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This file contains invisible Unicode characters

This file contains invisible Unicode characters that are indistinguishable to humans but may be processed differently by a computer. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

; =====> SRCH_STR.ASM
;* TIPC Scheme Runtime Support *
;* String Search Capabilities *
;* *
;* (C) Copyright 1985 by Texas *
;* Instruments Incorporated. *
;* All rights reserved. *
;* *
;* Date Written: 21 July 1985 *
;* Last Modification: 17 October 1985 *
include scheme.equ
include pcmake.equ
include sinterp.arg
include rpc.equ
include xli_pro.mac
include realio.equ
DGROUP group data
PGROUP group prog
MSDOS equ 021h
TI_CRT equ 049h
IBM_CRT equ 010h
; Definitions for control characters
CTL_A equ 1
CTL_I equ 9
CTL_Z equ 26
data segment word public 'DATA'
assume DS:DGROUP
;from pro2real.asm
ret_sav1 dw 0 ; return address save area
ret_sav2 dw 0 ; return address save area
m_st_ln db "STRING-LENGTH",0
m_mk_str db "MAKE-STRING",0
m_stapnd db "%STRING-APPEND",0
m_reifs db "%REIFY-STACK",0
m_reifsb db "%REIFY-STACK!",0
m_st_dsp db "%SUBSTRING-DISPLAY",0
m_opnd dw INVALID_OPERAND_ERROR ; numeric error code
m_one dw 1 ; a constant "one" (1)
data ends
prog segment byte public 'PROG'
assume CS:PGROUP
extrn %allocbl:far ; "alloc_block" linkage routine
extrn next:far ; Interpreter's "next instruction" point
extrn next_PC:far ; Interpreter's "next instruction" point
extrn sch_err:far ; Linkage to Scheme debugger
;* Far Linkage to "set_src_err" *
public %set_src
%set_src proc far
pop ret_sav1
pop ret_sav2
push DS ; make ES point to the current data segment
pop ES
extrn set_src_:near
call set_src_
push ret_sav2
push ret_sav1
%set_src endp
;* Far Linkage to "set_numeric_error" *
public %set_num
%set_num proc far
pop ret_sav1
pop ret_sav2
push DS ; make ES point to the current data segment
pop ES
extrn set_nume:near
call set_nume
push ret_sav2
push ret_sav1
%set_num endp
;* Far Linkage to "dissamble" *
public %disasse
%disasse proc far
pop ret_sav1
pop ret_sav2
push DS ; make ES point to the current data segment
pop ES
extrn disassem:near
call disassem
push ret_sav2
push ret_sav1
%disasse endp
;* Far Linkage to "get_port" *
public %getport
%getport proc far
pop ret_sav1
pop ret_sav2
push DS ; make ES point to the current data segment
pop ES
extrn get_port:near
call get_port
push ret_sav2
push ret_sav1
%getport endp
prog ends
PROGX segment byte public 'PROGX'
assume CS:XGROUP
extrn CRT_DSR:far
;* Substring-Find-Next-Char-in-Set *
srch_arg struc
strt_off dw ? ; starting offset (16 bit positive integer)
end_off dw ? ; ending offset (16 bit positive integer)
lngth dw ? ; number of characters in source string
result dw ? ; index of character matched
; Note: the following two entries are order dependent
str_beg dw ? ; beginning offset of string
str_DS dw ? ; segment register value for string
srch_BP dw ? ; caller's BP
dw ? ; caller's ES
dd ? ; return address (far)
dw ? ; return address (near)
str_reg dw ? ; register containing string
strt_reg dw ? ; register containing substr starting offset
end_reg dw ? ; register containing substr ending offset
cs_reg dw ? ; register containing charset string
srch_arg ends
srch_str proc far
%srchprv label far
mov CX,1 ; set search direction = backward
jmp short srch_go ; go to common processing code
; Long Branch to Source Error Support
srch_er1: jmp srch_err
%srchnxt label far
xor CX,CX ; set search direction = forward
srch_go: push ES ; save caller's ES register
push BP ; save caller's BP register
sub SP,offset srch_BP ; allocate local storage
mov BP,SP ; establish addressability of local data
; Validate Source String Argument
mov BX,[BP].str_reg ; load address of string register
mov SI,[BX].C_page ; and load string's page number
cmp byte ptr ptype+[SI],STRTYPE*2 ; is source string a string?
jne srch_er1 ; if not a string, error (jump)
%LoadPage ES,SI
;;; mov ES,pagetabl+[SI] ; load string's paragraph address
mov SI,[BX].C_disp ; load displacement of string
mov AX,ES:[SI].str_len ; load length of string
cmp AX,0 ;;; check length of string
jge srch_01
jmp srch_02
srch_01: sub AX,BLK_OVHD ; and compute number of characters in it
srch_02: mov [BP].lngth,AX ; save string length for further testing
add SI,BLK_OVHD ; advance string start to first character
mov [BP].str_beg,SI ; save starting character offset
mov [BP].str_DS,ES ; and segment register pointer
; Validate Starting Offset Argument
mov BX,[BP].strt_reg ; load address of starting offset regsiter
call get_num ; obtain the integer value
jc srch_er1 ; if carry set, error
mov [BP].strt_off,AX ; and save it for future use
; Validate Ending Offset Argument
mov BX,[BP].end_reg ; load address of ending offset register
call get_num ; obtain the integer value
jc srch_er1 ; if carry set, error
cmp [BP].strt_off,AX ; is starting offset greater than ending?
ja srch_er1 ; if so, invalid substring range (jump)
cmp AX,[BP].lngth ; test ending offset against string length
ja srch_er1 ; if ending offset too big, error (jump)
mov [BP].end_off,AX ; save ending offset for future use
; Validate Charset String Argument
mov BX,[BP].cs_reg ; load number of register holding charset
mov DI,[BX].C_page ; load page number of charset pointer
cmp byte ptr ptype+[DI],STRTYPE*2 ; this is a sting, isn't it?
jne char_p ; if not a string, error (jump)
%LoadPage ES,DI
;;; mov ES,pagetabl+[DI] ; load paragraph address of string
mov DI,[BX].C_disp ; load displacement of string in page
mov DX,ES:[DI].str_len ; load length of string object
cmp DX,0 ;;; check length of string
jge srch_03
jmp srch_04
srch_03: sub DX,BLK_OVHD ; compute number of characters in charset
srch_04: add DI,BLK_OVHD ; advance string pointer past block header
jmp short go
char_p: cmp DI,SPECCHAR*2 ; is charset argument a single character?
