
821 lines
33 KiB
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This file contains invisible Unicode characters

This file contains invisible Unicode characters that are indistinguishable to humans but may be processed differently by a computer. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

; =====> PROREAD.ASM
;* Lowlevel Read Support *
;* *
;* (C) Copyright 1985, 1986 by Texas *
;* Instruments Incorporated. *
;* All rights reserved. *
;* *
;* Date Written: 24 March 1986 *
;* Last Modification: *
;* *
;* 14 Apr 86 (tc) Change references to pagetabl to call *
;* memory manager for use with ext/exp memory. *
;* 9 Sep 86 (ds) EGA support. *
;* 21 Nov 86 (rb) Detect disk full error correctly. *
;* 7 Jan 87 (ds) Added support for random I/O. *
;* 10 Feb 87 (tc) EOF-DISP modified to reflect other changes. *
;* in Page 5 symbols. *
;* 16 Mar 87 (tc) Added Binary I/O, Error handling, better *
;* handling for Disk Full *
page 60,132
include scheme.equ
include sinterp.arg
MSDOS equ 21h
BACKSP equ 08
TAB equ 09
RETURN equ 0Dh
LF equ 0Ah
CTRL_Z equ 1Ah
LEFT_AR equ 4Bh
RIGHT_AR equ 4Dh
F3 equ 3Dh
F5 equ 3Fh
INSERT equ 52h
DELETE equ 53h
ENTER equ 0Dh
NULL_CH equ 0
BELL_CH equ 07
BLANK equ 0020h
buf_len equ 253
DGROUP group data
data segment word public 'DATA'
assume DS:DGROUP
;from iosuport.asm
extrn port_r:word, port_pg:word, port_ds:word, port_seg:word
;from ???
extrn vid_mode:word
public cur_off, char_hgt
; Local error messages
ch_rd db "CHAR-READY?",0
rch_er db "READ-CHAR",0
push_er db "[VM INTERNAL ERROR] pushchar: failed",CR,LF,0
rd_st_er db "[VM INTERNAL ERROR] takechar: source not a string",CR,LF,0
cur_off dw 0
char_hgt dw 8
; The following data is used to capture and restore data entered from
; the console. All characters entered are saved in a shadow buffer
; so that they may be recalled via the F3, and F5 keys
insert_m dw 0 ;insert mode flag
index dw 0 ;index into port buffer
sh_ptr dw 0 ;pointer into shadow buffer
sh_len dw 0 ;length of shadow buffer
sh_bufer db 256 dup (0) ;shadow buffer for characters
row dw 256 dup (0) ;row vector
column dw 256 dup (0) ;column vector
data ends
PGROUP group prog
prog segment byte public 'PROG'
assume CS:PGROUP
;from basicio.asm
extrn zbell:near,zscroll:near,zputcur:near
extrn zputc:near,zcuron:near,zcuroff:near
extrn zread:near,stringrd:near,char_rdy:near
extrn ega_curs:near
;from ???
extrn getch:near,ssetadr:near
extrn toblock:near
;from sprint.asm
extrn printtxt:near
;from sinterp.asm
extrn next_SP:near,src_err:near,sch_err:near,dos_err:near
;;; Input a Single Character
take_buf_len equ 256
take_arg struc
tk_leng dw take_buf_len
new_bpos dw 0
tk_bp dw ? ;caller's BP
dw ? ;caller's ES
dw ? ;caller's return address
take_arg ends
public take_ch
take_ch proc near
push es
push bp
sub sp,offset tk_bp ;allocate local storage
mov bp,sp
mov [BP].new_bpos,0 ;buf position after refilling buf
LoadPage es,port_pg
mov si,port_ds ;es:si => port object
; Fix for random I/O - read preceeded by a write
test byte ptr es:[si].pt_pflgs,READWRITE+WRITE_ONLY
jz take_c00 ;skip if input port
mov bl,byte ptr es:[si].pt_pflgs ;get port flags
and bl,DIRTY+STRIO+OPEN+WINDOW ;isolate appropriate flags
cmp bl,DIRTY+OPEN ;buffer modified?
