;;; Expect for scsh. ;;; Designed and implemented by David Fisher and Olin Shivers. ;;; Copyright (C) 1998 by the Scheme Underground. ;;; Todo: ;;; - Fairness & round-robin looping ;;; - If all tasks eof, should we detect this and bail out early? ;;; - I need a little toolkit for constructing monitors. ;;; - A wrapper that gives a spawned process a tty with the same ;;; options as the current tty. ;;; If I had infinite-pushback ports, I could flush the "task" structure ;;; entirely. This would be better done with a transducer architecture. ;;; Interact ;;; - -nobuffer is useful for spotting stuff as it flies by. ;;; - It can handle matching in both directions. ;;; - It can handle strings and regexps. ;;; This file contains the following Scheme 48 modules: ;;; - expect-syntax-support ;;; This package must be opened in expect-package's FOR-SYNTAX package, ;;; so that the EXPECT macro-expander code can use its procedure. ;;; - expect-package ;;; This package must be opened by expect's clients. ;;; A task is a guy with whom we can interact. (define-record-type task (really-make-task process in out buf pre-match) task? (process task:process) (in task:in) (out task:out) (buf task:buf set-task:buf!) (pre-match task:pre-match set-task:pre-match!) ;; Everything before ;; the current match. ) (define (make-task process in out) (really-make-task process in out "" #f)) ;;; Wait written for tasks. (define (wait-task task) (wait (task:process task))) ;;; Close all ports associated with a task. (define (close-task task) (close (task:out task)) (close (task:in task))) (define (tsend task fmt . args) (apply format (task:out task) fmt args)) (define tsend/cr (let ((cr (string-ref "\r" 0))) ; Ugh (lambda (task fmt . args) (let ((p (task:out task))) (apply format p fmt args) (write-char cr p))))) (define (user-task) (ports->task (current-input-port) (current-output-port))) ;;; Spawn a process. (define (spawn* thunk) (receive (process in out tty) (fork-pty-session thunk) (set-port-buffering in bufpol/none) (set-port-buffering out bufpol/none) (make-task process in out))) (define-syntax spawn (syntax-rules () ((spawn . epf) (spawn* (lambda () (exec-epf . epf)))))) ;;; Make a pseudo-task. (define (ports->task input-port output-port) (set-port-buffering input-port bufpol/none) (set-port-buffering output-port bufpol/none) (make-task #f input-port output-port)) (define (file->task fname) (let* ((iport (open-file fname open/read+write)) (oport (dup->outport iport))) (ports->task iport oport))) (define (close-task task) (close (task:in task)) (close (task:out task))) ;;;; Append info to a buffer without its going over the max size. ;;;; As data is moved out of the match buffer, it is moved into ;;;; the pre-match buffer. ;;;; ;;;; Ack, this is not too efficient. Need to change this whole style. ; ;(define (buf-append task str max-size) ; (let* ((buf (task:buf task)) ; (buf-size (string-length buf)) ; (str-size (string-length str)) ; (total-size (+ buf-size str-size))) ; ; (cond ((<= total-size max-size) ; BUF := all of BUF + all of STR. ; (string-append buf str)) ; ; ;; BUF := some of BUF + all of STR. ; ((<= str-size max-size) ; (let ((i (- total-size max-size))) ; (set-task:pre-match! (string-append (task:pre-match task) ; (substring buf 0 i))) ; (string-append (substring buf i buf-size) ; str))) ; ; ;; BUF := some of STR. ; (else (let ((i (- str-size max-size))) ; (set-task:pre-match! (string-append (task:pre-match task) ; buf ; (substring str 0 i))) ; (substring str i str-size)))))) ;;; We just matched M out of BUFFER. ;;; - Put everything in BUFFER *before* the match into (TASK:PRE-MATCH TASK). ;;; - Put everything in BUFFER *after* the match into (TASK:BUF TASK). (define (set-prematch task buffer m) (set-task:pre-match! task (substring buffer 0 (match:start m))) (set-task:buf! task (substring buffer (match:end m) (string-length buffer)))) ;;; Slurp in data from port ivec[i] and add it to the task's buffer. ;;; Return the new data (not the whole buffer). ;;; If we get EOF instead, set ivec[i] to #f and return false. This is ;;; really inefficient in space and time -- every time we get a little bit ;;; of input, we copy and throw away the whole match buffer. Argh. (define (do-input task) (let* ((port (task:in task)) ;; If the read blows up, return #f. This is how tty's indicate ;; to pty's they've been closed. Ugh. (s (with-errno-handler ((e p) ((errno/io) #f)) (read-string/partial 256 port)))) (and s (let ((newbuf (string-append (task:buf task) s))) (set-task:buf! task newbuf) s)))) ;;; A ( ...) task-clause becomes the following chunk of code ;;; that is executed after the select call on ivec[]. I is the index of ;;; 's input port in the