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;; Copyright (c) 2004,2006 Colin Smith.
;; bootstrap.scm: bootstraps the Scheme compiler by compiling itself
;; and serializing it to C.
;; Expected arguments:
;; 1) Directory to "chdir" to
;; 2) Name of output file
(chdir (vector-ref *argv* 0))
(load "compiler.scm")
(define (comp-run exp)
(execute (link2 (compile exp))))
;; load a file via the compiler's execution path
;; essentially this is a REPL into comp-run
(define (comp-load file)
(let ((input (open-input-file file)))
(do ((form (read input) (read input)))
((eof-object? form) #t)
(comp-run form))))
(define (emit-compiled-procedures proc-list filename)
; for-each is a library procedure that we must compile; therefore
; it can't be used in the bootstrapper. We provide a local replacement
; here.
(define (_for-each proc list)
(let loop ((rest list))
(if (null? rest) #t
(begin (proc (car rest))
(loop (cdr rest))))))
; replace characters in a string, under a mapping represened in
; association-list form (e.g, the mapping '((#\a . #\b)) would
; map a's to b's). If the right had side of the association is
; #f, then the matching character is deleted.
(define (remap-characters mapping str)
(let loop ((result "")
(rest (string->list str)))
(if (null? rest) result
(let ((ch (car rest))
(map-entry (assq (car rest) mapping)))
(if (not map-entry) (loop (string-append result (string ch))
(cdr rest))
(if (cdr map-entry)
(loop (string-append result (string (cdr map-entry)))
(cdr rest))
(loop result
(cdr rest))))))))
; C++ symbols can't have hyphens, so we map them to underscores.
; This is not a general solution to the problem that Scheme
; identifiers draw from a richer character set than C++ identifiers:
; but it is sufficient for our purpose of bootstrapping the compiler.
(define (c-name-from-scheme-name str)
(remap-characters '((#\- . #\_) (#\. . #\_)) str))
(define (c-name-from-symbol sym)
(c-name-from-scheme-name (symbol->string sym)))
; We need to compile an 'eval' procedure, but actually compiling
; an eval would prevent the bootstrap interpreter from using eval,
; and that turns out to be annoying. Instead we compile _eval,
; and use this routine to strip _'s from symbol names when
; serializing them. Thus, when the _eval procedure is loaded in
; by the non-bootstrap VM, it will be called 'eval'.
(define (scheme-name-from-symbol sym)
(remap-characters '((#\_ . #f)) (symbol->string sym)))
(with-output-to-file filename
(lambda ()
(let ((module-name (string-append (c-name-from-scheme-name filename)
(display "#include \"vx-scheme.h\"\n\n")
(lambda (proc)
(write-compiled-procedure (eval proc) (c-name-from-symbol proc)))
(display* "class " module-name " : SchemeExtension { \n"
" " module-name "() {\n"
" Register(this);\n"
" }\n"
" virtual void Install(Context* ctx, Cell* envt) { \n"
" static struct {const char* n; vm_cproc* cp;} b[] = {\n")
(lambda (proc)
(display* " { \"" (scheme-name-from-symbol proc) "\", &"
(c-name-from-symbol proc) " },\n"))
" };\n const int nb = sizeof(b) / sizeof(*b);\n"
" for (int ix = 0; ix < nb; ++ix) {\n"
" // NB: GC is disabled during the loading of extensions.\n"
" ctx->set_var(envt, intern(b[ix].n),\n"
" ctx->load_compiled_procedure(b[ix].cp));\n"
" };\n"
" };\n"
"static " module-name " _ext;\n")
(define apply-code '#((code #((apply.)
(define apply (execute (link2 apply-code)))
(define callcc-code '#((code #((extend 1)
(lref 0 0)
(apply 1)
(define _call-with-current-continuation (execute (link2 callcc-code)))
(comp-load "compiler.scm")
(comp-load "library.scm")
(comp-run '(define (_eval expr) (execute (link2 (compile expr)))))
(emit-compiled-procedures '(compile
(emit-compiled-procedures '(apply