
1465 lines
54 KiB
Raw Permalink Blame History

This file contains invisible Unicode characters

This file contains invisible Unicode characters that are indistinguishable to humans but may be processed differently by a computer. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

; =====> CIO.ASM
;* TIPC Scheme Runtime Support *
;* I/O support *
;* *
;* (C) Copyright 1985, 1986 by Texas *
;* Instruments Incorporated. *
;* All rights reserved. *
;* *
;* Date Written: 24 March 1986 *
;* Last Modification: *
;* 14 April 1986 *
;* Change references to pagetabl *
;* to call memory manager for use *
;* with extended/expanded mem. *
;* 9 Sept 1986 - ds *
;* Add EGA support *
;* 21 Nov 1986 - rb *
;* Detect disk full error correctly*
;* 7 Jan 1987 - dbs *
;* Added support for random I/O *
;* 10 Feb 1987 - tc *
;* EOF-DISP modified to reflect *
;* other changes in Page 5 symbols *
;* 16 Mar 1987 - tc *
;* Added Binary I/O, Error handling*
;* for Disk Full *
;* 21 Jan 1988 - rb *
;* binary I/O uses line-length=0; *
;* do EGA cursor with BIOS call; *
;* use dirty bit of port flags *
;* (commented out) *
;* *
page 60,132
include scheme.equ
include sinterp.arg
P_FLAGS equ 6
W_FLAGS equ 26
HANDLE equ 8
CUR_LINE equ 10
CUR_COL equ 12
UL_LINE equ 14
UL_COL equ 16
N_LINES equ 18
N_COLS equ 20
T_ATTR equ 24
BUF_POS equ 28
BUF_END equ 30
BUFR equ 32
CHUNK equ 14
BACKSP equ 08
WRAP equ 1
TAB equ 09
RETURN equ 0Dh
LF equ 0Ah
CTRL_Z equ 1Ah
LEFT_AR equ 4Bh
RIGHT_AR equ 4Dh
F3 equ 3Dh
F5 equ 3Fh
INSERT equ 52h
DELETE equ 53h
ENTER equ 0Dh
NULL_CH equ 0
BELL_CH equ 07
BLANK equ 0020h
buf_len equ 253
MSDOS equ 21h
DGROUP group data
data segment word public 'DATA'
assume DS:DGROUP
public port_r, port_seg, port_d
public prn_hand
public direct,nlines, ncols, ulline, ulcol
public curcol, row, column, cur_off, char_hgt
bad_set db "[VM INTERNAL ERROR] setadr: bad port",CR,LF,0
push_er db "[VM INTERNAL ERROR] pushchar: failed",CR,LF,0
rd_st_er db "[VM INTERNAL ERROR] takechar: source not a string",CR,LF,0
ch_rd db "CHAR-READY?",0
rch_er db "READ-CHAR",0
sfp_err db "SET-FILE-POSITION!",0
port_r dw 0 ; port_reg
dw 0
port_seg dw 0 ; port_page segment
port_d dw 0 ; port_disp
prn_hand dw 0 ; printer handle
win_p dw 0 ; window_p
str_p dw 0 ; string_p
handlee dw 0 ; handle
direct dw 0 ; direction
nlines dw 0 ; n_lines
ncols dw 0 ; n_cols
ulline dw 0 ; ul_line
ulcol dw 0 ; ul_col
t_attrib dw 0 ; text attribute
insert_m dw 0 ; insert mode
curcol dw 0 ; cur_col
curline dw 0 ; cur_line
index dw 0 ; index of buffer
sh_ptr dw 0 ; pointer of shadow buffer
sh_len dw 0 ; length of shadow buffer
sh_bufer db 256 dup (0) ; shadow buffer for characters
row dw 256 dup (0) ; row vector
column dw 256 dup (0) ; column vector
scan dw ?
endscan dw ?
cur_off dw 0
char_hgt dw 8
extrn vid_mode:word
extrn ega_col:byte
extrn ega_row:byte
data ends
XGROUP group progx
progx segment word public 'progx'
assume CS:XGROUP
extrn zbell:far
extrn zch_rdy:far
extrn sch_err:near
extrn dos_err:near
; For the Ega
; This routine first outputs a byte to the sequencer register to point to
; the map mask register, and then uses the map mask register to enable
; all banks for writing.
public enable
enable proc far
comment ~
push DX
push AX
mov DX,3c4h ; port addr of sequencer
mov AL,2 ; index to other map mask register
out DX,AL ; set index register
inc DX ; set DX to map mask register
xchg AL,AH
out DX,AL ; enable all banks
pop AX
pop DX
enable endp
;* *
;* EGA Cursor Emulator *
;* *
;* Purpose: to simulate a cursor for the IBM EGA modes. *
;* *
public ega_curs
ega_curs proc far
cmp vid_mode,14 ; don't bother unless in EGA mode
jl ega_03
mov CX,cur_off
and CX,7fh ; is bit one on?
jz ega_02 ; cursor not turned off
and cur_off,0feh ; turn off bit one
jmp ega_03
ega_02: cmp t_attrib,00h ; black attribute?
