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; =====> SCANNUM.ASM
;* TIPC Scheme '84 Runtime Support *
;* Numeric I/O Support *
;* *
;* (C) Copyright 1984,1985 by Texas *
;* Instruments Incorporated. *
;* All rights reserved. *
;* *
;* Date Written: 12 June 1985 *
;* Last Modification: 22 July 1985 *
DGROUP group data
data segment word public 'DATA'
assume DS:DGROUP
public decpoint
decpoint db '.'
data ends
PGROUP group prog
prog segment byte public 'PROG'
assume CS:PGROUP
; Classify numeric string ending with a control character
; Calling sequence: scannum(s,base)
; Where ---- s: pointer to start of character string
; base: default base
; This function returns 0 if not a number, -1 if a flonum, and n>0
; if an integer, where n is the number of digits in the integer.
; NOTE : DS is not guaranteed to point to the local data segment
scanargs struc
dw ? ;Caller's BP
dw ? ;Return address
sptr dw ? ;Pointer to string
scanbase dw ? ;Default base
scanargs ends
public scannum
scannum proc near
push BP
mov BP,SP
cld ;Direction forward
mov SI,[BP].sptr ;Point DS:SI to characters
mov BX,[BP].scanbase ;Set default base
xor CX,CX ;Initialize digit count
baselp: lodsb ;Fetch first char
cmp AL,'#' ;Skip over the base macros
jne nomac
lodsb ;Get base argument
sub AL,40h
js nonnum ;If not a base designator, not a number
and AL,0dfh ;Shift to upper case
xor BL,BL ;Zero current base
cmp AL,5 ;Check for #E,#I,#L,#S macros
je baselp ; (legal, but don't affect base)
cmp AL,9
je baselp
cmp AL,12
je baselp
cmp AL,19
je baselp
cmp AL,2 ;Jump if binary (#B)
je bbin
cmp AL,4 ;Jump if decimal (#D)
je bdec
cmp AL,15 ;Jump if octal (#O)
je boct
cmp AL,24 ;Jump if hexadecimal (#X)
je bhex
cmp AL,8 ;Jump if not #H (the only legal one left)
jne nonnum
bhex: mov BL,6
bdec: add BL,2
boct: add BL,6
bbin: add BL,2
jmp baselp ;Check for another switch
nomac: cmp AL,'+' ;If +, note its presence
je wassign
cmp AL,'-' ;If not -, skip next char fetch
jne notsign
wassign: lodsb ;Fetch next char
notsign: cmp AL,ss:decpoint ;Decimal point already?
je point1 ;Jump if so... must be a flonum
call isdg ;Otherwise, there must be a digit
jnc nonnum ;If not, not a number
wholelp: lodsb ;Else get next character
call isdg
jc wholelp ;Keep reading digits in whole part
cmp AL,32 ;End of string?
jb intnum ;Yes, we have an integer
cmp AL,ss:decpoint ;Jump on decimal point
je point
call ismarker ;Jump if exponent marker (E or L valid)
je expon
nonnum: xor AX,AX ;Return 0, forget all else
pop BP
intnum: mov AX,CX ;Return digit count
pop BP
point1: lodsb ;We must have digit here
call isdg
jnc nonnum
point: lodsb ;Get characters up to non-digit
call isdg
jc point
cmp AL,32 ;If end of string, we have flonum
jb flonum
call ismarker ;Otherwise, check for exponent marker
je expon
jne nonnum
expon: mov BL,10 ;Exponents are in base 10
lodsb ;Get next char
cmp AL,'-' ;Valid exponent sign
jne edig ;Jump if not signed
lodsb ;Else get next char
edig: call isdg ;We must end with a nonempty string
jnc nonnum ; of base 10 digits
exponlp: lodsb
call isdg
jc exponlp
cmp AL,32 ;If not end of string, nonnum
jae nonnum
flonum: mov AX,-1 ;Return -1 (flonum code)
pop BP
;ISDG: CF is set iff the char in AL is a digit in base BX
; Also, if a digit, the digit count in CX is incremented
isdg: cmp AL,'0' ;Not if below 0
jl nodig
cmp AL,'1' ;0 or 1 anytime
jbe yesdig
cmp BL,2 ;Nothing else for base 2
je nodig
cmp AL,'7' ;2-7 for base 8,10,16
jbe yesdig
cmp BL,8 ;Nothing else for base 8
je nodig
cmp AL,'9' ;8 or 9 for bases 10 or 16
jbe yesdig
cmp BL,10 ;Nothing else for base 10
je nodig
and AL,0dfh ;Convert to upper case
cmp AL,'A' ;Base 16... Check for A-F
jb nodig
cmp AL,'F'
jbe yesdig
nodig: clc
yesdig: inc CX ;Increment digit count
;ISMARKER: ZF is set iff the character in AL is an exponent marker
ismarker: cmp AL,'e'
je mark
cmp AL,'l'
je mark
cmp AL,'E'
je mark
cmp AL,'L'
je mark
mark: ret
scannum endp
; Check character for digit status in a given base
; Calling sequence: isdig(c,base)
; Where ---- c: character to check
; base: base in which to check
isdargs struc
dw ? ;Caller's BP
dw ? ;Return address
charg dw ? ;Character
barg dw ? ;Base
isdargs ends
public isdig
isdig proc near
push BP
mov BP,SP
mov AL,byte ptr[BP].charg ;Fetch character
mov BX,[BP].barg ;Fetch base
call isdg ;Determine digitness
jc wasdg ;Was a digit...don't zero AX
xor AX,AX ;Otherwise return 0
wasdg: pop BP
isdig endp
; Convert digit character to its value
; Calling sequence: digval(c)
; Where ---- c: assumed to be a digit character
digargs struc
dw ? ;Caller's BP
dw ? ;Return address
carg dw ? ;Character
digargs ends
public digval
digval proc near
push BP
mov BP,SP
mov AL,byte ptr[BP].carg ;Fetch character
xor AH,AH
and AL,01fh ;Reduce bits
cmp AL,16 ;Number or letter?
