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2004-07-15 13:34:52 -04:00
;;; Expect for scsh.
;;; Designed and implemented by David Fisher and Olin Shivers.
;;; Copyright (C) 1998 by the Scheme Underground.
;;; Todo:
;;; - Fairness & round-robin looping
;;; - If all tasks eof, should we detect this and bail out early?
;;; - I need a little toolkit for constructing monitors.
;;; - A wrapper that gives a spawned process a tty with the same
;;; options as the current tty.
2004-07-15 13:34:52 -04:00
;;; If I had infinite-pushback ports, I could flush the "task" structure
;;; entirely. This would be better done with a transducer architecture.
;;; Interact
;;; - -nobuffer is useful for spotting stuff as it flies by.
;;; - It can handle matching in both directions.
;;; - It can handle strings and regexps.
;;; This file contains the following Scheme 48 modules:
;;; - expect-syntax-support
;;; This package must be opened in expect-package's FOR-SYNTAX package,
;;; so that the EXPECT macro-expander code can use its procedure.
;;; - expect-package
;;; This package must be opened by expect's clients.
;;; A task is a guy with whom we can interact.
(define-record-type task
(really-make-task process in out buf pre-match)
(process task:process)
(in task:in)
(out task:out)
(buf task:buf set-task:buf!)
(pre-match task:pre-match set-task:pre-match!) ;; Everything before
;; the current match.
(define (make-task process in out)
(really-make-task process in out "" #f))
2004-07-15 13:34:52 -04:00
;;; Wait written for tasks.
(define (wait-task task) (wait (task:process task)))
;;; Close all ports associated with a task.
(define (close-task task)
(close (task:out task))
(close (task:in task)))
2004-07-15 13:34:52 -04:00
(define (tsend task fmt . args)
(apply format (task:out task) fmt args))
(define tsend/cr
2004-07-15 13:34:52 -04:00
(let ((cr (string-ref "\r" 0))) ; Ugh
(lambda (task fmt . args)
(let ((p (task:out task)))
(apply format p fmt args)
(write-char cr p)))))
(define (user-task)
(ports->task (current-input-port) (current-output-port)))
;;; Spawn a process.
(define (spawn* thunk)
(receive (process in out tty) (fork-pty-session thunk)
(set-port-buffering in bufpol/none)
(set-port-buffering out bufpol/none)
(make-task process in out)))
(define-syntax spawn
(syntax-rules ()
((spawn . epf) (spawn* (lambda () (exec-epf . epf))))))
;;; Make a pseudo-task.
(define (ports->task input-port output-port)
(set-port-buffering input-port bufpol/none)
(set-port-buffering output-port bufpol/none)
(make-task #f input-port output-port))
(define (file->task fname)
(let* ((iport (open-file fname open/read+write))
(oport (dup->outport iport)))
(ports->task iport oport)))
(define (close-task task)
(close (task:in task))
(close (task:out task)))
;;;; Append info to a buffer without its going over the max size.
;;;; As data is moved out of the match buffer, it is moved into
;;;; the pre-match buffer.
;;;; Ack, this is not too efficient. Need to change this whole style.
;(define (buf-append task str max-size)
; (let* ((buf (task:buf task))
; (buf-size (string-length buf))
; (str-size (string-length str))
; (total-size (+ buf-size str-size)))
; (cond ((<= total-size max-size) ; BUF := all of BUF + all of STR.
; (string-append buf str))
; ;; BUF := some of BUF + all of STR.
; ((<= str-size max-size)
; (let ((i (- total-size max-size)))
; (set-task:pre-match! (string-append (task:pre-match task)
2004-07-15 13:34:52 -04:00
; (substring buf 0 i)))
; (string-append (substring buf i buf-size)
; str)))
; ;; BUF := some of STR.
