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;;; Ikarus Scheme -- A compiler for R6RS Scheme.
;;; Copyright (C) 2006,2007,2008 Abdulaziz Ghuloum
;;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as
;;; published by the Free Software Foundation.
;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
(library (ikarus flonums)
(export $flonum->exact flonum-parts
2007-08-28 18:15:27 -04:00
inexact->exact exact $flonum-rational? $flonum-integer? $flzero?
$flnegative? flpositive? flabs fixnum->flonum
2007-09-10 22:45:41 -04:00
flsin flcos fltan flasin flacos flatan fleven? flodd?
flfloor flceiling flnumerator fldenominator flexp fllog
2007-09-12 03:56:08 -04:00
flinteger? flonum-bytes flnan? flfinite? flinfinite?
flexpt $flround flround)
(ikarus system $bytevectors)
2007-09-10 22:45:41 -04:00
(ikarus system $fx)
(only (ikarus system $flonums) $fl>= $flonum-sbe)
2007-09-10 22:45:41 -04:00
(ikarus system $bignums)
(except (ikarus system $flonums) $flonum-rational?
$flonum-integer? $flround)
2007-09-10 22:45:41 -04:00
(except (ikarus) inexact->exact exact flpositive? flabs fixnum->flonum
flsin flcos fltan flasin flacos flatan fleven? flodd?
flfloor flceiling flnumerator fldenominator flexp fllog
2007-09-12 03:56:08 -04:00
flexpt flinteger? flonum-parts flonum-bytes flnan? flfinite?
flinfinite? flround))
2007-06-10 00:32:19 -04:00
(define (flonum-bytes f)
(unless (flonum? f)
(die 'flonum-bytes "not a flonum" f))
2007-06-10 00:32:19 -04:00
($flonum-u8-ref f 0)
($flonum-u8-ref f 1)
($flonum-u8-ref f 2)
($flonum-u8-ref f 3)
($flonum-u8-ref f 4)
($flonum-u8-ref f 5)
($flonum-u8-ref f 6)
($flonum-u8-ref f 7)))
(define (flonum-parts x)
(unless (flonum? x)
(die 'flonum-parts "not a flonum" x))
2007-06-10 00:32:19 -04:00
(let-values ([(b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7) (flonum-bytes x)])
(zero? (fxlogand b0 128))
(+ (fxsll (fxlogand b0 127) 4)
(fxsra b1 4))
(+ (+ b7 (fxsll b6 8) (fxsll b5 16))
(* (+ b4
(fxsll b3 8)
(fxsll b2 16)
(fxsll (fxlogand b1 #b1111) 24))
(expt 2 24))))))
(define ($zero-m? f)
(and ($fxzero? ($flonum-u8-ref f 7))
($fxzero? ($flonum-u8-ref f 6))
($fxzero? ($flonum-u8-ref f 5))
($fxzero? ($flonum-u8-ref f 4))
($fxzero? ($flonum-u8-ref f 3))
($fxzero? ($flonum-u8-ref f 2))
($fxzero? ($fxlogand ($flonum-u8-ref f 1) #b1111))))
(define ($flonum-rational? x)
(let ([be ($fxlogand ($flonum-sbe x)
($fxsub1 ($fxsll 1 11)))])
($fx< be 2047)))
(define ($flonum-integer? x)
(let ([be ($fxlogand ($flonum-sbe x)
($fxsub1 ($fxsll 1 11)))])
[($fx= be 2047) ;;; nans and infs
[($fx>= be 1075) ;;; magnitue large enough
[($fx= be 0) ;;; denormalized double, only +/-0.0 is integer
(and ($fx= ($flonum-u8-ref x 7) 0)
($fx= ($flonum-u8-ref x 6) 0)
($fx= ($flonum-u8-ref x 5) 0)
($fx= ($flonum-u8-ref x 4) 0)
($fx= ($flonum-u8-ref x 3) 0)
($fx= ($flonum-u8-ref x 2) 0)
($fx= ($flonum-u8-ref x 1) 0))]
[($fx< be ($fx+ 1075 -52)) ;;; too small to be an integer
[else ($fl= x ($$flround x))])))
(define ($$flround x)
(foreign-call "ikrt_fl_round" x ($make-flonum)))
(define ($flround x)
;;; optimize for integer flonums case
(define (ratnum-round n nbe)
(let ([d (sll 1 nbe)])
(let ([q (sra n nbe)]
[r (bitwise-and n (sub1 d))])
(let ([r2 (+ r r)])
[(< r2 d) q]
[(> r2 d) (+ q 1)]
[else (if (even? q) q (+ q 1))])))))
(let ([sbe ($flonum-sbe x)])
(let ([be ($fxlogand sbe #x7FF)])
;;; nans/infs/magnitude large enough to be an integer
[($fx>= be 1075) x]
;;; this really needs to get optimized.
