first commit

This commit is contained in:
frese 2003-03-28 01:40:16 +00:00
commit e3e12d92f8
15 changed files with 2411 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
# CVS default ignores begin
# CVS default ignores end

10 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
$(ORION-WM): Makefile
script=$(ORION-WM) && \
echo '#!$(SCX) \\' > $$script && \
echo "-lm `pwd`/src/packages.scm -m main -s" >> $$script && \
echo '!#' >> $$script && \
echo '(start)' >> $$script && \
chmod 755 $$script

5 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
AC_PATH_PROG(SCX, scx, /usr/local/bin/scx)

src/drag-window.scm Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
;; *** the draw window ***********************************************
(define-record-type drag-window :drag-window
(make-drag-window dpy window)
(dpy dw:dpy)
(window dw:window))
(define (create-drag-window dpy dwindow)
(let* ((width (window-width dpy dwindow))
(height (window-height dpy dwindow))
(pixmap (create-pixmap dpy dwindow width height
(window-depth dpy dwindow)))
(gc (create-gc dpy pixmap
(graphics-exposures #t)
(background (black-pixel dpy))
(foreground (white-pixel dpy))
(subwindow-mode (subwindow-mode include-inferiors)))))
(copy-area dpy dwindow pixmap gc 0 0 width height 0 0)
;; TODO: draw X shape over this now.
(free-gc dpy gc)
(let* ((rect (root-rectangle dpy dwindow))
(window (create-simple-window dpy (default-root-window dpy)
(rectangle:x rect) (rectangle:y rect)
(rectangle:width rect)
(rectangle:height rect)
0 (black-pixel dpy)
(black-pixel dpy)))
(gc (create-gc dpy window
(tile pixmap)
(fill-style (fill-style tiled))
(fill-rule (fill-rule even-odd))))))
(set-window-override-redirect! dpy window #t)
(spawn* (lambda (release)
dpy window (event-mask exposure structure-notify)
(lambda (channel)
(map-window dpy window)
(fill-rectangle dpy window gc 0 0 width height)
(let loop ()
(let ((xevent (receive channel)))
((expose-event? xevent)
(if (= (expose-event-count xevent) 0)
(fill-rectangle dpy window gc 0 0 width height))
((destroy-window-event? xevent)
(free-gc dpy gc)
(free-pixmap dpy pixmap))
(else (loop)))))))))
(make-drag-window dpy window))))
(define (destroy-drag-window dw)
(destroy-window (dw:dpy dw) (dw:window dw)))
(define (move-drag-window dw x y)
(move-window (dw:dpy dw) (dw:window dw) x y))
;; *** control over the dragging *************************************
(define (install-dragging-control channel dpy click-window dragged-window)
(lambda (release)
dpy click-window
(event-mask button-press button-release
button-1-motion structure-notify)
(lambda (event-channel)
(letrec ((idle
(lambda ()
(let ((xevent (receive event-channel)))
((eq? (event-type button-press)
(any-event-type xevent))
(trans (button-event-x xevent)
(button-event-y xevent)))
((destroy-window-event? xevent) #t)
(else (idle))))))
(lambda (click-x click-y)
;; if next event is motion-event it's a drag, if
;; button-release then it's a click.
(let ((xevent (receive event-channel)))
((eq? (event-type button-release)
(any-event-type xevent))
(send channel (list 'click click-x click-y
(button-event-time xevent)))
((motion-event? xevent)
(let ((r (root-rectangle dpy dragged-window))
(dw (create-drag-window dpy
;;(grab-server dpy)
(drag dw click-x click-y (rectangle:x r)
(rectangle:y r))))
((destroy-window-event? xevent) #t)
(else (trans click-x click-y))))))
(lambda (dwin click-x click-y win-x win-y)
(let ((xevent (receive event-channel)))
((eq? (event-type button-release)
(any-event-type xevent))
(let ((x (+ (window-x dpy dragged-window)
(- (button-event-x xevent)
(y (+ (window-y dpy dragged-window)
(- (button-event-y xevent)
(destroy-drag-window dwin)
(send channel (list 'drop x y))
;;(ungrab-server dpy)
((motion-event? xevent)
(let ((x (motion-event-x xevent))
(y (motion-event-y xevent)))
(move-drag-window dwin
(+ win-x (- x click-x))
(+ win-y (- y click-y)))
(drag dwin click-x click-y win-x win-y)))
((destroy-window-event? xevent) #t)
(drag dwin click-x click-y win-x win-y)))))))

src/key-grab.scm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
(define-record-type key-grab :key-grab
(make-key-grab window keys message channel override?)
(window key-grab:window)
(keys key-grab:keys)
(message key-grab:message)
(channel key-grab:channel)
(override? key-grab:override?))
(define (create-grab-server dpy)
(let ((in-channel (make-channel)))
(lambda ()
(let ((grabs '())
(event-cache '()))
(let loop ()
(let ((msg (receive in-channel)))
(case (car msg)
(let* ((key-grab (second msg))
(first (car (key-grab:keys key-grab))))
(set! grabs (cons key-grab grabs))
(grab-key dpy (key:keycode first)
(key:modifiers first) (key-grab:window key-grab)
#f (grab-mode async) (grab-mode async))
(spawn* (lambda (resume)
dpy (key-grab:window key-grab)
(event-mask key-press structure-notify)
(lambda (event-channel)
(let loop ()
(let ((e (receive event-channel)))
((destroy-window-event? e)
(send in-channel (list 'remove-key-grab
((eq? (event-type key-press)
(any-event-type e))
(send in-channel (list 'key-press e))
(else (loop)))))))))))
(let* ((key-grab (second msg))
(first (car (key-grab:keys key-grab))))
(if (window-exists? dpy (key-grab:window key-grab))
(ungrab-key dpy (key:keycode first)
(key:modifiers first)
(key-grab:window key-grab)))
(set! grabs (filter (lambda (g) (not (eq? g key-grab)))
(let ((e (second msg))
(events (filter (lambda (x) x)
(map weak-pointer-ref event-cache))))
;; because more of these can come in a row, we
;; skip the ones already handled.
(if (memq e events)
(set! event-cache
(map make-weak-pointer (cons e events)))
(let ((winner (do-grabs dpy grabs e)))
(if winner
(send (key-grab:channel winner)
(list (key-grab:message winner)
;; this event ??
(key-event-time e)))))))))
(define *grab-server* #f)
(define *grab-server-lock* (make-lock))
(define (grab-shortcut dpy window keys message channel override?)
;; assert |keys| > 0 ??
(with-lock *grab-server-lock*
(lambda ()
(if (not *grab-server*)
(set! *grab-server* (create-grab-server dpy)))))
(let ((key-grab (make-key-grab window keys message channel override?)))
(send *grab-server* (list 'add-key-grab key-grab))
;; unregister-key ??
(define (do-grabs dpy grabs event)
(let* ((path (reverse (window-path dpy (get-input-focus-window dpy))))
(grabs (flatten
(lambda (x) x)
(map (lambda (win)
(lambda (grab)
(let ((first (car (key-grab:keys grab))))
(and (equal? win (key-grab:window grab))
(enum-set=? (key:modifiers first)
(key-event-state event))
(equal? (key:keycode first)
(key-event-keycode event)))))
(grabs-rests (map (lambda (g)
(cons g (cdr (key-grab:keys g))))
(winner? (lambda (grabs-rests)
(let ((dones (map car (filter (lambda (grab-rest)
(null? (cdr grab-rest)))
(mdisplay "winner? dones: " dones "\n")
(let loop ((dones dones))
(if (null? dones)
(if (or (null? (cdr dones))
(key-grab:override? (car dones)))
(car dones)
(loop (cdr dones)))))))))
(grab-keyboard dpy (default-root-window dpy) #f
(grab-mode async) (grab-mode async) ;; ??
(key-event-time event))
;; Cursor ?
(let ((result
dpy (default-root-window dpy) (event-mask key-press)
(lambda (event-channel)
(let loop ((grabs-rests grabs-rests))
(mdisplay "grabs-rests: " grabs-rests "\n")
(and (not (null? grabs-rests))
(or (winner? grabs-rests)
(let ((e (receive event-channel)))
((eq? (event-type key-press)
(any-event-type e))
(let ((rest
(lambda (grab-rest)
(and (not (null? (cdr grab-rest)))
(let ((next (car (cdr grab-rest))))
(enum-set=? (key:modifiers next)
(key-event-state e))
(equal? (key:keycode next)
(key-event-keycode e)))))
(loop (map (lambda (grab-rest)
(cons (car grab-rest)
(cdr (cdr grab-rest))))
(else (loop grabs-rests)))))))))))
(ungrab-keyboard dpy current-time)

