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; =====> ALINK.ASM
;* TIPC Scheme '84 Runtime Support *
;* Misc Utilities *
;* *
;* (C) Copyright 1985 by Texas *
;* Instruments Incorporated. *
;* All rights reserved. *
;* *
;* Date Written: 23 June 1985 *
;* Last Modification: 29 May 1986 *
page 60,132
MSDOS equ 021h
DGROUP group data
data segment word public 'DATA'
assume DS:DGROUP
extrn _psp:dword
ret_area db 20 dup (0) ; filename return area
dir_fnd db ' <DIR>'
data ends
PGROUP group prog
prog segment byte public 'PROG'
assume CS:PGROUP
;* Find Match File *
;* *
;* Purpose: Given a pathname specification, which may contain wildcard *
;* characters, this routine returns the first filename in *
;* the current directory which matches the specification. *
find_arg struc
dw ? ; caller's ES
dw ? ; caller's BP
dw ? ; return address
filespec dw ? ; pointer to file spec (ASCIZ string)
find_arg ends
public dir1
dir1 proc near
push BP ; save the caller's BP
push ES
mov BP,SP ; establish local addressability
mov AX,word ptr _psp+2
mov ES,AX ; set ES to point to the psp
push DS ; save DS
push ES
pop DS ; set DS to point to the psp
; set Disk Transfer Address (DTA) to 80h in the psp
mov AH,1ah ; load "set DTA" function code
mov DX,80h ; load DTA offset
pop DS ; restore DS
; issue service call to find the first file match
mov DX,[BP].filespec ; load address of filespec in DS:DX
mov CX,10h ; set attributes to search for,
; directories and all files except for
; hidden and system files.
mov AH,04Eh ; load "find match file" function code
int MSDOS ; perform the service call
; if no file found, return a null string ("")
jnc dir1_ok ; if filename returned, jump
dir1_nf: xor AX,AX ; return a null pointer
jmp short dir1_ret
; copy filename found from DTA to local storage
dir1_ok: mov SI,09eh ; load offset of DTA filename area
mov DI,offset ret_area ; load address of local filename storage
cmp byte ptr ES:[SI],2eh ; don't bother with . and ..
je dir2_nxt
dir1_x: mov AL,ES:[SI] ; load next character of filename
cmp AL,00H ; character a null string?
je dir1_y
mov [DI],AL ; and store it into return area
inc DI ; increment return area pointer
inc SI
jmp dir1_x ; if more characters, loop (jump)
dir1_y: and byte ptr ES:[95h],10h ; check for directory bit
cmp byte ptr ES:[95h],10h
jne dir_done
mov SI,offset dir_fnd ; load offset of directory message
mov CX,6
dir1_z: mov AL,[SI]
mov [DI],AL
inc DI
inc SI
loop dir1_z
dir_done: mov byte ptr [DI],00h ; add in null byte to terminate string
mov AX,offset ret_area ; load offset of filename copy
; return to caller
dir1_ret: pop ES
pop BP ; restore caller's BP
ret ; return to caller
dir1 endp
public dir2
dir2 proc near
push BP ; save the caller's BP
push ES
mov AX,word ptr _psp+2
mov ES,AX ; set ES to point to the psp
; issue service call to find the next file match
dir2_nxt: mov AH,04Fh ; load "step, matching files" function code
int MSDOS ; perform the service call
; if no file found, return a null string ("")
jnc dir1_ok ; if filename returned, jump
jmp short dir1_nf ; else, return filename found
dir2 endp
prog ends