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(define (mdisplay . args)
(for-each display args)
(force-output (current-output-port)))
(define (:optional args default)
(if (null? args)
(car args)))
(define (assq/false key alist)
(let ((p (assq key alist)))
(and p (cdr p))))
(define (flatten lists)
(fold-right append
;; *** cml utilities *************************************************
(define (select* . list) (select list))
(define (make-sync-point)
(define (sync-point-release sp)
(placeholder-set! sp #t))
(define (sync-point-wait sp)
(placeholder-value sp))
(define (spawn* fun)
(let ((sp (make-sync-point)))
(spawn (lambda ()
(fun (lambda () (sync-point-release sp)))))
(sync-point-wait sp)))
(define (with-lock lock thunk)
(obtain-lock lock)
(let ((r (thunk)))
(release-lock lock)
;; *** option utilities **********************************************
(define-record-type options :options
(make-options dpy colormap option-alist value-alist type-alist)
(dpy options:dpy)
(colormap options:colormap)
(option-alist options:option-alist set-options:option-alist!)
(value-alist options:value-alist set-options:value-alist!)
(type-alist options:type-alist set-options:type-alist!))
(define (create-options dpy colormap spec options)
(let ((option-alist (map (lambda (s)
(let* ((n (first s))
(op (assq n options)))
(cons n (if op (cdr op) (third s)))))
(value-alist '())
(type-alist (map (lambda (s)
(cons (first s) (second s)))
(for-each (lambda (name.option name.type)
(allocate-option dpy colormap (car name.option)
(cdr name.type) (cdr name.option)))
option-alist type-alist)
(make-options dpy colormap option-alist value-alist type-alist)))
(define (free-options options)
(define (get-option-value options name)
(let ((p (assq name (options:value-alist options))))
(if p
(cdr p)
(let ((op (assq name (options:option-alist options)))
(tp (assq name (options:type-alist options))))
(if (or (not op) (not tp))
(error "option not defined" name)
(let ((v (allocate-option (options:dpy options)
(options:colormap options)
name (cdr tp) (cdr op))))
(set-options:value-alist! options
(cons (cons name v)
(options:value-alist options)))
(define (get-option options name)
(let ((vp (assq name (options:option-alist options))))
(if (not vp)
(error "option not defined" name)
(cdr vp))))
(define (set-option! options name def)
(set-options:option-alist! options
(cons (cons name def)
(filter (lambda (n.o)
(not (eq? (car n.o) name)))
(options:option-alist options))))
(set-options:value-alist! options
(filter (lambda (n.v)
(not (eq? (car n.v) name)))
(options:value-alist options))))
(define (get-options options)
(options:option-alist options))
(define-enumerated-type option-type :option-type
option-type? option-types option-type-name option-type-index
(int number inexact exact string symbol font color colors
boolean symbol-list keys))
(define-syntax define-options-spec
((define-options-spec id (name type default) ...)
(define id (list (list (quote name) (option-type type) default)
(define (allocate-option dpy colormap name type def)
(let ((check (lambda (value pred)
(if (not (pred value))
(error "wrong type argument" value) ;; TODO: other??
((eq? type (option-type int)) (check def integer?))
((eq? type (option-type number)) (check def number?))
((eq? type (option-type inexact)) (check def inexact?))
((eq? type (option-type exact)) (check def inexact?))
((eq? type (option-type string)) (check def string?))
((eq? type (option-type symbol)) (check def symbol?))
((eq? type (option-type font))
(check (load-query-font dpy def) (lambda (v) v)))
((eq? type (option-type color))
(let ((c (alloc-named-color dpy colormap def)))
(check (and c (color:pixel c)) (lambda (v) v))))
((eq? type (option-type colors))
(and (check def list?)
(map (lambda (c) (allocate-option dpy colormap name
(option-type color) c))
((eq? type (option-type boolean))
(check def boolean?)) ;; maybe allow 'yes 'no ??
((eq? type (option-type symbol-list))
(and (check def list?)
(map (lambda (s) (allocate-option dpy colormap name
(option-type symbol) s))
((eq? type (option-type keys))
(let ((keys (string->keys dpy def)))
(check keys (lambda (x) x))))
(else (error "option type not implemented" name type)))))
;; *** keys utilities ************************************************
(define-record-type key :key
(make-key modifiers keycode)
(modifiers key:modifiers)
(keycode key:keycode))
(define (string->keys dpy s)
(let* ((keys-s (split-space s))
(keys (map (lambda (s) (string->key dpy s)) keys-s)))
(and (not (memq #f keys)) keys)))
(define (string->key dpy s)
(let* ((l (reverse (split-minus s)))
(mod-strings (reverse (cdr l)))
(key-string (car l))
(modifiers (strings->modifiers mod-strings))
;; TODO: upcase chars + Shift
(keycode (keysym->keycode dpy (string->keysym key-string))))
(and modifiers keycode
(make-key modifiers keycode))))
(define split-minus (infix-splitter (rx "-")))
(define split-space (infix-splitter (rx " ")))
(define (strings->modifiers str-list)
(let ((l (map string->modifiers str-list)))
(and (not (memq #f l))
(fold enum-set-union
(define (string->modifiers s)
((equal? s "C") (state-set control))
((equal? s "M") (state-set mod1))
((equal? s "M1") (state-set mod1))
((equal? s "M2") (state-set mod2))
((equal? s "M3") (state-set mod3))
((equal? s "M4") (state-set mod4))
((equal? s "M5") (state-set mod5))
((equal? s "S") (state-set shift)) ;; needed?
