* passes tests, but fails to compile psyntax.
This commit is contained in:
@ -117,19 +117,57 @@
(Program x))
(module (must-open-code? prim-context)
(define prims
'([$vector-ref v]
(module (must-open-code? prim-context
(define core-prims
'([pair? p]
[vector? p]
[null? p]
[eof-object? p]
[procedure? p]
[symbol? p]
[boolean? p]
[string? p]
[char? p]
[fixnum? p]
[string? p]
[immediate? p]
[char? p]
[eq? p]
[not not]
[void v]
[cons v]
[$car v]
[$cdr v]
[$vector-ref v]
[$vector-set! e]
;;; ports
[output-port? p]
[input-port? p]
[port? p]
[$cpref v]
[$cpset! e]
[$make-cp v]))
[$make-cp v]
[$closure-code v]
[$code-freevars v]
[primitive-set! e]
(define library-prims
car cdr
(define (must-open-code? x)
(and (assq x prims) #t))
(and (assq x core-prims) #t))
(define (library-primitive? x)
(memq x library-prims))
(define (prim-context x)
[(assq x prims) => cadr]
[else (error 'prim-context "~s is not a prim" x)])))
[(assq x core-prims) => cadr]
[else (error 'prim-context "~s is not a core prim" x)])))
;;; the program so far includes both primcalls and funcalls to
@ -163,6 +201,20 @@
(for-each check-var free*)]
[else (error who "invalid closure ~s" x)]))
(define (mkfuncall op arg*)
(record-case op
[(primref name)
[(must-open-code? name)
(make-primcall name arg*)]
[(library-primitive? name)
(make-funcall op arg*)]
[(open-codeable? name)
(error 'chaitin-compiler "primitive ~s is not supported"
[else (make-funcall op arg*)])]
[else (make-funcall op arg*)]))
(define (Expr x)
(record-case x
[(constant) x]
@ -178,15 +230,11 @@
(make-seq (Expr e0) (Expr e1))]
[(closure) x]
[(primcall op arg*)
[(must-open-code? op)
(make-primcall op (map Expr arg*))]
(make-funcall (make-primref op) (map Expr arg*))])]
(mkfuncall (make-primref op) (map Expr arg*))]
[(forcall op arg*)
(make-forcall op (map Expr arg*))]
[(funcall rator arg*)
(make-funcall (Expr rator) (map Expr arg*))]
(mkfuncall (Expr rator) (map Expr arg*))]
[(jmpcall label rator arg*)
(make-jmpcall label (Expr rator) (map Expr arg*))]
[(appcall rator arg*)
@ -377,6 +425,11 @@
[(null? rands) (make-constant #t)]
(mkseq (E (car rands)) (f (cdr rands)))]))]
(P (car rands))
(make-constant #f)
(make-constant #t))]
[else (error who "invalid context for ~s" op)])]
[else (error who "invalid pred ~s" x)]))
@ -404,7 +457,7 @@
(make-jmpcall label (V rator) (map V rand*))]
[(primcall op rands)
(case (prim-context op)
[(p v)
[(p v not)
(let f ([rands rands])
[(null? rands) nop]
@ -441,6 +494,11 @@
[(null? rands) (make-constant (void))]
(mkseq (E (car rands)) (f (cdr rands)))]))]
(P (car rands))
(make-constant #f)
(make-constant #t))]
[else (error who "invalid context for ~s" op)])]
[else (error who "invalid value ~s" x)]))
@ -472,6 +530,9 @@
(define who 'specify-representation)
(define fixnum-scale 4)
(define fixnum-tag 0)
(define fixnum-mask 3)
(define pcb-dirty-vector-offset 28)
(define nop (make-primcall 'nop '()))
@ -488,7 +549,28 @@
[(null? c) (make-constant nil)]
[else (make-constant (make-object c))])))
(define (K x) (make-constant x))
(define (prm op . rands) (make-primcall op rands))
(define-syntax tbind
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
[(_ ([lhs* rhs*] ...) b b* ...)
#'(let ([lhs* (unique-var 'lhs*)] ...)
(make-bind (list lhs* ...)
(list rhs* ...)
b b* ...))])))
