* added with-output-to-string
This commit is contained in:
Binary file not shown.
@ -695,6 +695,14 @@
(error 'get-output-string "~s is not an output port" p))))
(primitive-set! 'with-output-to-string
(lambda (f)
(unless (procedure? f)
(error 'with-output-to-string "~s is not a procedure" f))
(let ([p (open-output-string)])
(parameterize ([current-output-port p]) (f))
(get-output-string p))))
(primitive-set! 'with-output-to-file
(lambda (name proc . args)
(unless (string? name)
@ -115,6 +115,14 @@
(Program x))
;;; the program so far includes both primcalls and funcalls to
;;; primrefs. This pass removes all primcalls. Once everything
;;; works, we need to fix all previous passes to eliminate this
;;; whole primcall business.
(define (remove-primcalls x)
(define who 'remove-primcalls)
@ -191,13 +199,346 @@
;;; So, what do we want to do here?
;;; 1. we eliminate all variables:
;;; bind should become a sequence of (setfv i <value>) statements
;;; variable refs should befome (fv i) where i is the index of
;;; the var on the stack.
;;; 2. we need to keep track of the maximum stack size used; and
;;; whether we made a procedure call so that we can insert a
;;; stack overflow check with an appropriate size check.
;;; 3. as we generate code, we need to keep track of which stack
;;; locations contain pointers so that procedure calls can
;;; set an appropriate mask.
;;; 4. primitives that allocate, as well as closures and fixes
;;; should insert an appropriate alloc-check marks as well as
;;; keep the live masks for the later generation of trap handlers
;;; 5. primcalls should also keep track of liveness information
;;; and frame size just in case the primitive needs to make a
;;; procedure call.
(define-record move (src dst))
(define-record alloc-check (n si live))
(define-record fvar (idx))
(define acr '%acr)
(define-record cpvar (idx))
(define-record cmp (op v0 v1))
(define false-object 'false-object)
(define (new-cogen-pass1 x)
(define who 'new-cogen-pass-1)
(define (fxeven? x)
(if (fixnum? x)
($fxzero? ($fxlogand x 1))
(error 'fxeven? "~s is not a fixnum" x)))
(define (sum ls)
(let f ([ls ls] [n 0])
[(null? ls) n]
[else (f (cdr ls) (fx+ (car ls) n))])))
(define fxmax
[(x y) (if (fx> x y) x y)]
[(x y z) (fxmax x (fxmax y z))]
[_ (error 'fxmax "unhandled")]))
(define (do-seq e0 si live env e1 k)
(let-values ([(e0 msi0 call0?)
(Effect e0 si live env)])
(let-values ([(e1 msi1 call1?)
(k e1 si live env)])
(values (make-seq e0 e1)
(fxmax msi0 msi1)
(or call0? call1?)))))
(define (do-cond e0 si live env e1 e2 k)
(let-values ([(e0 msi0 call0?)
(Pred e0 si live env)])
(let-values ([(e1 msi1 call1?)
(k e1 si live env)]
[(e2 msi2 call2?)
(k e2 si live env)])
(values (make-conditional e0 e1 e2)
(fxmax msi0 msi1 msi2)
(or call0? call1? call2?)))))
(define (do-move-to-mem loc expr si live env)
(record-case expr
(values (make-move expr loc) 0 #f)]
(let-values ([(x msi call?)
(Value expr si live env)])
(values (make-seq x (make-move acr loc)) msi call?))]))
(define (do-bind lhs* rhs* si live env0 env body k)
[(null? lhs*)
(k body si live env)]
(let ([fv (make-fvar si)])
(let-values ([(e0 msi0 call0?)
(do-move-to-mem fv (car rhs*) si live env0)])
(let-values ([(e1 msi1 call1?)
(do-bind (cdr lhs*) (cdr rhs*)
(fxadd1 si)
(cons si live)
(cons (cons (car lhs*) fv) env)
(values (make-seq e0 e1)
(fxmax msi0 msi1)
(or call0? call1?)))))]))
