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; =====> SUTIL.ASM
;* PC Scheme Runtime Support *
;* Misc Utilities *
;* *
;* (C) Copyright 1984.1985,1986 by *
;* Texas Instruments Incorporated. *
;* All rights reserved. *
;* *
;* Date Written: April 1984 *
;* Last Modification: 26 February 1986*
include scheme.equ
include pcmake.equ
;* Modification History:
;* 27 Jan 86 - Changed the code which looks for the TI Copyright notice
;* (JCJ) (when determining machine type) to search two areas instead
;* of just one. Now, checks are made at segment (paragraph)
;* offsets FC00 and FE00.
;* 25 Feb 86 - Added the routine "put_ptr" to combine the "put_byte/put_word"
;* (JCJ) operations when a pointer is being stored into memory.
;* 17 Feb 88 - Conditionally assemble XPCTYPE and PC_TYPE for Protected Memory
;* (TC) Scheme. These routines can be found in PRO2REAL.ASM and
DGROUP group data
data segment word public 'DATA'
assume DS:DGROUP
extrn _base:word
data ends
; See PRO2REAL.ASM for protected mode scheme
PROGX segment para public 'PROGX'
;* Determine PC's Manufacturer *
;* *
;* Purpose: To determine whether or not we're running on a TIPC or *
;* another brand and set the "PC_MAKE" variable accordingly. *
;* Returns: PC_MAKE will contain 1 for TIPC or Business Pro in TI mode*
;* FF for IBM-PC *
;* FE for IBM-PC/XT *
;* FD for IBM-PC/jr *
;* FC for IBM-PC/AT or B-P in IBM mode *
;* 0 for undeterminable *
public pc_type
XPCTYPE proc far
push ES ; save caller's ES register
push DI
mov AX,0FC00h ; move paragraph address of copyright
pc_002: mov ES,AX ; notice into ES
xor DI,DI ; Clear DI; 0 is lowest address in ROM @ES:
xor BX,BX ; Flag for "PC_MAKE" variable
mov CX,40h ; This'll be as far as I go...
mov AL,'T' ; look for beginning of "Texas Instruments"
cli ; Stop interrupts - bug in old 8088's
repne scas byte ptr es:[di] ; SEARCH
or CX,CX ; Reach my limit?
jz short pc_005 ; quit if we've exhausted search
cmp byte ptr ES:[di],'e' ; make sure this is it
jne again ; use defaults if not found
cmp byte ptr ES:[di]+1,'x' ; really make sure this is it
jne again
push DS
mov DS,BX ; 0->DS for addressing low mem.
inc BX ; BX==1 => TIPC
mov AX,DS:word ptr [01A2h] ; If TIPC then what kind?
pop DS ; get DS back
add AL,AH ; checkout vector 68 bytes 2 & 3
cmp AL,0F0h ; if AL==F0 then TIPC=Business Pro
jne pc_010 ; jump if not a B-P
in AL,068h ; Read from port
push AX ; Save for later
and AL,0FBh ; Enable CMOS
out 068h,AL ; Write back out
mov DX,8296h ; I/O address for B-P's mode byte
in AL,DX ; TI or IBM Mode on the B-P?
cmp AL,0 ; if not zero then B-P emulates a TIPC
pop AX ; Restore original port value
out 068h,AL ; and write back out
jne pc_010 ; jump if TIPC else IBM machine code is
; where it should be.
jmp short pc_007
mov AX,ES
cmp AH,0FEh ; test for segment offset FE00
jae pc_007 ; two checks made? if so, jump
add AH,2 ; go back and check segment offset
jmp pc_002 ; FE00
pc_007: mov AX,0F000h
mov ES,AX
mov al,byte ptr ES:0FFFEh ; IBM's machine code is @F000:FFFE
cmp AL,IBMTYPE ; Is this suckah an IBM?
