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;* TIPC Scheme '84 Runtime Support *
;* Garbage Collection - Mark Phase *
;* *
;* (C) Copyright 1984,1985 by Texas *
;* Instruments Incorporated. *
;* All rights reserved. *
;* *
;* Date Written: April 1984 *
;* Last Modification: 06 January 1986 *
include scheme.equ
arguments struc
dw ? ; Caller's BP
dw ? ; Return address
page_idx dw ? ; Page number of pointer
pointer dw ? ; Displacement of pointer
arguments ends
DGROUP group data
data segment word public 'DATA'
assume DS:DGROUP
extrn _base:word ; base address of the TIPC runtime stack
sum_bt dw sum_list ; [0] List cells
dw sum_fix ; [1] Fixnums
dw sum_flo ; [2] Flonums
dw sum_big ; [3] Bignums
dw sum_sym ; [4] Symbols
dw sum_str ; [5] Strings
dw sum_ary ; [6] Arrays
dw sum_cont ; [7] Continuations
dw sum_clos ; [8] Closures
dw sum_free ; [9] Free page
dw sum_code ; [10] Code page
dw sum_free ; [11] (Formerly, Reference cells)
dw sum_port ; [12] Port data objects
dw sum_char ; [13] Characters
dw sum_env ; [14] Environments
; Branch table for pointer classification
branchtab dw gcmlist ; [0] List cells
dw gcmfix ; [1] Fixnums
dw gcmflo ; [2] Flonums
dw gcmbig ; [3] Bignums
dw gcmsym ; [4] Symbols
dw gcmstr ; [5] Strings
dw gcmary ; [6] Arrays
dw gcmcont ; [7] Continuations
dw gcmclos ; [8] Closures
dw gcmfree ; [9] Free page
dw gcmcode ; [10] Code page
dw gcmfree ; [11] (Formerly, Reference cells)
dw gcmport ; [12] Port data objects
dw gcmchar ; [13] Characters
dw gcmenv ; [14] Environments
m_oops db "[VM INTERNAL ERROR] sum_spac: infinite loop page %d",LF,0
m_format db "[VM INTERNAL ERROR] sgcmark: invalid pointer: %x:%04x "
db "(unadjusted)",LF,0
m_overfl db "[VM FATAL ERROR] Stack overflow during GC",LF,0
DS_addr dw DGROUP
data ends
PGROUP group prog
prog segment byte public 'PROG'
assume CS:PGROUP
public garbage
garbage proc near
push ES
mov ES,DS_addr
C_call garbage1
pop ES
garbage endp
mark proc near
; ***error-- bad pointer found-- report error***
gcmfix: ; Fixnums are immediates
gcmchar: ; Characters are immediates
gcmfree: ; Why are we collecting in a free page?
push AX
mov AX,offset m_format ; load address of format text
push DX ; save the return address
pushm <SI,BX,AX> ; push arguments to printf
C_call printf,,Load_ES ; print error message
add SP,WORDINCR*3 ; drop arguments from stack
C_call force_de ; go into debug mode
pop DX ; restore the return address
pop AX
jmp gcmret ; go on as if nothing happened
public gcmark
gcmark: pop DX ; unload return address
pop BX ; fetch page number (x 2)
mov AX,BX ; save in AX
pop SI ; fetch displacement
push DX ; save return address
push ES ; save ES
mov DX,offset pgroup:gcmarkret
jmp gcm_tr
pop ES
pop DX
jmp DX ; return
; see if pointer is to one of the "special" non-collected pages
gcm_tr: cmp BX,DEDPAGES*PAGEINCR ; check for non-gc'ed pages
jge gcm_go ; if not one of the special pages, jump
jmp DX ; return
gcm_go: push AX ; Preserve the page number
; load pointer offset into ES:; displacement into SI
test BX,0FF01h ; valid pointer?
jnz bad_ptr ; if so, error (jump)
LoadPage ES,BX
mov AX,BX ; Use AX to store page number
; classify pointer according to data type
mov DI,ptype+[BX] ; load data type*2
cmp DI,NUMTYPES*2 ; valid page type?
jae bad_ptr ; if not, error (jump)
jmp branchtab+[DI]
; Process symbol or port
gcmsym: markedp ES:[SI].sym_gc,gcmret ; already marked? if so, return (jump)
or byte ptr ES:[SI].sym_gc,GC_BIT ; mark symbol/port as seen
mov BL,ES:[SI].sym_page ; fetch pointer from symbol/port object
mov SI,ES:[SI].sym_disp
pop AX ; restore saved page number
LoadPage ES,AX ; Get Page address
jmp gcm_tr ; make a tail recursive call to gcmark
; Process List Cell-- If marked, skip rest of processing
gcmlist: markedp ES:[SI].list_gc,gcmret ; if marked, jump to return
; Call gcmark with CAR of list cell
or byte ptr ES:[SI].list_gc,GC_BIT ; "mark" as referenced
mov BL,ES:[SI].car_page ; load page number of car field
cmp BX,DEDPAGES*PAGEINCR ; check for non-gc'ed pages
jl gcmls_ok ; if one of the special pages, jump
; Test for TIPC stack overflow
push AX
mov AX,SP ; copy the current stack top pointer
sub AX,_base ; and compute number of bytes remaining
cmp AX,64 ; enough space to continue?