je char_p0 ; Yes, continue
jmp srch_er1 ; No, error (jump)
; Single character search-- optimize it
char_p0: mov AL,byte ptr [BX].C_disp
les DI,dword ptr [BP].str_beg
mov DX,CX ; save direction indicator in DX
mov CX,[BP].end_off ; compute length of search string
sub CX,[BP].strt_off
je not_fnd1 ; if search length is zero, return 'nil
cmp DX,0
jne b_ward ; if backward, jump
; search for single character in forward direction
add DI,[BP].strt_off ; compute address of start of substring
repne scasb ; search for single character
jne not_fnd1 ; character found? If so, jump
dec DI ; fix up ending index
jmp short over
; search for single character in backward direction
b_ward: add DI,[BP].end_off ; compute address of end of substring
dec DI
std ; set search direction to be backwards
repne scasb ; search for single character
cld ; reset "direction" flag to go forwards
jne not_fnd1 ; if search length is zero, return 'nil
inc DI ; fix up ending index
over: mov SI,DI ; copy character address to SI
sub SI,[BP].str_beg ; and compute found character's address
jmp short found ; return index to found character
; Determine whether string search is forward or backward
go: push DS ; save the data segment address
cmp CX,0 ; in which direction are we to search?
je forward ; if CX=0, forward; else backward
; Register Usage in Innermost Loop:
; DS:SI - pointer to next character in source string
; ES:DI - pointer to charset string
; AL - search character
; BX - ending offset (source string)
; CX - length of charset string
; DX - length of charset string (used to refresh CX)
; Search Source String in a Backwards Direction
mov BX,[BP].str_beg ; compute ending offset for string
add BX,[BP].strt_off
lds SI,dword ptr [BP].str_beg ; load addr of string's beginning
add SI,SS:[BP].end_off ; and compute end of substring address
jmp short startb ; jump to initial entry point in loop
loopb: sub DI,DX ; reset starting offset of charset string
startb: cmp SI,BX ; at beginning of substring?
jbe not_fnd ; if at end, jump
mov CX,DX ; reload charset string length
dec SI ; decrement source string index
mov AL,[SI] ; and load next character to test
repne scasb ; search charset for current character
jne loopb
pop DS ; restore DS to point to data segment
sub SI,[BP].str_beg ; compute index of current character
jmp short found ; current character found in charset
; no characters found which appear in the charset
not_fnd: pop DS ; restore DS to current data segment
not_fnd1: xor AX,AX ; store #!false in the
mov BX,[BP].str_reg ; destination register
mov byte ptr [BX].C_page,AL
mov [BX].C_disp,AX
jmp short ret ; return to caller
; Search Source String in a Forward Direction
forward: mov BX,[BP].str_beg ; compute ending offset for string
add BX,[BP].end_off
lds SI,dword ptr [BP].str_beg ; load addr of string's beginning
add SI,SS:[BP].strt_off ; and compute beginning of substring
jmp short start ; jump to initial entry point in loop
loop: sub DI,DX ; reset starting offset of charset string
start: cmp SI,BX ; at end of source string?
jae not_fnd ; if at end, jump
mov CX,DX ; reload charset string length
lodsb ; load next character to test
repne scasb ; search charset for current character
jne loop
; current character found in charset-- return offset of current character
pop DS ; restore DS to current data segment
sub SI,[BP].str_beg ; adjust offset of character found
dec SI
found: mov BX,[BP].str_reg ; load address of destination register
call ret_num ; convert offset to Scheme integer
; return to caller
ret: xor AX,AX ; set completion code for normal return
ret1: add SP,offset srch_BP ; release local storage
pop BP ; restore the caller's BP register
pop ES ; restore the caller's ES register
ret ; return
; error-- invalid operand to string search primitive
srch_err: pushm <[BP].cs_reg,[BP].end_reg,[BP].strt_reg,[BP].str_reg>
cmp CX,0 ; search forward or backward?
jne backward ; if backward search, jump
mov AX,offset m_srch_f
jmp short common
backward: mov AX,offset m_srch_b
common: mov BX,4 ; load VM argument count
pushm <BX,AX> ; push args=4, name of instruction
call %set_src ; call set_src_err(...);
mov AX,-1 ; load "invalid operand" flag
mov SP,BP ; drop arguments off the TIPC's stack
jmp ret1 ; return to interpreter
srch_str endp
dumy_arg struc
dw ? ; caller's BP
dd ? ; return address (far linkage)
dw ? ; return address (near linkage)
arg1 dw ? ; register address for argument 1
arg2 dw ? ; register address for argument 2
arg3 dw ? ; register address for argument 3
arg4 dw ? ; register address for argument 4
dumy_arg ends
;* AL *
;* (string-length string) string-length d=s1 *
;* *
;* Purpose: Scheme Interpreter support for the "string-lengt" function.*
%st_len proc far
push BP ; save the caller's BP register
mov BP,SP ; establish addressability for arguments
; validate the string argument
mov BX,[BP].arg1 ; load address of argument register
mov SI,[BX].C_page ; load the string's page number
cmp byte ptr ptype+[SI],STRTYPE*2 ; it is a string, isn't it?
