initial import

git-svn-id: svn://localhost/root/svnrepo/trunk@2 bee25f81-8ba7-4b93-944d-dfac3d1a11cc
This commit is contained in:
colin.smith 2006-08-12 19:00:13 +00:00
parent ce7d25b3e5
commit 839e25059a
114 changed files with 25051 additions and 0 deletions

vx-scheme/LICENSE Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
The "Artistic License"
The intent of this document is to state the conditions under which a
Package may be copied, such that the Copyright Holder maintains some
semblance of artistic control over the development of the package,
while giving the users of the package the right to use and distribute
the Package in a more-or-less customary fashion, plus the right to make
reasonable modifications.
"Package" refers to the collection of files distributed by the
Copyright Holder, and derivatives of that collection of files
created through textual modification.
"Standard Version" refers to such a Package if it has not been
modified, or has been modified in accordance with the wishes
of the Copyright Holder as specified below.
"Copyright Holder" is whoever is named in the copyright or
copyrights for the package.
"You" is you, if you're thinking about copying or distributing
this Package.
"Reasonable copying fee" is whatever you can justify on the
basis of media cost, duplication charges, time of people involved,
and so on. (You will not be required to justify it to the
Copyright Holder, but only to the computing community at large
as a market that must bear the fee.)
"Freely Available" means that no fee is charged for the item
itself, though there may be fees involved in handling the item.
It also means that recipients of the item may redistribute it
under the same conditions they received it.
1. You may make and give away verbatim copies of the source form of the
Standard Version of this Package without restriction, provided that you
duplicate all of the original copyright notices and associated disclaimers.
2. You may apply bug fixes, portability fixes and other modifications
derived from the Public Domain or from the Copyright Holder. A Package
modified in such a way shall still be considered the Standard Version.
3. You may otherwise modify your copy of this Package in any way, provided
that you insert a prominent notice in each changed file stating how and
when you changed that file, and provided that you do at least ONE of the
a) place your modifications in the Public Domain or otherwise make them
Freely Available, such as by posting said modifications to Usenet or
an equivalent medium, or placing the modifications on a major archive
site such as, or by allowing the Copyright Holder to include
your modifications in the Standard Version of the Package.
b) use the modified Package only within your corporation or organization.
c) rename any non-standard executables so the names do not conflict
with standard executables, which must also be provided, and provide
a separate manual page for each non-standard executable that clearly
documents how it differs from the Standard Version.
d) make other distribution arrangements with the Copyright Holder.
4. You may distribute the programs of this Package in object code or
executable form, provided that you do at least ONE of the following:
a) distribute a Standard Version of the executables and library files,
together with instructions (in the manual page or equivalent) on where
to get the Standard Version.
b) accompany the distribution with the machine-readable source of
the Package with your modifications.
c) give non-standard executables non-standard names, and clearly
document the differences in manual pages (or equivalent), together
with instructions on where to get the Standard Version.
d) make other distribution arrangements with the Copyright Holder.
5. You may charge a reasonable copying fee for any distribution of this
Package. You may charge any fee you choose for support of this
Package. You may not charge a fee for this Package itself. However,
you may distribute this Package in aggregate with other (possibly
commercial) programs as part of a larger (possibly commercial) software
distribution provided that you do not advertise this Package as a
product of your own. You may embed this Package's interpreter within
an executable of yours (by linking); this shall be construed as a mere
form of aggregation, provided that the complete Standard Version of the
interpreter is so embedded.
6. The scripts and library files supplied as input to or produced as
output from the programs of this Package do not automatically fall
under the copyright of this Package, but belong to whoever generated
them, and may be sold commercially, and may be aggregated with this
Package. If such scripts or library files are aggregated with this
Package via the so-called "undump" or "unexec" methods of producing a
binary executable image, then distribution of such an image shall
neither be construed as a distribution of this Package nor shall it
fall under the restrictions of Paragraphs 3 and 4, provided that you do
not represent such an executable image as a Standard Version of this
7. C subroutines (or comparably compiled subroutines in other
languages) supplied by you and linked into this Package in order to
emulate subroutines and variables of the language defined by this
Package shall not be considered part of this Package, but are the
equivalent of input as in Paragraph 6, provided these subroutines do
not change the language in any way that would cause it to fail the
regression tests for the language.
8. The name of the Copyright Holder may not be used to endorse or promote
products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
The End

vx-scheme/README Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
Vx-Scheme: Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Colin Smith. See the file 'LICENSE'
for licensing information.
Contact the author at
Point your browser at for documentation.
Thank you!

vx-scheme/lib/.cvsignore Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
;;; "vx-scheme.init" configuration template of *features* for Scheme -*-scheme-*-
;;; Author: Chris Gaskett
;;; This code is in the public domain.
;;; this version for vx-scheme under cygwin (at least)
;;; (software-type) should be set to the generic operating system type.
;;; UNIX, VMS, MACOS, AMIGA and MS-DOS are supported.
(define (software-type) 'UNIX)
;;; (scheme-implementation-type) should return the name of the scheme
;;; implementation loading this file.
;(define (scheme-implementation-type) 'vx-scheme)
;;; (scheme-implementation-home-page) should return a (string) URI
;;; (Uniform Resource Identifier) for this scheme implementation's home
;;; page; or false if there isn't one.
;(define (scheme-implementation-home-page)
; "")
;;; (scheme-implementation-version) should return a string describing
;;; the version the scheme implementation loading this file.
;(define (scheme-implementation-version) *version*)
;;; (implementation-vicinity) should be defined to be the pathname of
;;; the directory where any auxillary files to your Scheme
;;; implementation reside.
(define (implementation-vicinity) "")
; (case (software-type)
; ((UNIX) "/usr/local/src/scheme/")
; ((VMS) "scheme$src:")
; ((MS-DOS) "C:\\scheme\\")))
;;; (library-vicinity) should be defined to be the pathname of the
;;; directory where files of Scheme library functions reside.
; (define library-vicinity
; (let ((library-path
; (or
; ;; Use this getenv if your implementation supports it.
; ; (getenv "SCHEME_LIBRARY_PATH")
; ;; Use this path if your scheme does not support GETENV
; ;; or if SCHEME_LIBRARY_PATH is not set.
