* Reader for flonums is implemented.

This commit is contained in:
Abdulaziz Ghuloum 2007-06-14 18:56:47 +03:00
parent ec5317bea0
commit b2582e731c
3 changed files with 233 additions and 152 deletions

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1968,9 +1968,13 @@
(if pos?
(string d0 #\. #\0)
(string #\- d0 #\. #\0))
(if pos? "" "-")
(string d0) "e" (fixnum->string (- expt 1)))))]
(if (= expt 0)
(if pos?
(string #\0 #\. d0)
(string #\- #\0 #\. d0))
(if pos? "" "-")
(string d0) "e" (fixnum->string (- expt 1))))))]
[(and (null? d*) (char=? d0 #\0)) (if pos? "0.0" "-0.0")]
[(<= 1 expt 9)
(sign pos? (format-flonum-no-expt expt d0 d*))]

View File

@ -108,12 +108,9 @@
(unread-char c p)
(error 'tokenize "invalid syntax ..~a" c)]))]
[else (tokenize-real p (cons #\. (tok-real-decpt p)))]))))
(define (tokenize-real p ls)
(let ([str (list->string ls)])
[(string->number str) => (lambda (n) (cons 'datum n))]
[else (error 'tokenize "invalid numeric sequence ~a" str)])))
(cons 'datum
(tokenize-decimal-no-digits p '(#\.) #f))]))))
(define tokenize-char*
(lambda (i str p d)
@ -248,134 +245,6 @@
[(char-whitespace? c)
(skip-whitespace p caller)]
[else c])))
(module (tok-exact tok-radix tok-real tok-real-sign tok-real-digit tok-real-decpt)
(define (eof-error)
(error 'tokenize "eof encountered while reading a number"))
;(define-syntax digit? syntax-error)
(define (digit? c)
(memq c '(#\0 #\1 #\2 #\3 #\4 #\5 #\6 #\7 #\8 #\9
#\a #\b #\c #\d #\e #\f #\A #\B #\C #\D #\E #\F)))
(define (digit/radix? c radix)
(case radix
[(10) (char<=? #\0 c #\9)]
[(16) (or (char<=? #\0 c #\9) (char<=? #\a c #\f) (char<=? #\A c #\F))]
[(8) (char<=? #\0 c #\7)]
[(2) (memv c '(#\0 #\1))]
[else #f]))
(define (exponent-marker? c)
(memq c '(#\e #\E #\s #\S #\f #\F #\d #\D #\l #\L)))
(define (tok-complex-sign p)
(error 'tok-complex-sign "not yet"))
(define (tok-real-exponent-digit p) ;;; one digit of the exponent of a real part was read
(let ([c (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c) (eof-error)]
[(digit? c) (cons c (tok-real-exponent-digit p))]
[(delimiter? c) (unread-char c p) '()]
[(memq c '(#\+ #\-))
(cons c (tok-complex-sign p))]
[else (list c)])))
(define (tok-real-exponent-sign p) ;;; an exponent marker and a sign of the real part were read
(let ([c (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c) (eof-error)]
[(digit? c) (cons c (tok-real-exponent-digit p))]
[(delimiter? c) (unread-char c p) '()]
[else (list c)])))
(define (tok-real-exponent p) ;;; read after an exponent marker of the real part is read
(let ([c (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c) (eof-error)]
[(memq c '(#\- #\+))
(cons c (tok-real-exponent-sign p))]
[(digit? c)
(cons c (tok-real-exponent-digit p))]
[(delimiter? c) (unread-char c p) '()]
[else (list c)])))
(define (tok-real-decimal p) ;;; called after a prefix, a sign, a decimal point, and at least one digit were read
(let ([c (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c) '()]
[(digit? c) (cons c (tok-real-decimal p))]
[(delimiter? c) (unread-char c p) '()]
[(memq c '(#\- #\+))
(cons c (tok-complex-sign p))]
[(exponent-marker? c)
(cons c (tok-real-exponent p))]
[else (list c)])))
(define (tok-real-decpt p) ;;; called after a prefix, a sign, and a decimal point with no digits were read
(let ([c (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c) (eof-error)]
[(digit? c)
(cons c (tok-real-decimal p))]
[(delimiter? c) (unread-char c p) '()]
[else (list c)])))
(define (tok-real-sign p) ;;; called after a prefix and a sign are read
(let ([c0 (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c0) (eof-error)]
[(memq c0 '(#\.))