(define-syntax seq*
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ e) e]
[(_ e* ... e)
(make-seq (seq* e* ...) e)]))
(define (Effect x)
(define (mem-assign v x i)
(tbind ([q v])
(tbind ([t (prm 'int+ x (K i))])
(prm 'mset! t (K 0) q)
(prm 'record-effect t)))))
(record-case x
[(bind lhs* rhs* body)
(make-bind lhs* (map Value rhs*) (Effect body))]
@ -506,13 +588,15 @@
(record-case i
[(constant i)
(unless (fixnum? i) (err x))
(make-primcall 'mset!
(list x
(+ (* i wordsize)
(- disp-closure-data closure-tag)))
(prm 'mset! x
(K (+ (* i wordsize)
(- disp-closure-data closure-tag)))
[else (err x)]))]
(let ([x (Value (car arg*))] [v (Value (cadr arg*))])
(mem-assign v x
(- disp-symbol-system-value symbol-tag)))]
(let ([x (Value (car arg*))]
[i (cadr arg*)]
@ -520,30 +604,13 @@
(record-case i
[(constant i)
(unless (fixnum? i) (err x))
(make-primcall 'mset!
(list x
(+ (* i wordsize)
(- disp-vector-data vector-tag)))
(mem-assign v x
(+ (* i wordsize)
(- disp-vector-data vector-tag)))]
(record-case v
(make-primcall 'mset!
(list (make-primcall 'int+
(list x (Value i)))
(- disp-vector-data vector-tag))
(let ([t (unique-var 't)])
(make-bind (list t) (list v)
(make-primcall 'mset!
(list (make-primcall 'int+
(list x (Value i)))
(- disp-vector-data vector-tag))
(mem-assign v
(prm 'int+ x (Value i))
(- disp-vector-data vector-tag))]))]
[else (error who "invalid effect prim ~s" op)])]
[(forcall op arg*)
(error who "effect forcall not supported" op)]
@ -557,6 +624,22 @@
(make-mvcall (Value rator) (Clambda x Effect))]
[else (error who "invalid pred expr ~s" x)]))
(define (tag-test x mask tag)
(if mask
(make-primcall '=
(list (make-primcall 'logand
(list x (make-constant mask)))
(make-constant tag)))
(make-primcall '=
(list x (make-constant tag)))))
(define (sec-tag-test x pmask ptag smask stag)
(let ([t (unique-var 'tmp)])
(make-bind (list t) (list x)
(tag-test t pmask ptag)
(tag-test (prm 'mref t (K (- ptag))) smask stag)
(make-constant #f)))))
(define (Pred x)
(record-case x
[(constant) x]
@ -569,7 +652,35 @@
[(primcall op arg*)
(case op
[(eq?) (make-primcall '= (map Value arg*))]
[(null?) (prm '= (Value (car arg*)) (K nil))]
[(eof-object?) (prm '= (Value (car arg*)) (K eof))]
[(neq?) (make-primcall '!= (map Value arg*))]
(tag-test (Value (car arg*)) pair-mask pair-tag)]
(tag-test (Value (car arg*)) closure-mask closure-tag)]
(tag-test (Value (car arg*)) symbol-mask symbol-tag)]
(tag-test (Value (car arg*)) string-mask string-tag)]
(tag-test (Value (car arg*)) char-mask char-tag)]
(tag-test (Value (car arg*)) bool-mask bool-tag)]
(tag-test (Value (car arg*)) fixnum-mask fixnum-tag)]
(sec-tag-test (Value (car arg*))
vector-mask vector-tag fixnum-mask fixnum-tag)]
(sec-tag-test (Value (car arg*))
vector-mask vector-tag #f output-port-tag)]
(tbind ([t (Value (car arg*))])
(tag-test t fixnum-mask fixnum-tag)
(make-constant #t)
(tag-test t 7 7)))]
[else (error who "pred prim ~a not supported" op)])]
[(mvcall rator x)
(make-mvcall (Value rator) (Clambda x Pred))]
@ -583,11 +694,9 @@
[(constant) (constant-rep x)]
[(var) x]
[(primref name)
(make-primcall 'mref
(make-constant (make-object name))
(- disp-symbol-system-value symbol-tag))))]
(prm 'mref
(K (make-object name))
(K (- disp-symbol-system-value symbol-tag)))]
[(code-loc) (make-constant x)]
[(closure) (make-constant x)]
[(bind lhs* rhs* body)
@ -598,36 +707,42 @@
(make-seq (Effect e0) (Value e1))]
[(primcall op arg*)
(case op
[(void) (K void-object)]
(prm 'mref (Value (car arg*)) (K (- disp-car pair-tag)))]
(prm 'mref (Value (car arg*)) (K (- disp-cdr pair-tag)))]
(let ([label (car arg*)] [len (cadr arg*)])
(record-case len
[(constant i)
(unless (fixnum? i) (err x))
(let ([t (unique-var 't)])
(make-bind (list t)
(list (make-primcall 'alloc
(list (make-constant
(+ disp-closure-data
(* i wordsize))))
(make-constant closure-tag))))
(make-primcall 'mset!