(let-values ([(pos? be m) (flonum-parts x)])
[(= be 0) ;;; denormalized
(if pos? +0.0 -0.0)]
[else ; normalized flonum
(let ([r
(ratnum-round (+ m (expt 2 52)) (- 1075 be)))])
(if pos? r ($fl* r -1.0)))]))]))))
(define (flround x)
(if (flonum? x)
($flround x)
(die 'flround "not a flonum" x)))
(module ($flonum->exact)
(define ($flonum-signed-mantissa x)
(let ([b0 ($flonum-u8-ref x 0)])
(let ([m0 ($fx+ ($flonum-u8-ref x 7)
($fx+ ($fxsll ($flonum-u8-ref x 6) 8)
($fxsll ($flonum-u8-ref x 5) 16)))]
[m1 ($fx+ ($flonum-u8-ref x 4)
($fx+ ($fxsll ($flonum-u8-ref x 3) 8)
($fxsll ($flonum-u8-ref x 2) 16)))]
[m2 (let ([b1 ($flonum-u8-ref x 1)])
(if (and ($fx= ($fxlogand b0 #x7F) 0)
($fx= ($fxsra b1 4) 0))
($fxlogand b1 #xF)
($fxlogor ($fxlogand b1 #xF) #x10)))])
(if ($fx= 0 ($fxlogand #x80 b0))
(+ (bitwise-arithmetic-shift-left ($fxlogor m1 ($fxsll m2 24)) 24) m0)
(+ (bitwise-arithmetic-shift-left
($fx- 0 ($fxlogor m1 ($fxsll m2 24))) 24)
($fx- 0 m0))))))
(define ($flonum->exact x)
(import (ikarus))
(let ([sbe ($flonum-sbe x)])
(let ([be ($fxlogand sbe #x7FF)])
[($fx= be 2047) #f] ;;; nans/infs
[($fx>= be 1075) ;;; magnitude large enough to be an integer
($flonum-signed-mantissa x)
(- be 1075))]
;;; this really needs to get optimized.
(let-values ([(pos? be m) (flonum-parts x)])
[(= be 0) ;;; denormalized
(if (= m 0)
(* (if pos? 1 -1)
(/ m (expt 2 1074))))]
[else ; normalized flonum
(/ (+ m (expt 2 52))
(if pos? 1 -1)
(- 1075 be)))]))])))))
2007-09-10 23:30:17 -04:00
(define (flnumerator x)
(unless (flonum? x)
(die 'flnumerator "not a flonum" x))
2007-09-10 23:30:17 -04:00
[($flonum-integer? x) x]
[($flonum-rational? x)
(exact->inexact (numerator ($flonum->exact x)))]
[else x]))
(define (fldenominator x)
(unless (flonum? x)
(die 'fldenominator "not a flonum" x))
2007-09-10 23:30:17 -04:00
[($flonum-integer? x) 1.0]
[($flonum-rational? x)
(exact->inexact (denominator ($flonum->exact x)))]
2007-09-10 23:30:17 -04:00
[(flnan? x) x]
[else 1.0]))
2007-09-10 22:45:41 -04:00
(define (fleven? x)
;;; FIXME: optimize
2007-09-10 22:45:41 -04:00
(unless (flonum? x)
(die 'fleven? "not a flonum" x))
2007-09-10 22:45:41 -04:00
(let ([v ($flonum->exact x)])
[(fixnum? v) ($fx= ($fxlogand v 1) 0)]
[(bignum? v)
(foreign-call "ikrt_even_bn" v)]
[else (die 'fleven? "not an integer flonum" x)])))
2007-09-10 22:45:41 -04:00
(define (flodd? x)
(unless (flonum? x)
(die 'flodd? "not a flonum" x))
;;; FIXME: optimize
2007-09-10 22:45:41 -04:00
(let ([v ($flonum->exact x)])
[(fixnum? v) ($fx= ($fxlogand v 1) 1)]
[(bignum? v)
(not (foreign-call "ikrt_even_bn" v))]
[else (die 'flodd? "not an integer flonum" x)])))
2007-09-10 22:45:41 -04:00
