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; =====> ZIO.ASM
;* TIPC Scheme Runtime Support *
;* File IO - MS-DOS Version 2.1 *
;* *
;* (C) Copyright 1985 by Texas *
;* Instruments Incorporated. *
;* All rights reserved. *
;* *
;* Date Written: 21 January 1985 *
;* Last Modification: 26 September 1986 *
page 60,132
include scheme.equ
include pcmake.equ
MSDOS equ 021h
TI_CRT equ 049h
IBM_CRT equ 010h
TI_KEYBD equ 04Ah
IBM_KEYB equ 016h
MAX_COLS equ 80
MAX_ROWS equ 25
CURSMASK equ 10011111b ; The zeros are the bits that disable cursor
NOCURSOR equ 00100000b ; byte mask to disable cursor
DGROUP group data
data segment word public 'DATA'
assume DS:DGROUP
public zapcurs,curs_sav, ega_col, ega_row
zapcurs dw 0 ; for disabling cursor altogether
curs_sav dw 400Ch ; For saving the cursor size when it's
; disabled. Default value just in case...
ega_col db ?
ega_row db ?
c_row dw ?
c_col dw ?
c_len dw ?
banka dw 0a000h
sav_di dw ?
extrn vid_mode:word
extrn cur_off:byte
extrn char_hgt:word
data ends
XGROUP group progx
progx segment word public 'progx'
assume CS:XGROUP
extrn z%border:far ; border drawer
extrn crt_dsr:far ; use machine appropriate VIDEO interrupt
extrn save%scr:far ; save screen
extrn rest%scr:far ; restore screen
extrn ega_curs:far ; display an ega cursor
extrn enable:far ; part of the ega cursor routine
;* Generate a Bell Character *
;* *
;* Purpose: To generate a "bell character" (i.e., make a noise) to *
;* simulate the effect of outputting a bell character *
;* (control-G) in the output stream. *
;* *
;* Calling Sequence: zbell(); *
;* *
;* Input Parameters: None. *
;* *
;* Output Parameters: None. *
;* *
public zbell
zbell proc far
jne zbmbell
zbwait: mov AH,1 ; Get speaker status
int 48h
jnz zbwait ; wait for bell to turn off
mov AH,2 ; Set speaker frequency
mov CX,1563 ; Value for 1.25MHz/800Hz (system beep)
int 48h
mov AX,000Ah ; Turn speaker on for AL*25-ms. 0Ah = .25-sec
int 48h
ret ; return to caller
zbmbell: mov BX,080h ; ****Copied from IBM-PC/XT BIOS listing****
in AL,61h
push AX ; Save
beep_cycle: and AL,0FCh ; Turn off timer gate and speaker data
out 61h,AL ; output to control
mov CX,48h ; Half cycle time for TONE
here: loop here ; speaker off
or AL,2 ; Turn speaker on
out 61h,AL
mov CX,48h
here2: loop here2
dec BX ; Decrease cycle count
jnz beep_cycle
pop AX
out 61h,AL
zbell endp
public zch_rdy
zch_rdy proc far
; IFDEF extmem ; Kludge to fix hanging keyboard
; mov AL,0AEh ; Ensure keyboard enabled
; out 64h,AL ; Output to 8042 controller
mov AH,01h ; load "check keyboard status" function code
cmp pc_make,TIPC ; TI or IBM flavored PC?
