3213 lines
133 KiB
3213 lines
133 KiB
; =====> SINTERP.ASM
;* TIPC Scheme '84 Runtime Support *
;* Interpreter *
;* *
;* (C) Copyright 1984,1985,1986,1987 by Texas *
;* Instruments Incorporated. *
;* All rights reserved. *
;* *
;* Date Written: 2 May 1984 *
;* Last Modification: *
;* 11 Feb 86 - Replaced support for even? and odd? to reduce code size and *
;* to update error messages. *
;* - Improved error handling for divide,quotient, and remainder. *
;* - Fixed divide by zero error in Remainder function *
;* 21 Oct 86 - added an additional argument to %graphics - dbs *
;* 7 Nov 86 - %graphics accepts negative arguments (for clipping) - rb *
;* 7 Jan 87 - added random I/O - dbs *
;* 10 Feb 87 - added new opcode (186) for read-line - tc *
;* 8 Mar 87 - XLI - rb *
;* 16 Mar 87 - Added dos-err entry point for detection of Dos I/O errors. *
;* 17 Feb 88 - Mods so sinterp will work in protected mode - tc *
;* * Macros in SMMU.MAC allow stores into code segment *
;* * Graphics for pro mode moved to PROIO.ASM *
;* * %ESC function modified to look for sw-int and call *
;* SOFTINT function in PRO2REAL.ASM *
;* * Timer interrupts no longer taken over for pro mode. *
;* Engines work based on # vm instructions executed for pro *
;* mode. Interpreter loop for engines included (eng_next1) *
;* and settimer, rsttimer included here (conditionally of *
;* course). *
;* *
;* *
; The following files are defined in smmu.equ but are split out here so
; that this module will assemble....
include schemed.equ
include schemed.ref
include schemed.mac
purge markedp,pushptr,popptr
include smmu.mac
purge %LoadPage,%LoadPage0,%LoadPage1
include sinterp.mac
include sinterp.arg
include pcmake.equ
include stackf.equ ; define stack frame format
XGROUP group progx
progx segment word public 'progx'
extrn softint:far ; interface for sw_int (see PRO2REAL.ASM)
extrn graphit:far ; interface to graphics primitives
extrn str_apnd:far ; substring append support
extrn str_disp:far ; %substring-display support
progx ends
DGROUP group data
data segment word public 'DATA'
assume DS:DGROUP
extrn page0:word
; Primary opcode lookup table
op_table dw copy ; 000- load dest,src
dw ld_const ; 001- ld-const dest,constant-number (byte)
dw ld_imm ; 002- ld-imm dest,immed-value (byte)
dw ld_nil ; 003- ld-nil dest
dw PGROUP:ld_local ; 004- ld-local dest,entry-number (byte)
dw PGROUP:ld_lex ; 005- ld-lex dest,entry-no,delta-level
dw PGROUP:ld_env ; 006- ld-env R(dest),C(sym)
dw PGROUP:ld_globl ; 007- ld-global dest,constant-number (byte)
dw PGROUP:ld_fluid ; 008- ld-fluid dest,constant-number (byte)
dw ld_off_s ; 009- ld-vec-s vect,offset (byte)
dw ld_off_l ; 010- ld-vec-l vect,offset (word)
dw ld_off_r ; 011- ld-vec-r vect,offset (reg)
dw PGROUP:st_local ; 012- st-local src,entry-number (byte)
dw PGROUP:st_lex ; 013- st-lex src,entry-no,delta-level
dw PGROUP:st_env ; 014- st-env R(val),C(sym)
dw PGROUP:st_globl ; 015- st-global src,constant-number (byte)
dw PGROUP:st_fluid ; 016- st-fluid src,constant-number (byte)
dw st_off_s ; 017- st-vec-s vect,offset (byte),src
dw st_off_l ; 018- st-vec-l vect,offset (word),src
dw st_off_r ; 019- st-vec-r vect,offset (reg),src
dw PGROUP:set_car ; 020- set-car! dest,src
dw PGROUP:set_cdr ; 021- set-cdr! dest,src
dw recompil ; 022- (unused) formerly set-ref!
dw recompil ; 023- (unused) formerly swap-ref!
dw PGROUP:spop ; 024- pop dest
dw PGROUP:spush ; 025- push src
dw PGROUP:sdrop ; 026- drop count (unsigned byte)
dw PGROUP:ld_globr ; 027- ld-global-r dest,sym
dw recompil ; 028- (unused- formerly push-heap)
dw PGROUP:bind_fl ; 029- bind-fl const,src
dw PGROUP:unbind_f ; 030- unbind_fl count (byte)
dw PGROUP:define ; 031- define! src,const
dw jmp_shrt ; 032- jmp_s label (byte)
dw jmp_long ; 033- jmp_l label (word)
dw j_nil_s ; 034- jnil_s reg,label (byte)
dw j_nil_l ; 035- jnil_l reg,label (word)
dw j_nnil_s ; 036- jnnil_s reg,label (byte)
dw j_nnil_l ; 037- jnnil_l reg,label (word)
dw j_atm_s ; 038- jatom_s reg,label (byte)
dw j_atm_l ; 039- jatom_l reg,label (word)
dw j_natm_s ; 040- jnatom_s reg,label (byte)
dw j_natm_l ; 041- jnatom_l reg,label (word)
dw j_eq_s ; 042- jeq_s reg,label (byte)
dw j_eq_l ; 043- jeq_l reg,label (word)
dw j_neq_s ; 044- jneq_s reg,label (byte)
dw j_neq_l ; 045- jneq_l reg,label (word)
dw recompil ; 046- (unused) formerly deref
dw recompil ; 047- (unused) formerly ref
dw PGROUP:call_lcl ; 048- call lbl,delta-level,delta-heap
dw PGROUP:call_ltr ; 049- call-tr lbl,delta-level,delta-heap
dw PGROUP:call_cc ; 050- call/cc lbl,delta-level,delta-heap
dw PGROUP:cl_cctr ; 051- call/cc-tr lbl delta-level,delta-heap
dw PGROUP:call_clo ; 052- call-cl reg,number-args
dw PGROUP:call_ctr ; 053- call-cl-tr reg,number-args
dw PGROUP:clcc_c ; 054- call/cc-cl reg
dw PGROUP:clcc_ctr ; 055- call/cc-cl-tr reg
dw PGROUP:apply ; 056- apply-cl reg,arg
dw PGROUP:apply_tr ; 057- apply-cl-tr reg,arg
dw PGROUP:execute ; 058- execute reg
dw PGROUP:s_exit ; 059- exit
dw PGROUP:cr_close ; 060- close dest,label,number-args
dw PGROUP:drop_env ; 061- drop-env count
dw PGROUP:hash_env ; 062- make-hashed-environment
dw PGROUP:ld_fl_r ; 063- ld-fluid-r dest,sym
dw PGROUP:ld_car ; 064- car dest,src
dw PGROUP:ld_cdr ; 065- cdr dest,src
dw PGROUP:ld_caar ; 066- caar dest,src
dw PGROUP:ld_cadr ; 067- cadr dest,src
dw PGROUP:ld_cdar ; 068- cdar dest,src
dw PGROUP:ld_cddr ; 069- cddr dest,src
dw PGROUP:ld_caaar ; 070- caaar dest,src
dw PGROUP:ld_caadr ; 071- caadr dest,src
dw PGROUP:ld_cadar ; 072- cadar dest,src
dw PGROUP:ld_caddr ; 073- caddr dest,src
dw PGROUP:ld_cdaar ; 074- cdaar dest,src
dw PGROUP:ld_cdadr ; 075- cdadr dest,src
dw PGROUP:ld_cddar ; 076- cddar dest,src
dw PGROUP:ld_cdddr ; 077- cdddr dest,src
dw PGROUP:ld_caddd ; 078- cadddr dest,src
dw PGROUP:s_cons ; 079- cons dest,car,cdr
dw add ; 080- add dest,src
dw addi ; 081- add-imm dest,imm (signed byte)
dw sub ; 082- sub dest,src
dw mul ; 083- mul dest,src
dw muli ; 084- mul-imm dest,imm (signed byte)
dw div ; 085- div dest,src
dw divi ; 086- div-imm dest,imm (signed byte)
dw quo ; 087- quotient dest,src **integers only**
dw modulo ; 088- remainder dest,src
dw PGROUP:ld_car1 ; 089- %car src=dest
dw PGROUP:ld_cdr1 ; 090- %cdr src=dest
dw random ; 091- %random dest
dw lt_p ; 092- < dest,src
dw le_p ; 093- <= dest,src
dw eq_n ; 094- = dest,src
dw gt_p ; 095- > dest,src
dw ge_p ; 096- >= dest,src
dw ne_p ; 097- <> dest,src
dw maximum ; 098- max dest,src
dw minimum ; 099- min dest,src
dw eq_p ; 100- eq? dest,src
dw eqv_p ; 101- eqv? dest,src
dw equal_p ; 102- equal? dest,src
dw PGROUP:memq ; 103- memq dest,src
dw PGROUP:memv ; 104- memv dest,src
dw PGROUP:member ; 105- member dest,src
dw reverseb ; 106- reverse! list
dw not_yet ; 107- reverse list
dw PGROUP:assq ; 108- assq obj,list
dw PGROUP:assv ; 109- assv obj,list
dw PGROUP:assoc ; 110- assoc obj,list
dw PGROUP:s_list ; 111- list obj
dw PGROUP:appendb ; 112- append! list,obj
dw append ; 113- append list,obj
dw not_yet ; 114- delq! obj,list
dw not_yet ; 115- delete! obj,list
dw getprop ; 116- get-prop name,prop
dw putprop ; 117- put-prop name,val,prop
dw proplist ; 118- proplist name
dw remprop ; 119- remprop name,prop
dw PGROUP:list2 ; 120- list2 dest=src1,src2
dw not_yet ; 121- list-ref dest=src1,src2
dw PGROUP:l_tail ; 122- list-tail dest,count
dw not_op ; 123- (unused)
dw not_op ; 124- (unused)
dw b_xor ; 125- bitwise-xor dest=src1,src2
dw b_and ; 126- bitwise-and dest=src1,src2
dw b_or ; 127- bitwise-or dest=src1,src2
; Note: the second half of the opcodes are "second class" opcodes,
; in that TIPC register BH will not be zero at the entry to the
; support routine. For the following instructions, BH will
; contain the value one (1).
dw atom_p ; 128- atom? dest
dw closur_p ; 129- closure? dest
dw code_p ; 130- code? dest
dw contin_p ; 131- continuation? dest
dw even_p ; 132- even? dest
dw float_p ; 133- float? dest
dw PGROUP:fluid_p ; 134- fluid-bound? dest
dw integr_p ; 135- integer? dest
dw null_p ; 136- null? dest
dw number_p ; 137- number? dest
dw odd_p ; 138- odd? dest
dw pair_p ; 139- pair? dest
dw port_p ; 140- port? dest
dw proc_p ; 141- proc? dest
dw recompil ; 142- (unused) formerly ref?
dw string_p ; 143- string? dest
dw symbol_p ; 144- symbol? dest
dw vector_p ; 145- vector? dest
dw eq_z_p ; 146- zero? dest
dw lt_z_p ; 147- negative? dest
dw gt_z_p ; 148- positive? dest
dw sabs ; 149- abs dest
dw float ; 150- float dest
dw minus ; 151- minus dest
dw sfloor ; 152- floor dest
dw sceiling ; 153- ceiling dest
dw struncat ; 154- truncate dest
dw sround ; 155- round dest
dw char_p ; 156- char? dest
dw PGROUP:env_p ; 157- env? dest
dw not_op ; 158- (unused)
dw not_op ; 159- (unused)
dw asc_char ; 160- asc->char reg
dw char_asc ; 161- char->asc reg
dw recompil ; 162- (unused) formerly gensym
dw not_op ; 163- (unused)
dw not_op ; 164- (unused)
dw slength ; 165- length list
dw lst_pair ; 166- last-pair list
dw substr ; 167- substr str,pos,len
dw PGROUP:vec_allo ; 168- alloc-vec dest
dw PGROUP:vec_size ; 169- vect-length dest
dw PGROUP:vec_fill ; 170- vect-fill vect,val
dw not_yet ; 171- make-pack-vect len,bits/elem,signed?
