490 lines
24 KiB
490 lines
24 KiB
;* TIPC Scheme Runtime Support *
;* GC Pointer Relocation Routines *
;* *
;* (C) Copyright 1985 by Texas *
;* Instruments Incorporated. *
;* All rights reserved. *
;* *
;* Date Written: 23 September 1985 *
;* Last Modification: 18 October 1985 *
include scheme.equ
DGROUP group data
PGROUP group prog
data segment word public 'DATA'
assume DS:DGROUP
msg_relp db "[VM INTERNAL ERROR] rel_ptr: invalid %x:%04x (unadjusted)"
db LF,0
page_sav dw ? ; Page number save area
; Branch table for processing each data type
btable dw rel_list ; [0] List cells
dw rel_fix ; [1] Fixnums
dw rel_flo ; [2] Flonums
dw rel_big ; [3] Bignums
dw rel_sym ; [4] Symbols
dw rel_str ; [5] Strings
dw rel_ary ; [6] Arrays
dw rel_cont ; [7] Continuations
dw rel_clos ; [8] Closures
dw rel_free ; [9] Free space (unallocated)
dw rel_code ; [10] Code
dw rel_ref ; [11] Reference cells
dw rel_port ; [12] Port data objects
dw rel_char ; [13] Characters
dw rel_env ; [14] Environments
ctable dw rep_list ; [0] List cells
dw rep_fix ; [1] Fixnums
dw rep_flo ; [2] Flonums
dw rep_big ; [3] Bignums
dw rep_sym ; [4] Symbols
dw rep_str ; [5] Strings
dw rep_ary ; [6] Arrays
dw rep_cont ; [7] Continuations
dw rep_clos ; [8] Closures
dw rep_free ; [9] Free space (unallocated)
dw rep_code ; [10] Code
dw rep_ref ; [11] Reference cells
dw rep_port ; [12] Port data objects
dw rep_char ; [13] Characters
dw rep_env ; [14] Environments
dtable dw fwd_list ; [0] List cells
dw fwd_fix ; [1] Fixnums
dw fwd_flo ; [2] Flonums
dw fwd_big ; [3] Bignums
dw fwd_sym ; [4] Symbols
dw fwd_str ; [5] Strings
dw fwd_ary ; [6] Arrays
dw fwd_cont ; [7] Continuations
dw fwd_clos ; [8] Closures
dw fwd_free ; [9] Free space (unallocated)
dw fwd_code ; [10] Code
dw fwd_ref ; [11] Reference cells
dw fwd_port ; [12] Port data objects
dw fwd_char ; [13] Characters
dw fwd_env ; [14] Environments
data ends
prog segment byte public 'PROG'
assume CS:PGROUP
extrn %printf:far
;* Far Linkage to FORCE_DEBUG *
%forcede proc far
extrn force_de:near
call force_de
%forcede endp
prog ends
PROGX segment byte public 'PROGX'
assume CS:XGROUP
;* Garbage Collection -- Pointer Relocation Phase *
public srelocat
srelocat proc near
push ES ; save caller's ES register
push BP ; and BP register
mov BP,SP ; and establish addressability
; relocate the pointers within each page
mov BX,DEDPAGES*WORDINCR ; initialize page counter
srel_lop: test attrib+[BX],NOMEMORY
jnz srel_nxt
mov DI,SS:ptype+[BX] ; get data type for page
cmp DI,FREETYPE*2 ; Free Page?
je srel_nxt ; Yes...continue
push BX ; save the page counter
call rel_page ; relocate pointers in current page
pop BX ; restore page counter
srel_nxt: add BX,WORDINCR ; increment page counter
cmp BX,NUMPAGES*WORDINCR ; all pages processed?