jne st_l_err ; if not a string, error (jump)
; compute string length
%LoadPage ES,SI
;;; mov ES,pagetabl+[SI] ; load paragraph address of string's page
mov SI,[BX].C_disp ; load string's displacement
mov SI,ES:[SI].str_len ; load length field from string object
cmp SI,0 ;;; check length of string
jge str_010
jmp str_020
str_010: sub SI,BLK_OVHD ; and compute number of characters in it
; return string length as an integer
str_020: call ret_num ; create Scheme representation for integer
; return
xor AX,AX ; set error code for normal return
str_ret: pop BP ; restore the caller's BP register
ret ; return to caller
; ***error-- operand was not a string***
st_l_err: mov AX,offset m_st_ln ; load text address for "STRING-LENGTH"
mov CX,1 ; indicate one operand
pushm <BX,CX,AX> ; push arguments for call
call %set_src ; call: set_src_err("STRING-LENGTH",1,arg1)
mov SP,BP ; drop arguments off stack
mov AX,-1 ; indicate error return
jmp str_ret ; return
%st_len endp
;* *
;* Purpose: Scheme Interpreter support for the "MAKE-STRING" function. *
;* *
;* Note: The maximum length of a PCS string is 2^16 - 3 (65,532) *
;* characters. *
%makestr proc far
push BP ; save the caller's BP register
mov BP,SP ; establish addressability for arguments
; validate the length operand
mov BX,[BP].arg1 ; load address of reg containing length
call get_num ; get the value of the integer
jc mk_s_err ; error? if so, jump
; allocate the string object
mov CX,STRTYPE ; load the type code for a string
pushm <AX,CX,BX> ; push arguments for the call
call %allocbl ; call: alloc_block(arg1, STRTYPE, length)
mov SP,BP ; drop the arguments off the stack
; validate the initialization value
mov BX,[BP].arg2 ; load address of register with init value
mov SI,[BX].C_page ; load initialization value's page number
cmp SI,0 ; default initialization value (nil)?
jne mk_s_ch ; if not nil, check for character (jump)
mov AL," " ; use blank (" ") as default fill value
jmp short mk_s_in ; initialize the string
mk_s_ch: cmp SI,SPECCHAR*2 ; is initialization value a character?
jne mk_s_err ; if not a character or nil, error (jump)
mov AL,byte ptr [BX].C_disp ; load the value of the character
; initialize the string
mk_s_in: mov BX,[BP].arg1 ; load a pointer to the newly allocated
mov DI,[BX].C_disp
mov BX,[BX].C_page
%LoadPage ES,BX
;;; mov ES,pagetabl+[BX]
mov CX,[BP].arg3 ; load length of string object
add DI,BLK_OVHD ; advance string ptr to 1st char position
rep stosb ; propagate initval throughout string
; return to caller
xor AX,AX ; set the return code for a normal return
mk_s_ret: pop BP ; restore the caller's BP register
ret ; return
; ***error-- invalid operand to MAKE-STRING***
mk_s_err: mov AX,offset m_mk_str ; load addr of "MAKE-STRING" text
mov BX,2 ; load argument count = 2
pushm <[BP].arg2,[BP].arg1,BX,AX>
call %set_src ; set_src_err("MAKE-STRING",2,arg1,arg2)
mov SP,BP ; drop arguments off TIPC stack
mov AX,-1 ; indicate error return
jmp short mk_s_ret ; return
%makestr endp
;* (%str-append str1 start1 end1 {nil,char,str2} str3 start3 end3) *
str_arg struc
start1 dw ? ; starting offset of first string
start3 dw ? ; starting offset of third string
len1 dw ? ; length of first string
len2 dw ? ; length of second string
len3 dw ? ; length of third string
str_BP dw ? ; caller's BP
dw ? ; caller's SI
dw ? ; caller's ES
reg7 dw ? ; address of 7th operand register
reg6 dw ? ; address of 6th operand register
reg5 dw ? ; address of 5th operand register
reg4 dw ? ; address of 4th operand register
reg3 dw ? ; address of 3rd operand register
reg2 dw ? ; address of 2nd operand register
reg_1 dw ? ; address of 1st operand register
str_arg ends
public str_apnd
%strapnd proc far
str_err1: jmp str_err ; indirect jump to error code
; Load operands of this here instruction and compute register addresses
str_apnd: mov CX,7 ; load count of number of operands
str_ld: xor AX,AX ; clear AH
lods byte ptr ES:[SI] ; load register number of this operand
add AX,offset reg0 ; and compute the register's address
push AX ; save the register's address on the stack
loop str_ld ; continue until all operands processed
; Save registers and establish addressability of local storage
push ES ; save caller's ES register
push SI ; save caller's SI register
push BP ; save caller's BP register
sub SP,offset str_BP ; allocate local storage
mov BP,SP ; and establish addressability
; Validate the First String's Starting Offset
mov BX,[BP].reg2 ; load address of start1 register
call get_num ; fetch value for start1
jc str_err1 ; if error, jump
add AX,BLK_OVHD ; advance starting offset past block header
mov [BP].start1,AX ; save start1 offset
; Validate the First String's Ending Offset
mov BX,[BP].reg3 ; load address of end1 register
call get_num ; fetch value for end1
jc str_err1 ; if error, jump
add AX,BLK_OVHD ; advance ending offset past block header
; Validate the First String Operand
mov BX,[BP].reg_1 ; load address of string1 register
mov SI,[BX].C_page ; load string's page number
cmp byte ptr ptype+[SI],STRTYPE*2 ; it is a string, isn't it?
jne str_err1 ; if not a string, error (jump)
%LoadPage ES,SI
;;; mov ES,pagetabl+[SI] ; load a pointer to the string
mov SI,[BX].C_disp
mov CX,ES:[SI].str_len ; ending offset past string end?
cmp CX,0 ;;; check length of string
jge str_01
add CX,BLK_OVHD+PTRSIZE ;;; adjust the string length
str_01: cmp AX,CX
ja str_err1 ; if ending offset too big, error (jump)
sub AX,[BP].start1 ; is ending offset too small?
jb str_err1 ; if ending offset smaller than start, jump
mov [BP].len1,AX ; save length of substring1
; Validate the Third String's Starting Offset
mov BX,[BP].reg6 ; load address of start3 register
call get_num ; fetch value for start3
jc str_err ; if error, jump
add AX,BLK_OVHD ; advance starting offset past block header
mov [BP].start3,AX ; save start3 offset
; Validate the Third String's Ending Offset
mov BX,[BP].reg7 ; load address of end3 register
call get_num ; fetch value for end3
jc str_err ; if error, jump
add AX,BLK_OVHD ; advance ending offset past block header
; Validate the Third String Operand
mov BX,[BP].reg5 ; load address of string3 register
mov SI,[BX].C_page ; load string's page number
cmp byte ptr ptype+[SI],STRTYPE*2 ; it is a string, isn't it?
jne str_err ; if not a string, error (jump)
%LoadPage ES,SI
;;; mov ES,pagetabl+[SI] ; load a pointer to the string
mov SI,[BX].C_disp
mov CX,ES:[SI].str_len ; ending offset past string end?