port vector ivec: ;;; ;;; If ivec[i] is non-#f ;;; -- Select says there's input available. ;;; Get input from task ;;; If EOF ;;; ivec[i] := #f (This task is now permanently out of the running.) ;;; If there's an ON-EOF clause, do it and quit. ;;; If no ON-EOF clause, go on to task i+1. ;;; else we got some data: ;;; Try out matches. On match, do the match action & we are done. ;;; If no match, go on to task i+1 ;;; ;;; If ivec[i] is #f ;;; -- No input available right now. ;;; ivec[i] := taski.in (Put the input port back in the vector) ;;; go on to task i+1 ;;; ;;; "go on to task i+i" means "loop back to the select call" when task i ;;; is the last one. (define (try-task ivec i task try-match-clauses do-next do-eof monitor) (if (vector-ref ivec i) ;; Input is available (or EOF). Read it in. ;; If we get some, try out the pattern/action clauses. ;; If we get EOF, do the EOF action (which is the ON-EOF action clause, ;; if there is one, or go on to the next task clause if there isn't). (cond ((do-input task) => (lambda (i) (try-match-clauses (task:buf task) i do-next))) (else (set-task:pre-match! task (task:buf task)) (set-task:buf! task "") (monitor task #f) ; Signal EOF (do-eof) (vector-set! ivec i #f))) ;; No input available for task i. Put it back in the select vector ;; for next time, and go on to the next thing. (begin (vector-set! ivec i (task:in task)) (do-next)))) ;;; M is the match. S is the total string. I is the new data that just ;;; arrived -- a non-empty suffix of S. (define (do-match-hacking task m s i monitor) ;; Log all new data up to the match. (let* ((delta (- (string-length s) (string-length i))) (mend (- (match:end m 0) delta))) (monitor task (substring i 0 mend)) (monitor task m)) (set-prematch task s m)) ; Set the prematch buffer. ;;; The default monitor -- does nothing. (define (null-monitor task event) #f) (define (port->monitor p) (let ((strs '()) (cr (string-ref "\r" 0))) ; Ugh. (lambda (task event) (format (error-output-port) "strs=~s\n" strs) (let ((flush-trailing-line (lambda () (write-string "Expect: " p) (for-each (lambda (s) (write-string s p)) (reverse strs)) (set! strs '()))) (add-line-frag (lambda (s) (if (> (string-length s) 0) (set! strs (cons s strs))))) ;; Index of the last cr or nl, or false. Lame code. (last-line-break (lambda (s) (cond ((string-index-right s #\newline) => (lambda (last-nl) (max last-nl (or (string-index-right s cr) -1)))) (else (string-index-right s cr)))))) (cond ;; EOF event ((not event) (cond ((pair? strs) (flush-trailing-line) (write-char #\newline p))) (write-string "Expect: End of file\n" p)) ;; New-input event ;; We write out stuff in line chunks. ((string? event) (cond ((last-line-break event) => (lambda (lb) (flush-trailing-line) (write-string event p 0 (+ 1 lb)) (add-line-frag (substring event (+ lb 1) (string-length event))))) (else (add-line-frag event)))) ;; Match event ((regexp-match? event) (flush-trailing-line) (write-string "-- got it.\n" p)) ;; Timeout event ((eq? event 'timeout) (cond ((pair? strs) (flush-trailing-line) (write-char #\newline p))) (write-string "Expect: Timed out.\n" p)) (else (format p "Expect: Unknown event ~a\n" event)))) (force-output p)))) ;;; When we first start the expect form, there may be saved-up data in ;;; the task's push-back buffer. If so, we need to try and match it with ;;; the task's try-match function TM. If not, we jump off to OTHERWISE. (define (first-try task tm otherwise) (let ((s (task:buf task))) (if (zero? (string-length s)) (otherwise) (tm s s otherwise)))) ;;; expect functional interface (define *default-timeout* 10) (define *default-echo* #f) (define *default-max-size* #f) (define-record-type :eof-pattern (make-eof-pattern) eof-pattern?) (define eof-pattern (make-eof-pattern)) (define (in-select! rvec timeout) (receive (in out ex) (select! rvec '#() '#() timeout) (not (zero? in)))) ;; pattern: (match (lambda () regexp) (lambda (match) ...)) ;; or (eof (lambda () ...)) ;; or (test (lambda () #t/#f) (lambda (v) ...)) ;; or (else (lambda () ...)) ; else (define (expect* options . tasks-patterns-alist) (let ((monitor (cond ((assq 'monitor options) => cdr) (else null-monitor))) (on-timeout (cond ((assq 'on-timeout options) => cdr) (else (lambda () #f)))) (timeout (cond ((assq 'timeout options) => cdr) (else *default-timeout*))) (echo (cond ((assq 'echo options) => cdr) (else *default-echo*))) (max-size (cond ((assq 'max-size options) => cdr) (else *default-max-size*)))) (expect-1* on-timeout monitor timeout echo max-size tasks-patterns-alist))) (define (expect-1* on-timeout monitor timeout echo max-size tasks-patterns-alist) (let ((handle-input (lambda (task patterns input do-next) (let ((s (task:buf