dw s_disply ; 172- %substr-display str,start,end,row,wind
dw not_op ; 173- (unused)
dw set_tim ; 174- %start-timer src=ticks
dw rst_tim ; 175- %stop-timer dest=ticks remaining
dw popen ; 176- open-port filename,mode
dw pclose ; 177- close-port port
dw PGROUP:spprin1 ; 178- prin1 obj,port
dw PGROUP:spprinc ; 179- princ obj,port
dw PGROUP:spprint ; 180- print obj,port
dw PGROUP:spnewlin ; 181- newline port
dw recompil ; 182- (unused) formerly read
dw recompil ; 183- (unused) formerly file-exists?
dw PGROUP:prt_len ; 184- print-length obj
dw recompil ; 185- (unused) formerly current-column
dw PGROUP:srd_line ; 186- read-line dest=src (src={port})
dw PGROUP:srd_atom ; 187- read-atom dest=src (src={port})
dw PGROUP:read_cha ; 188- read-char dest=src
dw PGROUP:trns_chg ; 189- %transcript src
dw PGROUP:rd_ch_rd ; 190- read-char-ready? dest=src
dw sfasl ; 191- fasl string
dw PGROUP:ch_eq_p ; 192- char= char1,char2
dw PGROUP:ch_eq_ci ; 193- char-equal? char1,char2
dw PGROUP:ch_lt_p ; 194- char< char1,char2
dw PGROUP:ch_lt_ci ; 195- char-less? char1,char2
dw PGROUP:ch_up ; 196- char-upcase char
dw PGROUP:ch_down ; 197- char-downcase char
dw str_lng ; 198- string-length string
dw PGROUP:st_ref ; 199- string-ref string,index
dw PGROUP:st_set ; 200- string-set! string,index,char
dw PGROUP:make_str ; 201- make-string length,char
dw PGROUP:str_fill ; 202- string-fill! string,char
dw str2sym ; 203- string->symbol string
dw str2usym ; 204- string->uninterned-symbol string
dw sym2str ; 205- symbol->string symbol
dw srch_nx ; 206- srch-next str,start,end,charset
dw srch_pr ; 207- srch-prev str,start,end,charset
dw PGROUP:make_win ; 208- make-window label
dw set_w_at ; 209- set-wind-attr wind,attr,value
dw PGROUP:get_wind ; 210- get-wind-attr wind,attr
dw clr_wind ; 211- clear-window wind
dw PGROUP:save_win ; 212- save-window wind
dw PGROUP:rest_win ; 213- restore-wind wind
dw s_append ; 214- %str-append R(d=s1),R(s2),...,R(s7)
dw PGROUP:sgraph ; 215- %graphics R(s1),R(s2),...,R(s7)
dw sreify ; 216- %reify R(s1=d),R(s2) ;obj,indx
dw PGROUP:mk_env ; 217- mk-env R(d)
dw PGROUP:env_par ; 218- env-par R(d=s1) ; s1=env
dw PGROUP:env_lu ; 219- env-lu R(d=s1),R(s2) ; sym,env
dw PGROUP:def_env ; 220- def-env R(d=s1),R(s2),R(s3) sve
dw PGROUP:push_env ; 221- push-env C(s1) ; s1=list of syms
dw PGROUP:drop_env ; 222- drop-env
dw PGROUP:ld_env ; 223- ld-env R(d),C(s1) ; s1=symbol
dw PGROUP:st_env ; 224- st-env R(d=s1),C(s2) ; val,sym
dw PGROUP:set_gnv ; 225- set-glob-env! R(s1) ; s1=env
dw sreifyb ; 226- %reify! R(s1),R(s2),R(s3);o,i,v
dw obj_hash ; 227- object-hash R(d=s1)
dw obj_unhs ; 228- object-unhash R(d=s1)
dw reify_s ; 229- reify-stack R(d=s1)
dw reify_sb ; 220- reify-stack! R(s1),R(s2)
dw sfpos ; 231- set-file-position!
dw s_esc1 ; 232- %esc1 R(d=s1)
dw s_esc2 ; 233- %esc2 R(d=s1),R(s2)
dw s_esc3 ; 234- %esc3 R(d=s1),R(s2),R(s3)
dw s_esc4 ; 235- %esc4 R(d=s1),R(s2),...,R(s4)
dw s_esc5 ; 236- %esc5 R(d=s1),R(s2),...,R(s5)
dw s_esc6 ; 237- %esc6 R(d=s1),R(s2),...,R(s6)
dw s_esc7 ; 238- %esc7 R(d=s1),R(s2),...,R(s7)
dw xesc ; 239- %xesc R(d=s1),R(len),
; R(arg1),...,R(arg16);
; all R(argn) are optional
dw not_op ; 240- (unused)
dw not_op ; 241- (unused)
dw not_op ; 242- (unused)
dw not_op ; 243- (unused)
dw not_op ; 244- (unused)
dw not_op ; 245- (unused)
dw not_op ; 246- (unused)
dw sgc2 ; 247- gc-with-compaction
dw exit_op ; 248- halt=(exit) [return to MS-DOS]
dw gc ; 249- %garbage-collect
dw ptyme ; 250- %internal-time dest
dw reset ; 251- reset
dw s_reset ; 252- scheme-reset
dw clr_regs ; 253- %clear-registers
dw not_op ; 254- (reserved for escape)
dw debug_op ; 255- %begin-debug
reset_BP dw 0 ; initial value of BP for reset purposes
zero_reg dw 0,SPECFIX*2 ; a "register" containing a fixnum 0
zero_adr dw zero_reg ; the address of "zero_reg" (for pushing)
m_one dw 1 ; a constant "one" (1)
m_zerodv dw ZERO_DIVIDE_ERROR ; error code for division by zero
m_not_op db "[VM INTERNAL ERROR] Undefined opcode",LF,0
m_cod_er db "[VM INTERNAL ERROR] %x:%04x isn't a code base",LF,0
m_not_yt db "[VM INTERNAL ERROR] Feature not implemented",LF,0
m_recomp db "[VM ERROR encountered!] Object module incompatible with "
db "this Version",LF,"Recompile from Source",LF,0
;;;m_il_st db "[VM ERROR encountered!] VECTOR-SET! operand is write "
;;; db "protected",LF,0
;;;m_deref db "DEREF",0
m_ld_r db "LD_R",0
m_st_r db "ST_R",0
;;;m_setref db "SET_REF!",0
;;;m_swaprf db "SWAP_REF!",0
m_revb db "REVERSE!",0
m_even db "EVEN?",0
m_odd db "ODD?",0
m_v_ld db "VECTOR-REF",0
m_v_st db "VECTOR-SET!",0
m_DIV db "/",0
m_VOE dw VECTOR_OFFSET_ERROR ; error number for "offset out of range"
masc_ch db "INTEGER->CHAR",0
mch_asc db "CHAR->INTEGER",0
m_bckwrd db "[VM INTERNAL ERROR] sinterp: instruction preceding %x:%04x "
db "set direction flag",LF,0
m_reg0 db "[VM INTERNAL ERROR] sinterp: instruction preceding %x:%04x "
db "clobbered register",LF,0
;;;m_bad_st db "[VM INTERNAL ERROR] sinterp: instruction preceding %x:%04x "
;;; db "screwed up the stack",LF,0
m_graph db "%GRAPHICS",0
m_esc db "%ESCN",0
; XLI errors (numbered from 1, not 0)
xli_err dw 0 ;this spot unused
dw 0,xli_err2 ;other 0's no longer used spots
dw 0,xli_err4,xli_err5,xli_err6
dw xli_err7,xli_err8,xli_err9,xli_err10,xli_err11,xli_err12
dw xli_err13,xli_err14,xli_err15,xli_err16
; XLI fatal errors print via print_and_exit
;xli_err1 db '[VM FATAL ERROR] Unable to determine length of %XESC VM instruction',LF,0
; XLI normal errors print via sch_err as secondary line to [VM ERROR ...] message
xli_err2 db '[XLI] First argument to XCALL is not string or symbol',0
;xli_err3 db '[XLI] Improper number of arguments given to XCALL',0
xli_err4 db '[XLI] An argument to XCALL is invalid',0
xli_err5 db '[XLI] The return value of XCALL is invalid',0
xli_err6 db '[XLI] The function requested by XCALL is not available',0
xli_err7 db '[XLI] Number too large to fit in 32 bits',0
xli_err8 db '[XLI] Sync error',0
xli_err9 db '[XLI] Error in releasing memory of external program',0
xli_err10 db '[XLI] No memory is available for external program',0
xli_err11 db '[XLI] Error in loading external program',0
xli_err12 db '[XLI] No more external programs can be loaded',0
xli_err13 db '[XLI] File to load not found',0
xli_err14 db '[XLI] Number too large to fit in 16 bits',0
xli_err15 db '[XLI] Version mismatch',0
xli_err16 db '[XLI] Error reported by external program',0
; Following definitions are for protected mode engines. They will be
; used in eng_next1, settimer, and rsttimer defined later in this
; module.
tickstat db -1 ;status of engine (0=timeout,1=running,-1=none)
lo_time dw ? ;timer ticks (per vm instuction executed)
hi_time dw ?
data ends
PGROUP group prog
prog segment byte public 'PROG'
assume CS:PGROUP
; Interpreter support routines defined in "scar_cdr.asm"
extrn ld_car:near
extrn ld_cdr:near
extrn ld_car1:near
extrn ld_cdr1:near
extrn ld_caar:near
extrn ld_cadr:near
extrn ld_cdar:near
extrn ld_cddr:near
extrn ld_caaar:near
extrn ld_caadr:near
extrn ld_cadar:near
extrn ld_caddr:near
extrn ld_cdaar:near
extrn ld_cdadr:near
extrn ld_cddar:near
extrn ld_cdddr:near
extrn ld_caddd:near
extrn set_car:near
extrn set_cdr:near
extrn s_cons:near
extrn s_list:near ; (list obj)
extrn list2:near ; (list a b)
extrn appendb:near ; (append! a b)
extrn l_tail:near ; (list-tail list count)
; Interpreter support routines defined in "sstack.asm"
extrn set_pos:far ; set-file-position!