(else #f)))
;; *** xlib utilities ************************************************
(define (reparent-to-root dpy window)
;; reparent window to it's root-window so that it stays virtually at
;; the same position.
(reparent-window dpy window (window-root dpy window)))
(define (window-path dpy window)
(cons window
(let ((p (window-parent dpy window)))
(if (zero? p)
(window-path dpy p)))))
(define (window-viewable? dpy window)
(eq? (window-attribute:map-state (get-window-attributes dpy window))
(map-state is-viewable)))
(define (window-focused? dpy window)
(eq? (get-input-focus-window dpy) window))
(define (window-contains-focus? dpy window)
(or (window-focused? dpy window)
(any (lambda (child)
(window-contains-focus? dpy child))
(window-children dpy window))))
(define (take-focus dpy window time)
;; implements the TAKE_FOCUS protocol
(let* ((protocols (get-wm-protocols dpy window))
(wm-take-focus (intern-atom dpy "WM_TAKE_FOCUS" #t))
(wm-hints (get-wm-hints dpy window))
(t (and wm-hints (assq (wm-hint input?) wm-hints)))
(input? (if t (cdr t) #t)))
(let ((type (if (not (and protocols wm-take-focus
(memq wm-take-focus protocols)))
(if input?
(if input?
;; we use passive as the default (with no hints at all)
(case type
(set-input-focus dpy window (revert-to parent) time)) ;; ??
((globally-active) #t)
(send-protocol-message dpy window wm-take-focus time))
((no-focus) #f)))))
(define (send-protocol-message dpy window atom time)
(send-event dpy window #f (event-mask)
(event-type client-message) 0 #t dpy window
(make-property (intern-atom dpy "WM_PROTOCOLS" #t)
(property-format long)
(list atom time)))))
(define (delete-window dpy window time)
(let* ((protocols (get-wm-protocols dpy window))
(wm-delete-window (intern-atom dpy "WM_DELETE_WINDOW" #t)))
(if (member wm-delete-window protocols)
(send-protocol-message dpy window wm-delete-window time)
(destroy-window dpy window))))
(define (move-resize-window* dpy window rect)
(move-resize-window dpy window
(rectangle:x rect) (rectangle:y rect)
(rectangle:width rect) (rectangle:height rect)))
(define (root-rectangle dpy win)
(let ((r (translate-coordinates dpy win (default-root-window dpy)
0 0)))
(make-rectangle (if r (car r) 0) (if r (cadr r) 0)
(window-width dpy win) (window-height dpy win))))
(define (window-rectangle dpy win)
(let ((wa (get-window-attributes dpy win)))
(make-rectangle (window-attribute:x wa) (window-attribute:y wa)
(window-attribute:width wa) (window-attribute:height wa))))
(define (clip-rectangle dpy win)
(make-rectangle 0 0 (window-width dpy win) (window-height dpy win)))
(define (draw-shadow-rectangle dpy win gc r lc dc)
(let* ((x1 (rectangle:x r))
(y1 (rectangle:y r))
(x2 (- (+ x1 (rectangle:width r)) 1))
(y2 (- (+ y1 (rectangle:height r)) 1)))
(set-gc-foreground! dpy gc lc)
(draw-lines dpy win gc (list (cons x1 y2) (cons x1 y1) (cons x2 y1))
(coord-mode origin))
(set-gc-foreground! dpy gc dc)
(draw-lines dpy win gc (list (cons x2 y1) (cons x2 y2) (cons x1 y2))
(coord-mode origin))))
(define (invalidate-window dpy win)
(let ((wa (get-window-attributes dpy win)))
(clear-area dpy win 0 0 (window-attribute:width wa)
(window-attribute:height wa) #t)))
(define (text-center-pos rect font-struct str)
(let* ((cs (text-extents font-struct str))
(tw (char-struct:width cs)))
(cons (floor (/ (- (rectangle:width rect) tw) 2))
(+ (floor (/ (rectangle:height rect) 2))
(font-struct:descent font-struct)))))
;; maximize-window moves and resizes the window fill as much space of
;; it's parent (or the window specified with the optional
;; argument). If there is a WM_NORMAL hint present for the window, and
;; the window has to be smaller than the parent, it is centered.