src/main.scm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
(define (start)
(apply orion-wm (command-line)))
(define (orion-wm . args)
(let ((dpy (open-display)))
(synchronize dpy #t)
(init-sync-x-events dpy)
;; for debugging:
(spawn (lambda ()
(let loop ((se (most-recent-sync-x-event)))
(let ((e (sync-x-event-event se)))
(if (not (eq? e 'no-event))
(display-event e))
(loop (next-sync-x-event se (lambda (e) #t)))))))
(let ((root-manager (create-root-wm dpy)))
(display "Orion-wm finished\n"))))
(define (display-event e)
;;(mdisplay "event: " (any-event-type e) " " (any-event-window e) "\n"))

src/manager.scm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
(define-record-type wm :wm
(make-wm type in-channel out-channel internal-out-channel
dpy window colormap options
clients current-client)
(type wm:type)
(in-channel wm:in-channel)
(out-channel wm:out-channel)
(internal-out-channel wm:internal-out-channel)
(dpy wm:dpy)
(window wm:window)
(colormap wm:colormap)
(options wm:options)
(clients wm:clients set-wm:clients!)
(current-client wm:current-client set-wm:current-client!))
(define wm-clients wm:clients)
(define wm-current-client wm:current-client)
(define-enumerated-type manager-type :manager-type
manager-type? manager-types manager-type-name manager-type-index
(split switch move))
(define (manager-name type)
((eq? type (manager-type split)) "split-wm")
((eq? type (manager-type switch)) "switch-wm")
((eq? type (manager-type move)) "move-wm")))
(define focus-policy '(enter click)) ;; TODO: -> options
(define (create-wm dpy parent options children
type options-spec out-channel fun)
(let* ((wa (get-window-attributes dpy parent))
(create-simple-window dpy parent 0 0 (window-attribute:width wa)
(window-attribute:height wa)
0 (white-pixel dpy) (black-pixel dpy)))
(colormap (create-colormap dpy main-window
(window-attribute:visual wa)
(colormap-alloc none)))
(in-channel (make-channel))
(internal-out-channel (make-channel))
(wm (make-wm type in-channel out-channel internal-out-channel
dpy main-window colormap
(create-options dpy colormap options-spec options)
'() #f)))
;; set properties ************************************************
(set-wm-name! dpy main-window
(string-list->property (list (manager-name type))))
;; icon ??
;; size-hints ??
(set-wm-hints! dpy main-window
(make-wm-hint-alist (input? #t)))
;; class-hint ??
(set-wm-protocols! dpy main-window
(list (intern-atom dpy "WM_TAKE_FOCUS" #t)))
;; TODO: Colormaps
;; spawn handlers ************************************************
(spawn* (lambda (release)
(wm:dpy wm) (wm:window wm)
(event-mask structure-notify
(lambda (event-channel)
(lambda (exit)
(send internal-out-channel '(fit-windows)) ;; ??
(let loop ()
(wrap (receive-rv event-channel)
(lambda (xevent)
(handle-xevent wm exit xevent)))
(wrap (receive-rv (wm:in-channel wm))
(lambda (msg)
(handle-external-message wm exit msg))))
(free-colormap dpy colormap)))
(for-each (lambda (window)
(wm-manage-window wm window))
(fun wm internal-out-channel)))
(define (handle-xevent wm exit xevent)
(let ((main-window (wm:window wm))
(dpy (wm:dpy wm))
(internal-out-channel (wm:internal-out-channel wm))
(type (any-event-type xevent)))
((expose-event? xevent)
(send internal-out-channel '(draw-main-window)))
((configure-event? xevent)
(send internal-out-channel '(fit-windows)))
;; the manager got the focus (as a client)
((client-message-event? xevent)
(let* ((p (client-message-event-property xevent))
(type (property:type p)))
(if (equal? type (intern-atom dpy "WM_PROTOCOLS" #t))
(let ((name (car (property:data p)))
(time (cadr (property:data p)))
(client (wm:current-client wm)))
(if (and client
(equal? name (intern-atom dpy "WM_TAKE_FOCUS" #t)))
(handle-external-message wm exit
(list 'select-client client time)))
(define (handle-external-message wm exit msg)
(let ((internal-out-channel (wm:internal-out-channel wm))
(dpy (wm:dpy wm)))
(case (car msg)
(let* ((window (second msg))
(client (create-client wm window)))
(set-wm:clients! wm (cons client (wm:clients wm)))
(send internal-out-channel
(list 'init-client client (third msg)))
(send internal-out-channel (list 'fit-client client))
;; sync ??
(map-window dpy window)
(send internal-out-channel (list 'update-client-state client))))
(let* ((window (second msg))
(client (find (lambda (c)
(eq? window (client:window c)))
(wm:clients wm))))
(if client
(reparent-to-root dpy window)
(handle-external-message wm exit
(list 'deinit-client client))))))
;; (send internal-out-channel '(deinit-manager))
;; sync ??
(destroy-window dpy (wm:window wm)))
(let ((client (second msg)))
(set-wm:clients! wm (filter (lambda (c) (not (eq? c client)))
(wm:clients wm)))
(if (eq? (wm:current-client wm) client)
(set-wm:current-client! wm #f)) ;; select another ??
(send (wm:internal-out-channel wm) (list 'deinit-client client))
;; sync ??
(destroy-window dpy (client:client-window client))))
(let ((client (second msg))
(time (third msg)))
(set-wm:current-client! wm client)
(raise-window dpy (client:client-window client))
(take-focus dpy (client:window client) time)
; (for-each (lambda (c)
; (if (not (eq? c client))
; (grab-button dpy
; (button button1) (state-set)
; (client:client-window c) #f
; (event-mask button-press)
; (grab-mode async) (grab-mode async)
; none none)))
; (wm:clients wm))
(define (wm-deinit-client wm client)
(mdisplay "manager deinit-client\n")
(send (wm:in-channel wm) (list 'deinit-client client)))
;; *** external messages *********************************************
(define (wm-manage-window wm window . rect)
(send (wm:in-channel wm)
(list 'manage-window window
(if (null? rect)
(car rect))))
;; sync ??
(define (wm-unmanage-window wm window)
(send (wm:in-channel wm) (list 'unmanage-window window)))
(define (wm-select-client wm client time)
(send (wm:in-channel wm) (list 'select-client client time)))
(define (destroy-wm wm)
(send (wm:in-channel wm) '(destroy-manager)))
(define (send-root-drop wm window x y)
(send (wm:out-channel wm) (list 'root-drop window x y)))
;; *** client ********************************************************
(define-record-type client :client
(make-client window client-window data)
(window client:window)
(client-window client:client-window)
(data client:data set-client:data!))
(define (create-client wm window)
(mdisplay "creating client for " window "\n")
(let* ((dpy (wm:dpy wm))
(client-window (create-simple-window dpy (wm:window wm)
0 0
(window-width dpy window)
(window-height dpy window)
(white-pixel dpy)
(black-pixel dpy)))
(client (make-client window client-window #f)))
(reparent-window dpy window client-window 0 0)
(create-client-handler wm client)
(define (create-client-handler wm client)
(lambda (release)
(wm:dpy wm) (client:client-window client)
(event-mask exposure
(lambda (client-window-channel)
(wm:dpy wm) (client:window client)
(event-mask property-change
(lambda (client-channel)
(lambda (exit)
(let loop ()
(wrap (receive-rv client-window-channel)
(lambda (xevent)
(handle-client-window-xevent wm exit client xevent)))
(wrap (receive-rv client-channel)
(lambda (xevent)
(handle-client-xevent wm exit client xevent))))
(define (handle-client-window-xevent wm exit client xevent)
(let ((type (any-event-type xevent))
(internal-out-channel (wm:internal-out-channel wm))
(dpy (wm:dpy wm)))
((expose-event? xevent)
(send internal-out-channel
(list 'draw-client-window client)))
((configure-event? xevent)
(send internal-out-channel
(list 'fit-client client)))
((or (focus-change-event? xevent) (circulate-event? xevent))
;; TODO: look at mode? or maybe only look at focus-in of the
;; client, because the client-window never gets the focus
;; anyway.
(if (window-exists? dpy (client:window client)) ;; TODO: not perfect
(send internal-out-channel
(list 'update-client-state client))))
((eq? (event-type enter-notify) type)
(if (memq 'enter focus-policy)
(wm-select-client wm client (crossing-event-time xevent))))
((eq? (event-type button-press) type)
(if (memq 'click focus-policy)
(wm-select-client wm client (button-event-time xevent))))
((destroy-window-event? xevent)
(mdisplay "client-window destroyed\n")
(define (handle-client-xevent wm exit client xevent)
(let ((type (any-event-type xevent))
(internal-out-channel (wm:internal-out-channel wm))
(dpy (wm:dpy wm)))
((property-event? xevent)
(let ((name (get-atom-name (property-event-display xevent)
(property-event-atom xevent))))
((equal? "WM_NAME" name)
(send internal-out-channel
(list 'update-client-state client)))
;; TODO: respect NORMAL_HINTS change
((configure-event? xevent)
;; TODO: we have to prevent this event if changed the size on our own.
;; --> XReconfigureWMWindow ??
;;(send internal-out-channel (list 'fit-client-window client))
((reparent-event? xevent) #t)
; (if (or (not (window-exists? dpy (client:window client)))
; (not (eq? (client:client-window client)
; (window-parent dpy (client:window client)))))
; (begin
; (mdisplay "manager " (wm:type wm) " reparented client\n")
; (wm-deinit-client wm client)
; (exit)))
;; TODO: withdrawn-state etc.
((destroy-window-event? xevent)
(mdisplay "destroy-window client\n")
(wm-deinit-client wm client)
;; *** client names **************************************************
(define client-name
(let ((names '()) ;; (window oname name)
(lock (make-lock)))
(lambda (dpy client)
(let* ((w (client:window client))
(cname (let* ((p (get-wm-name dpy w))
(l (if p (property->string-list p) '())))
(if (null? l)
(car l)))))
(with-lock lock
(lambda ()
(let ((name? (let ((p (assq w names)))
(and p (equal? (cadr p) cname)
(caddr p)))))
(set! names
(filter (lambda (e)
(and (not (eq? (car e) w))
(window-exists? dpy (car e))))
(let ((name (if name? name?
(unique-name cname
(map caddr names)))))
(set! names (cons (list w cname name) names))
(define (unique-name name names)
(if (not (member name names))
(let loop ((i 1))
(let ((n (string-append name "<" (number->string i) ">")))
(if (member n names)
(loop (+ i 1))