; Interpreter support routines defined in "sstack.asm"
extrn spush:near ; push register contents onto Scheme stack
extrn spop:near ; pop into register from Scheme stack
extrn sdrop:near ; drop elements from top of Scheme stack
extrn ld_local:near ; load from local stack frame
extrn st_local:near ; store into local stack frame
extrn ld_lex:near ; load from higher level stack frame
extrn st_lex:near ; store into higher level stack frame
extrn call_lcl:near ; local call
extrn call_ltr:near ; local call, tail recursive
extrn call_clo:near ; call closure object
extrn call_ctr:near ; call closure object, tail recursive
extrn call_cc:near ; local call/cc
extrn cl_cctr:near ; local call/cc, tail recursive
extrn clcc_c:near ; call/cc, closure object
extrn clcc_ctr:near ; call/cc, closure object, tail recursive
extrn apply:near ; apply closure object
extrn apply_tr:near ; apply closure object, tail recursive
extrn execute:near ; execute code block
extrn s_exit:near ; exit procedure
extrn cr_close:near ; create closure
extrn force_ca:near ; entry point to force call (to debugger)
; Interpreter support routines defined in "svars.asm"
extrn ld_fluid:near ; load value of fluid variable
extrn ld_fl_r:near ; load value of fluid variable - reg source
extrn st_fluid:near ; store value into fluid variable
extrn bind_fl:near ; bind fluid variable
extrn unbind_f:near ; unbind fluid variables
extrn fluid_p:near ; fluid-bound? predicate
extrn vec_allo:near ; allocate vector
extrn vec_size:near ; vector-size
extrn vec_fill:near ; vector-fill
extrn memq:near ; memq
extrn memv:near ; memv
extrn member:near ; member
extrn assq:near ; assq
extrn assv:near ; assv
extrn assoc:near ; assoc
; Interpreter support routines defined in "sstring.asm"
extrn ch_eq_p:near ; (char= char1 char2)
extrn ch_eq_ci:near ; (char-equal? char1 char2)
extrn ch_lt_p:near ; (char< char1 char2)
extrn ch_lt_ci:near ; (char-less? char1 char2)
extrn ch_up:near ; (char-upcase char)
extrn ch_down:near ; (char-downcase char)
extrn make_str:near ; (make-string len char)
extrn str_fill:near ; (string-fill! string char)
extrn st_ref:near ; (string-ref string index)
extrn st_set:near ; (string-set! string index char)
; Interpreter support routines defined in "senv.asm"
extrn env_p:near ; (environment? obj)
extrn mk_env:near ; (make-environment)
extrn env_par:near ; (environment-parent env)
extrn env_lu:near ; (environment-lookup sym env)
extrn def_env:near ; (define symbol value env)
extrn push_env:near ; (push-environment list)
extrn drop_env:near ; (drop-environment)
extrn hash_env:near ; (make-hashed-environment)
extrn ld_env:near ; (load-env symbol)
extrn st_env:near ; (store-env value symbol)
extrn set_gnv:near ; (set-global-env! env)
extrn ld_globl:near ; load value of global variable
extrn ld_globr:near ; load value of global variable - reg source
extrn st_globl:near ; store value into global variable
extrn define:near ; define! value for global variable
; Interpreter support routines defined in "sobjhash.asm"
extrn obj_hash:near ; (object-hash obj)
extrn obj_unhs:near ; (object-unhash obj)
; Interpreter support routines defined in "cwindow.asm"
extrn make_win:near ; (make-window label)
extrn get_wind:near ; (get-window-attribute port attribute)
extrn save_win:near ; (window-save-contents port)
extrn rest_win:near ; (window-restore-contents port contents)
extrn trns_chg:near ; (transcript-on "filename")
extrn rd_ch_rd:near ; (read-char-ready? port)
extrn read_cha:near ; (read-char port)
; Interpreter support routines defined in "cread.asm"
extrn srd_line:near ; (read-line port)
extrn srd_atom:near ; (read-atom port)
; Interpreter support routines defined in "cprint.asm"
extrn spprin1:near
extrn spprinc:near
extrn spprint:near
extrn spnewlin:near
extrn prt_len:near
extrn xli_xesc:near ; XLI xesc handler
; extrn print_an:near ; fatal errors
; GRAPHICS - protected mode scheme graphics handler in PROIO.ASM
extrn sgraph:near ;Handle %graphics primitives
; Entry point to force debug mode prior to next VM instruction
public force_de
force_de: mov AX,word ptr CS:trc_forc
STORE_WORD_IN_CS PROG,next1,AX ; Protected Mode Macro
; Entry point to force a timeout prior to next VM instruction. This
; will be called from the tick routine in STIMER.ASM. Protected
; mode scheme doesn't use this, as it counts vm instructions as
; engine ticks.
public force_ti
force_ti: mov AX,word ptr CS:tim_forc
XCHG_WORD_IN_CS PROG,next1,AX ;Protected Mode Macro
STORE_WORD_IN_CS PROG,reset_tim,AX ;Protected Mode Macro
; Entry point to process shift-break prior to next VM instruction
public shft_brk
dbg_addr dw VM_debug ; address of the variable VM_debug
dw DGROUP ; DGROUP segment address
sbrk_adr dw s_break ; address of the variable s_break
reset_sb dw 0
shft_brk: push ES ; save the current ES
les SI,dword ptr CS:dbg_addr ; load the long address for VM_debug
mov DI,CS:sbrk_adr ; load address for s_break
inc word ptr ES:[DI] ; and increment shift-break flag
cmp word ptr ES:[SI],0 ; are we in VM_debug mode?
pop ES ; restore ES
jne force_de ; if we're in VM_debug mode, jump
mov AX,word ptr CS:shft_nxt ; else, force a trap to the debugger
cmp AX,word ptr CS:next1 ; Shift-Brk already depressed?
je shft_brt ; if a duplicate request, skip it
XCHG_WORD_IN_CS PROG,next1,AX ; else enter scheme debugger on
STORE_WORD_IN_CS PROG,reset_sb,AX ; next vm instruction
shft_brt: ret ; continue processing
public run,interp
run proc near
mov AX,word ptr CS:next_go1 ; modify interpreter loop to disable
STORE_WORD_IN_CS PROG,next1,AX ; instruction level trace capability
interp: push BP
sub SP,offset sint_BP
mov BP,SP
mov reset_BP,BP ; save initial value of BP for reset
; Set up initial interpreter parameters
mov [BP].C_ES,ES
mov SI,[BP].cod_ent ; load address of entry point offset
mov SI,[SI] ; and load PC
mov BX,CB_pag ; load code base page number
cmp ptype+[BX],CODETYPE*2 ; if page doesn't contain code,
jne code_err ; we've got an error
LoadCode ES,BX ; load code page paragraph addr
; mov ES,pagetabl+[BX] ; load code page paragraph addr
mov [BP].save_ES,ES ; and save it off
jmp next ; jump to start of interpreter
; ***error-- invalid code base-- not a code page***
code_err: ; push the ptr's disp, page no, and
mov AX,offset DGROUP:m_cod_er ; address of message
pushm <CB_dis,BX,AX>
C_call printf ; print error message
jmp debug ; begin debug mode
trc_oops: cld ; clear direction * checking code
lea BX,m_bckwrd ; * (see below)
jmp short trc_err ; *
trc_reg0: lea BX,m_reg0
trc_err: mov AX,CB_pag ; R0 not nil-- print error message
corrpage AX
pushm <SI,AX,BX>
C_call printf,<SI>,Load_ES
restore <SI>
jmp debug
;** lea BX,m_bad_st ; inconsistent runtime stack error
;** jmp short trc_err
dec [BP].no_insts ; decrement count of instructions to run
jge next_go ; if not zero, continue decoding
jmp exit ; out of instructions-- return to debugger
next_go1 equ $
next_go: xor AX,AX ; Clear high order byte of AX
mov BX,SI ;* These instructions check to make
xor SI,SI ; * sure that the direction flag is set
lodsb ; * in the forward direction. If not,
cmp SI,1 ; * the "lods" in the interpreter will
mov SI,BX ; * decrement the location pointer
jne trc_oops ;* instead of incrementing it.
cmp reg0_pag,NIL_PAGE*2 ;*
jne trc_reg0 ; * These instructions check to
cmp reg0_dis,NIL_DISP ; * make sure R0 contains nil (by
jne trc_reg0 ;* convention)
cmp page0,0 ;*
jne trc_reg0 ; *
cmp page0+2,0 ; * Verify that the location for
jne trc_reg0 ; * the null pointer (page 0, offset 0)
cmp page0+4,0 ; * is still (cons '() '())
jne trc_reg0 ;*
; Validate the contents of each of the Scheme registers
mov CX,NUM_REGS+4 ; load number of regsiter into CX (counter)
; Note: also checks GNV_reg, FNV_reg, CB_reg, and tmp_reg
mov DI,offset reg0 ; address of register 0
mov DX,nextpage ; load number of pages allocated
more_reg: mov AX,[DI].C_page ; load page number field of next register
cmp AX,SPECFIX*2 ; does register contain a fixnum?
je off_ok ; if so, skip offset check (jump)
cmp AX,SPECCHAR*2 ; does register contain a character?
je off_ok ; if so, skip offset check (jump)
mov BX,AX ; copy page number (times 2) into BX
ror AX,1 ; divide by 2, LSB to sign position
cmp AX,DX ; is page number too large?
jae trc_reg0 ; if too large or odd, error (jump)
mov AX,[DI].C_disp ; load displacement field from register
cmp AX,psize+[BX] ; is offset too big?
jae trc_reg0 ; if offset too big, error (jump)
off_ok: add DI,size C_ptr ; increment register offset
loop more_reg ; continue testing all registers
;** Test consistency of Scheme's runtime stack
;** mov BX,FP ; load current stack frame pointer
;** cmp BX,0
;** je stk_ok
;** mov AL,S_stack+[BX] ; load return address code base page number
;** mov DI,AX
;** cmp byte ptr ptype+[DI],CODETYPE*2 ; is this a code block?
;** jne bad_stk ; if not, bad dynamic link
;** cmp byte ptr S_stack+[BX]+6,SPECFIX*2 ; is dynamic link a fixnum?
;** jne bad_stk ; if not, bad dynamic link
;** mov BX,word ptr S_stack+[BX]+7 ; load pointer to caller's FP
;** sub BX,BASE ; inside current stack buffer?
;** ja more_stk ; if so, continue testing (jump)
xor AX,AX ; clear TIPC register AX
lods byte ptr ES:[SI] ; Fetch next instruction's opcode
mov BX,AX
shl BX,1 ; Multiply opcode by two for use as index
jmp op_table+[BX]
trc_go equ $
jmp short $+(next_trc-next1) ; jump to overwrite "next" for debug
next_trc: jmp next_tr1
tim_forc equ $
jmp short $+(next_tim-next1) ; jump to force debug mode
next_tim: jmp timeout ; Force execution into debug mode
trc_forc equ $
jmp short $+(next_dbg-next1) ; jump to force debug mode
next_dbg: jmp debug ; Force execution into debug mode
shft_nxt equ $
jmp short $+(next_sb-next1) ; jump to force Scheme debug mode
next_sb : jmp sc_debug ; Force execution into Scheme debug mode
; The following code is for use by engines under protected mode scheme.
; We had a problem collecting timer interrupts from AI Architects OSx86,
; so I just implemented a different interpreter loop which decrements
; a timer tick upon each vm instruction.
; Note: this code must be within 128 bytes of next1 (below) so that a
; short jump can be performed.
eng_tick equ $
jmp short $+(eng_next1-next1) ; jump to engine loop
sub lo_time,1 ;decrement engine tick
sbb hi_time,0 ;if not zero
jnz eng_next2 ; continue
cmp lo_time,0
jnz eng_next2
mov tickstat,0 ;zero counter, record timeout
jmp timeout ;force timeout condition
xor ax,ax ;clear high order byte of ax
lods byte ptr es:[si] ;fetch next instruction's opcode
mov bx,ax
shl bx,1 ;make into index
jmp op_table+[bx] ;go execute the vm instruction code
; Following is the main vm interpreter loop. Note that the location at
; next1 can (and will be) code modified to jump into the debugger, a
; trace loop, and a loop for handling engines in protected mode.
public next_SP,next_PC,next
next_SP: mov SP,BP ; Restore SP after call
next_PC: les SI,dword ptr [BP].save_SI ; Reload interpreter's PC & ES
next1 equ $
xor AX,AX ; Clear high order byte of AX
lods byte ptr ES:[SI] ; Fetch next instruction's opcode
mov BX,AX
shl BX,1 ; Multiply opcode by two for use as index
jmp op_table+[BX] ; go execute the vm instruction code
; Jump if nil, short JNILS reg,offset
j_nil_s: lods word ptr ES:[SI] ; load operand, offset
mov BL,AL ; copy register number
cmp byte ptr reg0_pag+[BX],0 ; test for null pointer
jne next ; Jump if not nil
mov AL,AH
cbw ; Sign extend short displacement
add SI,AX ; Add jump offset to current PC
jmp next ; Return to interpreter
; Jump if not nil, short JNNILS reg,offset
j_nnil_s: lods word ptr ES:[SI] ; load operand, offset
mov BL,AL ; copy register number
cmp byte ptr reg0_pag+[BX],0 ; test for null pointer
je next ; Jump if nil
mov AL,AH
cbw ; Sign extend short displacement
add SI,AX ; Add jump offset to current PC
jmp next ; Return to interpreter
; Jump if atom,short JATOMS reg,offset
j_atm_s: lods word ptr ES:[SI] ; Load register, offset
mov BL,AL ; copy register number to test
test attrib+[BX],ATOM ; test for atom attribute
jz next ; if not atom, return to interpreter
mov AL,AH ; position branch offset and
cbw ; sign extend to 16 bits
add SI,AX ; add jump offset to current PC
jmp next ; return to interpreter
; Jump if not atom,short JNATOMS reg,offset
j_natm_s: lods word ptr ES:[SI] ; Load register, offset
mov BL,AL ; copy register number to test
test attrib+[BX],ATOM ; test for atom attribute
jnz next ; if atom, return to interpreter
mov AL,AH ; position branch offset and
cbw ; sign extend to 16 bits
add SI,AX ; add jump offset to current PC
jmp next ; return to interpreter
; Jump if eq?, short JEQS src1,src2,offset
j_eq_s: lods word ptr ES:[SI] ; load registers to compare
mov BL,AH
mov DI,BX
add DI,offset reg0 ; compute address of src2
mov BL,AL ; copy src1 register number
lods byte ptr ES:[SI] ; load branch displacement,
cbw ; sign extend,
mov CX,AX ; and save it
mov AX,reg0_dis+[BX]
cmp AX,[DI].C_disp ; are displacements eq?