(define (flinteger? x)
(if (flonum? x)
($flonum-integer? x)
(die 'flinteger? "not a flonum" x)))
(define (flinfinite? x)
(if (flonum? x)
(let ([be (fxlogand ($flonum-sbe x) (sub1 (fxsll 1 11)))])
(and (fx= be 2047) ;;; nans and infs
($zero-m? x)))
(die 'flinfinite? "not a flonum" x)))
(define (flnan? x)
(if (flonum? x)
(let ([be (fxlogand ($flonum-sbe x) (sub1 (fxsll 1 11)))])
(and (fx= be 2047) ;;; nans and infs
(not ($zero-m? x))))
(die 'flnan? "not a flonum" x)))
(define (flfinite? x)
(if (flonum? x)
(let ([be (fxlogand ($flonum-sbe x) (sub1 (fxsll 1 11)))])
(not (fx= be 2047)))
(die 'flfinite? "not a flonum" x)))
2007-06-13 07:08:12 -04:00
(define ($flzero? x)
(let ([be (fxlogand ($flonum-sbe x) (sub1 (fxsll 1 11)))])
2007-06-13 07:08:12 -04:00
(fx= be 0) ;;; denormalized double, only +/-0.0 is integer
(and (fx= ($flonum-u8-ref x 7) 0)
(fx= ($flonum-u8-ref x 6) 0)
(fx= ($flonum-u8-ref x 5) 0)
(fx= ($flonum-u8-ref x 4) 0)
(fx= ($flonum-u8-ref x 3) 0)
(fx= ($flonum-u8-ref x 2) 0)
(fx= ($flonum-u8-ref x 1) 0)))))
2007-06-13 07:11:39 -04:00
(define ($flnegative? x)
(let ([b0 ($flonum-u8-ref x 0)])
(fx> b0 127)))
(define ($exact x who)
(import (ikarus system $compnums))
2007-06-10 00:35:39 -04:00
[(flonum? x)
(or ($flonum->exact x)
(die who "number has no real value" x))]
[(cflonum? x)
(or ($flonum->exact ($cflonum-real x))
(die who "number has no real value" x))
(or ($flonum->exact ($cflonum-imag x))
(die who "number has no real value" x)))]
[(or (fixnum? x) (ratnum? x) (bignum? x) (compnum? x)) x]
[else (die who "not a number" x)]))
(define (inexact->exact x) ($exact x 'inexact->exact))
(define (exact x) ($exact x 'exact))
2007-08-28 18:15:27 -04:00
(define (flpositive? x)
(if (flonum? x)
($fl> x 0.0)
(die 'flpositive? "not a flonum" x)))
2007-06-10 00:32:19 -04:00
(define (flabs x)
(if (flonum? x)
(if ($fx> ($flonum-u8-ref x 0) 127)
($fl* x -1.0)
(die 'flabs "not a flonum" x)))
2007-09-02 21:02:06 -04:00
(define (fixnum->flonum x)
(if (fixnum? x)
($fixnum->flonum x)
(die 'fixnum->flonum "not a fixnum")))
2007-09-02 21:02:06 -04:00
(define (flsin x)
(if (flonum? x)
(foreign-call "ikrt_fl_sin" x)
(die 'flsin "not a flonum" x)))
(define (flcos x)
(if (flonum? x)
(foreign-call "ikrt_fl_cos" x)
(die 'flcos "not a flonum" x)))
(define (fltan x)
(if (flonum? x)
(foreign-call "ikrt_fl_tan" x)
(die 'fltan "not a flonum" x)))
(define (flasin x)
(if (flonum? x)
(foreign-call "ikrt_fl_asin" x)
(die 'flasin "not a flonum" x)))
(define (flacos x)
(if (flonum? x)
(foreign-call "ikrt_fl_acos" x)
(die 'flacos "not a flonum" x)))
2008-07-24 03:06:12 -04:00
(define flatan
(if (flonum? x)
