3.1 KiB
SR 2022-2: Symbols as strings
Lassi Kortela
Each Scheme symbol corresponds to a string. This covenience library lets the programmer manipulate the string representations of symbols simply by passing the symbols, omitting the step of converting back and forth between symbols and strings.
This library is patterned after the following prior art.
- R7RS
- SRFI 13 (String Libraries)
- SRFI 115 (Scheme Regular Expressions)
RnRS provides:
(symbol-length symbol) -> integer
Returns the string-length of symbol as a string.
(symbol<? symbol1 symbol2) -> boolean
Returns the result of string<? applied to the symbols as strings.
(symbol-ci<? symbol1 symbol2) -> boolean
Returns the result of string-ci<? applied to the symbols as strings.
(symbol-prefix? prefix-string symbol) -> boolean
(symbol-suffix? suffix-string symbol) -> boolean
Returns #t
if symbol as a string starts with prefix-string or
ends with suffix-string, respectively. Else returns #f
Matching is case sensitive. A zero-length string matches any symbol.
[Modeled after SRFI 13 string-prefix? and string-suffix?.]
(symbol-middle symbol prefix-string [suffix-string]) -> string
If symbol as a string starts with prefix-string and ends with
suffix-string, returns the part between them as a string. Else
returns #f
Matching is done as with symbol-prefix? and symbol-suffix?. If
suffix-string is omitted or #f
, a zero-length string is assumed.
(symbol-substring symbol start [end]) -> string
Returns the part of symbol as a string between the character indexes
start (inclusive) and end (exclusive). If end is omitted of
, it defaults to the length of the string.
Mutating the result string does not change the symbol.
(symbol-append object ...) -> symbol
Like string-append from RnRS, but the result is a symbol instead of a string, and each object can be any of:
- a string
- a character (converted as if by string)
- a symbol (converted as if by symbol->string)
- a non-negative exact integer (converted as if by number->string)
(ignored as if it were a zero-length string)
(symbol-transform string-proc symbol arg ...) -> symbol
Return (string->symbol (string-proc (symbol->string symbol) arg ...))
Comparing symbols
(list-sort symbol<? (features))
Extracting parts of symbols
(symbol-substring 'geronimo 2 6) ; => "roni"
(symbol-middle 'make-move! "" "") ; => "make-move!"
(symbol-middle 'make-move! "" "!") ; => make-move
(symbol-middle 'make-move! "make-" "!") ; => "move"
(symbol-middle 'make-move! "make+" "!") ; => #f
Making new symbols
(symbol-append) ; => ||
(symbol-append #\a) ; => a
(symbol-append "a") ; => a
(symbol-append 'foo ":") => |foo:|
(let ((count 99) (things "bottles") (ask? #f))
(symbol-append "start-with-" count #\- things
(and ask? #\?))) ; => start-with-99-bottles
(symbol-transform string-upcase 'yeah) ; => YEAH