534 lines
14 KiB
534 lines
14 KiB
title Scheme Memory Management Utilities for Expanded Memory
page 62,132
; =====> EXPSMMU.ASM
;* TIPC Scheme '84 Memory Management Utilities *
;* *
;* (C) Copyright 1985 by Texas Instruments Incorporated. *
;* All rights reserved. *
;* *
;* Author: Terry Caudill *
;* Date written: 18 March 1986 *
;* Modifications: *
;* tc 3/16/87 Better error handling for mapping errors and *
;* fix to requiring page frame on 64k boundary *
;* rb 4/5/87 "getbase" modified to return a page's swap *
;* status in the carry bit *
include schemed.equ
include schemed.ref
include schemed.mac
DOS equ 021h
EMM_DSR equ 67h ;; EMM DSR Interrupt
;; EMM DSR Function Requests
EMM_Status equ 40h ;; Get status of EMM
EMM_FrameAddr equ 41h ;; Get segment of page frame
EMM_PageCount equ 42h ;; How many pages available
EMM_Allocate equ 43h ;; Allocate pages
EMM_MapPage equ 44h ;; Map page into page frame
EMM_Dealloc equ 45h ;; Deallocate PCS'S expanded mem pages
DGROUP group data
PGROUP group prog
data segment word public 'DATA'
assume ds:DGROUP
extrn page0:byte, page4:byte, page5:byte, page6:byte
extrn page7:byte, page8:byte
extrn _top:word, _paras:word,first_pa:word,first_dos:word
Emm_Handle dw 0 ;; Handle returned by EMM
PageFrame dw 0 ;; Segment address for EMM Mapping
EmmAvail db 0 ;; Emm available
public FirstEmmPage
FirstEmmPage db 0 ;; First page number of Expanded Memory
public EmmPageNum,EmmPage,CodeIn
EmmPageNum db 2 ;; Emm Physical page number to map
EmmPage equ $
EmmPage0 db 0 ;; Table to map Emm Physical page
EmmPage1 db 0 ;; to actual pagetable offset
EmmPage2 db 0
CodeIn db 0 ;; Code block currently mapped
public GC_ING
GC_ING dw 0
EmmDeviceName db "EMMXXXX0"
m_ems_er db "[VM FATAL ERROR] Expanded Memory Manager error "
db 38h
p_errnum db 30h
db 0Ah,0
data ends
prog segment byte public 'PROG'
assume cs:PGROUP
public _MMU,_%MMU
public _%MMU0,_%MMU1,_MMUCB
public gcclean
public getbase
public InitMem
public rlsexp
extrn print_an:near ;; print_and_exit (truncated to 8 chars)
;; _MMU - Take page passed on stack, and return its paragraph address
;; on the stack. If page in conventional memory, just get its
;; paragraph address from pagetabl. If in expanded memory and
;; already mapped in, return the PageFrame, otherwise request
;; the EMM to map the page into the PageFrame.
;; NOTE: If an expanded memory page is requested which is greater
;; than the normal page size, Emm Pages 0 and 1 are loaded
;; automatically and address of page 0 returned.
; *
; W A R N I N G *
; Any references to data normally addressed by the data segment register *
; should be prefixed with SS: (segment override) because the DS register *
; may not contain the address of the current data segment. *
; *
_MMU proc near ;; Normal Entry from PROG segment
push BP
mov BP,SP ;; Make stack accessable
push BX
mov BX,word ptr [bp+4] ;; BX <= Page number
cmp BL,SS:FirstEmmPage ;; Page in real memory?
jb _MMUPageRet0 ;; Yes..return
push AX ;; Save caller's regs
mov AX,2 ;; DX <= Emm Physical page #
cmp BL,SS:EmmPage2 ;; Mapped in Emm page 2?
je _MMU$00 ;; Yes ...jump
dec AX
cmp BL,SS:EmmPage1 ;; Mapped in Emm page 1?
je _MMU$00 ;; Yes ...jump
dec AX
cmp BL,SS:EmmPage0 ;; Mapped in Emm page 0?
jne _MMU$01 ;; Yes ...jump
mov SS:EmmPageNum,AL ;; Mark as last page mapped
jmp _MMUP$10
; If large page object, load 2 consecutive pages
cmp [SS:psize+BX],MIN_PAGESIZE ;; Normal sized page?
je _MMU$1 ;; Yes...jump
pop AX ;; Restore AX register
mov SS:EmmPageNum,0 ;; Map Page 0 with 1st page
push BX ;; Push Page number
call _MMUPage ;; Go map it
inc SS:EmmPageNum ;; Map Page 1 with 2nd page
add BX,2 ;; Get next page number
push BX ;; Push as argument
call _MMUPage ;; Go map it
pop BX ;; Ignore Para address of 2nd page
pop BX ;; Return Para address of 1st page
jmp _MMUPageRet
; Page not currently mapped - Lets map it
mov AL,SS:EmmPageNum ;; Last Emm physical page mapped
inc AL ;; Get next
cmp AL,3 ;;
jl _MMU$2 ;; If code block page
xor AL,AL ;; then wrap to zero
mov SS:EmmPageNum,AL ;; Update Emm Page last mapped
jmp _MMUP$1
_MMU endp
;; _MMUPage - Load Expanded page number specified in EmmPageNum.