jne next
j_eq_s1: mov AL,byte ptr reg0_pag+[BX]
cmp AL,byte ptr [DI].C_page ; are page numbers eq?
jne j_eq_nxt
add SI,CX ; add offset to current PC
j_eq_nxt: jmp next
; Jump if not eq?, short JNEQS src1,src2,offset
j_neq_s: lods word ptr ES:[SI] ; load registers to compare
mov BL,AH
mov DI,BX
add DI,offset reg0 ; compute address of src2
mov BL,AL ; copy src1 register number
lods byte ptr ES:[SI] ; load branch displacement,
cbw ; sign extend,
mov CX,AX ; and save it
mov AX,reg0_dis+[BX]
cmp AX,[DI].C_disp ; are displacements eq?
jne j_neq_s2
j_neq_s1: mov AL,byte ptr reg0_pag+[BX]
cmp AL,byte ptr [DI].C_page ; are page numbers eq?
je j_neq_s3
j_neq_s2: add SI,CX ; add offset to current PC
j_neq_s3: jmp next
; Jump if eq?, long JEQL src1,src2,offset
j_eq_l: lods word ptr ES:[SI] ; load registers to compare
mov BL,AH
mov DI,BX
add DI,offset reg0 ; compute address of src2
mov BL,AL ; copy src1 register number
lods word ptr ES:[SI] ; load branch displacement
mov CX,AX ; and save same
mov AX,reg0_dis+[BX]
cmp AX,[DI].C_disp ; are displacements eq?
je j_eq_s1 ; if eq?, continue testing
jmp next ; otherwise, back to interpreter
; Jump if not eq?, long JNEQL src1,src2,offset
j_neq_l: lods word ptr ES:[SI] ; load registers to compare
mov BL,AH
mov DI,BX
add DI,offset reg0 ; compute address of src2
mov BL,AL ; copy src1 register number
lods word ptr ES:[SI] ; load branch displacement
mov CX,AX ; and save same
mov AX,reg0_dis+[BX]
cmp AX,[DI].C_disp ; are displacements eq?
je j_neq_s1 ; if equal, continue test
add SI,CX ; add offset to current location pointer
jmp next ; back to the interpreter
; Jump if nil, long JNILL reg,offset
j_nil_l: lods byte ptr ES:[SI] ; Load the register to test
mov BL,AL ; copy register number
lods word ptr ES:[SI] ; load branch offset
cmp byte ptr reg0_pag+[BX],0 ; Test for null pointer
jne j_nil_l1 ; Jump if not nil
add SI,AX ; Add jump offset to current PC
j_nil_l1: jmp next ; Return to interpreter
; Jump if not nil, long JNNILL reg,offset
j_nnil_l: lods byte ptr ES:[SI] ; Load the register to test
mov BL,AL ; copy register number
lods word ptr ES:[SI] ; load branch offset
cmp byte ptr reg0_pag+[BX],0 ; Test for null pointer
je j_nnil_1 ; if nil, return to interpreter
add SI,AX ; Add jump offset to current PC
j_nnil_1: jmp next ; Return to interpreter
; Jump if atom,long JATOMS reg,offset
j_atm_l: lods byte ptr ES:[SI] ; Load register to test
mov BL,AL ; copy register number to test
lods word ptr ES:[SI] ; load branch offset
test attrib+[BX],ATOM ; test for atom attribute
jz j_atm_l1 ; if not atom, return to interpreter
add SI,AX ; add jump offset to current PC
j_atm_l1: jmp next ; return to interpreter
; Jump if not atom,long JNATOMS reg,offset
j_natm_l: lods byte ptr ES:[SI] ; Load register to test
mov BL,AL ; copy register number to test
lods word ptr ES:[SI] ; load branch offset
test attrib+[BX],ATOM ; test for atom attribute
jnz j_natm_1 ; if atom, return to interpreter
add SI,AX ; add jump offset to current PC
j_natm_1: jmp next ; return to interpreter
; Jump unconditionally, short
jmp_shrt: lods byte ptr ES:[SI]
cbw ; sign extend the byte offset
add SI,AX
jmp next
; Jump unconditionally, long
jmp_long: lods word ptr ES:[SI]
add SI,AX
jmp next
; Move register to register: COPY dest,src
copy: lods word ptr ES:[SI] ; load regs, increment PC
mov BL,AH ; copy source register number into
mov DI,BX ; DI (clear high byte)
mov BL,AL ; copy destination register number
mov AX,reg0_dis+[DI]
mov reg0_dis+[BX],AX
mov AL,byte ptr reg0_pag+[DI]
mov byte ptr reg0_pag+[BX],AL
jmp next
;* AL AH *
;* Load constant from constant's area LD-CONST dest,const *
;* *
;* Purpose: Interpreter support for loading a compile time constant *
;* into a register of the Scheme virtual machine. *
ld_const: lods word ptr ES:[SI] ; load dest reg and constant number
mov BL,AL ; copy destination register number
mov DI,BX ; into TIPC register DI
mov BL,AH ; isolate constant number
mov AX,BX ; BX <- constant number * 3
shl AX,1
add BX,AX
add BX,CB_dis ; add displacement to start of code block
mov AL,ES:[BX].cod_cpag
mov byte ptr reg0_pag+[DI],AL
mov AX,ES:[BX].cod_cdis
mov reg0_dis+[DI],AX
jmp next
;* AL AH *
;* Load immediate value LD-IMM dest,imm *
;* *
;* Purpose: Interpreter support for loading an immediate value *
;* into a register of the Scheme virtual machine. *
ld_imm: lods word ptr ES:[SI] ; load dest reg, immediate value
mov BL,AL ; copy the destination register number
mov AL,AH ; isolate and sign extend the
cbw ; immediate value
sal AX,1 ; clear high order byte of immediate
shr AX,1 ; value, and
mov reg0_dis+[BX],AX ; store it
mov byte ptr reg0_pag+[BX],SPECFIX*2 ; set reg tag=fixnum
jmp next
;* Load nil ld-nil dest *
;* *
;* Purpose: Scheme interpreter support to load the value "nil" into *
;* a VM register *
ld_nil: lods byte ptr ES:[SI] ; load destination register number
mov BX,AX
xor AX,AX
mov byte ptr reg0_pag+[BX],AL ; store value of 'nil into
mov reg0_dis+[BX],AX ; destination register
jmp next ; back to the interpreter
;* Macro Support for Vector Load *
vec_load macro ld_type
local y,z
IFIDN <ld_type>,<LONG>
mov DX,4 ; record length of this instruction
lods byte ptr ES:[SI] ; load vector pointer/destination reg
mov DI,AX ; copy pointer to TIPC register DI
lods word ptr ES:[SI] ; load fullword offset
jmp short ld_v_go1 ; continue processing
lods word ptr ES:[SI] ; load vect pointer, offset operands
mov BL,AL ; copy vector pointer/destination reg
mov DI,BX ; number into TIPC register DI
IFIDN <ld_type>,<SHORT>
mov AL,AH ; convert immediate byte offset to
cbw ; a fullword value
jmp short ld_v_go ; continue processing
IFIDN <ld_type>,<REG>
mov BL,AH ; copy number of index register
cmp byte ptr reg0_pag+[BX],SPECFIX*2 ; index a fixnum?
jne z ; if not, error (jump)
mov AX,reg0_dis+[BX] ; load immediate value from index register
shl AX,1 ; sign extend 15 bit immediate
sar AX,1
ld_v_go: mov DX,3 ; record length of this instruction
ld_v_go1: save <SI> ; save current location pointer
mov CX,AX ; multiply the index value by 3
shl AX,1 ; (3 bytes/element)
add AX,CX
jl y
mov BL,byte ptr reg0_pag+[DI] ; load page number for vector ptr
cmp byte ptr ptype+[BX],VECTTYPE*2 ; does it point to a vector?
jne z ; if not, error (jump)
LoadPage ES,BX ; load paragraph address for vector's page
; mov ES,pagetabl+[BX] ; load paragraph address for vector's page
mov SI,reg0_dis+[DI] ; load vector offset
add AX,offset vec_data ; add offset of 1st vector element
cmp AX,ES:[SI].vec_len ; is reference within bounds?
jge y ; if not, error (jump)
add SI,AX ; add index to vector offset
mov AL,ES:[SI].car_page ; copy vector element to destination
mov byte ptr reg0_pag+[DI],AL ; register
mov AX,ES:[SI].car
mov reg0_dis+[DI],AX
jmp next_PC ; return to the interpreter
; ***error-- offset out of bounds***
y: mov AX,offset m_v_ld
vbad_off: restore <SI> ; restore the location pointer
sub SI,DX ; and back it up to start of instruction
pushm <SI,AX> ; push LP and "VECTOR-REF/SET!" text as args
C_call disassem,,Load_ES ; disassemble instruction for *irritant*
pushm <tmp_adr,m_VOE,m_one> ; push numeric error parameters
C_call set_nume
restore <SI> ; reload next instruction's address
jmp sch_err ; link to Scheme debugger
; ***error-- invalid operand to vector-load instruction***
z: lea BX,m_v_ld
jmp src_err ; display error message
***error*** bad macro operand
;* AL AH *
;* Vector Load with short offset LD-VEC-S vect,offset *
;* *
;* Purpose: Scheme interpreter support for vector load instructions *
;* with short offset fields *
ld_off_s: vec_load SHORT
;* AL AX *
;* Vector Load with long offset LD-VEC-L vect,offset *
;* *
;* Purpose: Scheme interpreter support for vector load instructions *
;* with long offset fields *
ld_off_l: vec_load LONG
;* AL AH *
;* Vector Load with register offset LD-VEC-R vect,offset *
;* *
;* Purpose: Scheme interpreter support for vector load instructions *
;* with register offset fields *
ld_off_r: vec_load REG
purge vec_load
;* Macro Support for Vector Store *
vec_st macro st_type
local x,y,z
IFIDN <st_type>,<LONG>
mov [BP].save_DX,5 ; record length of this instruction
lods byte ptr ES:[SI] ; load vector pointer register
mov DI,AX ; copy pointer to TIPC register DI
lods word ptr ES:[SI] ; load fullword offset
jmp short st_v_go1 ; continue processing
lods word ptr ES:[SI] ; load vector pointer, offset operand
mov BL,AL ; copy vector pointer register
mov DI,BX ; number into TIPC register DI
IFIDN <st_type>,<SHORT>
mov AL,AH ; convert immediate byte offset to
cbw ; a fullword value
jmp short st_v_go ; continue processing
IFIDN <st_type>,<REG>
mov BL,AH ; copy number of index register
cmp byte ptr reg0_pag+[BX],SPECFIX*2 ; index a fixnum?
jne z ; if not, error (jump)
mov AX,reg0_dis+[BX] ; load immediate value from index register
shl AX,1 ; sign extend 15 bit immediate
sar AX,1
st_v_go: mov [BP].save_DX,4
st_v_go1: mov CX,AX ; save index value in TIPC register CX
lods byte ptr ES:[SI] ; load source register number
save <SI> ; save current location pointer
xor DX,DX ; save the source register number in
mov DL,AL ; TIPC register DX
mov AX,CX ; multiply the index value by 3
shl AX,1 ; (3 bytes/element)
add AX,CX
jl y
mov BL,byte ptr reg0_pag+[DI] ; load page number for vector ptr
cmp byte ptr ptype+[BX],VECTTYPE*2 ; does it point to a vector?
jne z ; if not, error (jump)
;;; test attrib+[BX],READONLY ; is vector's page write protected?