; (case (software-type)
; ((UNIX) "/usr/local/lib/slib/")
; ((VMS) "lib$scheme:")
; ((MS-DOS) "C:\\SLIB\\")
; (else "")))))
; (lambda () library-path)))
;(define (library-vicinity) "/usr/local/lib/slib/")
(define (library-vicinity) "/usr/share/guile/slib/")
;;; (home-vicinity) should return the vicinity of the user's HOME
;;; directory, the directory which typically contains files which
;;; customize a computer environment for a user.
(define (home-vicinity) "")
; (define (home-vicinity)
; (let ((home (getenv "HOME")))
; (and home
; (case (software-type)
; ((UNIX COHERENT MS-DOS) ;V7 unix has a / on HOME
; (if (eqv? #\/ (string-ref home (+ -1 (string-length home))))
; home
; (string-append home "/")))
; (else home)))))
;;; *FEATURES* should be set to a list of symbols describing features
;;; of this implementation. Suggestions for features are:
;;; @TODO@ some of these are wrong
(define *features*
source ;can load scheme source files
;(slib:load-source "filename")
; compiled ;can load compiled files
;(slib:load-compiled "filename")
;; Scheme report features
; rev5-report ;conforms to
; eval ;R5RS two-argument eval
; values ;R5RS multiple values
; dynamic-wind ;R5RS dynamic-wind
; macro ;R5RS high level macros
delay ;has DELAY and FORCE
multiarg-apply ;APPLY can take more than 2 args.
; rationalize
rev4-optional-procedures ;LIST-TAIL, STRING->LIST,
rev4-report ;conforms to
ieee-p1178 ;conforms to
; rev3-report ;conforms to
; rev2-procedures ;SUBSTRING-MOVE-LEFT!,
;-1+, <?, <=?, =?, >?, >=?
; object-hash ;has OBJECT-HASH
; multiarg/and- ;/ and - can take more than 2 args.
with-file ;has WITH-INPUT-FROM-FILE and
ieee-floating-point ;conforms to IEEE Standard 754-1985
;IEEE Standard for Binary
;Floating-Point Arithmetic.
full-continuation ;can return multiple times
;; Other common features
; srfi ;srfi-0, COND-EXPAND finds all srfi-*
; sicp ;runs code from Structure and
;Interpretation of Computer
;Programs by Abelson and Sussman.
defmacro ;has Common Lisp DEFMACRO
; record ;has user defined data structures
; string-port ;has CALL-WITH-INPUT-STRING and
; sort
; pretty-print
; object->string
; format ;Common-lisp output formatting
; trace ;has macros: TRACE and UNTRACE
; compiler ;has (COMPILER)
; ed ;(ED) is editor
; system ;posix (system <string>)
; getenv ;posix (getenv <string>)
; program-arguments ;returns list of strings (argv)
; current-time ;returns time in seconds since 1/1/1970
;; Implementation Specific features
;;; (OUTPUT-PORT-WIDTH <port>)
(define (output-port-width . arg) 79)
(define (output-port-height . arg) 24)
(define current-error-port
(let ((port (current-output-port)))
(lambda () port)))
;;; (TMPNAM) makes a temporary file name.
(define tmpnam (let ((cntr 100))
(lambda () (set! cntr (+ 1 cntr))
(string-append "slib_" (number->string cntr)))))
;;; (FILE-EXISTS? <string>)
;; provided in custom version of vx-scheme
;;(define (file-exists? f) #f)
;;; (DELETE-FILE <string>)
(define (delete-file f) #f)
;;; FORCE-OUTPUT flushes any pending output on optional arg output port
;;; use this definition if your system doesn't have such a procedure.
(define (force-output . arg) #t)
;;; port versions of CALL-WITH-*PUT-FILE.
;;; "rationalize" adjunct procedures.
;;(define (find-ratio x e)
;; (let ((rat (rationalize x e)))
;; (list (numerator rat) (denominator rat))))
;;(define (find-ratio-between x y)
;; (find-ratio (/ (+ x y) 2) (/ (- x y) 2)))
;;; CHAR-CODE-LIMIT is one greater than the largest integer which can
;;; be returned by CHAR->INTEGER.
(define char-code-limit 256)
;;; MOST-POSITIVE-FIXNUM is used in modular.scm
(define most-positive-fixnum #x0FFFFFFF)
;;; Return argument
(define (identity x) x)
;;; SLIB:EVAL is single argument eval using the top-level (user) environment.
(define slib:eval eval)
;;; If your implementation provides R4RS macros:
;(define macro:eval slib:eval)
;(define macro:load load)
(define *defmacros*
(list (cons 'defmacro
(lambda (name parms . body)
`(set! *defmacros* (cons (cons ',name (lambda ,parms ,@body))
(define (defmacro? m) (and (assq m *defmacros*) #t))
(define (macroexpand-1 e)
(if (pair? e)
(let ((a (car e)))
(cond ((symbol? a) (set! a (assq a *defmacros*))
(if a (apply (cdr a) (cdr e)) e))
(else e)))
(define (macroexpand e)
(if (pair? e)
(let ((a (car e)))
(cond ((symbol? a)
(set! a (assq a *defmacros*))
(if a (macroexpand (apply (cdr a) (cdr e))) e))
(else e)))
(define gentemp
(let ((*gensym-counter* -1))
(lambda ()
(set! *gensym-counter* (+ *gensym-counter* 1))
(string-append "slib:G" (number->string *gensym-counter*))))))
(define base:eval slib:eval)
(define (defmacro:eval x) (base:eval (defmacro:expand* x)))
(define (defmacro:expand* x)
(require 'defmacroexpand) (apply defmacro:expand* x '()))
(define (defmacro:load <pathname>)
(slib:eval-load <pathname> defmacro:eval))
(define (slib:eval-load <pathname> evl)
(if (not (file-exists? <pathname>))
(set! <pathname> (string-append <pathname> (scheme-file-suffix))))
(call-with-input-file <pathname>
(lambda (port)
(let ((old-load-pathname *load-pathname*))
(set! *load-pathname* <pathname>)
(do ((o (read port) (read port)))
((eof-object? o))
(evl o))
(set! *load-pathname* old-load-pathname)))))
(define slib:warn
(lambda args
(let ((cep (current-error-port)))
(if (provided? 'trace) (print-call-stack cep))
(display "Warn: " cep)
(for-each (lambda (x) (display #\ cep) (write x cep)) args)
(newline cep))))
;;; define an error procedure for the library
;; error function in vx-scheme expects one string
;; so this is a copy of the warn function above
;;(define (slib:error . args)
;; (if (provided? 'trace) (print-call-stack (current-error-port)))
;; (apply error args))
(define slib:error
(lambda args
(let ((cep (current-error-port)))
(if (provided? 'trace) (print-call-stack cep))
(display "Error: " cep)
(for-each (lambda (x) (display #\ cep) (write x cep)) args)
(newline cep))))
(define (make-exchanger obj)
(lambda (rep) (let ((old obj)) (set! obj rep) old)))
(define (open-file filename modes)
(case modes
((r rb) (open-input-file filename))
((w wb) (open-output-file filename))
(else (slib:error 'open-file 'mode? modes))))
(define (port? obj) (or (input-port? port) (output-port? port)))
(define (call-with-open-ports . ports)
(define proc (car ports))
(cond ((procedure? proc) (set! ports (cdr ports)))
(else (set! ports (reverse ports))
(set! proc (car ports))
(set! ports (reverse (cdr ports)))))
(let ((ans (apply proc ports)))
(for-each close-port ports)
(define (close-port port)
(cond ((input-port? port)
(close-input-port port)
(if (output-port? port) (close-output-port port)))
((output-port? port) (close-output-port port))
(else (slib:error 'close-port 'port? port))))
(define (browse-url url)
(define (try cmd end) (zero? (system (string-append cmd url end))))
(or (try "netscape-remote -remote 'openURL(" ")'")
(try "netscape -remote 'openURL(" ")'")
(try "netscape '" "'&")
(try "netscape '" "'")))
;;; define these as appropriate for your system.