je ega_03 ; forget it
; set up BIOS call
mov AX,09DBh ; reverse-video block
mov BX,8Fh ; attr = xor,white
mov CX,1 ; repetition count = 1
int 10h
comment ~
push ES
mov AX,0a000h
mov ES,AX
mov char_hgt,8
cmp vid_mode,14
je ega_01
mov char_hgt,14
; start scan line = row * height
ega_01: mov AL,ega_row ; current line number
xor AH,AH
mul char_hgt
mov scan,AX
; end scan line = row * height + height - 1
add AX,char_hgt
dec AX
mov endscan,AX
mov CX,80
mul CX
mov BX,AX
xor AX,AX
mov AL,ega_col
add BX,AX ; current column
mov AH,18h
call logical
mov DL,0ffh
call clrbyte
inc scan
mov AX,scan
cmp AX,endscan
jl show_loop
mov AH,0
call logical
mov AH,0
call enable
pop ES
ega_03: ret
ega_curs endp
comment ~
; signal to the graphics processor that we want to do a logical operation
; (and or xor) with the latched data.
; on entry ah = function selected
logical proc near
push DX
push AX
mov DX,3ceh ; port addr of graphics address reg
mov AL,3 ; data rotate function
out DX,AL
inc DX
xchg AL,AH
out DX,AL
pop AX
pop DX
logical endp
;on entry: DL contains bit mask for clearing ES:[BX] points to byte in
; CRT memory
clrbyte proc near
mov AH,0fh
call enable ; enable all banks
mov AL,ES:[BX] ; latch data
xor AL,AL ; zero
mov ES:[BX],AL ; clear byte
mov AH,0ffh
call enable
mov AL,ES:[BX] ; ????
mov AL,DL ; bit mask for character
mov ES:[BX],AL ; set the value
clrbyte endp
progx ends
PGROUP group prog
prog segment byte public 'PROG'
assume CS:PGROUP
extrn zscroll:near
extrn zputcur:near
extrn zputc:near
extrn getch:near
extrn zcuron:near
extrn zcuroff:near
extrn zread:near
extrn toblock:near
extrn stringrd:near
extrn printstr:near
; *
; set_pos will set the file position, determing which chunk *
; of the file to read and then setting the file position to *
; the appropriate place. *
; *
set%_arg struc
dw ? ; caller's CS and IP
dw ?
dw ? ; ES
set_prt dw ? ; port #
set_amt dw ? ; chunk #
set_buf dw ? ; new buffer pointer
set%_arg ends
public set_pos
set_pos proc near
push ES
push BP
mov BP,SP
mov AX,1
pushm <AX, [BP].set_prt>
C_call get_port,,Load_ES ; get port address
mov SP,BP
mov BX,tmp_page ; check return status
cmp byte ptr ptype+[BX],PORTTYPE*2 ; check type
je set_010
setferr: lea BX,sfp_err ; address of error message
pushm <[BP].set_buf, [BP].set_amt, [BP].set_prt>
mov AX,3
pushm <AX, BX>
C_call set_src_,,Load_ES ; set_src_err
mov SP,BP
mov AX,-1
jmp set_don
set_010: mov BX,tmp_page
LoadPage ES,BX ; get page address of port
mov SI,tmp_disp
mov DX,word ptr ES:[SI+P_FLAGS]
and DX,04h ; port a file or a window?
cmp DX,04h
je setferr
mov DI,[BP].set_amt
mov DX,[DI]
inc DX
mov word ptr ES:[SI+CHUNK],DX ; update chunk #
dec DX
mov CL,8
xor BX,BX
mov BL,DH
xor DH,DH
shl DX,CL ; multiply DX by 256
mov CX,BX
test byte ptr ES:[SI+P_FLAGS],READWRITE+WRITE_ONLY ;test port flags
pushf ;save flags for later
jz set_015 ;if input port jump
or byte ptr ES:[SI+P_FLAGS],DIRTY ;else set dirty bit
mov BX,[BP].set_buf ; get chunk offset
add DX,[BX] ; and add fo file position
mov BX,word ptr ES:[SI+HANDLE] ;get file handle
mov AH,42h ;move file pointer to file
mov AL,0 ;start plus offset in dx
popf ;restore flags
jnz set_020 ;jump if output port
mov CX,256 ;get buffer length
mov BX,word ptr ES:[SI+HANDLE] ;get file handle
mov DX,SI
add DX,32 ;start of port buffer
push DS
push ES
pop DS ;ds:dx => port buffer
mov AH,3fh ;read from a file
int MSDOS ;go do it
pop DS
mov word ptr ES:[SI+BUF_END],AX ;save #bytes read in port
mov BX,[BP].set_buf ;address of chunk offset
mov AX,[BX] ;get offset
mov word ptr ES:[SI+BUF_POS],AX ;and save in port
set_don: pop BP
pop ES
set_pos endp
;;; Set Port Address
set_arg struc
dw ? ; caller's BP
dw ? ; caller's ES
dw ? ; return address
pg dw ? ; adjusted page number
dis dw ?
