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/* =====> SMEMORY.C */
/* TIPC Scheme '84 Runtime Support - Memory Allocation Routines
(C) Copyright 1984,1985, 1986 by Texas Instruments Incorporated.
All rights reserved.
Author: John C. Jensen
Installation: Texas Instruments Incorporated, Dallas, Texas
Division: Central Research Laboratories
Cost Center: Computer Science Laboratory
Project: Computer Architecture Branch
Date Written: 12 April 1984
Last Modification: 21 October 1985
#include "scheme.h"
/* Turn off assertions in SMEMORY.C for permance reasons */
#define ASSERT(arg) /* do nothing */
#define ENTER(xyz) /* do nothing */
/* Allocate a Page in Scheme's Memory */
int type;
int page_allocated;
if (freepage == END_LIST) return(END_LIST); /* out of pages? */
page_allocated = freepage;
freepage = pagelink[freepage];
/* Define page management characteristics for this type page */
w_attrib[page_allocated] = pageattr[type];
pagelink[page_allocated] = pagelist[type];
ptype[page_allocated] = type + type;
pagelist[type] = page_allocated;
/* Initialize this page to all 0's */
/* Initialize free storage chains for appropriate data type */
switch (type)
put_ptr(page_allocated, 0, FREETYPE, psize[page_allocated]);
nextcell[page_allocated] = 0;
/*** Note: fixnums and characters handled as immediates
default: printf("[VM INTERNAL ERROR] alloc_page: Invalid type: %d\n",
} /* end: switch (type) */
/* re-define page attributes and type (GC thinks this is a free page) */
w_attrib[page_allocated] = pageattr[type];
ptype[page_allocated] = type + type;
} /* end of function: alloc_page(type) */
/* Allocate a List Cell */
/* */
/* Note: this routine will always return a list cell unless */
/* memory is exhausted, in which case Scheme terminates */
/* abnormally */
int reg[2];
find_list_cell(reg); /* attempt to find a free cell */
if (reg[C_PAGE] == -1) /* did allocation succeed? */
reg[C_PAGE] = NIL_PAGE*2; /* legitimize pointer before GC */
garbage(); /* no, invoke garbage collector */
find_list_cell(reg); /* try again to find a free cell */
if (reg[C_PAGE] == -1) /* did allocation succeed? */
reg[C_PAGE] = NIL_PAGE*2; /* legitimize pointer before GC */
gcsquish(); /* no, invoke garbage collector */
find_list_cell(reg); /* try yet again to find a free cell */
if (reg[C_PAGE] == -1)
out_of_memory(); /* Memory Exhausted-- Attempt SCHEME-RESET */
/* control will not return here */
} /* end: if (reg[C_PAGE] == -1) */
} /* end: if (reg[C_PAGE] == -1) */
} /* end: if (reg[C_PAGE] == -1) */
} /* end of function: alloc_list_cell(reg) */
/* Find a List Cell */
int reg[2];
int disp;
/* int i; */
/* check available cell list */
while ((disp = nextcell[listpage]) == END_LIST)
{ /* No cells in this page-- try next one, or allocate new page */
if ((listpage = pagelink[listpage]) == END_LIST)
if ((listpage = alloc_page(LISTTYPE)) == END_LIST)
listpage = 0; /* just point to page 0 - null list */
reg[C_PAGE] = -1; /* set failure value-- no success allocating */
goto no_can_do;
} /* end: while ((disp = nextcell[listpage]) == END_LIST) */
/* allocate cell and update free cell list */
/* i = nextcell[listpage] = get_word(listpage, disp+1); */
/* ASSERT((i >= 0 && i < psize[listpage]) || i == END_LIST); */
nextcell[listpage] = get_word(listpage, disp+1);
/* return page number and displacement */
reg[C_PAGE] = ADJPAGE(listpage);
reg[C_DISP] = disp;
} /* end of function: find_list_cell(reg) */
/* Allocate a Flonum */
/* Note: this routine will always return a flonum cell unless */
/* memory is exhausted, in which case Scheme terminates */
/* abnormally */
alloc_flonum(reg, value)
int reg[2];
double value;
int i; /* temporary variable */
/* determine page for allocation-- a "special" flonum value? */
if (value == 0.0 || value == 1.0 || value == -1.0)
i = value;
reg[C_DISP] = FLOSIZE * (i + 1);
find_flonum(reg); /* attempt to find a free cell */
if (reg[C_PAGE] == -1) /* did allocation succeed? */
reg[C_PAGE] = NIL_PAGE*2; /* legitimize register before GC */
garbage(); /* no, invoke garbage collector */
find_flonum(reg); /* try again to find a free cell */
if (reg[C_PAGE] == -1) /* did allocation succeed? */
reg[C_PAGE] = NIL_PAGE*2; /* legitimize register before GC */
gcsquish(); /* invoke memory compaction */
find_flonum(reg); /* try yet again to find a free cell */