jne take_c00 ; no, jump
and byte ptr es:[si].pt_pflgs,NOT DIRTY ;clear flag
; this read was preceeded by at least one write, so reposition file pointer
; so it rereads the buffer
mov bx,word ptr es:[si].pt_handl
dec word ptr es:[si].pt_chunk
mov cx,word ptr es:[si].pt_chunk
xor dl,dl
mov dh,cl
mov cl,ch
xor ch,ch
mov ax,4200h ; reposition file pointer
mov bx,es:[si].pt_bfpos ; after re-reading file, restore
mov [BP].new_bpos,bx ; current buffer position
jmp take_fill ; go re-read the file
mov bx,es:[si].pt_bfpos
cmp bx,es:[si].pt_bfend ;have we exceeded port's buffer?
jge take_fill ; yes, go fill it again
xor ah,ah
mov al,byte ptr es:[si+pt_buffr+bx] ;get next char from buffer
inc bx ;bump buffer position pointer
mov es:[si].pt_bfpos,bx ; and update in port object
cmp al,CTRL_Z ;control-z?
jne take_ret ; no, return
test es:[si].pt_pflgs,BINARY ;binary file?
jnz take_ret ; no, return
take_eof: mov AX,256 ;text file, send EOF
take_ret: add sp,offset tk_bp ; release local storage
pop bp
pop es
; buffer empty -- fill it up
mov [BP].tk_leng,take_buf_len ;set up buffer length
test es:[si].pt_pflgs,WINDOW ;window port?
jz take_fil ; no, jump
test es:[si].pt_pflgs,STRIO ;string port?
jnz take_str ; yes, jump
; read from window
call read_win ;read from window
mov BX,AX
jmp take_11
; Read from file
public take_fil
cmp word ptr es:[si].pt_chunk,1 ; operating on first chunk?
jne take_f05 ; no, jump
cmp word ptr es:[si].pt_bfpos,0 ; Have we filled the buffer yet?
je take_f10 ; yes, jump
inc word ptr es:[si].pt_chunk ; bump the chunk number
push bp ;<this is tk_leng>
lea ax,row
push ax ;address of input buffer
push es:[si].pt_handl ;file handle
call zread ;read from file
mov sp,bp ;dump args from stack
test ax,ax ;error?
jnz take_err ; yes, jump
jmp take_10
; read character from string
mov ax,ds
mov es,ax ;es = ds
push bp ;<this is tk_leng>
lea bx,row
push bx ;buffer for characters
push port_ds ;port displacement
push port_pg ;port page
call stringrd ;read from string
mov sp,bp ;dump args off stack
test ax,ax ;error encountered?
jz take_05 ; no, jump
lea bx,rd_st_er ;address of error message
push bx
C_call printf ;display error message
mov sp,bp ;dump args from stack
LoadPage es,port_pg ;restore port addressability
mov si,port_ds
take_10: mov bx,[bp].tk_leng ;bx = length
take_11: mov es:[si].pt_bfend,bx ;update buffer length
test bx,bx ;length = zero?
jnz take_20 ; no, jump
mov es:[si].pt_bfpos,bx ; yes, position = end
jmp take_eof ; note eof
test es:[si].pt_pflgs,WINDOW ;window port?
jz take_22 ; no, jump
test es:[si].pt_pflgs,STRIO ;string port?
jz take_25 ; no, jump
; copy characters from buffer to file object
push si ;tempsave si
mov di,si
add di,pt_buffr ;es:di => port buffer
lea si,row ;ds:si => char buffer
mov cx,bx ;# characters to move
cld ;direction forward
rep movsb ;do it
pop si ;restore si
mov bx,[bp].new_bpos ;BX = buffer position
jmp take_nxt
; We will not return from call to dos_err
add ax,(IO_ERRORS_START - 1) ;make Dos I/O error number
mov bx,1 ;non-restartable
lea cx,port_r ;port object
pushm <cx,ax,bx> ;invoke scheme error handler
call dos_err ;control will not return here
take_ch endp
; Read a "record" from window
; ES:SI points to the window object
; Return AX = number of characters read
read_arg struc
dw ? ;caller's bp
dw ? ;return address
read_arg ends
public read_win
read_win proc near
push bp
mov bp,sp
mov index,0 ;clear index into port buffer
mov sh_ptr,0 ;clear index into shadow buffer
mov insert_m,0 ;clear insert flag
call zcuron ;turn on the cursor
mov bx,es:[si].pt_text ;get text attribute for window
mov bx,es:[si].pt_cline ;bx = current line number
cmp bx,es:[si].pt_nline ;have we exceeded number of lines?