(foreign-call "ikrt_fl_atan" x)
(die 'flatan "not a flonum" x))]
[(x y)
(if (flonum? x)
(if (flonum? y)
(foreign-call "ikrt_atan2" x y)
(die 'flatan "not a flonum" y))
(die 'flatan "not a flonum" x))]))
(define (flfloor x)
(define (ratnum-floor x)
(let ([n (numerator x)] [d (denominator x)])
(let ([q (quotient n d)])
(if (>= n 0) q (- q 1)))))
[(flonum? x)
;;; optimize for integer flonums case
(let ([e ($flonum->exact x)])
[(ratnum? e)
(exact->inexact (ratnum-floor e))]
[else x]))]
[else (die 'flfloor "not a flonum" x)]))
(define (flceiling x)
[(flonum? x)
;;; optimize for integer flonums case
(let ([e ($flonum->exact x)])
[(ratnum? e)
(exact->inexact (ceiling e))]
[else x]))]
[else (die 'flceiling "not a flonum" x)]))
2007-09-10 23:36:36 -04:00
(define (flexp x)
(if (flonum? x)
(foreign-call "ikrt_fl_exp" x ($make-flonum))
(die 'flexp "not a flonum" x)))
2007-09-10 23:36:36 -04:00
(define fllog
(if (flonum? x)
(foreign-call "ikrt_fl_log" x)
(die 'fllog "not a flonum" x))]
[(x y)
(if (flonum? x)
(if (flonum? y)
(fl/ (foreign-call "ikrt_fl_log" x)
(foreign-call "ikrt_fl_log" y))
(die 'fllog "not a flonum" y))
(die 'fllog "not a flonum" x))]))
2007-09-12 03:56:08 -04:00
(define (flexpt x y)
(if (flonum? x)
(if (flonum? y)
(let ([y^ ($flonum->exact y)])
;;; FIXME: performance bottleneck?
2007-09-12 03:56:08 -04:00
[(fixnum? y^) (inexact (expt x y^))]
[(bignum? y^) (inexact (expt x y^))]
(foreign-call "ikrt_flfl_expt" x y ($make-flonum))]))
(die 'flexpt "not a flonum" y))
(die 'fllog "not a flonum" x)))
2008-05-19 00:41:53 -04:00
(library (ikarus generic-arithmetic)
(export + - * / zero? = < <= > >= add1 sub1 quotient remainder
2008-05-18 05:27:55 -04:00
modulo even? odd? bitwise-and bitwise-not bitwise-ior
bitwise-xor bitwise-if
2007-11-08 20:57:11 -05:00
bitwise-arithmetic-shift-right bitwise-arithmetic-shift-left
bitwise-length bitwise-copy-bit-field
2008-01-20 23:13:24 -05:00
bitwise-copy-bit bitwise-bit-field
positive? negative? expt gcd lcm numerator denominator
quotient+remainder number->string min max
2007-11-11 01:13:09 -05:00
abs truncate fltruncate sra sll real->flonum
2007-08-28 18:15:27 -04:00
exact->inexact inexact floor ceiling round log fl=? fl<? fl<=? fl>?
2007-06-13 11:17:21 -04:00
fl>=? fl+ fl- fl* fl/ flsqrt flmin flzero? flnegative?
sin cos tan asin acos atan sqrt exp
sinh cosh tanh asinh acosh atanh
flmax random
error@add1 error@sub1)
(ikarus system $fx)
(ikarus system $flonums)
(ikarus system $ratnums)
(ikarus system $bignums)
2008-05-19 00:41:53 -04:00
(ikarus system $compnums)
(ikarus system $chars)
(ikarus system $strings)
(only (ikarus flonums) $flonum->exact $flzero? $flnegative?