if (reg[C_PAGE] == -1)
out_of_memory(); /* Memory Exhausted-- Attempt SCHEME-RESET */
goto af_again;
} /* end: if (reg[C_PAGE] == -1) */
} /* end: if (reg[C_PAGE] == -1) */
} /* end: if (reg[C_PAGE] == -1) */
/* store the value into the flonum cell */
put_flo(CORRPAGE(reg[C_PAGE]), reg[C_DISP], value);
} /* end of function: alloc_flonum(reg) */
int reg[2];
int disp;
int i;
/*%%int page;*/
reg[C_PAGE] = -1; /* set status in case allocation fails */
if (flopage == END_LIST)
{ /* No page of flonums allocated-- do so, if possible */
if ((flopage = alloc_page(FLOTYPE)) == END_LIST) goto no_can_do;
/* check available cell list */
while ((disp = nextcell[flopage]) == END_LIST)
{ /* No cells in this page-- try next one, or allocate new page */
if ((flopage = pagelink[flopage]) == END_LIST)
if ((flopage = alloc_page(FLOTYPE)) == END_LIST) goto no_can_do;
} /* end: while ((disp = nextcell[flopage]) == END_LIST) */
/* allocate cell and update free cell list */
i = nextcell[flopage] = get_word(flopage, disp+1);
ASSERT((i >= 0 && i < psize[flopage]) || i == END_LIST);
/* return page number and displacement */
put_byte(flopage, disp, FLOTYPE); /* change tag field */
reg[C_PAGE] = ADJPAGE(flopage);
reg[C_DISP] = disp;
} /* end of function: find_flonum(reg, value) */
/* Allocate String Constant */
alloc_string(reg, string)
int reg[2]; /* destination register */
char *string; /* value of string */
alloc_block(reg, STRTYPE, strlen(string));
put_str(string, CORRPAGE(reg[C_PAGE]), reg[C_DISP]);
commented out 12/31/87 by tc
new code in block.asm
/* Allocate Variable Length Block */
alloc_block(reg, type, size)
int reg[2]; /* register to receive block pointer */
int type; /* type code for block */
int size; /* size (bytes) of data */
int *last_page; /* current chain entry address */
int page; /* page number of candidate
page for allocation */
int str_size; /***** for small string length *****/
str_size = size; /***** save for further calculation *****/
if (type == STRTYPE && size < PTRSIZE) /***** check for small string *****/
size = PTRSIZE; /***** string length at least 3 *****/
size += BLK_OVHD; /* increment request size to account for block overhead */
page = pagelist[type]; /* search page type chain */
last_page = &pagelist[type]; /* remember position in chain */
while (page != END_LIST)
find_block(reg, type, size, page);
if (reg[C_PAGE] != -1) goto block_found;
if (size <= SMALL_SIZE) *last_page = pagelink[page];
last_page = &pagelink[page];
page = pagelink[page];
} /* end: while (page != END_LIST) */
/* normal block allocation failed-- test for large block */
if (size > PAGESIZE)
/* allocate a block larger than one page */
reg[C_PAGE] = NIL_PAGE*2; /* make register legitimate in case of GC */
alloc_big_block(reg, type, size);
goto block_found; /* note: allocation will succeed, or control will
not return from the "find_big_block" call */
/* block not found in allocated pages-- try to allocate a new one */
if ((page = alloc_page(type)) == END_LIST)
reg[C_PAGE] = NIL_PAGE*2; /* legitimize register before GC */
garbage(); /* invoke garbage collector to reclaim unreferenced data */
page = pagelist[type]; /* search page type chain once again */
last_page = &pagelist[type]; /* remember position in chain */
while (page != END_LIST)
find_block(reg, type, size, page);
if (reg[C_PAGE] != -1) goto block_found;
if (size <= SMALL_SIZE) *last_page = pagelink[page];
last_page = &pagelink[page];
page = pagelink[page];
} /* end: while (page != END_LIST) */
/* attempt a new page allocation after garbage collection */
if ((page = alloc_page(type)) == END_LIST)
reg[C_PAGE] = NIL_PAGE*2; /* legitimize register before GC */
gcsquish(); /* invoke memory compaction */
/* attempt a new page allocation after compaction */
if ((page = alloc_page(type)) == END_LIST)
out_of_memory(); /* Memory Exhausted-- Attempt SCHEME-RESET */
goto ab_again;
/* allocate block in newly allocated page */
find_block(reg, type, size, page);
ASSERT (reg[C_PAGE] != -1 /* allocation failure */);
if (type == STRTYPE && str_size < PTRSIZE)
/***** for small strings, put the negative value for object length *****/
/***** string with NULL length => object length -3 *****/
/***** string with length 1 => object length -2 *****/
/***** string with length 2 => object length -1 *****/
