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;;; Ikarus Scheme -- A compiler for R6RS Scheme.
;;; Copyright (C) 2006,2007,2008 Abdulaziz Ghuloum
;;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as
;;; published by the Free Software Foundation.
;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
(module (alt-cogen compile-call-frame)
;;; input to cogen is <Program>:
;;; <Expr> ::= (constant x)
;;; | (var)
;;; | (primref name)
;;; | (bind var* <Expr>* <Expr>)
;;; | (fix var* <FixRhs>* <Expr>)
;;; | (conditional <Expr> <Expr> <Expr>)
;;; | (seq <Expr> <Expr>)
;;; | (closure <codeloc> <var>*) ; thunk special case
;;; | (forcall "name" <Expr>*)
;;; | (funcall <Expr> <Expr>*)
;;; | (jmpcall <label> <Expr> <Expr>*)
;;; | (mvcall <Expr> <clambda>)
;;; <codeloc> ::= (code-loc <label>)
;;; <clambda> ::= (clambda <label> <case>* <cp> <free var>*)
;;; <case> ::= (clambda-case <info> <body>)
;;; <info> ::= (clambda-info label <arg var>* proper)
;;; <Program> ::= (codes <clambda>* <Expr>)
2007-06-05 20:11:12 -04:00
(define (introduce-primcalls x)
2007-06-05 20:11:12 -04:00
(define who 'introduce-primcalls)
(define (check-gensym x)
(unless (gensym? x)
(error who "invalid gensym" x)))
(define (check-label x)
(struct-case x
[(code-loc label)
(check-gensym label)]
[else (error who "invalid label" x)]))
(define (check-var x)
(struct-case x
[(var) (void)]
[else (error who "invalid var" x)]))
(define (check-closure x)
(struct-case x
[(closure label free*)
(check-label label)
(for-each check-var free*)]
[else (error who "invalid closure" x)]))
(define (mkfuncall op arg*)
(define (primop? x)
(import primops)
(or (eq? x 'debug-call) (primop? x)))
(struct-case op
[(known x t)
(struct-case x
[(primref name)
(if (primop? name)
(make-primcall name arg*)
(make-funcall op arg*))]
[else (make-funcall op arg*)])]
[(primref name)
[(primop? name)
(make-primcall name arg*)]
[else (make-funcall op arg*)])]
[else (make-funcall op arg*)]))
(define (A x)
(struct-case x
[(known x t) (make-known (Expr x) t)]
[else (Expr x)]))
(define (Expr x)
(struct-case x
[(constant) x]
[(var) x]
[(primref) x]
[(bind lhs* rhs* body)
(make-bind lhs* (map Expr rhs*) (Expr body))]
[(fix lhs* rhs* body)
(make-fix lhs* rhs* (Expr body))]
[(conditional e0 e1 e2)
(make-conditional (Expr e0) (Expr e1) (Expr e2))]
[(seq e0 e1)
(make-seq (Expr e0) (Expr e1))]
[(closure) x]
[(forcall op arg*)
(make-forcall op (map Expr arg*))]
[(funcall rator arg*)
(mkfuncall (A rator) (map A arg*))]
[(jmpcall label rator arg*)
(make-jmpcall label (Expr rator) (map Expr arg*))]
[else (error who "invalid expr" x)]))
(define (ClambdaCase x)
(struct-case x
[(clambda-case info body)
(make-clambda-case info (Expr body))]
[else (error who "invalid clambda-case" x)]))
(define (Clambda x)
(struct-case x
[(clambda label case* cp free* name)
(make-clambda label (map ClambdaCase case*) cp free* name)]
[else (error who "invalid clambda" x)]))
(define (Program x)
(struct-case x
[(codes code* body)
(make-codes (map Clambda code*) (Expr body))]
[else (error who "invalid program" x)]))
(Program x))
(define (eliminate-fix x)
(define who 'eliminate-fix)
(define (Expr main-cpvar cpvar free*)
(define (Var x)
[(eq? x main-cpvar) cpvar]
(let f ([free* free*] [i 0])
[(null? free*) x]
[(eq? x (car free*))
(make-primcall '$cpref (list cpvar (make-constant i)))]
[else (f (cdr free*) (fxadd1 i))]))]))
(define (do-fix lhs* rhs* body)
(define (handle-closure x)
(struct-case x
[(closure code free* well-known?)