; (else (let ((i (- str-size max-size)))
; (set-task:pre-match! (string-append (task:pre-match task)
2004-07-15 13:34:52 -04:00
; buf
; (substring str 0 i)))
; (substring str i str-size))))))
;;; We just matched M out of BUFFER.
;;; - Put everything in BUFFER *before* the match into (TASK:PRE-MATCH TASK).
;;; - Put everything in BUFFER *after* the match into (TASK:BUF TASK).
(define (set-prematch task buffer m)
(set-task:pre-match! task (substring buffer 0 (match:start m)))
(set-task:buf! task
(substring buffer (match:end m) (string-length buffer))))
2004-07-15 13:34:52 -04:00
;;; Slurp in data from port ivec[i] and add it to the task's buffer.
;;; Return the new data (not the whole buffer).
;;; If we get EOF instead, set ivec[i] to #f and return false. This is
;;; really inefficient in space and time -- every time we get a little bit
;;; of input, we copy and throw away the whole match buffer. Argh.
(define (do-input task)
(let* ((port (task:in task))
;; If the read blows up, return #f. This is how tty's indicate
;; to pty's they've been closed. Ugh.
(s (with-errno-handler ((e p) ((errno/io) #f))
(read-string/partial 256 port))))
(and s (let ((newbuf (string-append (task:buf task) s)))
(set-task:buf! task newbuf)
2004-07-15 13:34:52 -04:00
;;; A (<task> <aclause> ...) task-clause becomes the following chunk of code
;;; that is executed after the select call on ivec[]. I is the index of
;;; <task>'s input port in the port vector ivec:
;;; If ivec[i] is non-#f
;;; -- Select says there's input available.
;;; Get input from task
;;; If EOF
;;; ivec[i] := #f (This task is now permanently out of the running.)
;;; If there's an ON-EOF clause, do it and quit.
;;; If no ON-EOF clause, go on to task i+1.
;;; else we got some data:
;;; Try out matches. On match, do the match action & we are done.
;;; If no match, go on to task i+1
;;; If ivec[i] is #f
;;; -- No input available right now.
;;; ivec[i] := (Put the input port back in the vector)
;;; go on to task i+1
;;; "go on to task i+i" means "loop back to the select call" when task i
;;; is the last one.
(define (try-task ivec i task try-match-clauses do-next do-eof monitor)
(if (vector-ref ivec i)
;; Input is available (or EOF). Read it in.
;; If we get some, try out the pattern/action clauses.
;; If we get EOF, do the EOF action (which is the ON-EOF action clause,
;; if there is one, or go on to the next task clause if there isn't).
(cond ((do-input task) =>
(lambda (i) (try-match-clauses (task:buf task) i do-next)))
(set-task:pre-match! task (task:buf task))
(set-task:buf! task "")
2004-07-15 13:34:52 -04:00
(monitor task #f) ; Signal EOF
(vector-set! ivec i #f)))
;; No input available for task i. Put it back in the select vector
;; for next time, and go on to the next thing.
(begin (vector-set! ivec i (task:in task))
;;; M is the match. S is the total string. I is the new data that just
;;; arrived -- a non-empty suffix of S.
(define (do-match-hacking task m s i monitor)
;; Log all new data up to the match.
(let* ((delta (- (string-length s) (string-length i)))
(mend (- (match:end m 0) delta)))
(monitor task (substring i 0 mend))
(monitor task m))
(set-prematch task s m)) ; Set the prematch buffer.
;;; The default monitor -- does nothing.
(define (null-monitor task event) #f)
(define (port->monitor p)
(let ((strs '())
(cr (string-ref "\r" 0))) ; Ugh.
(lambda (task event)
(format (error-output-port) "strs=~s\n" strs)
(let ((flush-trailing-line
(lambda ()
(write-string "Expect: " p)
(for-each (lambda (s) (write-string s p))
(reverse strs))
(set! strs '())))
(lambda (s) (if (> (string-length s) 0)
(set! strs (cons s strs)))))
;; Index of the last cr or nl, or false. Lame code.