cmp CX,0 ;;; check length of string
jge str_02
add CX,BLK_OVHD+PTRSIZE ;;; adjust the string length
str_02: cmp AX,CX
ja str_err ; if ending offset too big, error (jump)
sub AX,[BP].start3 ; is ending offset too small?
jb str_err ; if ending offset smaller than start, jump
mov [BP].len3,AX ; save length of substring3
; Validate the "thing" to be inserted between string1 and string3
mov BX,[BP].reg4 ; load register with said "thing"
mov SI,[BX].C_page ; load page number
cmp SI,NIL_PAGE*2 ; is object nil?
jne str_10 ; if not nil, jump
; The "thing" is nil-- indicate nothing to insert
mov [BP].len2,0 ; indicate zero length "thing"
jmp short str_30 ; continue processing
; ***We interrupt this routine for some error support code***
str_err: mov AX,offset m_stapnd
mov CX,7
pushm <[BP].reg7,[BP].reg6,[BP].reg5,[BP].reg4,[BP].reg3>
pushm <[BP].reg2,[BP].reg_1,CX,AX>
call %set_src
mov SP,BP
add SP,offset str_BP
pop BP
pop SI
pop ES
jmp sch_err
str_10: cmp SI,SPECCHAR*2 ; is "thing" a character?
jne str_20 ; if not a character, jump
; The "thing" is a character
mov [BP].len2,1 ; indicate length = 1 character
jmp short str_30
str_20: cmp byte ptr ptype+[SI],STRTYPE*2 ; is "thing" a string?
jne str_err ; if not a string, error (jump)
; The "thing" is a string-- establish string length
%LoadPage ES,SI
;;; mov ES,pagetabl+[SI] ; load string page's paragraph address
mov SI,[BX].C_disp
mov AX,ES:[SI].str_len
cmp AX,0 ;;; check length of string
jge str_03
jmp str_04
str_03: sub AX,BLK_OVHD ; and compute number of characters in it
str_04: mov [BP].len2,AX ; save string length for further testing
; All arguments OK, allocate the new string
str_30: mov AX,[BP].len1 ; compute the length of the new string
add AX,[BP].len2
add AX,[BP].len3
cmp AX,16383 ; is new string greater than max string size?
jg str_err ; Yes ... error
mov BX,STRTYPE ; load tag=string
mov CX,offset tmp_reg
pushm <AX,BX,CX> ; push arguments to call
call %allocbl
mov SP,BP ; drop arguments off the stack
mov DI,tmp_page ; load pointer to newly allocated string
%LoadPage0 ES,DI
;;; mov ES,pagetabl+[DI]
mov DI,tmp_disp ; pointer is now in ES:[DI]
add DI,BLK_OVHD ; advance pointer to 1st character location
; Move in data from all substrings
mov CX,[BP].len1 ; load length of string1
mov BX,[BP].reg_1 ; load addr of register containing string 1
mov SI,[BX].C_disp ; load string 1's offset
add SI,[BP].start1 ; add in offset of starting character
mov BX,[BX].C_page ; load page number
push DS ; save the data segment register
%LoadPage1 DS,BX
;;; mov DS,pagetabl+[BX]
;* * * Warning: The data segment register (DS) does not point to * * *
;* * * the data segment in the code which follows * * *
rep movsb ; copy string1 into new string
pop DS ; restore data segment register
mov CX,[BP].len2 ; load length of string2
cmp CX,0 ; any characters to move?
je str_60 ; if no characters, jump
mov BX,[BP].reg4 ; load addr of register with "thing"
mov SI,SS:[BX].C_disp ; load a pointer to "thing"
mov BX,SS:[BX].C_page
push DS ; Save data segment register
cmp BL,SPECCHAR*2 ; is "thing" a character?
jne str_40 ; if not a character, then a string (jump)
mov SI,[BP].reg4 ; load addr of register containing character
jmp short str_50
str_40: %LoadPage1 DS,BX
;;; mov DS,SS:pagetabl+[BX] ; "thing" is a string-- load pointer
add SI,BLK_OVHD ; to it and advance to 1st character
rep movsb ; copy string2 into new string
pop DS ; restore data segment register
str_60: mov CX,[BP].len3 ; load length of string3
mov BX,[BP].reg5 ; load addr of register containing string 3
mov SI,SS:[BX].C_disp ; load string offset
add SI,[BP].start3 ; advance starting offset past block header
mov BX,SS:[BX].C_page ; load the string's page number and
push DS
%LoadPage1 DS,BX
;;; mov DS,SS:pagetabl+[BX] ; paragraph address
rep movsb ; copy string3 into new string
pop DS ; restore the data segment register
;* * * Warning: The data segment register (DS) does not point to * * *
;* * * the data segment in the code above * * *
; Place pointer to new string into the destination register
mov DI,[BP].reg_1 ; load destination register address
mov AL,byte ptr tmp_page
mov byte ptr [DI].C_page,AL
mov AX,tmp_disp
mov [DI].C_disp,AX
; Return
add SP,offset str_BP ; deallocate local storage
pop BP ; restore caller's BP
pop SI ; restore caller's SI
pop ES ; restore caller's ES
jmp next ; return to Scheme interpreter
%strapnd endp
;* Reify(!)-Stack *
;* *
;* Purpose: To provide the ability to manipulate items on the Scheme *
;* runtime stack from Scheme. *
;* *
;* Description: The elements of the stack are referenced by providing *
;* the byte offset of the desired element as an index *
;* to the REIFY-STACK or REIFY-STACK! instruction. An *
;* index of -1 to REIFY-STACK is a request that the current*
;* stack frame pointer be returned. *
r_stk struc
bang dw ? ; fetch/store indicator
r_stk_BP dw ? ; caller's BP
dd ? ; return address (far call)
dw ? ; return address (near call)
r_index dw ? ; register containing index; destination reg
r_value dw ? ; register containing value (for stores)
r_stk ends
%reifyst proc far
; ***Error-- Invalid Index for REIFY-STACK(!) Instruction***
reif_err: cmp CX,0 ; is this a fetch or store?
jne reif_e10 ; if store, jump
mov AX,offset m_reifs ; load text address for "REIFY-STACK"
mov BX,1 ; indicate 1 operand to this instruction
jmp short reif_e20 ; jump to common error code
reif_e10: mov AX,offset m_reifsb ; load text address for "REIFY-STACK!"