(make-closure code (map Var free*) well-known?)]))
(make-fix lhs* (map handle-closure rhs*) body))
(define (A x)
(struct-case x
[(known x t) (make-known (Expr x) t)]
[else (Expr x)]))
(define (Expr x)
(struct-case x
[(constant) x]
[(var) (Var x)]
[(primref) x]
[(bind lhs* rhs* body)
(make-bind lhs* (map Expr rhs*) (Expr body))]
[(fix lhs* rhs* body)
(do-fix lhs* rhs* (Expr body))]
[(conditional e0 e1 e2)
(make-conditional (Expr e0) (Expr e1) (Expr e2))]
[(seq e0 e1)
(make-seq (Expr e0) (Expr e1))]
(let ([t (unique-var 'tmp)])
(Expr (make-fix (list t) (list x) t)))]
[(primcall op arg*)
(make-primcall op (map A arg*))]
[(forcall op arg*)
(make-forcall op (map Expr arg*))]
[(funcall rator arg*)
(make-funcall (A rator) (map A arg*))]
[(jmpcall label rator arg*)
(make-jmpcall label (Expr rator) (map Expr arg*))]
[else (error who "invalid expr" x)]))
(define (ClambdaCase main-cp free*)
(lambda (x)
(struct-case x
[(clambda-case info body)
(struct-case info
[(case-info label args proper)
(let ([cp (unique-var 'cp)])
(make-case-info label (cons cp args) proper)
((Expr main-cp cp free*) body)))])]
[else (error who "invalid clambda-case" x)])))
(define (Clambda x)
(struct-case x
[(clambda label case* cp free* name)
(make-clambda label (map (ClambdaCase cp free*) case*)
2008-02-11 09:29:59 -05:00
#f free* name)]
[else (error who "invalid clambda" x)]))
(define (Program x)
(struct-case x
[(codes code* body)
(make-codes (map Clambda code*) ((Expr #f #f '()) body))]
[else (error who "invalid program" x)]))
(Program x))
(define-syntax seq*
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ e) e]
[(_ e* ... e)
(make-seq (seq* e* ...) e)]))
2007-09-05 01:47:57 -04:00
(define (insert-engine-checks x)
(define who 'insert-engine-checks)
(define (known-primref? x)
(struct-case x
[(known x t) (known-primref? x)]
[(primref) #t]
[else #f]))
(define (A x)
(struct-case x
[(known x t) (Expr x)]
[else (Expr x)]))
(define (Expr x)
(struct-case x
[(constant) #f]
[(var) #f]
[(primref) #f]
[(jmpcall label rator arg*) #t]
[(funcall rator arg*)
(if (known-primref? rator) (ormap A arg*) #t)]
[(bind lhs* rhs* body) (or (ormap Expr rhs*) (Expr body))]
[(fix lhs* rhs* body) (Expr body)]
[(conditional e0 e1 e2) (or (Expr e0) (Expr e1) (Expr e2))]
[(seq e0 e1) (or (Expr e0) (Expr e1))]
[(primcall op arg*) (ormap A arg*)]
[(forcall op arg*) (ormap Expr arg*)]
[else (error who "invalid expr" x)]))
(define (Main x)
(if (Expr x)
(make-seq (make-primcall '$do-event '()) x)
2007-09-05 01:47:57 -04:00
(define (CaseExpr x)
(struct-case x
2007-09-05 01:47:57 -04:00
[(clambda-case info body)
(make-clambda-case info (Main body))]))
2007-09-05 01:47:57 -04:00
(define (CodeExpr x)
(struct-case x
[(clambda L cases cp free name)
(make-clambda L (map CaseExpr cases) cp free name)]))
2007-09-05 01:47:57 -04:00
(define (CodesExpr x)
(struct-case x
2007-09-05 01:47:57 -04:00
[(codes list body)
(make-codes (map CodeExpr list) (Main body))]))
2007-09-05 01:47:57 -04:00
(CodesExpr x))
(define (insert-stack-overflow-check x)
(define who 'insert-stack-overflow-check)
(define (A x)
(struct-case x
[(known x t) (NonTail x)]
[else (NonTail x)]))
(define (NonTail x)
(struct-case x
[(constant) #f]
[(var) #f]
[(primref) #f]
[(funcall rator arg*) #t]
[(jmpcall label rator arg*) #t]
[(mvcall rator k) #t]
[(primcall op arg*) (ormap A arg*)] ;PUNT!!! FIXME!
