133 lines
4.3 KiB
133 lines
4.3 KiB
/* =====> GET_PORT */
/* Copyright 1985 by Texas Instruments Incorporated.
All Rights Reserved.
Author: John C. Jensen
Installation: Texas Instruments Incorporated, Dallas, Texas
Project: Computer Architecture Branch
Date Written: January 1985
Last Modification: 18 October 1985
#include "ctype.h"
#include "scheme.h"
char *getmem(); /* Lattice C's memory allocation function */
/* Determine Port */
/* */
/* Purpose: To determine is a register contains a valid port object */
/* representation and to return the appropriate port */
/* pointer in "tmp_reg". */
get_port(reg, mode)
int reg[2], mode;
int disp; /* displacement component of a pointer */
int page; /* page number component of a pointer */
/* fetch page and displacement portions of port pointer */
page = CORRPAGE(reg[C_PAGE]);
disp = reg[C_DISP];
/* check to see if port pointer is nil-- if so, search fluid env */
if (!page)
if (mode) intern (tmp_reg, "OUTPUT-PORT", 11);
else intern (tmp_reg, "INPUT-PORT", 10);
/* search fluid environment for interned symbol */
page = CORRPAGE(tmp_page);
disp = tmp_disp;
} /* end: if (!page) */
/* At this point, the page, disp should point to a port, or the
symbol 'console */
if (ptype[page] != PORTTYPE*2)
if (CORRPAGE(CON_PAGE) != page || CON_DISP != disp) return(1);
tmp_page = SPECPOR*2;
tmp_disp = (mode ? OUT_DISP : IN_DISP);
tmp_page = ADJPAGE(page);
tmp_disp = disp;
} /* end of function: get_port(reg, mode) */
/***** Code turned off 17 May 1985 (JCJ) *****
/* file-exists? Predicate */
/* */
/* Purpose: To support the "file-exists?" predicate for the Scheme */
/* interpreter. */
/* */
/* Author: John C. Jensen */
/* Installation: Texas Instruments Incorporated, Dallas, Texas */
/* Department: Computer Science Laboratory */
/* Project: Computer Architecture Branch */
/* Date Written: 17 January 1985 */
/* Last Modification: 17 January 1985 */
/* */
/* Calling Sequence: file_exists(reg) */
/* where reg - VM register containing the string */
/* which is the filename of the */
/* file in question. The contents */
/* of this register is replaced */
/* with the 't if the file exists */
/* or 'nil if it does not. */
int reg[2]; /* parameter register */
char *buffer; /* character buffer for filename */
int disp; /* displacement component of a pointer */
int handle; /* file "handle" */
int len; /* length of the file name (bytes) */
int page; /* page number component of a pointer */
int retstat = 0; /* return status */
int type; /* type code of a pointer */
ENTER (file_ex);
page = CORRPAGE(reg[C_PAGE]);
disp = reg[C_DISP];
type = ptype[page];
switch (type)
case STRTYPE*2: len = get_word(page, disp+1) - BLK_OVHD;
if (!(buffer = getmem(len+1))) getmem_error(rtn_name);
get_str(buffer, page, disp);
buffer[len] = '\0';
if (zopen(&handle, buffer, 0, &retstat, &retstat))
{ /* open failed-- file does not exist */
reg[C_PAGE] = reg[C_DISP] = 0;
{ /* open succeeded-- close file and return 't */
zclose (handle);
reg[C_PAGE] = T_PAGE*2;
reg[C_DISP] = T_DISP;
case SYMTYPE*2: if (CON_PAGE == reg[C_PAGE] && CON_DISP == reg[C_DISP])
reg[C_PAGE] = T_PAGE*2;
reg[C_DISP] = T_DISP;
default: /* invalid source operand */
set_src_err("FILE-EXISTS?", 1, reg);
retstat = -1;
} /* end: case (type) */
} /* end of function: file_exists(reg) */
***** Code turned off 17 May 1985 (JCJ) *****/