(lambda (s)
(cond ((string-index-right s #\newline) =>
(lambda (last-nl)
(max last-nl (or (string-index-right s cr) -1))))
(else (string-index-right s cr))))))
(cond ;; EOF event
((not event)
(cond ((pair? strs)
(write-char #\newline p)))
(write-string "Expect: End of file\n" p))
;; New-input event
;; We write out stuff in line chunks.
((string? event)
(cond ((last-line-break event) =>
(lambda (lb)
(write-string event p 0 (+ 1 lb))
(add-line-frag (substring event
(+ lb 1)
(string-length event)))))
(else (add-line-frag event))))
;; Match event
((regexp-match? event)
(write-string "-- got it.\n" p))
;; Timeout event
((eq? event 'timeout)
(cond ((pair? strs)
(write-char #\newline p)))
(write-string "Expect: Timed out.\n" p))
(else (format p "Expect: Unknown event ~a\n" event))))
(force-output p))))
;;; When we first start the expect form, there may be saved-up data in
;;; the task's push-back buffer. If so, we need to try and match it with
;;; the task's try-match function TM. If not, we jump off to OTHERWISE.
(define (first-try task tm otherwise)
(let ((s (task:buf task)))
(if (zero? (string-length s)) (otherwise)
(tm s s otherwise))))
;;; expect functional interface
(define *default-timeout* 10)
(define *default-echo* #f)
(define *default-max-size* #f)
(define-record-type :eof-pattern
(define eof-pattern (make-eof-pattern))
(define (in-select! rvec timeout)
(receive (in out ex)
(select! rvec '#() '#() timeout)
(not (zero? in))))
;; pattern: (match (lambda () regexp) (lambda (match) ...))
;; or (eof (lambda () ...))
;; or (test (lambda () #t/#f) (lambda (v) ...))
;; or (else (lambda () ...)) ; else
(define (expect* options . tasks-patterns-alist)
(let ((monitor (cond
((assq 'monitor options) => cdr)
(else null-monitor)))
(on-timeout (cond
((assq 'on-timeout options) => cdr)
(else (lambda () #f))))
(timeout (cond
((assq 'timeout options) => cdr)
(else *default-timeout*)))
(echo (cond
((assq 'echo options) => cdr)
(else *default-echo*)))
(max-size (cond
((assq 'max-size options) => cdr)
(else *default-max-size*))))
(expect-1* on-timeout monitor timeout echo max-size tasks-patterns-alist)))
(define (expect-1* on-timeout monitor timeout echo max-size
(let ((handle-input
(lambda (task patterns input do-next)
(let ((s (task:buf task)))
(let loop ((patterns patterns))
(if (null? patterns)
(let ((pattern (car patterns)))
(case (car pattern)
(let ((m (string-match ((cadr pattern)) s)))
(if m
(do-match-hacking task m s input monitor)
(monitor task m) ;; ??
((caddr pattern) m))
(loop (cdr patterns)))))
((eof) (loop (cdr patterns)))
(let ((v ((cadr pattern))))
(if v
((caddr pattern) v)
(loop (cdr patterns)))))
((cadr pattern)))
(else (error "undefined pattern type" (car pattern)))
(lambda (task patterns do-next)
(set-task:pre-match! task (task:buf task))
(set-task:buf! task "")
(monitor task #f)
(let loop ((patterns patterns))
(if (null? patterns)
(let ((pattern (car patterns)))
(case (car pattern)
((eof) ((cadr pattern)))
((match test else) (loop (cdr patterns)))
(else (error "undefined pattern type" (car pattern)))
(lambda ()
(monitor #f 'timeout)
;; first check existing data in the buffers
(let loop ((f-tasks-patterns-alist tasks-patterns-alist))
(if (not (null? f-tasks-patterns-alist))
(let* ((task-patterns (car f-tasks-patterns-alist))
(task (car task-patterns))
(s (task:buf task)))
(if (not (zero? (string-length s)))
(handle-input task (cdr task-patterns) s
(lambda () (loop (cdr f-tasks-patterns-alist))))
(loop (cdr f-tasks-patterns-alist))))
;; start looking for input, handle it and throw away those
;; that got eof
(let loop ((tasks-patterns-alist tasks-patterns-alist))
(if (null? tasks-patterns-alist)
#f ;; all eof
(let ((ivec (list->vector (map (lambda (task-patterns)
(task:in (car task-patterns)))
;; what is this (time) thing in the original?