;; Emm Page 3 should only be used for the currently
;; executing code block (via LoadCode macro).
;; NOTE: EmmPageNum must be set before this routine is called.
_MMUPage proc near
push BP
mov BP,SP
push BX
mov BX,word ptr [bp+4] ;; Get page to map
cmp BL,SS:FirstEmmPage ;; Page in real memory?
jae _MMUP$0 ;; No...go map it
cmp SS:EmmPageNum,3 ;; Loading a code block?
jne _MMUPageRet0 ;; No...return page
mov SS:CodeIn,BL ;; Note code block
mov BX,word ptr [BX+SS:pagetabl]
mov word ptr [bp+4],BX ;; return it
pop BX
pop BP
push AX
xor AH,AH
mov AL,SS:EmmPageNum ;; Get page number to map
xchg AX,BX ;; Note page number in table
mov byte ptr [SS:EmmPage+BX],AL
xchg AX,BX
;; Map Page from Expanded memory
push AX ;; Save accross call
push DX
mov AH,EMM_MapPage ;; Map Page Function
sub BL,SS:FirstEmmPage ;; Convert page to map
shr BX,1 ;; to EMM Logical Page
mov DX,SS:Emm_Handle ;; EMM Handle
pop DX ;; Restore saved regs
pop BX
or AH,AH ;; Error doing map page?
jnz Emm_Fatal_Map ;; Yes, fatal
mov AX,BX ;; restore AX
mov BX,SS:PageFrame ;; Get current page frame
shl AL,1 ;; Convert to offset
shl AL,1
add BH,AL ;; and add to page frame
pop AX
jmp _MMUPageRet
jmp Emm_Fatal_Error
_MMUPage endp
;; Alternate Entry points
;; Return Paragraph address of page number
_%MMU proc far ;; Entry from PROGX segment
push AX
call _MMU
pop AX
_%MMU endp
;; Load Emm Page 0 - Called from garbage compactor
_%MMU0 proc far ;; Entry from PROGX segment
push AX
mov SS:EmmPageNum,0
pop AX
_%MMU0 endp
;; Load Emm Page 1 - Called from garbage compactor
_%MMU1 proc far ;; Entry from PROGX segment
push AX
mov SS:EmmPageNum,1
pop AX
_%MMU1 endp
;; Load Code Block into Emm Page 3 - Entry from PROG segment
_MMUCB proc near
mov SS:EmmPageNum,3
jmp _MMUPage
_MMUCB endp
; *
; W A R N I N G *
; Any above references to data normally addressed by the data segment *
; register should be prefixed with SS: (segment override) because the *
; DS register may not contain the address of the current data segment. *
; *
;; Get page base address without forcing a page fault.
;; For debugging purposes only (SDUMP.C)....
;; On exit, carry set if page is swapped out, else it's clear (used by XLI).
getbase proc near
push BP
mov BP,SP
push BX
mov BX,word ptr [BP+4]
cmp BL,SS:FirstEmmPage
jae gc_00
mov AX,word ptr [BX+SS:pagetabl] ;; Get paragraph address
jmp gb_quit
mov AX,2
cmp BL,SS:EmmPage0
je gb_5
dec AX
cmp BL,SS:EmmPage1
je gb_5
dec AX
cmp BL,SS:EmmPage2
je gb_5
dec AX
cmp BL,SS:CodeIn
jne gb_quit
mov AX,3
shl AL,1
shl AL,1
or AL,byte ptr [SS:PageFrame+1]
xchg AL,AH
pop BX
pop BP
getbase endp
;; exppage()
;; This routine returns the first emm page number
public exppage
exppage proc near
xor AH,AH
mov AL,FirstEmmPage
shr AL,1
exppage endp
;; gcclean()
;; This routine must be called after garbage collection and
;; compaction to clean up the pagetabl and EmmPage table.
gcclean proc near
mov byte ptr EmmPageNum,0 ;; Reset EmmPage indicator
mov word ptr EmmPage,0
mov byte ptr EmmPage2,0
gcclean endp
;; InitMem()
;; Check to see if expanded memory manager is present and set up
;; the memory tables. Return the total number of pages (excluding
;; the dedicated ones) we've been able to allocate.