(define slib:tab (integer->char 9))
(define slib:form-feed (integer->char 12))
;;; Support for older versions of Scheme. Not enough code for its own file.
(define (last-pair l) (if (pair? (cdr l)) (last-pair (cdr l)) l))
(define t #t)
(define nil #f)
;;; Define these if your implementation's syntax can support it and if
;;; they are not already defined.
;(define (1+ n) (+ n 1))
;(define (-1+ n) (+ n -1))
;(define 1- -1+)
(define in-vicinity string-append)
;;; Define SLIB:EXIT to be the implementation procedure to exit or
;;; return if exitting not supported.
(define slib:exit (lambda args #f))
;;; Here for backward compatability
(define scheme-file-suffix
(let ((suffix (case (software-type)
((NOSVE) "_scm")
(else ".scm"))))
(lambda () suffix)))
;;; (SLIB:LOAD-SOURCE "foo") should load "foo.scm" or with whatever
;;; suffix all the module files in SLIB have. See feature 'SOURCE.
(define (slib:load-source f) (load (string-append f ".scm")))
;;; (SLIB:LOAD-COMPILED "foo") should load the file that was produced
;;; by compiling "foo.scm" if this implementation can compile files.
;;; See feature 'COMPILED.
(define slib:load-compiled load)
;;; At this point SLIB:LOAD must be able to load SLIB files.
(define slib:load slib:load-source)
(slib:load (in-vicinity (library-vicinity) "require"))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
(load "vx-scheme.init")
(defmacro (slib-test module expression expected-result)
(require ,module)
(display (if (equal? ,expression ,expected-result)
(display ": ") (display ,module)
(slib-test 'sort (sorted? (sort '(6 5 7 4 8 3 9 1) <) <) #t)
(slib-test 'factor (factor 105) '(7 3 5))
(slib-test 'object->string (object->string '(2 3)) "(2 3)")

vx-scheme/src/.cvsignore Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@

vx-scheme/src/Makefile Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
PKG = vx-scheme-$(VERSION)
OBJ = cell.o ctx.o subr.o io.o symtab.o
# Three flavors
INTERP_OBJ = $(OBJ) interp.o
BOOTSTRAP_OBJ = $(OBJ) interp.o vm.o
VM_OBJ = $(OBJ) vm.o lib.o _library.o
VM_COMP_OBJ = $(VM_OBJ) _compiler.o
UNIX_OBJ = u-main.o
PROGRAM = vx-scheme
CFLAGS = -ansi -g -O2 -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -Wall $(DEFVER)
CC = gcc
TC = ../testcases
all: vxs-interp vx-scheme
vxs-interp: $(INTERP_OBJ) $(UNIX_OBJ)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $^ -lstdc++ -lc -lm
vxs-bootstrap: $(BOOTSTRAP_OBJ) $(UNIX_OBJ)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $^ -lstdc++ -lc -lm
vx-scheme: $(VM_COMP_OBJ) $(UNIX_OBJ)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $^ -lstdc++ -lc -lm