mov BX,2 ; indicate 2 operands to this instruction
push [BP].r_value ; and push second reigster operand
reif_e20: pushm <[BP].r_index,BX,AX> ; push arguments
call %set_src ; indicate source operand error
mov SP,BP ; drop arguments off the stack
mov AX,-1 ; load an error flag
jmp reif_rt1 ; return with error flag in AX
; (REIFY-STACK! index value) ; entry point
%reifstb label far
mov CX,1 ; indicate a store operation
jmp short reif_go ; jump to common entry code
; (REIFY-STACK index) ; entry point
%reifstk label far
xor CX,CX ; indicate a fetch operation
reif_go: push BP ; save the caller's BP register
sub SP,offset r_stk_BP ; allocate local storage
mov BP,SP ; establish addressability for operands/data
; Validate index
mov BX,[BP].r_index ; load address of register containing index
cmp CX,0 ; is this a REIFY-STACK operation?
jne reif_no ; if not, skip special check for -1
; Check for an index of -1 indicating we need to return FP
cmp byte ptr [BX].C_page,SPECFIX*2 ; is index a fixnum?
jne reif_no ; if not a fixnum index, jump
cmp [BX].C_disp,07FFFh ; is index a -1?
jne reif_no ; if not -1, jump
mov AX,FP ; load FP's offset in stack buffer
add AX,BASE ; and add BASE to compute absolute offset
mov SI,AX ; copy quotient to SI
call ret_num ; convert element index to a Scheme integer
jmp reif_ret ; return the element index of FP
; Fetch the index value
reif_no: call get_num ; fetch the integer value
jc reif_err ; if not a valid index, jump
push AX ; save the byte offset
xor DX,DX ; convert to a double word (w/out sign ext)
mov BX,PTRSIZE ; load divisor
div BX ; divide by number of bytes/pointer
pop AX ; restore the byte index
cmp DX,0 ; is remainder zero?
jne reif_err ; if not a multiple of PTRSIZE, error (jump)
mov DX,BASE ; compute the current top of stack (TOS)
add DX,TOS ; offset
cmp AX,DX ; is index larger than TOS?
ja reif_err ; if so, error (jump)
; Attempt to find the desired element in the stack buffer
cmp AX,BASE ; is BASE < element index?
jb reif_cnt ; if so, element is in previous stack segment
sub AX,BASE ; compute byte offset of desired element
add AX,offset S_stack ; compute offset in stack buffer
mov SI,AX ; and move offset into SI
mov AX,DS ; put data segment address into ES so that
mov ES,AX ; desired element is pointed to by ES:[SI]
jmp reif_do ; fetch/store the element
; Find the element in a previous stack segment (a continuation object)
reif_cnt: mov BX,PREV_pag ; make ES:[SI] point to the previous
mov SI,PREV_dis ; stack segment continuation object
%LoadPage ES,BX
;;; mov ES,pagetabl+[BX]
; Follow stack segment chain until desired offset found
reif_lop: cmp AX,ES:[SI].con_base ; compare element index:continuation base
jae reif_fnd ; if offset > base, element in this segment
mov BL,ES:[SI].con_spag ; load pointer to previous stack segment
mov SI,ES:[SI].con_sdis ; into ES:[SI]
%LoadPage ES,BX
;;; mov ES,pagetabl+[BX] ;
jmp short reif_lop ; loop until desired segment found
; Element found in stack segment (continuation) object
reif_fnd: sub AX,ES:[SI].con_base ; subtrace off continuation's base
add SI,AX ; add entry's byte offset
add SI,offset con_data ; adjust for continuation header
; Desired stack element address by ES:[SI]-- is this a fetch or store?
reif_do: cmp CX,0 ; test fetch/store flag
jne reif_st ; if a store, jump
; Fetch desired stack element
mov BX,[BP].r_index ; load address of destination register
mov AL,ES:[SI].car_page ; load page number of stack entry
mov byte ptr [BX].C_page,AL ; and store into destination register
mov AX,ES:[SI].car ; load displacement of stack entry
mov [BX].C_disp,AX ; and store into destination register
jmp short reif_ret
; Re-define desired stack element
reif_st: mov BX,[BP].r_value ; load add of register containing new value
mov AL,byte ptr [BX].C_page
mov ES:[SI].car_page,AL
mov AX,[BX].C_disp
mov ES:[SI].car,AX
; return to caller
reif_ret: xor AX,AX ; indicate no error encountered
reif_rt1: add SP,offset r_stk_BP ; deallocate local storage
pop BP ; restore the caller's BP register
ret ; return to caller
%reifyst endp
;* (%SUBSTRING-DISPLAY string start end row-bias window) *
;* *
;* Purpose: Special support for displaying strings to the CRT for *
;* applications such as text editors. *
SD_BSIZE equ 100 ; buffer size
sd_args struc
; Warning: the following five (5) items are order dependent
sd_dummy dw ? ; extra for realio
sd_len dw ? ; #chars in following buffer
sd_buff db SD_BSIZE dup (?) ; string buffer
sd_text dw ? ; text attributes for window
sd_cursv dw ? ; cursor coordinate save area
sd_char db ? ; "saved" character
sd_streg dw ? ; string register address
sd_start dw ? ; substring's starting offset
sd_end dw ? ; substring's ending offset
sd_bias dw ? ; row bias
sd_cline dw ? ; cursor line number
sd_ccol dw ? ; cursor column number
sd_nline dw ? ; number of lines in the window
sd_ncols dw ? ; number of columns in the window
sd_ullin dw ? ; upper left corner line number
sd_ulcol dw ? ; upper left corner column number
sd_arg45 dw ? ; arguments 4,5 save area
sd_last dw ? ; last write flag
sd_linum db ? ; line number
; Warning: the following two (2) items are order dependent
sd_wn_SI dw ? ; pointer to window object, part 1
sd_wn_ES dw ? ; pointer to window object, part 2
sd_BP dw ? ; caller's BP
sd_args ends
sd_args struc
sd_buff db 100 dup (?) ; string buffer
sd_char db ? ; "saved" character
sd_streg dw ? ; string register address
sd_start dw ? ; substring's starting offset
sd_end dw ? ; substring's ending offset
sd_bias dw ? ; row bias