src/move-wm-resizer.scm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
;; TODO: -> options ??
(define default-cursor xc-X-cursor)
(define frame-size 3)
(define (create-resizer wm client)
(let* ((dpy (wm:dpy wm))
(window (client:client-window client))
(gc (create-gc dpy (default-root-window dpy)
(foreground (white-pixel dpy))
(subwindow-mode (subwindow-mode include-inferiors))
(line-width frame-size)
(function (gc-function xor)))))
(map (lambda (dir id)
(cons dir (create-font-cursor dpy id)))
'(west north-west north north-east east south-east south
south-west none)
(list xc-left-side xc-top-left-corner xc-top-side
xc-top-right-corner xc-right-side xc-bottom-right-corner
xc-bottom-side xc-bottom-left-corner default-cursor))))
(lambda (release)
dpy window
(event-mask structure-notify
button-press button-release
(lambda (event-channel)
(lambda ()
(let ((xevent (receive event-channel)))
((motion-event? xevent)
(set-resize-cursor wm client cursors
(motion-event-x xevent)
(motion-event-y xevent))
((eq? (event-type button-press)
(any-event-type xevent))
(let* ((x (button-event-x xevent))
(y (button-event-y xevent))
(dir (resizer-direction wm client x y)))
(if (eq? dir 'none)
(let ((r (root-rectangle dpy window)))
(grab-server dpy)
(rubber-draw dpy gc r)
(drag x y r r dir)))))
((destroy-window-event? xevent) #t)
(else (idle))))))
(lambda (start-x start-y start-r prev-rect dir)
(let ((xevent (receive event-channel)))
((motion-event? xevent)
(let ((new-rect
(adjust-rect wm client start-r
(- (motion-event-x xevent) start-x)
(- (motion-event-y xevent) start-y)
(rubber-draw dpy gc prev-rect)
(rubber-draw dpy gc new-rect)
(drag start-x start-y start-r new-rect dir)))
((eq? (event-type button-release)
(any-event-type xevent))
(rubber-draw dpy gc prev-rect)
(ungrab-server dpy)
(commit-resize wm client
(- (button-event-x xevent) start-x)
(- (button-event-y xevent) start-y)
((destroy-window-event? xevent) #t)
(else (drag start-x start-y start-r
prev-rect dir)))))))
(free-gc dpy gc)
(for-each (lambda (c) (free-cursor dpy (cdr c))) cursors)))))
(define (rubber-draw dpy gc rect)
(draw-rectangle dpy (default-root-window dpy) gc
(rectangle:x rect) (rectangle:y rect)
(rectangle:width rect) (rectangle:height rect)))
(define (adjust-rect wm client sr dx dy dir)
(let* ((r
(case dir
(make-rectangle (+ (rectangle:x sr) dx)
(rectangle:y sr)
(- (rectangle:width sr) dx)
(rectangle:height sr)))
(make-rectangle (+ (rectangle:x sr) dx)
(+ (rectangle:y sr) dy)
(- (rectangle:width sr) dx)
(- (rectangle:height sr) dy)))
(make-rectangle (rectangle:x sr)
(+ (rectangle:y sr) dy)
(rectangle:width sr)
(- (rectangle:height sr) dy)))
(make-rectangle (rectangle:x sr)
(+ (rectangle:y sr) dy)
(+ (rectangle:width sr) dx)
(- (rectangle:height sr) dy)))
(make-rectangle (rectangle:x sr)
(rectangle:y sr)
(+ (rectangle:width sr) dx)
(rectangle:height sr)))
(make-rectangle (rectangle:x sr)
(rectangle:y sr)
(+ (rectangle:width sr) dx)
(+ (rectangle:height sr) dy)))
(make-rectangle (rectangle:x sr)
(rectangle:y sr)
(rectangle:width sr)
(+ (rectangle:height sr) dy)))
(make-rectangle (+ (rectangle:x sr) dx)
(rectangle:y sr)
(- (rectangle:width sr) dx)
(+ (rectangle:height sr) dy)))
(else sr)))
(w.h (maximal-size/hints (wm:dpy wm) (client:window client)
(rectangle:width r) (rectangle:height r))))
(set-rectangle:width! r (car w.h))
(set-rectangle:height! r (cdr w.h))
(define (commit-resize wm client dx dy dir)
(let* ((dpy (wm:dpy wm))
(win (client:client-window client))
(sr (window-rectangle dpy win))
(rect (adjust-rect wm client sr dx dy dir)))
(move-resize-window dpy win
(rectangle:x rect)
(rectangle:y rect)
(rectangle:width rect)
(rectangle:height rect))))
(define (set-resize-cursor wm client cursors x y)
(let* ((dpy (wm:dpy wm))
(c (assq (resizer-direction wm client x y) cursors)))
(if c
(define-cursor dpy (client:client-window client) (cdr c)))))
(define (resizer-direction wm client x y)
(let* ((dpy (wm:dpy wm))
(win (client:client-window client))
(width (window-width dpy win))
(height (window-height dpy win))
(corner-size (get-option (wm:options wm) 'corner-width))
(fc-size (+ frame-size corner-size)))
(let ((region-alist
(list (cons 'west
(list (make-rectangle 0 fc-size frame-size
(- height (* 2 fc-size)))))
(cons 'north-west
(list (make-rectangle 0 frame-size frame-size
(make-rectangle 0 0 frame-size frame-size)
(make-rectangle frame-size 0 corner-size
(cons 'north
(list (make-rectangle fc-size 0 (- width (* 2 fc-size))
(cons 'north-east
(list (make-rectangle (- width fc-size) 0 corner-size
(make-rectangle (- width frame-size) 0
frame-size frame-size)
(make-rectangle (- width frame-size) frame-size
frame-size corner-size)))
(cons 'east
(list (make-rectangle (- width frame-size) fc-size
(- height (* 2 fc-size)))))
(cons 'south-east
(list (make-rectangle (- width frame-size)
(- height fc-size) frame-size
(make-rectangle (- width frame-size)
(- height frame-size)
frame-size frame-size)
(make-rectangle (- width fc-size)
(- height frame-size)
corner-size frame-size)))
(cons 'south
(list (make-rectangle fc-size (- height frame-size)
(- width (* 2 fc-size))
(cons 'south-west
(list (make-rectangle frame-size
(- height frame-size) corner-size
(make-rectangle 0 (- width frame-size)
frame-size frame-size)
(make-rectangle 0 (- height fc-size)
frame-size corner-size))))))
(let ((matches (filter (lambda (
(any (lambda (r)
(point-in-rectangle? r x y))
(if (null? matches)
(car (car matches)))))))
(define (point-in-rectangle? r x y)
(and (>= x (rectangle:x r))
(>= y (rectangle:y r))
(< x (+ (rectangle:x r) (rectangle:width r)))
(< y (+ (rectangle:y r) (rectangle:height r)))))