jb pc_010 ; Jump if AL is below F0 (BX will be 0)
mov BL,AL
pc_010: sti ; Turn interrups back on
mov PC_MAKE,BX ; set variable PC_MAKE
pop DI
pop ES ; restore caller's ES register
ret ; return to caller
PROGX ends
; See PRO2REAL.ASM for above definition
PGROUP group prog
prog segment byte public 'PROG'
assume CS:PGROUP
;For space and performance reasons, some procedures have been written in the
; following style: the arguments are popped off the stack, and the
; procedure ends in an indirect JMP instead of a RET. In this source file,
; the following are such procedures:
; zero_pag, zero_blk, get_byte, get_word, put_byte, put_word,
; get_flo, put_flo, get_str, put_str, get_sym, put_sym,
; make_ptr, alloc_fi, take_car, take_cdr
; Return Value of Stack Segment Register (SS:)
;;; public _SS
;;;_SS proc near
;;; mov AX,SS
;;; ret
;;;_SS endp
;;;; Return Value of Extra Segment Register (ES:)
;;; public _ES
;;;_ES proc near
;;; mov AX,ES
;;; ret
;;;_ES endp
;;;; Return Value of Code Segment Register (CS:)
;;; public _CS
;;;_CS proc near
;;; mov AX,CS
;;; ret
;;;_CS endp
; Return Value of Data Segment Register (DS:)
public _DS
_DS proc near
mov AX,DS
_DS endp
; Zero a page in memory - Calling sequence: zero_page(page_no)
public zero_pag
zero_arg struc
dw ? ; Return address
zero_pg dw ? ; Page number
zero_arg ends
zero_pag proc near
pop DX ;Pop return address
pop BX ;Pop page number
push ES ;Save ES
sal BX,1
LoadPage ES,BX
;;; mov ES,DGROUP:pagetabl+[BX]
xor AX,AX
xor DI,DI
mov CX,psize+[BX]
shr CX,1
rep stosw
pop ES ;Restore ES
jmp DX
zero_pag endp
;* Zero a block of memory *
;* *
;* Purpose: To initialize a variable length block of memory to zero. *
;* *
;* Description: The block is zeroed using the 8088's "store string" *
;* instruction using a repeat count. For *
;* efficiency reasons, the zeroing is done by *
;* words, with a fixup to account for blocks with *
;* an odd number of bytes. *
;* *
;* Calling sequence: zero_blk(page_no, disp) *
;* where page_no = page number (C's unshifted *
;* page number) *
;* disp = displacement of block within *
;* the page *
public zero_blk
zb_args struc
dw ? ; Return address
zb_page dw ? ; Page number
zb_disp dw ? ; Displacement
zb_args ends
zero_blk proc near
pop SI ;Pop return address
pop BX ; Pop the page number for the block
shl BX,1 ; and adjust for use as index
pop DI ; Pop the displacement of the block
push ES ; save the caller's ES register
LoadPage ES,BX
;;; mov ES,DGROUP:pagetabl+[BX] ; load page's paragraph address
mov CX,ES:[DI].vec_len ; and the block's length
add DI,BLK_OVHD ; and advance pointer past block header
cmp CX,0 ;;; check for small string
jge zero_010
jmp zero_020
zero_010: sub CX,BLK_OVHD ; subtract block overhead from the length
zero_020: mov DX,CX ; copy the length in bytes, and
and DX,1 ; isolate the least significant bit
shr CX,1 ; convert number of bytes to number of words
xor AX,AX ; load a value of zero into AX
cld ; set forward direction
rep stosw ; zero the block
mov CX,DX ; copy the fixup byte count
rep stosb ; zero the last byte, if odd number of bytes
pop ES ; restore ES register
jmp SI ; return to caller
zero_blk endp
; Fetch/Store byte/word
get_args struc ; Arguments Template
dw ? ; return address
get_page dw ? ; page number
get_disp dw ? ; displacement into page
get_val dw ? ; value (if a store operation)
get_args ends
; Get a byte of data
; Calling sequence: data = get_byte(page, disp)
; where: page ----- page number
; disp ----- (byte) displacement within page
public get_byte
get_byte proc near
mov CX,ES ; save caller's ES in CX
pop SI ; get return address
pop BX ; get page argument
shl BX,1 ; adjust it for segment lookup
LoadPage ES,BX
;;; mov ES,pagetabl+[BX] ; get page segment
pop BX ; get displacement
mov AL,ES:[BX] ; get byte
xor AH,AH ; and only a byte
mov ES,CX ; restore ES
jmp SI ; return
get_byte endp
; Get a word of data
; Calling sequence: data = get_word(page, disp)
; where: page ----- page number
; disp ----- (byte) displacement within page
public get_word
get_word proc near
mov CX,ES ; save caller's ES in CX
