<AHREF="FAQ.html#toc6">Contents of this section</A></P>
<H2>6.1 <ANAME="ss6.1"></A> Subject: The STk Mailing List</H2>
<P>There is a mailing list for STk located on <CODE>kaolin.unice.fr</CODE>. The intent of this mailing list is to permit to STk users to share experiences, expose problems, submit ideas and everything which you find interesting (and which is related to STk). </P>
<P>To <EM>subscribe</EM> to the mailing list, simply send a message with the word <CODE>"subscribe"</CODE> in the <CODE>Subject:</CODE> field of you mail. Mail must be sent to the following address: <CODE>
<P>To <EM>unsubscribe</EM> from the mailing list, send a mail at previous e-mail address with the word <CODE>"unsubscribe"</CODE> in the <CODE>Subject:</CODE> field. </P>
<P>For more information on the mailing list management, send a message with the word <CODE>"help"</CODE> in the <CODE>Subject:</CODE> field of your mail. In particular, it is possible to find all the messages which have already been sent on the STk mailing list. </P>
. Don't forget to indicate the STk version you use, the architecture and the system release on which you run the interpreter. STk version and architecture can be found by using the <CODE>version</CODE> and <CODE>machine-type</CODE> Scheme primitives. If possible, try to find a small program which exhibit the bug. Even better, if you have a patch, plese send it at the previous address. </P>
<H2>6.3 <ANAME="ss6.3"></A> Subject: Using STk from Emacs</H2>
<P>There are several ways to call <CODE>STk</CODE> from emacs. One simple way consists to add the following lines in your file <CODE>$HOME/.emacs:</CODE></P>
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