jl read_put ; no, jump
push es:[si].pt_text
push es:[si].pt_ncols
push es:[si].pt_nline
push es:[si].pt_ulcol
push es:[si].pt_ullin
call zscroll ;scroll up one line
mov sp,bp ;dump args off stack
mov bx,es:[si].pt_nline
dec bx
mov es:[si].pt_cline,bx ;current line = #lines - 1
mov es:[si].pt_ccol,0 ;current column = 0
mov dx,es:[si].pt_ccol
add dx,es:[si].pt_ulcol
add bx,es:[si].pt_ullin
pushm <dx,bx>
call zputcur ;show the cursor
mov sp,bp ;bump args off stack
call getch ;get character from console
test al,al ;extended character?
jz read_ex
jmp read_100 ; no, go process ascii character
; Process extended key sequence
call getch ;get extended character from console
cmp al,LEFT_AR ;left arrow key?
jne read_ra ; no, jump
jmp read_bs ; yes, treat as backspace
; Check for RIGHT ARROW key
cmp al,RIGHT_AR ;right arrow key?
jne read_f3 ; no, jump
mov insert_m,0 ;turn off insert mode
mov bx,sh_ptr ;bx => shadow buffer
cmp bx,sh_len ;if more chars in shadow buffer
jl read_030 ; then go fetch
jmp read_001 ; else go read next char from window
lea di,sh_bufer ;ds:di => shadow buffer
mov al,byte ptr [di+bx] ;fetch character from buffer
jmp read_one ;and go echo to screen
; Check for F3 key
cmp AL,F3 ;F3 key?
jne read_f5 ; no, jump
mov insert_m,0 ;turn off insert mode
read_041: mov cx,index
cmp cx,buf_len ;have we exceeded port buffer?
jl read_043 ; no, jump
jmp read_001 ;no room for more chars
mov bx,sh_ptr ;bx => shadow buffer
cmp bx,sh_len ;have we exceeded length of buffer?
jl read_045 ; no, jump
jmp read_001
read_045: lea di,sh_bufer ;ds:di => shadow buffer
mov al,byte ptr [di+bx] ;get character from buffer
call echo_ch ;echo to screen
mov sp,bp ;bump args from stack
jmp read_041 ;go get next character
; Check for F5 key
read_f5: cmp AL,F5 ;F5 key?
jne read_ins ; no, jump
call ega_curs ;turn off the EGA cursor
mov insert_m,0 ;disable insert mode
cmp index,0
jne read_051
jmp read_001
call str_str ;copy from port buf to shadow buf
mov bx,index ;bx = index into port buffer
mov sh_len,bx ;update shadow buffer length
mov byte ptr [di+bx],0 ;note end of string
dec bx ;bx => last char in shadow buffer
lea di,row ;di => row vector
cmp bx,0 ;reached start of shadow buffer?
jl read_055 ; yes, exit loop
cmp byte ptr [di+bx],0 ;at top of screen?
jl read_055 ; yes, exit loop
mov ax,BLANK ;blank character for write
lea si,column ;si => column vector
xor ch,ch
mov cl,byte ptr [si+bx] ;cl = column for character
xor dh,dh
mov dl,byte ptr [di+bx] ;dl = row for character
mov si,port_ds ;si => port object
mov es:[si].pt_ccol,cx ;update column
mov es:[si].pt_cline,dx ; and row
add cx,es:[si].pt_ulcol ;cx = column within window
add dx,es:[si].pt_ullin ;dx = row within window
push bx ;tempsave bx around call
push es:[si].pt_text ;text attribute
push ax ;blank character
push cx ;column
push dx ;row
call zputc ;clear character from window
add sp,8 ;dump args off stack
pop bx ;restore shadow buffer index
dec bx ;and decrement for next character
jmp read_053 ;go clear next character
mov index,0 ;clear index into port buffer
mov sh_ptr,0 ;clear index into shadow buffer
jmp read_001 ;go read the next character
; Check for INSERT key
read_ins: cmp al,INSERT ;insert key?
jne read_del
call ega_curs ;turn off the EGA cursor
mov insert_m,1 ;turn on insert mode
jmp read_001
; Check for DELETE key
read_del: cmp al,DELETE ;delete key?
jne read_EN
mov insert_m,0 ;turn off insert mode
mov bx,sh_ptr
cmp bx,sh_len ;ensure still within shadow buffer
jg read_d02
read_d01: inc sh_ptr
read_d02: jmp read_001
; Check for ENTER key
read_EN: cmp al,ENTER ;enter key?
je read_RT ; yes, treat as carriage return
jmp read_001 ;ignore all other extended keys
; Process ascii character key
; Check for BACKSPACE key
cmp al,BACKSP ;backspace?
