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2023-05-20 05:57:06 -04:00
; =====> STIMER.ASM
;* TIPC Scheme '84 Things That Could *
;* Have Been Done in C but Why Waste *
;* Execution Time and Codespace? *
;* *
;* (C) Copyright 1984,1985 by Texas *
;* Instruments Incorporated. *
;* All rights reserved. *
;* *
;* Date Written: July 1985 *
;* Last Modification: 8 October 1985 *
include scheme.equ
DGROUP group data
data segment word public 'DATA'
assume DS:DGROUP
;Table of strange characters
stranges db " ,'"
db ';":()`'
db 13,12,11,10,9,0
;Random number registers
krala dw 22425
kralb dw 30029 ;RANDOMIZE puts seed value here
;Random number table
kraltbl dw 4053,32361,7773,17385,11177,20413,27513,16501
dw 5953,17673,20725,12247,28429,30861,16849,22375
;Copy of random number registers and table.
krala1 dw 22425
kralb2 dw 30029
kraltbl1 dw 4053,32361,7773,17385,11177,20413,27513,16501
dw 5953,17673,20725,12247,28429,30861,16849,22375
kral_len equ krala1-krala
data ends
PGROUP group prog
prog segment byte public 'PROG'
assume CS:PGROUP
;For space and performance reasons, some procedures have been written in the
; following style: the arguments are popped off the stack, and the
; procedure may end in an indirect JMP instead of a RET. In this source file,
; the following are such procedures:
; toblock, gvchars, blk2pbuf, putlong, thefix, ldlong, msubstr,
; mcmpstr, ldreg, pt_flds4, pt_flds6, str2str, adj4bord
; Convert flonum to bignum
; Calling sequence: flotobig(flo,bigbuf)
; Where ---- flo: double-length flonum such that abs(flo)>=1
; bigbuf: pointer to buffer for bignum formation
fbargs struc
dw ? ;Return address
flo dw ?,?,?,? ;Flonum
bigbuf dw ? ;Pointer to bignum buffer
fbargs ends
public flotobig
flotobig proc near
mov BX,SP
lea SI,[BX].flo ;Fetch pointer to flonum
mov DI,[BX].bigbuf ;Fetch buffer pointer
inc DI ;Point DI to sign byte
inc DI
cld ;Direction forward
mov AX,[BX+6].flo ;Fetch exponent word to CX
mov CX,AX
and AX,0fh ;Save mantissa part back
or AL,10h
mov [BX+6].flo,AX
mov AL,AH ;Zero AL
test CH,80h ;Negative flonum?
jz ftb1 ;Jump if not
inc AL ;Otherwise, set AL to 1
ftb1: stosb ;Store sign byte
mov BX,DI ;Save address of first word in BX
mov AL,AH ;Zero AL again
and CX,7ff0h ;Discard sign byte and mantissa
sub CX,3ff0h ;Remove exponent bias
shl CX,1
;At this stage, CH+1==number of bytes for bignum, CL shows how much to
; shift mantissa left (once per 20h)
mov DX,CX ;Use DX to count the shifts
xor DH,DH ;Set up shift count
add DX,80h ;Account for placing leading 1 in high byte
ftb2: shl word ptr[SI],1 ;Shift mantissa left
rcl word ptr[SI+2],1
rcl word ptr[SI+4],1
rcl word ptr[SI+6],1
sub DX,20h ;Repeat until done
jnz ftb2
mov CL,CH ;Set CX to number of bignum bytes
xor CH,CH
inc CX
sub CX,8 ;Check for leading zeros
js ftb3 ;Jump if not all the mantissa will be done
jz ftb3 ;Jump if no trailing zeros exist
rep stosb ;Else store as many zeros as necessary
ftb3: sub SI,CX ;Point SI to eligible part of mantissa
add CX,8 ;Set mantissa byte count
rep movsb ;Copy flonum mantissa to bignum
mov CX,DI ;Find number of bytes in bignum proper
sub CX,BX
shr CX,1 ;Find number of words
jnc ftb4 ;If a whole number of words, do nothing
mov byte ptr[DI],0 ;Otherwise, pad with a 0
inc CX ;Adjust word count
ftb4: mov [BX-3],CX ;Save size of bignum
flotobig endp
; Find the size of a flonum
; Calling sequence: flosiz(flo);
; Where ---- flo: double-length flonum
; Returns the number of bytes needed for a working flonum formed from
; trunc(flonum)
fsargs struc
dw ? ;Return address
fl dw ?,?,?,? ;Double-length flonum
fsargs ends
public flosiz
flosiz proc near
mov SI,SP
mov AX,[SI+6].fl ;Fetch word containing exponent
and AX,7ff0h ;Drop sign and mantissa
sub AX,3ff0h ;Is abs(flo) < 1?