_library.cpp _compiler.cpp: compiler.scm bootstrap.scm library.scm vxs-bootstrap
./vxs-bootstrap . < bootstrap.scm
# Build the standalone scheme compiler. This runs the compile-file.scm
# script on itself, producing c code, which is then compiled and linked.
scheme-compiler: $(VM_COMP_OBJ) $(UNIX_OBJ) compile-file.scm vx-scheme
./vx-scheme ./compile-file.scm < compile-file.scm \
> _compile-file.cpp
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c _compile-file.cpp
$(CC) -o $@ $(VM_COMP_OBJ) $(UNIX_OBJ) \
_compile-file.o -lstdc++ -lm
# Precompiled objects! Run the scheme-compiler to produce bytecode in
# C++ format, compile and link. The result is a standalone executable
# with no compiler, just the raw bytecode and the VM. This rule will
# build a standalone executable for anything in the testcases
# directory. Example: "make pi".
%: ../testcases/%.scm scheme-compiler
./scheme-compiler $< > _$(basename $(notdir $<)).cpp
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c _$(basename $(notdir $<)).cpp
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $(VM_OBJ) $(UNIX_OBJ) \
_$(basename $(notdir $<)).o -lstdc++ -lm
# Standard object compilation rule
%.o: %.cpp
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $<
# warning: this clean is pretty thorough!
rm -f *.o *.a *.exe vxs-interp vxs-bootstrap vx-scheme
rm -f scheme-compiler
rm -f _compile-file.cpp _*.cpp
find .. -name '*~' -print | xargs rm -f
find .. -name '#*#' -print | xargs rm -f
find .. -name '.#*' -print | xargs rm -f
rm -rf $(TC)/*.out $(TC)/tmp[123]
rm -rf *.core *.stackdump $(TC)/*.core $(TC)/*.stackdump
rm -rf ../tornado/target-shell/default/*
rm -f ../tornado/target-shell/Makefile
rm -rf ../tornado/vx-scheme/SIMNTgnu/*
rm -rf ../tornado/vx-scheme/SIMNTgnu/.*.swp
rm -f ../tornado/vx-scheme/Makefile
rm -f ../lib/slib_* ../lib/slibcat
rm -f core core.*
# We don't want to distribute any Wind River simulator binary--just
# the project files. So we clean before rolling a distro. We nuke
# the tornado makefiles so that the dependencies will be generated
# with the correct absolute pathnames.
distro: clean
(cd ../..; tar czhf $(PKG).tgz $(PKG)/)
(cd ../..; zip -q -r $(PKG).zip $(PKG)/)
# Testing: run the test suite. If SLIB is installed, smoke-test it.
test: test-interp test-compile
test-interp: vxs-interp
@echo '========== TESTING INTERPRETER =========='
@if [ -d /usr/share/guile/slib ]; then \
(cd ../lib; ../src/vxs-interp < vx-slib-test.scm); \
@(cd ../testcases; $(TESTARENA) ../src/vxs-interp < vx-test.scm)
test-compile: vx-scheme
@echo '========== TESTING COMPILER =========='
@if [ -d /usr/share/guile/slib ]; then \
(cd ../lib; ../src/vx-scheme < vx-slib-test.scm); \
@(cd ../testcases; $(TESTARENA) ../src/vx-scheme < vx-test.scm)
# OS Adaptations (Don't try these, you don't have the right compiler.
# For VxWorks architectures, create new builds in the Tornado project.
OUT = scheme.out
VX_CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) -DVXWORKS -I/w/gnu-t3/target/h
$(ARCH)-OBJ = $(OBJ:%=obj-$(ARCH)/%) obj-$(ARCH)/vx-main.o
$(ARCH)-ALLOBJ = $($(ARCH)-OBJ) obj-$(ARCH)/_ctdt.o
mkdir $@
obj-$(ARCH)/%.o: %.cpp
$($(ARCH)-GC++) $(VX_CFLAGS) -c $^ -o $@
obj-$(ARCH)/_ctdt.o: obj-$(ARCH)/_ctdt.c
$($(ARCH)-GCC) -o $@ -c $^
obj-$(ARCH)/_ctdt.c: $($(ARCH)-OBJ)
$($(ARCH)-NM) $($(ARCH)-OBJ) | $(MUNCH) > $@
obj-$(ARCH)/$(OUT): obj-$(ARCH) $($(ARCH)-ALLOBJ)
$($(ARCH)-LD) -r -o $@ $($(ARCH)-ALLOBJ)
obj-$(ARCH)/size.out: obj-$(ARCH)/$(OUT) $($(ARCH)-ALLOBJ)
$($(ARCH)-SIZE) $^ | tee $@
$(ARCH)-GC++ = $($(ARCH)-GC)-c++
$(ARCH)-GCC = $($(ARCH)-GC)-gcc
$(ARCH)-LD = $($(ARCH)-GC)-ld
$(ARCH)-NM = $($(ARCH)-GC)-nm
$(ARCH)-SIZE = $($(ARCH)-GC)-size
MUNCH = tclsh8.3 /w/gnu-t3/host/src/hutils/munch.tcl
GCC_BASE = /w/gnu-t3/host/x86-freebsd/bin
# Architecture-specific material
simpc-GC = $(GCC_BASE)/i386-pc-mingw32
$(MAKE) ARCH=simpc obj-simpc/$(OUT)
arm-GC = $(GCC_BASE)/arm-wrs-vxworks
$(MAKE) ARCH=arm obj-arm/$(OUT)
ppc-GC = $(GCC_BASE)/powerpc-wrs-vxworks
$(MAKE) ARCH=ppc obj-ppc/$(OUT)
m68k-GC = $(GCC_BASE)/m68k-wrs-vxworks
$(MAKE) ARCH=m68k obj-m68k/$(OUT)
# Dependencies
cell.o: cell.cpp vx-scheme.h
vm.o: vm.cpp vx-scheme.h
subr.o: subr.cpp vx-scheme.h
io.o: io.cpp vx-scheme.h
lib.o: lib.cpp vx-scheme.h
interp.o: interp.cpp vx-scheme.h
symtab.o: symtab.cpp vx-scheme.h
u-main.o: u-main.cpp vx-scheme.h
vx-main.o: vx-main.cpp vx-scheme.h
_compiler.o: _compiler.cpp

vx-scheme/src/Scheme.sln Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 8.00
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "vxs-interp", "win32\vxs-interp\vxs-interp.vcproj", "{FAB1057D-6292-457F-8509-34F3879528BB}"
ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "vxs-bootstrap", "win32\vxs-bootstrap\vxs-bootstrap.vcproj", "{04F48FCA-DCE6-484B-B6BA-C3F63BFEBD6C}"
ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "vx-scheme", "win32\vx-scheme\vx-scheme.vcproj", "{F6385AAC-CBC3-4795-9C0C-2CA79D627E90}"
ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject
GlobalSection(SolutionConfiguration) = preSolution
Debug = Debug
Release = Release
GlobalSection(ProjectConfiguration) = postSolution
{FAB1057D-6292-457F-8509-34F3879528BB}.Debug.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
{FAB1057D-6292-457F-8509-34F3879528BB}.Debug.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
{FAB1057D-6292-457F-8509-34F3879528BB}.Release.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
{FAB1057D-6292-457F-8509-34F3879528BB}.Release.Build.0 = Release|Win32
{04F48FCA-DCE6-484B-B6BA-C3F63BFEBD6C}.Debug.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
{04F48FCA-DCE6-484B-B6BA-C3F63BFEBD6C}.Debug.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
{04F48FCA-DCE6-484B-B6BA-C3F63BFEBD6C}.Release.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
{04F48FCA-DCE6-484B-B6BA-C3F63BFEBD6C}.Release.Build.0 = Release|Win32
{F6385AAC-CBC3-4795-9C0C-2CA79D627E90}.Debug.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
{F6385AAC-CBC3-4795-9C0C-2CA79D627E90}.Debug.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
{F6385AAC-CBC3-4795-9C0C-2CA79D627E90}.Release.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
{F6385AAC-CBC3-4795-9C0C-2CA79D627E90}.Release.Build.0 = Release|Win32
GlobalSection(ExtensibilityGlobals) = postSolution
GlobalSection(ExtensibilityAddIns) = postSolution

vx-scheme/src/bootstrap.scm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
;; Copyright (c) 2004,2006 Colin Smith.
