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; =====> PROWIN.ASM
;* TIPC Scheme Runtime Support *
;* Window I/O support *
;* *
;* (C) Copyright 1985 by Texas *
;* Instruments Incorporated. *
;* All rights reserved. *
;* *
;* Date Written: 24 March 1986 *
;* Last Modification: 24 March 1986 *
;* 7 Jan 1987 - dbs *
;* added random I/O *
page 60,132
include scheme.equ
include sinterp.arg
include screen.equ
BUFFSIZE equ 256 ; input/output buffer
LABEL equ 32+BUFFSIZE ; window label field
P_FLAGS equ 6
W_FLAGS equ 26
WINDOW equ 4
B_ATTR equ 22
T_ATTR equ 24
CUR_LINE equ 10
CUR_COL equ 12
UL_LINE equ 14
UL_COL equ 16
N_LINES equ 18
N_COLS equ 20
NUM_FLDS equ 12
CHUNK equ 14
STR_PTR equ 3
OPEN equ 8
DGROUP group data
data segment word public 'DATA'
assume DS:DGROUP
extrn port_pg:word,port_ds:word
bad_port db "[VM INTERNAL ERROR] Bad port for window output",CR,LF,0
mk_win_st db "%MAKE_WINDOW",0
sv_win_st db "WINDOW-SAVE-CONTENTS",0
gt_win_st db "%REIFY-PORT",0
cl_win_st db "WINDOW_CLEAR",0
defaults dw 0,0,0,0 ; default values of window object
max_rows db DEFAULT_NUM_ROWS,0
max_cols db DEFAULT_NUM_COLS,0
dw -1,15,1,0,0
wnlines dw 0 ; number of lines
wncols dw 0 ; number of columns
wulline dw 0 ; upper-left line number
wulcol dw 0 ; upper-left column number
branchtab dw setw_20 ; [0] : cursor line
dw setw_20 ; [1] : cursor column
dw setw_30 ; [2] : upper left corner line
dw setw_40 ; [3] : upper left corner column
dw setw_50 ; [4] : number of lines
dw setw_60 ; [5] : number of columns
dw setw_100 ; [6] : border attribute
dw setw_100 ; [7] : text attribute
dw setw_100 ; [8] : flags
dw setw_100 ; [9] : buffer position
dw setw_100 ; [10] : buffer end
dw setw_100 ; [11] : port flag
dw setw_70 ; [12] : # of chunks
data ends
PGROUP group prog
prog segment byte public 'PROG'
assume CS:PGROUP
extrn rest_scr:near
extrn save_scr:near
win_proc proc near
;;; Allocate a window object
extrn zero_blk:near
extrn next_SP:near
extrn src_err:near
extrn adj4bord:near
public make_win
make_win: lods byte ptr ES:[SI] ; load the operand register
save <SI>
add AX,offset reg0 ; compute register address
mov BX,AX
mov SI,[BX].C_disp ; get displacement
mov BX,[BX].C_page ; get page number
mov tmp_disp,SI ; save window label pointer
mov tmp_page,BX
cmp byte ptr ptype+[BX],STRTYPE*2 ; check string type
jne make_err
jmp short make_020
make_err: test BX,BX
jz make_020 ; null window label
lea BX,mk_win_st ; load address of text
jmp src_err ; display error message
make_020: mov BX,BUFFSIZE+WINDSIZE ; get object length
mov CX,PORTTYPE ; port type
pushm <BX,CX,AX>
C_call alloc_bl,,Load_ES ; allocate block for window object
pop BX
mov DI,[BX].C_disp ; get displacement
save <DI>
mov BX,[BX].C_page ; get page numbe of window object
LoadPage ES,BX ; get page address
shr BX,1
pushm <DI, BX>
call zero_blk ; zero window object
restore <DI>
mov word ptr ES:[DI+6],PORTATTR ; store port attribute
mov AX,DI
add DI,10 ; position to move default values
lea SI,defaults ; address of default values
mov CX,NUM_FLDS-1 ; length of defaults
rep movsw ; move defaults into object
mov DI,AX
mov AX,tmp_page
mov BX,tmp_disp
mov byte ptr ES:[DI+STR_PTR],AL ; store window label pointer
mov word ptr ES:[DI+STR_PTR+1],BX
jmp next_SP
;;; Get Window Attributes
;;; Get Window Attributes was translated from C. The following C comments
;;; show the mappings of the arguments to get-window-attributes to their
;;; actual locations within the port object.