jc small ;Jump if small
mov AL,AH ;Otherwise, return number of bytes
xor AH,AH
shl AL,1
add AL,5
small: xor AX,AX ;Return 0 for smallness
flosiz endp
; Move bytes from buffer to allocated Scheme block
; Calling sequence: toblock(reg,offs,buf,q)
; Where ---- reg: Scheme register pointing to block
; offs: Offset into block to begin transfer
; buf: Buffer pointer
; q: Number of bytes to move
;Stack elements in order of popping:
; Return address, register, offset, buffer address, number of bytes
public toblock
toblock proc near
pop DX ;Save return address in DX
pop BX ;Get register address
mov DI,[BX].C_disp ;Put 8088 address in ES:DI
mov BX,[BX].C_page
mov AX,ES
LoadPage ES,BX
;;; mov ES,pagetabl+[BX]
pop CX ;Get offset
add DI,CX ;Add to DI
pop SI ;Get source address (buffer ptr)
pop CX ;Get number of bytes
jcxz tbskip ;If no bytes, don't move
cld ;Direction forward
rep movsb ;Move bytes
tbskip: mov ES,AX ;Restore ES
jmp DX ;Return
toblock endp
; Give characters from a C string
; Calling sequence: gvchars(str,len)
; Where ---- str: C string address
; len: Number of characters to give
;Stack elements in order of popping:
; Return address, string address, number of chars
extrn givechar:near
public gvchars
gvchars proc near
pop DI ;Get return address
pop SI ;Get string address
pop CX ;Get number of chars
push DI ;Put return address back
jcxz given ;If no chars, stop
cld ;Direction forward
gvlp: push CX ;Save count
lodsb ;Fetch string character
push SI ;Save pointer to next char
push AX
call givechar ;Give it
inc SP ;Restore stack
inc SP
pop SI ;Restore address and count
pop CX
loop gvlp ;Give 'til done
given: ret ;Return
gvchars endp
; Move characters from block (symbol or string) to print buffer
; Calling sequence: blk2pbuf(pg,ds,buf,len,ch,display)
; Where ---- pg: logical page of the block
; ds: block displacement
; buf: address of print buffer
; len: number of chars in the block
; ch: character to escape (| for syms, " for strs)
; display: whether to use escape characters
; Returns the number 2n+s, where n is the number of characters in the
; print buffer, and s=1 if strange chars were encountered, 0 otherwise.
; Popping order: return address, pg, ds, buf, len, ch, display
public blk2pbuf
extrn hicases:byte
blk2pbuf proc near
pop DX ;Pop return address
pop BX ;Pop page
shl BX,1 ;Put segment of block in DS
LoadPage DS,BX
;;; mov DS,pagetabl+[BX]
pop SI ;Pop block displacement
pop DI ;Pop print buffer
pop CX ;Pop character count
pop BX ;Pop must-be-escaped character
pop AX ;Pop whether to use escapes
mov BH,AL ;Save escape boolean in BX
and BH,7fh ;Save bit in BH for strangeness
push DX ;Push return address
push ES ; Save caller's ES register
mov DX,DI ;Save start address of print buffer in DX
jcxz zstrng ;If len=0, mark strangeness
cmp BL,'"' ;Are we looking at a string?