task))) (let loop ((patterns patterns)) (if (null? patterns) (do-next) (let ((pattern (car patterns))) (case (car pattern) ((match) (let ((m (string-match ((cadr pattern)) s))) (if m (begin (do-match-hacking task m s input monitor) (monitor task m) ;; ?? ((caddr pattern) m)) (loop (cdr patterns))))) ((eof) (loop (cdr patterns))) ((test) (let ((v ((cadr pattern)))) (if v ((caddr pattern) v) (loop (cdr patterns))))) ((else) ((cadr pattern))) (else (error "undefined pattern type" (car pattern))) ))))))) (handle-eof (lambda (task patterns do-next) (set-task:pre-match! task (task:buf task)) (set-task:buf! task "") (monitor task #f) (let loop ((patterns patterns)) (if (null? patterns) (do-next) (let ((pattern (car patterns))) (case (car pattern) ((eof) ((cadr pattern))) ((match test else) (loop (cdr patterns))) (else (error "undefined pattern type" (car pattern))) )))))) (handle-timeout (lambda () (monitor #f 'timeout) (on-timeout)))) ;; first check existing data in the buffers (let loop ((f-tasks-patterns-alist tasks-patterns-alist)) (if (not (null? f-tasks-patterns-alist)) (let* ((task-patterns (car f-tasks-patterns-alist)) (task (car task-patterns)) (s (task:buf task))) (if (not (zero? (string-length s))) (handle-input task (cdr task-patterns) s (lambda () (loop (cdr f-tasks-patterns-alist)))) (loop (cdr f-tasks-patterns-alist)))) ;; start looking for input, handle it and throw away those ;; that got eof (let loop ((tasks-patterns-alist tasks-patterns-alist)) (if (null? tasks-patterns-alist) #f ;; all eof (let ((ivec (list->vector (map (lambda (task-patterns) (task:in (car task-patterns))) tasks-patterns-alist)))) ;; what is this (time) thing in the original? (if (not (in-select! ivec timeout)) (handle-timeout) (let iloop ((inports (vector->list ivec)) (tasks-patterns-alist tasks-patterns-alist) (remaining '())) (if (null? tasks-patterns-alist) (loop (reverse remaining)) (if (car inports) (let* ((task-patterns (car tasks-patterns-alist)) (task (car task-patterns)) (s (do-input task))) (if s (handle-input task (cdr task-patterns) s (lambda () (iloop (cdr inports) (cdr tasks-patterns-alist) (cons task-patterns remaining)))) (handle-eof task (cdr task-patterns) (lambda () (iloop (cdr inports) (cdr tasks-patterns-alist) remaining))))) (iloop (cdr inports) (cdr tasks-patterns-alist) (cons (car tasks-patterns-alist) remaining))))))))))))) ;; Syntax based on procedural interface (define-syntax expect-options-clauses (syntax-rules (on-timeout timeout echo max-size monitor) ((expect-options-clauses) '()) ((expect-options-clauses (on-timeout body ...) clause ...) (cons (cons 'on-timeout (lambda () body ...)) (expect-options-clauses clause ...))) ((expect-options-clauses (timeout v) clause ...) (cons (cons 'timeout v) (expect-options-clauses clause ...))) ((expect-options-clauses (echo v) clause ...) (cons (cons 'echo v) (expect-options-clauses clause ...))) ((expect-options-clauses (max-size v) clause ...) (cons (cons 'max-size v) (expect-options-clauses clause ...))) ((expect-options-clauses (monitor proc) clause ...) (cons (cons 'monitor proc) (expect-options-clauses clause ...))) ((expect-options-clauses x clause ...) (expect-options-clauses clause ...)))) (define-syntax expect-action-clauses (syntax-rules (on-eof test => else) ((expect-action-clauses loop) '()) ((expect-action-clauses loop (on-eof body ...) clause ...) (cons (list 'eof (lambda () body ...)) (expect-action-clauses loop clause ...))) ((expect-action-clauses loop (test exp body ...) clause ...) (cons (list 'test (lambda () exp) (lambda (_) body ...)) (expect-action-clauses loop clause ...))) ((expect-action-clauses loop (test exp => proc) clause ...) (cons (list 'test (lambda () exp) (lambda (v) (proc v))) (expect-action-clauses loop clause ...))) ((expect-action-clauses loop (pattern (mvars ...) body ...) clause ...) (cons (list 'match (lambda () pattern) (lambda (m) (let-match m (mvars ...) body ...))) (expect-action-clauses loop clause ...))) ((expect-action-clauses loop (else body ...) clause ...) (cons (list else (lambda () body ...)) (expect-action-clauses loop clause ...))))) (define-syntax expect-task-clauses (syntax-rules () ((expect-task-clauses loop) '()) ((expect-task-clauses loop (task aclause ...) clause ...) (append (cons task (expect-action-clauses loop aclause ...)) (expect-task-clauses loop clause ...))))) (define-syntax expect (syntax-rules () ((expect name (var-inits ...) eclause ...) (let name (var-inits ...) (expect* (expect-options-clauses eclause ...) (expect-task-clauses name eclause ...)))) ((expect (x ...) eclause ...) (let loop () (expect* (expect-options-clauses loop (x ...) eclause ...) (expect-task-clauses loop (x ...) eclause ...))))))