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;;; Copyright (c) 1985 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
;;; This material was developed by the Scheme project at the
;;; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of
;;; Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Permission to
;;; copy this software, to redistribute it, and to use it for any
;;; purpose is granted, subject to the following restrictions and
;;; understandings.
;;; 1. Any copy made of this software must include this copyright
;;; notice in full.
;;; 2. Users of this software agree to make their best efforts (a)
;;; to return to the MIT Scheme project any improvements or
;;; extensions that they make, so that these may be included in
;;; future releases; and (b) to inform MIT of noteworthy uses of
;;; this software.
;;; 3. All materials developed as a consequence of the use of
;;; this software shall duly acknowledge such use, in accordance
;;; with the usual standards of acknowledging credit in academic
;;; research.
;;; 4. MIT has made no warrantee or representation that the
;;; operation of this software will be error-free, and MIT is
;;; under no obligation to provide any services, by way of
;;; maintenance, update, or otherwise.
;;; 5. In conjunction with products arising from the use of this
;;; material, there shall be no use of the name of the
;;; Massachusetts Institute of Technology nor of any adaptation
;;; thereof in any advertising, promotional, or sales literature
;;; without prior written consent from MIT in each case.
;;; Modified by Texas Instruments Inc 8/15/85
;;; This has been done to do most of the stuff at compile time rather
;;; than at load time. The commands and key definition are combined into
;;; one.
;;; The default key needs to be the first thing defined.
;;; With the current state of edwin (with the absence of extended
;;; commands) we do not need the following files comman.scm strtab.scm
;;; nvector.scm. Some of these may be needed with extended commands.
;;; All the initial commands assume that they are first ones of their
;;; name being defined. No checks are made
;;; instead of flooding the name space with all possible commands
;;; we define only those which are explicitly needed.
(define ^r-insert-self-command '())
(define ^r-argument-digit-command '())
(define ^r-forward-character-command '())
(define ^r-backward-character-command '())
(define ^r-negative-argument-command '())
(define ^r-bad-command '())
(define alt-char (integer->char 0))
(define meta-char (integer->char 27))
(define ctrl-x-char (integer->char 24))
(define ctrl-z-char (integer->char 26))
(define *split-screen-mode?* #!false)
;;;; Basic Commands
(define-initial-command-key ("^R Bad Command" argument)
"This command is used to capture undefined keys."
(define-initial-default-key procedure)
(set! ^r-bad-command procedure)
(editor-error (string-append "Undefined command: "
(obj->string (current-command-char)))))
(define-initial-command-key ("^R Insert Self" (argument 1))
"Insert the character used to invoke this."
(define add-insert-self
(lambda (lower upper)
((rec loop
(lambda (n)
(if (> n upper)
(define-initial-key (integer->char n) procedure)
(loop (1+ n))))))
(add-insert-self 32 40)
(add-insert-self 42 47)
(add-insert-self 58 64)
(add-insert-self 91 127)
(add-insert-self 128 254) ;;; add new code for internationalize
(set! ^r-insert-self-command procedure)
(insert-chars (current-command-char) argument (current-point)))
(define-initial-command-key ("^R Quoted Insert" (argument 1))
"Insert the next character typed"
((define-initial-key (integer->char 17) procedure)) ;;; C-Q
(insert-chars (editor-read-char buffer-screen) argument (current-point)))
(define (insert-newlines n)
(let ((point (current-point)))
(cond ((= n 1) (region-insert-newline! point))
((> n 1) (region-insert-string! point (make-string n #\Newline))))))
(define (insert-chars char n point)
(cond ((= n 1) (region-insert-char! point char))
((> n 1) (region-insert-string! point (make-string n char)))))
(define execute-extended-chars?
(define (set-command-prompt-prefix! prefix-string)
(string-append-with-blanks (command-argument-prompt)
(define-initial-command-key ("^R Prefix Character" argument)
"This is a prefix for more commands."
(define-initial-prefix-key meta-char procedure)
(define-initial-prefix-key alt-char procedure)
(define-initial-prefix-key ctrl-x-char procedure)
(define-initial-prefix-key (list meta-char alt-char) procedure)
(let ((prefix-char (current-command-char)))
(string-append (char->name prefix-char) " "))
(let ((char (editor-read-char (window-screen (current-window)))))
(dispatch-on-char (if (atom? prefix-char)
(list prefix-char char)
(append prefix-char (list char)))))))
(define-initial-command-key ("^R Meta Character" argument)
"This is a prefix for more commands."
