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2023-05-20 05:57:05 -04:00
; -*- Mode: Lisp -*- Filename: pinspect.s
; Last Revision: 12-Nov-85 1400ct
; ;
; TI SCHEME -- PCS Compiler ;
; Copyright 1985 (c) Texas Instruments ;
; ;
; David Bartley ;
; ;
; The Inspector and %PCS-EDIT-BINDING ;
; ;
(define %inspect ; %INSPECT
(lambda (cur-env)
(cond ((environment? cur-env)
(%inspector '() '() '()
(%reify-stack (+ (%reify-stack -1) 6))
((closure? cur-env)
(%inspect (procedure-environment cur-env)))
(display "Invalid operand to INSPECT: ")
(display cur-env)))))
(define %inspector ; %inspector
'((1 . "All") ; ctrl-A
(2 . "Backtrace calls") ; ctrl-B
(3 . "Current environment frame") ; ctrl-C
(4 . "Down to callee") ; ctrl-D
(5 . "Edit: ") ; ctrl-E
(7 . "Go") ; ctrl-G
(9 . "Inspect: ") ; ctrl-I
(12 . "List Procedure") ; ctrl-L
(13 . "Repeat Breakpoint Message") ; ctrl-M
(16 . "`Parent' environment frame") ; ctrl-P
(17 . "Quit") ; ctrl-Q
(18 . "Return with the value: ") ; ctrl-R
(19 . "`Son' environment frame") ; ctrl-S
(21 . "Up to caller") ; ctrl-U
(22 . "Value of: ") ; ctrl-V
(23 . "Where am I?") ; ctrl-W
(#\SPACE . "Value of: ")
(#\! . "Reinitialize INSPECT!")
(#\? . "?")))
(lambda ()
(display "[Inspect] ")
(let* ((ch (read-char))
(key (if (memv ch '(#\SPACE #\! #\?))
(char->integer ch)))
(entry (assv key table)))
(when entry
(display (cdr entry)))
(case key
(1 (all cur-env 0)(repl)) ; ctrl-A
(2 (newline)(where stk-index) ; ctrl-B
(backtrace stk-index)(repl))
(3 (newline) ; ctrl-C
(current cur-env 0 #!true)
(4 (newline) ; ctrl-D
(5 (let ((ans ; ctrl-E
(%pcs-edit-binding '() (read) cur-env)))
(when (string? ans)(display ans))
((7 18) ; ctrl-G, ctrl-R
(leave key))
(12 (newline) ; ctrl-L
(pp (%reify-stack (+ stk-index 15)))
(13 (newline) ; ctrl-M
(display kind)
(when kind
(when msg (display msg))
(write irritant))
(16 (newline) ; ctrl-P
(parent cur-env)(repl))
(17 (reset)) ; ctrl-Q
(19 (newline) ; ctrl-S
(21 (newline) ; ctrl-U
((22 #\SPACE)
(pp (eval (read) cur-env)) ; ctrl-V, SPACE
(23 (newline) ; ctrl-W
(where stk-index)(repl))
(#\! (newline)(init)(repl)) ; !
(#\? (newline) ; ?
(if (eqv? key 9) ; ctrl-I
(let ((env (eval (read) cur-env)))
(cond ((or (environment? env)
(closure? env)
(delayed-object? env))
(set! (fluid %inspector-continuation) '())
(%inspect env))
(display (integer->char 7)) ; beep
(display " ? Not an environment: ")
(write env)))
(display (integer->char 7)) ; beep
(display " ? Invalid response... Type `?' for help")
(lambda (env depth)
(when (and env (not (eq? env user-global-environment)))
(current env depth #!true)
(all (environment-parent env) (+ depth 1)))))
(lambda (stk-index)
(let ((si (%reify-stack (+ stk-index 6))))
(when (positive? si)
(display " called from ")
(display (%reify-stack (+ si 15)))
(backtrace si)))))
(lambda (env depth verbose?)
(when verbose?
(display "Environment frame bindings at level ")
(display (+ depth (length son-stk)))
(cond ((eq? env user-initial-environment)
((eq? env user-global-environment)
(when (or verbose?
(=? (%reify env -1) 12)) ; not a global environment
(let ((frame (environment-bindings env)))
(if (null? frame)
(display " --no variables--"))
(let loop ((pairs frame))
(when pairs
(display " ")
(if (char-ready?)