set_arg ends
public ssetadr ; temporary
ssetadr proc near ; assembly routine for setadr
push ES
push BP
mov BP,SP
push DI
push SI
push BX
mov BX,[BP].pg ; adjusted page number
cmp byte ptr ptype+[BX],PORTTYPE*2 ; check port type
jne set_err
; get port information
lea DI,port_r ; get port register address
mov [DI].C_page,BX
mov SI,[BP].dis
mov [DI].C_disp,SI
mov port_d,SI
LoadPage ES,BX ; get page address
;;; mov ES,word ptr pagetabl+[BX] ; get page address
mov port_seg,ES ; save the page paragraph
mov AX,word ptr ES:[SI+HANDLE] ; handler
mov handlee,AX
mov AX,word ptr ES:[SI+P_FLAGS] ; port flag
mov direct,AX
mov BX,AX
mov win_p,AX
mov str_p,BX
xor AX,AX ; return status
set_ret: pop BX
pop SI
pop DI
pop BP
pop ES
; Display error message
set_err: lea SI,bad_set ; address of error message
push SI
C_call printf,,Load_ES ; print error message
mov SP,BP
C_call force_de ; force_debug
mov SP,BP
mov AX,1 ; return error status
jmp set_ret
ssetadr endp
;;; Input a Single Character
take_arg struc
leng dw 256
new_bpos dw 0
take_BP dw ? ; caller's BP
dw ? ; caller's ES
dw ? ; caller's return address
take_arg ends
public take_ch
take_ch proc near
push ES
push BP
sub SP,offset take_BP ; allocate local storage
mov BP,SP
mov [BP].new_bpos,0 ; buf position after refilling buf
mov [BP].leng,256 ; set up buffer length
lea SI,port_r
mov BX,[SI].C_page
LoadPage ES,BX
mov SI,port_d ; get displacement
; Fix for random I/O - read preceeded by a write
jz take_c00 ;skip if input port
mov BL,byte ptr ES:[SI+P_FLAGS] ;get port flags
and BL,DIRTY+STRIO+OPEN+WINDOW ;isolate appropriate flags
cmp BL,DIRTY+OPEN ;buffer modified?
jne take_c00 ; no, jump
and byte ptr ES:[SI+P_FLAGS],NOT DIRTY ;clear flag
; this read was preceded by at least one write, so reposition file pointer
; so it rereads the buffer
mov BX,word ptr ES:[SI+HANDLE]
dec word ptr ES:[SI+CHUNK]
mov CX,word ptr ES:[SI+CHUNK]
xor DL,DL
mov DH,CL
mov CL,CH
xor CH,CH
mov AX,4200h ; reposition file pointer
mov BX,ES:[SI+BUF_POS] ; after re-reading file, restore
mov [BP].new_bpos,BX ; current buffer position
jmp take_fil ; go re-read the file
take_c00: mov BX,word ptr ES:[SI+BUF_POS]
cmp BX,word ptr ES:[SI+BUF_END]
jge take_c01
jmp take_nxt ; get the next character from buffer
; buffer empty -- fill it up
cmp win_p,0 ; window object?
jne take_c02
jmp take_fil ; no, jump
take_c02: cmp str_p,0 ; read from string?
je take_win ; no, jump
; read character from string
lea BX,[BP].leng
push BX
lea BX,row ; buffer for characters
push BX
lea SI,port_r
pushm <[SI].C_disp,[SI].C_page> ; port object
mov AX,DS
mov ES,AX ; ES segment points to DS
call stringrd
mov SP,BP
test AX,AX ; check return status
jnz take_ser ; error, jump
lea SI,port_r
mov BX,[SI].C_page
LoadPage ES,BX
;;; LoadPage ES,port_seg ; restore port page
;;; mov ES,port_seg ; reset ES segment
mov SI,port_d ; restore SI register
jmp take_10
take_ser: lea BX,rd_st_er ; address of error message
push BX
C_call printf ; display error message
mov SP,BP
jmp take_10
; read from window
take_win: call read_win
mov BX,AX
jmp short take_11
take_10: mov BX,[BP].leng
take_11: mov ES:[SI+BUF_END],BX ; save buffer length
test BX,BX ; length zero?
jnz take_20 ; no, jump
jmp take_30
take_20: cmp win_p,0 ; window object?
je take_22 ; no, copy string
cmp str_p,0 ; string?
je take_25 ; no, jump
; copy characters from buffer to file object
take_22: push SI ; save SI register
mov DI,SI
lea SI,row
mov CX,BX ; length of characters to move
cld ; direction forward
rep movsb
pop SI ; restore SI register
take_25: mov BX,[BP].new_bpos ; BX = buffer position
; Return the next character from the input buffer
take_nxt: xor AH,AH
mov AL,byte ptr ES:[SI+BUFR+BX]
inc BX
mov word ptr ES:[SI+BUF_POS],BX
cmp AL,CTRL_Z ; test for control-Z
jne take_ret ; no, return
test direct,BINARY
jnz take_ret ; no, return
take_30: mov AX,256 ; text file, send EOF
take_ret: add SP,offset take_BP ; release local storage
pop BP
pop ES
; Read from file
public take_fil
cmp word ptr ES:[SI+CHUNK],1 ; operating on first chunk?
jne take_f05 ; no, jump
cmp word ptr ES:[SI+BUF_POS],0 ; Have we filled the buffer yet?
