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/* =====> SBIGMEM.C */
/* TIPC Scheme '84 Runtime Support - Memory Allocation Routines
(C) Copyright 1984, 1985 by Texas Instruments Incorporated.
All rights reserved.
Author: John C. Jensen
Installation: Texas Instruments Incorporated, Dallas, Texas
Division: Central Research Laboratories
Cost Center: Computer Science Laboratory
Project: Computer Architecture Branch
Date Written: 3 December 1984
Last Modification:
4 June 1986 (TC) - Turn off assertion processing for better
#include "scheme.h"
/* Turn off assertions in SBIGMEM.C for performance reasons */
#define ASSERT(arg) /* do nothing */
#define ENTER(xyz) /* do nothing */
extern unsigned first_page; /* paragraph address of first physical page */
/* Allocate a Large BLock in Scheme's Memory */
alloc_big_block(reg, type, size)
int reg[2]; /* register to receive pointer to allocated block */
int type; /* type code of block to be allocated */
unsigned size; /* size of block in bytes (including block header) */
int number_of_pages; /* number of pages required to satisy request */
int page; /* page number where large block can be allocated */
#ifdef PROMEM
number_of_pages = 1;
number_of_pages = ((size + (PAGESIZE - 1)) / PAGESIZE);
if ((page = find_big_block(number_of_pages)) == -1)
garbage(); /* Invoke Garbage Collector to reclaim memory */
if ((page = find_big_block(number_of_pages)) == -1)
gcsquish(); /* Try compacting memory */
if ((page = find_big_block(number_of_pages)) == -1)
out_of_memory(); /* attempt to execute SCHEME-RESET */
/* Note: The above procedure returns control elsewhere */
put_ptr(page, 0, type, size);
nextcell[page] = END_LIST;
if (size <= psize[page] - BLK_OVHD)
put_ptr(page, size, FREETYPE, psize[page] - size);
nextcell[page] = size;
ptype[page] = type + type;
w_attrib[page] = pageattr[type];
pagelink[page] = pagelist[type];
pagelist[type] = page;
reg[C_PAGE] = ADJPAGE(page);
reg[C_DISP] = 0;
} /* end of function: alloc_big_block(reg, type, size) */
int number_of_pages; /* number of contiguous pages required */
int free_pages[NUMPAGES+1]; /* free page table */
int i,j; /* our old favorite index variables */
int page; /* working page number */
int page_found = -1; /* page number of first page in big block */
/* Initialize free_pages table */
for (i = 0; i <= NUMPAGES; i++)
free_pages[i] = -1;
/* Record the number of all free pages */
page = freepage;
while (page != END_LIST)
ASSERT(page >= 0 && page < NUMPAGES /* subchk? */);
ASSERT(free_pages[page] == -1 /* infinite loop? */);
free_pages[page] = page;
page = pagelink[page];
/* Search for a contiguous group of pages to satisfy request */
for (i = 0; i < NUMPAGES - DEDPAGES - number_of_pages; i++)
if (free_pages[i] != -1)
j = 1;
while (free_pages[i+j] != -1)
if (j >= number_of_pages)
/* required number of pages found-- adjust page table */
page_found = free_pages[i];
#ifdef PROMEM
if (PAGESIZE != MAX_PAGESIZE) /* pro version test */
psize[page_found] = PAGESIZE * number_of_pages;
free_pages[i] = -1;
for (j = 1; j < number_of_pages; j++)
page = free_pages[i+j];
psize[page] = 0;
attrib[page].nomemory = 1;
free_pages[i+j] = -1;
/* update list of free pages */
freepage = END_LIST;
for (i = NUMPAGES; i > DEDPAGES; i--)
if (free_pages[i] != -1)
pagelink[(j = free_pages[i])] = freepage;
freepage = j;
i += j;
return(-1); /* no pages found */
} /* end of function: find_big_block(number_of_pages) */