;;;#define NUM_FIELDS 12
;;;static int defaults[NUM_FIELDS] = {0, /* cursor line number */
;;; 0, /* cursor column number */
;;; 0, /* upper left corner line number */
;;; 0, /* upper left corner column number */
;;; 25, /* number of lines */
;;; 80, /* number of columns */
;;; -1, /* no border */
;;; 15, /* text high intensity, enable */
;;; 1, /* wrap enabled */
;;; 0, /* current buffer position */
;;; 0, /* current buffer end */
;;;static int map_attr[NUM_FIELDS] = {10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30,6};
public get_wind
get_wind: lods word ptr ES:[SI] ; load register operand
save <SI> ; save the location pointer
xor BX,BX
mov BL,AH
add BX,offset reg0 ; compute address of register
xor AH,AH
add AX,offset reg0
save <AX> ; save registers
save <BX>
mov CX,1
pushm <CX, AX>
C_call get_port,,Load_ES ; get the port object
mov SP,BP
mov SI,tmp_page
cmp byte ptr ptype+[SI],PORTTYPE*2
jne get_err
restore <BX>
cmp [BX].C_page,SPECFIX*2
jne get_err
mov BX,word ptr [BX].C_disp ; get the value
shl BX,1
sar BX,1
cmp BX,0
jl get_err
jg get_err ; used to be jge - dbs
LoadPage ES,SI ; get page address
mov SI,tmp_disp
restore <AX>
mov DI,AX
mov word ptr [DI].C_page,SPECFIX*2
cmp BX,12
jne get_05
mov AX,word ptr ES:[SI+CHUNK]; get chunk number
jmp get_20
get_05: cmp BX,11
jne get_10
mov AX,word ptr ES:[SI+6]
jmp get_20
get_10: shl BX,1 ; get the word offset
mov AX,word ptr ES:[SI+10+BX]
test word ptr ES:[SI+P_FLAGS],WINDOW ; Port a window?
jz get_25 ; No, jump
and AX,07FFFh ; Yes, return integer
mov word ptr [DI].C_disp,AX
jmp next_SP ; Return to interpreter
xor BX,BX
push BX ; push long integer value
push AX
push DI ; register to store value
C_call long2int,,Load_ES ; convert to scheme integer
mov SP,BP
jmp next_SP
get_err: lea BX,gt_win_st
jmp src_err ; link to error handler
;;; Modify Transcript File Status
public trns_chg
trns_chg: lods byte ptr ES:[SI] ; load register operand
save <SI>
add AX,offset reg0 ; compute address of register
mov BX,AX
mov SI,[BX].C_disp
mov BX,[BX].C_page
cmp byte ptr ptype+[BX],PORTTYPE*2 ; check type
jne trns_10
LoadPage ES,BX ; get page address
mov AX,word ptr ES:[SI+P_FLAGS]
mov CX,AX
and AX,OPEN ; open?
jz trns_10
and CX,3 ; read and write?
jz trns_10
mov TRNS_pag,BX
mov TRNS_dis,SI
jmp next_SP
trns_10: xor AX,AX
mov TRNS_pag,AX
mov TRNS_dis,AX
jmp next_SP
;;; Save Window Contents
public save_win
save_win: lods byte ptr ES:[SI] ; load register operand
save <SI>
add AX,offset reg0 ; compute address of register
xor BX,BX
pushm <BX, AX>
save <AX>
C_call get_port,,Load_ES ; get port object
mov SP,BP
mov BX,tmp_page
cmp byte ptr ptype+[BX],PORTTYPE*2 ; check port type
je save_01
save_err: lea BX,sv_win_st
jmp src_err ; link to error handler
save_01: LoadPage ES,BX ; get page address
mov DI,tmp_disp
mov AX,word ptr ES:[DI+P_FLAGS]
and AX,WINDOW ; window object?