(list t
(make-constant (- disp-closure-code closure-tag))
(Value label)))
(tbind ([t (prm 'alloc
(K (align (+ disp-closure-data
(* i wordsize))))
(K closure-tag))])
(prm 'mset! t
(K (- disp-closure-code closure-tag))
(Value label))
[else (err x)]))]
(tbind ([a (Value (car arg*))]
[d (Value (cadr arg*))])
(tbind ([t (prm 'alloc (K pair-size) (K pair-tag))])
(prm 'mset! t (K (- disp-car pair-tag)) a)
(prm 'mset! t (K (- disp-cdr pair-tag)) d)
(let ([a0 (car arg*)] [a1 (cadr arg*)])
(record-case a1
[(constant i)
(unless (fixnum? i) (err x))
(make-primcall 'mref
(list (Value a0)
(+ (- disp-closure-data closure-tag)
(* i wordsize) ))))]
(prm 'mref (Value a0)
(K (+ (- disp-closure-data closure-tag)
(* i wordsize))))]
[else (err x)]))]
(let ([a0 (car arg*)] [a1 (cadr arg*)])
@ -646,6 +761,16 @@
(Value a1)))
(- disp-vector-data vector-tag))))]))]
(prm 'int+
(prm 'mref
(Value (car arg*))
(K (- disp-closure-code closure-tag)))
(K (- vector-tag disp-code-data)))]
(prm 'mref
(Value (car arg*))
(K (- disp-code-freevars vector-tag)))]
[else (error who "value prim ~a not supported" (unparse x))])]
[(forcall op arg*)
(error who "value forcall not supported" op)]
@ -681,7 +806,6 @@
(Value body))]
[else (error who "invalid program ~s" x)]))
(print-code x)
(Program x))
@ -714,7 +838,8 @@
[(or (constant? x) (var? x)) (k x)]
[(or (funcall? x) (primcall? x))
[(or (funcall? x) (primcall? x) (jmpcall? x)
(conditional? x))
(let ([t (unique-var 'tmp)])
(do-bind (list t) (list x)
(k t)))]
@ -739,25 +864,28 @@
(values (cons (car regs) r*)
(cons (car args) rl*)
(define (do-bind-frmt* nf* v* ac)
[(null? nf*) ac]
(let ([t (unique-var 't)])
(do-bind (list t) (list (car v*))
(make-set (car nf*) t)
(do-bind-frmt* (cdr nf*) (cdr v*) ac))))]))
(define (handle-nontail-call rator rands value-dest call-targ)
(let-values ([(reg-locs reg-args frm-args)
(nontail-locations (cons rator rands))])
(let ([regt* (map (lambda (x) (unique-var 'rt)) reg-args)]
[frmt* (map (lambda (x) (make-nfvar #f #f)) frm-args)])
(let* ([call
(make-primcall 'direct-call
(cons call-targ
(cons argc-register
(append reg-locs frmt*))))]
(make-primcall 'indirect-call
(cons argc-register
(append reg-locs frmt*)))])]
(make-ntcall call-targ value-dest
(cons argc-register (append reg-locs frmt*))
#f #f)]
(make-nframe frmt* #f
(do-bind frmt* frm-args
(do-bind-frmt* frmt* frm-args
(do-bind regt* reg-args
(assign* reg-locs regt*
@ -765,7 +893,7 @@
(argc-convention (length rands))))
(if value-dest
(if value-dest
(make-seq body (make-set value-dest return-value-register))
(define (V d x)
@ -785,7 +913,7 @@
[(funcall rator rands)
(handle-nontail-call rator rands d #f)]
[(jmpcall label rator rands)
(handle-nontail-call rator rands d (make-code-loc label))]
(handle-nontail-call rator rands d label)]
[else (error who "invalid value ~s" x)]))
(define (assign* lhs* rhs* ac)