;; bootstrap.scm: bootstraps the Scheme compiler by compiling itself
;; and serializing it to C.
;; Expected arguments:
;; 1) Directory to "chdir" to
;; 2) Name of output file
(chdir (vector-ref *argv* 0))
(load "compiler.scm")
(define (comp-run exp)
(execute (link2 (compile exp))))
;; load a file via the compiler's execution path
;; essentially this is a REPL into comp-run
(define (comp-load file)
(let ((input (open-input-file file)))
(do ((form (read input) (read input)))
((eof-object? form) #t)
(comp-run form))))
(define (emit-compiled-procedures proc-list filename)
; for-each is a library procedure that we must compile; therefore
; it can't be used in the bootstrapper. We provide a local replacement
; here.
(define (_for-each proc list)
(let loop ((rest list))
(if (null? rest) #t
(begin (proc (car rest))
(loop (cdr rest))))))
; replace characters in a string, under a mapping represened in
; association-list form (e.g, the mapping '((#\a . #\b)) would
; map a's to b's). If the right had side of the association is
; #f, then the matching character is deleted.
(define (remap-characters mapping str)
(let loop ((result "")
(rest (string->list str)))
(if (null? rest) result
(let ((ch (car rest))
(map-entry (assq (car rest) mapping)))
(if (not map-entry) (loop (string-append result (string ch))
(cdr rest))
(if (cdr map-entry)
(loop (string-append result (string (cdr map-entry)))
(cdr rest))
(loop result
(cdr rest))))))))
; C++ symbols can't have hyphens, so we map them to underscores.
; This is not a general solution to the problem that Scheme
; identifiers draw from a richer character set than C++ identifiers:
; but it is sufficient for our purpose of bootstrapping the compiler.
(define (c-name-from-scheme-name str)
(remap-characters '((#\- . #\_) (#\. . #\_)) str))
(define (c-name-from-symbol sym)
(c-name-from-scheme-name (symbol->string sym)))
; We need to compile an 'eval' procedure, but actually compiling
; an eval would prevent the bootstrap interpreter from using eval,
; and that turns out to be annoying. Instead we compile _eval,
; and use this routine to strip _'s from symbol names when
; serializing them. Thus, when the _eval procedure is loaded in
; by the non-bootstrap VM, it will be called 'eval'.
(define (scheme-name-from-symbol sym)
(remap-characters '((#\_ . #f)) (symbol->string sym)))
(with-output-to-file filename
(lambda ()
(let ((module-name (string-append (c-name-from-scheme-name filename)
(display "#include \"vx-scheme.h\"\n\n")
(lambda (proc)
(write-compiled-procedure (eval proc) (c-name-from-symbol proc)))
(display* "class " module-name " : SchemeExtension { \n"
" " module-name "() {\n"
" Register(this);\n"
" }\n"
" virtual void Install(Context* ctx, Cell* envt) { \n"
" static struct {const char* n; vm_cproc* cp;} b[] = {\n")
(lambda (proc)
(display* " { \"" (scheme-name-from-symbol proc) "\", &"
(c-name-from-symbol proc) " },\n"))
" };\n const int nb = sizeof(b) / sizeof(*b);\n"
" for (int ix = 0; ix < nb; ++ix) {\n"
" // NB: GC is disabled during the loading of extensions.\n"
" ctx->set_var(envt, intern(b[ix].n),\n"
" ctx->load_compiled_procedure(b[ix].cp));\n"
" };\n"
" };\n"
"static " module-name " _ext;\n")
(define apply-code '#((code #((apply.)
(define apply (execute (link2 apply-code)))
(define callcc-code '#((code #((extend 1)
(lref 0 0)
(apply 1)
(define _call-with-current-continuation (execute (link2 callcc-code)))
(comp-load "compiler.scm")
(comp-load "library.scm")
(comp-run '(define (_eval expr) (execute (link2 (compile expr)))))
(emit-compiled-procedures '(compile
(emit-compiled-procedures '(apply

vx-scheme/src/cell.cpp Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

vx-scheme/src/compile Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
RUNTIME="vm.o cell.o subr.o ctx.o io.o symtab.o u-main.o lib.o"
#./vx-scheme ../testcases/pi.scm < compile-file.scm >
#gcc -g -c
#g++ -g -o pi vm.o cell.o subr.o ctx.o io.o symtab.o u-main.o pi.o
./vx-scheme compile-file.scm < compile-file.scm >
g++ -g -c
g++ -g -o compile-file ${RUNTIME} _compiler.o _compile-file.o

vx-scheme/src/compile-file.scm Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
;; Copyright (c) 2005,2006 and onwards Colin Smith.
;; compile-file.scm: reads a file and compiles it to bytecode; dumps the
;; bytecode which can then be linked to a compiler-free VM. This essentially
;; allows for the the translation of Scheme code to VM code with the minimum
;; runtime (that this implementation allows for, anyway).
;; Arguments expected:
;; 1) Name of source file
(display "#include \"vx-scheme.h\"\n\n")
(define form-counter 0)
(define (get-form-name)
(set! form-counter (+ form-counter 1))
(string-append "__f" (number->string form-counter)))
(define filename (vector-ref *argv* 0))
(with-input-from-file filename
(lambda ()
(let loop ((form (read)))
(if (eof-object? form) '/**/
(write-compiled-procedure (link2 (compile form)) (get-form-name))
(loop (read)))))))
;; rewind the form counter and generate an expression that will invoke each
;; of the forms in turn.
(define form-count form-counter)
(set! form-counter 0)
(define executor-form
((form '(begin) (append form
(list (list (string->symbol (get-form-name))))))
(i 0 (+ i 1)))
((= i form-count) form)))
(write-compiled-procedure (link2 (compile executor-form)) "__RUN")
;; Now write a load-and-go routine.