src/move-wm.scm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
(define-options-spec move-wm-options-spec
(titlebar-colors colors '("#aaaaaa" "#eeeeee" "#777777" "black"))
(titlebar-colors-active colors '("#666699" "#aaaacc" "#333366" "#eeeeee"))
(titlebar-height int 18)
(titlebar-style symbol 'flat)
(font font "-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*")
(border-width int 3)
(corner-width int 10)
(border-style symbol 'raised) ;; raised | sunken | flat
(border-colors colors '("#333333" "#dddddd"))
(kill-client keys "M-c")
(define (create-move-wm out-channel dpy parent options . children)
(create-wm dpy parent options children
(manager-type move) move-wm-options-spec
(lambda (wm in-channel)
(spawn (lambda ()
(move-wm-handler wm in-channel)))
(define (move-wm-handler wm channel)
(let ((gc (create-gc (wm:dpy wm) (wm:window wm) '())))
(let loop ()
(let ((msg (receive channel)))
(case (car msg)
((draw-main-window) #t)
(map (lambda (client)
(assert-client-visible wm client))
(wm-clients wm)))
(init-client wm (second msg) (third msg)))
(deinit-client wm (second msg)))
(draw-client-window wm (second msg) gc))
;; client-window changed it's size
(fit-client-windows wm (second msg)))
;; client changed it's size ??
(fit-client-window wm (second msg)))
(let* ((client (second msg))
(dpy (wm:dpy wm))
(window (client:window client))
(state (if (window-contains-focus? dpy window)
(titlebar (car (client:data client)))
(name (client-name (wm:dpy wm) client)))
(set-titlebar-state! titlebar state)
(set-titlebar-title! titlebar name)))
(free-gc (wm:dpy wm) gc)))
(define (init-client wm client maybe-rect)
(let ((dpy (wm:dpy wm)))
(set-window-border-width! dpy (client:window client) 0)
(let* ((r (initial-client-rect wm (client:window client) maybe-rect))
(channel (make-channel))
(titlebar (create-client-titlebar channel wm client))
(resizer (create-resizer wm client))
(options (wm:options wm)))
(set-client:data! client (list titlebar resizer))
(move-resize-window dpy (client:client-window client)
(rectangle:x r) (rectangle:y r)
(rectangle:width r) (rectangle:height r))
(fit-client-windows wm client)
(install-dragging-control channel dpy
(titlebar:window titlebar)
(client:client-window client))
(grab-shortcut dpy (client:client-window client)
(get-option-value options 'kill-client)
'kill-client channel #f) ;; -> manager.scm ??
(lambda ()
(let loop ()
(wrap (receive-rv channel)
(lambda (msg)
(case (car msg)
;; TODO: check if outside...
(move-window dpy (client:client-window client)
(second msg) (third msg)))
(let ((time (second msg)))
(delete-window dpy (client:window client) time)))))))
;; TODO: internal channel
(map-titlebar titlebar)
(map-window dpy (client:client-window client))
;;(select-client wm client))) ??
(define (create-client-titlebar channel wm client)
(let ((options (wm:options wm)))
(create-titlebar channel (wm:dpy wm) (client:client-window client)
(wm:colormap wm)
;; TODO: buttons
(list (cons 'normal-colors
(get-option options 'titlebar-colors))
(cons 'active-colors
(get-option options'titlebar-colors-active))
(cons 'focused-colors
(get-option options 'titlebar-colors-active))
(cons 'border-style
(get-option options 'titlebar-style))))))
(define (deinit-client wm client)
(let ((dpy (wm:dpy wm)))
;; ***
(define (fit-client-windows wm client)
(let* ((dpy (wm:dpy wm))
(options (wm:options wm))
(border-width (get-option-value options 'border-width))
(titlebar-height (get-option-value options 'titlebar-height))
(wa (get-window-attributes dpy (client:client-window client))))
;; TODO: is called much too often
(move-resize-window dpy (client:window client)
(+ border-width titlebar-height)
(- (window-attribute:width wa) (* 2 border-width))
(- (window-attribute:height wa)
(+ (* 2 border-width) titlebar-height)))
(car (client:data client))
(make-rectangle border-width border-width
(- (window-attribute:width wa) (* 2 border-width))
(define (fit-client-window wm client)
(let* ((dpy (wm:dpy wm))
(options (wm:options wm))
(border-width (get-option-value options 'border-width))
(titlebar-height (get-option-value options 'titlebar-height))
(wa (get-window-attributes dpy (client:window client))))
(resize-window dpy (client:client-window client)
(+ (window-attribute:width wa) (* 2 border-width))
(+ (window-attribute:height wa)
(* 2 border-width)
(define (assert-client-visible wm client)
(let* ((dpy (wm:dpy wm))
(win (client:client-window client))
(x (window-x dpy win))
(y (window-y dpy win)))
#t)) ;; ... TODO
(define (draw-client-window wm client gc)
(let* ((options (wm:options wm))
(colors (get-option-value options 'border-colors))
(window (client:client-window client))
(dpy (wm:dpy wm))
(border-style (get-option-value options 'border-style))
(border-width (get-option-value options 'border-width))
(clip-rect (clip-rectangle dpy window)))
(if (not (eq? border-style 'flat))
(let ((light (if (eq? border-style 'sunken)
(car colors) (cadr colors)))
(dark (if (eq? border-style 'sunken)
(cadr colors) (car colors))))
(for-each (lambda (i)
(let ((r (make-rectangle
(+ i (rectangle:x clip-rect))
(+ i (rectangle:y clip-rect))
(- (rectangle:width clip-rect) (* i 2))
(- (rectangle:height clip-rect) (* i 2)))))
(draw-shadow-rectangle dpy window gc
r light dark)))
(iota border-width))))))
(define (initial-client-rect wm win maybe-rect)
(if maybe-rect
(let* ((dpy (wm:dpy wm))
(w.h (desired-size/hints dpy win
(maximal-size/hints dpy win 400 200)))
(x.y (desired-position/hints dpy win (cons 0 0))))
(make-rectangle (car x.y) (cdr x.y)
(car w.h) (cdr w.h)))))

src/packages.scm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
;; *** utils *********************************************************
(define-structure utils
(export mdisplay assq/false flatten
select* spawn* with-lock
create-options free-options
get-option-value get-option set-option! get-options
((define-options-spec) :syntax)
string->keys string->key key:keycode key:modifiers
reparent-to-root window-path
take-focus delete-window
root-rectangle window-rectangle clip-rectangle
maximize-window maximal-size/hints
size-window desired-size/hints desired-position/hints)
(open scheme i/o list-lib define-record-types finite-types enum-sets
threads locks placeholders rendezvous
signals handle
rx-syntax field-reader-package
(files utils))
(define-structure dragging
(export install-dragging-control)
(open scheme define-record-types threads
rendezvous-channels rendezvous
(files drag-window))
(define-structure titlebar
(export create-titlebar destroy-titlebar titlebar? titlebar:window
map-titlebar unmap-titlebar move-resize-titlebar
set-titlebar-state! set-titlebar-title!)
(open scheme define-record-types threads list-lib
rendezvous-channels rendezvous
(files titlebar))
;; *** key-grab ******************************************************
(define-structure key-grab
(export grab-shortcut)
(open scheme define-record-types enum-sets weak
threads list-lib
rendezvous-channels rendezvous locks
xlib utils)
(files key-grab))
;; *** manager *******************************************************
(define-structure manager
(export wm? wm:type wm:dpy wm:window wm:colormap wm:options
(manager-type :syntax) manager-types manager-type-name
create-wm destroy-wm
wm-clients wm-current-client
wm-manage-window wm-unmanage-window wm-select-client
client? client:window client:client-window
client:data set-client:data!
(open scheme threads list-lib locks
utils key-grab)
(files manager))
;; *** move manager **************************************************
(define-structure move-wm
(export create-move-wm)
(open scheme list-lib define-record-types
threads rendezvous-channels rendezvous
manager key-grab
utils dragging titlebar)
(files move-wm
;; *** split manager *************************************************
(define-structure split-wm
(export create-split-wm)
(open scheme list-lib define-record-types
threads rendezvous-channels rendezvous
(files split-wm
;; *** switch manager ************************************************
(define-structure switch-wm
(export create-switch-wm)
(open scheme list-lib define-record-types
threads rendezvous-channels rendezvous
manager titlebar dragging
utils key-grab)
(files switch-wm))
;; *** main package **************************************************
(define-structure root-manager
(export root-wm? create-root-wm)
(open scheme
rendezvous rendezvous-channels
move-wm split-wm switch-wm
(files root-manager))
(define-structure main
(export start)
(open scsh scheme threads
(files main))