pop SI ; get return address
pop BX ; get page argument
shl BX,1 ; adjust it for segment lookup
LoadPage ES,BX
;;; mov ES,pagetabl+[BX] ; get page segment
pop BX ; get displacement
mov AX,ES:[BX] ; get word
mov ES,CX ; restore ES
jmp SI ; return
get_word endp
; Put a byte of data
; Calling sequence: put_byte(page, disp, value)
; where: page ----- page number
; disp ----- (byte) displacement within page
; value ---- value to be stored (low order 8 bits)
public put_byte
put_byte proc near
mov CX,ES ; save caller's ES in CX
pop SI ; get return address
pop BX ; get page
sal BX,1 ; double page number for use as index
LoadPage ES,BX
;;; mov ES,pagetabl+[BX] ; load page's paragraph address
pop BX ; get displacement
pop AX ; load byte to store
mov byte ptr ES:[BX],AL ; store new data
mov ES,CX ; restore segment register ES
jmp SI ; return
put_byte endp
; Put a word of data
; Calling sequence: put_word(page, disp, value)
; where: page ----- page number
; disp ----- (byte) displacement within page
; value ---- value to be stored (16 bits)
public put_word
put_word proc near
mov CX,ES ; save caller's ES in CX
pop SI ; get return address
pop BX ; load the page number
sal BX,1 ; double page number for use as index
LoadPage ES,BX
;;; mov ES,pagetabl+[BX] ; load page's paragraph address
pop BX ; load displacement
pop AX ; load word to store
mov word ptr ES:[BX],AX ; store new data
mov ES,CX ; restore segment register ES
jmp SI ; return
put_word endp
; Exchange a byte of data
; Calling sequence: old_data = xch_byte(page, disp, value)
; where: old_data - original data (overwritten)
; page ----- page number
; disp ----- (byte) displacement within page
; value ---- value to be stored (low order 8 bits)
; public xch_byte
;xch_byte proc near
; mov CX,ES ; save caller's ES in CX
; pop SI ; get return address
; pop BX ; get page
; sal BX,1 ; double page number for use as index
; mov ES,pagetabl+[BX] ; load page's paragraph address
; pop BX ; get displacement
; pop AX ; load byte to store
; xchg AL,byte ptr ES:[BX] ; swap old and new data
; xor AH,AH ; clear high order byte of AX
; mov ES,CX ; restore segment register ES
; jmp SI ; return
;xch_byte endp
; Exchange a word of data
; Calling sequence: old_data = xch_word(page, disp, value)
; where: old_data - original data (overwritten)
; page ----- page number
; disp ----- (byte) displacement within page
; value ---- value to be stored (16 bits)
; public xch_word
;xch_word proc near
; mov CX,ES ; save caller's ES in CX
; pop SI ; get return address
; pop BX ; load the page number
; sal BX,1 ; double page number for use as index
; mov ES,pagetabl+[BX] ; load page's paragraph address
; pop BX ; load displacement
; pop AX ; load word to store
; xchg AX,word ptr ES:[BX] ; swap old and new data
; mov ES,CX ; restore segment register ES
; jmp SI ; return
;xch_word endp
; Put a pointer
; Calling sequence: put_word(page, disp, pg_value, ds_value)
; where: old_data - original data (overwritten)
; page ----- page number
; disp ----- (byte) displacement within page
; pg_value ---- value of page number to store (16 bits)
; ds_value ---- value of displacement to store (16 bits)
public put_ptr
put_ptr proc near
mov CX,ES ; save caller's ES in CX
pop SI ; get return address
pop BX ; load the page number
sal BX,1 ; double page number for use as index
LoadPage ES,BX
;;; mov ES,pagetabl+[BX] ; load page's paragraph address
pop BX ; load displacement
pop AX ; load page number value to store
mov byte ptr ES:[BX],AL ; store page number
pop AX ; load displacement value to store
mov word ptr ES:[BX]+1,AX ; store page number
mov ES,CX ; restore segment register ES
jmp SI ; return
put_ptr endp
; Fetch/Store Flonum
getf_arg struc ; Arguments Template
dw ? ; caller's BP
dw ? ; return address
getf_pag dw ? ; page number
getf_dis dw ? ; displacement into page
getf_val dw ? ; value (if a store operation)
getf_arg ends
; Get a floating point value
; Calling sequence: fdata = get_flo(page, disp)
; where: page ----- page number
; disp ----- (byte) displacement within page
public get_flo
get_flo proc near
pop DI ;Pop return address