je take_f10 ; yes, jump
inc word ptr ES:[SI+CHUNK] ; bump the chunk number
mov BX,handlee ; file handle
lea CX,[BP].leng ; address of length of bytes to read
lea AX,row ; input buffer
pushm <CX,AX,BX>
call zread
mov SP,BP
test AX,AX ; error status
jz take_50 ; no, jump
; We will not return from call to dos_err
add AX,(IO_ERRORS_START - 1) ; Make Dos I/O error number
mov BX,1
lea CX,port_r
pushm <CX,AX,BX> ; 1 = non-restartable
call dos_err ; invoke scheme error handler
take_50: jmp take_10 ;relative jump not long enough
take_ch endp
; Read a "record" from window
; ES:SI points to the window object
; Return AX = number of characters read
read_arg struc
read_SI dw ?
read_BX dw ?
sav_p dw ?
sav_d dw ?
read_BP dw ? ; caller's BP
dw ? ; caller's return address
read_arg ends
public read_win
read_win proc near
push BP
sub SP,offset read_BP ; allocate for local storage
mov BP,SP
xor BX,BX ; initialization
mov index,BX
mov sh_ptr,BX
mov insert_m,BX
mov BX,word ptr ES:[SI+CUR_LINE] ; get window information
mov curline,BX
mov DX,word ptr ES:[SI+CUR_COL]
mov curcol,DX
mov DX,word ptr ES:[SI+UL_LINE]
mov ulline,DX
mov DX,word ptr ES:[SI+UL_COL]
mov ulcol,DX
mov DX,word ptr ES:[SI+N_LINES]
mov nlines,DX
mov DX,word ptr ES:[SI+N_COLS]
mov ncols,DX
mov DX,word ptr ES:[SI+T_ATTR]
mov t_attrib,DX
call zcuron ; turn on the cursor
read_001: mov BX,curline ; get the current line number
cmp BX,nlines ; check out of lines
jl read_put
pushm <t_attrib,ncols,nlines,ulcol,ulline>
call zscroll ; scroll up one line
mov SP,BP
mov BX,nlines
dec BX ; cur_line = n_lines - 1
mov curline,BX
mov curcol,0 ; cur_col = 0
read_put: mov DX,curcol
add DX,ulcol
add BX,ulline
pushm <DX,BX>
call zputcur ; show the cursor
mov SP,BP
call getch ; character returned in AL
test AL,AL ; extended character?
jz read_ex
jmp read_100
;;; Process extended key sequence
read_ex: call getch ; character returned in AL
cmp AL,LEFT_AR ; left arrow key?
jne read_ra
jmp read_bs ; as backspace
read_ra: cmp AL,RIGHT_AR ; right arrow key?
jne read_f3
mov insert_m,0 ; turn off insert mode
mov BX,sh_ptr
cmp BX,sh_len
jl read_030 ; get character from shadow buffer
jmp read_001
read_030: lea DI,sh_bufer
mov AL,byte ptr [DI+BX]
jmp read_one
read_f3: cmp AL,F3 ; F3 key?
jne read_f5
mov insert_m,0 ; turn off insert mode
read_041: mov CX,index
cmp CX,buf_len ; index < len?
jl read_043
jmp read_001 ; no room for more chars
read_043: mov BX,sh_ptr
cmp BX,sh_len ; sh_ptr < sh_length?
jl read_045
jmp read_001 ; buffer empty
read_045: lea DI,sh_bufer
mov AL,byte ptr [DI+BX]
call echo_ch ; AL = character
mov SP,BP
jmp read_041
read_f5: cmp AL,F5 ; F5 key?
jne read_ins
call ega_curs ; turn off the EGA cursor
mov insert_m,0 ; turn off insert mode
cmp index,0
jne read_051
jmp read_001
read_051: call str_str ; copy characters to shadow buffer
mov BX,index
mov sh_len,BX
mov byte ptr [DI+BX],0 ; end of string
dec BX
mov [BP].read_SI,SI ; save SI register
lea DI,row ; address of row vector
lea SI,column ; address of column vector
read_053: cmp BX,0
jl read_055
cmp byte ptr [DI+BX],0
jl read_055
mov [BP].read_BX,BX ; save BX
pushm <t_attrib,CX>
xor CH,CH
mov CL,byte ptr [SI+BX]
mov curcol,CX
add CX,ulcol ; ul_col + cur_col
push CX
mov CL,byte ptr [DI+BX]
mov curline,CX
add CX,ulline ; ul_line + cur_line
push CX
call zputc
mov SP,BP
mov BX,[BP].read_BX ; restore BX
dec BX
jmp read_053
read_055: mov SI,[BP].read_SI ; restore SI register
mov index,0
mov sh_ptr,0
jmp read_001
read_ins: cmp AL,INSERT ; insert key?
jne read_del
call ega_curs ; turn off the EGA cursor
mov insert_m,1 ; turn on insert mode
jmp read_001
read_del: cmp AL,DELETE ; delete key?
jne read_EN
mov insert_m,0 ; turn off insert mode
mov BX,sh_ptr
cmp BX,sh_len ; sh_ptr < sh_len?
jl read_d01
jmp read_001
read_d01: inc sh_ptr ; sh_ptr++
jmp read_001
read_EN: cmp AL,ENTER ; enter key?
je read_RT ; as carriage return
jmp read_001
;;; Process ascii character
read_100: cmp AL,BACKSP ; backspace?