src/root-manager.scm Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
(define-record-type root-wm :root-wm
(make-root-wm dpy managers current-manager)
(dpy root-wm:dpy)
(managers root-wm:managers set-root-wm:managers!)
(current-manager root-wm:current-manager set-root-wm:current-manager!))
(define (create-root-wm dpy)
(let* ((window (default-root-window dpy))
(children (window-children dpy window))
(in-channel (make-channel))
(root-wm (make-root-wm dpy '() #f))
(initial-manager (create-move-wm in-channel dpy window '())))
(mdisplay "creating root-wm\n")
(set-root-wm:managers! root-wm (list initial-manager))
(set-root-wm:current-manager! root-wm initial-manager)
(map-window dpy (wm:window initial-manager))
(for-each (lambda (window)
(wm-manage-window initial-manager window))
;;(create-move-wm in-channel dpy window '())
dpy window (event-mask substructure-redirect)
(lambda (event-channel)
(lambda (exit)
(let loop ()
(wrap (receive-rv event-channel)
(lambda (xevent)
(handle-xevent root-wm exit xevent)))
(wrap (receive-rv in-channel)
(lambda (msg)
(handle-message root-wm exit msg))))
(define (handle-xevent root-wm exit xevent)
(let ((type (any-event-type xevent))
(dpy (root-wm:dpy root-wm)))
((configure-request-event? xevent)
;; TODO: maybe let it configure by the future manager...
(configure-window dpy (configure-request-event-window xevent)
(configure-request-event-window-change-alist xevent)))
((map-request-event? xevent)
(wm-manage-window (root-wm:current-manager root-wm)
(map-request-event-window xevent)
(define (handle-message root-wm exit msg)
;; *** observing managers ********************************************
(define (add-manager! manager)

src/split-wm.scm Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
(define-options-spec split-wm-options-spec
(orientation symbol 'horizontal) ;; horizontal | vertical
(aspect number 1/1)
(bar-width int 3)
(resize-step int 5)
(bar-style symbol 'raised) ;; raised | sunken | flat
(bar-colors colors '("#dddddd" "#888888" "#333333"))
;; ---------- ----------
;; | | | | |
;; ---------- vertical | | | horizontal
;; | | | | |
;; ---------- ----------
(define (create-split-wm external-in-channel dpy parent options . children)
(create-wm dpy parent options children
(manager-type split) split-wm-options-spec
(lambda (wm in-channel)
(spawn (lambda ()
(split-wm-handler wm in-channel)))
(define (split-wm-handler wm channel)
(let ((resizer-window (create-resizer wm)))
(map-window (wm:dpy wm) resizer-window)
(let loop ()
(let ((msg (receive channel)))
(case (car msg)
((draw-main-window) #t)
(fit-windows wm resizer-window))
(init-client wm (second msg) (third msg)))
(deinit-client wm (second msg)))
((draw-client-window) #t)
;; client-window changed it's size
(fit-client-windows wm (second msg)))
;; client changed it's size ??
(fit-client-window wm (second msg)))
((update-client-state) #t)
;(define (draw-main-window wm gc)
; (let* ((dpy (wm:dpy wm))
; (options (wm:options wm))
; (colors (get-option-value options 'bar-colors))
; (bar-style (get-option-value options 'bar-style))
; (rects (calc-rectangles wm))
; (bar-rect (second rects))
; (win (wm:window wm))
; (x1 (rectangle:x bar-rect))
; (y1 (rectangle:y bar-rect))
; (x2 (+ (rectangle:x bar-rect) (rectangle:width bar-rect) -1))
; (y2 (+ (rectangle:y bar-rect) (rectangle:height bar-rect) -1)))
; (mdisplay "bar drawing: " bar-rect "\n")
; (set-gc-foreground! dpy gc (second colors))
; (fill-rectangle dpy win gc x1 y1
; (rectangle:width bar-rect) (rectangle:height bar-rect))
; (if (and #f (not (eq? bar-style 'flat)))
; (let ((light (if (eq? bar-style 'raised)
; (first colors)
; (third colors)))
; (dark (if (eq? bar-style 'raised)
; (third colors)
; (first colors))))
; (set-gc-line-width! dpy gc 1)
; (set-gc-foreground! dpy gc light)
; (draw-lines dpy win gc (list (cons x1 y2) (cons x1 y1) (cons x2 y1))
; (coord-mode origin))
; (set-gc-foreground! dpy gc dark)
; (draw-lines dpy win gc (list (cons x2 (+ y1 1)) (cons x2 y2)
; (cons x1 y2))
; (coord-mode origin))))))
(define (calc-rectangles wm)
(let* ((options (wm:options wm))
(bar-width (get-option-value options 'bar-width))
(orientation (get-option-value options 'orientation))
(aspect (get-option-value options 'aspect))
(r (clip-rectangle (wm:dpy wm) (wm:window wm))))
(mdisplay "calc-rects: aspect " aspect "\n")
(if (eq? orientation 'horizontal)
(let* ((r1 (make-rectangle 0 0
(floor (/ (- (rectangle:width r) bar-width)
(+ 1 (/ 1 aspect))))
(rectangle:height r)))
(r2 (make-rectangle (rectangle:width r1) 0
bar-width (rectangle:height r)))
(r3 (make-rectangle (+ (rectangle:width r1) bar-width) 0
(- (rectangle:width r)
(+ (rectangle:width r1) bar-width))
(rectangle:height r))))
(list r1 r2 r3))
(let* ((r1 (make-rectangle 0 0 (rectangle:width r)
(floor (/ (- (rectangle:height r) bar-width)
(+ 1 (/ 1 aspect))))))
(r2 (make-rectangle 0 (rectangle:height r1)
(rectangle:width r) bar-width))
(r3 (make-rectangle 0 (+ (rectangle:height r1) bar-width)
(rectangle:width r)
(- (rectangle:height r)
(+ (rectangle:height r1) bar-width)))))
(list r1 r2 r3)))))
(define (fit-windows wm resizer-window)
(let* ((rects (calc-rectangles wm))
(clients (wm-clients wm))
(dpy (wm:dpy wm)))
(mdisplay "splitter rects: " rects "\n")
(move-resize-window* dpy resizer-window (second rects))
(if (and (pair? clients) (pair? (cdr clients)))
(move-resize-window* dpy
(client:client-window (second clients))
(first rects)))
(if (pair? clients)
(move-resize-window* dpy
(client:client-window (first clients))
(third rects)))))
(define (init-client wm client maybe-rect)
(let* ((rects (calc-rectangles wm))
(r (if (> (length (wm-clients wm)) 1)
(third rects)
(first rects))))
(let ((dpy (wm:dpy wm))
(options (wm:options wm)))
(set-window-border-width! dpy (client:window client) 0)
(move-resize-window* dpy (client:client-window client) r)
(map-window dpy (client:client-window client))
;;(select-client wm client))) ??
(define (deinit-client wm client)
(let ((dpy (wm:dpy wm)))
;; maybe destroy-wm ?? TODO
(define (fit-client-windows wm client)
(let ((dpy (wm:dpy wm)))
(maximize-window dpy (client:window client))))
(define (fit-client-window wm client)
;; *******************************************************************
;; Resizer
;; *******************************************************************
(define (create-resizer wm)
(let* ((dpy (wm:dpy wm))
(main-window (wm:window wm))
(options (wm:options wm))
(window (create-simple-window dpy main-window 0 0 1 1 0
(white-pixel dpy) (black-pixel dpy)))
(root (window-root dpy window))
(gc (create-gc dpy window '()))
(root-gc (create-gc dpy window
(function (gc-function xor))
(subwindow-mode (subwindow-mode
(cursor (create-font-cursor
dpy (if (eq? (get-option-value options 'orientation)
(set-window-cursor! dpy window cursor)
(lambda (release)
dpy window (event-mask structure-notify
button-press button-release
(lambda (event-channel)
((idle (lambda ()
(let* ((e (receive event-channel))
(type (any-event-type e)))
((eq? (event-type button-press) type)
(let ((r (root-rectangle dpy window)))
(grab-server dpy)
(draw-resizer r)
(drag r r (button-event-x e) (button-event-y e))))
((expose-event? e)
((destroy-window-event? e) #t)
(else (idle))))))
(drag (lambda (start-rect last-rect start-x start-y)
(let* ((e (receive event-channel))
(type (any-event-type e)))
((motion-event? e)
(draw-resizer last-rect)
(let ((new-rect (calc-new-rect
(- (motion-event-x e) start-x)
(- (motion-event-y e) start-y))))
(draw-resizer new-rect)
(drag start-rect new-rect start-x start-y)))
((eq? (event-type button-release) type)
(draw-resizer last-rect)
(ungrab-server dpy)
(commit-resize (- (button-event-x e) start-x)
(- (button-event-y e) start-y))
((expose-event? e)
(drag start-rect last-rect start-x start-y))
((destroy-window-event? e) #t)
(drag start-rect last-rect start-x start-y))))))
(lambda (rect)
(draw dpy root root-gc rect)))
(lambda ()
(draw dpy window gc (clip-rectangle dpy window))))
(lambda (dx dy)
;; check if outside... TODO
(let* ((rects (calc-rectangles wm))
(r1 (first rects)) (r2 (third rects))
(if (eq? 'horizontal
(get-option-value options 'orientation))
(if (= 0 (- (rectangle:width r2) dx))
(/ (+ (rectangle:width r1) dx)
(- (rectangle:width r2) dx)))
(if (= 0 (- (rectangle:height r2) dy))
(/ (+ (rectangle:height r1) dy)
(- (rectangle:height r2) dy))))))
(if (> aspect 0)
(set-option! options 'aspect aspect)
(fit-windows wm window))))))
(lambda (start-rect dx dy)
(let ((width (rectangle:width start-rect))
(height (rectangle:height start-rect)))
(if (eq? (get-option-value options 'orientation)
(make-rectangle (+ (rectangle:x start-rect) dx)
(rectangle:y start-rect)
width height)
(make-rectangle (rectangle:x start-rect)
(+ (rectangle:y start-rect) dy)
width height)))))
(lambda (dpy window gc r)
(let ((colors (get-option-value options 'bar-colors)))
(set-gc-foreground! dpy gc (second colors))
(fill-rectangle dpy window gc
(rectangle:x r) (rectangle:y r)
(rectangle:width r) (rectangle:height r))
;; Rest ??
(free-cursor dpy cursor)
(free-gc dpy gc)
(free-gc dpy root-gc))))))