(except (ikarus) + - * / zero? = < <= > >= add1 sub1 quotient
2007-08-28 17:45:54 -04:00
remainder modulo even? odd? quotient+remainder number->string
2007-11-08 20:57:11 -05:00
bitwise-arithmetic-shift-right bitwise-arithmetic-shift-left
bitwise-length bitwise-copy-bit-field
2008-01-20 23:13:24 -05:00
bitwise-copy-bit bitwise-bit-field
2008-05-18 05:27:55 -04:00
positive? negative? bitwise-and bitwise-not bitwise-ior
bitwise-xor bitwise-if
expt gcd lcm numerator denominator
2007-08-28 18:15:27 -04:00
exact->inexact inexact floor ceiling round log
2007-11-11 01:13:09 -05:00
exact-integer-sqrt min max abs real->flonum
2007-06-13 07:16:03 -04:00
fl=? fl<? fl<=? fl>? fl>=? fl+ fl- fl* fl/ flsqrt flmin
flzero? flnegative? sra sll exp
2007-09-11 00:22:23 -04:00
sin cos tan asin acos atan sqrt truncate fltruncate
sinh cosh tanh asinh acosh atanh
flmax random))
(define (bignum->flonum x)
(foreign-call "ikrt_bignum_to_flonum" x 0 ($make-flonum)))
;;; (define (ratnum->flonum x)
;;; (define (->flonum n d)
;;; (let-values ([(q r) (quotient+remainder n d)])
;;; (if (= r 0)
;;; (inexact q)
;;; (if (= q 0)
;;; (/ (->flonum d n))
;;; (+ q (->flonum r d))))))
;;; (let ([n (numerator x)] [d (denominator x)])
;;; (let ([b (bitwise-first-bit-set n)])
;;; (if (eqv? b 0)
;;; (let ([b (bitwise-first-bit-set d)])
;;; (if (eqv? b 0)
;;; (->flonum n d)
;;; (/ (->flonum n (bitwise-arithmetic-shift-right d b))
;;; (expt 2.0 b))))
;;; (* (->flonum (bitwise-arithmetic-shift-right n b) d)
;;; (expt 2.0 b))))))
;;; (define (ratnum->flonum x)
;;; (let f ([n ($ratnum-n x)] [d ($ratnum-d x)])
;;; (let-values ([(q r) (quotient+remainder n d)])
;;; (if (= q 0)
;;; (/ 1.0 (f d n))
;;; (if (= r 0)
;;; (inexact q)
;;; (+ q (f r d)))))))
;;; (define (ratnum->flonum num)
;;; (define (rat n m)
;;; (let-values ([(q r) (quotient+remainder n m)])
;;; (if (= r 0)
;;; (inexact q)
;;; (fl+ (inexact q) (fl/ 1.0 (rat m r))))))
;;; (define (pos n d)
;;; (cond
;;; [(even? n)
;;; (* (pos (sra n 1) d) 2.0)]
;;; [(even? d)
;;; (/ (pos n (sra d 1)) 2.0)]
;;; [(> n d) (rat n d)]
;;; [else
;;; (/ (rat d n))]))
;;; (let ([n ($ratnum-n num)] [d ($ratnum-d num)])
;;; (if (> n 0)
;;; (pos n d)
;;; (- (pos (- n) d)))))
(define (ratnum->flonum num)
(define *precision* 53)
(define (long-div1 n d)
(let-values ([(q r) (quotient+remainder n d)])
[(< (* r 2) d) (inexact q)]
[else (inexact (+ q 1))]
;[else (error #f "invalid" n d q r)]
(define (long-div2 n d bits)
(let f ([bits bits] [ac (long-div1 n d)])
[(= bits 0) ac]
[else (f (- bits 1) (/ ac 2.0))])))
(define (pos n d)
(let ([nbits (bitwise-length n)]
[dbits (bitwise-length d)])
(let ([diff-bits (- nbits dbits)])
(if (>= diff-bits *precision*)
(long-div1 n d)
(let ([extra-bits (- *precision* diff-bits)])
