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/* =====> SLINK.C */
/* TIPC Scheme Runtime Support - Lattice C/Assembly Language Linkage
(C) Copyright 1985 by Texas Instruments Incorporated.
All rights reserved.
Author: John C. Jensen
Installation: Texas Instruments Incorporated, Dallas, Texas
Division: Central Research Laboratories
Cost Center: Computer Science Laboratory
Project: Computer Architecture Branch
Date Written: 21 June 1985
Last Modification: 18 October 1985
#include "slink.h"
#include "ctype.h"
/* Scheme to Lattice C (or assembly langauge) Interface */
/* */
/* Purpose: To provide the ability for a Scheme user to link to low */
/* level routines not written in Scheme. */
/* */
/* Description: This interface allows linkage to routines written in */
/* Lattice C, or assembly langauge routines which use the */
/* Lattice C linkage conventions. */
/* */
/* Limitations: This interface may be used to call routines which */
/* accept up to six (6) arguments of the Lattice C types: */
/* */
/* int */
/* long */
/* char */
/* char * (zero terminated string) */
/* float */
/* double */
/* unsigned (16 bit integer) */
/* */
/* and which return a single Scheme value of one of the */
/* following types: */
/* */
/* fixnum (up to 32 bits) */
/* flonum */
/* character */
/* string */
/* 't or '() */
/* */
/* The C and/or assembly language routines may have side */
/* effects and save state information, but they may not */
/* have access to, or modify, the state of the Scheme */
/* runtime (except through the passing of parameters). */
/* */
/* How to Use: */
/* */
/* 1. Compile the routine you wish to call using the small model */
/* (small code, small data) Lattice C compiler. */
/* */
/* 2. Modify this routine (SLINK.C) as follows, and compile it */
/* with the small model Lattice C compiler. */
/* */
/* a. Add a declaration to indicate the type of the value to */
/* be returned by your external routine (if no value is */
/* declared, it will default to "int"). e.g., */
/* */
/* char *dir1(); */
/* Here, the function "dir1" is declared to return */
/* (char *), which is the C representation for a character */
/* string. */
/* */
/* b. Add an entry in the "switch" statement to call your */
/* routine. You must explicitly indicate the type of each */
/* argument you pass, as well as the value you wish to be */
/* returned to Scheme. e.g., */
/* */
/* case 0: RETURN_STRING( dir1( STRING(arg1) ) ); */
/* */
/* In this example, the function "dir1" is called using */
/* the first argument, which is a character string. The */
/* result of the "dir1" call is returned as a character */
/* string to Scheme. */
/* */
/* Argument values may be obtained and converted to the */
/* appropriate type using one of the following functions: */
/* */
/* INTEGER(argn) */
/* LONG_INTEGER(argn) */
/* CHARACTER(argn) */
/* FLOAT(argn) */
/* DOUBLE(argn) */
/* STRING(argn) */
/* UNSIGNED(argn) */
/* */
/* Values must be returned using one of the following */
/* functions: */
/* */
/* RETURN_INTEGER(value); */
/* RETURN_FLONUM(value); */
/* RETURN_CHARACTER(value); */
/* RETURN_STRING(value); */
/* RETURN_T_OR_NIL(value); */
/* */
/* c. The case number in step b is the "function code" which */
/* is used to invoke the function. The function code must */
/* always be an integer and must be the first operand */
/* passed to one of the "escape" Scheme functions. The */
/* other operands follow the function code in the order */
/* expected by the called routine. The Scheme escape */
/* functions are named %esc1, %esc2, .., %esc7, where the */
/* number following the "%esc" designation is the total */
/* number of operands, INCLUDING the function code. */
/* For example, to call the "dir1" function with one */
/* operand, we code: */
/* */
/* (%esc2 0 "string") */
/* */
/* where the first operand (0) is the function code and */
/* "string" is the character string to be passed as the */
/* only argument. */
/* */
/* d. To provide a more meaningful calling sequence and to */
/* check for correct parameters, a Scheme routine should */
/* be defined for each function to be called. These */
/* functions are normally placed in the SCHEME.INI file, */
/* but may be installed "permanently" for a given */
/* application by converting them to fast-load format and */
/* appending them to the FRONT of the COMPILER.FSL file, */
/* which is automatically loaded when PCS begins. */
/* */
/* A sample Scheme function for the "dir1" function is: */
/* */
/* (define dir1 */
/* (lambda (filespec) */
/* (if (string? filespec) */
/* (%esc2 0 filespec) */
/* (error "Invalid Parameter to 'dir1'" */
/* filespec)))) */
/* */
/* Here, the Scheme function "dir1" checks its argument */