jb hexdig ;Jump if letter
and AL,0fh ;Zero the high nibble
pop BP
hexdig: add AL,9 ;Raise the lower nibble
pop BP
digval endp
; Convert flonum in interval [1.0e15,1.0e16) to bignum
; Calling sequence: flo2big(flo,buf)
; Where ---- flo: flonum in interval [1e15,1e16)
; buf: bignum math buffer, minimum size 11 bytes
flo2args struc
dw ? ;Caller's BP
dw ? ;Return address
num dw ?,?,?,? ;Flonum (4 words)
big dw ? ;Pointer to math buffer
flo2args ends
public flo2big
flo2big proc near
push BP
mov BP,SP
mov DI,[BP].big ;Point DI to math buffer
cld ;Direction forward
mov AX,4 ;Store bignum size (words) in buffer
mov AX,[BP+6].num ;Fetch exponent
mov CX,AX ;Save exponent in CX
rol AX,1 ;Store sign in buffer
and AL,1
mov AX,CX ;Restore exponent to AX
xor CH,CH ;Put (433h-exponent) in CX
shr CL,1
shr CL,1
shr CL,1
shr CL,1
sub CL,3
neg CL
and AX,0fh ;Remove exponent from word in AX
or AL,10h
lea SI,[BP].num ;Point SI to flonum
stosw ;Word that used to have exponent
sub DI,8 ;Point DI back to start of bignum
cmp CL,-1 ;Branch if mantissa to be shifted left
je manleft
or CL,CL ;Branch if not to be shifted right
jz shifted
manright: shr word ptr[DI+6],1 ;Shift bignum right
rcr word ptr[DI+4],1
rcr word ptr[DI+2],1
rcr word ptr[DI],1
loop manright ;Loop until done
jmp short shifted
manleft: shl word ptr[DI],1 ;Shift bignum left
rcl word ptr[DI+2],1
rcl word ptr[DI+4],1
rcl word ptr[DI+6],1
shifted: pop BP
flo2big endp
; Form floating-point ASCII representation from 16 digits and scale
; Calling sequence: formflo(digs,chars,scale,prec,exp)
; Where ---- digs: the digit characters of the flonum
; chars: buffer to store the formed flonum
; scale: flonum exponent part
; prec: desired precision
; exp: whether to use exponential format
; Returns the length of the formed flonum string
formargs struc
dw ? ;Caller's BP
dw ? ;Return address
digptr dw ? ;Pointer to digits
chrptr dw ? ;Pointer to result string
scale dw ? ;Exponent part
fprec dw ? ;Precision
fexp dw ? ;Exponential format specifier
formargs ends
public formflo
formflo proc near
push BP
mov BP,SP
mov SI,[BP].digptr ;Point SI to digit string
mov DI,[BP].chrptr ;Point DI to destination
cld ;Direction forward
mov DX,[BP].fexp ;Fetch form specifier
mov AL,[SI] ;Fetch first digit
cmp AL,'0'
je toosmall ;Jump if zero
cmp AL,'-' ;Negative sign?