jb srel_lop ; if more pages, jump
; relocate registers R1-R63
xor BX,BX ; clear BX
mov CX,NUM_REGS-1 ; load number of registers ('cept for R0)
mov DI,offset reg0 + size C_ptr ; load address of R1
srel_reg: call rel_reg ; relocate register Rn
add DI,size C_ptr ; increment pointer to next reigster
loop srel_reg ; loop until R1-R63 relocated
; relocate the other internal registers
mov DI,offset FNV_reg
call rel_reg ; relocate FNV_reg
mov DI,offset GNV_reg
call rel_reg ; relocate GNV_reg
mov DI,offset PREV_reg
call rel_reg ; relocate PREV_reg
mov DI,offset CB_reg
call rel_reg ; relocate CB_reg
mov DI,offset TRNS_reg
call rel_reg ; relocate TRNS_reg
mov DI,offset tmp_reg
call rel_reg ; relocate tmp_reg
mov DI,offset tm2_reg
call rel_reg ; relocate tm2_reg
mov DI,offset FNV_save
call rel_reg ; relocate FNV_save
mov DI,offset STL_save
call rel_reg ; relocate STL_save
; relocate the system oblist and the property lists
mov CX,HT_SIZE ; load iteration count
xor DX,DX ; zero the index
rel_tab: mov DI,DX ; copy loop index to DI
mov BL,hash_pag+[DI] ; fetch hash table entry page number
shl DI,1 ; double index value for use as word index
mov SI,hash_dis+[DI] ; fetch hash table entry displacement
call rel_ptr ; relocate the pointer
mov hash_dis+[DI],SI ; store the relocated
mov SI,DX ; pointer back into the
mov hash_pag+[SI],BL ; system hash table
mov BL,prop_pag+[SI] ; fetch property list entry page number
mov SI,prop_dis+[DI] ; and displacement
call rel_ptr ; relocate the property list entry pointer
mov prop_dis+[DI],SI ; store the relocated
mov DI,DX ; pointer back into the
mov prop_pag+[DI],BL ; system property list table
inc DX ; increment the loop index
loop rel_tab ; continue 'til all entries processed
; Relocate the pointers in the runtime stack
mov DI,offset S_stack ; load address of stack buffer
mov DX,TOS ; load current top of stack and
add DX,DI ; compute stack's ending address
rel_stk: mov BL,[DI].car_page ; load next stack entry from the
mov SI,[DI].car ; stack buffer
call rel_ptr ; relocate the pointer
mov [DI].car_page,BL ; store the relocated pointer back into
mov [DI].car,SI ; the stack buffer
add DI,PTRSIZE ; increment the stack buffer pointer
cmp DI,DX ; end of active stack buffer?
jbe rel_stk ; if more entries in stack, jump
; Relocate the pointers in the object hash table
mov CX,OHT_SIZE ; load count of object hash table entries
mov DI,offset obj_ht ; load address of object hash table
rel_oht: mov BL,[DI].car_page ; load next entry in the
mov SI,[DI].car ; object hash table
call rel_ptr ; relocate the pointer
mov [DI].car_page,BL ; store the relocated pointer back
mov [DI].car,SI ; into the object hash table
add DI,PTRSIZE ; increment the loop index
loop rel_oht ; continue until all entries processed
; Return to caller
rel_rtn: pop BP ; restore caller's BP register
pop ES ; and ES register
ret ; return
srelocat endp
;* Local Support-- Relocate pointers in a single page *
rel_page proc near
mov page_sav,BX ; Save this page number
%LoadPage ES,BX ; load the page's paragraph address
;;; mov ES,pagetabl+[BX] ; load the page's paragraph address
mov DX,psize+[BX] ; load the current page size
sub DX,PTRSIZE ; and adjust for end of page boundary
mov SI,ptype+[BX]
xor DI,DI ; zero the page index
xor BX,BX ; zero BX
jmp btable+[SI]
rel_list: ; [0] List cells
rel_l010: mov BL,ES:[DI].car_page ; fetch the car field's page number
cmp BL,0FFh ; unused list cell?