jz save_err
mov AX,word ptr ES:[DI+UL_LINE]
mov BX,word ptr ES:[DI+UL_COL]
mov CX,word ptr ES:[DI+N_LINES]
mov DX,word ptr ES:[DI+N_COLS]
mov wulline,AX
mov wulcol,BX
mov wnlines,CX
mov wncols,DX
mov AX,word ptr ES:[DI+B_ATTR] ; border attribute
cmp AX,-1 ; bordered?
je save_10 ; no, jump
lea AX,wulline
lea BX,wulcol
lea CX,wnlines
lea DX,wncols
pushm <DX, BX, CX, AX>
call adj4bord ; adjust window region
save_10: mov AX,wnlines
mov BX,wncols
; compute the length of string to save window contents
mul BL
shl AX,1 ; * 2
add AX,2 ; + 2
push AX
restore <AX>
mov CX,STRTYPE ; string type
pushm <CX, AX>
C_call alloc_bl,,Load_ES ; alloc_block
mov SP,BP
pushm <wncols,wnlines,wulcol,wulline>
restore <AX>
push AX
call save_scr ; save screen
jmp next_SP ; return to interpreter
;;; Restore Window Contents
public rest_win
rest_win: lods word ptr ES:[SI] ; load register operand
save <SI> ; save the location pointer
xor BX,BX
mov BL,AH
add BX,offset reg0 ; compute address of register
xor AH,AH
add AX,offset reg0
save <BX>
xor CX,CX
pushm <CX, AX>
C_call get_port,,Load_ES ; get the port object
mov SP,BP
restore <BX> ; BX = data to be restored
mov SI,[BX].C_page
cmp byte ptr ptype+[SI],STRTYPE*2 ; check type
jne rest_err
mov DI,tmp_page
cmp byte ptr ptype+[DI],PORTTYPE*2 ; check type
jne rest_err
LoadPage ES,DI ; get page address
mov DI,tmp_disp
mov AX,word ptr ES:[DI+P_FLAGS]
and AX,WINDOW ; window object?
jz rest_err
mov AX,word ptr ES:[DI+UL_LINE]
mov BX,word ptr ES:[DI+UL_COL]
mov CX,word ptr ES:[DI+N_LINES]
mov DX,word ptr ES:[DI+N_COLS]
mov wulline,AX
mov wulcol,BX
mov wnlines,CX
mov wncols,DX
mov AX,word ptr ES:[DI+B_ATTR] ; border attribute
cmp AX,-1
je rest_10
lea AX,wulline
lea BX,wulcol
lea CX,wnlines
lea DX,wncols
pushm <DX, BX, CX, AX>
call adj4bord ; adjust window region
rest_10: pushm <wncols, wnlines, wulcol, wulline>
restore <BX>
push BX
call rest_scr ; restore screen
jmp next_SP ; return to interpreter
rest_err: lea BX,rt_win_st
jmp src_err ; link to error handler
win_proc endp
;;; Set Window Attribute
setw_arg struc
dw ? ; caller's BP
dw ? ; caller's ES
dw ? ; caller's return address
setw_reg dw ?
setw_att dw ?
setw_val dw ?