(cons c0 (tok-real-decpt p))]
[(digit? c0)
(cons c0 (tok-real-digit p))]
[(delimiter? c0) (unread-char c0 p) '()]
;[(memq c0 '(#\i)) ;;; FIXME +i and -i
; (list c0)]
[else (list c0)])))
(define (tok-real-digit p) ;;; called after a prefix, a sign, and at least one digit was read
(let ([c0 (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c0) '()]
[(memq c0 '(#\.))
(cons c0 (tok-real-decimal p))]
[(memq c0 '(#\- #\+))
(cons c0 (tok-complex-sign p))]
[(digit? c0)
(cons c0 (tok-real-digit p))]
[(exponent-marker? c0)
(cons c0 (tok-real-exponent p))]
[(delimiter? c0) (unread-char c0 p) '()]
[else (list c0)])))
(define (tok-real p) ;;; called after the prefix is read
(let ([c0 (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c0) (eof-error)]
[(memq c0 '(#\- #\+))
(cons c0 (tok-real-sign p))]
[(memq c0 '(#\.))
(cons c0 (tok-real-decpt p))]
[(digit? c0)
(cons c0 (tok-real-digit p))]
[(delimiter? c0) (unread-char c0 p) '()]
[else (list c0)])))
(define (tok-exact p) ;;; called after an exactness mark is read
(let ([c0 (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c0) (eof-error)]
[(memq c0 '(#\#))
(let ([c1 (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c0) (eof-error)]
[(memq c1 '(#\x #\X #\b #\B #\d #\D #\o #\O))
(list* c0 c1 (tok-real p))]
[(delimiter? c1) (unread-char c1 p) (list c0)]
[else (list c0 c1)]))]
[else (unread-char c0 p) (tok-real p)])))
(define (tok-radix p) ;;; called after a radix mark is read
(let ([c0 (peek-char p)])
[(eof-object? c0) (eof-error)]
[($char= c0 #\#)
(read-char p)
(let ([c1 (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c1) (eof-error)]
[(memq c1 '(#\e #\i #\E #\I))
(list* c0 c1 (tok-real p))]
[(delimiter? c1) (unread-char c1 p) (list c0)]
[else (list c0 c1)]))]
[else (tok-real p)]))))
(define tokenize-hash/c
(lambda (c p)
@ -490,22 +359,225 @@
[(eof-object? c)
(error 'tokenize "invalid eof object after #v")]
[else (error 'tokenize "invalid sequence #v~a" c)]))]
[(memq c '(#\e #\i #\E #\I))
(let ([str (list->string (list* #\# c (tok-exact p)))])
[(string->number str) => (lambda (n) (cons 'datum n))]
[else (error 'tokenize "invalid numeric sequence ~a" str)]))]
[(memq c '(#\b #\B #\x #\X #\o #\O #\d #\D))
(let ([str (list->string (list* #\# c (tok-radix p)))])
[(string->number str) => (lambda (n) (cons 'datum n))]
[else (error 'tokenize "invalid numeric sequence ~a" str)]))]
[(memq c '(#\e #\E))
(cons 'datum (tokenize-exactness-mark p (list c #\#) 'e))]
[(memq c '(#\i #\I))
(cons 'datum (tokenize-exactness-mark p (list c #\#) 'i))]
[(memq c '(#\b #\B))
(cons 'datum (tokenize-radix-mark p (list c #\#) 2))]
[(memq c '(#\x #\X))
(cons 'datum (tokenize-radix-mark p (list c #\#) 16))]
[(memq c '(#\o #\O))
(cons 'datum (tokenize-radix-mark p (list c #\#) 8))]
[(memq c '(#\d #\D))
(cons 'datum (tokenize-radix-mark p (list c #\#) 10))]
[($char= #\@ c)
(error 'read "FIXME: fasl read disabled")
'(cons 'datum ($fasl-read p))]
(unread-char c p)
(error 'tokenize "invalid syntax #~a" c)])))
(define (tokenize-exactness-mark p ls exact?)
(let ([c (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c) (num-error "eof object" ls)]
[(radix-digit c 10) =>
(lambda (d)
(tokenize-integer p (cons c ls) exact? 10 d))]
[(char=? c #\.)
(tokenize-decimal-no-digits p (cons c ls) exact?)]