pop BX ; load the page number
sal BX,1 ; double page number for use as index
pop SI ; load displacement
inc SI ; and advance page flonum's tag
push DS ; save the caller's DS segment register
LoadPage DS,BX
;;; mov DS,pagetabl+[BX] ; load page's paragraph address
cld ;Direction forward
lodsw ;Put the flonum in AX:BX:CX:DX
mov DX,AX
mov CX,AX
mov BX,AX
pop DS ; restore caller's DS segment register
jmp DI ; return
get_flo endp
; Put a flonum value into Scheme's memory
; Calling sequence: put_flo(page, disp, value)
; where: page ----- page number
; disp ----- (byte) displacement within page
; value ---- flonum value to be stored (4 words)
public put_flo
put_flo proc near
pop DX ;Pop return address
pop BX ; load the page number
sal BX,1 ; double page number for use as index
pop DI ; load displacement
inc DI ; and advance offset past flonum's tag
mov SI,SP ;SP points to flonum - point SI to it too
push ES ; save the caller's ES segment register
LoadPage ES,BX
;;; mov ES,pagetabl+[BX] ; load page's paragraph address
mov CX,FLOSIZE/WORDINCR ; load number of words to store
cld ; clear direction flag
rep movsw ; move the words of the flonum
pop ES ; restore the ES segment register
jmp DX ; return to caller
put_flo endp
; Transfer string to/from Scheme's memory
s_args struc
dw ? ; Caller's BP
dw ? ; Return address
sptr dw ? ; Pointer to string in C's memory
spage dw ? ; page number
sdisp dw ? ; displacement in page
lpage dw ? ; link field page number (for symbols)
ldisp dw ? ; link field displacement (for symbols)
hash_key dw ? ; hash value (for symbols)
s_args ends
public get_str,get_sym
get_str proc near
pop DX ;Pop return address
pop DI ; Fetch destination string's displacement
pop BX ; Fetch source page number
shl BX,1 ; Adjust page number for use as index
pop SI ; Fetch source string's displacement
push DS ;Save caller's DS
LoadPage DS,BX
;;; mov DS,pagetabl+[BX] ; Get source page's paragraph address
mov CX,[SI].vec_len ; Fetch length of string/symbol
add SI,offset vec_data ; Adjust for string header
cmp CX,0 ;;; check for small string
jge get_010
jmp get_mrg
get_010: sub CX,offset vec_data ; Adjust length for string header
get_mrg: cld ; clear string direction
rep movsb ; move 'em out
pop DS ; Restore DS segment register
jmp DX ;Return
get_str endp
get_sym proc near
pop DX ;Pop return address
pop DI ; Fetch destination string's displacement
pop BX ; Fetch source page number
shl BX,1 ; Adjust page number for use as index
pop SI ; Fetch source string's displacement
push DS ;Save caller's DS
LoadPage DS,BX
;;; mov DS,pagetabl+[BX] ; Get source page's paragraph address
mov CX,[SI].sym_len ; Fetch length of string/symbol
add SI,offset sym_data ; Adjust offset for symbol header
sub CX,offset sym_data ; Adjust length for symbol header
jmp get_mrg ;Get pname bytes
get_sym endp
public put_str,put_sym
put_str proc near
pop DX ;Pop return address
pop SI ; Load source string offset
pop BX ; Load destination page number,
pop DI ; and displacement
shl BX,1 ; Adjust page number for use as index
push ES ; Save caller's ES segment register
LoadPage ES,BX
;;; mov ES,pagetabl+[BX] ; Load destination page paragraph address
mov CX,ES:[DI].vec_len ; Load string length
add DI,offset vec_data ; Adjust pointer for string header
cmp CX,0 ;;; check for small string
jge put_010
add CX,PTRSIZE ;;; get the right string length
jmp putmrg
put_010: sub CX,offset vec_data ; Adjust length for string header
putmrg: cld ; Clear direction flag
rep movsb ; Move 'em in
pop ES ; Restore caller's ES
jmp DX ; Return
put_str endp
put_sym proc near
pop DX ;Pop return address
pop SI ; Load source string offset
pop BX ; Load destination page number,
pop DI ; and displacement
shl BX,1 ; Adjust page number for use as index
mov CX,ES ;Save caller's ES in CX
LoadPage ES,BX
;;; mov ES,pagetabl+[BX] ; Load destination page paragraph address
pop AX ; Load link field page number and
mov ES:[DI].sym_page,AL ; and move into symbol structure
pop ES:[DI].sym_disp ; Store link field displacement
pop AX ; move hash value into symbol data object
mov ES:[DI].sym_hkey,AL