jne b2plp ;Skip if not
zstrng: or BH,80h ;Otherwise, mark as strange
jcxz done ;If len=0, forget everything else
b2plp: lodsb ;Fetch char from block
test BH,7fh ;Are we displaying escape chars?
jz storit ;Jump if not
cmp AL,BL ;Does the char need escaping?
je escit ;If needed, do so
cmp AL,'\'
jne storit ;If not, just store it
escit: mov AH,AL ;Save char in AH
mov AL,'\' ;Store escape character
mov AL,AH ;Restore char
storit: stosb ;Store it
test BH,80h ;Do we already know that atom's strange?
jnz skptest ;If so, don't bother testing
push SI ;Else save SI
mov SI,offset DGROUP:hicases ;Point SI to table of upper cases
xchg BX,SI
mov AH,AL ;Save char in AH
xlat ES:hicases ;Fetch upper-case equivalent
xchg BX,SI ;Restore BX
cmp AH,AL
jne mrkstrng ;If chars different, mark as strange
mov SI,offset stranges ;Point SI to strange-character string
strnglp: lods byte ptr ES:[SI] ;Fetch strange char
or AL,AL ;End of string?
jz notstrng ;Jump if so
cmp AH,AL ;Is AH strange?
jne strnglp ;If not, try again
mrkstrng: or BH,80h ;Mark strange bit
notstrng: pop SI ;Restore SI
skptest: loop b2plp ;Repeat until done
done: push ES ;Restore DS
pop DS
pop ES ; Restore caller's ES register
mov byte ptr[DI],0 ;Put null at end of string
mov AX,DI ;Return 2*(# of chars in string)+strangeness
sub AX,DX
shl BH,1
rcl AX,1
ret ;Return
blk2pbuf endp
; Load bignum block with long integer
; Calling sequence: putlong(reg,longi)
; Where ----- reg: register pointing to a bignum block
; longi: 32-bit integer to store
; Popping order: return address, register address, low & high integer words
public putlong
putlong proc near
pop DX ;Fetch return address
pop DI ;Fetch register address
mov BX,[DI].C_page ;Point ES:DI to bignum block
LoadPage ES,BX
;;; mov ES,pagetabl+[BX]
mov DI,[DI].C_disp
add DI,3 ;Point ES:DI to block data area
pop BX ;Put long integer in CX:BX
pop CX
xor AL,AL ;Sign byte - default positive
test CH,80h ;Integer negative?
jz poslong ;Jump if not
inc AL ;Otherwise, set sign negative
xor BX,-1 ;Negate long integer
xor CX,-1
add BX,1
adc CX,0
poslong: cld ;Direction forward
stosb ;Store sign byte
mov AX,BX ;Store least significant word
jcxz notlong ;If most signif. word=0, don't store it
mov AX,CX
notlong: push DS ;Restore ES
pop ES
jmp DX ;Return
putlong endp
; Add word of zeros, if necessary, to bignum buffer
; Calling sequence: thefix(buf)
; Where ----- buf: address of bignum buffer
; THEFIX is intended to alleviate a problem in the bignum division package.
; Popping order: return address, buf
public thefix
thefix proc near
pop DI ;Return address in DX
pop SI ;Fetch bignum buffer address
mov BX,[SI] ;Get bignum size in words
inc BX ;Point BX+SI to last bignum byte
shl BX,1
test byte ptr[BX+SI],80h ;Is most signif. bit set?
