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; =====> GET_PATH.ASM
;* TIPC Scheme Runtime Support *
;* Get PATH= String From Environment *
;* *
;* (C) Copyright 1985 by Texas *
;* Instruments Incorporated. *
;* All rights reserved. *
;* *
;* Date Written: 8 July 1985 *
;* Last Modification: 6 November 1985 *
include scheme.equ
DGROUP group data
PGROUP group prog
MSDOS equ 021h
data segment word public 'DATA'
assume DS:DGROUP
extrn _psp:dword
path_ db "PATH="
path_1 equ $
ret_sav1 dw 0 ; return address save area
ret_sav2 dw 0 ; return address save area
data ends
prog segment byte public 'PROG'
assume CS:PGROUP
;* Far Linkage to "getmem" Routine *
%getmem proc far
pop ret_sav1 ; save far return address
pop ret_sav2
push DS ; update ES to point to the current
pop ES ; data segment
extrn getmem:near
call getmem ; allocate memory
push ret_sav2 ; push the far return address back
push ret_sav1 ; on the TIPC's stack
ret ; return
%getmem endp
prog ends
PROGX segment byte public 'PROGX'
assume CS:XGROUP
;* Get PATH= String From Environment *
get_args struc
get_base dw ? ; paragraph address of environment
get_strt dw ? ; starting offset of string
get_len dw ? ; length of PATH= string + 1
str_end dw ? ; ending offset of directory pathname
indx_sav dw ? ; PATH= index save area
buffer db 128 dup (?) ; local character buffer
get_BP dw ? ; caller's BP register
dw ? ; callle's DS register
dw ? ; caller's ES register
dd ? ; return address (far call)
dw ? ; return address (near call)
filespec dw ? ; file specification (ASCIZ string pointer)
get_args ends
%getpath proc far
push ES ; save the caller's ES register
push DS ; save the caller's DS register
push BP ; save the caller's BP register
sub SP,offset get_BP ; allocate local storage
mov BP,SP ; establish local addressability
; Test to see if file is in the default directory
mov DX,[BP].filespec ; load pointer to the filespec
xor CX,CX ; zero the search attributes
mov AH,04Eh ; load the function code (Find File)
int MSDOS ; service call
jc not_curr ; if not in default directory, jump
mov AH,19h ; else get current pathname
int MSDOS ; Get current disk drive
inc AL ; adjust for further calls
mov AH,AL ; make an upper case letter out of it
add AH,40h ; 40h => '@', 41h => 'A', etc
mov byte ptr [BP].buffer,AH ; Put drive letter into pathname
mov byte ptr [BP].buffer+1,':'
mov byte ptr [BP].buffer+2,'\'
lea SI,[BP].buffer+3 ; offset just below E:\ or similar
mov DL,AL ; drive letter
mov AH,47h ; Get current directory path
mov DI,SI ; SI shouldn't have changed
mov CX,64 ; max length of pathname
xor AL,AL ; search for a NUL char
repne scasb ; Find end of string DS:[DI]
mov [BP].str_end,DI ; copy offset of end of pathname
jmp foundit ; return directory name to caller in a string
; Load a pointer to the current environment (offset 02C in PSP)
not_curr: mov ES,word ptr _psp+2
mov ES,ES:02Ch
mov [BP].get_base,ES ; save paragraph address of environment
xor DI,DI ; initialize environment offset to zero
; Test for end of environment
get_plop: cmp byte ptr ES:[DI],0 ; last entry in environment?
je error ; if so, PATH= not found
mov SI,offset path_ ; load address of comparison string
mov CX,path_1-path_ ; and length of same
repe cmps path_,ES:[DI] ; does this entry begin "PATH="?
je found ; if so, found it! (jump)
xor AX,AX ; clear AX for search
mov CX,-1 ; set CX for maximum length
repne scas byte ptr ES:[DI] ; find \0 which terminates string
jmp get_plop ; loop
; PATH= found!-- begin searching its directories
found: mov SI,DI ; copy address of PATH= string
next_one: lea DI,[BP].buffer ; load address of output buffer
mov DX,DS ; save current DS value in DX
mov ES,DX ; ES <- current data segment
mov DS,[BP].get_base ; DS <- environment object base
lodsb ; load 1st char from path directory string
cmp AL,0 ; end of PATH list?
je error ; if so we didn't find filespec in path
here: cmp AL,';' ; semicolon?
je end_semi ; if semicolon, jump
cmp AL,0 ; zero? (superfluous test 1st time in loop)
je end_0 ; if zero, jump
stosb ; store character into output buffer
lodsb ; load next char from PATH string
jmp short here ; loop 'til end of string
; Error-- PATH= not found, getmem failed, or filespec not found
error: xor AX,AX ; prepare to return a null pointer
jmp short get_ret ; return
; Directory path copied-- append filespec to directory pathname
end_0: dec SI ; back up pointer for end of string condition
end_semi: mov [BP].str_end,DI ; save ending offset of directory pathname
mov DS,DX ; reset DS to point to data segment
mov AL,'\'
cmp AL,[DI]-1
je b_slash
b_slash: mov [BP].indx_sav,SI ; save pointer to next character in PATH=
mov SI,[BP].filespec ; load address of input filespec
fs_loop: lodsb ; load next character in filespec
stosb ; and move it to the output buffer
cmp AL,0 ; end of string?
jne fs_loop ; if not end of string, loop (jump)
; Search directory for file
lea DX,[BP].buffer ; load address of the complete file
mov AH,04Eh ; load function code
int MSDOS ; search for the file
jnc foundit ; if file found, jump
; File not found-- search next directory
mov SI,[BP].indx_sav ; load offset of next character in PATH=
jmp next_one ; search next directory
; File found in this directory-- return directory name in string
foundit: mov DI,[BP].str_end ; load ending offset of directory path
xor AX,AX ; put a zero end-of-string terminator
stosb ; at end of directory path
lea BX,[BP].buffer ; load beginning offset of buffer
sub DI,BX ; compute string length + 1
push DI ; and push as argument to getmem
call %getmem ; allocate a string
cmp AX,0 ; getmem successful?
je error ; if getmem failed, error (jump)
pop CX ; reload string length
mov DX,DS ; ES <- current data segment
mov ES,DX
mov DI,AX ; DI <- address of newly allocated string
lea SI,[BP].buffer ; SI <- address of local buffer
rep movsb ; copy string from local buffer
; Return to calling program
get_ret: mov SP,BP ; drop arguments off TIPC's stack
add SP,offset get_BP ; deallocate local storage
pop BP ; restore caller's BP
pop DS ; restore caller's DS
pop ES ; restore caller's ES
ret ; return
%getpath endp
PROGX ends
prog segment byte public 'PROG'
assume CS:PGROUP
;* Linkage to %getpath *
public get_path
get_path proc near
call %getpath
get_path endp
prog ends