push CX ;Now move caller's ES to stack
mov CX,ES:[DI].sym_len ; Load string length
add DI,offset sym_data ; Adjust displacement for symbol header
sub CX,offset sym_data ; Adjust length for symbol header
jmp putmrg ; Move 'em in
put_sym endp
; Convert page, displacement values to a long integer
public make_ptr
make_args struc
dw ? ; return address
mak_page dw ? ; page number
mak_disp dw ? ; pointer displacement
make_args ends
make_ptr proc near
pop DI
pop AX
adjpage AX
pop BX
jmp DI
make_ptr endp
; Allocate a cell for a fixnum (actually, return an immediate value)
; Calling sequence: alloc_fixnum(&reg, value)
a_fix_arg struc
dw ? ; Return address
a_reg dw ? ; Address of register to hold pointer
a_val dw ? ; Fixnum value
a_fix_arg ends
public alloc_fi
alloc_fi proc near
pop DI ;Pop return address
pop SI ; Pop address of return register
pop DX ; Pop fixnum value
sal DX,1 ; Shift out high order bit
jo a_fix_ov
a_fix_ov: ; Ignore overflow for now (create a bignum later)
shr DX,1 ; Position 15 bit quantity
mov [SI].C_disp,DX ; Store immediate value into register
mov [SI].C_page,SPECFIX*2 ; Store immediate tag
jmp DI ;Return
alloc_fi endp
;* Copy Variable Length Data Object *
;* *
;* Purpose: To create a copy of a variable length Scheme data object. *
;* *
;* Calling Sequence: copy_blk(&dest, &src) *
;* where &dest - address of VM register into which *
;* pointer to new copy is to be *
;* placed *
;* &src - address of VM register containing *
;* block to be copied *
cpy_args struc
dw ? ; caller's BP
dw ? ; caller's ES
dw ? ; return address
cpy_dest dw ? ; address of destination register
cpy_src dw ? ; address of source register
cpy_args ends
public copy_blk
copy_blk proc near
push ES ; save caller's ES
push BP ; save caller's BP
mov BP,SP
; allocate new block
mov SI,[BP].cpy_src ; load address of source register
mov BX,[SI].C_page ; load pointer to object to be copied
mov DI,[SI].C_disp
LoadPage ES,BX
;;; mov ES,pagetabl+[BX]
mov AX,ES:[DI].vec_len ; load length of object
cmp AX,0 ;;; check for small string
jge copy_010
add AX,PTRSIZE ;;; adjust for small string
jmp copy_011
copy_010: sub AX,BLK_OVHD ; adjust size for block header
copy_011: push AX ; push length of "data" in block
xor AX,AX ; load type field from source block
mov AL,ES:[DI].vec_type
push AX
push [BP].cpy_dest ; push address of destination register
mov AX,DS ; make ES point to the current data
mov ES,AX ; segment
C_call alloc_bl ; allocate new block
mov SP,BP ; drop arguments off stack
; copy contents of source block into newly created block
mov BX,[BP].cpy_dest ; make ES:[DI] point to newly created
mov DI,[BX].C_disp ; block
mov BX,[BX].C_page
LoadPage ES,BX
;;; mov ES,pagetabl+[BX]
mov BX,[BP].cpy_src ; make DS:[SI] point to source block
mov SI,[BX].C_disp
mov BX,[BX].C_page
push DS
LoadPage DS,BX
;;; mov DS,pagetabl+[BX]
mov CX,[SI].vec_len ; load length of source block
cmp CX,0 ;;; check for small string
jge copy_020
jmp copy_021
copy_020: sub CX,BLK_OVHD ; and subtract off size of block header
copy_021: mov DX,CX ; copy length (in bytes) into DX
and DX,1 ; and isolate the lsb
shr CX,1 ; convert size from bytes to words
add SI,BLK_OVHD ; advance source/destination pointers
add DI,BLK_OVHD ; past block header
rep movsw ; move contents of source to destination
mov CX,DX ; copy fixup (in case odd number of bytes)
rep movsb ; copy odd byte, if necessary
pop DS ; restore DS
; return to calling procedure
pop BP ; restore caller's BP
pop ES ; restore caller's ES
ret ; return
copy_blk endp
;;;; Make sure we haven't overflowed C's runtime stack
;;; public chk_stk
;;;chk_stk proc near
;;; mov AX,SP
;;; cmp AX,_base
;;; ja chk_ret
;;; C_call gc_on
;;; C_call exit
;;;chk_ret: ret
;;;chk_stk endp
;* C callable Routine to Take car/cdr of a List *
take_arg struc
dw ? ; caller's BP
dw ? ; return address
take_reg dw ? ; argument register address
take_arg ends
public take_car
take_car proc near
pop DX ;Pop return address
pop SI ; load argument register address
mov BX,[SI].C_page ; load list's page number
cmp byte ptr ptype+[BX],LISTTYPE*2 ; it is a list, isn't it?
