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page 60,132
.286c ;; Utilize the expanded 80286 instruction set
; This routine determines the type of machine we are running on by using the
; System Services Bios call (INT 15h), Return System Configuration Parms
; function (AH = C0h). A return code which specifies the machine will be
; returned via the DOS Terminate function (INT 21h, Func 4ch) as follows:
; return type machine bios Date
; ----------- ------- ---------
; -1 Not a 286/386 machine ----
; 0 Unknown machine ----
; 1 IBM PC AT 1/10/84
; 2 IBM PC AT > 6/10/85
; 3 IBM PS2 ----
; The information is used to determine shutdown parameters when switching
; between protected and real mode by AI Architects OS286 operating environ-
; ment.
CODE segment byte public
assume CS:CODE
org 100h
jmp start
push CS
pop DS ;; Set up data segment
mov DX,-1 ;; Default to error condition
;; See if this is a 286 machine
mov BX,SP ;; Set up BX with current stack pointer
pusha ;; 286 instruction, ignored on 808x
nop ;; Must be after pusha
cmp BX,SP ;; Were regs pushed?
je MEMRET ;; No...return with error
popa ;; Restore regs
;; Determine machine
mov dx,0 ;; Default to unknown
mov ah,0C0h ;; Return system config parameters
int 15h ;; System services call
jnc CHK286 ;; jump if carry not set
mov dx,1 ;; indicate older AT, bios dated 1/10/84
jmp MEMRET ;; return
cmp byte ptr ES:[BX+2],0FCh ;; AT or PS2 model 50 or 60?
jne CHK386 ;; no, jump
cmp byte ptr ES:[BX+3],04h ;; Regular AT or PC XT model 286?
jge GOTPS2 ;; no, see if PS2 Model 80
mov dx,2 ;; Indicate newer AT, bios dated > 6/10/85
jmp MEMRET ;; and return
GOTPS2: mov dx,3 ;; Indicate PS2 model 50 or 60
jmp MEMRET ;; and return
cmp byte ptr ES:[BX+2],0F8h ;; PS2 Model 80?
jne MEMRET ;; No, return
mov dx,3 ;; Indicate PS2 model 80
mov AX,DX ;; Return return code
mov AH,4ch
int 21h
END begin