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;* TIPC Scheme '84 Runtime Support *
;* Garbage Collector - Sweep Phase *
;* *
;* (C) Copyright 1984,1985 by Texas *
;* Instruments Incorporated. *
;* All rights reserved. *
;* *
;* Date Written: April 1984 *
;* Last Modification: 06 January 1986 *
include scheme.equ
DGROUP group data
data segment word public 'DATA'
assume DS:DGROUP
m_fix_er db "[VM INTERNAL ERROR] swpage: logical page not found",LF,0
data ends
PGROUP group prog
prog segment byte public 'PROG'
assume CS:PGROUP
public gcsweep
gcsweep proc near
push BP
mov BP,SP
; Initialize similar page type chain headers
push ES ; save the caller's ES register
mov AX,DS ; set ES to point to the current
mov ES,AX ; data segment
mov AX,END_LIST ; load the end of list indicator
mov CX,NUMTYPES ; load table length
mov DI,offset pagelist ; load table address
cld ; move direction = forward
rep stosw ; initialize the pagelist table
pop ES ; restore the caller's ES
; Process all except the "special" non-garbage collected pages
; mov DX,DEDPAGES-1 ;;;; mov dx,NUMPAGES
; Increment loop index, test for completion
;gcsloop: inc DX ;;;; dec dx
; cmp DX,NUMPAGES ;;;; cmp dx,DEDPAGES-1
; jl gcsl010 ;;;; ja gcsl010
gcsloop: dec DX
ja gcsl010
pop BP
gcsl010: push DX
call swpage ; "sweep" the page (GC it)
pop DX
mov BX,DX ; copy current page number
sal BX,1 ; double for use as index
test attrib+[BX],NOMEMORY ; is page frame allocated?
jnz gcsloop ; if not, skip list update
mov AX,DX ; copy current page number
mov SI,ptype+[BX] ; move current page's type to SI
xchg pagelist+[SI],AX ; pagelist[type] <- page
mov pagelink+[BX],AX ; pagelink[page] <- old pagelist[type]
jmp short gcsloop
gcsweep endp
arguments struc
page_len dw ? ; page boundary (length - fudge factor)
args_BP dw ? ; Caller's BP
dw ? ; Return address
page_no dw ?
arguments ends
; Test the current page to see if it's been allocated
public swpage
swpage proc near
push BP
sub SP,offset args_BP ; reserve local storage
mov BP,SP
push ES ; save caller's ES
mov BX,[BP].page_no
sal BX,1 ; double page number for index
test DGROUP:attrib+[BX],NOMEMORY ; allocated?
jz swp020 ; if not allocated, loop
swpfix: ; Fixnums are handled as immediates
swpchar: ; Characters are handled as immediates
swpfree: ; Why are we processing a free page?
swpref: ; Ref cells no longer exist?
swpret: pop ES
add SP,offset args_BP ; drop local storage from stack
pop BP
; Dispatch on the type of data stored in this page
mov DI,DGROUP:ptype+[BX] ; load data type for this page
cmp DI,FREETYPE*2 ; Ignore free pages [HS]
jz swpfree ; to relieve the swapper... [HS]
LoadPage ES,BX ; define base paragraph for this page[HS]
mov DI,CS:btable+[DI]
jmp DI
; Process List Cells (and other fixed length pointer objects)
swplist: mov AX,LISTSIZE
swpl010: xor SI,SI ; SI <- 0
xor DI,DI ; zero referenced cell counter
mov CX,END_LIST ; load end of list marker
mov DX,-1 ; marker for unused cell header
push BX ; save page number index
mov BX,psize+[BX] ; load page length and
sub BX,AX ; adjust for boundary check
swpl020: markedp ES:[SI].list_gc,swpl030 ; branch, if marked
; add cell to free list
mov ES:[SI].car,CX
mov ES:[SI].car_page,DL ; make page=FF for unused cell
mov CX,SI
jmp short swpl040
; clear GC bit
swpl030: and byte ptr ES:[SI].list_gc,NOT_GC_BI ; clear GC "marked" bit
inc DI ; increment referenced cell counter
; increment cell pointer and test for end of page
swpl040: add SI,AX
cmp SI,BX ; test for end of page
jbe swpl020
; end of page-- update free list header and process next page
pop BX ; restore page table index
mov DGROUP:nextcell+[BX],CX
cmp DI,0 ; any referenced cells in this page?