;;; jnz x ; if write protected, error (jump)
LoadPage ES,BX ; load paragraph address for vector's page
; mov ES,pagetabl+[BX] ; load paragraph address for vector's page
mov SI,reg0_dis+[DI] ; load vector offset
add AX,offset vec_data ; add in offset of 1st vector element
cmp AX,ES:[SI].vec_len ; is reference within bounds?
jge y ; if not, error (jump)
add SI,AX ; add index to vector offset
mov DI,DX ; copy source regsiter number into DI
mov AL,byte ptr reg0_pag+[DI] ; copy contents of source register
mov ES:[SI].car_page,AL ; into the element of the vector
mov AX,reg0_dis+[DI]
mov ES:[SI].car,AX
jmp next_PC ; return to the interpreter
;;;; ***error-- write protection violation***
;;;x: error <m_il_st>
; ***error-- offset out of bounds***
y: restore <DX>
mov AX,offset m_v_st
jmp vbad_off
; ***error-- invalid operand to vector-load instruction***
z: lea BX,m_v_st
jmp src_err ; display error message
***error*** bad macro operand
;* AL AH AL *
;* Vector Store with short offset ST-VEC-S vect,offset,src *
;* *
;* Purpose: Scheme interpreter support for vector store instructions *
;* with short offset fields *
st_off_s: vec_st SHORT
;* AL AX AL *
;* Vector Store with long offset ST-VEC-L vect,offset,src *
;* *
;* Purpose: Scheme interpreter support for vector store instructions *
;* with long offset fields *
st_off_l: vec_st LONG
;* AL AH AL *
;* Vector Store with register offset ST-VEC-R vect,offset,src *
;* *
;* Purpose: Scheme interpreter support for vector store instructions *
;* with register offset fields *
st_off_r: vec_st REG
purge vec_st
;;;; Load from reference cell DEREF dest
;;;deref: lods byte ptr ES:[SI] ; fetch operand, increment location pointer
;;; mov DX,ES ; save TIPC register ES
;;; mov BX,AX ; move destination register field and
;;; add BX,offset reg0 ; and compute destination reg address
;;; mov DI,[BX].C_page ; load source reg page number
;;; cmp byte ptr ptype+[DI],REFTYPE*2 ; does page contain ref cells?
;;; jne not_ref ; if not, jump (must be reference type)
;;; mov ES,pagetabl+[DI] ; load page's paragraph address
;;; mov DI,[BX].C_disp ; load source displacement into page
;;; mov AX,ES:[DI].car ; load disp at source location
;;; mov [BX].C_disp,AX ; store into destination register
;;; mov AL,ES:[DI].car_page ; load page number at source location
;;; mov byte ptr [BX].C_page,AL ; store into destination register
;;; mov ES,DX ; restore TIPC register ES (code block para)
;;; jmp next ; branch back to interpreter
;;;; error-- object of ref not a reference cell
;;;not_ref: save <SI> ; save current location pointer
;;; lea BX,m_deref
;;; jmp src_err ; display error message
;;;; Create a reference cell (ref obj)
;;;ref: lods byte ptr ES:[SI] ; load register number
;;; lea BX,[BP].temp_reg ; load address of temp register and
;;; push BX ; push as argument to "alloc_ref_cell"
;;; C_call alloc_re,<AX,SI>,Load_ES ; allocate ref cell
;;; mov SP,BP
;;; mov BX,[BP].temp_reg.C_page ; Load page number of ref cell
;;; mov ES,pagetabl+[BX] ; load paragraph address of ref cell page
;;; mov DI,[BP].temp_reg.C_disp ; load the cell's displacement
;;; mov SI,[BP].save_AX ; restore reg number from old AX into SI
;;;; copy pointer to object into newly allocated ref cell-- update dest reg
;;; mov AX,DI ; copy displacement
;;; xchg AX,reg0_dis+[SI] ; load displacement, and
;;; mov ES:[DI].car,AX ; store into new ref cell
;;; mov AX,BX ; copy page number
;;; xchg AX,reg0_pag+[SI] ; load page number, and
;;; mov ES:[DI].car_page,AL ; store it, too
;;; jmp next_PC
;* AL AH *
;* Set Reference (set_ref! ref val) SETREF ref,val *
;;;set_ref: lods word ptr ES:[SI] ; load src/dest register numbers
;;; save <SI> ; save the location pointer
;;; mov BL,AL ; copy dest register number
;;; mov DI,BX
;;; mov SI,reg0_dis+[DI] ; copy displacement of ref cell
;;; mov BL,byte ptr reg0_pag+[DI] ; copy ref cell's page number
;;; cmp byte ptr ptype+[BX],REFTYPE*2 ; it is a ref cell, isn't it?
;;; jne not_strf ; if not, error
;;; mov ES,pagetabl+[BX] ; load paragraph of ref cell's page
;;; mov BL,AH ; copy source register number
;;; mov AX,reg0_dis+[BX] ; load contents of source register and
;;; mov ES:[SI].car,AX ; and copy into ref cell
;;; mov reg0_dis+[DI],AX ; and into destination register
;;; mov AL,byte ptr reg0_pag+[BX]
;;; mov ES:[SI].car_page,AL
;;; mov byte ptr reg0_pag+[DI],AL
;;; jmp next_PC ; return to interpreter
;;;; Error-- destination of set_ref! or swap_ref! not a ref cell
;;;not_strf: error <m_setref,m_dest,m_error> ; display error message
;* AL AH *
;* Swap Reference (swap_ref! ref val) SWAPREF dest,val *
;;;swap_ref: lods word ptr ES:[SI] ; load src/dest register numbers
;;; save <SI> ; save the current location pointer
;;; mov BL,AL ; copy dest register number
;;; mov DI,BX
;;; mov SI,reg0_dis+[DI] ; copy displacement of ref cell
;;; mov BL,byte ptr reg0_pag+[DI] ; copy ref cell's page number
;;; cmp byte ptr ptype+[BX],REFTYPE*2 ; it is a ref cell, isn't it?
;;; jne not_swrf ; if not, error
;;; mov ES,pagetabl+[BX] ; load paragraph of ref cell's page
;;; mov BL,AH ; copy source register number
;;; mov AX,reg0_dis+[BX] ; load contents of source register and
;;; xchg ES:[SI].car,AX ; and exchange with contents of ref
;;; mov reg0_dis+[DI],AX ; cell
;;; mov AL,byte ptr reg0_pag+[BX]
;;; xchg ES:[SI].car_page,AL
;;; mov byte ptr reg0_pag+[DI],AL
;;; jmp next_PC ; return to interpreter
;;;not_swrf: error <m_swaprf,m_dest,m_error> ; display error message
; Negation (minus obj) MINUS dest
minus: lods byte ptr ES:[SI] ; load register field
mov DI,AX ; and copy into DI
add DI,offset reg0 ; load address of register
cmp [DI].C_page,SPECFIX*2 ; is this a fixnum?
jne minus_nf ; if not, go out of line
mov AX,[DI].C_disp ; load immediate value
shl AX,1 ; align for sign extension
minusmrg: neg AX ; negate the immediate value
jo minus_ov ; overflow? if so, make bignum
shr AX,1 ; re-align immediate value
mov [DI].C_disp,AX ; store result into register
jmp next ; return to interpreter
; Not a fixnum-- call arithmetic support
minus_nf: mov DX,MINUS_OP ; indicate negation sub-opcode
; Process unary operation out of line
arith_1: pushm <DI,DX> ; push reg addr, sub-opcode
C_call arith1,<SI>,Load_ES ; call unary arithmetic support
cmp AX,0 ; was error encountered?
jne arith_1x ; if error, jump
jmp next_SP ; process next instruction
arith_1x: jmp sch_err ; link to Scheme debugger
minus_ov: mov AX,16384 ;Create result
sub DI,offset reg0 ; Convert register addr back to reg number
; Fixnum overflow-- convert to bignum
enlrg1: cwd ; Convert to long integer
enlrg2: add DI,offset reg0 ; compute address of destination register
pushm <DX,AX,DI> ; push long int, reg addr
C_call enlarge,<SI>,Load_ES ; create bignum
jmp next_SP ; process next instruction
; Support for absolute value (abs n)
sabs: lods byte ptr ES:[SI] ; load destination register number
mov DI,AX
add DI,offset reg0 ; load register address
cmp [DI].C_page,SPECFIX*2 ; Fixnum (immediate)?
jne abs_nf ; if not, go out-of-line
mov AX,[DI].C_disp ; load immediate value
shl AX,1 ; shift to position sign bit
cmp AX,0 ; how's it relate to zero?
jl minusmrg ; if negative, negate
jmp next ; else do nothing
abs_nf: mov DX,ABS_OP ; load absolute value subopcode
jmp arith_1 ; process out of line
;* Macro support for out-of-line calls to Lattice C *
OTL_R_ = 1
OTL_RT_ = 1
OTL_R macro rtn,error_p
local x
extrn rtn:near
mov DI,offset PGROUP:rtn ; load address of routine
OTL_RT_ = 0
otlr1t: lods byte ptr ES:[SI] ; load register operand
save <SI> ; save the location pointer
add AX,offset reg0 ; compute address of register
push AX ; and push as single argument
mov AX,DS ; set ES to point to the
mov ES,AX ; current data segment
call DI ; call desired routine
cmp AX,0 ; was error detected?
jl x ; if error, jump
jmp next_SP ; return to interpreter
x: jmp sch_err ; link to Scheme debugger
jmp otlr1t ; call desired routine
OTL_R_ = 0
otlr1: lods byte ptr ES:[SI] ; load register operand
save <SI> ; save the location pointer
add AX,offset reg0 ; compute address of register
push AX ; and push as single argument
mov AX,DS ; set ES to point to the
mov ES,AX ; current data segment
mov AX,offset PGROUP:next_SP ; push "next_SP" as the
push AX ; return address
jmp DI ; tail recursive call to routine
jmp otlr1 ; call desired routine
OTL_R2_ = 1
OTL_R2T_ = 1
OTL_R2 macro rtn,error_p
local x
extrn rtn:near
mov DI,offset PGROUP:rtn ; load address of routine
OTL_R2T_ = 0
otlr2t: lods word ptr ES:[SI] ; load register operand
save <SI> ; save the location pointer
xor BX,BX
mov BL,AH
add BX,offset reg0 ; compute address of register
xor AH,AH
add AX,offset reg0
pushm <BX,AX> ; push register addresses as arguments
mov AX,DS
mov ES,AX
call DI ; call desired routine
cmp AX,0 ; was error detected?
jl x ; if error, jump
jmp next_SP ; return to interpreter
x: jmp sch_err ; link to Scheme debugger
jmp otlr2t
OTL_R2_ = 0
otlr2: lods word ptr ES:[SI] ; load register operand
save <SI> ; save the location pointer
xor BX,BX
mov BL,AH
add BX,offset reg0 ; compute address of register
xor AH,AH
add AX,offset reg0
pushm <BX,AX> ; push register addresses as arguments
mov AX,DS ; set ES to point to the current data
mov ES,AX ; segment
mov AX,offset PGROUP:next_SP ; push address of "next_SP" as
push AX ; the return address
jmp DI ; tail recursive call to desired routine
jmp otlr2
OTL_R3_ = 1
OTL_R3T_ = 1
OTL_R3 macro rtn,error_p
local x
extrn rtn:near
mov DI,offset PGROUP:rtn ; load address of routine
OTL_R3T_ = 0
otlr3t: lods byte ptr ES:[SI] ; load 1st operand
add AX,offset reg0 ; and compute register address
mov CX,AX
lods word ptr ES:[SI] ; load 2nd and 3rd operands
save <SI> ; save the location pointer
xor BX,BX
mov BL,AH
add BX,offset reg0 ; compute address of register
xor AH,AH
add AX,offset reg0
pushm <BX,AX,CX> ; push register addresses as arguments
mov AX,DS
mov ES,AX
call DI ; call desired routine
cmp AX,0 ; was error detected?