jz fixed ;If not, nothing to fix
inc word ptr[SI] ;Otherwise, increase bignum size
inc BX ;Add word of 0 to most significant end
mov word ptr[BX+SI],0
fixed: jmp DI ;Return
thefix endp
; Load a long integer value with a bignum
; Calling sequence: ldlong(v, reg)
; Where ----- v: pointer to a long integer
; reg: register pointing to a bignum
; Returns 0 if the load was successful, 1 otherwise
; Popping order: return address, v, reg
public ldlong
ldlong proc near
pop DX ;Pop return address
pop DI ;Pop longint destination
pop BX ;Pop register address
push DS ;Save DS
mov SI,[BX].C_disp ;Point DS:SI to bignum object
mov BX,[BX].C_page
LoadPage DS,BX
;;; mov DS,pagetabl+[BX]
cld ;Direction forward
inc SI ;Put bignum length in CX
mov CX,AX
lodsb ;Put bignum sign in BL
mov BL,AL
cmp CX,6 ;Check size
je big6
cmp CX,8
je big8
mov AX,1 ;If here, bignum wrong size: error
pop DS ;Restore DS
jmp DX ;Return
big6: lodsw ;Put bignum in CX:AX
xor CX,CX
jmp short havenum
big8: lodsw ;Put bignum in CX:AX
mov CX,AX
xchg CX,AX
havenum: test BL,1 ;Was bignum negative?
jz storenum ;No, skip
xor CX,-1 ;Otherwise, negate
xor AX,-1
add AX,1
adc CX,0
storenum: stosw ;Store to long integer
mov AX,CX
xor AX,AX ;All's well
pop DS ;Restore DS
jmp DX ;Return
ldlong endp
; Move string bytes from one part of PCS memory to another
; Calling sequence: msubstr(to_reg, from_reg, start, end)
; Where ----- to_reg: register pointing to destination string
; from_reg: register pointing to source string
; start: offset at which to start copying
; end: byte after the last to be copied
; Popping order: return address, from_reg, to_reg, start, end
public msubstr
msubstr proc near
pop DX ;Pop return address (temporarily)
pop DI ;Pop destination register address
pop SI ;Pop source register address
pop AX ;Pop start index
pop CX ;Pop end index
push DS ;Save caller's DS & ES
push ES
mov BX,[DI].C_page ;Point ES:DI to destination object
mov DI,[DI].C_disp
LoadPage ES,BX
;;; mov ES,pagetabl+[BX]
add DI,BLK_OVHD ;Adjust DI past string overhead
mov BX,[SI].C_page ;Point DS:SI to source object
mov SI,[SI].C_disp
LoadPage DS,BX
;;; mov DS,pagetabl+[BX]
add SI,BLK_OVHD ;Adjust SI past string overhead
add SI,AX ;Point SI to start of substring
sub CX,AX ;Set number of bytes to move
cld ;Direction forward
rep movsb
pop ES ;Restore caller's DS & ES
pop DS
jmp DX ;Return
msubstr endp
; Compare two Scheme bignums or strings for equal?-ness
; Calling sequence: mcmpstr(reg1,reg2)
; Where ----- reg1,reg2: registers pointing to objects to be compared
; Returns 1 if the objects are equal?, 0 otherwise
public mcmpstr
mcmpstr proc near
pop DX ;Pop return address
pop SI ;Pop register addresses
pop DI
push DS ;Save caller's DS and ES
push ES
mov BX,[DI].C_page ;Point ES:DI to second object
mov DI,[DI].C_disp
LoadPage ES,BX
;;; mov ES,pagetabl+[BX]
mov BX,[SI].C_page ;Point DS:SI to the first object
mov SI,[SI].C_disp