sd_cline dw ? ; cursor line number
sd_ccol dw ? ; cursor column number
sd_nline dw ? ; number of lines in the window
sd_ncols dw ? ; number of columns in the window
sd_ullin dw ? ; upper left corner line number
sd_ulcol dw ? ; upper left corner column number
sd_text dw ? ; text attributes for window
sd_arg45 dw ? ; arguments 4,5 save area
sd_cursv dw ? ; cursor coordinate save area
sd_last dw ? ; last write flag
sd_linum db ? ; line number
; Warning: the following two (2) items are order dependent
sd_wn_SI dw ? ; pointer to window object, part 1
sd_wn_ES dw ? ; pointer to window object, part 2
sd_BP dw ? ; caller's BP
sd_args ends
SD_BSIZE equ sd_char-sd_buff ; buffer size
public str_disp
strdisp proc far
sd_err1: jmp sd_err ; indirect branch to error code
; load all five (5) of this instruction's operands
str_disp: lods byte ptr ES:[SI]
add AX,offset reg0
mov BX,AX ; save address of string register
lods word ptr ES:[SI]
mov DX,AX
lods word ptr ES:[SI]
save <SI> ; save location pointer
; allocate local storage
push BP
sub SP,offset sd_BP
mov BP,SP
mov [BP].sd_last,0 ; initialize "last write?" flag
mov [BP].sd_linum,0 ; line number
; save off argument information
mov [BP].sd_streg,BX
mov [BP].sd_arg45,AX
; validate the string offsets
xor BX,BX ; clear register BX
mov BL,DL ; copy starting offset register number
add BX,offset reg0 ; and compute register's address
call get_num ; obtain starting offset
jc sd_err1 ; valid offset? if not, error (jump)
add AX,BLK_OVHD ; adjust offset for block header
mov [BP].sd_start,AX ; save starting offset
xor BX,BX
mov BL,DH ; copy ending offset register number
add BX,offset reg0 ; and compute register's address
call get_num ; obtain ending offset
jc sd_err1 ; valid offset? if not, error (jump)
add AX,BLK_OVHD ; adjust offset for block header
cmp AX,[BP].sd_start ; is ending offset greater than starting?
jb sd_err1 ; if ending offset smaller, error (jump)
mov [BP].sd_end,AX ; save ending offset
; validate the row-bias
xor BX,BX
mov BL,byte ptr [BP].sd_arg45
cmp byte ptr reg0_pag+[BX],SPECFIX*2
je next$0
jmp sd_err
next$0: mov AX,reg0_dis+[BX]
shl AX,1
sar AX,1
mov [BP].sd_bias,AX
; Validate the window operand
xor AX,AX
mov AL,byte ptr [BP].sd_arg45+1
add AX,offset reg0
pushm <m_one,AX> ; push mode=output, reg address
call %getport ; map port operand (result in tmp_reg)
cmp AX,0 ; valid port operand?
jne sd_err ; if not a port, error (jump)
mov SI,tmp_page ; load a pointer to the port object
%LoadPage ES,SI
;;; mov ES,pagetabl+[SI]
mov SI,tmp_disp
mov AX,ES:[SI].pt_pflgs ; load the port attributes
test AX,WINDOW ; is this port a window?
jz sd_err ; if not a window, error (jump)
test AX,OPEN ; window open for output?
jnz sd_open ; if open, jump
jmp sd_done ; if closed, ignore I/O request (jump)
; Move parameters from the window object to local storage
sd_open: mov AX,ES:[SI].pt_cline ; get cursor line number
mov [BP].sd_cline,AX
mov AX,ES:[SI].pt_ccol ; get cursor column number
mov [BP].sd_ccol,AX
mov AX,ES:[SI].pt_nline ; get number of lines in window
mov [BP].sd_nline,AX
mov AX,ES:[SI].pt_ncols ; get number of columns in window
mov [BP].sd_ncols,AX
mov AX,ES:[SI].pt_ullin ; get upper left corner's line number
mov [BP].sd_ullin,AX
mov AX,ES:[SI].pt_ulcol ; get upper left corner's column number
mov [BP].sd_ulcol,AX
mov AX,ES:[SI].pt_text ; get window's text attributes
mov [BP].sd_text,AX
mov [BP].sd_wn_ES,ES ; save pointer to window object
mov [BP].sd_wn_SI,SI
jmp short sd_more ; branch over error code
; ***error-- invalid operand***
sd_err: mov SP,BP ; clean up stack
add SP,offset sd_BP
pop BP
restore <SI> ; load address of next instruction and
sub SI,6 ; adjust for 5 operands + opcode
mov AX,offset m_st_dsp ; load address of "SUBSTRING-DISPLAY"
pushm <SI,AX> ; push arguments to "disassemble"
call %disasse ; create *irritant* (pointer in tmp_reg)
pushm <tmp_adr,m_opnd,m_one> ; push operands
call %set_num ; indicate source operand error
jmp sch_err ; Link to Scheme debugger
; validate the string operand
sd_more: mov BX,[BP].sd_streg ; load string register's address
mov SI,[BX].C_page ; load string's page number
cmp byte ptr ptype+[SI],STRTYPE*2 ; type = string?
jne sd_err ; if not a string, error (jump)
%LoadPage ES,SI
;;; mov ES,pagetabl+[SI] ; load pointer to string
mov SI,[BX].C_disp
mov AX,ES:[SI].str_len ; load string's length
cmp AX,0 ;;; check length of string
jge sd_010
add AX,BLK_OVHD+PTRSIZE ;;; adjust for small string
sd_010: cmp AX,[BP].sd_end ; is ending offset too big?
jb sd_err ; if too big, error (jump)
; Note: ES:[SI] points to the source string
mov DX,[BP].sd_end ; load ending displacement and
add DX,SI ; compute ending address
add SI,[BP].sd_start ; compute starting address
; translate the string into the local buffer
mov CX,[BP].sd_ccol ; load current cursor position
mov BX,[BP].sd_ncols ; load line length
mov DI,BP ; load pointer to local data
add DI,sd_buff ; and address buffer
push DS ; save the data segment register
mov AX,ES ; make DS point to the page containing
mov DS,AX ; the source string
;* * * Warning: The data segment register (DS) does not point to * * *
;* * * the data segment in the code which follows * * *
pop ES ; make ES point to the data segment
push ES
; Register usage: ES:[DI] - next character in output buffer
; DS:[SI] - next character in source string
; BX - number of columns in window
; CX - current column (cursor position) relative to window
; DX - end of source string address
sd_next: cmp SI,DX ; end of input string?