pop AX
jb stk_ovfl ; if not enough room, abort (jump)
; Mark expression pointed to by the car field
push SI ; save offset of list cell
push DX ; save the previous return address
mov DX,offset PGROUP:gcmls_rt ; Load the return address
mov SI,ES:[SI].car ; Load car field pointer
and SI,07FFFh ; Clear out the GC bit
jmp gcm_go ; Call gcmark recursively
pop DX ; Restore previous return address
pop SI ; Restore offset of list cell
; Call gcmark tail recursively with CDR of list cell
gcmls_ok: mov BL,ES:[SI].cdr_page ; load the pointer contained in the
mov SI,ES:[SI].cdr ; cdr field
pop AX ; restore saved page
LoadPage ES,AX ; Get Page address
jmp gcm_tr ; call gcmark tail recursively
; TIPC stack overflow-- Abort
stk_ovfl: mov AX,offset m_overfl ; load address of error message text
push AX ; and push it as an argument to printf
C_call printf,,Load_ES ; print the error message
C_call getch ; wait for any key to be pressed
C_call exit ; return to MS-DOS
; Return to caller
gcmret: pop AX ; restore saved page
LoadPage ES,AX ; Get Page address
jmp DX ; return to caller
; Process reference to variable length data object or flonum
or byte ptr ES:[SI].vec_gc,GC_BIT
pop AX ; restore saved page
LoadPage ES,AX ; Get Page address
jmp DX ; return
; Process Code Block
gcmcode: markedp ES:[SI].cod_gc,gcmret ; If already processed, return
or byte ptr ES:[SI].cod_gc,GC_BIT
mov CX,ES:[SI].cod_entr ; load entry point offset as counter
jmp gcmlop1
; Process Variable Length Object Containing Pointers
markedp ES:[SI].vec_gc,gcmret ; If already processed, jump to return
or byte ptr ES:[SI].vec_gc,GC_BIT ; mark as referenced
mov CX,ES:[SI].vec_len
cmp CX,PTRSIZE ; test for zero length vector
jle gcmret ; if no elements, jump
; Test the size of the TIPC stack to insure room to continue
gcmlop1: push AX
mov AX,SP ; load the current stack top pointer
sub AX,_base ; and compute the number of bytes remaining
cmp AX,64 ; are there at least 64 bytes left?
pop AX
jb stk_ovfl ; if not enough room, abort (jump)
; Call gcmark with pointer in this object
push DX ; Save previous return address
mov DX,offset PGROUP:gcml_ret ; Load return address into DX
gcmloop: add SI,PTRSIZE ; Increment address for next pointer
push CX ; Save counter across calls
push SI ; Save curr offset into vector (or whatever)
mov BL,ES:[SI].car_page ; load next element pointer from array,
mov SI,ES:[SI].car ; closure, etc.
jmp gcm_tr ; call gcmark recursively
gcml_ret: pop SI ; Restore current offset
pop CX ; Restore iteration count
sub CX,PTRSIZE ; Decrement counter
cmp CX,PTRSIZE ; and test for completion
jg gcmloop ; Loop through all pointers in object
pop DX ; Restore previous return address
pop AX ; Restore saved page
LoadPage ES,AX ; Get Page address
jmp DX ; Return
mark endp
sum_args struc
dw ? ; caller's ES
dw ? ; caller's BP
dw ? ; return address
sum_vctr dw ? ; pointer to summation vector (for results)
sum_args ends
public sum_spac
sum_spac proc near
push BP ; save the caller's BP on entry
push ES ; save the caller's ES
mov BP,SP ; update BP
; initialize
mov DI,[BP].sum_vctr ; load address of result vector
xor BX,BX ; start with zero-th page
; top of loop-- look at next page
sum_loop: xor AX,AX ; clear the free space counter
jl sum_end
test attrib+[BX],NOMEMORY ; is page allocated?
jnz sum_end ; if not, skip it (branch)
cmp ptype+[BX],FREETYPE*2
je sum_free ; Ignore free pages [TC]
LoadPage ES,BX ; load current paragraph's base address
mov SI,ptype+[BX] ; load type of current page
jmp sum_bt+[SI] ; branch on page type
; add up unused list cells
sum_list: mov CX,LISTSIZE ; load size of list cell data object
sum_l1st: mov SI,nextcell+[BX] ; load list cell free storage chain header
sum_lnxt: cmp SI,END_LIST ; end of list?
je sum_end ; if so, we're through here
add AX,CX ; increment the free list cell counter
jo sum_oops ; if overflow, we're stuck in a loop
mov SI,ES:[SI].car ; follow free cell chain
jmp sum_lnxt ; keep following linked list
; add up unused variable length things
mov SI,0 ; initialize pointer into page
mov CX,psize+[BX] ; load size of current page
sub CX,PTRSIZE ; adjust size for page boundary check
sum_vnxt: cmp SI,CX ; through with this page?
ja sum_end ; if so, branch
mov DX,ES:[SI].vec_len ; load block length
cmp DX,0 ;;; check for small string
jge sum_010
mov DX,BLK_OVHD+PTRSIZE ;;; get the exact length
sum_010: cmp ES:[SI].vec_type,FREETYPE ; free block?
jne sum_used ; if so, branch around add
add AX,DX ; add in number of free bytes
sum_used: add SI,DX ; update pointer to next block in page
jmp sum_vnxt ; look at next block
sum_free: mov AX,psize+[BX] ; load size of free page
sum_end: mov [DI],AX ; store number of free bytes (AX)
add DI,2 ; increment array index
add BX,2 ; increment page index
cmp BX,NUMPAGES*2 ; test for completion
jl sum_loop ; if more pages, jump
sum_ret: pop ES ; restore caller's ES
pop BP ; restore caller's BP
ret ; return to caller
; add up unused flonums
sum_flo: mov CX,FLOSIZE ; load size of flonum
jmp sum_l1st ; process assuming linked list allocation
sum_oops: shr BX,1
lea SI,m_oops
pushm <BX,SI>
mov AX,DS
mov ES,AX
C_call printf
C_call exit
sum_spac endp
prog ends