@ -806,6 +934,8 @@
[(seq e0 e1) (make-seq (E e0) (E e1))]
[(conditional e0 e1 e2)
(make-conditional (P e0) (E e1) (E e2))]
[(bind lhs* rhs* e)
(do-bind lhs* rhs* (E e))]
[(primcall op rands)
(S* rands
(lambda (rands)
@ -813,14 +943,17 @@
[(funcall rator rands)
(handle-nontail-call rator rands #f #f)]
[(jmpcall label rator rands)
(handle-nontail-call rator rands #f (make-code-loc label))]
(handle-nontail-call rator rands #f label)]
[else (error who "invalid effect ~s" x)]))
(define (P x)
(record-case x
[(constant) x]
[(seq e0 e1) (make-seq (E e0) (P e1))]
[(conditional e0 e1 e2)
(make-conditional (P e0) (P e1) (P e2))]
[(bind lhs* rhs* e)
(do-bind lhs* rhs* (P e))]
[(primcall op rands)
(S* rands
(lambda (rands)
@ -1058,9 +1191,12 @@
(set-nframe-live! x s)
(E body s)]
[(ntcall targ value args mask size)
(add-rands args s)]
[else (error who "invalid effect ~s" x)]))
(define (P x st sf su)
(record-case x
[(constant c) (if c st sf)]
[(seq e0 e1)
(E e0 (P e1 st sf su))]
[(conditional e0 e1 e2)
@ -1197,16 +1333,31 @@
[(nfvar confs loc)
(or loc (error who "LHS not set ~s" x))]
[else x]))
(define (NFE idx x)
(define (NFE idx mask x)
(record-case x
[(seq e0 e1) (make-seq (E e0) (NFE idx e1))]
[(primcall op rands)
(case op
[(indirect-call direct-call)
(make-primcall op
(cons (make-constant idx) (map Rand rands)))]
[else (error who "invalid NFE ~s" x)])]
[(seq e0 e1) (make-seq (E e0) (NFE idx mask e1))]
[(ntcall target value args mask^ size)
(make-ntcall target value
(map (lambda (x)
(if (symbol? x)
(Lhs x)))
mask idx)]
[else (error who "invalid NF effect ~s" x)]))
(define (make-mask n live*)
(let ([v (make-vector (fxsra (fx+ n 7) 3) 0)])
(lambda (x)
(record-case x
[(fvar idx)
(let ([q (fxsra idx 3)]
[r (fxlogand idx 7)])
(vector-set! v q
(fxlogor (vector-ref v q) (fxsll 1 r))))]
[else (void)]))
(define (E x)
(record-case x
[(set lhs rhs)
@ -1225,15 +1376,16 @@
[(primcall op rands)
(make-primcall op (map Rand rands))]
[(nframe vars live body)
;;; 1 is for the rp address
;(printf "live=~s\n" live)
(let ([i (actual-frame-size vars
(fx+ 2 (max-live (map Lhs live) 0)))])
(assign-frame-vars! vars i)
(NFE (fxsub1 i) body))]
(let ([live-fv* (map Lhs live)])
(let ([i (actual-frame-size vars
(fx+ 2 (max-live live-fv* 0)))])
(assign-frame-vars! vars i)
(NFE (fxsub1 i) (make-mask i live-fv*) body)))]
[(ntcall) x]
[else (error who "invalid effect ~s" x)]))
(define (P x)
(record-case x
[(constant) x]
[(primcall op rands)
(make-primcall op (map Rand rands))]
[(conditional e0 e1 e2)
@ -1284,12 +1436,15 @@
(S* (cdr ls)
(lambda (d)
[(fvar? a)
[(or (constant? a)
(var? a)
(symbol? a))
(k (cons a d))]
(let ([u (mku)])
(make-set u a)
(k (cons u d))))]
[else (k (cons a d))]))))]))
(E (make-set u a))
(k (cons u d))))]))))]))
(define (E x)
(record-case x
[(set lhs rhs)
@ -1315,16 +1470,16 @@
[(primcall op rands)
(case op
[(nop) x]