(long-div2 (sll n extra-bits) d extra-bits))))))
(let ([n ($ratnum-n num)] [d ($ratnum-d num)])
(if (> n 0)
(pos n d)
(- (pos (- n) d)))))
2008-05-19 00:41:53 -04:00
(define (err who x)
(die who (if (number? x) "invalid argument" "not a number") x))
2006-11-23 19:48:14 -05:00
(define binary+
(lambda (x y)
[(fixnum? x)
2006-11-23 19:48:14 -05:00
[(fixnum? y)
(foreign-call "ikrt_fxfxplus" x y)]
[(bignum? y)
(foreign-call "ikrt_fxbnplus" x y)]
[(flonum? y)
2007-06-18 07:29:39 -04:00
($fl+ ($fixnum->flonum x) y)]
2007-05-21 19:35:16 -04:00
[(ratnum? y)
(+ (* x ($ratnum-d y)) ($ratnum-n y))
($ratnum-d y))]
2008-05-19 00:41:53 -04:00
[(compnum? y)
(binary+ x ($compnum-real y))
($compnum-imag y))]
[(cflonum? y)
(binary+ x ($cflonum-real y))
($cflonum-imag y))]
2008-05-19 00:41:53 -04:00
[else (err '+ y)])]
2006-11-23 19:48:14 -05:00
[(bignum? x)
[(fixnum? y)
(foreign-call "ikrt_fxbnplus" y x)]
[(bignum? y)
(foreign-call "ikrt_bnbnplus" x y)]
[(flonum? y)
($fl+ (bignum->flonum x) y)]
2007-05-21 19:35:16 -04:00
[(ratnum? y)
(+ (* x ($ratnum-d y)) ($ratnum-n y))
($ratnum-d y))]
2008-05-19 00:41:53 -04:00
[(compnum? y)
(binary+ x ($compnum-real y))
($compnum-imag y))]
[(cflonum? y)
(binary+ x ($cflonum-real y))
($cflonum-imag y))]
2008-05-19 00:41:53 -04:00
[else (err '+ y)])]
[(flonum? x)
[(fixnum? y)
2007-06-18 07:29:39 -04:00
($fl+ x ($fixnum->flonum y))]
[(bignum? y)
($fl+ x (bignum->flonum y))]
[(flonum? y)
($fl+ x y)]
2007-05-21 19:35:16 -04:00
[(ratnum? y)
($fl+ x (ratnum->flonum y))]
[(cflonum? y)
($fl+ x ($cflonum-real y))
($cflonum-imag y))]
[(compnum? y)
(binary+ x ($compnum-real y))
(inexact ($compnum-imag y)))]
2008-05-19 00:41:53 -04:00
[else (err '+ y)])]
2007-05-21 19:35:16 -04:00
[(ratnum? x)
[(or (fixnum? y) (bignum? y))
(+ (* y ($ratnum-d x)) ($ratnum-n x))
($ratnum-d x))]
[(flonum? y)
($fl+ y (ratnum->flonum x))]
[(ratnum? y)
(let ([n0 ($ratnum-n x)] [n1 ($ratnum-n y)]
[d0 ($ratnum-d x)] [d1 ($ratnum-d y)])
;;; FIXME: inefficient
(/ (+ (* n0 d1) (* n1 d0)) (* d0 d1)))]
2008-05-19 00:41:53 -04:00
[(compnum? y)
(binary+ x ($compnum-real y))
($compnum-imag y))]
[(cflonum? y)
(binary+ x ($cflonum-real y))
($cflonum-imag y))]
2008-05-19 00:41:53 -04:00
[else (err '+ y)])]
[(compnum? x)
[(or (fixnum? y) (bignum? y) (ratnum? y))
(binary+ ($compnum-real x) y)
($compnum-imag x))]
[(compnum? y)
2008-05-19 00:41:53 -04:00
(binary+ ($compnum-real x) ($compnum-real y))
(binary+ ($compnum-imag x) ($compnum-imag y)))]
[(flonum? y)
(binary+ y ($compnum-real x))
(inexact ($compnum-imag x)))]
[(cflonum? y)
(binary+ ($compnum-real x) ($cflonum-real y))
(binary+ ($compnum-imag x) ($cflonum-imag y)))]
[else (err '+ y)])]
[(cflonum? x)
[(cflonum? y)