jne zch_IBM
int TI_KEYBD ; issue TI keyboard DSR service call
jz zch_no ; is character buffered? if not, jump
zch_yes: xor AH,AH ; clear high order byte of AX
cmp AL,0 ; test next character to be read
jne zch_ret ; binary zero? if not, jump
mov AX,256 ; if character is 0, make it non-zero
zch_ret: ret ; return (true)
zch_IBM: int IBM_KEYB ; issue IBM keyboard DSR service call
jnz zch_yes ; is character buffered? if so, jump
zch_no: xor AX,AX ; set result = false
ret ; return (false)
zch_rdy endp
zop_args struc
dd ? ; far CS and IP
dw ? ; caller's BP
dw ? ; return address
zhandle dw ? ; address of handle
zpathnam dw ? ; address of string containing file pathname
zmode dw ? ; mode: 0=read, 1=write, 2=read/write
zhigh dw ? ; address of high word of file size
zlow dw ? ; address of low word of file size
zop_args ends
public z%open
z%open proc far
push BP ; save caller's BP
mov BP,SP
mov AH,03Dh ; load function request id
mov AL,byte ptr [BP].zmode ; load access code (mode)
mov DX,[BP].zpathnam ; load pointer to pathname
int MSDOS ; issue open request
jc zop_ret ; if error, jump
mov BX,[BP].zhandle ; load address of handle
mov [BX],AX ; and store returned handle value
push AX ; save file handle
mov BX,AX ; set bx to file handle
xor CX,CX
xor DX,DX
mov AX,4202h ; poisition file pointer at eof
mov BX,[BP].zhigh ; load address of hsize
mov [BX],DX ; and store returned hsize value
mov BX,[BP].zlow ; load address of lsize
mov [BX],AX ; and store returned lsize value
pop BX ; retrieve file handle
xor CX,CX
xor DX,DX
mov AX,4200h ; reset file pointer to begining of file
xor AX,AX ; set return code for normal return
zop_ret: pop BP ; restore caller's BP
ret ; return
z%open endp
public z%create
z%create proc far
push BP ; save caller's BP
mov BP,SP
mov AH,03Ch ; load function request id
mov DX,[BP].zpathnam ; load pointer to pathname
mov CX,020h ; create with "archive" attribute
int MSDOS ; issue create request
jc zcr_ret ; if error, jump
mov BX,[BP].zhandle ; load address of handle
mov [BX],AX ; and store returned handle value
xor AX,AX ; set return code for normal return
zcr_ret: pop BP ; restore caller's BP
ret ; return
z%create endp
public z%close
z%close proc far
push BP ; save caller's BP
mov BP,SP
mov AH,03Eh ; load function request id
mov BX,[BP].zhandle ; load handle of file to close
int MSDOS ; issue close request
jc zcl_ret ; if error, jump
xor AX,AX ; set return code for normal return
zcl_ret: pop BP ; restore caller's BP
ret ; return
z%close endp
zrw_args struc
dd ? ; far cs and ip
dw ? ; caller's BP
dw ? ; return address
dw ? ; zhandle (use previous equate)
zbuffer dw ? ; input/output buffer
zlength dw ? ; address of length value
zrw_args ends
public z%read
z%read proc far
push BP ; save caller's BP
mov BP,SP
mov AH,03Fh ; load function request id
mov DX,[BP].zbuffer ; load address of input buffer
mov BX,[BP].zlength ; load address of length value
mov CX,[BX] ; then load length for read
mov BX,[BP].zhandle ; load file's handle
int MSDOS ; issue create request
jc zrd_ret ; if error, jump
mov BX,[BP].zlength ; load address of length parameter
mov [BX],AX ; and store number of characters read
xor AX,AX ; set return code for normal return
zrd_ret: pop BP ; restore caller's BP
ret ; return
z%read endp
public z%write
z%write proc far
push BP ; save caller's BP
mov BP,SP
mov AH,040h ; load function request id
mov DX,[BP].zbuffer ; load address of input buffer
mov BX,[BP].zlength ; load address of length value
mov CX,[BX] ; then load length for write
mov BX,[BP].zhandle ; load file's handle
int MSDOS ; issue write request
jc zwr_ret ; if error, jump
mov BX,[BP].zlength ; load address of length parameter
mov [BX],AX ; and store number of characters written
xor AX,AX ; set return code for normal return
zwr_ret: pop BP ; restore caller's BP
ret ; return
z%write endp
strd struc
dd ? ; far cs and ip
dw ?,? ;Caller's BP, Return address
strdpg dw ? ;Page, displacement of port
strdds dw ?