[(indirect-call) x]
[(direct-call) x]
[(mset! record-effect)
(S* rands
(lambda (s*)
(make-primcall op s*)))]
[else (error who "invalid op in ~s" x)])]
[(ntcall) x]
[else (error who "invalid effect ~s" x)]))
(define (P x)
(record-case x
[(constant) x]
[(primcall op rands)
(let ([a0 (car rands)] [a1 (cadr rands)])
@ -1332,7 +1487,7 @@
(let ([u (mku)])
(make-set u a0)
(make-primcall op u a1)))]
(make-primcall op (list u a1))))]
[else x]))]
[(conditional e0 e1 e2)
(make-conditional (P e0) (P e1) (P e2))]
@ -1354,18 +1509,24 @@
[(locals sp* body)
(let ([frame-g (build-graph body fvar?)])
(let loop ([sp* sp*] [un* '()] [body body])
; (printf "a")
(let ([g (build-graph body symbol?)])
; (printf "loop:\n")
; (print-code body)
;(print-graph g)
; (printf "b")
(let-values ([(spills sp* env) (color-graph sp* un* g)])
; (printf "c")
[(null? spills) (substitute env body frame-g)]
; (printf "d")
(let* ([env (do-spill spills frame-g)]
[body (substitute env body frame-g)])
; (printf "e")
(let-values ([(un* body)
(add-unspillables un* body)])
; (printf "f")
(loop sp* un* body)))])))))]))
(define (color-by-chaitin x)
@ -1420,7 +1581,29 @@
(error who "invalid rand ~s" x))]))
(define (indep? x y)
(define (reg-not-in x y)
[(symbol? y) (not (eq? x y))]
[(primcall? y)
(andmap (lambda (y) (reg-not-in x y)) (primcall-arg* y))]
[else #t]))
[(symbol? x) (reg-not-in x y)]
[(symbol? y) (reg-not-in y x)]
[else #t]))
(define (Rhs x d ac)
(define (UNARG op d a1 a2 ac)
[(eq? a1 d)
`([,op ,(Rand a2) ,d] . ,ac)]
[(eq? a2 d)
`([,op ,(Rand a1) ,d] . ,ac)]
[(indep? d a1)
`([movl ,(Rand a2) ,(Rand d)] [,op ,(Rand a1) ,(Rand d)] . ,ac)]
[(indep? d a2)
`([movl ,(Rand a1) ,(Rand d)] [,op ,(Rand a2) ,(Rand d)] . ,ac)]
[else (error 'UNARG "cannot handle ~s ~s ~s" d a1 a2)]))
(record-case x
[(constant c)
(cons `(movl ,(Rand x) ,d) ac)]
@ -1433,6 +1616,10 @@
,(Rand (cadr rands)))
(UNARG 'andl d (car rands) (cadr rands) ac)]
(UNARG 'addl d (car rands) (cadr rands) ac)]
(let ([sz (Rand (car rands))]
[tag (Rand (cadr rands))])
@ -1457,30 +1644,54 @@
(E e1
(list* `(jmp ,le) lf
(E e2 (cons le ac))))))]
[(ntcall target value args mask size)
(let ([LCALL (unique-label)])
(define (rp-label value)
(if value
(label-address SL_multiple_values_error_rp)
(label-address SL_multiple_values_ignore_rp)))
[target ;;; known call
(list* `(subl ,(* (fxsub1 size) wordsize) ,fpr)
`(jmp ,LCALL)
`(byte-vector ,mask)
`(int ,(* size wordsize))
(rp-label value)
`(call (label ,target))
`(addl ,(* (fxsub1 size) wordsize) ,fpr)
(list* `(subl ,(* (fxsub1 size) wordsize) ,fpr)
`(jmp ,LCALL)
`(byte-vector ,mask)
`(int ,(* size wordsize))
(rp-label value)
'(byte 0)
'(byte 0)
`(call (disp ,(fx- disp-closure-code closure-tag) ,cp-register))
`(addl ,(* (fxsub1 size) wordsize) ,fpr)
[(primcall op rands)
(case op
[(nop) ac]
(let ([a (car rands)])
(unless (symbol? a)