src/switch-wm.scm Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
(define-options-spec switch-wm-options-spec
(titlebar-colors colors '("#aaaaaa" "#eeeeee" "#777777" "black"))
(titlebar-colors-active colors '("#666699" "#aaaacc" "#333366" "#eeeeee"))
(titlebar-colors-focused colors '("#9999aa" "#eeeeff" "#777788" "black"))
(titlebar-height int 18)
(titlebar-style symbol 'flat)
(font font "-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*")
(select-next keys "M-k n")
(select-previous keys "M-k p")
(kill-client keys "M-c")
(define (create-switch-wm out-channel dpy parent options . children)
(create-wm dpy parent options children
(manager-type switch) switch-wm-options-spec
(lambda (wm in-channel)
(spawn (lambda ()
(switch-wm-handler wm in-channel)))
(define-record-type switch-wm-data :switch-wm-data
(make-switch-wm-data titlebars empty-titlebar)
(titlebars data:titlebars set-data:titlebars!)
(empty-titlebar data:empty-titlebar))
(define (switch-wm-handler wm channel)
(let* ((dpy (wm:dpy wm))
(options (wm:options wm))
(gc (create-gc dpy (wm:window wm) '()))
(empty-titlebar (create-empty-titlebar wm))
(data (make-switch-wm-data '() empty-titlebar)))
(update-titlebars wm data)
(grab-shortcut dpy (wm:window wm)
(get-option-value options 'select-next)
'select-next channel #f)
(grab-shortcut dpy (wm:window wm)
(get-option-value options 'select-previous)
'select-previous channel #f)
(let loop ()
(let ((msg (receive channel)))
(case (car msg)
((draw-main-window) #t)
(fit-titlebars wm data)
(for-each (lambda (c)
(fit-client-window wm c))
(wm-clients wm)))
(init-client wm data (second msg) (third msg)))
(deinit-client wm data (second msg)))
((draw-client-window) #f)
;; client-window changed it's size
(fit-client wm (second msg)))
;; client changed it's size ??
(fit-client-window wm (second msg)))
;; TODO: need focus-in of manager to update empty-titlebar
(let* ((client (second msg))
(dpy (wm:dpy wm))
(window (client:window client))
(state (if (window-contains-focus? dpy window)
(if (window-viewable? dpy window)
(titlebar (assq/false client (data:titlebars data)))
(name (client-name dpy client)))
(set-titlebar-state! titlebar state)
(set-titlebar-title! titlebar name)))
((select-next) (select-next-client wm (second msg)))
((select-previous) (select-previous-client wm (second msg)))
(free-gc (wm:dpy wm) gc)))
(define (fit-titlebars wm data)
(let* ((dpy (wm:dpy wm))
(width (window-width dpy (wm:window wm)))
(height (window-height dpy (wm:window wm)))
(titlebar-height (get-option-value (wm:options wm) 'titlebar-height)))
(move-resize-titlebar (data:empty-titlebar data)
(make-rectangle 0 0 width titlebar-height))
(let* ((titlebars (map cdr (data:titlebars data)))
(n (length titlebars))
(widths (if (zero? n) '()
(let ((dw (quotient width n)))
(append (map (lambda (_) dw) (iota (- n 1)))
(list (- width (* dw (- n 1)))))))))
(for-each (lambda (i width titlebar)
(make-rectangle (* i width) 0
width titlebar-height)))
(iota n) widths titlebars))))
(define (update-titlebars wm data)
(if (null? (data:titlebars data))
(map-titlebar (data:empty-titlebar data))
(unmap-titlebar (data:empty-titlebar data))
(for-each (lambda (c.t)
(map-titlebar (cdr c.t)))
(data:titlebars data)))))
(define (init-client wm data client maybe-rect)
;; TODO: transients!
(let ((dpy (wm:dpy wm))
(options (wm:options wm)))
(set-window-border-width! dpy (client:window client) 0)
(let* ((channel (make-channel))
(titlebar (create-client-titlebar channel wm client)))
(set-data:titlebars! data (cons (cons client titlebar)
(data:titlebars data)))
(fit-titlebars wm data)
(update-titlebars wm data)
(fit-client-window wm client)
(fit-client wm client)
(install-dragging-control channel dpy
(titlebar:window titlebar)
(client:client-window client))
(grab-shortcut dpy (client:client-window client)
(get-option-value options 'kill-client)
'kill-client channel #f)
(lambda ()
(let loop ()
(let ((msg (receive channel)))
(case (car msg)
;; TODO: check if outside...
;;(move-window dpy (client:client-window client)
;; (second msg) (third msg))
(wm-select-client wm client (fourth msg)))
(let ((time (second msg)))
(delete-window dpy (client:window client) time)))
(else (mdisplay "unhandled client message: " msg "\n"))))
;; TODO: internal channel
(map-titlebar titlebar)
(map-window dpy (client:client-window client))
;;(select-client wm client))) ??
(define (create-client-titlebar channel wm client)
(let ((options (wm:options wm)))
(create-titlebar channel (wm:dpy wm) (wm:window wm)
(wm:colormap wm)
;; TODO: buttons
(list (cons 'normal-colors
(get-option options 'titlebar-colors))
(cons 'active-colors
(get-option options 'titlebar-colors-active))
(cons 'focused-colors
(get-option options 'titlebar-colors-focused))
(cons 'border-style
(get-option options 'titlebar-style))))))
(define (create-empty-titlebar wm)
(let* ((options (wm:options wm))
(create-titlebar #f (wm:dpy wm) (wm:window wm) (wm:colormap wm)
;; buttons ??
(list ;; TODO: (cons 'draggable #f)
(cons 'normal-colors
(get-option options 'titlebar-colors))
(cons 'active-colors
(get-option options 'titlebar-colors-active))
(cons 'focused-colors
(get-option options 'titlebar-colors-focused))
(cons 'border-style
(get-option options 'titlebar-style))))))
(set-titlebar-title! tb "<empty frame>")
(define (deinit-client wm data client)
(let ((dpy (wm:dpy wm))
(tb (assq/false client (data:titlebars data))))
(set-data:titlebars! data (filter (lambda (c.t)
(not (eq? (car c.t) client)))
(data:titlebars data)))
(if tb (destroy-titlebar tb))
(fit-titlebars wm data)
(update-titlebars wm data)))
;; ***
(define (fit-client wm client)
(maximize-window (wm:dpy wm) (client:window client)))
(define (fit-client-window wm client)
(let* ((dpy (wm:dpy wm))
(w (wm:window wm))
(options (wm:options wm))
(titlebar-height (get-option-value options 'titlebar-height)))
(move-resize-window dpy (client:client-window client)
0 titlebar-height
(window-width dpy w) (- (window-height dpy w)
;; ***
(define (select-next-client* wm clients time)
(let ((cc (wm-current-client wm)))
(let loop ((rest clients))
(if (null? rest)
(if (null? clients)
(car clients))
(if (eq? cc (car rest))
(if (null? (cdr rest))
(wm-select-client wm (cadr rest) time))
(loop (cdr rest)))))))
(define (select-next-client wm time)
(select-next-client* wm (wm-clients wm) time))
(define (select-previous-client wm time)
(select-next-client* wm (reverse (wm-clients wm)) time))