put_word(CORRPAGE(reg[C_PAGE]), reg[C_DISP]+1, str_size - PTRSIZE);
} /* end of function: alloc_block(reg, type, size) */
/* Try to Allocate a Variable Length Block in a Specific Page */
find_block(reg, type, size, page)
int reg[2]; /* register to receive pointer to block */
int type; /* type code for the block */
int size; /* size (bytes) of the entire block */
int page; /* page in which to attempt allocation */
int disp; /* block displacement */
int free_disp; /* displacement of a free block */
int free_size; /* size of a block's free pool */
int remaining; /* temporary variable */
reg[C_PAGE] = -1; /* initialize return register to "block not found" */
/* First, see if there's space in the free pool of this block */
if ((disp = nextcell[page]) != END_LIST)
/* This page has a free pool */
free_size = get_word(page, disp+1);
if (size <= free_size)
/* allocate block from free pool */
put_ptr(page, disp, type, size);
if ((free_disp = disp + size) <= psize[page] - BLK_OVHD)
/* still free space remaining */
put_ptr(page, free_disp, FREETYPE, free_size - size);
nextcell[page] = free_disp; /* update free pool pointer */
else nextcell[page] = END_LIST; /* no more free space here */
goto return_block;
} /* end: if (size <= free_size) */
} /* end: if ((disp = nextcell[page]) != END_LIST) */
/* Can't allocate from free pool-- search for a fragment */
disp = 0;
remaining = psize[page] - size;
while (disp <= remaining)
free_size = get_word(page, disp+1);
if (get_byte(page, disp) == FREETYPE)
/* free block found */
if (size == free_size)
/* exact match-- we were lucky */
put_byte(page, disp, type);
goto return_block;
else if (size < free_size - BLK_OVHD)
/* split free block to allocate */
put_ptr(page, disp, type, size);
free_disp = disp + size;
put_ptr(page, free_disp, FREETYPE, free_size - size);
goto return_block;
} /* end: if (size < free_size + BLK_OVHD) */
} /* end: if (size == free_size) */
if (free_size < 0) /* small string? */
disp = disp + BLK_OVHD + PTRSIZE;
else disp += free_size; /* advance to next block */
} /* end: while (disp <= remaining) */
goto block_not_found;
reg[C_PAGE] = ADJPAGE(page);
reg[C_DISP] = disp;
} /* end of function: find_block(reg, type, size, page) */
commented out 12/31/87 by tc
/* Invoke garbage collection */
int gc_count = 0; /* global counter for gc invocations */
int compact_every = 7; /* perform compaction every 7 gc's */
gc_on(); /* display "garbage collection" message */
gc_oht(); /* clean up the object hash table */
if (listpage == END_LIST) listpage = 0;
gc_off(); /* un-display "garbage collection" message */
if (!(gc_count % compact_every)) /* see if its time to compact */
/* mark everything pointed to for the garbage collector */
int i;
int *j,*k;
extern int FNV_save[2],STL_save[2]; /* reset variables */
/* mark all objects pointed to by the Scheme VM's registers */
j = &reg0_page;
k = &reg0_disp;
for (i = 0; i < NUM_REGS; i++,j+=2,k+=2)
gcmark(*j, *k);
gcmark(FNV_pag, FNV_dis);
gcmark(GNV_pag, GNV_dis);
gcmark(PREV_pag, PREV_dis);
gcmark(CB_pag, CB_dis);
gcmark(TRNS_pag, TRNS_dis);
gcmark(tmp_page, tmp_disp);
gcmark(tm2_page, tm2_disp);
gcmark(FNV_save[C_PAGE], FNV_save[C_DISP]);
gcmark(STL_save[C_PAGE], STL_save[C_DISP]);
/* preserve everything pointed to by active stack entries */
for (i = 0; i <= TOS; i += PTRSIZE)
gcmark(S_stack[i], (S_stack[i+2]<<8) + S_stack[i+1]);
/* preserve everything pointed to by the oblist */
for (i = 0; i < HT_SIZE; i++)
if (hash_page[i]) gcmark(hash_page[i], hash_disp[i]);
/* preserve everything pointed to by the property list */
for (i = 0; i < HT_SIZE; i++)
if (prop_page[i]) gcmark(prop_page[i], prop_disp[i]);
} /* end of function: mark() */
/* Memory Exhausted-- Attempt to Perform SCHEME-RESET */
int i;
if ( (nextpage < lastpage) && (nextpage < (NUMPAGES - 1)) )
freepage = nextpage;
for (i=0; i<8 && (nextpage < (NUMPAGES - 1)); i++)
pagelink[nextpage] = nextpage+1;
attrib[nextpage].nomemory = 1;
nextpage += 1;
pagelink[nextpage-1] = END_LIST;
printf("\n[VM ERROR encountered!] Out of memory\n%s\n%s",
"Attempting to execute SCHEME-RESET",
"[Returning to top level]\n");
/* Print Message and Exit Scheme */
char *msg;
printf(msg); /* print the error message */
getch(); /* wait for any key to be pressed */
exit(); /* bye now */