LoadPage DS,BX
;;; mov DS,pagetabl+[BX]
mov CX,[SI].str_len ;Fetch byte count from source's length
cmp CX,0 ;;; check for small string
jge mcm_010
mcm_010: xor AX,AX ;Default AX to FALSE
cld ;Direction forward
repe cmpsb ;Compare
jne cmpskp ;If not equal, return FALSE
inc AX ;Otherwise return TRUE
cmpskp: pop ES ;Restore caller's ES and DS
pop DS
jmp DX ;Return
mcmpstr endp
; Load a register with a pointer from Scheme memory
; Calling sequence: ldreg(reg,pg,ds)
; Where ----- reg: register to be loaded
; pg,ds: page and displacement of Scheme pointer
; Popping order: return address, reg, pg, ds
public ldreg
ldreg proc near
pop DX ;Pop return address
pop DI ;Pop destination register
pop BX ;Pop page and displacement
pop SI
mov CX,DS ;Save caller's DS
shl BX,1 ;Point DS:SI to Scheme pointer
LoadPage DS,BX
;;; mov DS,pagetabl+[BX]
cld ;Direction forward
lodsb ;Load register's page field
xor AH,AH
mov ES:[DI].C_page,AX
lodsw ;Load displacement field
mov ES:[DI].C_disp,AX
mov DS,CX ;Restore caller's DS
jmp DX ;Return
ldreg endp
; Generate pseudorandom numbers in the range 0-16,383
; Author: John C. Jensen (converted to assembly lang. by Mark Meyer)
; Date Written: 9 January 1985
; Last Modification: 9 July 1985
; Calling Sequence: krandom()
; Note: the following random number generator is due to Jaroslav
; Kral. It was adapted to 16 bit words and proven both efficient
; and statistically satisfactory by Overstreet and Nance of SMU.
; See Karl's paper for initialization values for other word
; lengths.
; -- Kral, Jaroslav. "A New Additive Pseudorandom Number
; Generator for Extremely Short Word-Lengths," Information
; Processing Letters, 1 (1972), 164-167 (erratum noted in 1
; (1972), 216).
; -- Overstreet, C. and Nance, R.E., "A Random Number Generator
; for Small Word-Length Computers," Proceedings of the ACM '73
; Conference, p. 219-223.
public krandom
krandom proc near
mov AX,krala ;Put old KRALA in AX, old KRALB in BX
mov BX,kralb
add BX,AX ;KRALB = (KRALA+KRALB) mod 2^n
and BH,3fh ; (Currently, n=14)
mov kralb,BX
mov BL,BH ;J = KRALB / 2^(n-4)
shr BL,1
and BX,01eh
mov AX,[BX]+offset kraltbl ;KRALA = KRALTBL[J]
mov krala,AX
add AX,CX ;KRALTBL[J] = (KRALA+KRALC) mod 2^n
and AH,3fh
mov [BX]+offset kraltbl,AX
ret ;Return KRALTBL[J]
krandom endp
; RANDOMIZE - Reset the random number registers and table back to their
; original values, then put the seed value into "kralb".
; Calling sequence: randomize(seed) ;seed = normal C int
public randomiz
randz_args struc
dw ? ;caller's ES
dw ? ;caller's BP
dw ? ;return address
rseed dw ? ;argument 1 (seed)
randz_args ends
randomiz proc near
push BP ;save caller's BP
push ES ;save ES
mov BP,SP ;establish local addressability
mov AX,DS ;copy DS to ES
mov ES,AX
mov CX,kral_len/2 ;restore random state to its original state
lea SI,krala1
lea DI,krala
rep movsw
mov BX,[BP].rseed ;get seed
cmp BX,0 ;is it zero?