je rel_l020 ; if unused, jump
test byte ptr ES:[DI].list_gc,GC_BIT ; is this a relocated pointer?
jnz rel_l020 ; if a relocated ptr, leave it alone
mov SI,ES:[DI].car ; fetch the car field's displacement field
call rel_ptr ; relocate the pointer
%LoadPage ES,page_sav ; Re-load source page
mov ES:[DI].car_page,BL ; store the relocated car pointer
mov ES:[DI].car,SI ; back into the list cell
mov BL,ES:[DI].cdr_page ; fetch the cdr field from
mov SI,ES:[DI].cdr ; the list cell
call rel_ptr ; relocate the pointer
%LoadPage ES,page_sav ; Re-load source page
mov ES:[DI].cdr_page,BL ; store the relocated cdr pointer
mov ES:[DI].cdr,SI ; back into the list cell
rel_l020: add DI,LISTSIZE ; increment the page index
cmp DI,DX ; end of page?
jbe rel_l010 ; if more list cells to process, jump
jmp rel_ret ; return
rel_sym: ; [4] Symbols
rel_port: ; [12] Port data objects
rel_s010: cmp ES:[DI].sym_type,FREETYPE ; free block?
je rel_s020 ; if free block, jump
test ES:[DI].sym_gc,GC_BIT ; is this a relocated object?
jnz rel_s020 ; if a forwarding pointer, jump
mov BL,ES:[DI].sym_page ; load pointer operand from the
mov SI,ES:[DI].sym_disp ; port or symbol object
call rel_ptr ; relocate the pointer, if needed
%LoadPage ES,page_sav ; Re-load source page
mov ES:[DI].sym_page,BL ; store relocated pointer back in
mov ES:[DI].sym_disp,SI ; the port or symbol
rel_s020: add DI,ES:[DI].sym_len ; increment the page index
cmp DI,DX ; end of page?
jbe rel_s010 ; if not end of page, jump
jmp rel_ret ; return
rel_code: ; [10] Code
rel_c010: cmp ES:[DI].cod_type,FREETYPE ; is this a free block?
je rel_c030 ; if unused block, jump
test ES:[DI].cod_gc,GC_BIT ; is this a relocated code block?
jnz rel_c030 ; if a forwarding pointer, jump
mov AX,DI ; save starting offset of object
mov CX,ES:[DI].cod_entr ; load the entry point
add CX,DI ; and compute ending offset
jmp short rel_c025 ; test for code block with no constants
rel_c020: mov BL,ES:[DI].cod_cpag ; load next pointer from the
mov SI,ES:[DI].cod_cdis ; object
call rel_ptr ; relocate pointer, if needed
%LoadPage ES,page_sav ; Re-load source page
mov ES:[DI].cod_cpag,BL ; store the relocated pointer
mov ES:[DI].cod_cdis,SI ; back into the object
add DI,PTRSIZE ; increment the page index
rel_c025: cmp DI,CX ; all pointers updated?
jb rel_c020 ; if more pointers, jump
mov DI,AX ; restore starting offset of object
rel_c030: add DI,ES:[DI].cod_len ; adjust index for free area
cmp DI,DX ; end of page?
jbe rel_c010 ; if not end of page, jump
jmp rel_ret ; return
rel_ary: ; [6] Arrays
rel_cont: ; [7] Continuations
rel_clos: ; [8] Closures
rel_env: ; [14] Environments
rel_v010: cmp ES:[DI].vec_type,FREETYPE ; is this a free block?
je rel_v030 ; if unused block, jump
test ES:[DI].vec_gc,GC_BIT ; has object been relocated?