src/titlebar.scm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
(define-options-spec titlebar-options-spec
(buttons symbol-list '(kill)) ; iconize, maximize, roll
(normal-colors colors '("#aaaaaa" "#eeeeee" "#777777" "black"))
(active-colors colors '("#9999aa" "#eeeeff" "#777788" "black"))
(focused-colors colors '("#666699" "#aaaacc" "#333366" "#eeeeee"))
(border-style symbol 'raised) ; none | sunken
(font font "-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*")
(button-border-style symbol 'flat) ; none | raised
(define-record-type titlebar :titlebar
(make-titlebar channel dpy window title state)
(channel titlebar:channel)
(dpy titlebar:dpy)
(window titlebar:window)
(title titlebar:title set-titlebar:title!)
(state titlebar:state set-titlebar:state!)) ;; active | focused | normal
(define (create-titlebar out-channel dpy parent colormap options-def)
(let* ((in-channel (make-channel))
(window (create-simple-window dpy parent
0 0 1 1 0
(black-pixel dpy) (black-pixel dpy)))
(options (create-options dpy colormap titlebar-options-spec
(gc (create-gc dpy window '()))
(tb (make-titlebar in-channel dpy window "test" 'normal))
;; buttons... icon-window...
(mdisplay "creating titlebar " window "\n")
(lambda (release)
dpy window (event-mask exposure structure-notify)
(lambda (event-channel)
(lambda (exit)
(let loop ()
(wrap (receive-rv event-channel)
(lambda (xevent)
((expose-event? xevent)
(draw-titlebar tb options gc))
((destroy-window-event? xevent)
(wrap (receive-rv in-channel)
(lambda (msg)
(case (car msg)
(set-titlebar:title! tb (cdr msg))
(invalidate-window dpy window))
(set-titlebar:state! tb (cdr msg))
(invalidate-window dpy window)))))
(free-gc dpy gc)
(free-options options)))
(define (destroy-titlebar tb)
(destroy-window (titlebar:dpy tb) (titlebar:window tb)))
(define (map-titlebar tb)
(map-window (titlebar:dpy tb) (titlebar:window tb)))
; (send (titlebar:channel tb) '(map #f)))
(define (unmap-titlebar tb)
(unmap-window (titlebar:dpy tb) (titlebar:window tb)))
(define (move-resize-titlebar tb rect)
(move-resize-window (titlebar:dpy tb) (titlebar:window tb)
(rectangle:x rect) (rectangle:y rect)
(rectangle:width rect) (rectangle:height rect)))
(define (set-titlebar-title! tb title)
(send (titlebar:channel tb) (cons 'title title)))
(define (set-titlebar-state! tb state)
(send (titlebar:channel tb) (cons 'state state)))
(define (draw-titlebar tb options gc)
(let ((dpy (titlebar:dpy tb))
(window (titlebar:window tb))
(state (titlebar:state tb))
(title (titlebar:title tb)))
(let ((colors (colors-of-state state options))
(font (get-option-value options 'font))
(border-style (get-option-value options 'border-style)))
(let ((main-color (first colors))
(light-color (second colors))
(dark-color (third colors))
(font-color (fourth colors))
(r (clip-rectangle dpy window)))
;; fill the area with the main color
(set-gc-foreground! dpy gc main-color)
(fill-rectangle dpy window gc 0 0 (rectangle:width r)
(rectangle:height r))
;; draw the border
(case border-style
((raised) (draw-shadow-rectangle dpy window gc r
light-color dark-color))
((sunken) (draw-shadow-rectangle dpy window gc r
dark-color light-color)))
;; else flat...
;; draw the title
(set-gc-foreground! dpy gc font-color)
(set-gc-background! dpy gc main-color)
(let ((x.y (text-center-pos r font title)))
(draw-image-string dpy window gc (car x.y) (cdr x.y)
(define (colors-of-state state options)
(get-option-value options
(case state
((active) 'active-colors)
((focused) 'focused-colors)
(else 'normal-colors))))