setw_arg ends
public set_wind
set_wind proc near
push ES
push BP
mov BP,SP
mov AX,1
pushm <AX, [BP].setw_reg>
C_call get_port,,Load_ES ; get port address
mov SP,BP
mov BX,tmp_page
cmp byte ptr ptype+[BX],PORTTYPE*2 ; check type
jne setw_err
mov SI,[BP].setw_att
cmp word ptr [SI].C_page,SPECFIX*2 ; check attribute type
jne setw_err
mov AX,[SI].C_disp ; get attribute value
shl AX,1
sar AX,1
cmp AX,0 ; check attribute value
jl setw_err
jge setw_err
mov SI,[BP].setw_val ; get the value pointer
cmp word ptr [SI].C_page,SPECFIX*2 ; check type
je setw_10
setw_err: lea BX,gt_win_st ; address of error message
pushm <[BP].setw_val, [BP].setw_att, [BP].setw_reg>
mov AX,3
pushm <AX, BX>
C_call set_src_,,Load_ES ; set_src_err
mov SP,BP
mov AX,-1 ; return error status
jmp setw_ret
setw_10: mov CX,[SI].C_disp ; get the value
shl CX,1
sar CX,1
LoadPage ES,BX ; get page address of port
mov SI,tmp_disp ; displacement of port object
mov BX,AX
shl BX,1 ; get the word offset
jmp branchtab+[BX]
; cursor line/cursor column
setw_20: cmp CX,0
jl setw_err ; negative value, error
jmp setw_100
; upper left hand corner line number
setw_30: xor AX,AX
xor DH,DH
dec DX ; MAX_ROWS - 1
call fit_in_r
mov AX,word ptr ES:[SI+N_LINES]
inc DX
sub DX,CX ; MAX_ROWS - value
cmp AX,DX
jle setw_35
mov word ptr ES:[SI+N_LINES],DX
setw_35: jmp setw_100
; upper left hand corner column number
setw_40: xor AX,AX
xor DH,DH
dec DX ; MAX_COLUMNS - 1
call fit_in_r
mov AX,word ptr ES:[SI+N_COLS]
inc DX
sub DX,CX ; MAX_COLUMNS - value
cmp AX,DX
jle setw_35
mov word ptr ES:[SI+N_COLS],DX
jmp setw_35
; number of lines
setw_50: mov AX,word ptr ES:[SI+UL_LINE]
xor DH,DH
mov AX,1
call fit_in_r
jmp setw_100
; number of columns
setw_60: mov AX,word ptr ES:[SI+P_FLAGS]
and AX,WINDOW ; window?
jz setw_100 ; no, jump
mov AX,word ptr ES:[SI+UL_COL]
xor DH,DH
mov AX,1
call fit_in_r
jmp setw_100
; chunk#
setw_70: mov BX,CHUNK
jmp setw_120
; store the value
setw_100: sar BX,1
cmp BX,11
jne setw_110
mov BX,6
jmp setw_120
setw_110: shl BX,1 ; word offset
add BX,10
setw_120: mov word ptr ES:[SI+BX],CX ; store the value
xor AX,AX
setw_ret: pop BP
pop ES
set_wind endp
;;; Force Value into Range
;;; Purpose: To test a value (in CX) to determine if it falls within a
;;; range of values, as specified by an lower (in AX) and
;;; upper (in DX) bounds. If the value is within the range,
;;; the value is returned (in CX) unchanged. If it is outside
;;; the range, the value of the endpoint nearest its value
;;; is returned (in CX).
fit_in_r proc near
pop DI ; get the return address
cmp CX,AX ; value < lower?
jge fit_10
mov CX,AX ; yes, return lower
fit_01: jmp DI ; return to caller
fit_10: cmp CX,DX ; value > upper?
jle fit_01 ; no, return
mov CX,DX ; yes, return upper
jmp DI ; return to caller
fit_in_r endp
;;; Write message to the who-line
who_arg struc
pg dw ?
dis dw ?
who_BP dw ? ; caller's BP
dw ? ; caller's ES
dw ? ; caller's return address
str dw ? ; pointer to message string
who_arg ends
extrn ssetadr:near
extrn printtxt:near
public who_writ
who_writ proc near
push ES
push BP
sub SP,offset who_BP ; allocate local storage
mov BP,SP
mov ax,port_pg ;save current port address
mov [BP].pg,ax
mov ax,port_ds
mov [BP].dis,ax
pushm <AX, BX>
call ssetadr ;get new port address
mov SP,BP
xor BX,BX ;compute length of string
mov SI,[BP].str
who_010: cmp byte ptr [SI+BX],0 ;string end?
je who_020 ; yes, exit loop
inc BX
jmp who_010
; Write message to the who line
who_020: push BX ;bx = strlen(str)
push SI ;si = address of string
call printtxt
mov SP,BP
mov BX,[BP].pg ;restore original port
cmp byte ptr ptype+[BX],PORTTYPE*2 ;check port type
jne who_ret
LoadPage ES,BX ;get page address
mov SI,[BP].dis
cmp byte ptr ES:[SI],PORTTYPE ;check port type
jne who_ret
pushm <SI, BX>
call ssetadr ;set port address
mov SP,BP
who_ret: add SP,offset who_BP ;release local storage
pop BP
pop ES
who_writ endp
prog ends