemed.equ
include schemed.ref
include schemed.mac
DOS equ 021h
DGROUP group data
PGROUP group prog
data segment word public 'DATA'
assume ds:DGROUP
extrn page0:byte, page4:byte, page5:byte, page6:byte
extrn page7:byte, page8:byte
extrn _top:word, _paras:word,first_pa:word,first_dos:word
public scheme_heap,gc_ing
scheme_heap dw 0 ;selector for entire scheme heapspace
gc_ing dw 0 ;denotes when gc is taking place
sub_segerr db "Error allocating data segment",0Ah,0
alloc_err db "Unable to allocate memory for scheme heap",0Ah,0
data ends
prog segment byte public 'PROG'
assume cs:PGROUP
;; Get page base address of page
public getbase
getbase proc near
push BP
mov BP,SP
mov BX,word ptr [BP+4]
mov AX,word ptr [BX+pagetabl] ;; Get table indicator
pop BP
getbase endp
;; InitMem()
;; Compute the best page size, but not smaller than MIN_PAGESIZE
public InitMem
InitMem proc near
push BP
sub SP,2 ;; Allocate loacl storage
mov BP,SP
mov word ptr [bp+0],0 ;; number of pages allocated
mov bx,ds
mov es,bx ;; ensure ES = DS
;; The first eight pagetable entries contain offsets to data within
;; the local data segment. These offsets must be changed to to
;; selectors so that they can be accessed as any other scheme object.
;; Convert offset within pagetabl[0] into paragraph address
mov di,offset pagetabl
xor si,si
mov bx,word ptr [di] ;; si:bx = offset within DS
xor cx,cx
mov dx,16 ;; cx:dx = length
mov ax,0E801h ;; Create Data Window
int DOS
jc subsegerr
mov word ptr [di],ax ;; move selector into pagetabl
;; Now convert pagetabl[4] through pagetabl[8]
mov dx,5 ;; dx = # entries to modify
mov di,offset pagetabl[8]
push dx
mov bx,word ptr [di] ;; si:bx = offset within ds
xor cx,cx ;; cx:dx = length
mov dx,0600h ;; (big enough for largest page)
mov ax,0E801h ;; Create Data Window
int DOS
pop dx ;; get # entries
jc subsegerr
mov word ptr [di],ax ;; move selector into pagetabl
add di,2 ;; address next pagetable entry
dec dx ;; any remaining?
jnz EmmP$0 ;; yes, loop
jmp around_error
lea bx,sub_segerr
jmp FatalError
;; Now we must allocate the remaining memory (to approx. 4mb), and fill
;; the remaining pagetabl entries with selectors to address each page.
;; ask for too much memory, # bytes available will be returned in cx:dx
mov cx,0ffffh
mov dx,0ffffh ;; cx:dx = # bytes requested
mov ax,0E800h ;; create data segment
int 021h ;; extended dos function from AIA
mov ax,dx
mov dx,cx ;; dx:ax = # bytes available
push ax
push dx ;; save for later
;; calculate #paragraphs available
mov cx,4 ;; cx = shift count
shr dx,1
rcr ax,1
loop make_para
;; lets make the pagesize a multiple of 2000h bytes (this is so that when
;; pages must be merged to hold large objects, there will be no wasted
;; space).
mov cx,NUMPAGES-PreAlloc ;; cx = number pagetabl entrys available
idiv cx
mov bx,ax ;; bx = # paras per page
mov ax,200h
cmp ax,bx ;; if #paras/page < 200 paras
jge make_pagesize ;; round to 200, jump
mov ax,400h ;; if #paras/page < 400 paras
cmp ax,bx ;; round to 400, jump
jge make_pagesize
mov ax,7FFh ;; default pagesize to 7FF0 bytes
;; change the paras used in calculations above to bytes
mov cx,4
shl ax,cl ;; dx = number bytes per page
mov pagesize,ax ;; save away in pagesize
;; divide the # bytes available by the #bytes/page to see how many
;; pages will be required. max = NUMPAGES-PreAlloc
mov cx,ax ;; cx = # bytes/page
pop dx
pop ax ;; dx:ax = # bytes available
idiv cx ;; ax = # pages required
cmp ax,NUMPAGES-PreAlloc ;; do we exceed number avail page?
jle Emmp$0a ;; no, jump
mov ax,NUMPAGES-PreAlloc ;; yes, just fill the table
xor dx,dx
mul cx ;; dx:ax = total memory rquirements
;; Allocate only enough memory for the pagetable. Initially allocate just
;; one segment large enough to hold all the scheme heap.
push cx ;;tempsave bytes/page
mov cx,dx
mov dx,ax ;; cx:dx = length
mov ax,0E800h ;; Create Data Segment
int DOS
pop bx ;;restore bytes/page
jnc Emmp$0b
lea bx,alloc_err
jmp FatalError
mov scheme_heap,ax ;; save selector to scheme heap
;; Now allocate multiple "windows" within this larger segment. The pages
;; may overlap so that we can merge pages to hold objects that are larger
;; than a single page. In AI Archiects terminology, we will allocate
;; "pages" of 8000h (large enough for our largest object) with a "stride"
;; of our desired pagesize (this causes overlap every pagesize number of
;; bytes. The call below will return a selector to the starting page,
;; and the number of selectors necessary to cover the entire segment.
;; Warning: ds register does not address our data segment below
mov ds,ax ;; ds = large segment
xor cx,cx
mov dx,08000h ;; cx:dx = size of each page
xor si,si ;; si:bx = stride
push bx ;; save page size
mov AX,0EA00h ;; Allocate Multiple Windows
int DOS ;; extended Dos func from AIA
pop si ;; restore page size
push ss
pop ds
jc allocerr ;; if error, exit
;; Warning: ds register does not address our data segment above
;; ax = first selector, bx = number of selectors, si=page size
;; loop number of selector times, filling the pagetabl with
;; selectors to the memory. selectors are 8 bytes in length
;; so bump each selector by 8 to get to the next one.
mov dx,nextpage ;; Next page table entry
mov freepage,dx ;; is also next free page
mov first_pa,dx ;; save for rlsexp, sbid
mov cx,bx ;; cx = number of pages to fill
jcxz Emmp$2 ;; if no pages, jump
mov bx,dx
shl bx,1 ;; bx = page index
mov word ptr ss:pagetabl[BX],AX ;; Save selector in table
and word ptr ss:attrib[BX],not NOMEMORY ;; mark as allocated
mov word ptr ss:psize[BX],si ;; note its size
inc dx ;; and update for next page
mov word ptr ss:pagelink[BX],dx ;; update page link
mov word ptr ss:nextcell[BX],0 ;; clear free chain pointer
inc word ptr [bp+0] ;; page_count++
add ax,8 ;; next selector
loop EmmP$1 ;; get next selector
mov nextpage,dx ;; set up nextpage
mov lastpage,dx ;; lastpage = nextpage
pop ax ;; return number pages allocated
pop bp
mov ax,ss ;; ensure ds=es=ss
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
push bx ;; push error message
C_call print_an ;; print message and quit
InitMem endp
;; rlsexp - Release Dos Allocated Pages
public rlsexp
rlsexp proc near
push ES
push BP
mov BP,SP
mov es,scheme_heap ;; es = slector for scheme heap
mov AX,4900h ;; free allocated memory
int DOS ;; do it
pop BP
pop ES
rlsexp endp
prog ends