jne read_200
read_bs: mov insert_m,0 ; turn off insert mode
call ega_curs ; turn off the EGA cursor
mov BX,index
cmp BX,0
jle read_150
lea DI,row
dec BX
cmp byte ptr [DI+BX],0
jl read_150
mov index,BX
cmp sh_ptr,0
je read_120
dec sh_ptr ; decrement sh_ptr pointer
read_120: lea DI,column
xor CH,CH
mov CL,byte ptr [DI+BX] ; update cur_line and cur_col
mov curcol,CX
lea DI,row
xor DH,DH
mov DL,byte ptr [DI+BX]
mov curline,DX
add CX,ulcol ; ul_col + cur_col
add DX,ulline ; ul_line + cur_line
pushm <t_attrib,BX,CX,DX>
call zputc
mov SP,BP
jmp read_001
read_150: call zbell
jmp read_001
read_200: cmp AL,RETURN ; carriage return?
je read_RT
jmp read_300 ; no, jump
;;; Process return key
read_RT: cmp vid_mode,14
jl read_rt1
call ega_curs ; turn off the ega cursor
or cur_off,1
read_rt1: mov BX,index
mov byte ptr ES:[SI+BUFR+BX],RETURN ; insert carriage return
inc BX
mov byte ptr ES:[SI+BUFR+BX],LF ; insert line feed
inc BX
mov index,BX
mov DX,curline
mov curcol,0 ; cur_col = 0
inc DX ; cur_line++
cmp DX,nlines ; out of lines?
jl read_220
pushm <t_attrib,ncols,nlines,ulcol,ulline>
call zscroll ; scroll up one line
mov SP,BP
mov DX,nlines ; yes, cur_line = n_lines - 1
dec DX
read_220: mov curline,DX ; restore cur_line
call str_str ; copy string into buffer
cmp TRNS_pag,0 ; check transcript file
je read_250
mov BX,direct
jz read_250
; transcript file "on"
lea BX,port_r
mov DX,[BX].C_page
mov [BP].sav_p,DX
mov DX,[BX].C_disp
mov [BP].sav_d,DX
pushm <TRNS_dis,TRNS_pag>
call ssetadr ; set transcript file address
mov SP,BP
mov AX,index
dec AX
push AX
lea BX,sh_bufer
push BX
mov [BP].read_SI,SI ; save SI register
call printstr ; output to transcript file
mov SP,BP
mov SI,[BP].read_SI ; restore SI register
pushm <[BP].sav_d, [BP].sav_p>
call ssetadr ; set current port address
mov SP,BP
lea DI,sh_bufer
read_250: mov BX,index
dec BX
mov byte ptr [DI+BX],0 ; end of string
dec BX
mov sh_len,BX
jmp read_off
read_300: cmp AL,LF ; line feed?
jne read_one
jmp read_001 ; ignore line feed key
read_one: mov BX,index ; default
cmp BX,buf_len ; index >= len?
jl read_420
call zbell
jmp read_001
read_420: call echo_ch ; AL = character
jmp read_001
read_off: call zcuroff ; turn off the cursor
mov BX,curline
mov CX,curcol
mov ES:[SI+CUR_LINE],BX ; save cur_line and cur_col
mov AX,index ; return length
read_ret: add SP,offset read_BP
pop BP
read_win endp
; Move the string in port object to buffer sh_bufer
str_str proc near
lea DI,sh_bufer ; address of shadow buffer
; xor BX,BX
; Clear the buffer
;str_01: cmp BX,sh_len
; jge str_10
; mov byte ptr [DI+BX],0
; inc BX
; jmp str_01
; Move the characters
str_10: push SI ; save SI
add SI,BUFR ; address of input buffer
mov CX,index
mov AX,ES
mov BX,DS
mov ES,BX ; ES:DI points to destination string
mov DS,AX ; DS:SI points to source string
rep movsb
mov ES,AX ; reset segment registers
mov DS,BX
pop SI ; restore SI
lea DI,sh_bufer
str_str endp
; Echo single character
echo_ch proc near
push BP
mov BP,SP
mov BX,word ptr ES:[SI+T_ATTR] ; get attribute
mov t_attrib,BX
mov BX,index
mov byte ptr ES:[SI+BX+BUFR],AL ; store character
inc BX ; index++
mov index,BX ;
cmp insert_m,0 ; insert mode?
jne echo_10
inc sh_ptr ; sh_ptr++
echo_10: mov DX,curcol
mov CX,curline
cmp DX,ncols ; end of line?
jl echo_20
inc CX ; yes, cur_line++
xor DX,DX ; cur_col = 0
echo_20: lea DI,row
cmp CX,nlines ; out of lines?
jl echo_50
pushm <t_attrib,ncols,nlines,ulcol,ulline>
call zscroll ; scroll up one line
mov SP,BP
mov CX,nlines
dec CX ; cur_line = n_lines - 1
xor DX,DX ; cur_col = 0
; Decrement the contents of row vector
push AX ; save the character
push BX ; save the index
push CX
mov AX,BX ; AX = index
xor BX,BX
echo_30: cmp BX,AX ; j < index?
jge echo_40
; mov CL,byte ptr [DI+BX]
dec byte ptr [DI+BX] ; row[j]--
; mov byte ptr [DI+BX],CL
inc BX ; j++
jmp echo_30
echo_40: pop CX
pop BX ; restore information
pop AX
echo_50: dec BX ; update row and column vectors
mov byte ptr [DI+BX],CL
lea DI,column
mov byte ptr [DI+BX],DL
cmp AL,TAB ; tab key?