(set! form-counter 0)
(let ((module-name "module"))
"class " module-name " : SchemeExtension { \n"
" " module-name "() {\n"
" Register(this);\n"
" }\n"
" virtual ~" module-name "() {}\n"
" struct expression_table {\n"
" const char* n; // expression name\n"
" vm_cproc* cp; // compiled form of expression\n"
" Cell* c; // cell holding procedure object\n"
" };\n"
" static expression_table exptab[];\n"
" static const int num_exps;\n"
" virtual void Install(Context* ctx, Cell* envt) { \n"
" for (int ix = 0; ix < num_exps; ++ix) {\n"
" exptab[ix].c = ctx->load_compiled_procedure(exptab[ix].cp);\n"
" ctx->set_var(envt, intern(exptab[ix].n), exptab[ix].c);\n"
" }\n"
" MainProcedure(this);\n"
" }\n"
" virtual Cell* Run(Context* ctx) {\n"
" return ctx->execute(exptab[num_exps-1].c, nil);\n"
" };\n"
"static " module-name " _mod;\n\n"
"module::expression_table module::exptab[] = {\n")
((i 0 (+ i 1))
(form-name (get-form-name) (get-form-name)))
((= i form-count) (display* " { \"__RUN\", &__RUN, 0 }, \n"))
(display* " { \"" form-name "\", &" form-name ", 0 },\n"))
"const int module::num_exps = "
"sizeof(module::exptab) / sizeof(*module::exptab);\n"))

vx-scheme/src/compiler.scm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,971 @@
;; Compiler for Vx-Scheme
;; Copyright (c) 2003,2006 and onwards Colin Smith
;; You may distribute under the terms of the Artistic License,
;; as specified in the LICENSE file.
;; Based on ideas from [PAIP]: "Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence
;; Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp," 1992, Peter Norvig, and
;; [SICP]: "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs," 2ed.,
;; 1996, Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman with Julie Sussman, MIT
;; Press,
; =========
; =========
(define (assemble insns)
(define (branch? opcode)
(memq opcode '(goto false? false?p true? true?p save)))
(let ((nonlabels '())
(labelmap '())
(counter 0))
;; pass 1: count non label instructions and memorize label positions.
(let pass1 ((insn insns))
(let* ((i (car insn))
(opcode (car i)))
(if (eq? opcode 'label)
(set! labelmap (cons (cons (cadr i) counter) labelmap))
(set! counter (+ counter 1)))
(if (not (null? (cdr insn)))
(pass1 (cdr insn)))))
;; pass 2: pack instructions into vector, while replacing labels with
;; indices.
(let pass2 ((outseq (make-vector counter))
(insn insns)
(ix 0))
(let* ((i (car insn))
(opcode (car i)))
(if (not (eq? opcode 'label))
((branch? opcode)
(vector-set! outseq ix
(list opcode (cdr (assq (cadr i) labelmap)))))
(vector-set! outseq ix i)))
(if (not (null? (cdr insn)))
(pass2 outseq (cdr insn) (+ ix 1))))
(if (not (null? (cdr insn)))
(pass2 outseq (cdr insn) ix))))
;;; ========
;;; ========
;; This is an association list of macro definitions:
;; ((name . (arglist . body))...)
(define __macro_table '())
(define (compile form)
(define *inline-procedures* '(+ * - quotient remainder
vector-ref vector-set! car cdr
zero? not null? eq? pair? cons))
(define (builtin? proc)
(memq proc '(if quote cond begin lambda or and let set! define letrec
let* do case quasiquote delay defmacro define-macro)))
;; We provide two simplified replacements for the library function map
;; (one for one arguments, the other for two), neither of which uses
;; the 'apply' primitive. The reason: map must apply its procedure
;; argument to the input list(s). While the interpreter knows how to
;; apply a compiled procedure, compiled Scheme code cannot invoke a
;; procedure in the interpreter, as this would reenter the interpreter
;; when the compiler compiles itself. We avoid this by supplying
;; two apply-less map substitutes here.
(define (_map func lst)
(let loop ((result '())
(rest lst))
(if (null? rest)
(loop (nconc result (list (func (car rest)))) (cdr rest)))))
(define (_map2 func lst1 lst2)
(let loop ((result '())
(rest1 lst1)
(rest2 lst2))
(if (null? rest1)
(loop (append result
(list (func (car rest1) (car rest2))))
(cdr rest1) (cdr rest2)))))
;; starts-with: frequently used in [PAIP]; we define it here.
;; Return #t if l is a list whose first element is x.
(define (starts-with l x)
(and (pair? l) (eq? (car l) x)))
(define unspecified (if #f #f))
(define make-label
(let ((label-counter 0))
(lambda (name)
(set! label-counter (+ label-counter 1))
(string->symbol (string-append
(symbol->string name)
(number->string label-counter))))))
(define (extend-environment env args)
(cons args env))
(define (form-returning value more? val? . args)
(if val?
((null? value) '((nil)))
((eq? value (if #f #f)) '((unspc)))
((eq? value #f) '((false)))
((eq? value #t) '((true)))
((integer? value) `((int ,value)))
;; ((symbol? value) `((const ,value)))
(else `((const ,value))))
(if (not more?) `((return)) '())))
; emit insns if condition? is true.
(define (code-if condition? . insns)
(if condition? insns '()))
(define (compile-compound form env more? val?)
(let ((proc (car form))
(args (cdr form)))
((builtin? proc)
(compile-builtin proc args env more? val?))
((assq proc __macro_table)
=> (lambda (macro) (compile-macro macro args env more? val?)))
(compile-apply proc args env more? val?)))))
(define (locate-local-variable env var)
(define (locate-within env var)
(let var-loop ((v env)
(nv 0))
(if (null? v) #f
(if (eq? (car v) var)
(var-loop (cdr v) (+ nv 1))))))
(let env-loop ((e env)
(ne 0))
(if (null? e) #f ; game over: ran out of environments without finding it.
(let ((location (locate-within (car e) var)))
(if location
(cons ne location)
(env-loop (cdr e) (+ ne 1)))))))
;; -------------------------
;; -------------------------
(define (compile-builtin proc args env more? val?)
((eq? proc 'quote)
(form-returning (car args) more? val?))
((eq? proc 'if)
(let* ((test (car args))
(then-part (cadr args))
(have-else-part (not (null? (cddr args))))
(else-part (if have-else-part (caddr args) #f))
(label1 (make-label 'if))
(rendezvous (if more? (make-label 'if) #f)))
(compile-exp test env #t #t)
(list `(false?p ,label1))
(compile-exp then-part env more? val?)
(code-if rendezvous `(goto ,rendezvous))
(list `(label ,label1))
(if have-else-part
(compile-exp else-part env more? val?)
(form-returning unspecified more? val?))