(error who "invalid arg to record-effect ~s" a))
(list* `(shrl ,pageshift ,a)
`(sall ,wordshift ,a)
`(addl ,(pcb-ref 'dirty-vector) ,a)
`(movl ,dirty-word (disp 0 ,a))
(cons `(movl ,(Rand (caddr rands))
(disp ,(Rand (car rands))
,(Rand (cadr rands))))
(record-case (car rands)
[(constant i)
(list* `(subl ,(* (fxsub1 i) wordsize) ,fpr)
`(call (label ,(code-loc-label (cadr rands))))
`(addl ,(* (fxsub1 i) wordsize) ,fpr)
[else (error who "invalid ~s" x)])]
(record-case (car rands)
[(constant i)
(list* `(subl ,(* (fxsub1 i) wordsize) ,fpr)
`(call (disp ,(fx- disp-closure-code closure-tag) ,cp-register))
`(addl ,(* (fxsub1 i) wordsize) ,fpr)
[else (error who "invalid ~s" x)])]
[else (error who "invalid effect ~s" x)])]
[else (error who "invalid effect ~s" x)]))
@ -1489,6 +1700,10 @@
(define (P x lt lf ac)
(record-case x
[(constant c)
(if c
(if lt (cons `(jmp ,lt) ac) ac)
(if lf (cons `(jmp ,lf) ac) ac))]
[(seq e0 e1)
(E e0 (P e1 lt lf ac))]
[(conditional e0 e1 e2)
@ -1570,29 +1785,102 @@
[else (error who "invalid tail ~s" x)])]
[else (error who "invalid tail ~s" x)]))
(define (handle-vararg fml-count ac)
(define CONTINUE_LABEL (unique-label))
(define DONE_LABEL (unique-label))
(define CONS_LABEL (unique-label))
(define LOOP_HEAD (unique-label))
(define L_CALL (unique-label))
(list* (cmpl (int (argc-convention (fxsub1 fml-count))) eax)
(jg (label SL_invalid_args))
(movl (int nil) ebx)
(movl (pcb-ref 'allocation-redline) ebx)
(addl eax ebx)
(addl eax ebx)
(cmpl ebx apr)
; overflow
(addl eax esp) ; advance esp to cover args
(pushl cpr) ; push current cp
(pushl eax) ; push argc
(negl eax) ; make argc positive
(addl (int (fx* 4 wordsize)) eax) ; add 4 words to adjust frame size
(pushl eax) ; push frame size
(addl eax eax) ; double the number of args
(movl eax (mem (fx* -2 wordsize) fpr)) ; pass it as first arg
(movl (int (argc-convention 1)) eax) ; setup argc
(movl (primref-loc 'do-vararg-overflow) cpr) ; load handler
(jmp L_CALL) ; go to overflow handler
'(int 0) ; if the framesize=0, then the framesize is dynamic
'(int 0) ; multiarg rp
(byte 0)
(byte 0)
(popl eax) ; pop framesize and drop it
(popl eax) ; reload argc
(popl cpr) ; reload cp
(subl eax fpr) ; readjust fp
(movl (int nil) ebx)
(movl ebx (mem disp-cdr apr))
(movl (mem fpr eax) ebx)
(movl ebx (mem disp-car apr))
(movl apr ebx)
(addl (int pair-tag) ebx)
(addl (int pair-size) apr)
(addl (int (fxsll 1 fx-shift)) eax)
(cmpl (int (fx- 0 (fxsll fml-count fx-shift))) eax)
(movl ebx (mem (fx- 0 (fxsll fml-count fx-shift)) fpr))
(define (properize args proper ac)
[proper ac]
(error 'properize "not yet")
(handle-vararg (length (cdr args)) ac)]))
(define (ClambdaCase x)
(define (ClambdaCase x ac)
(record-case x
[(clambda-case info body)
(record-case info
[(case-info L args proper)
(properize args proper
(cons (label L) (T body '())))])]))
(let ([lothers (unique-label)])