jne nonsign ;Jump if not signed
signed: stosb ;Put sign in return buffer
inc [BP].digptr ;Adjust pointer to first digit
inc SI
nonsign: mov BX,14 ;Round off the last digit
call round
mov BX,[BP].fprec ;Fetch precision
or BX,BX
jz putspace ;Jump if arbitrary precision
;Determine location at which to begin rounding
cmp BX,14 ;If precision out of range, replace
jbe precok ; with highest possible
mov BX,14
precok: or DX,DX
jnz doround ;If exponential, round now
add BX,[BP].scale ;Add scale to precision
jns notsmall ;Jump unless number rounds to 0
cmp BX,-1
jne toosmall ;Jump if num definitely rounds to 0
cmp byte ptr[SI],'5' ;Check sigfig
jb toosmall ;Jump if too small
mov word ptr[SI],2031h ;Else round up and adjust scale
inc [BP].scale
jmp short spaced
toosmall: mov AL,'0' ;Put (prec+1) 0's at start of input
mov BX,[BP].fprec ; buffer
toosmlp: mov [SI],AL
inc SI
dec BL
jns toosmlp
mov byte ptr[SI],' ' ;Follow by space
mov DI,[BP].chrptr ;Start output over (wipe out any sign)
jmp short spaced
notsmall: cmp BX,16
jae spaced ;Jump if no sense in rounding
doround: call round ;Round the digits
jmp short spaced
;For arbitrary precision, change all trailing zeros to spaces
; (there exists at least one nonzero digit)
putspace: add SI,14 ;Point SI to last digit
spacelp: cmp byte ptr[SI],'0'
jne spaced
and byte ptr[SI],0efh
dec SI
jmp spacelp
;Now the spaces are in - start formatting
spaced: mov SI,[BP].digptr ;Point SI to digit string
mov BX,[BP].scale ;Fetch scale
mov CX,[BP].fprec ;Fetch precision
or DX,DX ;If exponent form desired
jnz exform ; supply it
cmp BX,-14 ;If scale>-15, check precision
jge midscale
or CL,CL ;If precision arbitrary, force expo-form
jz exform
midscale: cmp BX,0
jl smallfix ;Branch if explicit form called for
cmp BX,14
jle largefix ;Branch if explicit, but >1
;Form an exponential-format flonum
exform: movsb ;Transfer first digit
mov AL,decpoint ;Place decimal point
placex: stosb ;Store character
lodsb ;Transfer digits up to first space
cmp AL,' '
jne placex
mov AL,'e' ;Place exponent marker
cmp BH,0 ;If scale negative, negate & store sign
jge posscale
neg BX
mov AL,'-'
posscale: mov AX,BX ;Move scale to AX
mov BH,10 ;Put divisor in BH
mov DX,SP ;Save current stack pointer
divlpf: div BH ;Divide
mov BL,AH ;Push digit
add BL,'0'
push BX
xor AH,AH ;Remove the remainder
or AL,AL ;Loop until the quotient is zero
jnz divlpf
storelp: pop AX ;Restore exponent digit
stosb ;Place it
cmp SP,DX ;Loop until no more digits left
jne storelp
jmp short retlen
;Form a fixed-decimal flonum magnitude greater than 1
largefix: lodsb ;Fetch digit
or AL,10h ;Turn ' ' to '0'
stosb ;Store digit
dec BL ;Loop until all pre-point digs done
jns largefix
mov AL,decpoint ;Place decimal point
digmrg: or CL,CL
jnz preclp ;Jump if precision set
arblp: lodsb ;Otherwise, arbitrary; do until space
cmp AL,' '
je retlen
jmp arblp
llp: stosb
preclp: dec CL ;Last digit done?
js retlen ;Jump if so
dodigs: lodsb ;Now do digits until precision reached
cmp AL,' ' ;Space?
jne llp ;If not, store it
dec SI ;Restore SI
mov AL,'0' ;Prepare to place 0
jmp llp
;Form a fixed-decimal flonum magnitude less than 1
smallfix: mov CH,CL ;Copy precision to CH
mov AL,'0' ;Place "0."
mov AL,decpoint
slp: stosb
inc BX
jz digmrg ;If 0's done, do significant figures
or CH,CH ;If precision was zero
jz skpprec ; don't bother checking it
dec CL
js retlen ;If the precision is reached, stop
skpprec: mov AL,'0' ;Otherwise, place 0's until scale=0
jmp slp
;Formation complete
retlen: mov AX,DI ;Return length of string
sub AX,[BP].chrptr
pop BP
;ROUND: Round the ASCII digits of a flonum, starting at [BX+SI]
; SI->start of digits and is unchanged; BX destroyed
round: mov AL,' ' ;Get digit after least-rounded and
xchg AL,[BX+SI+1] ; replace it with a space
cmp AL,'5'
jb rounded ;Jump if rounded down
roundlp: mov AL,[BX+SI] ;Otherwise, increment digit
inc AL
mov [BX+SI],AL ;Replace incremented digit
cmp AL,'9'
jbe rounded ;Jump if no carryover
mov byte ptr[BX+SI],'0' ;Else replace digit
dec BX ;Go to next digit
jns roundlp
mov byte ptr[BX+SI+1],'1' ;There are no more digits, place
inc [BP].scale ; leading 1 and adjust scale
rounded: ret
formflo endp
prog ends