jae sd_final ; if end of string, jump
lodsb ; fetch next character from string
cmp AL,CTL_Z ; possible control character?
ja sd_norml ; if not control character, jump
cmp AL,CTL_A ; nul character?
jb sd_next ; if nul character, ignore it (jump)
cmp AL,CTL_I ; tab character?
jne sd_notab ; if not a tab, jump
; TAB character-- output a series of blanks
mov AL," " ; load a blank to store one or more times
mov AH,CL ; copy cursor position
sub AH,[BP].sd_linum ; and adjust for line number
sd_tloop: stosb ; store a blank to the output buffer
inc CX ; increment the current column number
inc AH
test AH,07h ; is next column a multiple of eight?
jnz sd_tloop ; if not, loop
jmp sd_test
; "normal" control character-- prefix with "^"
sd_notab: mov AH,AL ; save control character
mov AL,"^" ; load a "^" character and output to buffer
inc CX
mov AL,AH ; copy control character to AL and
add AL,"A"-CTL_A ; compute alphabetic for said
; non- control character-- just copy to output buffer
sd_norml: stosb ; store character into output buffer
inc CX ; increment the current column number
sd_test: cmp CX,BX ; line full?
jb sd_next ; if more room on current line, loop
; Full line buffered-- display it on the screen
call flush ; display line
mov AX,[BP].sd_cline ; load the current line number
cmp AX,[BP].sd_nline ; are we at the end of the screen?
jl sd_next ; if more lines in window, jump
; Window full-- set cursor position to last line + 1, column 0
les SI,dword ptr [BP].sd_wn_SI ; load pointer to window object
mov ES:[SI].pt_ccol,0 ; set next column number to zero
mov CX,[BP].sd_cline ; store next line number into window
mov ES:[SI].pt_cline,CX ; object, too
jmp sd_fin ; window full, jump
; end of string-- output final line
sd_final: push ES ; save pointer to data segment
les SI,dword ptr [BP].sd_wn_SI ; load pointer to window object
mov AX,CX ; save current column
mov ES:[SI].pt_ccol,CX ; store next column into window object
mov CX,[BP].sd_cline ; store current line number into window
mov ES:[SI].pt_cline,CX ; object, too
pop ES ; restore pointer to data segment
mov CX,SD_BSIZE-1 ; load buffer length
sub CX,AX ; subtract number of columns in buffer
mov AL," " ; load a blank
rep stosb ; blank the remainder of output buffer
mov [BP].sd_last,1 ; indicate last line
call flush ; display to screen
sd_fin: pop DS ; restore DS
;* * * Warning: The data segment register (DS) does not point to * * *
;* * * the data segment in the code above * * *
; Operation complete-- return to Scheme interpreter
sd_done: mov SP,BP ; clean up anything pushed on stack
add SP,offset sd_BP ; deallocate local storage
pop BP ; restore Scheme interpreter's BP
jmp next_PC ; return to Schemem interpreter
strdisp endp
;* Local Support: Flush Output Buffer to Screen *
;* *
;* Input Parameters: ES - points to data segment *
public flush
flush proc near
pushm <DS,SI,DI,CX,DX> ; save valuable registers
; Make DS register point to data segment
mov AX,ES
mov DS,AX
; Test for negative bias
inc [BP].sd_bias ; increment and test "bias" value
jg fl_no_bs ; if zero or positive, no bias (jump)
jmp fl_bias ; if negative, don't display current line
; Position the cursor in the current column position
fl_no_bs: mov DL,byte ptr [BP].sd_cline ; load the current cursor
mov DH,byte ptr [BP].sd_ccol ; position
add DL,byte ptr [BP].sd_ullin ; adjust cursor positon by
add DH,byte ptr [BP].sd_ulcol ; coordinates of upper left corner
mov [BP].sd_cursv,DX ; save the cursor coordinates
xor BH,BH ; IBMism (page 0 for text-mode)
mov AH,02h ; load "put cursor" code
call CRT_DSR ; put cursor at current position
; Display the line
mov CX,[BP].sd_ncols ; load line length
sub CX,[BP].sd_ccol ; subtract starting column offset
; Replace the "last" character in line with an exclamation mark
cmp [BP].sd_last,0 ; last line to be output?
jnz fl_last ; if last line, leave character alone (jump)
mov SI,CX ; copy character count
mov AL,"!" ; load an exclamation mark
xchg AL,[BP]+sd_buff+[SI]-1 ; swap with final character in line
mov [BP].sd_char,AL ; save character to later viewing
public fl_last
fl_last label near
buffer_is_stack ;treat comm buffer as stack
mov [BP].sd_len,cx ;save character count
REALIO REAL_WRTBLOCK,sd_len,sd_cursv,continue
buffer_is_buffer ;treat comm buffer as buffer
; Determine PC make
cmp PC_MAKE,TIPC ; on what flavor PC are we running?
jne fl_ibm ; if an IBM, jump
; Write line to TIPC's screen
mov AL,byte ptr [BP].sd_text ; load text attributes
mov AH,010h ; load "write block w/ attr" code
mov DX,DS ; load segment address
mov BX,BP
add BX,sd_buff ; load buffer offset in segment
int TI_CRT ; write the buffer
jmp fl_back
; Write line to IBM's screen
fl_ibm: mov DI,BP
add DI,sd_buff ; load buffer offset
mov DX,[BP].sd_cursv ; reverse row/column coordinates
xchg DL,DH
mov [BP].sd_cursv,DX
push CX ; save the character counter
jmp short fl_imidl ; jump into middle of loop
fl_iloop: push CX ; save the character counter
mov DX,[BP].sd_cursv ; load the previous cursor coordinates,
inc DL ; increment the column number
mov [BP].sd_cursv,DX ; and save new coordinates
xor BH,BH ; page number (0 for graphics mode) IBMism
mov AH,02h ; load "put cursor" code
push DI
pop DI
fl_imidl: mov AH,09h ; Load "write char w/ attributes" code
mov AL,byte ptr [DI] ; load character from buffer
mov BL,byte ptr [BP].sd_text ; load attribute bits
xor BH,BH ; page # for alpha mode
mov CX,1 ; load repeat count = 1
; test to see if we buy anything by using a repeat count
pop DX ; restore character count
fl_imore: cmp DX,1 ; more characters to display?