(define-initial-prefix-key ctrl-z-char procedure)
(let ((prefix-char meta-char))
(string-append (char->name prefix-char) " "))
(let ((char (editor-read-char (window-screen (current-window)))))
(dispatch-on-char (list prefix-char char)))))
(define-initial-command-key ("^R Scheme" argument)
"Stop Edwin and return to Scheme."
(define-initial-key (list ctrl-x-char (integer->char 26)) procedure);;;C-X C-Z
(save-buffer-changes (current-buffer))
(define-initial-command-key ("^R Exit" argument)
"Stop Edwin, remove internal data structures, and return to scheme."
(define-initial-key (list ctrl-x-char (integer->char 3)) procedure) ;;;C-X C-C
(%save-buffer-changes (current-buffer))
;;; the following five lines fix an error with vector index out of range
;;; in edwin using C-X ! to split screen, then using C-X C-C to exit edwin
;;; reenter edwin and try C-X ! then error occurs
(if *split-screen-mode?* ;;; 2/14/86
(set! *split-screen-mode?* #!false)
(set! edwin-editor #!unassigned)
(define-initial-command-key ("^R Redraw Screen" argument)
"Redraw the screen."
(define-initial-key (integer->char 12) procedure) ;;; C-L
(window-redraw! (current-window))
(define (edwin-exit)
((fluid editor-continuation) *the-non-printing-object*))
;;;; Command Argument Reader
;;;; Commands
(define-initial-command-key ("^R Universal Argument" argument)
"Increments the argument multiplier and enters Autoarg mode."
(define-initial-key (integer->char 21) procedure) ;;; C-U
(define-initial-command-key ("^R Argument Digit" argument)
"Sets the numeric argument for the next command."
(set! ^r-argument-digit-command procedure)
(command-argument-accumulate-digit! (char-base (current-command-char)))
(define-initial-command-key ("^R Negative Argument" argument)
"Negates the numeric argument for the next command."
(set! ^r-negative-argument-command procedure)
(define-initial-command-key ("^R Autoargument Digit" argument)
"In Autoargument mode, sets numeric argument to the next command."
(define-initial-key #\0 procedure)
(define-initial-key #\1 procedure)
(define-initial-key #\2 procedure)
(define-initial-key #\3 procedure)
(define-initial-key #\4 procedure)
(define-initial-key #\5 procedure)
(define-initial-key #\6 procedure)
(define-initial-key #\7 procedure)
(define-initial-key #\8 procedure)
(define-initial-key #\9 procedure)
((if (autoargument-mode?)
(define-initial-command-key ("^R Auto Negative Argument" argument)
"In Autoargument mode, sets numeric sign to the next command."
(define-initial-key #\- procedure)
((if (and (autoargument-mode?) (command-argument-beginning?))
;;;(define-initial-command-key ("^R Autoargument" argument)
;;; "Used to start a command argument and enter Autoargument mode."
;;; (%edwin-autoargument argument))
;;;; File Commands
(define-initial-command-key ("^R Visit File" argument)
"Visit new file in selected buffer."
(define-initial-key (list ctrl-x-char (integer->char 22)) procedure)
) ;;; C-X C-V
(let ((buffer (current-buffer)))
(let ((pathname
(prompt-for-pathname "Visit File :")))
(save-buffer-changes buffer)
(read-buffer buffer pathname)))
(setup-current-buffer-read-only! argument))
(define-initial-command-key ("^R Save File" argument)
"Save visited file on disk if modified."
(define-initial-key (list ctrl-x-char (integer->char 19)) procedure)
) ;;; C-X C-S
(save-file (current-buffer)))
(define-initial-command-key ("Write File" argument)
"Store buffer in specified file."
(define-initial-key (list ctrl-x-char (integer->char 23)) procedure)
) ;;; C-X C-W
(let ((buffer (current-buffer)))
(prompt-for-pathname "Write buffer to file :"))))
(define-initial-command-key ("Insert File" argument)
"Insert contents of file into existing text."
(define-initial-key (list ctrl-x-char (integer->char 9)) procedure)
) ;;; C-X C-I
(let ((pathname
"Insert File :")))
(set-current-region! (insert-file (current-point) pathname))))
(define-initial-command-key ("Write Region" argument)
" Write Region to a file."
(define-initial-key (list ctrl-x-char (integer->char 16)) procedure)
) ;;; C-X C-P
(let ((pathname (prompt-for-pathname "Put region into file :")))
(write-region (make-region (current-point) (current-mark)) pathname)))
(define-initial-command-key ("^R Newline" argument)
"Insert newline, or move onto blank line."