[(char=? c #\-)
(- (tokenize-integer-no-digits p (cons c ls) exact? 10))]
[(char=? c #\+)
(tokenize-integer-no-digits p (cons c ls) exact? 10)]
[(char=? c #\#)
(let ([c1 (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c1)
(num-error "eof object" (cons c ls))]
[(memv c1 '(#\b #\B))
(tokenize-radix/exactness-marks p (list* c1 c ls) exact? 2)]
[(memv c1 '(#\x #\X))
(tokenize-radix/exactness-marks p (list* c1 c ls) exact? 16)]
[(memv c1 '(#\o #\O))
(tokenize-radix/exactness-marks p (list* c1 c ls) exact? 8)]
[(memv c1 '(#\d #\D))
(tokenize-radix/exactness-marks p (list* c1 c ls) exact? 10)]
[else (num-error "invalid sequence" (list* c1 c ls))]))]
[else (num-error "invalid sequence" (cons c ls))])))
(define (tokenize-radix-mark p ls radix)
(let ([c (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c) (num-error "eof object" ls)]
[(radix-digit c radix) =>
(lambda (d)
(tokenize-integer p (cons c ls) #f radix d))]
[(char=? c #\.)
(unless (= radix 10)
(num-error "invalid decimal" (cons c ls)))
(tokenize-decimal-no-digits p (cons c ls) #f)]
[(char=? c #\-)
(- (tokenize-integer-no-digits p (cons c ls) #f radix))]
[(char=? c #\+)
(tokenize-integer-no-digits p (cons c ls) #f radix)]
[(char=? c #\#)
(let ([c1 (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c1)
(num-error "eof object" (cons c ls))]
[(memv c1 '(#\e #\E))
(tokenize-radix/exactness-marks p (cons c1 (cons c ls))
'e radix)]
[(memv c1 '(#\i #\I))
(tokenize-radix/exactness-marks p (cons c1 (cons c ls))
'i radix)]
[else (num-error "invalid sequence" (list* c1 c ls))]))]
[else (num-error "invalid sequence" (cons c ls))])))
(define (tokenize-radix/exactness-marks p ls exact? radix)
(let ([c (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c) (num-error "eof object" ls)]
[(radix-digit c radix) =>
(lambda (d)
(tokenize-integer p (cons c ls) exact? radix d))]
[(char=? c #\.)
(unless (= radix 10)
(num-error "invalid decimal" (cons c ls)))
(tokenize-decimal-no-digits p (cons c ls) exact?)]
[(char=? c #\-)
(- (tokenize-integer-no-digits p (cons c ls) exact? radix))]
[(char=? c #\+)
(tokenize-integer-no-digits p (cons c ls) exact? radix)]
[else (num-error "invalid sequence" (cons c ls))])))
(define (tokenize-integer p ls exact? radix ac)
(let ([c (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c) (convert/exact exact? ac)]
[(radix-digit c radix) =>
(lambda (d)
(tokenize-integer p (cons c ls) exact? radix
(+ (* ac radix) d)))]
[(char=? c #\.)
(unless (= radix 10)
(num-error "invalid decimal" (cons c ls)))
(tokenize-decimal p (cons c ls) exact? ac 0)]
[(char=? c #\/)
(num-error "rational" (cons c ls))]
[(memv c '(#\e #\E)) ; exponent
(unless (= radix 10)
(num-error "invalid decimal" (cons c ls)))
(let ([ex (tokenize-exponent-start p (cons c ls))])
(let ([ac (convert/exact (or exact? 'i) ac)])
(* ac (expt radix ex))))]
[(delimiter? c)
(unread-char c p)
(convert/exact exact? ac)]
[else (num-error "invalid sequence" (cons c ls))])))
(define (tokenize-exponent-start p ls)
(define (tokenize-exponent-no-digits p ls)
(let ([c (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c) (num-error "eof object" ls)]
[(radix-digit c 10) =>
(lambda (d)
(tokenize-exponent p (cons c ls) d))]
[else (num-error "invalid sequence" (cons c ls))])))
(define (tokenize-exponent p ls ac)
(let ([c (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c) ac]
[(radix-digit c 10) =>
(lambda (d)
(tokenize-exponent p (cons c ls)
(+ (* ac 10) d)))]
[(delimiter? c)
(unread-char c p)
[else (num-error "invalid sequence" (cons c ls))])))
(let ([c (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c) (num-error "eof object" ls)]
[(radix-digit c 10) =>
(lambda (d)
(tokenize-exponent p (cons c ls) d))]
[(char=? c #\-)
(- (tokenize-exponent-no-digits p (cons c ls)))]
[(char=? c #\+)
(tokenize-exponent-no-digits p (cons c ls))]
[else (num-error "invalid sequence" (cons c ls))])))
(define (tokenize-decimal p ls exact? ac exp)
(let ([c (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c)
(let ([ac (* ac (expt 10 exp))])
(convert/exact (or exact? 'i) ac))]
[(radix-digit c 10) =>
(lambda (d)
(tokenize-decimal p (cons c ls) exact?
