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; =====> INTRUP.ASM
;* TIPC Scheme '84 Runtime Support *
;* Special Keyboard Handlers *
;* *
;* (C) Copyright 1984,1985 by Texas *
;* Instruments Incorporated. *
;* All rights reserved. *
;* *
;* Date Written: March 1985 *
;* Last Modification: *
;* 16 Mar 87 - tc *
;* Changed int24 fatal error int *
;* handler to pass extended error *
;* code back to originator. *
; A not-so-ingenius patch to keep PC Scheme from prematurely
; exitting to MS-DOS. CTRL-C now just echos ^C<CR><LF> trio
; and this should disappear once the READER is re-written.
page 66,132
include dos.mac
include pcmake.equ
DOS equ 21h
SHIFT equ 04h ; SHIFT in mode keys
META equ 02h ; ALT " " "
CNTRL equ 01h ; CTRL " " "
C_KEY equ 54h ; Scan code for 'C' key (84 decimal)
BROKEY equ 64h ; Scan code for 'PAUS/BRK' key (100 decimal)
ERR_INT equ 24h ; Fatal error abort address
EXT_ERR equ 59h ; Get Extended Error Code
TI_KMI equ 5Bh ; TIPC Keyboard Mapping Interrupt
IBM_PBI equ 1Bh ; IBM Program Break Interrupt
BIOS_BRK equ 0071h ; If CTRL-BREAK is pressed on IBM then
BRK_BIT equ 80h ; this bit is set at BIOS_BRK in BIOS data
CARY_FLG equ 01h ; Carry flag
extrn PC_MAKE:word ; =1 for TIPC, > 0F0h for IBM-PC, =0 for ???
get_vec dw 3500h+TI_KMI
set_vec dw 2500h+TI_KMI
extrn shft%brk:far
PROG ends
; Sorry guys, but this has gotta be in CS:
kbmi_off dw ? ; Keyboard Mapping Interrupt (offset)
kbmi_seg dw ? ; Keyboard Mapping Interrupt (segment)
ferr_off dw ? ; Fatal Error Interrupt (offset)
ferr_seg dw ? ; Fatal Error Interrupt (segment)
TI_BRK proc far ; BREAK pressed by (ab)user
cmp AL,BROKEY ; PAUS/BRK key pressed?
jne TI_020
test AH,SHIFT ; SHIFT pressed with PAUS/BRK?
jz TI_020 ; if no then SHIFT-BRK not possible
test AH,META+CNTRL ; CTRL or ALT pressed with PAUS/BRK?
jnz TI_020 ; if yes then ALT or CTRL has priority
; jmp short TI_010
IBM_BRK label far ; Entry point for IBM's Keyboard Break Int.
TI_010 label near
push AX ; Save AX across call
call PGROUP:shft%brk ; Flag to force debugger on next VM instruct
pop AX ; Restore AX
mov AL,0FFh ; Ignore this keystroke (IBM'll ignore this)
TI_020 label near ; Jump here & return like nothing happened
stc ; Tell TI keyboard DSR that no key was pressd
; again, IBM BIOS won't care about this.
jmp dword ptr CS:kbmi_off ; Go off and perform task that
; may have had control of Int 5Bh before
; we did (e.g. RDClock, etc.).
TI_BRK endp
CTLC_INT proc far ; Handle detection of CTRL-C (INT 23H)
iret ; Just return like nothing happened 'cept
; that a ^C<CR><LF> trio is displayed.
public FAT_ERR
FAT_ERR proc far ; Handle for fatal error interrupt (24H)
; remove ip,cs, and flags of system regs from int 24h
pop AX
pop AX
pop AX
; get extended error codes
xor BX,BX
int DOS ; Extended Error Code returned in AX
; restore user registers at time of original function request 21h
pop BX ; Ignore old AX
pop BX
pop CX
pop DX
pop SI
pop DI
pop BP
pop DS
pop ES
; Set the carry bit in the caller's flags and return
; The original dos requestor should see that carry is set and
; that ax contains the error code
or byte ptr [BP-02], CARY_FLG
FAT_ERR endp
fix%intr proc far ; Re-assign Keyboard Mapping Interrupt (5BH)
push ES ; and "fix" DOS's CTRL-C Exit Interrupt (23H)
push DX
push BX
push AX
cmp PC_MAKE,TIPC ; We running on a TIPC or (yuck) IBM?
je short fix_010 ; Jump as already setup for TIPC
mov al,IBM_PBI
mov byte ptr set_vec,al ; LSB of word in first byte
mov byte ptr get_vec,al
fix_010 label near ; NO CHANGES if you jumped to here
mov AX,get_vec ; get the interrupt vector
int DOS
mov word ptr CS:kbmi_seg,ES ; save it
mov word ptr CS:kbmi_off,BX
mov AX,set_vec ; Load AX with DOS func # and INT #
mov DX,offset TI_BRK ; for replacing vector with my own
je short fix_020 ; Jump if we're running on a TIPC
mov DX,offset IBM_BRK ; Use different entry point for IBM
fix_020 label near
push DS
mov CX,CS ; Do this now as I needed the DS
mov DS,CX ; register back at "cmp PC_MAKE,0"
int DOS
mov DX,offset CTLC_INT ; CTRL-C Handler Interrupt (23H)
mov AX,2523h ; This one doesn't need to be restored
int DOS ; and is the same for ALL MS-DOS machines
;* Install the handler for fatal error interrupt
pop DS
mov al,ERR_INT
mov AH,35H ; get the original entry
int DOS
mov word ptr CS:ferr_seg,ES ; save it
mov word ptr CS:ferr_off,BX
mov AH,25H ; set the new entry point
mov DX,offset FAT_ERR ; new address of handler
push DS
mov CX,CS
mov DS,CX
int DOS
pop DS
pop AX
pop BX
pop DX
pop ES
ret ; Get the heck outta here
fix%intr endp
unfix% proc far ; Restore Keyboard Mapping Interrupt (5BH)
; (DOS should take care of 23H)
push DS
push DX
mov AX,set_vec
lds DX,dword ptr CS:kbmi_off ; get old interrupt vector
int DOS
; Restore fatal error interrupt (24H)
mov AH,25H
lds DX,dword ptr CS:ferr_off
int DOS
pop DX
pop DS
ret ; Get the heck outta here
unfix% endp
PROGX ends
;* Link routines *
Public fix_intr, unfixint
fix_intr proc near
call fix%intr
fix_intr endp
unfixint proc near
call unfix%
unfixint endp
prog ends
; **NOTE**
; Let it be known to the world that this programmer
; believes that IBM stands for Immense Bowel Movement!!!
; Or possibly a law firm named Idiots, Bumblers, & Morons.