(define-initial-key #\Return procedure)
(cond ((not argument)
(if (line-end? (current-point))
(let ((m1 (line-start (current-point) 1 #!false)))
(if (and m1 (line-blank? m1)
(let ((m2 (line-start m1 1 #!false)))
(and m2 (line-blank? m2))))
(begin (set-current-point! m1)
(insert-newlines 1)))
(insert-newlines 1)))
(insert-newlines argument))))
;;;; Motion Commands
(define-initial-command-key ("^R Beginning of Line" (argument 1))
"Move point to beginning of line."
(define-initial-key (integer->char 1) procedure) ;;; C-A
(set-current-point! (line-start (current-point) (-1+ argument) 'LIMIT)))
(define-initial-command-key ("^R Backward Character" (argument 1))
"Move back one character."
(define-initial-key (integer->char 2) procedure) ;;; C-B
(define-initial-key (list alt-char (integer->char 75)) procedure);;; <-
(set! ^r-backward-character-command procedure)
(move-thing mark- argument))
(define-initial-command-key ("^R End of Line" (argument 1))
"Move point to end of line."
(define-initial-key (integer->char 5) procedure) ;;; C-E
(set-current-point! (line-end (current-point) (-1+ argument) 'LIMIT)))
(define-initial-command-key ("^R Forward Character" (argument 1))
"Move forward one character."
(define-initial-key (integer->char 6) procedure) ;;; C-F
(define-initial-key (list alt-char (integer->char 77)) procedure) ;;; ->
(set! ^r-forward-character-command procedure)
(move-thing mark+ argument))
(define-initial-command-key ("^R Goto Beginning" argument)
"Go to beginning of buffer (leaving mark behind)."
(define-initial-key (list meta-char #\<) procedure) ;;; M-<
) ;;; alt is blocked
(cond ((not argument)
(set-current-point! (buffer-start (current-buffer))))
(set-current-point! (buffer-end (current-buffer))))
((and (<= 0 argument) (<= argument 10))
(set-current-point! (region-10ths (buffer-region (current-buffer))
(define-initial-command-key ("^R Goto End" argument)
"Go to end of buffer (leaving mark behind)."
(define-initial-key (list meta-char #\>) procedure) ;;; M-> alt is blocked
(cond ((not argument)
(set-current-point! (buffer-end (current-buffer))))
((and (<= 0 argument) (<= argument 10)
(set-current-point! (region-10ths (buffer-region (current-buffer))
(- 10 argument)))))))
(define (region-10ths region n)
(mark+ (region-start region)
(quotient (* n (region-count-chars region)) 10)
(define goal-column #!FALSE)
(define temporary-goal-column-tag
"Temporary Goal Column")
(define (current-goal-column)
(or goal-column
(command-message-receive temporary-goal-column-tag
(lambda () (mark-column (current-point))))))
;;; this is temporary as we have not put the image stuff.
;;; this redefines mark-column and make-mark-from-column in struct
(define mark-column
(lambda (mark)
(char->x (line-string (mark-line mark)) (mark-position mark))))
(define make-mark-from-column
(lambda (line column)
(let ((mark (%make-mark line (x->char (line-string line) column) #!true))
(group (line-group line)))
(cond ((mark< mark (%group-start group)) (%group-start group))
((mark> mark (%group-end group)) (%group-end group))
(else mark)))))
(define-initial-command-key ("^R Down Real Line" (argument 1))
"Move down vertically to next real line."
(define-initial-key (integer->char 14) procedure) ;;; C-N
(define-initial-key (list alt-char (integer->char 80)) procedure)
(let ((column (current-goal-column)))
(line-offset (mark-line (current-point))
(lambda (line)
(set-current-point! (make-mark-from-column line column)))
(lambda (line)
(let ((buffer (current-buffer)))
(region-insert-newline! (buffer-end buffer))
(set-current-point! (buffer-end buffer)))))
(set-command-message! temporary-goal-column-tag column)))
(define-initial-command-key ("^R Up Real Line" (argument 1))
"Move up vertically to next real line."
(define-initial-key (integer->char 16) procedure) ;;; C-P
(define-initial-key (list alt-char (integer->char 72)) procedure)
(let ((column (current-goal-column)))
(line-offset (mark-line (current-point))
(- argument)
(lambda (line)
(set-current-point! (make-mark-from-column line column)))
(lambda (line)
(set-current-point! (buffer-start (current-buffer)))))
(set-command-message! temporary-goal-column-tag column)))