strdbuf dw ? ;Buffer address
strdlen dw ? ;Length address
strd ends
public string%rd
string%rd proc far
push BP
mov BP,SP
push DS ;Save caller's DS, ES
mov AX,ES ; (and make AX nonzero as well)
mov BX,[BP].strdlen ;Load CX with number of chars to transfer
mov CX,[BX]
mov DI,[BP].strdpg ;Get port page
mov DX,DI ; and save for later
%LoadPage DS,DI ;Get para address
mov DI,[BP].strdds ;DS:DI point to port
mov SI,word ptr[DI+car].pt_ptr ;Point DS:SI to string
mov BL,[DI+car_page].pt_ptr
xor BH,BH
%LoadPage DS,BX
;;; mov DS,ES:pagetabl+[BX]
cmp byte ptr[SI],STRTYPE ;Is this a string?
jne nostr ;Jump if not (error)
mov BX,[SI].str_len ;Else fetch string length
cmp BX,0 ;;; check for small string
jge strn_01
strn_01: %LoadPage ES,DX ;Restore ptr to port
mov DX,ES:[DI].pt_ullin ;Fetch position within string
sub BX,DX ;Set BX to # of chars left
jns notpast ;If not negative, skip
xor BX,BX ;Set # of chars left to 0
notpast: cmp BX,CX ;Set CX to # of chars left or maximum
jae max ; called for, whichever is smaller
mov CX,BX
max: add SI,DX ;Adjust SI into string
add DX,CX ;Reset pointer into string
mov ES:[DI].pt_ullin,DX
mov ES,AX ;Restore C's ES
mov DI,[BP].strdbuf ;Point DI to buffer
xor AX,AX ;Prepare to return 0 (all's well)
jmp short storlen ;Store # of chars
nostr: xor CX,CX ;When not a string, move no chars
storlen: mov BX,[BP].strdlen ;Set LENGTH to # of chars read
mov ES:[BX],CX
rep movsb ;Transfer bytes
pop DS ;Restore caller's DS
pop BP
string%rd endp
;* Buffered Keyboard Input *
;* *
;* Calling Sequence: ch = getch(); *
;* where ch - the character read from the keyboard *
public get%ch
get%ch proc far
; IFDEF extmem ; Kludge to fix hanging keyboard
; mov AL,0AEh ; Ensure keyboard enabled
; out 64h,AL ; Output to 8042 controller
mov AH,07h ; function code = Direct Console Input
int MSDOS ; do it
xor AH,AH ; clear the high order byte
ret ; return to caller
get%ch endp
z%ega proc far
mov AX,banka
mov ES,AX ; set ES to the video plane
mov AX,c_row ; set AX to the row
mul char_hgt ; multiply by the character height
mov BX,80 ; multiply by 80 bytes per line
mul BX
add AX,c_col ; add in the starting column
mov sav_di,AX ; save the starting value
xor BX,BX ; use BX as a counter
mov DX,c_len ; number of columns to blank
zc_03: mov CX,DX ; restore counter
mov DI,sav_di ; restore index
mov AH,0fh
call enable ; enable all banks
xor AX,AX ; clear AX
rep stosb
add sav_di,80 ; next line
inc BX ; increment counter
cmp BX,char_hgt ; done with this row?
