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;;;; f o n t - c h o o s e r . s t k l o s -- A simple font editor widget
;;;; Copyright © 1999 Erick Gallesio - I3S-CNRS/ESSI <>
;;;; Permission to use, copy, and/or distribute this software and its
;;;; documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
;;;; that both the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
;;;; all copies and derived works. Fees for distribution or use of this
;;;; software or derived works may only be charged with express written
;;;; permission of the copyright holder.
;;;; This software is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty.
;;;; $Id: font-chooser.stklos 1.1 Mon, 01 Feb 1999 15:18:22 +0100 eg $
;;;; Author: Erick Gallesio []
;;;; Creation date: 1-Feb-1999 08:55
;;;; Last file update: 1-Feb-1999 13:57
(require "Tk-classes")
;;; FIXME: These variables should be in the STklos+Tk module
(define *font-family* "courier")
(define *font-size* 12)
(define *font-weight* "normal")
(define *font-slant* "roman")
(define *font-under* #f)
(define *font-over* #f)
(define *font* #f) ; the prototype font
(select-module STklos+Tk)
(export make-font-chooser)
(define *font-lock* #f) ; to grab the window while choosing a font
; Utilities
(define (font-wait-result chooser)
(let ((cur-grab (grab 'current chooser))
(pretty (lambda ()
(append (list *font-family*
(string->symbol *font-slant*))
(if *font-under* '(underline) '())
(if *font-over* '(overstrike) '())))))
(tkwait 'visibility chooser)
(grab 'set chooser)
(tkwait 'variable '*font-lock*)
(and cur-grab (grab 'set cur-grab))
;; Compute result
(case *font-lock*
((ok) (destroy chooser) (pretty))
((cancel) (destroy chooser) #f))))
(define (%make-font-chooser fnt)
(define (change-font)
(font 'configure *font* :family *font-family*
:size *font-size*
:weight *font-weight*
:slant *font-slant*
:underline *font-under*
:overstrike *font-over*))
(define (change-family fam)
(set! *font-family* fam)
(define (change-size sz)
(set! *font-size* sz)
(define (make-sample parent)
(make <Label> :parent parent :font *font*
(define (set-variables)
(let* ((f (font 'actual fnt)))
(set! *font-family* (get-keyword :family f))
(set! *font-size* (get-keyword :size f))
(set! *font-under* (get-keyword :underline f))
(set! *font-weight* (get-keyword :weight f))
(set! *font-slant* (get-keyword :slant f))
(set! *font-over* (get-keyword :overstrike f))))
(define (make-top-frame parent)
(let* ((f (make <Frame> :parent parent :relief "groove" :border-width 2))
(family (make <Labeled-Entry> :parent f :title "Font Family:"
:width 25 :text-variable '*font-family*))
(size (make <Labeled-Entry> :parent f :title "Font Size:"
:string-value #f
:width 3 :text-variable '*font-size*))
(bold (make <Check-button> :parent f :text "B" :width 3
:font (font 'create :weight 'bold)
:on-value "bold" :off-value "normal"
:variable '*font-weight* :indicator-on #f
:command change-font))
(italic (make <Check-button> :parent f :text "i" :width 3
:font (font 'create :slant 'italic)
:on-value "italic" :off-value "roman"
:variable '*font-slant* :indicator-on #f
:command change-font))
(under (make <Check-button> :parent f :text "U" :width 3
:font (font 'create :underline #t)
:variable '*font-under* :indicator-on #f
:command change-font))
(over (make <Check-button> :parent f :text "O" :width 3
:font (font 'create :overstrike #t)
:variable '*font-over* :indicator-on #f
:command change-font)))
;; set global variables and pack widgets
(pack family size bold under italic over :side 'left :padx 2)
; change binding of labeled-entry to allow direct ùanipulation
(bind (entry-of family) "<Return>" (lambda () (change-family *font-family*)))
(bind (entry-of size) "<Return>" (lambda () (change-size *font-size*)))
(define (make-listboxes parent)
(let* ((f (make <Frame> :parent parent :relief "groove" :border-width 2))
(names (make <Scroll-listbox> :parent f :v-scroll-side "left"
:width 25 :value (sort (font 'families) string<?)))
(sz (make <Listbox> :parent f :width 3
:value '(8 10 12 14 16 18 24 36 48 72))))
(pack names sz :side "left" :fill 'y)
(bind (Id names) "<ButtonRelease-1>"
(lambda () (catch (change-family (selection 'get)))))
(bind (Id sz) "<ButtonRelease-1>"
(lambda () (catch (change-size (string->number (selection 'get))))))
(define (make-buttons parent)
(let* ((f (make <Frame> :parent parent :relief "groove" :border-width 2))
(sel (make <Button> :parent f :text "Select"
:command (lambda () (set! *font-lock* 'ok))))
(cancel (make <Button> :parent f :text "Cancel"
:command (lambda () (set! *font-lock* 'cancel)))))
(wm 'protocol parent "WM_DELETE_WINDOW" (lambda() (set! *font-lock* 'cancel)))
(pack sel cancel :side 'left :padx 2 :pady 2)
(let* ((t (make <Toplevel> :title "Font chooser ..." :geometry "500x300"))
(f (make <Frame> :parent t))
(top (make-top-frame t))
(box (make-listboxes f))
(txt (make-sample f))
(but (make-buttons t)))
; The internal frame
(pack box :fill 'y :expand #f :side 'left)
(pack txt :fill 'none :expand #t :side 'right)
(pack top :fill 'x :expand #f)
(pack f :fill 'both :expand #t)
(pack but :fill 'x :expand #f :side 'bottom)
; make-font-chooser
(define (make-font-chooser . fnt)
;; If this is the first call to this function. Create the prototype font
(unless *font*
(set! *font* (apply font 'create (font 'actual fnt))))
;; Call the chooser box
(font-wait-result (%make-font-chooser (if (null? fnt) "courier" (car fnt)))))
(provide "font-chooser")