(code-if rendezvous `(label ,rendezvous)))))
((eq? proc 'cond)
(let ((rendezvous (make-label 'cond-x)))
(let clause-loop ((clauses args)
(code '()))
(if (null? clauses)
;; if we get here, there was no else clause. We need to
;; arrange it so a evaluating a cond none of whose tests
;; are satisfied returns an unspecified value.
(append code (form-returning unspecified more? val?))
;; Continue compiling clauses.
(cdr clauses)
;; Generate the code for one clause.
(let* ((clause (car clauses))
(test (car clause))
(actions (cdr clause))
(skip-label (make-label 'cond)))
(if (eq? test 'else)
;; An else clause is always executed.
(if (not (null? (cdr clauses)))
(error "else must be the last clause of a cond"))
(compile-sequence actions env more? val?))
;; Consider the action list. Look for => in the
;; first slot.
(if (starts-with actions '=>)
;; a => clause.
(let ((t-label (make-label 'cond-t))
(continuation (and more? (make-label 'cont))))
(compile-exp test env #t #t)
`((true? ,t-label)
(goto ,skip-label)
(label ,t-label))
;; XXX We now have the magic number '3'
;; to apologize for here.
(code-if continuation
`(save ,continuation)
'(take 3)) ; cont goes before argument
(compile-exp (cadr actions) env #t #t)
`((apply 1))
(code-if continuation `(label ,continuation))
(code-if (not val?) '(pop))
(code-if (and more? (not (null? (cdr clauses))))
`(goto ,rendezvous))))
;; a regular clause.
(compile-exp test env #t #t)
`((false?p ,skip-label))
(compile-sequence actions env more? val?)))))
;; Now we have the value.
(code-if more? `(goto ,rendezvous))
`((label ,skip-label))))))))
(code-if rendezvous `(label ,rendezvous)))))
((eq? proc 'case)
;; Accomplished by rewriting:
;; (case m -> (let ((value m))
;; ((u1 u2...) x1 x2...)... -> (cond ((member? m (u1 u2...)) x1 x2...)
;; (else y1 y2...)) -> (else y1 y2...))
(let* ((selector (car args))
(clauses (cdr args))
(value (make-label 'case-var))
(cond-clauses (let loop ((code '())
(rest clauses))
(if (null? rest)
(append code
(if (eq? (caar rest) 'else)
`((else ,@(cdar rest)))
`(((member ,value ',(caar rest)) ,@(cdar rest)))))
(cdr rest)))))
(augmented-code `(let ((,value ,selector))
(cond ,@cond-clauses))))
(compile-exp augmented-code env more? val?)))
;; (let [name]? ((u1 v1) (u2 v2)...) x1 x2...)
((eq? proc 'let)
(let* ((named (and (symbol? (car args))
(car args))) ; if named let, record name
(args (if named (cdr args) args))) ; and advance to bindings
(let* ((bindings (car args))
(variables (_map car bindings))
(initializers (_map cadr bindings))
(body (cdr args)))
(compile-let named variables initializers body env more? val?))))
((eq? proc 'letrec)
(let* ((bindings (car args))
(variables (_map car bindings))
(initializers (_map cadr bindings))
(body (cdr args)))
(compile-letrec variables initializers body env more? val?)))
((eq? proc 'let*)
;; Accomplished by rewriting:
;; (let* ((u1 v1) (u2 v2)...) x1 x2...) -> (let ((u1 v1))
;; (let* ((u2 v2)...)
;; x1 x2...))
;; When we're down to the last binding, we just compile as a
;; simple let.
(let* ((bindings (car args))
(nbindings (length bindings))
(variables (_map car bindings))
(initializers (_map cadr bindings))
(body (cdr args)))
(cond ((= nbindings 0) ; (let* () ...) --> (begin ...)
(compile-sequence body env more? val?))
((= nbindings 1) ; only one binding (left); simple let.
(compile-let #f variables initializers body env more? val?))
(else ; reduce one step.
(compile-let #f
(list (car variables))
(list (car initializers))
`((let* ,(cdr bindings)
env more? val?)))))
((eq? proc 'begin)
;; Note: according to R4RS, internal definitions are not recognized
;; in a begin (only lambda, let, let*, letrec, define). This is
;; why we call compile-simple-sequence instead of compile-sequence.
(compile-simple-sequence args env more? val?))
((eq? proc 'lambda)
(append (compile-procedure-body #f (car args) (cdr args) env #f #t)
(code-if (not val?) '(pop))
(code-if (not more?) '(return))))
((eq? proc 'or)
(if (null? args)
(form-returning #f more? val?)
(let ((end-label (make-label 'or)))
(let or-loop ((rest args)
(code '()))
(if (null? (cdr rest))
(append code (compile-exp (car rest) env more? val?))
(or-loop (cdr rest)
(append code
(compile-exp (car rest) env #t #t)
`((true? ,end-label)
`((label ,end-label))
(code-if (not val?) '(pop))
(code-if (not more?) '(return))))))
((eq? proc 'and)
(if (null? args)
(form-returning #t more? val?)
(let ((end-label (make-label 'and)))
(let and-loop ((rest args)
(code '()))
(if (null? (cdr rest))
(append code (compile-exp (car rest) env more? val?))
(and-loop (cdr rest)
(append code
(compile-exp (car rest) env #t #t)
`((false? ,end-label)
`((label ,end-label))
(code-if (not val?) '(pop))
(code-if (not more?) '(return))))))
((eq? proc 'set!)
(let ((var (car args))
(value (cadr args)))
(compile-exp value env #t #t)
(compile-assignment env var more? val?))))
((eq? proc 'define)
(let ((target (car args)))
(cond ((symbol? target) ; (define v x...)
(compile-exp (cadr args) env #t #t)
`((gset ,target))))
((pair? target) ; (define (f v...) x...)
(let ((proc (car target))
(args (cdr target))
(body (cdr args)))
(compile-procedure-body #f args body env #f #t)
(gset ,proc)))))
(else (error "incomprehensible definition"))))
(form-returning unspecified more? val?)))
;; Defmacro. We expand the quasiquotation at compile time, and
;; then compile the result, for evaluation at runtime.
((or (eq? proc 'defmacro) ; XXX this is deprecated; or, use CL syntax
(eq? proc 'define-macro) )
(let* ((name (caar args))
(arglist (cdar args))
(body (cdr args))
(new-macro (cons arglist body)))
;; Find out if we already have a definition for this macro, and
;; if so, supersede it; else prepend the new definition to the
;; list.