jne swpret ; if ref'd cells in page, branch
mov ptype+[BX],FREETYPE*2 ; mark empty page as free
mov attrib+[BX],0
jmp short swpret
; Process Page of Flonums
swpflo: mov AX,FLOSIZE ; load size of a single flonum
xor SI,SI ; SI <- 0
xor DI,DI ; zero referenced cell counter
mov CX,END_LIST ; load end of list marker
mov DX,-1 ; marker for unused cell header
push BX ; save page number index
mov BX,psize+[BX] ; load page length and
sub BX,AX ; adjust for boundary check
swpf020: cmp ES:[SI].flo_type,DL ; tag = free?
je swpf025 ; if a non-allocated cell, jump
markedp ES:[SI].flo_gc,swpf030 ; branch, if marked
; add flonum to free list
mov ES:[SI].car_page,DL ; make page=FF for unused cell
swpf025: mov ES:[SI].car,CX
mov CX,SI
jmp short swpf040
; clear GC bit
swpf030: and byte ptr ES:[SI].flo_gc,NOT_GC_BI ; clear GC "marked" bit
inc DI ; increment referenced cell counter
; increment cell pointer and test for end of page
swpf040: add SI,AX
cmp SI,BX ; test for end of page
jbe swpf020
; end of page-- update free list header and process next page
pop BX ; restore page table index
mov DGROUP:nextcell+[BX],CX
cmp DI,0 ; any referenced cells in this page?
jne swpf050 ; if ref'd cells in page, branch
mov ptype+[BX],FREETYPE*2 ; mark empty page as free
mov attrib+[BX],0
swpf050: jmp swpret
; Process variable length data object
xor SI,SI
mov DI,-1
push BX ; save page table index
mov BX,psize+[BX] ; load size of current page and
sub BX,PTRSIZE ; adjust for boundary check
swpvloop: mov DX,ES:[SI].vec_len ; load length of current object
cmp DX,0
jge swp001
swp001: markedp ES:[SI].vec_gc,swpv020 ; branch if object referenced
; Object not referenced-- can we combine with previous free area?
cmp DI,0
jge swpv010 ; If prev obj free, branch
; Object not referenced, but previous area was
mov ES:[SI].vec_type,FREETYPE ; Mark this object as free
cmp ES:[SI].vec_len,0
jge swp002
mov ES:[SI].vec_len,BLK_OVHD+PTRSIZE
swp002: mov DI,SI ; Record this fact for next iteration
jmp short swpvnxt
; Object was not referenced and can be combined with prev free area
swpv010: add ES:[DI].vec_len,DX ; add length into previous free obj
jmp short swpvnxt
; Object was referenced
swpv020: and ES:[SI].vec_gc,NOT_GC_BI ; clear gc bit
mov DI,-1 ; Remember last object was referenced
; Processing of current object finished-- add length and iterate
swpvnxt: add SI,DX ; Increment area pointer by block length
cmp SI,BX ; Last object in block?
jb swpvloop ; Branch, if more space
; Processing of this page finished-- update next free area pointer
swppfin: pop BX ; Restore page table index
cmp DI,-1
je swpv030 ; If last block not free, skip it
sub SI,psize+[BX] ; Adjust in case last byte of page
neg SI ; not accounted for
add ES:[DI].vec_len,SI
mov nextcell+[BX],DI ; Update free pool header
cmp DI,0 ; is page empty?
jne swpv040 ; if not, jump
mov ptype+[BX],FREETYPE*2 ; mark page as being free
mov attrib+[BX],0
mov AX,psize+[BX]
cmp AX,PAGESIZE ; is page larger than default page size?