(binary+ ($cflonum-real x) ($cflonum-real y))
(binary+ ($cflonum-imag x) ($cflonum-imag y)))]
[(flonum? y)
($fl+ ($cflonum-real x) y)
($cflonum-imag x))]
[(or (fixnum? y) (bignum? y) (ratnum? y))
(binary+ ($compnum-real x) y)
($compnum-imag x))]
[(compnum? y)
(binary+ ($cflonum-real x) ($compnum-real y))
(binary+ ($cflonum-imag x) ($compnum-imag y)))]
2008-05-19 00:41:53 -04:00
[else (err '+ y)])]
[else (err '+ x)])))
2006-11-23 19:48:14 -05:00
2007-11-08 19:18:37 -05:00
(define binary-bitwise-and
2006-11-23 19:48:14 -05:00
(lambda (x y)
[(fixnum? x)
2006-11-23 19:48:14 -05:00
2007-05-01 00:04:53 -04:00
[(fixnum? y) ($fxlogand x y)]
2006-11-23 19:48:14 -05:00
[(bignum? y)
(foreign-call "ikrt_fxbnlogand" x y)]
(die 'bitwise-and "not an exact integer" y)])]
2006-11-23 19:48:14 -05:00
[(bignum? x)
[(fixnum? y)
(foreign-call "ikrt_fxbnlogand" y x)]
[(bignum? y)
2006-11-23 19:48:14 -05:00
(foreign-call "ikrt_bnbnlogand" x y)]
(die 'bitwise-and "not an exact integer" y)])]
[else (die 'bitwise-and "not an exact integer" x)])))
2006-11-23 19:48:14 -05:00
2008-05-18 05:27:55 -04:00
(define binary-bitwise-ior
(lambda (x y)
[(fixnum? x)
[(fixnum? y) ($fxlogor x y)]
[(bignum? y)
(foreign-call "ikrt_fxbnlogor" x y)]
(die 'bitwise-ior "not an exact integer" y)])]
[(bignum? x)
[(fixnum? y)
(foreign-call "ikrt_fxbnlogor" y x)]
[(bignum? y)
(foreign-call "ikrt_bnbnlogor" x y)]
(die 'bitwise-ior "not an exact integer" y)])]
[else (die 'bitwise-ior "not an exact integer" x)])))
(define binary-bitwise-xor
(lambda (x y)
2008-05-18 06:21:05 -04:00
(define (fxbn x y)
(let ([y0 (bitwise-and y (greatest-fixnum))]
[y1 (bitwise-arithmetic-shift-right y (- (fixnum-width) 1))])
($fxlogand ($fxlogxor x y0) (greatest-fixnum))
(if ($fx>= x 0) y (bitwise-not y))
(- (fixnum-width) 1))
(- (fixnum-width) 1)))))
(define (bnbn x y)
(let ([x0 (bitwise-and x (greatest-fixnum))]
[x1 (bitwise-arithmetic-shift-right x (- (fixnum-width) 1))]
[y0 (bitwise-and y (greatest-fixnum))]
[y1 (bitwise-arithmetic-shift-right y (- (fixnum-width) 1))])
($fxlogand ($fxlogxor x0 y0) (greatest-fixnum))
(binary-bitwise-xor x1 y1)
(- (fixnum-width) 1)))))
2008-05-18 05:27:55 -04:00
[(fixnum? x)
[(fixnum? y) ($fxlogxor x y)]
2008-05-18 06:21:05 -04:00
[(bignum? y) (fxbn x y)]
2008-05-18 05:27:55 -04:00
(die 'bitwise-xor "not an exact integer" y)])]
[(bignum? x)
2008-05-18 06:21:05 -04:00
[(fixnum? y) (fxbn y x)]
[(bignum? y) (bnbn x y)]
2008-05-18 05:27:55 -04:00
(die 'bitwise-xor "not an exact integer" y)])]
[else (die 'bitwise-xor "not an exact integer" x)])))
2006-11-23 19:48:14 -05:00
(define binary-
(lambda (x y)
[(fixnum? x)
[(fixnum? y)
(foreign-call "ikrt_fxfxminus" x y)]
[(bignum? y)
(foreign-call "ikrt_fxbnminus" x y)]
[(flonum? y)