jnz randz_1 ;no, jump; use the seed directly
mov AX,2C00h ;get the time from DOS
int 21h
push DX ;tempsave DX (seconds, hundredths)
xor AX,AX
mov AL,CH ;determine #sec-in-hours
mov DX,3600
mul DX
mov BX,AX
xor AX,AX
mov AL,CL ;determine #sec-in-minutes
mov DX,60
mul DX
add BX,AX ;#sec-in-hours + #sec-in-minutes
pop DX ;restore seconds (and hundredths, but ignore it)
xchg DH,DL
mov DH,0
add BX,DX ;add in seconds
randz_1: mov kralb,BX ;set seed
pop ES ;wrap up
pop BP
randomiz endp
; Set the cdr field of a list cell
; Calling sequence: asetcdr(creg, preg)
; Where ---- creg: register pointing to cell
; preg: register holding new pointer
; Popping order: Return address, destination register, pointer register
public asetcdr
asetcdr proc near
pop DX ;Pop return address
pop DI ;Pop address of register
mov CX,ES ;Save caller's ES
mov BX,[DI].C_page ;Point ES:DI to list cell
mov DI,[DI].C_disp
LoadPage ES,BX
;;; mov ES,pagetabl+[BX]
add DI,PTRSIZE ;Adjust for cdr field
pop SI ;Pop address of pointer
cld ;Direction forward
mov AX,[SI].C_page ;Store into cdr field
mov AX,[SI].C_disp
mov ES,CX ;Restore ES
jmp DX ;Return
asetcdr endp
; Get field values from a port object
; Calling sequence: pt_flds4(reg, &ull, &ulc, &nl, &nc)
; pt_flds6(reg, &cl, &cc, &ull, &ulc, &nl, &nc)
; Where ----- reg: register pointing to port
; cl: variable to receive CUR_LINE value
; cc: ... CUR_COL value
; ull: ... UL_LINE value
; ulc: ... UL_COL value
; nl: ... N_LINES value
; nc: ... N_COLS value
; Warning: This routine expects these six fields to be contiguous
; Popping order: return address, reg, (&cl, &cc,) &ull, &ulc, &nl, &nc
public pt_flds4,pt_flds6
pt_flds proc near
pt_flds6: mov CX,pt_cline ;Set CX to offset of first field
jmp fldsmrg
pt_flds4: mov CX,pt_ullin ;Set CX to offset of first field
fldsmrg: pop DX ;Pop return address
mov AX,DS ;Save caller's DS
pop BX ;Pop register address
mov SI,[BX].C_disp ;Point DS:SI to first field
mov BX,[BX].C_page
LoadPage DS,BX
;;; mov DS,pagetabl+[BX]
add SI,CX
cld ;Direction forward
sub CX,pt_cline ;Set CX to number of fields to do
shr CX,1 ; (6 - (1/2)(CX - pt_cline))
neg CX
add CX,6
fldslp: pop DI ;Pop destination variable address
movsw ;Transfer value
loop fldslp ;Repeat until done
mov DS,AX ;Restore DS
jmp DX ;Return
pt_flds endp
; Copy bytes from one C location to another
; Calling sequence: str2str(dest_adr, src_adr, n)
; Where ----- dest_adr: destination address
; src_adr: source address
; n: number of bytes to copy
; Popping order: return address, dest_adr, src_adr, n
public str2str
str2str proc near
pop DX ;Pop return address
pop DI
pop SI
pop CX
cld ;Direction forward
rep movsb ;Copy bytes
jmp DX ;Return
str2str endp
; Adjust window region variables for presence of a border
; Calling sequence: adj4bord(&ull, &nl, &ulc, &nc)
; Where ----- ull: Upper-left-line variable
; nl: Number-of-lines variable
; ulc: Upper-left-column variable
; nc: Number-of-columns variable
; Popping order: return address, &ull, &nl, &ulc, &nc
public adj4bord
max_lines equ 25
max_cols equ 80
adj4bord proc near
pop DX ;Pop return address
mov BX,max_lines ;Expand HEIGHT of window region
expand: pop SI ;Pop upper-left parameter
pop DI ;Pop extent parameter
mov AX,[SI] ;Get value of upper-left parm
or AX,AX ;If zero,
jz expand1 ; skip next two instructions
dec word ptr[SI] ;Else, expand backward
inc word ptr[DI]
dec AX ;Adjust AX to match upper-left parm
expand1: add AX,[DI] ;Find opposite edge
cmp AX,BX ;If edge too far,
jae expand2 ; skip next instruction
inc word ptr[DI] ;Else, expand forward
expand2: cmp BX,max_cols ;If we're finished,
je adjex ; jump out
mov BX,max_cols ;Else, expand WIDTH of window region
jmp expand
adjex: jmp DX ;Return
adj4bord endp
prog ends