(define (align n)
[(fxeven? n) n]
[else (fxadd1 n)]))
(define (extend-env* lhs* si live env)
(let f ([lhs* lhs*] [si si] [live live] [env env] [nlhs* '()])
[(null? lhs*)
(values nlhs* si live env)]
(let ([fv (make-fvar si)])
(f (cdr lhs*) (fxadd1 si) (cons si live)
(cons (cons (car lhs*) fv) env)
(cons fv nlhs*)))])))
(define (insert-const-alloc-check n si live rest)
[(fxzero? n) rest]
(make-alloc-check n si live)
(define (construct-closures n* lhs* nlhs* rhs* body)
[(null? lhs*) body]
(make-seq 'FIXME:construct-closures body)]))
(define (do-fix lhs* rhs* si live env body k)
(define (compute-closure-size x)
(record-case x
[(closure label free*)
(align (fxadd1 (length free*)))]))
(let ([n* (map compute-closure-size rhs*)])
(let ([n (sum n*)])
(let-values ([(nlhs* si live env)
(extend-env* lhs* si live env)])
(let-values ([(x msi call?)
(k body si live env)])
(values (insert-const-alloc-check n si live
(construct-closures n* lhs* nlhs* rhs* x))
msi call?))))))
(define (constant-rep x)
(define (do-closure label free* si live env)
(define (do-forcall x si live env)
(values 'FIXME:do-forcall si #f))
(define (do-tail-funcall x si live env)
(values 'FIXME:do-tail-funcall si #f))
(define (do-tail-appcall x si live env)
(values 'FIXME:do-tail-appcall si #f))
(define (do-tail-jmpcall x si live env)
(values 'FIXME:do-tail-jmpcall si #f))
(define (do-effect-funcall x si live env)
(values 'FIXME:do-effect-funcall si #f))
(define (do-effect-appcall x si live env)
(values 'FIXME:do-effect-appcall si #f))
(define (do-effect-jmpcall x si live env)
(values 'FIXME:do-effect-jmpcall si #f))
(define (do-value-funcall x si live env)
(values 'FIXME:do-value-funcall si #f))
(define (do-value-appcall x si live env)
(values 'FIXME:do-value-appcall si #f))
(define (do-value-jmpcall x si live env)
(values 'FIXME:do-value-jmpcall si #f))
(define (do-mvcall x si live env k)
(values 'FIXME:do-mvcall si #t))
(define (Var x env)
[(assq x env) => cdr]
[else (error who "unbound var ~s" x)]))
(define (Primref x)
(define (Value x si live env)
(record-case x
[(constant t)
(values (make-move (constant-rep t) acr) 0 #f)]
(values (make-move (Var x env) acr) 0 #f)]
(values (make-move (Primref x) acr) 0 #f)]
[(bind lhs* rhs* body)
(do-bind lhs* rhs* si live env env body Value)]
[(fix lhs* rhs* body)
(do-fix lhs* rhs* si live env body Value)]
[(conditional e0 e1 e2)
(do-cond e0 si live env e1 e2 Value)]
[(seq e0 e1) (do-seq e0 si live env e1 Value)]
[(closure label free*)
(values (do-closure label free* si live env) 0 #f)]
[(forcall) (do-forcall x si live env)]
[(funcall) (do-value-funcall x si live env)]
[(jmpcall) (do-value-jmpcall x si live env)]
[(appcall) (do-value-appcall x si live env)]
[(mvcall) (do-mvcall x si live env Value)]
[else (error who "invalid value expr ~s" x)]))
(define (Pred x si live env)
(record-case x
[(constant t)
(values (if t #t #f) 0 #f)]
[(var) (values (make-cmp 'neq (Var x env) false-object) 0 #f)]
[(primref) (values #t 0 #f)]
[(bind lhs* rhs* body)
(do-bind lhs* rhs* si live env env body Pred)]
[(fix lhs* rhs* body)
(do-fix lhs* rhs* si live env body Pred)]
[(conditional e0 e1 e2)
(do-cond e0 si live env e1 e2 Pred)]
[(seq e0 e1) (do-seq e0 si live env e1 Pred)]
[(closure label free*) (values #t 0 #f)]
(let-values ([(x msi call?) (Value x si live env)])
(values (make-seq x (make-cmp 'neq acr false-object)) msi call?))]
(let-values ([(x msi call?) (Value x si live env)])
(values (make-seq x (make-cmp 'neq acr false-object)) msi call?))]
(let-values ([(x msi call?) (Value x si live env)])
(values (make-seq x (make-cmp 'neq acr false-object)) msi call?))]
(let-values ([(x msi call?) (Value x si live env)])
(values (make-seq x (make-cmp 'neq acr false-object)) msi call?))]