[(bind lhs* rhs* body) (or (ormap NonTail rhs*) (NonTail body))]
[(fix lhs* rhs* body) (NonTail body)]
[(conditional e0 e1 e2) (or (NonTail e0) (NonTail e1) (NonTail e2))]
[(seq e0 e1) (or (NonTail e0) (NonTail e1))]
[(forcall op arg*) (ormap NonTail arg*)]
[(known x t) (NonTail x)]
[else (error who "invalid expr" x)]))
(define (Tail x)
(struct-case x
[(constant) #f]
[(var) #f]
[(primref) #f]
[(bind lhs* rhs* body) (or (ormap NonTail rhs*) (Tail body))]
[(fix lhs* rhs* body) (Tail body)]
[(conditional e0 e1 e2) (or (NonTail e0) (Tail e1) (Tail e2))]
[(seq e0 e1) (or (NonTail e0) (Tail e1))]
[(primcall op arg*) (ormap NonTail arg*)]
[(forcall op arg*) (ormap NonTail arg*)]
[(funcall rator arg*) (or (NonTail rator) (ormap NonTail arg*))]
[(jmpcall label rator arg*) (or (NonTail rator) (ormap NonTail arg*))]
[(mvcall rator k) #t] ; punt
[else (error who "invalid expr" x)]))
(define (insert-check x)
(make-seq (make-primcall '$stack-overflow-check '()) x))
(define (ClambdaCase x)
(struct-case x
[(clambda-case info body)
(make-clambda-case info (Main body))]))
(define (Clambda x)
(struct-case x
[(clambda label case* cp free* name)
(make-clambda label (map ClambdaCase case*) cp free* name)]))
(define (Main x)
(if (Tail x)
(insert-check x)
(define (Program x)
(struct-case x
[(codes code* body)
(make-codes (map Clambda code*) (Main body))]))
(Program x))
(include "pass-specify-rep.ss")
(define parameter-registers '(%edi))
(define return-value-register '%eax)
(define cp-register '%edi)
(define all-registers
(case wordsize
[(4) '(%eax %edi %ebx %edx %ecx)]
2008-08-02 13:11:04 -04:00
[else '(%eax %edi %ebx %edx %ecx %r8 %r9 %r10 %r11 %r14 %r15)]))
(define non-8bit-registers
(case wordsize
[(4) '(%edi)]
[else '(%edi)]))
2007-02-11 04:12:09 -05:00
(define argc-register '%eax)
;;; apr = %ebp
;;; esp = %esp
;;; pcr = %esi
;;; cpr = %edi
2007-03-10 16:47:13 -05:00
(define (register-index x)
[(assq x '([%eax 0] [%edi 1] [%ebx 2] [%edx 3]
[%ecx 4] [%esi 5] [%esp 6] [%ebp 7]))
=> cadr]
[else (error 'register-index "not a register" x)]))
2007-03-10 16:47:13 -05:00
(define (impose-calling-convention/evaluation-order x)
(define who 'impose-calling-convention/evaluation-order)
(define (S* x* k)
[(null? x*) (k '())]
(S (car x*)
(lambda (a)
(S* (cdr x*)
(lambda (d)
(k (cons a d))))))]))
(define (S x k)
(struct-case x
2007-02-11 19:17:59 -05:00
[(bind lhs* rhs* body)
(do-bind lhs* rhs* (S body k))]
[(seq e0 e1)
(make-seq (E e0) (S e1 k))]
[(known x) (S x k)]
2007-02-11 19:17:59 -05:00
2007-03-11 03:40:47 -04:00
[(or (constant? x) (symbol? x)) (k x)]
[(var? x)
[(var-loc x) => k]
[else (k x)])]
[(or (funcall? x) (primcall? x) (jmpcall? x)
(forcall? x) (shortcut? x)
(conditional? x))
2007-02-11 19:17:59 -05:00
(let ([t (unique-var 'tmp)])