jne take_err ; if not a list, error (jump)
mov CX,ES ; save caller's ES
LoadPage ES,BX
;;; mov ES,pagetabl+[BX] ; load list's page's paragraph address
mov BX,[SI].C_disp ; load list's offset
mov AL,ES:[BX].car_page ; copy car field of list cell
mov BX,ES:[BX].car
jmp short tkmrg
; ***error-- argument register doesn't contain list-- return nil***
take_err: mov [SI].C_page,NIL_PAGE*2
mov [SI].C_disp,NIL_DISP
jmp DX ; return
take_car endp
public take_cdr
take_cdr proc near
pop DX ;Pop return address
pop SI ; load argument register address
mov BX,[SI].C_page ; load list's page number
cmp byte ptr ptype+[BX],LISTTYPE*2 ; it is a list, isn't it?
jne take_err ; if not a list, error (jump)
mov CX,ES ; save caller's ES
LoadPage ES,BX
;;; mov ES,pagetabl+[BX] ; load list's page's paragraph address
mov BX,[SI].C_disp ; load list's offset
mov AL,ES:[BX].cdr_page ; Get cdr field of list cell
mov BX,ES:[BX].cdr
tkmrg: mov byte ptr [SI].C_page,AL ; Copy into argument register
mov [SI].C_disp,BX
mov ES,CX ; restore caller's ES
jmp DX ; return to caller
take_cdr endp
; See PRO2REAL.ASM for protected mode scheme
public pc_type
pc_type proc near
push BP
call XPCTYPE ; XPCTYPE is located at beginning of this
; program in XPROG, it determines PC type
pop BP
pc_type endp
public pcinit
pcinit proc near
push BP
; it does special initialization per PC type
; also, it is called from main()
pop BP
pcinit endp
; See PRO2REAL.ASM for above definitions
;* Symbol Hashing Routine *
;* *
;* Calling Seguence: hash_value = hash(symbol, len); *
public hash
hash proc near
pop DI ; unload return address
pop SI ; fetch symbol "string" pointer
pop CX ; fetch length
xor BX,BX ; zero accumulator
xor AH,AH
hash_1: lodsb ; fetch next character in symbol name
add BX,AX ; sum them up
loop hash_1 ; iterate 'til symbol used up
mov AX,BX ; copy sum of chars to AX
xor DX,DX
mov BX,HT_SIZE ; load divisor with hash table size
div BX ; divide sum
mov AX,DX
jmp DI ; return to caller
hash endp
;* Symbol Equality Routine *
;* *
;* Calling Sequence: equal? = sym_eq(page, disp, symbol, len); *
public sym_eq
sym_eq proc near
pop DX ; unload return address
pop BX ; fetch page number
shl BX,1 ; and adjust for word indexing
pop DI ; fetch displacement
pop SI ; fetch pointer to symbol name
pop CX ; fetch length
mov AX,ES ; save value of ES
LoadPage ES,BX
;;; mov ES,pagetabl+[BX] ; laod symbol page's paragraph address
mov BX,ES:[DI].sym_len ; fetch length of symbol
sub BX,offset sym_data ; and compute character count
cmp CX,BX ; length of symbol match?
jne not_eq ; if not same length, jump
add DI,offset sym_data ; advance symbol pointer to print name
repe cmpsb ; compare symbol to name
jne not_eq ; symbols the same? if not, jump
mov ES,AX ; restore caller's ES register
jmp DX ; return (non-zero value in AX => true)
not_eq: mov ES,AX ; restore caller's ES register
xor AX,AX ; zero AX (return false value)
jmp DX ; return
sym_eq endp
prog ends