jne zc_03
xor BX,BX ; clear counter
dec [BP].zc_nrows ; decrement row count
jg zc_03 ; if more rows, loop (jump)
z%ega endp
progx ends
PGROUP group prog
prog segment byte public 'PROG'
assume CS:PGROUP
;* Create a File *
;* *
;* Calling sequence: stat = zcreate(handle, pathname) *
;* where: int *handle - location to store handle *
;* returned by open request*
;* char *pathname - zero terminated string *
;* containing the file's *
;* pathname *
;* int stat - the completion code *
;* 0=no errors *
;* 3=path not found *
;* 4=too many open files *
;* 5=access denied *
public zcreate
zcreate proc near
call z%create
ret ; return
zcreate endp
;* Open a File *
;* *
;* Calling sequence: stat = zopen(handle, pathname, access_code) *
;* where: int *handle - location to store handle *
;* returned by open request*
;* char *pathname - zero terminated string *
;* containing the file's *
;* pathname *
;* int access_code - 0=read, 1=write, *
;* 2=read and write *
;* int stat - the completion code *
;* 0=no errors *
;* 2=file not found *
;* 4=too many open files *
;* 5=access denied *
;* 12=invalid access *
public zopen
zopen proc near
call z%open
ret ; return
zopen endp
;* Close a File *
;* *
;* Calling sequence: stat = zclose(handle) *
;* where: int handle - handle returned by open *
;* request *
;* int stat - the completion code *
;* 0=no errors *
;* 6=invalid handle *
public zclose
zclose proc near
call z%close
ret ; return
zclose endp
;* Read From a File *
;* *
;* Calling sequence: stat = zread(handle, buffer, length) *
;* where: int handle - handle returned by open *
;* request *
;* char *buffer - address of character *
;* buffer into which data *
;* is to be read *
;* int *length - on input, the maximum *
;* number of characters *
;* which the buffer will *
;* hold. On output, the *
;* number of characters *
;* actually read. Note: *
;* a return value of zero *
;* characters read *
;* indicates end of file. *
;* int stat - the completion code *
;* 0=no errors *
;* 5=access denied *
;* 6=invalid handle *
public zread
zread proc near
call z%read
ret ; return
zread endp
;* Write to a File *
;* *
;* Calling sequence: stat = zwrite(handle, buffer, length) *
;* where: int handle - handle returned by open *
;* char *buffer - address of character *
;* buffer from which data *
;* is to be written *
;* int *length - on input, the number of *
;* characters to write. *
;* The actual number of *
;* characters which were *
;* written is returned in *
;* "length" *
;* int stat - the completion code *
;* 0=no errors *
;* 5=access denied *
;* 6=invalid handle *
public zwrite
zwrite proc near
call z%write
ret ; return
zwrite endp
;* Clear a Window *
zc_args struc
dw ? ; caller's BP
dw ? ; return address
zc_row dw ? ; upper left hand corner row number
zc_col dw ? ; upper left hand corner column number
zc_nrows dw ? ; number of rows
zc_len dw ? ; line length (number of characters)
zc_attrib dw ? ; character attributes
zc_args ends
public zclear
zclear proc near
push BP ; save caller's BP
mov BP,SP
push ES
push DI
push AX
push BX
push CX
push DX
; Put cursor at beginning of next row
zc_loop: mov DL,byte ptr [BP].zc_row ; load current row number
mov DH,byte ptr [BP].zc_col ; load starting column number
xor BH,BH ; page number (0 if in graphics mode)
mov AH,02H ; load "put cursor" code
call crt_dsr ; position the cursor
; Write line of blanks at current cursor position
mov AX,0920h ; load write char/attr code + blank (= 20h)
xor BH,BH ; (for IBM-PC BH=display page #)
mov BL,byte ptr [BP].zc_attrib ; load attribute flag
cmp vid_mode,14 ; IBM EGA modes?
jl zc_01
cmp BL,87h ; attribute is rv white?