(display "[aborted]")
(let ((val (cdar pairs)))
(display (caar pairs)) ; var
(display " ")
(tab27 (current-column))
(cond ((pair? val)
(display "-- list --"))
((vector? val)
(display "-- vector --"))
(else (write val)))
(loop (cdr pairs))))))
(lambda ()
(if (null? down-stk)
(display " ? Can't move Down")
(let ((si (car down-stk)))
(set! down-stk (cdr down-stk))
(set! stk-index si)
(set! son-stk '())
(set! cur-env (%reify-stack (+ si 9)))
(where si)))))
(lambda (key)
(cond ((not (zero? exit-code))
(display " ? Sorry, the program is not resumable")
((eqv? key 7) ; ctrl-G
((fluid %*BREAK*continuation) (eval (read) cur-env)))
(display " ? Sorry, use `ctrl-R' only to return from BREAK")
(lambda (env)
(let ((penv (environment-parent env)))
(if (null? penv)
(display " ? No parent exists")
(set! son-stk (cons env son-stk))
(set! cur-env penv)
(current penv 0 #!true))))))
(lambda ()
(if (null? son-stk)
(display " ? No son exists")
(set! cur-env (car son-stk))
(set! son-stk (cdr son-stk))
(current cur-env 0 #!true)))))
(lambda ()
(let ((si (%reify-stack (+ stk-index 6))))
(if (positive? si)
(set! down-stk (cons stk-index down-stk))
(set! son-stk '())
(set! cur-env (%reify-stack (+ si 9)))
(set! stk-index si)
(where si))
(display " ? Can't move Up")))))
(lambda (si)
(display "Stack frame for ")
(display (%reify-stack (+ si 15)))
(current cur-env 0 #!false) ))
(lambda (cur)
(cond ((>? 24 cur) (display " ")(tab27 (+ cur 3)))
((>? 27 cur) (display " ") (tab27 (+ cur 1)))
((= 27 cur) cur)
(else (newline) (tab27 1)))))
(lambda ()
(set! son-stk '())
(set! down-stk '())
(set! cur-env orig-env)
(set! stk-index orig-stk-index) ))
(lambda ()
(mapc (lambda (x)(display x))
'(" ? -- display this command summary" #\newline
" ! -- reinitialize INSPECT" #\newline
" ctrl-A -- display All environment frame bindings" #\newline
" ctrl-B -- display procedure call Backtrace" #\newline
" ctrl-C -- display Current environment frame bindings" #\newline
" ctrl-D -- move Down to callee's stack frame" #\newline
" ctrl-E -- Edit variable binding" #\newline
" ctrl-G -- Go (resume execution)" #\newline
" ctrl-I -- evaluate one expression and Inspect the result"
" ctrl-L -- List current procedure" #\newline
" ctrl-M -- repeat the breakpoint Message" #\newline
" ctrl-P -- move to Parent environment's frame" #\newline
" ctrl-Q -- Quit (RESET to top level)" #\newline
" ctrl-R -- Return from BREAK with a value" #\newline
" ctrl-S -- move to Son environment's frame" #\newline
" ctrl-U -- move Up to caller's stack frame" #\newline
" ctrl-V -- eValuate one expression in current environment"
" ctrl-W -- (Where) Display current stack frame" #\newline
"To enter `ctrl-A', press both `CTRL' and `A'."
;; data
(down-stk '())
(son-stk '())
(orig-env '())
(orig-stk-index '())
(msg '())
(kind '())
(irritant '())
(cur-env '())
(stk-index '())
(exit-code '())
(lambda (msg0 kind0 irritant0 cur-env0 stk-index0 exit-code0)
(if (and (fluid-bound? %inspector-continuation)
(not (null? (fluid %inspector-continuation))))
((fluid %inspector-continuation) '())
(fluid-let ((%inspector-continuation '()))
(set! msg msg0)
(set! kind kind0)
(set! irritant irritant0)
(set! cur-env cur-env0)
(set! stk-index stk-index0)
(set! exit-code exit-code0)
(set! orig-env cur-env0)
(set! orig-stk-index stk-index0)
(lambda (k)
(set! (fluid %inspector-continuation) k)))
;;; argument OBJ: () or value to be edited
;;; optional arg NAME: symbol
;;; optional arg ENV: environment for name
;;; When NAME and ENV are not supplied, %PCS-EDIT-BINDING calls the
;;; editor to edit OBJ.
;;; When NAME and ENV are supplied, %PCS-EDIT-BINDING calls the editor
;;; to create a new binding for the name in the environment. If OBJ is
;;; nil, the current binding of NAME in ENV is edited instead of OBJ.
;;; returns either (1) an error message string or
;;; (2) (LIST edited-value)
(define %pcs-edit-binding
(letrec ((help
(lambda (obj name)
(if (closure? obj)
(let ((info (assq 'SOURCE (%reify obj 0))))
(if (null? info)
"[No source found for compiled procedure.]"
(let ((new (edit (cdr info))))
(if (and (pair? new)
(eq? (car new) 'LAMBDA))
(let ((mode pcs-debug-mode))
(set! pcs-debug-mode #!true)
(let ((value (eval new)))
(set! pcs-debug-mode mode)
(%reify! value 0
(cons (cons 'SOURCE new) name))
(list value)))
(list new)))))
(list (edit obj))))))
(lambda (obj . rebind)
(if (null? rebind)
(help obj rebind)
(let ((name (car rebind))
(env (cadr rebind)))
(if (and (symbol? name)(environment? env))
(let ((value-list (help (or obj (cdr (%env-lu name env)))
(if (atom? value-list)
(let ((value (car value-list))
(cell (%env-lu name env)))
(if (null? cell)
(%define name value env)
(set-cdr! cell value)))))
"[Invalid argument]"))))))