jne echo_100
; Process the TAB key
mov AX,DX
mov BX,8
div BL ; AH = cur_col % 8
sub BL,AH
add DX,BX
cmp DX,ncols ; end of line?
jle echo_60
mov DX,ncols
echo_60: mov BX,DX
add BX,ulcol
cmp BX,80 ; out of screen?
jl echo_200
mov BX,79
pushm <BX,CX>
call zputcur
mov SP,BP
jmp echo_200
; Process the non-TAB key
echo_100: mov curline,CX ; save the information
mov curcol,DX
add DX,ulcol
add CX,ulline
pushm <t_attrib,AX,DX,CX>
call zputc
mov SP,BP
mov DX,curcol ; restore the information
mov CX,curline
inc DX
echo_200: mov curline,CX
mov curcol,DX
pop BP
echo_ch endp
; Push a single character back into the input buffer
public pushchar
pushchar proc near
push ES
push BP
mov BP,SP
push SI
push BX
;;; LoadPage ES,port_seg ; Get port page
lea SI,port_r
mov BX,[SI].C_page
LoadPage ES,BX
;;; mov ES,port_seg ; get address of page
mov SI,port_d
mov BX,word ptr ES:[SI+BUF_POS] ; input buffer starting position
cmp BX,0 ; any character available?
jle push_err ; no, error
dec BX
mov word ptr ES:[SI+BUF_POS],BX ; decrement the starting position
push_ret: pop BX
pop SI
pop BP
pop ES
push_err: lea BX,push_er
push BX
C_call printf,,Load_ES ; print error message
mov SP,BP
C_call force_de,,Load_ES ; force_debug()
mov SP,BP
jmp push_ret
pushchar endp
rd_proc proc near
; Support for read-char-ready?
extrn next_SP:near
extrn src_err:near
public rd_ch_rd
public read_cha
rd_ch_rd: lods byte ptr ES:[SI]
save <SI>
add AX,offset reg0 ; compute register address
mov DI,AX
save <DI> ; save DI register
xor CX,CX
push CX
push AX
C_call get_port,,Load_ES ; get port object
mov SP,BP
test AX,AX ; check return status
jz rd_010
jmp rd_err
rd_010: restore <DI>
mov [DI].C_page,SPECCHAR*2 ; prepare to return a character
mov SI,tmp_disp
mov BX,tmp_page
LoadPage ES,BX ; get page address
;;; mov ES,word ptr pagetabl+[BX] ; get address of page
mov BX,word ptr ES:[SI+BUF_POS] ; input buffer starting position
cmp BX,word ptr ES:[SI+BUF_END] ; compare with ending position
jge rd_020
xor AH,AH
mov AL,byte ptr ES:[SI+BUFR+BX] ; get the character
rd_T: cmp AL,CTRL_Z ; control-Z?
jne rd_015
mov BX,word ptr ES:[SI+P_FLAGS]
and BX,BINARY ; binary file?
jnz rd_015
rd_eof: mov [DI].C_page,EOF_PAGE*2 ; return eof character
mov [DI].C_disp,EOF_DISP
jmp next_SP
rd_015: mov [DI].C_disp,AX ; return the character
jmp next_SP
; no character in input buffer
rd_020: mov AX,word ptr ES:[SI+P_FLAGS]
mov BX,AX
and AX,WINDOW ; window?
jz rd_030
call zch_rdy ; any character?
test AX,AX
jz rd_no
xor AH,AH ; yes
jmp rd_T
; no character available -- return '()
rd_no: xor AX,AX
mov [DI].C_page,AX
mov [DI].C_disp,AX
jmp next_SP
; not a window
rd_030: and BX,OPEN ; open?
jz rd_no ; no, return '()
pushm <tmp_disp,tmp_page>
call ssetadr
mov SP,BP
call take_ch ; get one character
mov SP,BP
restore <DI>
cmp AX,256 ; eof?
je rd_eof
call pushchar ; no, put it back
mov SP,BP
jmp rd_015
; Wrong port object, display error message
rd_err: lea BX,ch_rd
jmp src_err ; link to error handler
;;; Support for read-char
read_cha: lods byte ptr ES:[SI]
save <SI>
add AX,offset reg0 ; compute register address
mov DI,AX
save <DI> ; save DI register
xor CX,CX
push CX
push AX
C_call get_port,,Load_ES ; get port object
mov SP,BP
test AX,AX ; check return status
jz rc_010
jmp rc_err
rc_010: restore <DI>
mov [DI].C_page,SPECCHAR*2
mov BX,tmp_page
LoadPage ES,BX ; get page address
;;; mov ES,word ptr pagetabl+[BX] ; get address of page
mov SI,tmp_disp
mov AX,word ptr ES:[SI+P_FLAGS] ; get port flags
mov BX,AX
and AX,WINDOW ; window object?
jz rc_050
and BX,STRIO ; string object?
jnz rc_050
mov CX,word ptr ES:[SI+BUF_POS]
cmp CX,word ptr ES:[SI+BUF_END] ; any character in buffer?