jl x ; if error, jump
jmp next_SP ; return to interpreter
x: jmp sch_err ; link to Scheme debugger
jmp otlr3t ; call desired routine
OTL_R3_ = 0
otlr3: lods byte ptr ES:[SI] ; load 1st operand
add AX,offset reg0 ; and compute register address
mov CX,AX
lods word ptr ES:[SI] ; load 2nd and 3rd operands
save <SI> ; save the location pointer
xor BX,BX
mov BL,AH
add BX,offset reg0 ; compute address of register
xor AH,AH
add AX,offset reg0
pushm <BX,AX,CX> ; push register addresses as arguments
mov AX,DS
mov ES,AX
mov AX,offset PGROUP:next_SP ; push address of "next_SP" as
push AX ; the return address
jmp DI ; tail recursive call to desired routine
jmp otlr3 ; call desired routine
OTL_R4_ = 1
OTL_R4T_ = 1
OTL_R4 macro rtn,error_p
local x
extrn rtn:near
mov DI,offset PGROUP:rtn ; load address of routine
OTL_R4T_ = 0
otlr4t: lods word ptr ES:[SI] ; load 1st and 2nd operands
xor CX,CX
xor DX,DX
mov DL,AL ; copy 1st operand register number
add DX,offset reg0
mov CL,AH ; copy 2nd operand register number
add CX,offset reg0
lods word ptr ES:[SI] ; load 3rd and 4th operands
save <SI> ; save the location pointer
xor BX,BX
mov BL,AH ; copy 4th operand register number
add BX,offset reg0 ; compute address of register
xor AH,AH
add AX,offset reg0
pushm <BX,AX,CX,DX> ; push register addresses as arguments
mov AX,DS
mov ES,AX
call DI ; call desired routine
cmp AX,0 ; was error detected?
jl x ; if error, jump
jmp next_SP ; return to interpreter
x: jmp sch_err ; link to Scheme debugger
jmp otlr4t ; call desired routine
OTL_R4_ = 0
otlr4t: lods word ptr ES:[SI] ; load 1st and 2nd operands
xor CX,CX
xor DX,DX
mov DL,AL ; copy 1st operand register number
add DX,offset reg0
mov CL,AH ; copy 2nd operand register number
add CX,offset reg0
lods word ptr ES:[SI] ; load 3rd and 4th operands
save <SI> ; save the location pointer
xor BX,BX
mov BL,AH ; copy 4th operand register number
add BX,offset reg0 ; compute address of register
xor AH,AH
add AX,offset reg0
pushm <BX,AX,CX,DX> ; push register addresses as arguments
mov AX,DS
mov ES,AX
mov AX,offset PGROUP:next_SP ; push address of "next_SP" as
push AX ; the return address
jmp DI ; tail recursive call to desired routine
jmp otlr4 ; call desired routine
; Convert number to fixnum (toward nearest integer) ROUND reg *
sround: OTL_R round,TEST_RESULT
; Convert number to fixnum (toward - infinity) FLOOR reg *
sfloor: OTL_R floor,TEST_RESULT
; Convert number to fixnum (toward + infinity) CEILING reg *
sceiling: OTL_R ceiling,TEST_RESULT
; Convert number to fixnum (toward zero) TRUNCATE reg *
struncat: OTL_R truncate,TEST_RESULT
; Convert number to fixnum FLOAT reg *
float: OTL_R sfloat,TEST_RESULT
;* Support for string->symbol (string->symbol dest) *
str2sym: OTL_R str_2_sy,TEST_RESULT
;* string->uninterned-symbol (string->uninterned-symbol dest) *
str2usym: OTL_R str_2_us,TEST_RESULT
;* Support for symbol->string (symbol->string dest) *
sym2str: OTL_R sym_2_st,TEST_RESULT
;* Support for fast load (fasl filename) *
sfasl: OTL_R fasl,TEST_RESULT
;;;;* Support for unique symbol generation (gensym sym) *
;;;gensym: OTL_R sgensym
;* Support for prop-list (prop-list name) *
proplist: OTL_R prop_lis,TEST_RESULT
;* Support for random (random seed) *
random: OTL_R srandom
;;;;* Support for current-column (current-column dest) *
;;;curr_clm: OTL_R current_
;;;;* Support for line-length (line-length dest) *
;;;line_lng: OTL_R line_len
;;;;* Support for set-line-length! (set-line-length! len) *
;;;set_lng: OTL_R set_line
;;;;* Support for file-exists? (file-exists? string) *
;;;file_ex: OTL_R file_exi
;* Support for %internal-time (%internal-time dest) *
ptyme: OTL_R ptime
;* Support for make-window (make-window dest) *
;;;mk_wind: OTL_R make_win,TEST_RESULT
;* Support for clear-window (clear-window dest) *
clr_wind: OTL_R clear_wi,TEST_RESULT
;* Support for read-char (read-char dest) *
;;;readch: OTL_R read_cha,TEST_RESULT
;* Support for close-port (close-port port) *
pclose: OTL_R spclose,TEST_RESULT
;* Support for newline (newline port) *
;;;pnewlin: OTL_R spnewlin,TEST_RESULT
;* Support for read (read port) *
;;;pread: OTL_R spread,TEST_RESULT
;* Support for print-length (print-length obj) *
;;;prt_len_: OTL_R prt_len
;* Support for %transcript (%transcript port/nil) *
;;;transcrip: OTL_R trns_chg
;* Support for read-char-ready? (read-char-ready? port) *
;;;read_cr: OTL_R rd_ch_rd,TEST_RESULT
;* Support for save-window (save-window-contents port) *
;;;sav_wind: OTL_R save_win,TEST_RESULT
;* Support for read-atom (read-atom port)*
;;;read_at: OTL_R srd_atom,TEST_RESULT
;* Support for %start-timer (%start-timer #-ticks) *
set_tim: OTL_R cset_tim,TEST_RESULT
;* Support for %stop-timer (%stop-timer) *
rst_tim: OTL_R crst_tim,TEST_RESULT
str_lng: OTL_R st_len,TEST_RESULT
;* Support for REIFY-STACK (REIFY-STACK index) *
reify_s: OTL_R reif_stk,TEST_RESULT
;* Support for princ (princ obj {port}) *
;;;pprinc: OTL_R2 spprinc,TEST_RESULT
;* Support for get-prop (get-prop name prop) *
getprop: OTL_R2 get_prop
;* Support for rem-prop (rem-prop name prop) *
remprop: OTL_R2 rem_prop
;* Support for get-window-attribute (get-window-attribute wind attr) *
;;;get_w_at: OTL_R2 get_wind,TEST_RESULT
;* Support for open-port (open port mode) *
popen: OTL_R2 spopen,TEST_RESULT
;* Support for prin1 (prin1 obj {port}) *
;;;pprin1: OTL_R2 spprin1,TEST_RESULT
;* Support for print (print obj {port}) *
;;;pprint: OTL_R2 spprint,TEST_RESULT
;* Support for restore-window (restore-window-contents port data) *
;;;res_wind: OTL_R2 rest_win,TEST_RESULT
;* Support for REIFY-STACK! (REIFY-STACK index value) *
reify_sb: OTL_R2 reif_stb,TEST_RESULT
;* Support for APPEND (APPEND list obj) *
append: OTL_R2 sappend,TEST_RESULT
;* Support for put-prop (put-prop name value prop) *
putprop: OTL_R3 put_prop,TEST_RESULT
;* Substring (substring string position length) SUBSTR str,pos,len *
substr: OTL_R3 ssubstr,TEST_RESULT
;* Support for set-window-attr (get-window-attribute wind attr val) *
set_w_at: OTL_R3 set_wind,TEST_RESULT
;* Support for subset-find-next-char-in-set (... str start end charset) *
srch_nx: OTL_R4 srch_nxt,TEST_RESULT
;* Support for subset-find-prev-char-in-set (... str start end charset) *
srch_pr: OTL_R4 srch_prv,TEST_RESULT
;* Interface to set file position (set-file-position! port chunk# bytes)
sfpos: OTL_R3 set_pos,TEST_RESULT
purge OTL_R,OTL_R2,OTL_R3,OTL_R4
;* AL AH AL *
;* Support for "reification" (%reify obj index) *
;* (%reify! obj index val) *
sreifyb: mov CX,1 ; set flag for "store" operation
jmp short sreif_10 ; skip next instruction
sreify: xor CX,CX ; set flag for "load" operation
sreif_10: lods word ptr ES:[SI] ; load obj,index operand register numbers
xor BX,BX
mov BL,AL ; copy obj's register number and
lea DI,reg0+[BX] ; compute obj register's address
mov BL,AH ; copy index's register number and
add BX,offset reg0 ; compute index register's address
cmp CX,0 ; is this a load or a store?
je sreif_20 ; if a load, jump
xor AX,AX
lods byte ptr ES:[SI] ; load value register number and
add AX,offset reg0 ; compute value register's address
push AX ; push value reg as argument
sreif_20: pushm <BX,DI,CX> ; push index reg, obj reg, direction
C_call reify,<SI>,Load_ES ; call: reify(dir,obj,index{,val});
cmp AX,0 ; test result of reification request
jne sreif_30 ; if error, jump
jmp next_SP ; return to interpreter
; ***error-- error status returned from reify call***
sreif_30: restore <SI> ; reload the location pointer
jmp sch_err ; link to Scheme debugger
;* Macro definition - Interpreter support for binary operations *
;* *
;* Purpose: To generate interpreter support for operations of the *
;* form: *
;* OP dest,src *
;* where: *
;* destination reg <- destination reg OP source reg *
bin_op macro operation
local label1,label2,label3,label4
lods word ptr ES:[SI] ; load destination/source register numbers
mov BL,AL ; copy destination reg number to
mov DI,BX ; register DI
mov AL,byte ptr reg0_pag+[DI] ; test to see in destination's
cmp AL,SPECFIX*2 ; page contains fixnums
jne label1 ; if not, process out of line (jump)
mov BL,AH ; copy source register number
cmp AL,byte ptr reg0_pag+[BX] ; is second operand also a fixnum?
jne label1 ; if not, process out of line (jump)
mov BX,reg0_dis+[BX] ; load source (second) operand
mov AX,reg0_dis+[DI] ; load destination (first) operand
shl AX,1 ; adjust sign bits of both
shl BX,1 ; operands
IFIDN <operation>,<ADD>
add AX,BX ; add the two operands
jo add_ov ; overflow? if so, convert to bignum (jump)
IFIDN <operation>,<SUB>
sub AX,BX ; subtract the two operands
jo sub_ov ; overflow? if so, convert to bignum (jump)
IFIDN <operation>,<MUL>
sar AX,1 ; divide first operand by 2
imul BX ; multiply the two operands
jo mul_ov ; overflow? if so, convert to bignum (jump)
IFIDN <operation>,<DIV>
cmp BX,0 ; is the divisor zero?
je zero_div ; if so, error
cwd ; convert dividend to a doubleword
idiv BX ; divide the two operands
cmp DX,0 ; is remainder zero?
jne div_frac ; if so, return flonum result (jump)
shl AX,1 ; clear high order bit of result
IFIDN <operation>,<QUOT>
cmp BX,0 ; is the divisor zero?
je zero_dvq ; if so, error
cwd ; convert dividend to a doubleword
idiv BX ; divide the two operands
shl AX,1 ; clear high order bit of result
IFIDN <operation>,<MOD>
cmp BX,0 ; is the divisor zero?
je zero_dvm ; if so, error (jump)
cwd ; convert dividend to a doubleword
idiv BX ; divide the two operands (gives remainder)
mov AX,DX ; copy remainder to AX
IFIDN <operation>,<MAX>
cmp AX,BX ; compare the two operands
jge max_done ; if destination operand biggest, jump
mov AX,BX ; copy the source operand to AX
IFIDN <operation>,<MIN>
cmp AX,BX ; compare the two operands
jle max_done ; if destination operand smallest, jump
mov AX,BX ; copy the source operand to AX
IFIDN <operation>,<XOR>
xor AX,BX ; xor the two operands
IFIDN <operation>,<AND>
and AX,BX ; and the two operands
IFIDN <operation>,<OR>
or AX,BX ; ior the two operands
***error*** ; undefined instruction
shr AX,1 ; convert result to 15 bit value
mov reg0_dis+[DI],AX ; store result into destination register
jmp next ; return to the interpreter
IFIDN <operation>,<ADD>
label1: mov DX,ADD_OP ; load operation type
; General arithmetic support for non-interget binary arithmetic operations
; Registers at this point: AH - source register number
; BH - (zero)
; DX - arithmetic sub-opcode (operation type)
; DI - destination register number
bin_ool: mov BL,AH ; copy source register number
add BX,offset reg0 ; compute source register's address
add DI,offset reg0 ; compute destination register's address
pushm <BX,DI,DX> ; push arguments on TIPC's stack
C_call arith2,<SI>,load_ES ; process the non-integer operation
cmp AX,0 ; error encountered?