(do-bind (list t) (list x)
(k t)))]
[else (error who "invalid S" x)])]))
(define (Mem x k)
(struct-case x
[(primcall op arg*)
(if (eq? op 'mref)
(S* arg*
(lambda (arg*)
(k (make-disp (car arg*) (cadr arg*)))))
(S x k))]
[else (S x k)]))
(define (do-bind lhs* rhs* body)
[(null? lhs*) body]
(set! locals (cons (car lhs*) locals))
(V (car lhs*) (car rhs*))
(do-bind (cdr lhs*) (cdr rhs*) body))]))
2007-02-11 04:12:09 -05:00
(define (nontail-locations args)
(let f ([regs parameter-registers] [args args])
[(null? args) (values '() '() '())]
[(null? regs) (values '() '() args)]
(let-values ([(r* rl* f*) (f (cdr regs) (cdr args))])
(values (cons (car regs) r*)
(cons (car args) rl*)
(define (make-set lhs rhs)
(make-asm-instr 'move lhs rhs))
(define (do-bind-frmt* nf* v* ac)
[(null? nf*) ac]
2007-02-19 23:33:29 -05:00
(V (car nf*) (car v*))
(do-bind-frmt* (cdr nf*) (cdr v*) ac))]))
2007-02-11 18:52:10 -05:00
(define (handle-nontail-call rator rands value-dest call-targ)
2007-02-11 17:51:42 -05:00
(let-values ([(reg-locs reg-args frm-args)
(nontail-locations (cons rator rands))])
(let ([regt* (map (lambda (x) (unique-var 'rt)) reg-args)]
[frmt* (map (lambda (x) (make-nfv 'unset-conflicts #f #f #f #f))
2007-02-11 18:52:10 -05:00
(let* ([call
(make-ntcall call-targ value-dest
2007-09-09 23:31:19 -04:00
(cons* argc-register
2007-02-17 19:22:14 -05:00
pcr esp apr
(append reg-locs frmt*))
#f #f)]
2007-02-11 18:52:10 -05:00
(make-nframe frmt* #f
(do-bind-frmt* frmt* frm-args
(do-bind (cdr regt*) (cdr reg-args)
;;; evaluate cpt last
(do-bind (list (car regt*)) (list (car reg-args))
(assign* reg-locs regt*
(make-set argc-register
(argc-convention (length rands))))
(if value-dest
2007-02-11 18:52:10 -05:00
(make-seq body (make-set value-dest return-value-register))
2007-02-11 17:51:42 -05:00
;;; (define (alloc-check size)
;;; (E (make-conditional ;;; PCB ALLOC-REDLINE
;;; (make-primcall '<=
;;; (list (make-primcall 'int+ (list apr size))
;;; (make-primcall 'mref (list pcr (make-constant 4)))))
;;; (make-primcall 'nop '())
;;; (make-funcall
;;; (make-primcall 'mref
;;; (list
;;; (make-constant (make-object (primref->symbol 'do-overflow)))
;;; (make-constant (- disp-symbol-record-proc symbol-ptag))))
;;; (list size)))))
(define (alloc-check size)
(define (test size)
(if (struct-case size
[(constant i) (<= i 4096)]
[else #f])
(make-primcall '<=
(make-primcall 'mref
(list pcr (make-constant pcb-allocation-redline)))))
(make-primcall '>=
(list (make-primcall 'int-
(make-primcall 'mref
(list pcr (make-constant pcb-allocation-redline)))
(E (make-shortcut
(make-conditional ;;; PCB ALLOC-REDLINE
(test size)
(make-primcall 'nop '())
(make-primcall 'interrupt '()))
(make-primcall 'mref
(make-constant (make-object (primref->symbol 'do-overflow)))