(cond ((assq name __macro_table) => (lambda (assoc)
(set-cdr! assoc new-macro)))
(set! __macro_table (cons (cons name new-macro)
(form-returning unspecified more? val?))
((eq? proc 'do)
(compile-do args env more? val?))
((eq? proc 'quasiquote)
;; expand quasiquotation and compile result.
(let ((expansion (expand-quasiquotation (car args))))
(compile-exp expansion env more? val?)))
((eq? proc 'delay)
;; (delay X) is a bit like (lambda () X). Compile the code for X,
;; and emit an instruction to wrap it in promise form.
(append (compile-procedure-body #f '() args env #f #t)
(code-if (not val?) '(pop))
(code-if (not more?) '(return))))
(error "unknown builtin"))))
(define (compile-assignment env var more? val?)
(let ((location (locate-local-variable env var)))
(form-returning unspecified more? val?
(if location
`(lset ,(car location) ,(cdr location))
`(gset ,var)))))
(define (compile-sequence body env more? val?)
(let* ((result (scan-out-defines body))
(definitions (car result))
(simple-body (cdr result)))
(if (not (null? definitions))
;; wrap simple-body in a letrec that establishes the
;; definitions.
(let ((items
(let clause-loop ((variables '())
(initializers '())
(rest definitions))
(if (null? rest)
(cons variables initializers)
(let ((clause (cdar rest))) ; skip past 'define
(if (pair? (car clause)) ; procedure definition
(append variables (list (caar clause)))
(append initializers
(list `(lambda ,(cdar clause) ,@(cdr clause))))
(cdr rest))
(clause-loop ; scalar definition
(append variables (list (car clause)))
(append initializers (list (cadr clause)))
(cdr rest))))))))
(compile-letrec (car items) (cdr items) simple-body env more? val?))
;; if no internal definitions, immediately delegate to
;; compile-simple-sequence.
(compile-simple-sequence body env more? val?))))
;; scan-out-defines: given a sequence of forms, separate the internal
;; definitions from the body forms. Return the twain in a cons.
;; (This way of handling internal definitions comes from [SICP].
;; The compiler in [PAIP] doesn't handle internal definitions. Norvig
;; uses letrec in the examples where this would matter.)
(define (scan-out-defines body)
(let loop ((defines '())
(simple-body '())
(rest body))
((null? rest)
(cons defines simple-body))
((starts-with (car rest) 'define)
(loop (append defines (list (car rest)))
(cdr rest)))
(loop defines
(append simple-body (list (car rest)))
(cdr rest))))))
;; compile-simple-sequence: compile a body sequence (list of forms)
;; known not to contain any internal definitions (these will have
;; been removed with (scan-out-defines).
(define (compile-simple-sequence body env more? val?)
(if (null? body)
(form-returning unspecified more? val?)
(let loop ((code '())
(rest body))
(if (null? (cdr rest)) ; last in sequence
(append code (compile-exp (car rest) env more? val?))
(loop (append code (compile-exp (car rest) env #t #f))
(cdr rest))))
; Q: why do we need this return?
; (code-if (not more?) '(return))
(define (compile-let name variables initializers body env more? val?)
; in the event of named-let, we add a new variable binding to
; contain the procedure value itself.
(let ((let-env (if name (extend-environment env (list name)) env))
(nvars (length variables))
(continuation (and more? (make-label 'let))))
; The body of the let will be in the form of a compiled procedure we
; will invoke with APPLY. If we're not in tail context, we need to
; catch that apply so that execution can proceed in line.
(if continuation `((save ,continuation)) '())
(let init-loop ((rest initializers) ; generate code for all the
(code '())) ; initializers.
(if (null? rest)
(init-loop (cdr rest)
(append code
; NB: for named let, the initializers
; are _not_ compiled in an evironment
; containing the procedure body.
(compile-exp (car rest) env #t #t)))))
(compile-procedure-body #f variables body let-env #f #t)
; Named-let: the closure must be created in an environment where
; the let-name is bound, but we can't bind the value until the
; closure is created.
(code-if name '(unassn)
'(extend!)) ; reserve envt space
`((proc)) ; create closure
(if name `((dup) (lset 0 0)) '()) ; install in env, if named
`((apply ,nvars)) ; invoke procedure
(code-if (not val?) `(pop)) ; discard value if it's not wanted
(code-if continuation `(label ,continuation))
(code-if (not more?) '(return)))))
; compile-letrec: letrec is tricky. We compile the form
; (letrec ((u1 v1) (u2 v2)...) x1 x2...)
; as though it were written
; (let ((u1 *) (u2 *)...)
; (set! u1 v1)
; (set! u2 v2)...
; x1 x2...)
; The *'s represent values which will signal if an lref
; instruction tries to fetch them out of the environment.
(define (compile-letrec variables initializers body env more? val?)
(let ((prologue (_map2 (lambda (var init) `(set! ,var ,init))
(continuation (and more? (make-label 'letrec))))
;; We will call the letrec body with apply, so we must
;; save a continuation if we are not in tail context.
(code-if continuation `(save ,continuation))
;; push enough unspecified values to bind all the letrec
;; values
(_map (lambda (_) '(unassn)) variables)
(compile-procedure-body prologue variables body env #f #t)
(apply ,(length variables)))
(code-if continuation `(label ,continuation))
(code-if (not val?) '(pop))
(code-if (not more?) '(return)))))
(define (compile-arguments args env)
(let loop ((rest args)
(code '()))
(if (null? rest)
(loop (cdr rest)
; an argument slot cannot be tail-recursive, so we
; set more? to #t when compiling arguments. Likewise,
; their values are always needed.
(append code (compile-exp (car rest) env #t #t))))))
; Arg-shape: analyze an argument list. Returns a list; the
; first element is the number of mandatory arguments and
; the second is #t if there are optional arguments. The
; third element is the 'smoothed' list of argument names.
; arg list shape
; x (0 #t (x))
; (u v) (2 #f (u v))
; (u . x) (1 #t (u x))
(define (arg-shape args)
(let loop ((regular-args 0)
(rest args)
(flat '()))
((null? rest)
(list regular-args #f flat))
((pair? rest)
(loop (+ regular-args 1) (cdr rest) (append flat (list (car rest)))))