(define (maximize-window dpy window . maybe-parent)
(let ((r (apply maximal-rect/hints dpy window maybe-parent)))
(mdisplay "maximize-window: " window " "
(rectangle:x r) " " (rectangle:y r) " "
(rectangle:width r) " " (rectangle:height r) "\n")
(move-resize-window dpy window (rectangle:x r) (rectangle:y r)
(rectangle:width r) (rectangle:height r))))
(define (maximal-rect/hints dpy window . maybe-parent)
(let ((parent (:optional maybe-parent (window-parent dpy window))))
(let ((max-width (window-width dpy parent))
(max-height (window-height dpy parent)))
(let ((w.h (maximal-size/hints dpy window max-width max-height)))
(let ((width (car w.h))
(height (cdr w.h)))
(let ((x (quotient (- max-width width) 2))
(y (quotient (- max-height height) 2)))
(make-rectangle x y width height)))))))
(define (maximal-size/hints dpy window max-width max-height)
(let ((hints (get-wm-normal-hints dpy window))) ;; or group-leader?
(if hints
(adjust-size/hints hints max-width max-height)
(cons max-width max-height))))
(define (size-window dpy window default-size)
(let ((size (desired-size/hints dpy window default-size)))
(configure-window dpy window
(width (car size))
(height (cdr size))))))
(define (desired-size/hints dpy window default-size)
(let* ((hints (get-wm-normal-hints dpy window)) ;; or group-leader?
(size (or (assq/false (size-hint us-size) hints)
(assq/false (size-hint size) hints)
(adjust-size/hints hints (car size) (cdr size))))
(define (desired-position/hints dpy window default-position)
(let* ((hints (get-wm-normal-hints dpy window)) ;; or group-leader?
(pos (or (assq/false (size-hint us-position) hints)
(assq/false (size-hint position) hints)
;; returns width/height pair that conform to the defined
;; aspects/resize-inc etc. in hints, and are as close as possible to
;; width/height (but never bigger).
(define (adjust-size/hints size-hints width height)
(let ((min-size-hint (assq (size-hint min-size) size-hints))
(max-size-hint (assq (size-hint max-size) size-hints))
(resize-inc-hint (assq (size-hint resize-inc) size-hints))
(aspect-hint (assq (size-hint aspect) size-hints))
(base-size-hint (assq (size-hint base-size) size-hints)))
;; respect the desired maximal size ******************************
(if max-size-hint
(let ((max-width (car (cdr max-size-hint)))
(max-height (cdr (cdr max-size-hint))))
(if (> width max-width) (set! width max-width))
(if (> height max-height) (set! height max-height))))
;; ignore the minimal size, but give a warning *******************
; (let ((hint (or min-size-hint base-size-hint))) ;; according to ICCCM
; (if hint
; (let* ((min-size (cdr hint))
; (min-width (car min-size))
; (min-height (cdr min-size)))
; (if (or (< width min-width)
; (< height min-height))
; (debug-message 1 "% has to be smaller, than the desired minimal size %."
; window hint)))))
;; respect aspect ratios *****************************************
(if aspect-hint
(let* ((base-width (if base-size-hint
(car (cdr base-size-hint))
(base-height (if base-size-hint
(cdr (cdr base-size-hint))
(width* (- width base-width))
(height* (- height base-height))
(ratio (/ width* height*))
(min-ratio (/ (car (car (cdr aspect-hint)))
(cdr (car (cdr aspect-hint)))))
(max-ratio (/ (car (cdr (cdr aspect-hint)))
(cdr (cdr (cdr aspect-hint)))))
(new-ratio ratio))
(if (> ratio max-ratio)
(set! new-ratio max-ratio)
(if (< ratio min-ratio)
(set! new-ratio min-ratio)))
(if (< new-ratio ratio)
(set! width* (* height* new-ratio))
(if (> new-ratio ratio)
(set! height* (/ width* new-ratio))))
(set! width (+ width* base-width))
(set! height (+ height* base-height))))
;; respect resize-incs *******************************************
(if resize-inc-hint
(let* ((width-inc (car (cdr resize-inc-hint)))
(height-inc (cdr (cdr resize-inc-hint)))
(base-size-hint (or base-size-hint min-size-hint))
(base-width (if base-size-hint
(car (cdr base-size-hint))
(base-height (if base-size-hint
(cdr (cdr base-size-hint))
(set! width
(+ base-width (* width-inc (quotient (- width base-width)
(set! height
(+ base-height (* height-inc (quotient (- height base-height)
;; result ********************************************************
(cons width height)))