jl rc_050
mov CX,word ptr ES:[SI+CUR_LINE]
add CX,word ptr ES:[SI+UL_LINE]
mov DX,word ptr ES:[SI+CUR_COL]
add DX,word ptr ES:[SI+UL_COL]
push AX
mov AX,word ptr ES:[SI+T_ATTR]
mov t_attrib,AX
pop AX
pushm <DX,CX>
call zputcur ; cursor position
mov SP,BP
call zcuron ; cursor on
mov SP,BP
call getch ; get character
mov [DI].C_disp,AX
mov byte ptr ES:[SI+BUFR],AL ; store in port object
call zcuroff ; cursor off
mov SP,BP
mov BX,1
mov word ptr ES:[SI+BUF_POS],BX
mov word ptr ES:[SI+BUF_END],BX
jmp next_SP
rc_050: pushm <tmp_disp,tmp_page>
call ssetadr ; set port address
mov SP,BP
call take_ch ; take one character
mov SP,BP
restore <DI>
cmp AX,256 ; eof?
je rc_060
jmp rd_015 ; return the character
rc_060: jmp rd_eof
rc_err: lea BX,rch_er ; address of error message
jmp src_err ; jump to error handler
rd_proc endp
;;; Output a single character
give_arg struc
lenn dw ? ; character string length
lenn2 dw ? ; second copy of length
sav_pg dw ?
sav_ds dw ?
give_SI dw ?
give_DX dw ?
give_CX dw ?
give_BX dw ?
give_BP dw ? ; caller's BP
dw ? ; caller's ES
dw ? ; caller's return address
char dw ? ; the character to be output
give_arg ends
extrn zscroll:near
extrn force_de:near
extrn zputc:near
extrn printf:near
extrn zwrite:near
extrn force_re:near
public givechar
givechar proc near
push ES
push BP
sub SP,offset give_BP
mov BP,SP
mov [BP].give_SI,SI ; save registers
mov [BP].give_DX,DX
mov [BP].give_CX,CX
mov [BP].give_BX,BX
cmp TRNS_pag,0 ; transcript file?
je give_010
mov BX,direct
jz give_010
; transcript file "on"
lea BX,port_r
mov DX,[BX].C_page
mov [BP].sav_pg,DX
mov DX,[BX].C_disp
mov [BP].sav_ds,DX
pushm <TRNS_dis,TRNS_pag>
call ssetadr ; set transcript file
mov SP,BP
push [BP].char
call givechar ; output to transcript file
mov SP,BP
pushm <[BP].sav_ds,[BP].sav_pg>
call ssetadr ; set port address
mov SP,BP
give_010: mov CX,[BP].char
cmp win_p,0 ; window?
jne give_015
jmp give_fil ; no, jump
give_015: cmp str_p,0 ; string?
je give_018
jmp give_030 ; yes, return
; Output to window
give_018: cmp CL,RETURN ; carriage return?
jne give_020
mov CL,LF ; yes, change to LF
;;; call putc_win ; putc_window
;;; Output Character to Window
;;; Description:This routine writes a character to the current cursor
;;; position, then increments the cursor location.
;;; If the current cursor position is now within the bounds
;;; of the window, the character is output in the first
;;; column of the next line, scrolling the window, if
;;; necessary. The current text attributes are used to
;;; write the character.
;;; Note: CX = character
mov SI,port_d ; get displacement
lea BX,port_r
mov BX,[BX].C_page
LoadPage ES,BX
;;; LoadPage ES,port_seg ; get port page
;;; mov ES,port_seg ; get page segment
mov AX,direct ; get the port flag
and AX,OPEN ; open for write?
jnz putc_002
jmp give_ret
putc_002: mov BX,word ptr ES:[SI+CUR_LINE] ; BX = cur_line
mov AX,word ptr ES:[SI+CUR_COL] ; AX = cur_col
mov DX,word ptr ES:[SI+UL_LINE]
mov ulline,DX
mov DX,word ptr ES:[SI+UL_COL]
mov ulcol,DX
mov DX,word ptr ES:[SI+N_LINES]
mov nlines,DX
mov DX,word ptr ES:[SI+N_COLS]
mov ncols,DX
mov DX,word ptr ES:[SI+T_ATTR]
mov t_attrib,DX
; Check for the character
cmp CL,NULL_CH ; null character?
jne putc_010
jmp give_ret ; do nothing
putc_010: cmp CL,BACKSP ; backspace?
jne putc_020
dec AX
cmp AX,0
jl putc_015
jmp putc_120
putc_015: xor AX,AX ; cur_col = 0
jmp putc_120
putc_020: cmp CL,BELL_CH ; bell character?
jne putc_030
call zbell ; sound the alarm
mov SP,BP
jmp give_ret
putc_030: cmp CL,TAB ; tab character?
jne putc_050
mov CX,AX
mov DX,8 ; DL = 8
div DL ; AH = (cur_col % 8)
sub DL,AH
add CX,DX
mov AX,CX
jmp putc_120
;putc_040: cmp CL,RETURN ; carriage return?
