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2023-05-20 05:57:05 -04:00
; -*- Mode: Lisp -*- Filename: pchreq.s
; Last Revision: 3-Sep-85 1500ct
; ;
; TI SCHEME -- PCS Compiler ;
; Copyright 1985 (c) Texas Instruments ;
; ;
; David Bartley ;
; ;
; Character and String Operations ;
; ;
;;;; The operations defined here are those proposed by Chris Hanson on
;;;; 14 Jan 1985 and in a revision on 20 Mar 85.
;;;; ------------------- Basic Character Operations --------------------
;;; CHAR? PCS primitive (opcode)
;;; CHAR=? PCS primitive (opcode)
;;; CHAR-CI=? PCS primitive (opcode)
;;; CHAR<? PCS primitive (opcode)
;;; CHAR-CI<? PCS primitive (opcode)
;;; CHAR-UPCASE PCS primitive (opcode)
;;; CHAR-DOWNCASE PCS primitive (opcode)
;;; CHAR->INTEGER PCS primitive (opcode)
(define-integrable char<=?
(lambda (ch1 ch2)
(or (char<? ch1 ch2)
(char=? ch1 ch2))))
(define-integrable char>=?
(lambda (ch1 ch2)
(not (char<? ch1 ch2))))
(define-integrable char>?
(lambda (ch1 ch2)
(not (or (char<? ch1 ch2)
(char=? ch1 ch2)))))
(define-integrable char-ci<=?
(lambda (ch1 ch2)
(or (char-ci<? ch1 ch2)
(char-ci=? ch1 ch2))))
(define-integrable char-ci>=?
(lambda (ch1 ch2)
(not (char-ci<? ch1 ch2))))
(define-integrable char-ci>?
(lambda (ch1 ch2)
(not (or (char-ci<? ch1 ch2)
(char-ci=? ch1 ch2)))))
;;;; --------------------- Basic String Operations ---------------------
;;; STRING? PCS primitive (opcode)
;;; STRING-LENGTH PCS primitive (opcode)
;;; STRING-REF PCS primitive (opcode)
;;; STRING-SET! PCS primitive (opcode)
;;; STRING->SYMBOL PCS primitive (opcode)
;;; STRING->UNINTERNED-SYMBOL PCS primitive (opcode)
;;; SYMBOL->STRING PCS primitive (opcode)
;;;; ----------------------- Standard Operations -----------------------
;;; MAKE-STRING PCS primitive (opcode)
;;; STRING-FILL! PCS primitive (opcode)
;;; SUBSTRING PCS primitive (opcode)
(define (string-null? string) ; STRING-NULL?
(and (string? string)
(zero? (string-length string))))
(define string-append ; STRING-APPEND
(lambda (s1 s2 rest)
(if (null? rest)
(sa3 s1 '() s2)
(let ((s3 (car rest))
(rest (cdr rest)))
(if (null? rest)
(sa3 s1 s2 s3)
(sa3 s1 s2 (sa* s3 (car rest)(cdr rest))))))))
(lambda (s1 s2 s3)
(%string-append s1 0 (string-length s1)
s3 0 (string-length s3)))))
(lambda args
(cond ((null? args) "")
((null? (cdr args)) (car args))
(else (sa* (car args)(cadr args)(cddr args)))))))
(define string-copy ; STRING-COPY
(lambda (string)
(%string-append string 0 (string-length string)
"" 0 0)))
(define string->list ; STRING->LIST
(lambda (string)
(do ((string string
(index 0
(add1 index))
(end (string-length string)
(result '()
(cons (string-ref string index) result)))
((= index end)
(reverse! result)))))
(define (list->string chars) ; LIST->STRING
(do ((chars chars
(cdr chars))
(index 0
(add1 index))
(result (make-string (length chars) '())
((null? chars) result)
(string-set! result index (car chars))))
;;;; ------------------------ Motion Primitives ------------------------
(define (substring-fill! string start end char) ; SUBSTRING-FILL!