jne read_200 ; no, try next
read_bs: mov insert_m,0 ;disable insert mode
call ega_curs ;disable EGA cursor
mov bx,index ;bx = port buffer index
cmp bx,0 ;if already at buffer start
jle read_150 ; then jump
dec bx ;decrement port buffer index
lea di,row ;ds:di => row vector
cmp byte ptr [di+bx],0 ;if at screen start
jl read_150 ; then jump
mov index,bx ;save buffer index
cmp sh_ptr,0 ;if at start of shadow buffer
je read_120 ; then jump
dec sh_ptr ; else backspace one character
read_120: lea di,column ;ds:di => column vector
xor ch,ch
mov cl,byte ptr [di+bx] ;get column of prior character
mov es:[si].pt_ccol,cx ; and update within port object
add cx,es:[si].pt_ulcol ;cx = col within window
xor dh,dh
lea di,row
mov dl,byte ptr [di+bx] ;get line of prior character
mov es:[si].pt_cline,dx ; and update within port object
add dx,es:[si].pt_ullin ;dx = line within window
mov bx,BLANK
push es:[si].pt_text ;text attribute
push bx ;blank character
push cx ;column
push dx ;line
call zputc ;blank out char on screen
mov sp,bp ;dump args off stack
jmp read_001
call zbell ;beep
jmp read_001
; Check for BACKSPACE key
read_200: cmp al,RETURN ;carriage return?
je read_RT ; yes
jmp read_300 ; no, jump
; Process return key
cmp vid_mode,14 ;if not in ega mode
jl read_rt1 ; then jump
call ega_curs ; else turn off the ega cursor
or cur_off,1 ; and note cursor off
mov bx,index ;bx = port buffer index
mov byte ptr es:[si+pt_buffr+bx],RETURN ;move CR to buffer
inc bx
mov byte ptr es:[si+pt_buffr+BX],LF ;move LF to buffer
inc bx
mov index,bx ;update port buffer pointer
mov es:[si].pt_ccol,0 ;clear current column
mov dx,es:[si].pt_cline ;get current line
inc dx ; and increment
cmp dx,es:[si].pt_nline ;if still on screen
jl read_220 ; then jump
push es:[si].pt_text
push es:[si].pt_ncols
push es:[si].pt_nline
push es:[si].pt_ulcol
push es:[si].pt_ullin
call zscroll ;scroll up one line
mov sp,bp ;dump args off stack
mov dx,es:[si].pt_nline
dec dx
read_220: mov es:[si].pt_cline,dx ;update current line
call str_str ;copy shadow buffer into port buffer
cmp TRNS_pag,0
je read_250
test es:[si].pt_pflgs,TRANSCRI
jz read_250
; transcript file "on", write buffer to transcript file
push si ;save current port disp
push port_pg ;save current port page number
pushm <TRNS_dis,TRNS_pag>
call ssetadr ;set transcript file address
add sp,4 ;bump args off stack
mov ax,index
dec ax
push ax ;index into buffer
lea bx,sh_bufer
push bx ;buffer address
call printtxt ;output to transcript file
add sp,4 ;dump args off stack
;use port args saved above
call ssetadr ;restore current port address
pop bx ;restore port page number
LoadPage es,bx ;es:si => port object
pop si ;restore port displacement
lea di,sh_bufer ;ds:di => shadow buffer
mov bx,index ;bx = index into port buffer
dec bx ;decrement
mov byte ptr [di+bx],0 ;note end of string in shadow buffer
dec bx
mov sh_len,bx ;update shadow length
jmp read_done
; Check for LINEFEED key
cmp al,LF ;line feed?
jne read_one ; no, jump
jmp read_001 ; yes, ignore
; Default character encountered
mov bx,index ;bx = port buffer index
cmp bx,buf_len ;have we exceeded buffer boundary?