/* to make sure that it's a string and, if it is, uses the */
/* escape (%esc2) opcode to invoke the function. If the */
/* argument is not a string, an error is reported through */
/* the Scheme error procedure. */
/* */
/* e. The Scheme runtime must be re-linked with your Lattice */
/* C and/or assembly language routines included. Modify */
/* the file SCHEME.LNK file (the link edit control file) */
/* to include your modules by adding them to the end of */
/* the "includes" (e.g., ...+YOUROBJ). */
/* */
/* Comments: */
/* */
/* 1. The Scheme/C interface loses all typing information. All */
/* arguments must be of the correct type or the results will */
/* be unpredictable. Scheme functions (such as the "dir1" */
/* example in d. (above)) should be used to force arguments */
/* to the expected types. */
/* */
/* 2. There is a limited amout of procedure (code) and data */
/* memory available to user supplied functions. Very large */
/* functions (in terms of either code space or data space) */
/* may cause linking to fail or Scheme to overflow its runtime */
/* stack. */
link(result, fc, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6)
long **result,*fc,*arg1,*arg2,*arg3,*arg4,*arg5,*arg6;
int ftncode; /* function code */
int status; /* return code */
int int_number; /* software int number */
char *t_; /* local temporary */
char* strng; /* Used by function 8 */
extern unsigned zapcurs; /* Denote cursor no longer in use */
extern int compact_every; /* Indicates when to compact */
/* a. Declare each function which is to be called so that */
/* its type is known by the Lattice C compiler. */
char *dir1(); /* dir1 returns a character string */
char *dir2(); /* dir2 returns a character string */
long int freesp();
long int filesize();
char *chgdir();
#ifndef PROMEM
long int isw_int(); /* software interrupt - return integer */
int tsw_int(); /* software interrupt - return t or nil */
char *ssw_int(); /* software interrupt - return string */
double fsw_int(); /* software interrupt - return float */
char *flo2hex(); /* return hex representation of float */
int hash(); /* return hash value of symbol */
void randomiz(); /* seed random number generator */
#ifndef PROMEM
unsigned xlidbg(); /* XLI debug hook */
ftncode = *fc; /* make a local copy of the function code */
strng = "0000000000000000";
/* b. Add a case entry in the following "switch" statement */
/* to call your external procedure. The "case" number */
/* is the function code which you must use to invoke your */
/* function. */
switch (ftncode)
case 0: /* function code 0: find file match */
case 1: /* function code 1: step through directory, matching files */
case 2: /* function code 2: bid another MS-DOS task */
status = bid(STRING(arg1),STRING(arg2),INTEGER(arg3),INTEGER(arg4));
if (status < 0) print_and_exit(
"[VM FATAL ERROR] DOS-CALL error: unable to restore PC Scheme memory\n");
case 3: /* function code 3: get the free space of heap */
case 4: /* function code 4: scroll window up one line */
case 5: /* function code 5: scroll window down one line */
case 6: /* function code 6: copy protect test - This function was */
/* removed in version 2.0 and always returns True. */
case 7:
#ifndef PROMEM
/* function code 7: software interrupt */
int_number = *arg1; /* 1st arg = interrupt number */
status = *arg2; /* 2nd arg = return result type */
switch (status)
case 0: /* return integer result */
case 1: /* return t or nil result */
case 2: /* return string result */
case 3: /* return string result */
default: return(-1); /* unrecognized return type */
case 8: /* function code 8: float->hex conversion */
case 9: /* function code 9: return hash value of symbol */
case 10: /* function code 10: delete a file */
case 11: /* function code 11: copy a file */
case 12: /* function code 12: rename files under current directory */
case 13: /* function code 13: turn the cursor on */
zapcurs = 0;
case 14: /* function code 14: turn the cursor off */
zcuron(); zcuroff();
zapcurs = 1;
case 15: /* function code 15: get the file size */
case 16: /* function code 16: change current directory */
case 17: /* function code 17: change current drive */
#ifndef PROMEM
case 18: /* function code 18: XLI debug hook */
case 19: /* function code 19: unused */
case 20: /* function code 20: seed random number generator */
case 21: /* function code 21: return compaction variable */
case 22: /* function code 22: set compaction variable */
compact_every = (INTEGER(arg1));
default: return(-1); /* unrecognized function code */
} /* end: switch (ftncode) */
} /* end of function: link(result,fc,arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6) */
/* Note: If you wish, your Lattice C functions may be */
/* included in this file following this message. */