jnz rel_v030 ; if a forwarding pointer, jump
mov AX,DI ; save starting offset of object
mov CX,ES:[DI].vec_len ; load the object's length
add CX,DI ; and compute ending offset
sub CX,BLK_OVHD ; adjust ending offset for block header
jmp short rel_v025 ; test for zero length object
rel_v020: mov BL,ES:[DI].vec_page ; load next pointer from the
mov SI,ES:[DI].vec_disp ; object
call rel_ptr ; relocate pointer, if needed
%LoadPage ES,page_sav ; Re-load source page
mov ES:[DI].vec_page,BL ; store the relocated pointer
mov ES:[DI].vec_disp,SI ; back into the object
add DI,PTRSIZE ; increment the page index
rel_v025: cmp DI,CX ; all pointers updated?
jb rel_v020 ; if more pointers, jump
mov DI,AX ; restore starting offset of object
rel_v030: add DI,ES:[DI].vec_len ; adjust index for free area
cmp DI,DX ; end of page?
jbe rel_v010 ; if not end of page, jump
jmp rel_ret ; return
rel_fix: ; [1] Fixnums
rel_flo: ; [2] Flonums
rel_big: ; [3] Bignums
rel_str: ; [5] Strings
rel_free: ; [9] Free space (unallocated)
rel_ref: ; [11] Reference cells (hope not...)
rel_char: ; [13] Characters
rel_ret: ret ; return to caller
rel_page endp
;* Local Support-- Relocate a pointer contained in a register *
;* *
;* Parameters: DI - address of register *
rel_reg proc near
xor BX,BX ; clear BX
mov BL,byte ptr [DI].C_page ; fetch the register's
mov SI,[DI].C_disp ; contents
call rel_ptr ; relocate the pointer
mov byte ptr [DI].C_page,BL ; store the relocated pointer
mov [DI].C_disp,SI ; back into the register
ret ; return
rel_reg endp
;* Local Support-- Relocate a single pointer *
;* *
;* Parameters: BX - page number index (page*2) *
;* SI - displacement *
rel_ptr proc near
cmp BX,DEDPAGES*WORDINCR ; is this a special non-GCed page?
jl rep_ret1 ; if special page, no relocation done
push ES ; save caller's ES
push DI ; and save caller's DI
%LoadPage ES,BX ; load the paragraph address for ptr's page
;;; mov ES,pagetabl+[BX] ; load paragraph address for pointer's page
mov DI,ptype+[BX]
jae rel_oops
jmp ctable+[DI] ; jump according to pointer type
; ***error-- invalid type/length code***
rel_oops: pushm <AX,CX,DX,SI,BX> ; save registers; push page:disp
mov AX,offset msg_relp ; move address of "format"
push AX ; and push as argument to printf
mov AX,DS ; make ES point to the data segment
mov ES,AX
call %printf ; print the error message
call %forcede ; invoke the VM debugger with next instr.
popm <AX,BX,SI,DX,CX,AX> ; restore registers
jmp short rep_ret ; return
rep_list: ; [0] List Cells
test byte ptr ES:[SI].list_gc,GC_BIT ; has cell been relocated?
jz rep_ret ; if not moved, return (jump)
mov BL,ES:[SI].car_page ; replace original pointer with
mov SI,ES:[SI].car ; the updated pointer
and SI,07FFFh ; clear the GC bit
jmp short rep_ret ; return
rep_flo: ; [2] Flonums
test byte ptr ES:[SI].flo_gc,GC_bit ; has flonum been relocated?
jz rep_ret ; if not moved, return (jump)
mov BL,ES:[SI].flo_data ; replace original pointer with
mov SI,word ptr ES:[SI].flo_data+1 ; the updated pointer
jmp short rep_ret ; return
rep_big: ; [3] Bignums
rep_sym: ; [4] Symbols
rep_str: ; [5] Strings
rep_ary: ; [6] Arrays
rep_cont: ; [7] Continuations
rep_clos: ; [8] Closures
rep_code: ; [10] Code
rep_port: ; [12] Port data objects
rep_env: ; [14] Environments
test byte ptr ES:[SI].vec_gc,GC_bit ; has object been relocated?
