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; Dos function requests provided by AIA for performing real procedure calls
RPC_INIT equ 0E0h ; Initialize RPC
RPC equ 0E1h ; Issue RPC
; Real procedure entry points.
; REALSCHM.ASM is a real procedure which is loaded upon initialization of
; Scheme and accessed via real procedure calls. It currently contains a
; table of 25 entries (0-24) which contain routines accessable from our
; protected mode code. The first 20 entries will contain addresses to
; code within realschm.asm, primarily for things like xli support which
; can't be provided in protected mode. The next 5 entries are for system
; xli routines. An xli routine is distinguished as a system xli routine by
; having the FB_SYSINT flag in the file block set non-zero. Note that the
; system xli routines must be in a specified order, as defined in
RPCINIT equ 0 ;Initialize real procedure
RPCRETBUF equ 0 ;Return real procedure buffer address
RPCTYPE equ 1 ;Return pc type and graphics info
RPCLDEXE equ 2 ;Load an XLI file
RPCUNLDALL equ 3 ;Unload all XLI files
RPCXESC equ 4 ;Perform XESC to an XLI function
RPCXLISSR equ 5 ;XESC Special Services Return
RPCTAKCRT equ 6 ;takeover real mode crt interrupt
RPCRSTCRT equ 7 ;restore real mode system crt interrupt
; order dependent system xli files (see table in pro2real.asm & realschm.asm)
XLI_REALIO equ 20 ;Perform text I/O
XLI_GRAPH equ 21 ;Perform Graphics