jl read_420 ; no, jump
call zbell ; yes, sound beep
jmp read_001 ; and continue
call echo_ch ;echo character to display
jmp read_001 ;go handle next read
; finished reading from window
call zcuroff ;turn off the cursor
mov ax,index ;return length
pop bp
read_win endp
; Move the string in port object to buffer sh_bufer
str_str proc near
lea di,sh_bufer ;di=address of shadow buffer
; Move the characters
push si ;tempsave si
add si,pt_buffr ;port buffer address
mov cx,index ;cx = buffer length
mov AX,ES
mov BX,DS
mov ES,BX ;es:di => shadow buffer
mov DS,AX ;ds:si => port buffer
rep movsb ;move 'em out
mov es,ax ;reset segment registers
mov ds,bx
lea di,sh_bufer ;di => shadow buffer
pop si ;si => port object
str_str endp
; Echo single character
; Entry : al = character to display
; es:si => current port object
echo_ch proc near
mov bx,index ;bx = index within port buffer
mov byte ptr es:[si+bx+pt_buffr],al ;store character
inc bx ;bump index
mov index,bx ; and update
cmp insert_m,0 ;insert mode?
jne echo_10 ; yes, jump
inc sh_ptr ;bump shadow buffer index
mov cx,es:[si].pt_cline ;cx = current column
mov dx,es:[si].pt_ccol ;dx = current line
cmp dx,es:[si].pt_ncols ;reached end of line?
jl echo_20 ; no, jump
inc cx ;bump current line
xor dx,dx ;clear current col
lea di,row ;ds:di => row vector
cmp cx,es:[si].pt_nline ;exceed number lines?
jl echo_50 ; no, jump
push es:[si].pt_text ;text attribute
push es:[si].pt_ncols ;number columns
push es:[si].pt_nline ;number lines
push es:[si].pt_ulcol ;upper left col
push es:[si].pt_ullin ;upper left line
call zscroll ;scroll up one line
add sp,10 ;dump args
mov cx,es:[si].pt_nline
dec cx ;update current line
xor dx,dx ;clear current column
; Decrement the contents of row vector
push ax ;tempsave character
push bx ;tempsave buffer index
mov ax,bx ;ax = port buffer index
xor bx,bx ;bx = buffer start
echo_30: cmp bx,ax ;have we reached buffer end
jge echo_40 ; yes, jump
dec byte ptr [di+bx] ;decrement row for character
inc bx ;index for next character
jmp echo_30 ;loop till done
echo_40: pop bx ;restore buffer index
pop ax ;restore character
;update row/col vector for this character
dec bx ;create index into row/col vectors
mov byte ptr [di+bx],cl ;update row
lea di,column
mov byte ptr [di+bx],dl ;update col
cmp al,TAB ;is character the tab key?
jne echo_100 ; no, jump
; Process the TAB key
mov ax,dx ;ax = current column
mov bx,8 ;bx = tab spacing
div bl ;ah = remainder (cur_col % 8)
sub bl,ah ;bx = 8 - remainder
add dx,bx ;dx = (new) current column
cmp dx,es:[si].pt_ncols ;exceeded line length?
jle echo_60 ; no, jump
mov dx,es:[si].pt_ncols ; yes, current col = end of line
mov es:[si].pt_ccol,dx ;update current col
mov es:[si].pt_cline,cx ;update current line
mov bx,dx ;bx = current column
add bx,es:[si].pt_ulcol ;bx = column within window
cmp bx,SCREEN_WIDTH ;off of screen?
jl echo_ret ; no, jump
mov bx,(SCREEN_WIDTH - 1) ; yes, current col = last col
pushm <bx,cx>
call zputcur ;position cursor
add sp,4 ;dump args
jmp echo_ret ;return
; Process the non-TAB key
mov es:[si].pt_cline,cx ;update current line
add cx,es:[si].pt_ullin ;cx = current lin relative to window
mov es:[si].pt_ccol,dx ;update current line
add dx,es:[si].pt_ulcol ;dx = current col relative to window
push es:[si].pt_text ;text attribute
push ax ;character to display
push dx ;column
push cx ;line
call zputc ;display character
add sp,8 ;dump args
inc es:[si].pt_ccol ;update port's current column
echo_ch endp
; Push a single character back into the input buffer
public pushchar
pushchar proc near
push es
push si
LoadPage es,port_pg
mov si,port_ds ;es:si => port object
cmp es:[si].pt_bfpos,0 ;any chars in buffer?
jle push_err ; no, error
dec es:[si].pt_bfpos ;position to prio character
pop si
pop es
lea bx,push_er ;bx = address of error msg
push bx ;pass to print routine
C_call printf,,Load_ES ;print error message
add sp,2 ;dump args
C_call force_de,,Load_ES ;envoke debugger
add sp,2 ;will we ever return here???
jmp push_ret
pushchar endp
rd_proc proc near
; Support for read-char-ready?