jne label4 ; if error detected, jump
jmp next_SP ; return to the interpreter
label4: jmp sch_err ; link to Scheme debugger
IFIDN <operation>,<MAX>
label1: mov DX,GE_OP ; load operation type
max_ool: mov BL,AH ; copy source register number
add BX,offset reg0 ; compute source register's address
add DI,offset reg0 ; compute destination register's address
pushm <BX,DI,DX> ; push arguments on TIPC's stack
C_call arith2,<BX,DI,SI>,load_ES ; process the non-integer operation
cmp AX,0 ; what was the result of the comparison?
jl label3 ; if error detected, jump
jne label2 ; jump, if correct value already in dest reg
restore <BX,DI> ; restore register addresses
mov AX,[BX].C_disp ; copy source operand into the destination
mov [DI].C_disp,AX ; register
mov AL,byte ptr [BX].C_page
mov byte ptr [DI].C_page,AL
label2: jmp next_SP ; return to the interpreter
label3: jmp sch_err ; link to Scheme debugger
IFIDN <operation>,<MIN>
label1: mov DX,LE_OP ; load operation type
jmp max_ool ; process non-integer comparison out of line
label1: mov DX,operation&_OP ; load operation type
jmp bin_ool ; process non-integer operation out of line
; Addition (+ obj1 obj2) ADD dest,src *
add: bin_op ADD
sub_ov: cmc ; complement the carry bit for subtract
add_ov: rcr AX,1 ; Shift in sign bit
jmp enlrg1 ; convert to bignum
;* Subtraction (- obj1 obj2) SUB dest,src *
sub: bin_op SUB
;* Multiplication (* obj1 obj2) MUL dest,src *
mul: bin_op MUL
mul_ov: sar DX,1 ;Divide product by 2
rcr AX,1
jmp enlrg2 ;Convert to bignum
;* Division (/ obj1 obj2) DIV dest,src *
div: bin_op DIV
; ***Error-- Division by Zero***
zero_div: mov BX,offset m_DIV ; load text for "\"
zd_010: sub SI,3 ; back up location pointer to start of inst.
pushm <SI,BX> ; push inst addr, function name
C_call disassem,<SI>,Load_ES ; "disassemble" the instruction
pushm <tmp_adr,m_zerodv,m_one> ; push irritant,div code,no restart
C_call set_nume ; set_numeric_error(1,ZERO_DIV,tmp_reg)
restore <SI> ; load restart address (not used)
jmp sch_err ; link to Scheme debugger
; ***Fractional Result from Division-- Convert to Flonum***
div_frac: add DI,offset reg0 ; compute destination register address
push DI ; and push as argument to "sfloat"
C_call sfloat,<SI>,load_ES ; convert destination op to flonum
les SI,dword ptr [BP].save_SI ; restore location pointer
sub SI,2 ; back up the location pointer
xor BX,BX ; clear TIPC register BX
jmp div ; re-execute div in floating point
;* Integer Division (quotient obj1 obj2) QUOTIENT dest,src *
quo: bin_op QUOT
zero_dvq: mov BX,offset m_QUOTNT ; load address of "QUOTIENT" text
jmp zd_010 ; indicate divide by zero
;* Modulo (mod obj1 obj2) MOD dest,src *
modulo: bin_op MOD
zero_dvm: mov BX,offset m_MODULO ; load address of "REMAINDER" text
jmp zd_010 ; indicate divide by zero
;* Maximum value (max obj1 obj2) MAX dest,src *
maximum: bin_op MAX
max_done: jmp next ; return to interpreter
;* Minimum value (min obj1 obj2) MIN dest,src *
minimum: bin_op MIN
;* (bitwise-xor obj1 obj2) XOR dest,src *
b_xor: bin_op XOR
;* (bitwise-and obj1 obj2) AND dest,src *
b_and: bin_op AND
;* (bitwise-or obj1 obj2) OR dest,src *
b_or: bin_op OR
purge bin_op
;* Macro definition - Interpreter support for immediate operations *
;* *
;* Purpose: To generate interpreter support for operations of the *
;* form: *
;* OP dest,immediate *
;* where: *
;* destination reg <- destination reg OP immediate *
immed_op macro operation
local label1,label2,label3,label4
lods word ptr ES:[SI] ; load destination reg/immediate value
mov BL,AL ; copy destination reg number to
mov DI,BX ; register DI
mov AL,AH ; sign extend immediate operand
cmp byte ptr reg0_pag+[DI],SPECFIX*2 ; dest operand a fixnum?
jne label1 ; if not, process out of line (jump)
mov BX,AX ; move immediate operand to BX
mov AX,reg0_dis+[DI] ; load destination (first) operand
shl AX,1 ; adjust sign bits of both
shl BX,1 ; operands
IFIDN <operation>,<ADD>
add AX,BX ; add the two operands
jo addi_ov ; overflow? if so, convert to bignum (jump)
IFIDN <operation>,<SUB>
sub AX,BX ; subtract the two operands
jo addi_ov ; overflow? if so, convert to bignum (jump)
IFIDN <operation>,<MUL>
sar AX,1 ; divide first operand by 2
imul BX ; multiply the two operands
jo muli_ov ; overflow? if so, convert to bignum (jump)
IFIDN <operation>,<DIV>
cmp BX,0 ; is the divisor zero?
je zero_dvi ; if so, error
cwd ; convert dividend to a doubleword
idiv BX ; divide the two operands
cmp DX,0 ; is remainder zero?
jne divi_frc ; if not, need flonum result (jump)
shl AX,1 ; clear high order bit of result
IFIDN <operation>,<MOD>
cmp BX,0 ; is the divisor zero?
je label2 ; if so, assume result is the dividend
cwd ; convert dividend to a doubleword
idiv BX ; divide the two operands (gives remainder)
mov AX,DX ; copy remainder to AX
IFIDN <operation>,<MAX>
cmp AX,BX ; compare the two operands
jge mxi_done ; if destination operand biggest, jump
mov AX,BX ; copy the source operand to AX
IFIDN <operation>,<MIN>
cmp AX,BX ; compare the two operands
jle mxi_done ; if destination operand smallest, jump
mov AX,BX ; copy the source operand to AX
***error*** ; undefined instruction
shr AX,1 ; convert result to 15 bit value
mov reg0_dis+[DI],AX ; store result into destination register
jmp next ; return to the interpreter
IFIDN <operation>,<ADD>
label1: mov DX,ADD_OP ; load operation type
; General arithmetic support for non-integer immediate operations
; Registers at this point: AX - immediate value
; DX - arithmetic sub-opcode (operation type)
; DI - destination register number
bini_ool: add DI,offset reg0 ; compute address of destination register
lea BX,[BP].temp_reg ; load address of temporary register
and AX,07fffH ; mask off sign bit of immediate value
mov [BX].C_disp,AX ; and create a fixnum value in a
mov [BX].C_page,SPECFIX*2 ; temporary register
pushm <BX,DI,DX> ; push arguments on TIPC's stack
C_call arith2,<SI>,load_ES ; process the non-integer operation
cmp AX,0 ; was error detected?
jne label3 ; if error encountered, jump
jmp next_SP ; return to the interpreter
label3: jmp sch_err ; link to Scheme debugger
IFIDN <operation>,<MAX>
label1: mov DX,GE_OP ; load operation type
maxi_ool: add DI,offset reg0 ; compute destination register's address
lea [BX].temp_reg ; load address of temporary register
and AX,07fffH ; mask off sign bit of immediate value
mov [BX].C_disp,AX ; and create a fixnum value in a
mov [BX].C_page,SPECFIX*2 ; temporary register
pushm <BX,DI,DX> ; push arguments on TIPC's stack
C_call arith2,<BX,DI,SI>,load_ES ; process the non-integer operation
cmp AX,0 ; what was the result of the comparison?
jl label4 ; if error detected, jump
jne label2 ; jump, if correct value already in dest reg
restore <BX,DI> ; restore register addresses
mov AX,[BX].C_disp ; copy source operand into the destination
mov [DI].C_disp,AX ; register
label2: jmp next_SP ; return to the interpreter
label4: jmp sch_err ; link to the Scheme debugger
IFIDN <operation>,<MIN>
label1: mov DX,LE_OP ; load operation type
jmp maxi_ool ; process non-integer comparison out of line
label1: mov DX,operation&_OP ; load operation type
jmp bini_ool ; process non-integer operation out of line
;* Add immediate ADDI reg,val *
addi: immed_op ADD
addi_ov: jmp add_ov
;* Multiply Immediate MULI reg,val *
muli: immed_op MUL
muli_ov: jmp mul_ov ; convert to bignum
;* Divide Immediate DIVI reg,val *
divi: immed_op DIV
zero_dvi: jmp zero_div ; process divide by zero
divi_frc: add DI,offset reg0 ; compute destination register address
push DI ; and push as argument to "sfloat"
C_call sfloat,<SI>,load_ES ; convert destination op to flonum
les SI,dword ptr [BP].save_SI ; restore location pointer
sub SI,2 ; back up the location pointer
xor BX,BX ; clear TIPC register BX
jmp divi ; re-execute div immed in floating point
purge immed_op
;* Test for (null? obj) NULL? reg *
null_p: lods byte ptr ES:[SI] ; load number of register to test
mov BX,AX ; and copy it into BX
cmp byte ptr reg0_pag+[BX],0 ; is page number 0?
je null_t ; if register nil, jump
xor AX,AX ; set register to nil (test false)
mov byte ptr reg0_pag+[BX],AL
mov reg0_dis+[BX],AX
jmp next
null_t: mov AL,T_PAGE*2 ; set register to 't
mov byte ptr reg0_pag+[BX],AL
mov reg0_dis+[BX],AX
jmp next
;* AL AH *
;* Test for eq? (pointers identical) EQ? dest,src *
eq_p: lods word ptr ES:[SI] ; load source/dest operands
mov BL,AL ; copy destination register number
mov DI,BX ; into TIPC register DI
mov BL,AH ; copy source register number
mov AX,reg0_dis+[BX] ; load page number of source operand
cmp AX,reg0_dis+[DI] ; are the displacements identical?
jne eq_p_no ; if not, jump
mov AL,byte ptr reg0_pag+[BX] ; load src operand's page number
cmp AL,byte ptr reg0_pag+[DI] ; are page numbers identical?
jne eq_p_no ; if not, jump
mov byte ptr reg0_pag+[DI],T_PAGE*2 ; they're "eq"-- set
mov reg0_dis+[DI],T_DISP ; result to 't (true)
jmp next ; return to the interpreter
; pointers are not identical-- set result to nil
eq_p_no: xor AX,AX
mov byte ptr reg0_pag+[DI],AL ; set page number and
mov reg0_dis+[DI],AX ; displacement of result register to nil
jmp next ; return to the interpreter
;* AL AH *
;* Test for eqv? (pointers identical, or numbers equal) EQ? dest,src *
eqv_p: lods word ptr ES:[SI] ; load source/dest operands
mov BL,AL ; copy destination register number
mov DI,BX ; into TIPC register DI
mov BL,AH ; copy source register number
mov AX,reg0_dis+[BX] ; load page number of source operand
cmp AX,reg0_dis+[DI] ; are the displacements identical?
jne eqv_p_no ; if not, jump
mov AL,byte ptr reg0_pag+[BX] ; load src operand's page number
cmp AL,byte ptr reg0_pag+[DI] ; are page numbers identical?