(when (< start end)
(string-set! string start char)
(substring-fill! string (1+ start) end char)))
(substring-move-left! string1 start1 end1 string2 start2)
(when (< start1 end1)
(string-set! string2 start2
(string-ref string1 start1))
string1 (1+ start1) end1 string2 (1+ start2))))
(define substring-move-right! ; SUBSTRING-MOVE-RIGHT!
(lambda (string1 start1 end1 string2 start2)
(letrec ((loop
(lambda (count1 count2)
(when (<= start1 count1)
(string-set! string2 count2
(string-ref string1 count1))
(loop (-1+ count1) (-1+ count2)))))
(end2 (+ start2 (- end1 start1)))
(loop (-1+ end1) (-1+ end2)))))
;;;; ---------------------- Comparison Primitives ----------------------
(define string=? ; STRING=?
(lambda (s1 s2)
(and (string? s1)(string? s2)(eqv? s1 s2))))
(define string<? ; STRING<?
(lambda (s1 s2)
(let loop ((s1 s1)
(s2 s2)
(i1 0)
(i2 0)
(e1 (string-length s1))
(e2 (string-length s2)))
(cond ((= i1 e1) (< e1 e2))
((= i2 e2) #!false)
(let ((c1 (string-ref s1 i1))
(c2 (string-ref s2 i2)))
(if (char=? c1 c2)
(loop s1 s2 (add1 i1)(add1 i2) e1 e2)
(char<? c1 c2))))))))
(define string<=? ; STRING<=?
(lambda (s1 s2)
(let loop ((s1 s1)
(s2 s2)
(i1 0)
(i2 0)
(e1 (string-length s1))
(e2 (string-length s2)))
(cond ((= i1 e1) (<= e1 e2))
((= i2 e2) #!false)
(let ((c1 (string-ref s1 i1))
(c2 (string-ref s2 i2)))
(if (char=? c1 c2)
(loop s1 s2 (add1 i1)(add1 i2) e1 e2)
(char<? c1 c2))))))))
(define string>=? ; STRING>=?
(lambda (s1 s2)
(not (string<? s1 s2))))
(define string>? ; STRING>?
(lambda (s1 s2)
(not (string<=? s1 s2))))
(define substring=?) ; SUBSTRING=?
(define substring-ci=?) ; SUBSTRING-CI=?
(lambda (char-test)
(lambda (string1 start1 end1 string2 start2 end2)
(define (loop index1 index2)
(or (= index1 end1)
(and (char-test (string-ref string1 index1)
(string-ref string2 index2))
(loop (1+ index1) (1+ index2)))))
(and (string? string1)
(string? string2)
(= (- end1 start1) (- end2 start2))
(loop start1 start2))))))
(set! substring=? ; SUBSTRING=?
(make-substring= (lambda (a b)(char=? a b))))
(set! substring-ci=? ; SUBSTRING-CI=?
(make-substring= (lambda (a b)(char-ci=? a b))))))
(define substring<?) ; SUBSTRING<?
(define substring-ci<?) ; SUBSTRING-CI<?
(lambda (char=test char<test)
(lambda (string1 start1 end1 string2 start2 end2)
(letrec ((loop
(lambda (index1 index2)
(cond ((or (= index1 end1)
(= index2 end2))
(< (- end1 start1)
(- end2 start2)))
((char=test (string-ref string1 index1)
(string-ref string2 index2))
(loop (1+ index1) (1+ index2)))
(char<test (string-ref string1 index1)
(string-ref string2 index2)))))))
(and (string? string1)
(string? string2)
(loop start1 start2)))))))
(set! substring<? ; SUBSTRING<?
(lambda (a b)(char=? a b))
(lambda (a b)(char<? a b))))
(set! substring-ci<? ; SUBSTRING-CI<?
(lambda (a b)(char-ci=? a b))
(lambda (a b)(char-ci<? a b))))))
(define string-ci=?) ; STRING-CI=?
(define string-ci<?) ; STRING-CI<?
(lambda (substring-comparison)
(lambda (string1 string2)
(substring-comparison string1 0 (string-length string1)
string2 0 (string-length string2))))))
(set! string-ci=? ; STRING-CI=?
(string-comparison substring-ci=?))
(set! string-ci<? ; STRING-CI<?
(string-comparison substring-ci<?))))