jz rep_ret ; if not moved, return (jump)
mov BL,ES:[SI].vec_page ; replace original pointer with
mov SI,ES:[SI].vec_disp ; the updated pointer
jmp rep_ret ; return
rep_fix: ; [1] Fixnums
rep_free: ; [9] Free space (unallocated)
rep_ref: ; [11] Reference cells (hope not...)
rep_char: ; [13] Characters
rep_ret: pop DI ; restore caller's DI
pop ES ; restore caller's ES
rep_ret1: ret ; return to caller
rel_ptr endp
;* Complement GC (forwarding) Bits *
public toggleGC
toggleGC proc near
push ES ; save caller's ES register
push BP ; and BP register
mov BP,SP ; and establish addressability
mov BX,DEDPAGES*WORDINCR ; initialize page counter
togl_lop: test attrib+[BX],NOMEMORY
jnz togl_nxt
mov DI,SS:ptype+[BX] ; get data type for page
cmp DI,FREETYPE*2 ; Free Page?
je togl_nxt ; Yes...continue
push BX ; save the page counter
call togl_pag ; complement GC bits in current page
pop BX ; restore page counter
togl_nxt: add BX,WORDINCR ; increment page counter
cmp BX,NUMPAGES*WORDINCR ; all pages processed?
jb togl_lop ; if more pages, jump
mov SP,BP
pop BP
pop ES
toggleGC endp
togl_pag proc near
%LoadPage ES,BX ; load the page's paragraph address
;;; mov ES,pagetabl+[BX] ; load the page's paragraph address
mov DX,psize+[BX] ; load the current page size
sub DX,PTRSIZE ; and adjust for end of page boundary
mov SI,ptype+[BX]
xor DI,DI ; zero the page index
xor BX,BX ; zero BX
jmp dtable+[SI]
fwd_list: ; [0] List cells
fwd_l010: cmp ES:[DI].car_page,0FFh ; unused list cell?
je fwd_l020 ; if unused, jump
xor byte ptr ES:[DI].list_gc,GC_BIT ; toggle the GC (forward) bit
fwd_l020: add DI,LISTSIZE ; increment the page index
cmp DI,DX ; end of page?
jbe fwd_l010 ; if more list cells to process, jump
jmp togl_ret ; return
fwd_flo: ; [2] Flonums
fwd_f010: cmp byte ptr ES:[DI].flo_type,0FFh ; unused flonum?
je fwd_f020 ; if unused, jump
xor byte ptr ES:[DI].flo_gc,GC_BIT ; toggle the GC (forward) bit
fwd_f020: add DI,FLOSIZE ; increment the page index
cmp DI,DX ; end of page?
jbe fwd_f010 ; if more flonums to process, jump
jmp togl_ret ; return
fwd_str: ; [5] Strings
fwd_big: ; [3] Bignums
fwd_sym: ; [4] Symbols
fwd_ary: ; [6] Arrays
fwd_cont: ; [7] Continuations
fwd_clos: ; [8] Closures
fwd_code: ; [10] Code
fwd_port: ; [12] Port data objects
fwd_env: ; [14] Environments
fwd_v010: cmp ES:[DI].vec_type,FREETYPE ; is this a free block?
je fwd_v030 ; if unused block, jump
xor ES:[DI].vec_gc,GC_BIT ; toggle GC (forward) bit
fwd_v030: mov CX,ES:[DI].vec_len ; adjust index for free area
cmp CX,0 ;;; check for small string
jge fwd_v040
fwd_v040: add DI,CX
cmp DI,DX ; end of page?
jbe fwd_v010 ; if not end of page, jump
jmp togl_ret ; return
fwd_fix: ; [1] Fixnums
fwd_free: ; [9] Free space (unallocated)
fwd_ref: ; [11] Reference cells
fwd_char: ; [13] Characters
togl_ret: ret ; return to caller
togl_pag endp
PROGX ends