jne eqv_p_no ; if not, jump
mov byte ptr reg0_pag+[DI],T_PAGE*2 ; they're "eq"-- set
mov reg0_dis+[DI],T_DISP ; result to 't (true)
jmp next ; return to the interpreter
; pointers are not identical-- test for numbers
eqv_p_no: mov AH,BL ; copy source register number and load
mov BL,byte ptr reg0_pag+[BX] ; page number from source reg
jz eqv_p_s ; if not a number, jump
mov AX,DI ; copy destination register number and load
mov BL,byte ptr reg0_pag+[DI] ; page number from dest reg
jz eqv_p_s ; if not a number, jump
sub SI,2 ; else set ip back to operands
jmp eq_n ; and go test with "="
eqv_p_s: test attrib+[BX],STRINGS
jz eqv_p_f ; if not a string, operands aren't eqv (jump)
add DI,offset reg0 ; else compute address of destination reg
jmp short equal_p1 ; test using "equal?"
eqv_p_f: xor AX,AX
mov byte ptr reg0_pag+[DI],AL ; set page number and
mov reg0_dis+[DI],AX ; displacement of result register to nil
jmp next ; return to the interpreter
;* AL AH *
;* Test equality of s-expressions equal? dest,src*
;* *
;* Purpose: Scheme interpreter support for the testing of "equality" *
;* of two s-expressions. *
equal_p: lods word ptr ES:[SI] ; load operands to be compared
mov BL,AL ; copy destination register number
lea DI,reg0+[BX] ; and load its address
equal_p1: mov BL,AH ; copy source register number
add BX,offset reg0 ; and compute its address, too
pushm <BX,DI> ; push arguments onto TIPC's stack
C_call sequal_p,<SI>,Load_ES ; call: sequal(&dest,&src)
pop DI ; restore destination register's address
cmp AX,0 ; are operands equal? (return code not zero)
je equal_f ; if not equal, jump
mov byte ptr [DI].C_page,T_PAGE*2 ; set result register
mov [DI].C_disp,T_DISP ; to 't
jmp next_SP ; return to interpreter
equal_f: mov byte ptr [DI].C_page,AL ; set result register to nil
mov [DI].C_disp,AX
jmp next_SP ; return to interpreter
;* Macro definition - Support for attribute tests *
attr_mac macro condition
mov DX,condition ; load attribute mask for test
IFIDN <condition>,<LISTCELL>
attr_1: lods byte ptr ES:[SI] ; fetch register to test
mov BX,AX ; copy register number
mov DI,reg0_pag+[BX] ; load page number and
attr_2: mov AX,attrib+[DI] ; and fetch page's attributes
and AX,DX ; test against mask
jnz attr_3 ; if non-zero, test is true (jump)
mov byte ptr reg0_pag+[BX],AL ; set result to nil (0)
mov reg0_dis+[BX],AX
jmp next ; return to interpreter
attr_3: mov AL,T_PAGE*2 ; set result to true
mov byte ptr reg0_pag+[BX],AL
mov reg0_dis+[BX],AX
jmp next ; return to interpreter
jmp attr_1 ; continue attribute test
; Test for (atom? obj)
atom_p: attr_mac ATOM
; Test for (char? obj)
char_p: attr_mac CHARS
; Test for (closure? obj)
closur_p: attr_mac CLOSURE
; Test for (code? obj)
code_p: attr_mac CODE
; Test for (continuation? obj)
contin_p: attr_mac CONTINU
; Test for (float? obj)
float_p: attr_mac FLONUMS
; Test for (integer? obj)
integr_p: attr_mac FIXNUMS+BIGNUMS
; Test for (number? obj)
number_p: attr_mac NUMBERS
; Test for (pair? obj)
pair_p: attr_mac LISTCELL
; Test for (port? obj)
port_p: mov DX,PORTS ; load "port" attribute bit mask
lods byte ptr ES:[SI] ; load instruction's operand
mov BX,AX ; and copy it into BX
mov DI,reg0_pag+[BX] ; load the page number of the operand
cmp DI,CON_PAGE ; is it same page as 'console?
jne attr_2 ; if not, jump
mov AX,reg0_dis+[BX] ; load the displacement of the operand
cmp AX,CON_DISP ; is it 'console?
je attr_3 ; if so, return #!true (jump)
jmp attr_2 ; if not 'console, return #!false
; Test for (proc? obj)
proc_p: attr_mac CONTINU+CLOSURE
; Test for (ref? obj)
ref_p: attr_mac REFS
; Test for (string? obj)
string_p: attr_mac STRINGS
; Test for (symbol? obj)
symbol_p: attr_mac SYMBOLS
; Test for (vector? obj)
vector_p: attr_mac VECTORS
purge attr_mac
;* Common Support for EVEN?/ODD? *
;* *
;* Input Parameters: ES:[SI] - pointer to even?/odd? instruction's *
;* operand. *
;* DX ------ text address for "EVEN?" or "ODD?" to *
;* be used to create an error message if *
;* an error is detected. *
;* *
;* Output Parameters: Zero Flag (condition code) - 0 => even number *
;* 1 => odd number *
;* *
;* Note: If an invalid operand is detected, this routine exits to the *
;* Scheme debugger. *
eo_which: lods byte ptr ES:[SI] ; load operand to even?/odd? instruction
mov BX,AX ; copy register number to BX
add BX,offset reg0 ; and compute operand register's address
cmp byte ptr [BX].C_page,SPECFIX*2 ; is operand a fixnum?
jne eo_010 ; if not a fixnum, jump
test byte ptr [BX].C_disp,1 ; test LSB of fixnum value
ret ; return to even?/odd? support
; Operand isn't a fixnum-- test for a bignum
eo_010: mov DI,[BX].C_page ; fetch operand's page number
cmp byte ptr ptype+[DI],BIGTYPE*2 ; is operand a bignum?
jne eo_020 ; if not a bignum, error (jump)
mov CX,ES ; save value in ES
LoadPage ES,DI ; load bignum;s paragraph address
; mov ES,pagetabl+[DI] ; load bignum's paragraph address
mov DI,[BX].C_disp ; load bignum's displacement
test byte ptr ES:[DI].big_data,1 ; test LSB of bignum
mov ES,CX ; restore ES register
ret ; return to even?/odd? support
; ***Error-- operand isn't an integer***
eo_020: pushm <BX,m_one,DX> ; push operands to "set_src_error"
C_call set_src_,<SI>,Load_ES ; call said
jmp sch_err ; link to Scheme debugger
;* is an integer even? even? dest *
;* *
;* Purpose: Scheme interpreter support for the even? predicate. *
even_p: mov DX,offset m_even ; load text addr, in case of error
call eo_which ; is value even or odd?
jnz eo_false ; if LSB on, jump
eo_true: mov byte ptr [BX].C_page,T_PAGE*2 ; result is #!true
mov [BX].C_disp,T_DISP
jmp next ; return to Scheme interpreter
;* is an integer odd? odd? dest *
;* *
;* Purpose: Scheme interpreter support for the odd? predicate. *
odd_p: mov DX,offset m_odd ; load text addr, in case of error
call eo_which ; is value even or odd?
jnz eo_true ; if LSB on, jump
eo_false: xor AX,AX ; create a zero value for use as #!false
mov byte ptr [BX].C_page,AL ; result is #!false
mov [BX].C_disp,AX
jmp next ; return to Scheme interpreter
;* Macro definition - Support for arithmetic testing (cond n1 n2) *
JE_OPCOD = 01110100b
JNE_OPCOD = 01110101b
JL_OPCOD = 01111100b
JGE_OPCOD = 01111101b
JLE_OPCOD = 01111110b
JG_OPCOD = 01111111b
cond_mac macro cond
local x,y,y1,z,pred_T,labelx
IFIDN <cond>,<ne>
mov DX,NE_OP ; Load "!=" sub-opcode
STORE_BYTE_IN_CS PROG,cnd_jmp,JNE_OPCOD ;Protected Mode Macro
jmp short cnd_go
IFIDN <cond>,<l>
mov DX,LT_OP ; Load "<" sub-opcode
STORE_BYTE_IN_CS PROG,cnd_jmp,JL_OPCOD ;Protected Mode Macro
jmp short cnd_go
IFIDN <cond>,<g>
mov DX,GT_OP ; Load ">" sub-opcode
STORE_BYTE_IN_CS PROG,cnd_jmp,JG_OPCOD ;Protected Mode Macro
jmp short cnd_go
IFIDN <cond>,<le>
mov DX,LE_OP ; Load "<=" sub-opcode
STORE_BYTE_IN_CS PROG,cnd_jmp,JLE_OPCOD ;Protected Mode Macro
jmp short cnd_go
IFIDN <cond>,<ge>
mov DX,GE_OP ; Load ">=" sub-opcode
STORE_BYTE_IN_CS PROG,cnd_jmp,JGE_OPCOD ;Protected Mode Macro
jmp short cnd_go
IFIDN <cond>,<e>
mov DX,EQ_OP ; Load "=" sub-opcode
STORE_BYTE_IN_CS PROG,cnd_jmp,JE_OPCOD ;Protected Mode Macro
cnd_go: lods word ptr ES:[SI] ; load register numbers to compare
mov BL,AL ; copy n1 register number
mov DI,BX ; into DI (clear high order byte)
cmp byte ptr reg0_pag+[DI],SPECFIX*2 ; is n1 a fixnum?
jne y ; if not, perform comparison out of line
mov BL,AH ; copy n2 register number
cmp byte ptr reg0_pag+[BX],SPECFIX*2; is n2 a fixnum?
jne y1 ; jump if not
mov AX,reg0_dis+[BX] ; load n2's immediate value
mov DX,reg0_dis+[DI] ; load n1's immediate value
shl DX,1 ; adjust immediate values to sign
shl AX,1 ; extend
cmp DX,AX ; compare the two operands
cnd_jmp equ $
j&cond z ; jump if comparison is satisfied
xor AX,AX ; store '() in destination register
mov byte ptr reg0_pag+[DI],AL
mov reg0_dis+[DI],AX
jmp next ; return to interpreter
z: mov AL,T_PAGE*2 ; store 't in destination register
mov byte ptr reg0_pag+[DI],AL
mov reg0_dis+[DI],AX
jmp next ; return to interpreter
; Operand(s) not fixnums-- perform comparison in C routine
y: mov BL,AH
y1: add BX,offset reg0 ; Load address of source register
add DI,offset reg0 ; Load address of destination register
pushm <BX,DI,DX> ; Push src, dest, op arguments
C_call arith2,<DI,SI>,load_ES ; Call the arithmetic processor
restore <DI>
cmp AX,0 ; test result returned from arith2
jl labelx ; jump if error condition detected
jne pred_T ; jump if comparison is "true"
mov byte ptr [DI].C_page,AL ; store '() into destination register
mov [DI].C_disp,AX
jmp next_SP ; return to interpreter
pred_T: mov byte ptr [DI].C_page,T_PAGE*2 ; set result register to 't
mov [DI].C_disp,T_DISP
jmp next_SP ; return to interpreter
labelx: jmp sch_err ; link to Scheme debugger
***ERROR*** condition not recognized
; Test for numeric inequality (!= n1 n2)
ne_p: cond_mac ne
; Test for numeric less than (< n1 n2)
lt_p: cond_mac l
; Test for numeric greater than (> n1 n2)
gt_p: cond_mac g
; Test for numeric less than or equal (<= n1 n2)
le_p: cond_mac le
; Test for numeric greater than or equal (>= n1 n2)
ge_p: cond_mac ge
; Test for numeric equality (= n1 n2)
eq_n: cond_mac e
purge cond_mac
;* Macro definition - Support for arithmetic testing (cond:0 n) *
cnd1_mac macro cond
local x,y,z,cnd1_T,w
IFIDN <cond>,<l>
mov DX,NEG_OP ; load negative? comparison subopcode
STORE_BYTE_IN_CS PROG,cnd1_jmp,JL_OPCOD ;Protected Mode Macro
jmp cnd1_go ; process comparison with zero
IFIDN <cond>,<g>
mov DX,POS_OP ; load positive? comparison subopcode
STORE_BYTE_IN_CS PROG,cnd1_jmp,JG_OPCOD ;Protected Mode Macro
jmp cnd1_go ; process comparison with zero
IFIDN <cond>,<e>
mov DX, |