(if (not (in-select! ivec timeout))
(let iloop ((inports (vector->list ivec))
(tasks-patterns-alist tasks-patterns-alist)
(remaining '()))
(if (null? tasks-patterns-alist)
(loop (reverse remaining))
(if (car inports)
(let* ((task-patterns (car tasks-patterns-alist))
(task (car task-patterns))
(s (do-input task)))
(if s
task (cdr task-patterns) s
(lambda ()
(iloop (cdr inports)
(cdr tasks-patterns-alist)
(cons task-patterns
task (cdr task-patterns)
(lambda ()
(iloop (cdr inports)
(cdr tasks-patterns-alist)
(iloop (cdr inports)
(cdr tasks-patterns-alist)
(cons (car tasks-patterns-alist)
;; Syntax based on procedural interface
(define-syntax expect-options-clauses
(syntax-rules (on-timeout timeout echo max-size monitor)
((expect-options-clauses (on-timeout body ...) clause ...)
(cons (cons 'on-timeout (lambda () body ...))
(expect-options-clauses clause ...)))
((expect-options-clauses (timeout v) clause ...)
(cons (cons 'timeout v)
(expect-options-clauses clause ...)))
((expect-options-clauses (echo v) clause ...)
(cons (cons 'echo v)
(expect-options-clauses clause ...)))
((expect-options-clauses (max-size v) clause ...)
(cons (cons 'max-size v)
(expect-options-clauses clause ...)))
((expect-options-clauses (monitor proc) clause ...)
(cons (cons 'monitor proc)
(expect-options-clauses clause ...)))
((expect-options-clauses x clause ...)
(expect-options-clauses clause ...))))
(define-syntax expect-action-clauses
(syntax-rules (on-eof test => else)
((expect-action-clauses loop)
((expect-action-clauses loop (on-eof body ...) clause ...)
(cons (list 'eof
(lambda () body ...))
(expect-action-clauses loop clause ...)))
((expect-action-clauses loop (test exp body ...) clause ...)
(cons (list 'test
(lambda () exp)
(lambda (_) body ...))
(expect-action-clauses loop clause ...)))
((expect-action-clauses loop (test exp => proc) clause ...)
(cons (list 'test
(lambda () exp)
(lambda (v) (proc v)))
(expect-action-clauses loop clause ...)))
((expect-action-clauses loop (pattern (mvars ...) body ...) clause ...)
(cons (list 'match (lambda () pattern)
(lambda (m)
(let-match m (mvars ...) body ...)))
(expect-action-clauses loop clause ...)))
((expect-action-clauses loop (else body ...) clause ...)
(cons (list else (lambda () body ...))
(expect-action-clauses loop clause ...)))))
(define-syntax expect-task-clauses
(syntax-rules ()
((expect-task-clauses loop)
((expect-task-clauses loop (task aclause ...) clause ...)
(append (cons task (expect-action-clauses loop aclause ...))
(expect-task-clauses loop clause ...)))))
(define-syntax expect
(syntax-rules ()
((expect name (var-inits ...) eclause ...)
(let name (var-inits ...)
(expect* (expect-options-clauses eclause ...)
(expect-task-clauses name eclause ...))))
((expect (x ...) eclause ...)
(let loop ()
(expect* (expect-options-clauses loop (x ...) eclause ...)
(expect-task-clauses loop (x ...) eclause ...))))))