(list* `(cmpl ,(argc-convention
(if proper
(length (cdr args))
(length (cddr args))))
[proper `(jne ,lothers)]
[(> (argc-convention 0) (argc-convention 1))
`(jle ,lothers)]
`(jge ,lothers)])
(properize args proper
(cons (label L)
(T body (cons lothers ac))))))])]))
(define (Clambda x)
(record-case x
[(clambda L case* free*)
(unless (fx= (length case*) 1)
(error who "not a lambda"))
(list* (length free*)
(label L)
(ClambdaCase (car case*)))]))
(let f ([case* case*])
[(null? case*) (invalid-args-error)]
(ClambdaCase (car case*) (f (cdr case*)))])))]))
(define (invalid-args-error)
`((jmp (label ,SL_invalid_args))))
(define (Program x)
(record-case x
@ -1613,13 +1901,19 @@
(let* (
;[foo (print-code x)]
[x (remove-primcalls x)]
;[foo (print-code x)]
;[foo (printf "1")]
[x (eliminate-fix x)]
;[foo (printf "2")]
[x (normalize-context x)]
;[foo (printf "3")]
;[foo (print-code x)]
[x (specify-representation x)]
;[foo (printf "4")]
[x (impose-calling-convention/evaluation-order x)]
;[foo (printf "5")]
;[foo (print-code x)]
[x (color-by-chaitin x)]
;[foo (printf "6")]
;[foo (print-code x)]
[ls (flatten-codes x)])
(when #t
@ -260,6 +260,7 @@
(define-record locals (vars body))
(define-record nframe (vars live body))
(define-record nfvar (conf loc))
(define-record ntcall (target value args mask size))
(define mkfvar
(let ([cache '()])
@ -479,6 +480,7 @@
[else x]))
(E x))
(define open-mvcalls (make-parameter #t))
(define (optimize-direct-calls x)
(define who 'optimize-direct-calls)
@ -545,7 +547,7 @@
[(fx= (length rand*) 2)
[(and (open-mvcalls) (fx= (length rand*) 2))
(let ([producer (inline (car rand*) '())]
[consumer (cadr rand*)])
@ -4524,8 +4526,10 @@
(if c
(if Lt (cons (jmp Lt) ac) ac)
(if Lf (cons (jmp Lf) ac) ac))]
[(fix lhs* rhs* body)
(do-fix lhs* rhs* (Pred body Lt Lf ac))]
(if Lt (cons (jmp Lt) ac) ac)]
[(fix lhs* rhs* body)
(do-fix lhs* rhs* (Pred body Lt Lf ac))]
[(primcall op rand*)
(do-pred-prim op rand* Lt Lf ac)]
[(conditional test conseq altern)
@ -5181,7 +5185,8 @@
(let* ([p (parameterize ([assembler-output #f])
(expand expr))]
[p (recordize p)]
[p (optimize-direct-calls p)]
[p (parameterize ([open-mvcalls #f])
(optimize-direct-calls p))]
[p (optimize-letrec p)]
[p (uncover-assigned/referenced p)]
[p (copy-propagate p)]
@ -264,7 +264,8 @@ reference-implementation:
(fill s ($make-string len) n m 0)))))))
(primitive-set! 'not (lambda (x) (not x)))
(primitive-set! 'not
(lambda (x) (if x #f #t)))
(primitive-set! 'symbol->string
(lambda (x)
@ -230,6 +230,7 @@
["libcontrol.ss" "libcontrol.fasl" p0 onepass]
["libcollect.ss" "libcollect.fasl" p0 onepass]
["librecord.ss" "librecord.fasl" p0 onepass]
;["libcxr.ss" "libcxr.fasl" p0 chaitin]
["libcxr.ss" "libcxr.fasl" p0 onepass]
["libnumerics.ss" "libnumerics.fasl" p0 onepass]
["libguardians.ss" "libguardians.fasl" p0 onepass]
Reference in New Issue