; jne putc_050
; xor AX,AX ; cur_col = 0
; jmp putc_100
putc_050: cmp CL,LF ; line feed?
jne putc_060
xor AX,AX
inc BX
cmp BX,nlines ; out of lines?
jge putc_055
jmp putc_100
putc_055: pushm <t_attrib,ncols,nlines,ulcol,ulline>
call zscroll ; scroll window up one line
mov SP,BP
mov BX,nlines
dec BX
xor AX,AX
jmp putc_100
; default
putc_060: cmp AX,ncols ; check end of line
jl putc_080
mov DX,word ptr ES:[SI+W_FLAGS]
jz putc_070
inc BX ; wrap
xor AX,AX
jmp putc_080
putc_070: inc AX ; clip
jmp putc_100 ; no display
putc_080: cmp BX,nlines ; check out of lines?
jl putc_090
pushm <t_attrib,ncols,nlines,ulcol,ulline>
call zscroll ; scroll window up one line
mov SP,BP
mov BX,nlines
dec BX ; set up current line number
xor AX,AX ; and current column number
putc_090: mov curcol,AX
mov curline,BX
push t_attrib ; text character attribute
push [BP].char ; character
add AX,ulcol
push AX ; column number to console
add BX,ulline
push BX ; line number to console
call zputc ; write on cursor position
mov SP,BP
mov AX,curcol
mov BX,curline
inc AX ; increment current column
putc_100: mov ES:[SI+CUR_LINE],BX ; save current cursor line number
putc_120: mov ES:[SI+CUR_COL],AX ; save current cursor column number
give_030: jmp give_ret
; Output to file
give_fil: lea BX,[BP].lenn
mov word ptr [BX],1 ; lenn <- 1
mov word ptr [BX+2],1 ; lenn2 <- 1
lea SI,[BP].char
mov AX,handlee
test direct,BINARY ; Binary file?
jnz give_50 ; Yes, jump
cmp CL,LF ; Line feed?
jne give_50 ; no, jump
mov word ptr [SI],RETURN ; output carriage return
pushm <BX, SI, AX>
call zwrite
mov SP,BP
test AX,AX ; check return status
jnz give_er ; error, jump
mov AX,[BP].lenn ; #chars spec'd = #chars written?
cmp AX,[BP].lenn2
jne give_disk
mov AX,handlee
jmp give_80
give_50: pushm <BX, SI, AX>
call zwrite
mov SP,BP
test AX,AX
jnz give_er
mov AX,[BP].lenn ; #chars spec'd = #chars written?
cmp AX,[BP].lenn2
cmp AX,[BP].lenn2
jne give_disk
test direct,BINARY ; Binary file?
jnz give_100 ; yes, jump
cmp word ptr [SI],RETURN ; carriage return?
jne give_100 ; no, jump
mov AX,handlee
;;; cmp AX,prn_hand ; printer?
;;; je give_100 ; yes, jump
give_80: lea SI,[BP].char
mov word ptr [SI],LF ; output line feed
lea BX,[BP].lenn
mov word ptr [BX],1
pushm <BX,SI,AX>
call zwrite
mov SP,BP
test AX,AX ; check return status
jnz give_er
mov AX,[BP].lenn ; #chars spec'd = #chars written?
cmp AX,[BP].lenn2
cmp AX,[BP].lenn2
je give_100
mov ax,DISK_FULL_ERROR ; Note disk full error
jmp short give_er1
give_er: add ax,(IO_ERRORS_START - 1) ; make dos i/o error number
give_er1: mov BX,1
lea CX,port_r
pushm <CX,AX,BX> ; 1 = non-restartable
; We will not return from call to dos_err
call dos_err ; invoke scheme error handler
give_100: lea BX,port_r
mov BX,[BX].C_page
LoadPage ES,BX
;;; LoadPage ES,port_seg
;;; mov ES,port_seg
mov BX,word ptr [SI] ; get the character
mov SI,port_d
mov AX,word ptr ES:[SI+CUR_COL]
test direct,BINARY ; Binary file?
jnz give_200
cmp BL,BACKSP ; back space?
jne give_110
dec AX
cmp AX,0
jge give_200
give_rt: xor AX,AX
jmp give_200
give_110: cmp BL,TAB ; tab?
jne give_120
mov CX,AX
mov DX,8
div DL ; AH = (cur_col % 8)
sub DL,AH
add CX,DX
mov AX,CX
jmp give_200
give_120: cmp BL,RETURN ; carriage return?
jne give_130 ; no, continue
mov BL,LF ; yes, make it a linefeed
jmp give_rt
give_130: cmp BL,LF ; line feed?
jne give_140
jmp give_rt
; default
give_140: cmp AX,word ptr ES:[SI+N_COLS]
jge give_rt
inc AX
cmp word ptr ES:[SI+N_COLS],0 ; Line length = 0 ?
je give_20a ; Yes, don't maintain column
give_20a: mov AX,word ptr ES:[SI+BUF_POS]
inc AX
test direct,BINARY ; Binary file?
jnz give_20b ; yes, jump
cmp BX,LF ; CR or LF just output?
jne give_20b ; no, jump
inc AX ; yes bump # bytes written
cmp AX,256 ; Exceed chunk boundary?
jle give_201 ; no, jump
sub AX,256 ; AX = excess above chunk
inc word ptr ES:[SI+CHUNK] ; bump chunk #
give_201: mov word ptr ES:[SI+BUF_POS],AX ; set the buffer position
give_ret: xor AX,AX
add SP,offset give_BP ; release local storage
mov SI,[BP].give_SI ; restore registers
mov DX,[BP].give_DX
mov CX,[BP].give_CX
mov BX,[BP].give_BX
pop BP
pop ES
givechar endp
prog ends