public rd_ch_rd
public read_cha
lods byte ptr es:[si] ;get register
save <si> ;save vm instruction pointer
add ax,offset reg0 ;compute register address
mov di,ax
save <di> ;save register argument for later
xor cx,cx
push cx
push ax
C_call get_port,,Load_ES ;get port object
;port returned in tmp_page:tmp_disp
mov sp,bp ;dump args
test ax,ax ;check return status
jz rd_010 ; no errors, continue
jmp rd_err ; else jump to error handler
restore <di> ;restore register argument
mov [di].C_page,SPECCHAR*2 ;prepare to return a character
mov si,tmp_disp
LoadPage es,tmp_page ;get page address
mov bx,es:[si].pt_bfpos ;bx = buffer index
cmp bx,es:[si].pt_bfend ;if at buffer end
jge rd_020 ; then go fill the buffer
;get character from port object buffer
xor ah,ah
mov al,byte ptr es:[si+pt_buffr+bx] ;get the character
cmp al,CTRL_Z ;control-z character?
jne rd_015 ; no, continue
test es:[si].pt_pflgs,BINARY ;binary file?
jnz rd_015 ; yes, continue
jmp rd_eof ; no, return eof char
rd_015: mov [di].C_disp,ax ;return the character
jmp next_SP
; no character in input buffer
test es:[si].pt_pflgs,WINDOW ;window port?
jz rd_030 ; no, jump
jz rd_030
call char_rdy ;check for character at console
test ax,ax ;was one there?
jz rd_no ; no, jump
xor ah,ah
jmp rd_T ;go process
; no character available -- return '()
rd_no: xor ax,ax
mov [DI].C_page,ax
mov [DI].C_disp,ax
jmp next_SP
; not a window
test es:[si].pt_pflgs,OPEN ;is the port open?
jz rd_no ; no, return '()
pushm <tmp_disp,tmp_page>
call ssetadr ;set up port address
mov sp,bp ;dump args
call take_ch ;get a character
mov sp,bp ;dump args
restore <di> ;di => register for return
cmp ax,256 ;eof?
jne rd_033 ; no, continue
jmp rd_eof ; yes, go process it
call pushchar ; no, put it back
mov sp,bp
jmp rd_015
; Wrong port object, display error message
rd_err: lea BX,ch_rd
jmp src_err ; link to error handler
;;; Support for read-char
lods byte ptr es:[si] ;get register
save <si> ;save vm instruction pointer
add ax,offset reg0 ;compute register address
mov di,ax
save <di> ;save register argument for later
xor cx,cx
push cx
push ax
C_call get_port,,Load_ES ;get port object
;port returned in tmp_page:tmp_disp
mov sp,bp ;dump args
test ax,ax ;check return status
jz rc_010 ; no errors, continue
jmp rc_err ; else jump to error handler
restore <di>
mov [di].C_page,SPECCHAR*2 ;prepare to return character
mov si,tmp_disp
LoadPage es,tmp_page ;es:si => port object
mov bx,es:[si].pt_pflgs ;get port flags
test bx,WINDOW ;window port?
jz rc_050 ; no, jump
test bx,STRIO ;string port?
jnz rc_050 ; yes, jump
;read from window
mov cx,es:[si].pt_bfpos ;cx = port buffer index
cmp cx,es:[si].pt_bfend ;any character in buffer?
jl rc_050 ; no, jump
mov cx,es:[si].pt_cline
add cx,es:[si].pt_ullin ;cx = line
mov dx,es:[si].pt_ccol
add dx,es:[si].pt_ulcol ;dx = column
pushm <dx,cx>
call zputcur ;position cursor
mov sp,bp ;dump args
call zcuron ;enable cursor
call getch ;get character from console
mov [di].C_disp,ax ;return character in reg
mov byte ptr es:[si].pt_buffr,al ;store also in port object
call zcuroff ;disable cursor
mov bx,1
mov es:[si].pt_bfpos,bx ;update port position
mov es:[si].pt_bfend,bx
jmp next_SP
;read from port object
pushm <tmp_disp,tmp_page>
call ssetadr ;set port address
mov sp,bp
call take_ch ;take one character
mov sp,bp
restore <di>
cmp ax,256 ;eof character?
je rd_eof ; yes, jump
jmp rd_015 ; no, return the character
rd_eof: mov [di].C_page,EOF_PAGE*2 ; no, return eof character
mov [di].C_disp,EOF_DISP
jmp next_SP
rc_err: lea BX,rch_er ; address of error message
jmp src_err ; jump to error handler
rd_proc endp
prog ends