[(mvcall) (do-mvcall x si live env Pred)]
[else (error who "invalid pred expr ~s" x)]))
(define (Effect x si live env)
(record-case x
[(constant) (values 'nop 0 #f)]
[(var) (values 'nop 0 #f)]
[(primref) (values 'nop 0 #f)]
[(bind lhs* rhs* body)
(do-bind lhs* rhs* si live env env body Effect)]
[(fix lhs* rhs* body)
(do-fix lhs* rhs* si live env body Effect)]
[(conditional e0 e1 e2)
(do-cond e0 si live env e1 e2 Effect)]
[(seq e0 e1) (do-seq e0 si live env e1 Effect)]
[(closure label free*) (values 'nop 0 #f)]
[(forcall) (do-forcall x si live env)]
[(funcall) (do-effect-funcall x si live env)]
[(jmpcall) (do-effect-jmpcall x si live env)]
[(appcall) (do-effect-appcall x si live env)]
[(mvcall) (do-mvcall x si live env Tail)]
[else (error who "invalid effect expr ~s" x)]))
(define (Tail x si live env)
(record-case x
[(constant) (values x si #f)]
[(var) (values (Var x env) si #f)]
[(primref) (values x si #f)]
[(bind lhs* rhs* body)
(do-bind lhs* rhs* si live env env body Tail)]
[(fix lhs* rhs* body)
(do-fix lhs* rhs* si live env body Tail)]
[(conditional e0 e1 e2)
(do-cond e0 si live env e1 e2 Tail)]
[(seq e0 e1) (do-seq e0 si live env e1 Tail)]
[(closure label free*)
(values (do-closure label free* si live env) si #f)]
(let-values ([(x msi call?) (do-forcall x si live env)])
(values x msi call?))]
[(funcall) (do-tail-funcall x si live env)]
[(jmpcall) (do-tail-jmpcall x si live env)]
[(appcall) (do-tail-appcall x si live env)]
[(mvcall) (do-mvcall x si live env Tail)]
[else (error who "invalid tail expr ~s" x)]))
(define (MainTail x si live env)
(let-values ([(x msi call?)
(Tail x si live env)])
(if call?
(make-seq 'FIXME:stack-overflow-check x)
(define (ClambdaCase free*)
(define (bind-free ls)
(let f ([ls ls] [i 0] [env '()])
[(null? ls) env]
(f (cdr ls) (fxadd1 i)
(cons (cons (car ls) (make-cpvar i)) env))])))
(define (do-info x env)
(record-case x
[(case-info label args proper)
(let f ([ls args] [env env] [si 0] [live '()])
[(null? ls) (values env si live)]
(let ([fv (make-fvar si)])
(f (cdr ls)
(cons (cons (car ls) fv) env)
(fxadd1 si)
(cons si live)))]))]))
(let ([env (bind-free free*)])
(lambda (x)
(record-case x
[(clambda-case info body)
(let-values ([(env si live) (do-info info env)])
(make-clambda-case info (MainTail body si live env)))]
[else (error who "invalid clambda-case ~s" x)]))))
(define (Clambda x)
(record-case x
[(clambda label case* free*)
(make-clambda label (map (ClambdaCase free*) case*) free*)]
[else (error who "invalid clambda ~s" x)]))
(define (Program x)
(record-case x
[(codes code* body)
(make-codes (map Clambda code*) (MainTail body 0 '() '()))]
[else (error who "invalid program ~s" x)]))
(Program x))
(define (new-cogen x)
(verify-new-cogen-input x)
(let ([x (remove-primcalls x)])
(new-cogen-pass1 x)))
@ -5146,7 +5146,10 @@
(primitive-set! 'compile
(lambda (x)
(let ([code
(if (code? x) x (compile-expr x))])
(if (code? x)
(parameterize ([expand-mode 'eval])
(compile-expr x)))])
(let ([proc ($code->closure code)])
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
top-level-value set-top-level-value! top-level-bound?
gensym gensym-count gensym-prefix print-gensym
gensym->unique-string call-with-values values make-parameter
dynamic-wind display write print-graph fasl-write printf format
dynamic-wind display write print-graph fasl-write printf fprintf format
print-error read-token read comment-handler error exit call/cc
error-handler eval current-eval compile compile-file
new-cafe load system expand sc-expand current-expand expand-mode
@ -78,6 +78,7 @@
console-input-port current-input-port standard-output-port
standard-error-port console-output-port current-output-port
open-output-file open-input-file open-output-string
get-output-string with-output-to-file call-with-output-file
with-input-from-file call-with-input-file date-string
file-exists? delete-file + - add1 sub1 * / expt
@ -3826,7 +3826,7 @@
(primitive-set! 'expand-mode
(lambda (x)
(unless (memq x '(eval compile bootstrap))
(error 'expand-mode "~s is not a valid mode" x))
Reference in New Issue