(make-constant (- disp-symbol-record-proc symbol-ptag))))
(list size)))))
;;; impose value
(define (V d x)
(struct-case x
[(constant) (make-set d x)]
2007-03-11 03:40:47 -04:00
[(var-loc x) => (lambda (loc) (make-set d loc))]
[else (make-set d x)])]
[(bind lhs* rhs* e)
(do-bind lhs* rhs* (V d e))]
[(seq e0 e1)
(make-seq (E e0) (V d e1))]
2007-02-11 17:23:13 -05:00
[(conditional e0 e1 e2)
(make-conditional (P e0) (V d e1) (V d e2))]
[(primcall op rands)
(case op
(S (car rands)
(lambda (size)
(alloc-check size)
(S (cadr rands)
(lambda (tag)
(make-set d apr)
(make-asm-instr 'logor d tag))
(make-asm-instr 'int+ apr size)))))))]
(S* rands
(lambda (rands)
(make-set d (make-disp (car rands) (cadr rands)))))]
2008-04-09 03:05:19 -04:00
(S* rands
(lambda (rands)
(make-asm-instr 'load32 d
(make-disp (car rands) (cadr rands)))))]
(S* rands
(lambda (rands)
(make-asm-instr 'load8 d
(make-disp (car rands) (cadr rands)))))]
[(logand logxor logor int+ int- int*
int-/overflow int+/overflow int*/overflow)
(V d (car rands))
(S (cadr rands)
(lambda (s)
(make-asm-instr op d s))))]
(S* rands
(lambda (rands)
(make-set eax (car rands))
(make-asm-instr 'cltd edx eax)
(make-asm-instr 'idiv eax (cadr rands))
(make-set d eax))))]
(S* rands
(lambda (rands)
(make-set eax (car rands))
(make-asm-instr 'cltd edx eax)
(make-asm-instr 'idiv edx (cadr rands))
(make-set d edx))))]
[(sll sra srl sll/overflow)
(let ([a (car rands)] [b (cadr rands)])
[(constant? b)
(V d a)
(make-asm-instr op d b))]
(S b
(lambda (b)
(V d a)
(make-set ecx b)
(make-asm-instr op d ecx))))]))]
[else (error who "invalid value op" op)])]
2007-02-11 04:12:09 -05:00
[(funcall rator rands)
2007-02-11 18:52:10 -05:00
(handle-nontail-call rator rands d #f)]
[(jmpcall label rator rands)
(handle-nontail-call rator rands d label)]
[(forcall op rands)
(make-constant (make-foreign-label op))
rands d op)]
[(shortcut body handler)
(V d body)
(V d handler))]
[(known x) (V d x)]
(if (symbol? x)
(make-set d x)
(error who "invalid value" (unparse x)))]))
2007-02-11 04:12:09 -05:00
(define (assign* lhs* rhs* ac)
[(null? lhs*) ac]
(make-set (car lhs*) (car rhs*))
(assign* (cdr lhs*) (cdr rhs*) ac))]))
(define (VT x)
(S x
(lambda (x)
(make-set return-value-register x)
(make-primcall 'return
(list pcr esp apr return-value-register))))))
;;; impose effect
2007-02-11 17:23:13 -05:00
(define (E x)
(struct-case x
2007-02-11 17:23:13 -05:00
[(seq e0 e1) (make-seq (E e0) (E e1))]
[(conditional e0 e1 e2)
(make-conditional (P e0) (E e1) (E e2))]
[(bind lhs* rhs* e)
(do-bind lhs* rhs* (E e))]
2007-02-11 17:23:13 -05:00
[(primcall op rands)
(case op
[(mset bset mset32)
(S* rands
(lambda (s*)
(make-asm-instr op
(make-disp (car s*) (cadr s*))
(caddr s*))))]
2007-06-18 07:29:39 -04:00
[(fl:load fl:store fl:add! fl:sub! fl:mul! fl:div!