jne zc_22
mov AX,09dbh ; use the block character not the blank
and BL,7fh ; strip off the xor bit
zc_01: mov CX,[BP].zc_len ; load number of times to write the blank
call crt_dsr ; perform the write
; Increment row number, decrement row count, test, loop
inc [BP].zc_row ; increment row number
dec [BP].zc_nrows ; decrement row count
jg zc_loop ; if more rows, loop (jump)
; Return to caller
zc_end: pop DX
pop CX
pop BX
pop AX
pop DI
pop ES
pop BP ; restore caller's BP
ret ; return
; clear out the line by writing directly to the graphics planes
zc_22: mov AX,[BP].zc_row ; set AX to the row
mov c_row,AX
mov AX,[BP].zc_col ; add in the starting column
mov c_col,AX
mov AX,[BP].zc_len ; number of columns to blank
mov c_len,AX
call z%ega ; restore counter
jmp zc_end ; return
zclear endp
;* Draw Border *
zb_args struc
dw ? ; caller's BP
dw ? ; return address
zb_line dw ? ; upper left corner line number
zb_col dw ? ; upper left corner column number
zb_nlines dw ? ; number of lines
zb_ncols dw ? ; number of columns
zb_battr dw ? ; border attributes
zb_label dw ? ; pointer to label text
zb_args ends
public zborder
zborder proc near
call z%border
zborder endp
;* Link to Save Screen Support *
public save_scr
save_scr proc near
call save%scr
save_scr endp
;* Link to Restore Screen Support *
public rest_scr
rest_scr proc near
call rest%scr
rest_scr endp
;* Cursor Off *
public zcuroff
zcuroff proc near
call ega_curs
mov AH,03
xor BH,BH ; IBM page number/must be 0 for graphics mode
call crt_dsr ; get the cursor position/mode
cmp zapcurs,0
jne zcoff_01
mov curs_sav,CX ; save it for restoration
and CH,CURSMASK ; mask off bits to select cursor type
or CH,NOCURSOR ; disables cursor (turns it off)
mov AH,01h ; load "set cursor type" code
call crt_dsr ; turn the cursor off
ret ; return to caller
zcuroff endp
;* Cursor On *
public zcuron
zcuron proc near
cmp zapcurs,0 ; if cursor disabled
jne zcon_ret ; then return
mov CX,curs_sav ; attributes for cursor on
mov AH,01h ; load "set cursor type" code
call crt_dsr ; turn the cursor on
ret ; return to caller
zcuron endp
;* Put Cursor *
public zputcur
zputcur proc near
push BP ; save caller's BP
mov BP,SP
; put cursor in desired location
mov DH,byte ptr [BP].zc_col ; load column number
mov ega_col,DH
mov DL,byte ptr [BP].zc_row ; load row number
mov ega_row,DL
xor BH,BH ; IBMism: page number (0 if in graphics mode)
mov AH,02H ; load "put cursor" code
call crt_dsr ; position the cursor (DSR swaps DH/DL)
call ega_curs ; display cursor for ega mode
; Return to caller
pop BP ; restore caller's BP
ret ; return
zputcur endp
;* Scroll a Window *
zs_args struc
dw ? ; caller's BP
dw ? ; return address
zs_line dw ? ; upper left hand corner line number
zs_col dw ? ; upper left hand corner column number
zs_nline dw ? ; number of lines
zs_ncols dw ? ; number of columns
zs_attr dw ? ; text attributes (used for blanking)
zs_args ends
public zscroll
zscroll proc near
push BP ; save caller's BP
mov BP,SP
push AX
push BX
push CX
push DX
; scroll window's text up one line
mov CL,byte ptr [BP].zs_nline ; load number of lines
dec CL ; decrease number of lines by one
jz blank1 ; Jump if scrolling 1-line and just blank it
mov CH,byte ptr [BP].zs_ncols ; load number of columns
mov DL,byte ptr [BP].zs_line ; load upper left line number
mov DH,byte ptr [BP].zs_col ; load upper left column number
mov AX,0601h ; load "scroll text" code with no blanking
je ti_scrl
;;;;;;;;; cmp vid_mode,14
;;;;;;;;; jge txt_mod ; treat ega modes as text
cmp vid_mode,4 ; Are we in graphics mode?
jl txt_mod ; If we are then fix blank fill attributes
cmp vid_mode,7 ; so that the bar characters don't show up
je txt_mod
xor BH,BH ; zero attribute for fill blanks
jmp short rite_atr
txt_mod: mov BH,byte ptr [BP].zs_attr ; Blanked lines' attribute txt mode
rite_atr: xchg CX,DX ; CX=Upper left corner
xchg CH,CL ; Row,column instead of TI's column,row
xchg DH,DL ; ditto
add DX,CX ; DX=Lower right corner
dec DL ; adjust column count (0 is first column)
jmp short z_quit ; IFF IBM is in graphics mode weird char's
; are used for blanks when scrolling. Do
; as TIPC does and "manual" blank 'em.