Lcl_DS_Save dw data ;; Local copy of data segment
InitMem proc near
mov BX,DS
mov CS:Lcl_DS_Save,DS ;; Save DS for manager above
mov ES,BX ;; Ensure ES = DS
;; Convert offset within pagetabl[0] into paragraph address
mov DI,offset pagetabl
mov AX,word ptr [DI]
mov CX,4
shr AX,CL
add AX,BX
mov word ptr [DI],AX
;; Same for pagetabl[4] through pagetabl[8]
mov DX,5
mov DI,offset pagetabl[8]
mov AX,word ptr [DI]
shr AX,CL
add AX,BX
mov word ptr [DI],AX
add DI,2
dec DX
jnz EmmP$0
;; Compute first page paragraph address
;; (In the process, allocate all the memory that DOS will give us.)
mov BX,0FFFFh ;; first ask for too much
mov AH,048h
int DOS ;; DOS gets an error, but tells us
;; in BX how much we CAN get
mov AH,048h
int DOS ;; reissue allocation request
mov first_dos,AX ;; save address for returning it to DOS
add AX,(MIN_PAGESIZE shr 4) - 1 ;; Move to page boundary
and AX,not ((MIN_PAGESIZE shr 4) - 1)
mov first_pa,AX ;; first page paragraph address
;; Initialize page management table with pages available in real memory
mov DX,nextpage
mov freepage,DX ;; freepage = nextpage
mov DI,_paras ;; Get maximum number of paragraphs
sub DI,(MIN_PAGESIZE shr 4) ;; Get address of last paragraph
xor CX,CX ;; Keep number of pages in CX
cmp DI,AX ;; Did we reach it
jb EmmP$2 ;; Yes...no more
cmp DX,NUMPAGES ;; See if we have filled the table
jae EmmP$2
mov BX,DX
shl BX,1
mov word ptr [BX+pagetabl],AX
and word ptr [BX+attrib],not NOMEMORY
inc DX
mov word ptr [BX+pagelink],DX
mov word ptr [BX+nextcell],0
inc CX ;; page_count++
add AX,(MIN_PAGESIZE shr 4)
jmp EmmP$1
push CX ;; Save # real memory pages
shl DX,1
mov FirstEmmPage,DL ;; Save first exp mem page number
mov AH,35H ;; Get Interrupt Vector
mov AL,67H ;; "Vector"
int 21H
mov DI,000AH ;; ES:DI points to device name field
lea SI,EmmDeviceName ;; DS:SI points to device name
mov CX,8
repe CMPSB ;; Compare the two strings
je EmmPres ;; Jump if EMM present
mov ES,CS:Lcl_DS_Save ;; Restore ES
xor BX,BX ;; No EMM pages available
jmp EmmP$2A ;; Skip talking to Emm Manager
mov ES,CS:Lcl_DS_Save ;; Restore ES
mov AH,EMM_FrameAddr ;; Get Page Frame Address
or AH,AH
jnz Emm_Fatal_Error
mov PageFrame,BX ;; Save page frame address
mov AH,EMM_PageCount ;; Get Unallocated Pages Count
int EMM_DSR ;; (returned in BX)
or AH,AH
jnz EMM_Fatal_Error
cmp BX,0 ;; Are there any pages available?
je EmmP$2B ;; No, jump
mov EmmAvail,1 ;; Yes, note pages available
mov AX,BX ;; Number exp mem pages available
xor DX,DX
mov DL,FirstEmmPage ;; Restore first exp mem page
shr DX,1 ;; Convert to number
xor CX,CX ;; Page count
;; Why was this here? mov SI,PageFrame
cmp CX,AX ;; Last expanded memory page?
je EmmP$4 ;; Yes...no more
cmp DX,NUMPAGES ;; Filled the table?
jae EmmP$4 ;; Yes...no more
mov BX,DX
shl BX,1
mov word ptr [BX+pagetabl],0
and word ptr [BX+attrib],not NOMEMORY
inc DX
mov word ptr [BX+pagelink],DX
mov word ptr [BX+nextcell],0
inc CX
jmp EmmP$3
mov nextpage,DX ;; nextpage = lastpage
mov lastpage,DX ;;
jcxz EmmP$Ret ;; Return if no pages allocated
mov AH,EMM_Allocate ;; Allocate Pages
mov BX,CX ;; Number of pages
or AH,AH
jnz Emm_Fatal_Error
mov emm_handle,DX ;; Save Handle returned
mov AX,CX ;; Get extended memory count
pop CX ;; Retrieve real memory count
add AX,CX ;; and return combination
mov BX,DS ;; Lattice needs ES=DS
mov ES,BX
and AH,0Fh ;; isolate low order nibble of error
add AH,'0' ;; convert to ascii
cmp AH,'9' ;; is it 0-9?
jbe Emm_Fat01 ;; yes, jump
add AH,'A'-'9'-1 ;; add fudge factor for A-F
mov byte ptr ss:p_errnum,AH ;; Set error indicator
lea BX,ss:m_ems_er ;; Fatal Error Message
push BX
C_call print_an
InitMem endp
;; rlsexp - Release Expanded Memory Pages
rlsexp proc near
cmp EmmAvail,0 ;; Emm being used?
je rlsret ;; No, Return
mov AH,EMM_Dealloc ;; Yes, Deallocate pages
mov DX,EMM_Handle
rlsexp endp
prog ends