fl:from-int fl:shuffle bswap!
fl:store-single fl:load-single)
(S* rands
(lambda (s*)
(make-asm-instr op (car s*) (cadr s*))))]
[(nop interrupt incr/zero? fl:double->single
fl:single->double) x]
[else (error 'impose-effect "invalid instr" x)])]
[(funcall rator rands)
2007-02-11 18:52:10 -05:00
(handle-nontail-call rator rands #f #f)]
2007-02-11 21:18:12 -05:00
[(jmpcall label rator rands)
(handle-nontail-call rator rands #f label)]
[(forcall op rands)
(make-constant (make-foreign-label op))
rands #f op)]
[(shortcut body handler)
(make-shortcut (E body) (E handler))]
[else (error who "invalid effect" x)]))
;;; impose pred
2007-02-11 17:23:13 -05:00
(define (P x)
(struct-case x
[(constant) x]
2007-02-11 17:23:13 -05:00
[(seq e0 e1) (make-seq (E e0) (P e1))]
[(conditional e0 e1 e2)
(make-conditional (P e0) (P e1) (P e2))]
[(bind lhs* rhs* e)
(do-bind lhs* rhs* (P e))]
2007-02-11 17:23:13 -05:00
[(primcall op rands)
(let ([a (car rands)] [b (cadr rands)])
[(and (constant? a) (constant? b))
(let ([t (unique-var 'tmp)])
(P (make-bind (list t) (list a)
(make-primcall op (list t b)))))]
(Mem a
(lambda (a)
(Mem b
(lambda (b)
(make-asm-instr op a b)))))]))]
; [(and (constant? a) (constant? b))
; (let ([t (unique-var 'tmp)])
; (P (make-bind (list t) (list a)
; (make-primcall op (list t b)))))]
; [(constant? a)
; (Mem b (lambda (b) (make-asm-instr op a b)))]
; [(constant? b)
; (Mem a (lambda (a) (make-asm-instr op a b)))]
; [else
; (S* rands
; (lambda (rands)
; (let ([a (car rands)] [b (cadr rands)])
; (make-asm-instr op a b))))]))]
[(shortcut body handler)
(make-shortcut (P body) (P handler))]
[else (error who "invalid pred" x)]))
2007-02-11 17:23:13 -05:00
2007-03-11 03:40:47 -04:00
(define (handle-tail-call target rator rands)
(let* ([args (cons rator rands)]
[locs (formals-locations args)]
(make-set argc-register
(argc-convention (length rands))))
(make-primcall 'direct-jump
(cons target
2007-09-09 23:31:19 -04:00
(cons* argc-register
2007-03-11 03:40:47 -04:00
pcr esp apr
(make-primcall 'indirect-jump
2007-09-09 23:31:19 -04:00
(cons* argc-register
2007-03-11 03:40:47 -04:00
pcr esp apr
(let f ([args (reverse args)]
[locs (reverse locs)]
[targs '()]
[tlocs '()])
[(null? args) (assign* tlocs targs rest)]
[(constant? (car args))
(f (cdr args) (cdr locs)
(cons (car args) targs)
(cons (car locs) tlocs))]
[(and (fvar? (car locs))
(var? (car args))
(eq? (car locs) (var-loc (car args))))
(f (cdr args) (cdr locs) targs tlocs)]
(let ([t (unique-var 'tmp)])
(set! locals (cons t locals))
2007-03-11 03:40:47 -04:00
(V t (car args))
(f (cdr args) (cdr locs)
(cons t targs) (cons (car locs) tlocs))))]))))
(define (Tail x)
(struct-case x
2007-03-11 03:40:47 -04:00
[(constant) (VT x)]
[(var) (VT x)]
[(primcall op rands)
(case op
(let ([t0 (unique-var 't)]
[t1 (unique-var 't)]
[t2 (unique-var 't)]
[handler (car rands)]
[proc (cadr rands)]
[k (caddr rands)])
2007-09-09 23:31:19 -04:00
(set! locals (cons* t0 t1 t2 locals))