jle fl_ibotm ; if no more characters, jump
cmp AL,byte ptr [DI]+1 ; is next character the same as previous?
jne fl_ibotm ; if not same character, jump
inc CX ; increment the repeat count
inc DI ; increment the output buffer index
inc byte ptr [BP].sd_cursv ; increment the cursor position
dec DX ; decrement the character count
jmp fl_imore ; try for another
fl_ibotm: push DX ; save the adjusted character count
; output the character(s)
push DI ; save the output buffer index
int IBM_CRT ; write character with attributes
pop DI ; restore the output buffer index
pop CX ; restore character counter
inc DI ; increment buffer pointer
loop fl_iloop ; continue 'til all characters output
; Restore last character in line to its rightful value
fl_back: mov SI,[BP].sd_ncols
sub SI,[BP].sd_ccol
mov AL,[BP].sd_char
mov [BP]+sd_buff+[SI]-1,AL
; Shift buffer to remove the line just displayed
inc [BP].sd_cline ; increment the line number
fl_bias: mov SI,[BP].sd_ncols ; compute number of characters just output
sub SI,[BP].sd_ccol ; (unless bias < 0, in which case we just
dec SI ; branched here)
push SI ; save character count
mov CX,10 ; make up a character count for move
mov DI,BP ; load address of buffer start
add DI,sd_buff
add SI,BP ; load address of leftover characters
add si,sd_buff
rep movsb ; shift any characters left over
mov BX,[BP].sd_ccol ;;; new code for fix
;;; save the current column for adjust
mov [BP].sd_ccol,0 ; set current column to zero
inc [BP].sd_linum ; increment formatting line number
; Reset Active Registers to reflect shifted buffer
pop AX ; restore output character count
popm <DX,CX,DI,SI> ; restore control registers
sub DI,AX ; adjust buffer index
sub CX,AX ; adjust current column
sub CX,BX ;;; new code for fix
;;; adjust current column
mov BX,[BP].sd_ncols ; reload line length
pop DS ; restore DS register
ret ; return
flush endp
;* Local Support: Fetch and Validate Integer Argument *
;* *
;* Input Parameters: BX - address of register containing the integer *
;* argument *
;* *
;* Output Parameters: If CARRY off, normal return: *
;* AX - the 16 bit positive integer value *
;* If CARRY on, error: *
;* AX - the error condition; 0=operand not an *
;* integer; 1=integer operand was negative *
;* or larger than 16 bits. *
public get_num
get_num proc near
; test for a fixnum argument
cmp byte ptr [BX].C_page,SPECFIX*2 ; fixnum?
jne big_p ; if not a fixnum, test for bignum (jump)
mov AX,[BX].C_disp ; load immediate value of fixnum
test AX,04000h ; negative?
jnz get_val ; if negative, error (jump)
ret ; if positive, return with value in AX
; test for a bignum argument
big_p: mov SI,[BX].C_page ; load page number of argument
cmp byte ptr ptype+[SI],BIGTYPE*2 ; is argument a bignum?
jne get_type ; if not a bignum, invalid type (jump)
%LoadPage ES,SI
;;; mov ES,pagetabl+[SI] ; load paragraph address of bignum's page
mov SI,[BX].C_disp ; load displacement of bignum
cmp ES:[SI].big_sign,0 ; test sign of bignum
jne get_val ; if negative, error (jump)
cmp ES:[SI].big_len,BLK_OVHD+WORDINCR+1 ; test size of bignum
jne get_val ; if too large, error (jump)
mov AX,ES:[SI].big_data ; load 16 bit value of bignum
ret ; return with value in AX
; ***error-- operand is not an integer***
get_type: mov AX,0 ; indicate operand wrong type
jmp short get_err
; ***error-- integer operand is negative, or too large***
get_val: mov AX,1
get_err: stc
get_num endp
;* Local Support: Return a 16 bit positive integer value *
;* *
;* Input Parameters: BX - address of destination register *
;* SI - 16 bit unsigned integer value to be returned *
;* *
;* Output Parameters: The Scheme representation of the 16 bit unsigned *
;* value is placed into the destination register. *
public ret_num
ret_num proc near
cmp SI,03fffh ; can result be represented as a fixnum?
ja make_big ; if not, create a bignum
; return a fixnum result
mov byte ptr [BX].C_page,SPECFIX*2 ; set tag=fixnum
mov [BX].C_disp,SI ; store value
ret ; return
; return a bignum result
push SI ; save value around call
push BX ; save destination reg also
mov CX,WORDINCR+1 ; load size of bignum desired
mov AX,BIGTYPE ; load type = bignum
pushm <CX,AX,BX> ; push arguments to allocate block
call %allocbl ; allocate the bignum
add SP,WORDINCR*3 ; drop arguments off stack
pop BX ; restore destination reg
mov SI,[BX].C_page ; get page number of new bignum
%LoadPage ES,SI ; and fetch its segment address
mov SI,[BX].C_disp ; load the bignum's displacement
mov ES:[SI].big_sign,0 ; set bignum's sign to '+'
pop AX ; restore value and
mov ES:[SI].big_data,AX ; store it into the bignum
ret ; return
ret_num endp
PROGX ends
prog segment byte public 'PROG'
assume CS:PGROUP
public srch_nxt
srch_nxt proc near
call %srchnxt
srch_nxt endp
public srch_prv
srch_prv proc near
call %srchprv
srch_prv endp
;* Long Linkage to STRING-LENGTH *
public st_len
st_len proc near
call %st_len
st_len endp
;* Long Linkage to MAKE-STRING *
;;; public make_str
make_str proc near
call %makestr
make_str endp
;* Long Linkage to REIFY_STACK *
public reif_stk
reif_stk proc near
call %reifstk
reif_stk endp
;* Long Linkage to REIFY_STACK! *
public reif_stb
reif_stb proc near
call %reifstb
reif_stb endp
prog ends