ti_scrl: mov BX,DX ; copy destination coordinates
inc DL ; compute source by incrementing line number
int TI_CRT ; perform block move
; paint the last line of the window with blank of proper attributes
blank1: mov DH,byte ptr [BP].zs_col ; load starting column number
mov DL,byte ptr [BP].zs_line ; load upper line number
add DL,byte ptr [BP].zs_nline ; add the number of lines and
dec DL ; subtract offf one
mov AH,02h ; load "put cursor" code
xor BH,BH ; IBMism
call crt_dsr ; position cursor for write
mov AX,0920h ; load "write char/attr" code, write a blank
mov BL,byte ptr [BP].zs_attr ; load attribute bit setting
cmp vid_mode,14 ; ega mode?
jl z_scr01
mov BH,BL
and BH,80h
cmp BH,80h ; reverse video?
jne z_scr01
mov AX,09dbh ; change for block character
and BL,7fh ; strip off xor bit
z_scr01: xor BH,BH ; IBMism
mov CX,[BP].zs_ncols ; load line length
call crt_dsr ; write a line of blanks
; return to caller
z_quit: pop DX ; restore caller's BP
pop CX
pop BX
pop AX
pop BP
zscroll endp
;* Output Character To Window *
zp_args struc
dw ? ; caller's BP
dw ? ; return address
zp_line dw ? ; cursor position - line number
zp_col dw ? ; cursor position - column number
zp_char dw ? ; character to write
zp_attr dw ? ; character's attributes
zp_args ends
public zputc
zputc proc near
push BP ; save caller's BP
mov BP,SP
push DX
push CX
push BX
push AX
; position cursor for write
mov DL,byte ptr [BP].zp_line ; load line number
mov DH,byte ptr [BP].zp_col ; load column number
xor BH,BH ; IBMism
mov AH,02h ; load "put cursor" code
call crt_dsr ; positio the cursor
mov BL,byte ptr [BP].zp_attr ; load its attributes
cmp vid_mode,14 ; only attribute for EGA modes is a
jl zchar_1 ; simulated reverse video
mov BH,BL ; save the attribute
and BH,80h ; reverse video?
jz zchar_1 ; zero indicates bit 8 not set
zchar_2: and BL,7fh ; strip off high bit
mov CX,1 ; character count
xor BH,BH ; video page number
mov AL,0dbh ; block character
mov AH,09h
call crt_dsr
or BL,80h ; set xor bit
; write the characters with attributes
zchar_1: mov AL,byte ptr [BP].zp_char ; load the character
xor BH,BH ; IBMism
mov CX,1 ; repeat count = 1
mov AH,09h ; load write char/attribute code
call crt_dsr
; return to caller
pop AX
pop BX
pop CX
pop DX
pop BP
zputc endp
;* Buffered Keyboard Input *
;* *
;* Calling Sequence: ch = getch(); *
;* where ch - the character read from the keyboard *
public getch
getch proc near
call get%ch
ret ; return to caller
getch endp
;* Read characters from a string *
;* *
;* Calling Sequence: stringrd(page, disp, buffer, &length) *
;* where page,disp: location of string-fed port *
;* buffer and length are as in ZREAD (see above) *
;* *
;* Note: The passing parameter `page' is page # *
public stringrd
stringrd proc near
call string%rd
stringrd endp
;* Link for routines in PROGX *
extrn shft_brk:near
extrn dos_err:near
public shft%brk
public dos%err
shft%brk proc far
call shft_brk ;link to SHF BREAK process
shft%brk endp
dos%err proc far
call dos_err ;link to DOS fatal error process
dos%err endp
public char_rdy
char_rdy proc near ;our equivalent of Lattice C's kbhit fn
call zch_rdy
char_rdy endp
prog ends