src/utils.scm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
(define (mdisplay . args)
(for-each display args)
(force-output (current-output-port)))
(define (:optional args default)
(if (null? args)
(car args)))
(define (assq/false key alist)
(let ((p (assq key alist)))
(and p (cdr p))))
(define (flatten lists)
(fold-right append
;; *** cml utilities *************************************************
(define (select* . list) (select list))
(define (make-sync-point)
(define (sync-point-release sp)
(placeholder-set! sp #t))
(define (sync-point-wait sp)
(placeholder-value sp))
(define (spawn* fun)
(let ((sp (make-sync-point)))
(spawn (lambda ()
(fun (lambda () (sync-point-release sp)))))
(sync-point-wait sp)))
(define (with-lock lock thunk)
(obtain-lock lock)
(let ((r (thunk)))
(release-lock lock)
;; *** option utilities **********************************************
(define-record-type options :options
(make-options dpy colormap option-alist value-alist type-alist)
(dpy options:dpy)
(colormap options:colormap)
(option-alist options:option-alist set-options:option-alist!)
(value-alist options:value-alist set-options:value-alist!)
(type-alist options:type-alist set-options:type-alist!))
(define (create-options dpy colormap spec options)
(let ((option-alist (map (lambda (s)
(let* ((n (first s))
(op (assq n options)))
(cons n (if op (cdr op) (third s)))))
(value-alist '())
(type-alist (map (lambda (s)
(cons (first s) (second s)))
(for-each (lambda (name.option name.type)
(allocate-option dpy colormap (car name.option)
(cdr name.type) (cdr name.option)))
option-alist type-alist)
(make-options dpy colormap option-alist value-alist type-alist)))
(define (free-options options)
(define (get-option-value options name)
(let ((p (assq name (options:value-alist options))))
(if p
(cdr p)
(let ((op (assq name (options:option-alist options)))
(tp (assq name (options:type-alist options))))
(if (or (not op) (not tp))
(error "option not defined" name)
(let ((v (allocate-option (options:dpy options)
(options:colormap options)
name (cdr tp) (cdr op))))
(set-options:value-alist! options
(cons (cons name v)
(options:value-alist options)))
(define (get-option options name)
(let ((vp (assq name (options:option-alist options))))
(if (not vp)
(error "option not defined" name)
(cdr vp))))
(define (set-option! options name def)
(set-options:option-alist! options
(cons (cons name def)
(filter (lambda (n.o)
(not (eq? (car n.o) name)))
(options:option-alist options))))
(set-options:value-alist! options
(filter (lambda (n.v)
(not (eq? (car n.v) name)))
(options:value-alist options))))
(define (get-options options)
(options:option-alist options))
(define-enumerated-type option-type :option-type
option-type? option-types option-type-name option-type-index
(int number inexact exact string symbol font color colors
boolean symbol-list keys))
(define-syntax define-options-spec
((define-options-spec id (name type default) ...)
(define id (list (list (quote name) (option-type type) default)
(define (allocate-option dpy colormap name type def)
(let ((check (lambda (value pred)
(if (not (pred value))
(error "wrong type argument" value) ;; TODO: other??
((eq? type (option-type int)) (check def integer?))
((eq? type (option-type number)) (check def number?))
((eq? type (option-type inexact)) (check def inexact?))
((eq? type (option-type exact)) (check def inexact?))
((eq? type (option-type string)) (check def string?))
((eq? type (option-type symbol)) (check def symbol?))
((eq? type (option-type font))
(check (load-query-font dpy def) (lambda (v) v)))
((eq? type (option-type color))
(let ((c (alloc-named-color dpy colormap def)))
(check (and c (color:pixel c)) (lambda (v) v))))
((eq? type (option-type colors))
(and (check def list?)
(map (lambda (c) (allocate-option dpy colormap name
(option-type color) c))
((eq? type (option-type boolean))
(check def boolean?)) ;; maybe allow 'yes 'no ??
((eq? type (option-type symbol-list))
(and (check def list?)
(map (lambda (s) (allocate-option dpy colormap name
(option-type symbol) s))
((eq? type (option-type keys))
(let ((keys (string->keys dpy def)))
(check keys (lambda (x) x))))
(else (error "option type not implemented" name type)))))
;; *** keys utilities ************************************************
(define-record-type key :key
(make-key modifiers keycode)
(modifiers key:modifiers)
(keycode key:keycode))
(define (string->keys dpy s)
(let* ((keys-s (split-space s))
(keys (map (lambda (s) (string->key dpy s)) keys-s)))
(and (not (memq #f keys)) keys)))
(define (string->key dpy s)
(let* ((l (reverse (split-minus s)))
(mod-strings (reverse (cdr l)))
(key-string (car l))
(modifiers (strings->modifiers mod-strings))
;; TODO: upcase chars + Shift
(keycode (keysym->keycode dpy (string->keysym key-string))))
(and modifiers keycode
(make-key modifiers keycode))))
(define split-minus (infix-splitter (rx "-")))
(define split-space (infix-splitter (rx " ")))
(define (strings->modifiers str-list)
(let ((l (map string->modifiers str-list)))
(and (not (memq #f l))
(fold enum-set-union
(define (string->modifiers s)
((equal? s "C") (state-set control))
((equal? s "M") (state-set mod1))
((equal? s "M1") (state-set mod1))
((equal? s "M2") (state-set mod2))
((equal? s "M3") (state-set mod3))
((equal? s "M4") (state-set mod4))
((equal? s "M5") (state-set mod5))
((equal? s "S") (state-set shift)) ;; needed?
(else #f)))
;; *** xlib utilities ************************************************
(define (reparent-to-root dpy window)
;; reparent window to it's root-window so that it stays virtually at
;; the same position.
(reparent-window dpy window (window-root dpy window)))
(define (window-path dpy window)
(cons window
(let ((p (window-parent dpy window)))
(if (zero? p)
(window-path dpy p)))))
(define (window-viewable? dpy window)
(eq? (window-attribute:map-state (get-window-attributes dpy window))
(map-state is-viewable)))
(define (window-focused? dpy window)
(eq? (get-input-focus-window dpy) window))
(define (window-contains-focus? dpy window)
(or (window-focused? dpy window)
(any (lambda (child)
(window-contains-focus? dpy child))
(window-children dpy window))))
(define (take-focus dpy window time)
;; implements the TAKE_FOCUS protocol
(let* ((protocols (get-wm-protocols dpy window))
(wm-take-focus (intern-atom dpy "WM_TAKE_FOCUS" #t))
(wm-hints (get-wm-hints dpy window))
(t (and wm-hints (assq (wm-hint input?) wm-hints)))
(input? (if t (cdr t) #t)))
(let ((type (if (not (and protocols wm-take-focus
(memq wm-take-focus protocols)))
(if input?
(if input?
;; we use passive as the default (with no hints at all)
(case type
(set-input-focus dpy window (revert-to parent) time)) ;; ??
((globally-active) #t)
(send-protocol-message dpy window wm-take-focus time))
((no-focus) #f)))))
(define (send-protocol-message dpy window atom time)
(send-event dpy window #f (event-mask)
(event-type client-message) 0 #t dpy window
(make-property (intern-atom dpy "WM_PROTOCOLS" #t)
(property-format long)
(list atom time)))))
(define (delete-window dpy window time)
(let* ((protocols (get-wm-protocols dpy window))
(wm-delete-window (intern-atom dpy "WM_DELETE_WINDOW" #t)))
(if (member wm-delete-window protocols)
(send-protocol-message dpy window wm-delete-window time)
(destroy-window dpy window))))
(define (move-resize-window* dpy window rect)
(move-resize-window dpy window
(rectangle:x rect) (rectangle:y rect)
(rectangle:width rect) (rectangle:height rect)))
(define (root-rectangle dpy win)
(let ((r (translate-coordinates dpy win (default-root-window dpy)
0 0)))
(make-rectangle (if r (car r) 0) (if r (cadr r) 0)
(window-width dpy win) (window-height dpy win))))
(define (window-rectangle dpy win)
(let ((wa (get-window-attributes dpy win)))
(make-rectangle (window-attribute:x wa) (window-attribute:y wa)
(window-attribute:width wa) (window-attribute:height wa))))
(define (clip-rectangle dpy win)
(make-rectangle 0 0 (window-width dpy win) (window-height dpy win)))
(define (draw-shadow-rectangle dpy win gc r lc dc)
(let* ((x1 (rectangle:x r))
(y1 (rectangle:y r))
(x2 (- (+ x1 (rectangle:width r)) 1))
(y2 (- (+ y1 (rectangle:height r)) 1)))
(set-gc-foreground! dpy gc lc)
(draw-lines dpy win gc (list (cons x1 y2) (cons x1 y1) (cons x2 y1))
(coord-mode origin))
(set-gc-foreground! dpy gc dc)
(draw-lines dpy win gc (list (cons x2 y1) (cons x2 y2) (cons x1 y2))
(coord-mode origin))))
(define (invalidate-window dpy win)
(let ((wa (get-window-attributes dpy win)))
(clear-area dpy win 0 0 (window-attribute:width wa)
(window-attribute:height wa) #t)))
(define (text-center-pos rect font-struct str)
(let* ((cs (text-extents font-struct str))
(tw (char-struct:width cs)))
(cons (floor (/ (- (rectangle:width rect) tw) 2))
(+ (floor (/ (rectangle:height rect) 2))
(font-struct:descent font-struct)))))
;; maximize-window moves and resizes the window fill as much space of
;; it's parent (or the window specified with the optional
;; argument). If there is a WM_NORMAL hint present for the window, and
;; the window has to be smaller than the parent, it is centered.
(define (maximize-window dpy window . maybe-parent)
(let ((r (apply maximal-rect/hints dpy window maybe-parent)))
(mdisplay "maximize-window: " window " "
(rectangle:x r) " " (rectangle:y r) " "
(rectangle:width r) " " (rectangle:height r) "\n")
(move-resize-window dpy window (rectangle:x r) (rectangle:y r)
(rectangle:width r) (rectangle:height r))))
(define (maximal-rect/hints dpy window . maybe-parent)
(let ((parent (:optional maybe-parent (window-parent dpy window))))
(let ((max-width (window-width dpy parent))
(max-height (window-height dpy parent)))
(let ((w.h (maximal-size/hints dpy window max-width max-height)))
(let ((width (car w.h))
(height (cdr w.h)))
(let ((x (quotient (- max-width width) 2))
(y (quotient (- max-height height) 2)))
(make-rectangle x y width height)))))))
(define (maximal-size/hints dpy window max-width max-height)
(let ((hints (get-wm-normal-hints dpy window))) ;; or group-leader?
(if hints
(adjust-size/hints hints max-width max-height)
(cons max-width max-height))))
(define (size-window dpy window default-size)
(let ((size (desired-size/hints dpy window default-size)))
(configure-window dpy window
(width (car size))
(height (cdr size))))))
(define (desired-size/hints dpy window default-size)
(let* ((hints (get-wm-normal-hints dpy window)) ;; or group-leader?
(size (or (assq/false (size-hint us-size) hints)
(assq/false (size-hint size) hints)
(adjust-size/hints hints (car size) (cdr size))))
(define (desired-position/hints dpy window default-position)
(let* ((hints (get-wm-normal-hints dpy window)) ;; or group-leader?
(pos (or (assq/false (size-hint us-position) hints)
(assq/false (size-hint position) hints)
;; returns width/height pair that conform to the defined
;; aspects/resize-inc etc. in hints, and are as close as possible to
;; width/height (but never bigger).
(define (adjust-size/hints size-hints width height)
(let ((min-size-hint (assq (size-hint min-size) size-hints))
(max-size-hint (assq (size-hint max-size) size-hints))
(resize-inc-hint (assq (size-hint resize-inc) size-hints))
(aspect-hint (assq (size-hint aspect) size-hints))
(base-size-hint (assq (size-hint base-size) size-hints)))
;; respect the desired maximal size ******************************
(if max-size-hint
(let ((max-width (car (cdr max-size-hint)))
(max-height (cdr (cdr max-size-hint))))
(if (> width max-width) (set! width max-width))
(if (> height max-height) (set! height max-height))))
;; ignore the minimal size, but give a warning *******************
; (let ((hint (or min-size-hint base-size-hint))) ;; according to ICCCM
; (if hint
; (let* ((min-size (cdr hint))
; (min-width (car min-size))
; (min-height (cdr min-size)))
; (if (or (< width min-width)
; (< height min-height))
; (debug-message 1 "% has to be smaller, than the desired minimal size %."
; window hint)))))
;; respect aspect ratios *****************************************
(if aspect-hint
(let* ((base-width (if base-size-hint
(car (cdr base-size-hint))
(base-height (if base-size-hint
(cdr (cdr base-size-hint))
(width* (- width base-width))
(height* (- height base-height))
(ratio (/ width* height*))
(min-ratio (/ (car (car (cdr aspect-hint)))
(cdr (car (cdr aspect-hint)))))
(max-ratio (/ (car (cdr (cdr aspect-hint)))
(cdr (cdr (cdr aspect-hint)))))
(new-ratio ratio))
(if (> ratio max-ratio)
(set! new-ratio max-ratio)
(if (< ratio min-ratio)
(set! new-ratio min-ratio)))
(if (< new-ratio ratio)
(set! width* (* height* new-ratio))
(if (> new-ratio ratio)
(set! height* (/ width* new-ratio))))
(set! width (+ width* base-width))
(set! height (+ height* base-height))))
;; respect resize-incs *******************************************
(if resize-inc-hint
(let* ((width-inc (car (cdr resize-inc-hint)))
(height-inc (cdr (cdr resize-inc-hint)))
(base-size-hint (or base-size-hint min-size-hint))
(base-width (if base-size-hint
(car (cdr base-size-hint))
(base-height (if base-size-hint
(cdr (cdr base-size-hint))
(set! width
(+ base-width (* width-inc (quotient (- width base-width)
(set! height
(+ base-height (* height-inc (quotient (- height base-height)
;; result ********************************************************
(cons width height)))