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2023-05-20 05:57:05 -04:00
;;; PC Scheme toplevel
;;; Copyright 1987 (c) Texas Instruments
;;; The following is the PC Scheme standard toplevel function.
;;; This definition of it is suitable for loading via an .INI file.
; When this is loaded, the fluid variable SCHEME-TOP-LEVEL is set
; to the outer lambda expression. When PC Scheme finishes loading
; the .INI file, it does an internal SCHEME-RESET. That activates
; this function, and also snapshots the VM state; further SCHEME-RESET's
; will always restore the state of PC Scheme to this initial snapshot.
; The outer lambda expression's body calls the local function ==SCHEME-RESET==.
; The fluid variables INPUT-PORT and OUTPUT-PORT are initialized to the
; values of STANDARD-INPUT and STANDARD-OUTPUT, which in turn are always
; bound to 'CONSOLE unless you explicitly set them otherwise.
; The history list is set to nil. The debug-mode flag is examined and
; an appropriate message is output. Then comes the most interesting
; part--a continuation snapshots the context at this point of execution
; in the function and is assigned to the variable ==RESET==. Then the
; fluid variable SCHEME-TOP-LEVEL is rebound to this continuation.
; Henceforth, further RESET's will start execution of the toplevel function
; at this point, skipping the above initializations. A GC is done before
; executing the local function MORE.
; MORE is the read-eval-print section of the toplevel. The prompt is
; displayed. Input is read, consed onto the history list, and evaluated,
; with the result printed with WRITE and also consed onto the history list.
; In the midst of this, the local variable NEXT is bound to SCHEME-TOP-LEVEL's
; value. It is possible that the evaluation of the input form might have
; changed SCHEME-TOP-LEVEL. If NEXT is still bound to ==RESET==, the
; continuation derived above, then the current toplevel function is still
; in control and we loop back to MORE, skipping the initializations that
; RESET or SCHEME-RESET would perform. Otherwise, a new toplevel is
; indicated, and we call it.
; To summarize, the system's toplevel function has 3 entry points.
; First, SCHEME-RESET restarts the outer lambda expression,
; which invokes the local function ==SCHEME-RESET==, and that
; resets the history list and input and output ports, among other things.
; Second, RESET restarts the continuation marked by the CALL/CC,
; and a GC occurs. Finally, the local function MORE takes care
; of the read-eval-print loop. Once entered, MORE is never exited
; unless a RESET or SCHEME-RESET are executed to redo their appropriate
; levels of initialization.
;;; define standard toplevel loop and support functions
(set! (fluid scheme-top-level)
(lambda () ; outer lambda
((==reset== '())
(==scheme-reset== ; here for SCHEME-RESET
(lambda ()
(set! (fluid input-port) standard-input)
(set! (fluid output-port) standard-output)
(putprop '%PCS-STL-HISTORY (list '()) %pcs-stl-history)
(display "[PCS-DEBUG-MODE is ")
(display (if pcs-debug-mode "ON]" "OFF]"))
(lambda (k)
(set! ==reset== (lambda () (k '())))
(set! (fluid scheme-top-level)
; here for RESET
(more ; read-eval-print loop
(lambda ()
(display "[")
(display (length (getprop '%PCS-STL-HISTORY %pcs-stl-history)))
(display "]> ")
(let ((problem (read)))
(if (eof-object? problem)
(display "[End of file read by SCHEME-TOP-LEVEL]")
(putprop '%PCS-STL-HISTORY
(cons (list problem)
(getprop '%PCS-STL-HISTORY
(let* ((answer (eval problem))
(next (fluid scheme-top-level)))
(when (not (eq? answer *the-non-printing-object*))
(write answer))
(putprop '%PCS-STL-HISTORY
(cons (cons problem answer)
(cdr (getprop '%PCS-STL-HISTORY
(if (eq? next ==reset==)
(next))))))))) ;end of letrec vars
(==scheme-reset==) ;letrec body
;;; %C accesses the nth user command
;;; %D accesses the result of the nth user command
(define %c ; %C
(lambda (n)
(let ((history (getprop '%PCS-STL-HISTORY %pcs-stl-history)))
(and (positive? n)
(< n (length history))
(car (list-ref (reverse history) n))))))
(define %d ; %D
(lambda (n)
(let ((history (getprop '%PCS-STL-HISTORY %pcs-stl-history)))
(and (positive? n)
(< n (length history))
(cdr (list-ref (reverse history) n))))))