- more work on trig functions

- mkstx now checks that double wraps are not merged incorrectly
This commit is contained in:
Abdulaziz Ghuloum 2008-08-12 01:17:04 -07:00
parent 476a0cb6d8
commit b9085e15da
4 changed files with 81 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -382,6 +382,7 @@
exact->inexact inexact floor ceiling round log fl=? fl<? fl<=? fl>?
fl>=? fl+ fl- fl* fl/ flsqrt flmin flzero? flnegative?
sin cos tan asin acos atan sqrt exp
sinh cosh tanh asinh acosh atanh
flmax random
error@add1 error@sub1)
@ -408,6 +409,7 @@
fl=? fl<? fl<=? fl>? fl>=? fl+ fl- fl* fl/ flsqrt flmin
flzero? flnegative? sra sll exp
sin cos tan asin acos atan sqrt truncate fltruncate
sinh cosh tanh asinh acosh atanh
flmax random))
(define (bignum->flonum x)
@ -2522,7 +2524,11 @@
[(flonum? x) (foreign-call "ikrt_fl_sinh" x)]
[(or (fixnum? x) (bignum? x) (ratnum? x))
(sinh (inexact x))]
[(number? x) (error who "not implemented" x)]
[(or (compnum? x) (cflonum? x))
(let ([r (real-part x)] [i (imag-part x)])
(* (sinh r) (cos i))
(* (cosh r) (sin i))))]
[else (die who "not a number" x)])))
(define cosh
@ -2532,7 +2538,11 @@
[(flonum? x) (foreign-call "ikrt_fl_cosh" x)]
[(or (fixnum? x) (bignum? x) (ratnum? x))
(cosh (inexact x))]
[(number? x) (error who "not implemented" x)]
[(or (compnum? x) (cflonum? x))
(let ([r (real-part x)] [i (imag-part x)])
(* (cosh r) (cos i))
(* (sinh r) (sin i))))]
[else (die who "not a number" x)])))
(define tanh
@ -2542,7 +2552,13 @@
[(flonum? x) (foreign-call "ikrt_fl_tanh" x)]
[(or (fixnum? x) (bignum? x) (ratnum? x))
(tanh (inexact x))]
[(number? x) (error who "not implemented" x)]
[(or (compnum? x) (cflonum? x))
(let ([r (real-part x)] [i (imag-part x)])
(let ([rr (* 2 r)] [ii (* 2 i)])
(let ([cos2i (cos ii)] [cosh2r (cosh rr)])
(/ (tanh rr) (+ 1 (/ cos2i cosh2r)))
(/ (sin ii) (+ cosh2r cos2i))))))]
[else (die who "not a number" x)])))
(define asinh
@ -2552,7 +2568,22 @@
[(flonum? x) (foreign-call "ikrt_fl_asinh" x)]
[(or (fixnum? x) (bignum? x) (ratnum? x))
(asinh (inexact x))]
[(number? x) (error who "not implemented" x)]
[(or (cflonum? x) (compnum? x))
(let ([x (real-part x)] [y (imag-part x)])
[(= x 0)
(let ([v (asin y)])
(make-rectangular (imag-part v) (real-part v)))]
(let* ([z^2 (+ (* x x) (* y y))]
[z^2-1 (- z^2 1)]
[z^2-1^2 (* z^2-1 z^2-1)]
[y^2 (* y y)]
[q (sqrt (+ z^2-1^2 (* 4 y^2)))])
(define (sgn x) (if (< x 0) -1 1))
(* 0.5 (sgn x) (acosh (+ q z^2)))
(* 0.5 (sgn y) (acos (- q z^2)))))]))]
[else (die who "not a number" x)])))
(define acosh
@ -2569,24 +2600,38 @@
[else +nan.0])]
[(or (fixnum? x) (bignum? x) (ratnum? x))
(acosh (inexact x))]
[(number? x) (error who "not implemented" x)]
[(or (cflonum? x) (compnum? x))
(let ([x (real-part x)] [y (imag-part x)])
[(= x 0) (+ (asinh y) (make-rectangular 0 PI/2))]
(let* ([z^2 (+ (* x x) (* y y))]
[z^2-1 (- z^2 1)]
[z^2-1^2 (* z^2-1 z^2-1)]
[y^2 (* y y)]
[q (sqrt (+ z^2-1^2 (* 4 y^2)))])
(define (sgn x) (if (< x 0) -1 1))
(+ (* 0.5 (sgn x) (acosh (+ q z^2)))
(* 0.5i (sgn y)
(- PI (* (sgn x) (acos (- q z^2)))))))]))]
[else (die who "not a number" x)])))
(define atanh
(lambda (x)
(define who 'atanh)
[(flonum? x) (foreign-call "ikrt_fl_atanh" x)]
[(flonum? x)
[(and (fl<=? x 1.0) (fl>=? x -1.0))
(foreign-call "ikrt_fl_atanh" x)]
(- (atanh (fl/ 1.0 x))
(if (fl<? x 0.0) (* -i PI/2) (* +i PI/2)))])]
[(or (fixnum? x) (bignum? x) (ratnum? x))
(atanh (inexact x))]
[(number? x) (error who "not implemented" x)]
[else (die who "not a number" x)])))
(define sin
(lambda (x)
@ -2650,11 +2695,23 @@
[($fl> x 1.0)
(make-rectangular PI/2 (acosh x))]
[($fl< x -1.0)
(make-rectangular (- PI/2) (- (acosh x)))]
(make-rectangular (- PI/2) (- (acosh (- x))))]
(foreign-call "ikrt_fl_asin" x)])]
[(or (cflonum? x) (compnum? x))
(error 'asin "not implemented for complex arguments")]
(let ([x (real-part x)] [y (imag-part x)])
[(= x 0) (make-rectangular 0 (asinh y))]
(let* ([z^2 (+ (* x x) (* y y))]
[z^2-1 (- z^2 1)]
[z^2-1^2 (* z^2-1 z^2-1)]
[y^2 (* y y)]
[q (sqrt (+ z^2-1^2 (* 4 y^2)))])
(define (sgn x) (if (< x 0) -1 1))
(* 0.5 (sgn x) (acos (- q z^2)))
(* 0.5 (sgn y) (acosh (+ q z^2)))))]))]
[(number? x) (asin (inexact x))]
[else (die 'asin "not a number" x)])))
@ -2670,7 +2727,7 @@
(foreign-call "ikrt_fl_acos" x)])]
[(or (cflonum? x) (compnum? x))
(error 'acos "not implemented for complex arguments")]
(- PI/2 (asin x))]
[(number? x) (acos (inexact x))]
[else (die 'acos "not a number" x)])))

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@ -1 +1 @@

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@ -628,15 +628,21 @@
[* i r ba se]
[/ i r ba se]
[abs i r ba se]
[asin i r ba se]
[acos i r ba se]
[atan i r ba se]
[sinh i]
[cosh i]
[tanh i]
[asinh i]
[acosh i]
[atanh i]
[angle i r ba se]
[append i r ba se]
[apply i r ba se]
[asin i r ba se]
[assert i r ba]
[assertion-error ]
[assertion-violation i r ba]
[atan i r ba se]
[boolean=? i r ba]
[boolean? i r ba se]
[car i r ba se]

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@ -391,7 +391,7 @@
;;; shifts cancel properly.
(define mkstx ;;; QUEUE
(lambda (e m* s* ae*)
(if (stx? e)
(if (and (stx? e) (not (top-marked? m*)))
(let-values (((m* s* ae*) (join-wraps m* s* ae* e)))
(make-stx (stx-expr e) m* s* ae*))
(make-stx e m* s* ae*))))