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2023-05-20 05:57:05 -04:00
; -*- Mode: Lisp -*- Filename: pstd2.s
; ;
; TI SCHEME -- PCS Compiler ;
; Copyright 1985 (c) Texas Instruments ;
; ;
; Terry Caudill ;
; ;
; Scheme Standard Functions and Definitions ;
; ;
; Revision history:
; 6/01/85 87 - Modified from former PSTL file
; 6/01/87 rb - added %XLI-DEBUG
;;; Scheme 84 ENGINES
(define pcs-null-k
(lambda (ticks eng)
(error "Null continuation invoked")))
(define pcs-success-k pcs-null-k)
(define pcs-fail-k '())
(define pcs-engine-timeout
(lambda ()
(call/cc (lambda (k)
(let ((fail pcs-fail-k))
(set! pcs-success-k pcs-null-k)
(set! pcs-fail-k '()) ; help GC
(fail (make-engine (lambda () (k '())))))))))
(define pcs-kill-engine
(lambda ()
(when (not (eq? pcs-success-k pcs-null-k))
(set! pcs-success-k pcs-null-k)
(set! pcs-fail-k '()) ; help GC
(display "[Current engine has been killed]")
;;; ``The solution to the engine tail recursion problem is to wrap the
;;; CALL/CC application in MAKE-ENGINE in an application and pass thunks to
;;; ENGINE-K. This is a very important trick to learn about CALL/CC.
;;; Serious CALL/CC hackers should study it carefully.''
;;; -- Chris Haynes, 10/2/85
(define make-engine
(lambda (thunk)
(if (proc? thunk)
(lambda (ticks sk fk)
(lambda (engine-k)
(when (not (eq? pcs-success-k pcs-null-k))
(error "Engine already running"))
(when (or (not (integer? ticks))
(not (proc? sk))
(not (proc? fk)))
(error "Invalid argument to <engine>" ticks sk fk))
(set! pcs-success-k
(lambda (v ticks) (engine-k (lambda () (sk v ticks)))))
(set! pcs-fail-k
(lambda (v) (engine-k (lambda () (fk v)))))
(%start-timer ticks)
(let* ((result (thunk))
(ticks (%stop-timer)))
(set! pcs-success-k pcs-null-k)
(set! pcs-fail-k '()) ; help gc
(error "ENGINE-RETURN not invoked"))))))
(%error-invalid-operand 'MAKE-ENGINE thunk))))
(define engine-return
(lambda (value)
(let* ((ticks (%stop-timer))
(sk pcs-success-k))
(set! pcs-success-k pcs-null-k)
(set! pcs-fail-k '()) ; help gc
(sk value ticks))))
;;; Miscellaneous Functions
(define freesp ; FREESP
(lambda ()
(%esc1 3)))
(define %hash ; %HASH
(lambda (symbol)
(%esc2 9 (symbol->string symbol))))
(define get-gc-compact-count ; GET-GC-COMPACT-COUNT
(lambda ()
(%esc1 21)))
(define set-gc-compact-count! ; SET-GC-COMPACT-COUNT!
(lambda (value)
(if (not (integer? value))
(%error-invalid-operand 'set-gc-compact-count! value)
(%esc2 22 value))))
; 0 = off; 1 = on
(define %xli-debug ; %XLI-DEBUG
(lambda (x)
(%esc2 18 x)))
(define %system-file-name ; %SYSTEM-FILE-NAME
(lambda (name)
(let* ((dir pcs-sysdir)
(len (string-length dir)))
(if (zero? len)
(if (char=? (string-ref dir (- len 1)) #\\)
(string-append dir "\\"))
;;; Miscellaneous Error type Functions
(define %error-invalid-operand ; %ERROR-INVALID-OPERAND
(lambda (name opd)
(error (string-append "Invalid argument to "
(symbol->string name))
(define %error-invalid-operand-list ; %ERROR-INVALID-OPERAND-LIST
(lambda (name . opds)
(error (string-append "Invalid argument list for "
(symbol->string name))
(cons name opds))))
(define syntax-error ; SYNTAX-ERROR
(letrec ((prin (lambda (x)
(newline)(write x))))
(lambda args
(display "[Syntax Error] ")
(display (car args))
(mapc prin (cdr args))
(display "[Returning to top level]")
(define pcs-clear-registers ; PCS-CLEAR-REGISTERS
(lambda ()
;; do NOT define with DEFINE-INTEGRABLE !!
(%clear-registers) ; calling this routine saves
'())) ; needed registers first
(define pcs-make-label ; PCS-MAKE-LABEL
(lambda (name)
(set! pcs-local-var-count (+ pcs-local-var-count 1))
(cons pcs-local-var-count name)))
;;; Miscellaneous System Definitions
(define pcs-gc-message nil) ;nil says use system defaults
(define pcs-gc-reset nil)
(define standard-input 'CONSOLE)
(define standard-output 'CONSOLE)
(define false #!false)
(define true #!true)
(define the-empty-stream (vector 'THE-EMPTY-STREAM))
(define pcs-error-flag #!false)
(define pcs-binary-output #!true)
(define *error-code* 0) ; force these to be allocated
(define *error-message* '()) ; in USER-GLOBAL-ENVIRONMENT
(define *irritant* 0)
(define *user-error-handler* '())
) ;begin