(+ (* ac 10) d) (- exp 1)))]
[(memv c '(#\e #\E))
(let ([ex (tokenize-exponent-start p (cons c ls))])
(let ([ac (* ac (expt 10 (+ exp ex)))])
(convert/exact (or exact? 'i) ac)))]
[(delimiter? c)
(unread-char c p)
(let ([ac (* ac (expt 10 exp))])
(convert/exact (or exact? 'i) ac))]
[else (num-error "invalid sequence" (cons c ls))])))
(define (tokenize-decimal-no-digits p ls exact?)
(let ([c (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c) (num-error "eof object" ls)]
[(radix-digit c 10) =>
(lambda (d)
(tokenize-decimal p (cons c ls) exact? d -1))]
[else (num-error "invalid sequence" (cons c ls))])))
(define (convert/exact exact? n)
(if (eq? exact? 'i)
(exact->inexact n)
(define (radix-digit c radix)
(case radix
[(char<=? #\0 c #\9)
(fx- (char->integer c) (char->integer #\0))]
[else #f])]
[(char<=? #\0 c #\9)
(fx- (char->integer c) (char->integer #\0))]
[(char<=? #\a c #\f)
(fx- (char->integer c) (fx- (char->integer #\a) 10))]
[(char<=? #\A c #\F)
(fx- (char->integer c) (fx- (char->integer #\A) 10))]
[else #f])]
[(char<=? #\0 c #\7)
(fx- (char->integer c) (char->integer #\0))]
[else #f])]
(case c
[(#\0) 0]
[(#\1) 1]
[else #f])]
[else (error 'radix-digit "invalid radix ~s" radix)]))
(define (tokenize-integer-no-digits p ls exact? radix?)
(let ([c (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c) (num-error "invalid eof" ls)]
[(radix-digit c (or radix? 10)) =>
(lambda (d)
(tokenize-integer p (cons c ls) exact? (or radix? 10) d))]
[(char=? c #\.)
(when (and radix? (not (= radix? 10)))
(num-error "invalid decimal" (cons c ls)))
(tokenize-decimal-no-digits p (cons c ls) exact?)]
[else (num-error "invalid sequence" (cons c ls))])))
(define (num-error str ls)
(error "invalid numeric sequence ~a"
(list->string (reverse ls))))
(define (tokenize-hashnum p n)
(let ([c (read-char p)])
@ -588,7 +660,10 @@
'(macro . unquote-splicing)]
[else '(macro . unquote)]))]
[($char= #\# c) (tokenize-hash p)]
[(digit? c) (tokenize-real p (cons c (tok-real-digit p)))]
[(radix-digit c 10) =>
(lambda (d)
(cons 'datum
(tokenize-integer p (list c) #f 10 d)))]
[(initial? c)
(let ([ls (reverse (tokenize-identifier (cons c '()) p))])
(cons 'datum (string->symbol (list->string ls))))]
@ -603,7 +678,9 @@
[(eof-object? c) '(datum . +)]
[(delimiter? c) '(datum . +)]
[else (tokenize-real p (cons #\+ (tok-real-sign p)))]))]
(cons 'datum
(tokenize-integer-no-digits p '(#\+) #f 10))]))]
[(memq c '(#\-))
(let ([c (peek-char p)])
@ -614,7 +691,9 @@
(let ([ls (tokenize-identifier '() p)])
(let ([str (list->string (list* #\- #\> (reverse ls)))])
(cons 'datum (string->symbol str))))]
[else (tokenize-real p (cons #\- (tok-real-sign p)))]))]
(cons 'datum
(- (tokenize-integer-no-digits p '(#\-) #f 10)))]))]
[($char= #\. c)
(tokenize-dot p)]
[($char= #\| c)
@ -622,8 +701,6 @@
(cons 'datum (string->symbol (list->string ls))))]
[($char= #\\ c)
(tokenize-backslash p)]
(unread-char c p)
(error 'tokenize "invalid syntax ~a" c)])))