ja fix_big ; if a "large" page, must fix memory tables
jmp swpret
swpv030: mov nextcell+[BX],END_LIST ; Indicate no free pool
swpv040: jmp swpret
; Process page of ports-- close any open files before salvaging memory
xor SI,SI
mov DI,-1
push BX ; save page table index
mov BX,psize+[BX] ; load size of current page and
sub BX,PTRSIZE ; adjust for boundary check
swpploop: mov DX,ES:[SI].pt_len ; load length of current object
markedp ES:[SI].port_gc,swpp020 ; branch if object referenced
cmp ES:[SI].pt_type,FREETYPE
je not_file
; Object not referenced-- is it an open file?
test ES:[SI].pt_pflgs,WINDOW+STRIO
; is this a file or a window?
jnz not_file ; if a window, don't bother with close (jump)
test ES:[SI].pt_pflgs,OPEN ; is file opened?
jz not_open ; if not open, skip close (jump)
; Close the file
push BX ; save BX across call
mov BX,ES:[SI].pt_handl ; load handle
push BX ; and push as argument
extrn zclose:near
call zclose
pop BX ; drop argument off stack
pop BX ; restore register BX
; Object not referenced-- can we combine with previous free area?
cmp DI,0
jge swpp010 ; If prev obj free, branch
; Object not referenced, but previous area was
mov ES:[SI].pt_type,FREETYPE ; Mark this object as free
mov DI,SI ; Record this fact for next iteration
jmp short swppnxt
; Object was not referenced and can be combined with prev free area
swpp010: add ES:[DI].pt_len,DX ; add length into previous free obj
jmp short swppnxt
; Object was referenced
swpp020: and ES:[SI].port_gc,NOT_GC_BI ; clear gc bit
mov DI,-1 ; Remember last object was referenced
; Processing of current object finished-- add length and iterate
swppnxt: add SI,DX ; Increment area pointer by block length
cmp SI,BX ; Last object in block?
jb swpploop ; Branch, if more space
jmp swppfin ; complete processing
public fix_big
; Restore memory management tables due to release of large page
fix_big label near
mov AX,PAGESIZE ; update page size of large page to
xchg AX,psize+[BX] ; the default page size
LoadPage DX,BX ; load para address of large page
and pagetabl+[BX],0FF00h
mov CX,8 ; amount to get to next selector
shr CX,1
shr CX,1
shr CX,1
shr CX,1
fix_lop: sub AX,PAGESIZE ; decrease extended page size by one page
jbe fix_ret ; if all pages fixed, return
add DX,CX ; compute pointer to next physical page
mov SI,DEDPAGES*2 ; initialize page table index
fix_more: push BX
LoadPage BX,SI ; is this the page we're looking for?
cmp DX,BX
pop BX
je fix_fnd ; if so, jump
inc SI ; increment the page table index
inc SI ; twice
cmp SI,NUMPAGES*2 ; more pages?
jl fix_more ; if so, jump
lea BX,m_fix_er ; error-- loop should not exit
push BX
mov AX,DS ; set TIPC register ES for call to
mov ES,AX ; Lattice C routines
C_call print_an ; print error message and exit
fix_fnd: mov psize+[SI],BX ; reset page size to default
mov attrib+[SI],0 ; reset "no memory" bit in attribute table
and pagetabl+[SI],0FF00h ; strip attributes
mov ptype+[SI],FREETYPE*2 ; mark page as free
jmp short fix_lop ; continue to free extended pages
fix_ret: jmp swpret ; all pages released-- return
; Branch table for processing each data type
btable dw swplist ; [0] List cells
dw swpfix ; [1] Fixnums
dw swpflo ; [2] Flonums
dw swpbig ; [3] Bignums
dw swpsym ; [4] Symbols
dw swpstr ; [5] Strings
dw swpary ; [6] Arrays
dw swpcont ; [7] Continuations
dw swpclos ; [8] Closures
dw swpfree ; [9] Free space (unallocated)
dw swpcode ; [10] Code
dw swpref ; [11] Reference cells
dw swpport ; [12] Port data objects
dw swpchar ; [13] Characters
dw swpenv ; [14] Environments
swpage endp
prog ends